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Procedure : 2012/2681(RSP)
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PV 14/06/2012 - 16.2
CRE 14/06/2012 - 16.2

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PV 14/06/2012 - 17.2

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Donderdag 14 juni 2012 - Straatsburg Herziene uitgave

16.2. Gevallen van straffeloosheid op de Filippijnen (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt folgt die Aussprache über sieben(1) Entschließungsanträge über Fälle von Straffreiheit auf den Philippinen (2012/2681(RSP)).


  Ryszard Czarnecki, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! Po raz kolejny Parlament Europejski jest zmuszony zabierać głos w obronie praw człowieka w tym regionie Azji i w tym kraju. To oznacza, że ta sytuacja się powtarza, ale to nie oznacza, że jesteśmy bezsilni. My o tym oczywiście musimy mówić, ponieważ mamy przykłady (mówił o tym zresztą dzisiaj przewodniczący Parlamentu), że nasze starania akurat w Egipcie odniosły pozytywny skutek, jest więc nadzieja, że również te starania w kontekście Filipin będą skutkować poprawą sytuacji. To rzeczywiście jest sytuacja absolutnie niedopuszczalna – mamy do czynienia ze złamaniem pewnych standardów ogólnoludzkich, humanitarnych. W moim przekonaniu w tej sprawie Parlament Europejski powinien zdecydowanie zabrać głos ponad podziałami politycznymi.


  Raül Romeva i Rueda, author. − Mr President, it is a fact that extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances have significantly declined since President Aquino took office in 2010.

However, the government’s ability to effectively combat widespread impunity of the perpetrators of such acts has yet to make progress. We are dismayed at the recently-discovered murder of Esmail Amil Enog, as well as those of the other witnesses in the Maguindanao case. We call on the Aquino Government to improve the witness protection programme and to further enhance national law enforcement and prosecution capacities.

We recognise the reduction in the number of killings, but still, as many other colleagues have also pointed out, much more needs to be done to protect the defenders. We have to express our concern that the use of torture and the ill treatment of suspects in police custody continues to be widespread. We urge the Philippine authorities to increase their efforts to rigorously combat the violations of the 2009 National Anti-Terror Act. The victims of torture and ill treatment and the families of the disappeared should have access to a medical evaluation and be adequately compensated. We therefore reiterate our call for government action to stop all private and local funding of police and military auxiliaries and to disband paramilitary forces and local militias. We also urge the government to revoke Executive Order 546.

It is also important to remember that all these situations are not new. We have been talking about this for years. We expected a new course of action from the new government. I should also like to say that until we see results, this topic will be a regular feature on our agenda in this House in the years to come.


  Kristiina Ojuland, author. − Mr President, although over the past years political violence has decreased in the Philippines, the murders of four journalists and a witness of the Maguindanao massacre have alarmed us, so we are calling for further action to combat impunity for extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances.

President Aquino has expressed his commitment to human rights, good governance and the fight against corruption, and his administration has made commendable improvements. To keep up the progress I encourage him and the government of the Philippines to take measures to protect the people involved in ongoing investigations and trials, as well as journalists and human rights defenders.

The culprits responsible for past extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture must be brought promptly to justice, especially those involved in the Maguindanao massacre, where altogether 58 people perished.


  Bernd Posselt, Verfasser. − Herr Präsident! 72 Privatarmeen und eine Kultur der Straflosigkeit sind ein unerträglicher Zustand. Es ist schon katastrophal, wenn Staaten, sogar demokratische Staaten, mit Todesstrafe operieren. Aber Morde von Privatarmeen sind etwas, was mit aller Härte bekämpft werden muss.

Wir erkennen die Bemühungen der Regierung Aquino an, die deutlich spürbar sind und die erste Erfolge zeitigen. Aber sie müssen noch massiv verstärkt werden, und insbesondere gilt es, die Zeugenschutzprogramme zu intensivieren. Weil viele der Privatarmeen leider Gottes mit Stellen in der Armee und in den Geheimdiensten durch Korruption und Kriminalität verbunden sind, ist der Zeugenschutz ein zentrales Instrument, um endlich mit den Missständen auf den Philippinen aufzuräumen und dieses Land Schritt für Schritt zur Rechtsstaatlichkeit zurückzuführen. Es handelt sich um ein potenziell reiches und schönes Land und einen wichtigen Partner der Europäischen Union. Und deshalb ist Rechtsstaatlichkeit dort ein dringendes Gebot der Stunde.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. − Monsieur le Président, aux Philippines, les ONG continuent de rapporter des cas de tortures, d'exécutions extrajudiciaires, de disparitions forcées, d'assassinats politiques de militants, notamment de gauche, et de journalistes.

Certes, le nombre de ces assassinats semble diminuer mais pour Reporters sans Frontières, c'est l'un des pays au monde où l'on compte le plus grand nombre de prédateurs de la liberté de la presse.

La corruption continue de régner en maître et facilite l'impunité, notamment des militaires. Certes, des annonces de réformes ont été faites, le statut de Rome a été ratifié et le procès des auteurs du massacre de Maguindanao, où plus de trente journalistes ont été tués, le pire massacre de journalistes jamais vu dans le monde, est en cours. On peut s'en féliciter mais les résultats concrets peinent pour le moins à arriver et la protection des témoins annoncée semble un doux euphémisme, comme le montre le meurtre abominable de Esmail Amin Enog qui a été découpé à la tronçonneuse. C'est l'un des principaux témoins à charge du procès de la famille Ampatuan, commanditaire du massacre de Maguindanao. C'est le troisième témoin assassiné dans cette affaire.

Le programme européen EPJUST a pourtant été porté de 4 millions à 10 millions d'euros. Son objectif est d'améliorer la justice pénale pour mettre un terme aux exécutions extrajudiciaires et aux disparitions forcées. J'ai pour le moins quelques doutes sur l'efficacité de ce programme.


  Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE. – Deplâng, la rândul meu, lichidarea martorilor masacrului de la Maguindanao, în care nu mai puţin de 58 de persoane au fost ucise doar pentru că s-au plasat în opoziţie faţă de familia care domină regiunea. Este evident, în perspectiva noastră europeană, că statul filipinez are obligaţia de a îi condamna pe cei responsabili pentru această serie de crime, aşa cum are obligaţia de a îi proteja pe martori în procese, astfel încât să existe o justiţie corectă.

Reamintesc, cum a făcut-o şi una dintre colegele noastre, moartea celor 34 de jurnalişti în timpul masacrului din 2009. Mulţi alţii au fost, din păcate, ucişi sau hărţuiţi pentru că au încercat doar să trateze acest subiect şi, din nou, statul filipinez are obligaţia de a-i proteja pe jurnalişti, pentru ca ei să îşi poată desfăşura activitatea.

Nu în ultimul rând, statul filipinez trebuie să lupte împotriva corupţiei, care permite clanului Ampatuan să acţioneze în impunitate.


  Corina Creţu, în numele grupului S&D. – Dezbaterea noastră a fost provocată de a treia crimă împotriva martorilor din procesul privind masacrul de la Maguindanao, din 2009, căruia i-au căzut victime, din motive politice, 58 de persoane, inclusiv femei şi jurnalişti. Starea de impunitate din Filipine nu poate continua la nesfârşit, cu atât mai mult cu cât constatăm că preţul impunităţii constă în noi vieţi sacrificate.

Asasinatele politice şi răpirile rămân un lucru obişnuit în Filipine, iar făptaşii sunt încurajaţi de complicitatea sistemului judiciar corupt. Din păcate, protecţia asigurată criminalilor nu funcţionează şi în cazul jurnaliştilor supuşi hărţuirilor şi intimidărilor brutale. Este profund îngrijorător faptul că justiţia este sacrificată în reglările violente de conturi dintre miliţiile private ale clanurilor politice şi economice, care condamnă societatea filipineză la sărăcie, corupţie şi democraţie de faţadă.

Solicităm autorităţilor filipineze să acţioneze de urgenţă împotriva acestor metode sângeroase, menite să îi reducă la tăcere pe ceilalţi martori din procesul privind masacrul de la Maguindanao.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, President Aquino declared that human rights, good governance and the fight against corruption will be a priority. He wants clear policies against extra-judicial killings and other violations of human rights. This is a positive declaration. We also welcome the ratification of the Rome Statute by the Philippines, but now these words need to translate into actions and results.

There is plenty of reason for concern about impunity in the Philippines. Witnesses, as well as journalists, are being killed, and sadly the Philippines ranks as one of the most dangerous countries for the media. Urgent measures are needed to protect witnesses, judges, lawyers and prosecutors involved in investigating the sensitive trials. A clear message should be sent by ending impunity for extra-judicial killings, forced disappearances and torture by bringing those responsible to justice, including people with high-ranking military or government jobs or who are in the chain of command of paramilitary factions.

The government of the Philippines is urged to invite the UN Special Rapporteur to visit the country to investigate the human rights situation, and the EU stands ready to help with the Justice For All programme, which has been allocated EUR 10 million for 2012-2015.


  Jaroslav Paška, za skupinu EFD Som presvedčený o tom, že príčinou neutešeného stavu pretrvávajúcej beztrestnosti na Filipínach je buď slabá pozícia oficiálnych štruktúr štátu alebo prepojenosť časti týchto kruhov so súkromnými armádami pôsobiacimi v krajine so súhlasom štátu. V každom prípade naším partnerom na hľadanie nápravy pasivity oficiálnych poriadkových zložiek na Filipínach musia byť štátne inštitúcie. V civilizovanom svete je neobhájiteľné, aby správa krajiny odovzdala plnenie bezpečnostných a poriadkových činností akýmsi súkromným zložkám, ktorých činnosť nedokáže riadiť a za ktorých aktivity nechce niesť pred svojimi občanmi ani svetovou verejnosťou oficiálnu zodpovednosť. Takáto hra prezidenta Aquina na schovávačku je iba arogantným alibizmom a my ho nesmieme akceptovať. Preto musíme rozhodne žiadať plnenie záväzkov Filipínskej vlády v oblasti ľudských práv a pripomenúť jej plnú zodpovednosť za beztrestné vraždenie v tejto krajine.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - Mr President, as has been said, the situation in the Philippines is not very pleasant and it is not the first time we have had to discuss it here in Parliament.

Certainly the endless killings, particularly between 2001 and 2009, when 59 journalists were killed, are not acceptable. The fact that only five people were tried and there were no convictions is also very worrying, and does not say much for the judicial system in the Philippines.

As a result of that, it is not surprising that a year and a half after President Aquino took office there was a protest march. One of the banners in that protest march said ‘500 days since the massacre is time for Aquino to act’. There was much expected of him when he took over as President and, while there has been some improvement, it is not enough. Certainly we need to put pressure on him to end the impunity of members of the police force and the military, to end corruption and to end violence, particularly against would-be witnesses.


  Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (S&D). - Panie Przewodniczący! Organy ścigania i wymiaru sprawiedliwości na Filipinach nie funkcjonują prawidłowo, co potwierdziła w swych majowych konkluzjach Rada Praw Człowieka ONZ. Co więcej, poziom przemocy wobec dziennikarzy i działaczy politycznych, dramatycznie wzrósł od czasu ostatniego przeglądu z 2008 roku. Raport Rady ONZ zwraca w szczególności uwagę na wydarzenie z listopada 2009 roku, kiedy to uzbrojeni mężczyźni z klanu Ampatuan, powiązani z lokalną milicją, przygotowali zasadzkę na obywateli wspierających opozycyjnego kandydata w regionalnych wyborach na gubernatora regionu. W efekcie tego brutalnego zajścia 57 osób zostało zamordowanych, wśród ofiar byli też zagraniczni dziennikarze. Późniejsze działania podjęte przez wymiar sprawiedliwości były celowo opóźniane i w rezultacie okazały się kompletnie nieskuteczne. Brak efektywności idzie w parze z brakiem przejrzystości w systemie organów ścigania, rzucając poważne wątpliwości co do jego niezawisłości. Częste bezprawne egzekucje oraz porwania pozostają wciąż bezkarne. Filipiny muszą podjąć wszelkie środki w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i gwarancji egzekwowania prawa na swoim terytorium.


  Justas Vincas Paleckis (S&D). - Jau beveik treji metai praėjo nuo to laiko, kai Filipinų Magindanao provincijoje dėl politinių priežasčių žiauriai nužudyti 58 žmonės. Už šį nusikaltimą atsakingo Ampatuano klano nariai vis dar užima daug svarbių postų provincijos administracijoje, išlaiko šimtus ginkluotų apsaugininkų turinčią privačią armiją, kurios nariai kankina aukas, jas gyvas laidoja, darko jų kūnus. Magindanao tragedija ir jos nesėkmingas tyrimas yra rimtas signalas Filipinų valdžiai, kad šalis, prarasdama demokratijos likučius, gali nugrimzti į chaoso liūną.

Griežtai raginame šalies vadovybę uždrausti ir skubiai nuginkluoti gausias asmenines kariuomenes, nedelsiant suimti visus Magindanao žudynių įtariamuosius. Taip pat būtina užtikrinti saugumą teisminiame procese dalyvaujantiems nusikaltimo liudytojams.


„Catch the eye“-Verfahren


  Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il massacro di Maguindanao si è verificato nel 2009 e le vittime, che erano in viaggio per presentare un certificato di candidatura per il vicesindaco della città di Buluan, furono rapite e brutalmente uccise – 58 persone in totale, compresa la moglie dell'aspirante candidato, le sue sorelle, 35 giornalisti e avvocati, assistenti e gli automobilisti.

La cosa più incredibile è che da allora la giustizia non ha saputo fare il suo corso, anche a causa della mancata indipendenza dell'organo giudiziario del paese e dell'assenza di sviluppi nei processi già in corso. Venticinque capi d'accusa pendono infatti per Andal Ampatuan, ritenuto a capo del massacro, il quale era stato visto dirigere gli assassini verso questi innocenti. Ma la sua è una famiglia potente sul territorio e saranno quindi poche le persone disposte a testimoniare contro di lui in un'aula di tribunale. Chiediamo oggi che giustizia sia fatta per i colpevoli che ancora circolano liberamente, che le Filippine ratifichino i trattati internazionali e che il suo governo adegui le leggi perché nel paese ci sia pieno rispetto dei diritti umani.


  Mitro Repo (S&D). - Arvoisa puhemies, rankaisemattomuus sekä korruptio ovat Filippiineillä yhä kasvava ongelma. Filippiinien pitkäaikainen korruptio on pitänyt myös ulkomaiset investoijat poissa maasta.

Rankaisemattomuuden juuret yltävät vuoden 2009 Maguindanaon verilöylyyn. Verilöylyn silminnäkijöiden murhat ovat Filippiinien oikeuslaitoksen häpeä. Väkivallan sekä pakotettujen katoamisten takaa löytyy selvästi poliittisia tarkoitusperiä.

Filippiinien on toimittava kansainvälisten velvoitteidensa mukaisesti. Oikeudenkäynnissä todistavia henkilöitä sekä heidän perheitään tulee suojella asianmukaisesti. Vaadin, että Euroopan ulkosuhdehallinto seuraa Filippiinien poliittisen tilanteen kehittymistä ja erityisesti mainitun verilöylyn oikeuskäsittelyä.


  Rui Tavares (Verts/ALE). - Senhor Presidente, já não é a primeira vez que discutimos aqui neste Parlamento o caso do massacre de Maguindanao, nós tivemos uma resolução no início de 2010 acerca deste massacre que vitimou mais de meia centena de pessoas que estavam envolvidas numa eleição local numa das ilhas filipinas, dessas 50 pessoas, pelo menos 30 eram jornalistas. O julgamento começou em 2010, praticamente um ano depois, mas, segundo os cálculos de um advogado de acusação, com a quantidade de testemunhas arroladas e com a lentidão com que o processo se está a desenrolar, provavelmente este julgamento poderia demorar um século.

Nós tivemos grandes esperanças na eleição do novo Presidente filipino, o Senhor Benigno Aquino, e tivemos esperanças de que isso significaria também o fim da impunidade e, infelizmente, isso não está a acontecer e é preciso que as instituições internacionais se dirijam ao Governo das Filipinas e digam de uma vez por todas se é possível fazer desenvolver este julgamento em condições, que o façam, se não podem, que peçam ajuda internacional. Se podem desmembrar as mais de 70 milícias privadas naquela região, que o façam, se não, peçam ajuda internacional. A comunidade internacional pode dar ajuda, por favor, peçam e sejam honestos em relação ao que precisam.


  Charles Tannock (ECR). - Mr President, I too express my deep concern over the reported climate of impunity that has developed in recent years in the Philippines. Of particular concern was the 2009 tragic massacre of 57 individuals, including civil rights campaigners and journalists, participating in a peaceful convoy in Maguindanao. This tragic event illustrates the extent to which the Manila Government is increasingly presiding over a criminal culture of intimidation, extra-judicial killings and widespread corruption.

The Philippines currently ranks just above the notoriously corrupt and failed state of Somalia in terms of press freedom. I therefore urge President Benigno Aquino to respect his country’s commitment to the rule of law and to upholding fundamental human rights by, for instance, instigating a witness protection programme to protect witnesses, and also by fighting very strongly to eliminate all the forced disappearances and all the harassment of the political opposition in what is otherwise a beautiful country.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, rankaisemattomuus kukoistaa Filippiineillä. Tilanne tuli jälleen kerran kansainvälisen yhteisön tietouteen, kun Esmail Amil Enogin ruumis löytyi muutama kuukausi hänen katoamisensa jälkeen. Enogin raajoja oli irrotettu, ja epäillään, että hänet oli murhattu moottorisahalla. Enog oli yksi Maguindanaon joukkomurhan tärkeimmistä todistajista ja jo kolmas murhan uhri.

Satoja valtion tai armeijan teettämiä poliittisia murhia on raportoitu viime vuosina. Näistä kuitenkin ainoastaan seitsemän tapausta on tuomittu tuomioistuimissa. Yhtään tuomiota ei ole annettu nykyisen presidentin astuttua valtaan.

Jonkin aikaa kansainvälinen yhteisö iloitsi Filippiinien ihmisoikeustilanteen parantumisesta, mutta nyt on taas osoitettu, että kansainvälisen rikostuomioistuimen perussäännön allekirjoittanut Filippiinit ei ole noudattanut sitoumuksiaan. Olin myös esimerkiksi erittäin pettynyt Filippiinien poliittiseen johtoon siitä, ettei se ollut paikalla, kun YK:n ihmisoikeusneuvosto äänesti Syyrian tilanteesta.

On hienoa, että EU on toteuttanut ohjelmia yhdessä Filippiinien hallituksen kanssa. Johdon on nyt ymmärrettävä, että kansainvälinen yhteisö ei aio katsoa rankaisemattomuutta läpi sormien.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  John Dalli, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, the issue of impunity, extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances are unfortunately long-term challenges in the Philippines that have been widely acknowledged. This is why, for the European Union, support for the reform of the justice sector and the fight against impunity in the area of extrajudicial killings, torture and enforced disappearances are key issues on the human rights agenda with the Philippines.

Only two weeks ago, the EU, through its Member States in the UN Human Rights Council, actively participated in the Second Universal Periodic Review of the Philippines. Extrajudicial killings, torture and the need for a functioning witness protection programme were among the main concerns raised in this second round of the peer-review process.

I welcome the fact that on that occasion the government of the Philippines presented its human rights agenda and notable progress since the last review in 2008. As the House will know, we have been encouraging the administration of President Aquino to speed up the process of prosecution of the perpetrators of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances, including those responsible for the Maguindanao massacre, and to put in place a comprehensive and reliable set of measures to prevent these acts from reoccurring.

There were many previous attempts to address this issue and the course now set by President Aquino is in the right direction. We all welcome the commitment and the progress made by the Aquino administration in addressing human rights, the culture of impunity and respect for the rule of law in the Philippines. The ratification of the Rome Statute and of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment is an excellent step forward. I warmly welcome it.

However, there is a need to achieve more progress. The serious lack of trust in public offices is an endemic historical and structural political problem. Therefore, we encourage President Aquino not only to address corruption and fraud committed by the previous administration but also to fight impunity.

We were encouraged by the requests of the government of the Philippines for EU assistance. We responded with the Justice Support Programme (EPJUST) 2009-2011, which provided technical assistance for strengthening capacity, particularly in the investigative and judicial areas. Achievements of that EPJUST programme included a decrease in the number of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances – from around 300 cases in 2006 down to three in 2011 – increased quality in the investigations of murder and abduction cases that have been filed, and an increased number of cases filed at the prosecutor’s office.

Let me assure you that the EU remains active in cooperating with the Philippines on human rights issues and in particular in the justice sector to address impunity. We have recently approved a EUR 10 million programme that will build on the work carried out through EPJUST and focus on strengthening the criminal justice system.


  Der Präsident. − Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet im Anschluss an die Aussprachen statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)


  Monica Luisa Macovei (PPE), in writing. The elusive prosecutions for extrajudicial killings in the Philippines are deeply troubling. The murder of the third witness to the Maguindanao massacre was reported on 31 May 2012 and four journalists have been assassinated. This calls for the need for the Philippine government to take further measures to end impunity through thorough investigations and vigorous prosecution of perpetrators, and strengthen accountability mechanisms. The Universal Periodic Review on the Philippines held on 29 May 2012 recommends that the Philippines end impunity for extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances as well as torture, and bring those responsible to justice. I call on the Philippine government to provide adequate protection to journalists and human rights defenders and intensify the fight against extrajudicial killings. I also recall that this country has ratified the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court and other human rights bodies and must fulfil its commitments.


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