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Doslovný záznam ze zasedání
Úterý, 3. července 2012 - Štrasburk

4. Bilance dánského předsednictví (rozprava)
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  Der Präsident. − Als erster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgen die Erklärungen des Rates und der Kommission zur Bilanz des dänischen EU-Ratsvorsitzes. Dazu begrüße ich die bisherige Präsidentin des Europäischen Rates und Ministerpräsidentin von Dänemark, Frau Helle Thorning-Schmidt, recht herzlich. Ich freue mich auch, dass der Kommissionspräsident, Herr Barroso, heute morgen hier ist.


  Helle Thorning-Schmidt, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, President of the Commission, distinguished leaders of the political groups, Members of the European Parliament and Members of the Commission, it is a privilege and a great honour to address this Parliament again. When I last stood here, back in January, I ended my speech by saying that the economic crisis had put the European Union to the test. That was when we took over the Presidency at a time of unprecedented crisis in the history of the Union.

The gravity of the situation, the depth of the challenge, the severity of the predicament facing our Union could not and should not be underestimated, and I said this right at the beginning of our Presidency – not to lower the expectations for the Danish Presidency but rather to make clear exactly what is at stake as the EU tries to work its way out of this crisis.

During the past month the EU has been forced to take critical decisions which will lay the foundation for the Europe of tomorrow, of next year and of decades to come. This is no easy task in a Union as vast, diverse and complex as ours, but leaders throughout Europe must never lose sight of the core of the problem facing the EU today: that our very economic foundation, our future prosperity, the hopes and dreams and aspirations of our children are at risk.

The storm has not passed yet and we are still facing a number of different and intertwined challenges. So I am reminded at this time of the inspirational words of the first Chancellor of West Germany, Konrad Adenauer, who once said: ‘The unity of Europe was the dream of a few. It became the hope of many. Today it has become a necessity for all of us.’

Those words have perhaps never been as true as they are today. The EU is a necessity to all of us. As representatives of the European institutions we have and we feel an obligation to find the solutions which will bring our Union forward, and we know that we owe that to our citizens.

When I stood here in January I proudly stated that I am a European at heart, and the past six months have only reassured me in my belief in the European project. I believe in our institutions, our cooperation and our common responsibility. If we seek to ensure solidarity, growth and prosperity we must seek it together through common solutions to common problems.

And that is what our Presidency has been all about: ensuring solidarity, growth and prosperity together. We took upon ourselves the task of proving that the EU still works and is still capable of delivering necessary results for our citizens, and we did this inspired by someone that we all know. In 1950 he said: ‘Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity.’ Of course, it was Robert Schuman who said this, and the subsequent history of European integration has proved him absolutely right.

There is an unequivocal truth in Schuman’s words. Our Union is built from its very foundation with bricks made of solidarity. Some stones have been small, some have been enormous but, brick by brick, we have strengthened our cooperation and solidarity with one another. This is to me the essence of our Union: and this is what we have tried to do – to work inch by inch in creating results.

Jobs and growth, financial responsibility, a greener economy and a safe Europe: these have been the priorities of the Danish Presidency. But priorities without tangible results are just empty words, and I believe that Europe has, in fact, delivered over the past months. The Compact for Growth and Jobs adopted last week in the European Council is the perfect completion of our Presidency. The Compact does not solve all Europe’s problems but it is a light in the dark for the many European citizens feeling the harsh effects of the economic crisis. For those outside the labour market, for those without opportunities, for those facing poor prospects, including not least our young generations, we are presenting a way forward.

It is a result of our persistent efforts to promote growth and new jobs in Europe but, of course, our work does not end here. We must be vigilant in transforming this Compact from a piece of paper into practical reality. We must find a way to ensure that together – Member States, the Commission and the European Parliament – we roll out the measures contained in the Compact.

We have a situation in which, for the first time in the history of the European Union, we cannot assume that the coming generations will enjoy more prosperity and better opportunities than we have enjoyed. That, of course, leaves us with a huge responsibility for the conditions of our citizens and businesses, which has been a top priority for our Presidency.

Let me highlight a few of the main results reached during our Presidency.

Under the headline of ‘a more dynamic Europe’, the Danish Presidency has pushed for robust EU measures in areas such as research and education, infrastructure and the single market, and we have done this to boost growth and to kick-start a job-rich recovery. I am particularly pleased that we have succeeded in achieving a historic compromise in the European Council on the patent reform, after more than 30 years of negotiations. This could mean drastic cost savings for businesses across Europe: savings that can be used to promote new jobs. We may not see eye to eye on all elements of this compromise but I truly hope that we can work as co-legislators to see the patent reform become a reality to benefit our companies.

I am also very pleased that we have adopted the Roaming Regulation. This regulation will lower prices significantly for cellphone users in Member States and will reduce costs to and the burden on companies. In short, it can contribute to growth.

Another important result is the regulation on the European system of standardisation. The agreement reached here will modernise the single market. Furthermore, we have reached agreement on the proposal on venture capital and social entrepreneurship funds. This will boost access to funding for European businesses and social entrepreneurs. Of course, this is also an important step in trying to create growth in the EU. We know that the single market has been one of the greatest achievements of the EU, and in order to realise its full potential we must continue to reform and modernise it.

The second main objective of our Presidency was to ensure a more responsible Europe. The need for fiscal consolidation and greater budget discipline is crucial if we want to safeguard against the financial crisis of tomorrow. We have also taken important steps in this field during the Danish Presidency. The Council agreement on the two-pack will enable stronger European monitoring of budgetary plans being drafted by members of the eurozone. Stronger common rules will reinforce the vigilance of Member States in avoiding large imbalances and unsustainable debt levels. We have come far, and I urge a rapid agreement between the Council and Parliament during the Cypriot Presidency.

A similar important step is the directive on capital requirements, on which the Council agreed its position last month. This directive will help minimise the cost and the risk of a financial crisis hitting us again as it did in 2008. Furthermore, we have worked for a stronger commitment by Member States to implement structural reforms. The completion of the first full round of the European semester is a decisive step towards a more responsible Europe. All these results will help to increase confidence in Europe’s financial system, and I am in no doubt that these surveillance measures will lead to greater political accountability and stronger budget discipline.

Finally, we have been working hard to streamline the next EU budget so that it helps to create growth in the Union, and we took an important step last week in the European Council. Here too, I would very much like to thank Parliament for its constructive cooperation throughout.

It is our firm conviction that we need to direct more funds towards growth-enhancing areas such as research, education, energy efficiency and green technology. That has to be the way forward for the EU.

‘Measures that will inspire growth and stronger job creation’ has been the mantra for the Danish Presidency throughout these six months, and I am pleased to note that the European Council placed strong emphasis on this last week. As you also know, the transition to a green economy has been among the most important political priorities for the Danish Presidency, and I warmly welcome the common agreement reached on the Energy Efficiency Directive. This was a landmark result which required a good deal of flexibility, patience and hard work on both sides, and I would like to thank everyone here who was involved in reaching this significant milestone. Without you we could not have done it.

This directive is of key importance in our efforts to achieve our two interrelated goals, of transforming Europe into a competitive, low-carbon economy and increasing our energy security, all at once. In addition, the directive will create up to hundreds of thousands of new jobs in Europe, and it will of course ensure that the EU gets much closer to our target of 20% energy savings by 2020. I consider this an excellent result.

I would like to underline my appreciation of the dedication, high level of ambition, and willingness to compromise demonstrated by the European Parliament on this road to the green transition. Your continued engagement in making our economy greener will be ever more needed in the years to come.

Underpinning our aspiration for a dynamic, responsible and greener Europe is the need to ensure a safe Europe. Denmark’s Presidency has reached a wide range of tangible results in this field. We have granted candidate status to Serbia and are opening accession negotiations with Montenegro, which will influence the regional dynamics and contribute to stabilising the Western Balkans. We have also reached agreement on essential elements of the asylum package, which will help ensure efficiency, legal rights and more uniform asylum procedures in the Member States.

Together with Parliament and the Commission, we have managed to conclude a lot of important business. And today I am pleased to say that we were able to reach important agreements only thanks to constructive cooperation with you – the Parliament, with the Commission and, of course, with the Member States in the Council. As I see it, the achievements of the Danish Presidency are also the achievements of the European Parliament.

We all play our part in realising the huge potential of the Community method. Having different responsibilities, playing different roles, and on some occasions defending diverging interests, the Council and Parliament will not always share the same view. The heated debate on the legal basis of the Schengen evaluation mechanism was, indeed, a case in point, but I drew great encouragement from the fact that our negotiations over the past six months have been characterised by flexibility, a willingness to find common ground and, most importantly perhaps, a strong commitment to deliver on the needs and demands of the citizens. The relentless focus on results, stone by stone, brick by brick, represents the spirit of our cooperation within the EU. At the end of the day, as we strive to put Europe on a path for future growth and prosperity, we have to be guided by our vision for the society that we want to create. For me, this is what sets the Union apart and what makes our social model so unique.

That is what I believe in. That is what has made our economies so successful over the years and that is what we must fight to obtain and sustain and develop in the future. Moving Europe beyond this crisis is not about abandoning our social model. It is, in fact, the opposite. It is about bringing our countries through the crisis with our fundamental values intact – values such as solidarity, safety nets and equal opportunities for all. The difficult decisions we are taking today and tomorrow should not be a departure from solidarity. On the contrary, we are doing these things to protect our way of life, our European social model and our values, and we will continue to do so. The only way forward is through stronger cooperation among all of us. The answer to our current challenges facing the Union is more Europe, not less, and that has been the guiding principle for the Danish Presidency throughout.



  José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. − Mr President, I would like to thank Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and her whole team, particularly Europe Minister Wammen, for a very engaged and dynamic Presidency. The Presidency programme was called ‘Europe at work’ and I think it is fair to say that you were a Presidency at work. You made a real effort to contribute to ensuring stability for Europe in these difficult times. I particularly congratulate you, Prime Minister, for your personal commitment to competitiveness and growth and to the green agenda, areas in which your country, Denmark, is a great inspiration for many of us in Europe, and indeed in the world.

The results of this work are to a large extent reflected in the conclusions of the European Council and cover the full range of the Union’s activities. Since we will be discussing the results of the European Council and the euro area summit in the following debate, in this speech I will only highlight a number of specific issues.

Let me start with the economy. We have almost completed the second European semester. Very serious and in-depth work has taken place on the Commission’s proposals for country-specific recommendations and I am satisfied with the consensus that has emerged around them. This work cannot, of course, be separated from our agenda for economic growth. As the Commission has made very clear, growth can be achieved only through the combination of structural reforms and targeted investment. The Growth Compact, which has now been approved, recognises this and, indeed, paves the way for determined pro-growth action.

I therefore appreciate in particular the speedy and constructive manner in which the proposal on the pilot project bonds for transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure has been handled. I am very happy that we have reached a final agreement on the Commission proposal. The initiative will stimulate investment in infrastructure at European level.

I also appreciate the efforts to reach an agreement on the so-called two-pack, which is a central element in the EU-level drive to strengthen economic and budgetary surveillance. This would also represent a first step towards implementing important elements of the fiscal treaty. Thus I welcome the general approach in Council and I strongly hope that Parliament and the incoming Cypriot Presidency can come to a final agreement before the end of this year.

Equally important is our progress in the area of financial markets and financial services. Agreement could be reached on our proposals on derivative markets and on the single European payment area. Very importantly, we are making enormous progress on the bank capital requirements package, as well as on credit-rating agencies.

While the Commission proposal for a financial transaction tax has unfortunately not met with unanimous support from Member States, I would like to welcome the decision to start negotiations, under enhanced cooperation, for all Member States that wish to join the initiative. This is a very important development. After all, we have seen once again in recent months and weeks – both in the United States and in Europe, including in some of the major banking institutions – that practices which fuelled the financial crisis have not yet been eradicated from the sector. Once again we have been confronted with reckless trading and market manipulation. It is time for these practices to stop once and for all, and for a sector that owes so much to taxpayers’ support to agree to hand back a fair share to society.

Regarding the very difficult negotiations on the proposed directive on energy efficiency, the agreement found by the co-legislators at first reading will be a major step in delivering the objective of 20% primary energy savings in 2020. The Commission estimates that the outcome reached would allow the delivery of approximately two thirds of the total energy savings in the Commission’s original proposal. So, while we welcome what has been achieved, we must also say that further work on reaching our 2020 objectives will be needed.

I was very pleased by the agreement reached on the Roaming III Regulation. This is an example of legislation that truly benefits European citizens and consumers. The regulation entered into force on 1 July 2012. By putting a cap on data roaming, we are taking an important step towards protecting consumers against shock bills, and completing the digital single market.

Europe should be a global standard-setter. Therefore I also welcome the agreement reached on reform of the standardisation system, which will enable more efficient standard-setting in Europe. Furthermore, the general approaches agreed in the Council on the Accounting Directives, on venture capital funds and social entrepreneurship funds, and on alternative dispute resolution will hopefully prove to be a good basis for reaching agreement with Parliament very soon. On the matter of professional qualifications, we could have wished for more progress, but work will continue.

It is, of course, necessary to make special mention of the debate on the European patent, something which has been under discussion for decades. There was a compromise on this between the participating Member States, but unfortunately it comes at the price of the deletion of important Community elements of the original Commission proposal. While recognising the great efforts made by the Danish Presidency on this difficult issue, and indeed thanking you sincerely for those efforts, Prime Minister, the Commission has therefore reserved its position, and I made this very clear to the Heads of State and Government during the European Council. The situation will now require an assessment by the three EU institutions. We are ready to work with you on this.

A central theme of the past semester was the effort made in bringing forward the multiannual financial framework (MFF). Last week the European Council considered that the negotiating box prepared by the Danish Presidency provided a basis and orientations for the final stage of negotiation during the Cypriot Presidency, with a view to reaching an agreement by the end of 2012. In this respect, let me reiterate that the Commission is fully aware of and will call for full observance of the institutional prerogatives of all the EU institutions. It was the Commission, by the way, which strongly insisted on this point during the preparation for this European Council and, indeed, when its conclusions were adopted.

The debate on the MFF will now enter its decisive stage. The Commission considers that the negotiating box is still missing some important elements or, in our view, is not the appropriate answer in some areas. While fully recognising the very serious work done so far, the Commission will therefore continue to defend its proposals under the incoming Presidency. I believe it is now clearer that the European Union budget is an essential instrument for achieving sustainable growth and jobs through investment.

I am particularly happy that we managed to agree on a new Financial Regulation. I want to extend my thanks to the relevant players in Parliament and the Council who have worked closely with the Commission. I know we went through a process of long and difficult negotiations. The final adoption of the Financial Regulation before the end of the year will allow for proper implementation of all the sectoral programmes of the MFF. Thus I strongly hope that the Council and Parliament, with the support of the Commission, will manage to reach agreement on the MFF by the end of this year. The European Union needs to send a signal that, until the end of this decade, it will have a strong budget for growth and cohesion. The European Union needs to show that it is able to take difficult decisions in difficult times.

In the area of justice and home affairs, there has been good progress on important issues. Let me mention the asylum package, notably the Dublin II Regulation and the Reception Conditions Directive. Negotiations have also advanced on the Asylum Procedures Directive, and reform of the Visa Regulation is on track.

However, the same cannot yet be said of another important issue, namely the legal basis and nature of the Schengen evaluation mechanism. We are all aware of the sensitivity of this issue. As far as the Commission is concerned, we want solutions that can work. That is why we believe, together with this Parliament, that we need a Schengen evaluation mechanism with a strong European dimension. We are convinced that an intergovernmental peer review model does not deliver on the mandate set by the European Council of March 2011, and that it would have limited added value in practice. Since the Lisbon Treaty in particular, free movement of people has been a genuine Community concern. As I have said before, the Commission cannot accept the current outcome as final, and it will continue to work for a better solution.

Let me end with a look at the external dimension. The focus on internal European issues has always had to be combined with a broader perspective on Europe’s role in the world, and never more so than in relation to the preparations for, and decisions in, the Rio+20 summit for sustainable development. Although a number of our most ambitious objectives were not fully achieved, the European Union remained committed and constructive throughout the negotiations, and our positions had a very important impact on the debate. I would like particularly to welcome the very good cooperation between the Commission and the Danish Council Presidency. In fact, both Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt and I were present at this Rio conference. And let me tell you that without European leadership in this conference we would not have achieved what appears to me to be a significant outcome. Green growth is now explicitly and formally accepted by the international community as an indispensable part of our sustainable development agenda.

Important progress has been achieved during the past six months of the Danish Council Presidency. I wish to reiterate my thanks for what has been very good cooperation. However, we are only too aware of how serious the situation is and how much we still need to accomplish in the time ahead. I therefore count on the ongoing commitment and ambition of all the EU institutions in meeting our common challenges.


  Krišjānis Kariņš, PPE grupas vārdā. – Godātais priekšsēdētāja kungs, cienījamā premjerministres kundze, komisāra kungs! Krīzes apstākļos visbiežāk ir tendence veltīt visus spēkus konkrētās krīzes risināšanai, atstājot visu citu novārtā. Kā mēs labi zinām, pēdējā pusgada laikā — un ne tikai — galvenā uzmanība vispār un galvenā runa presē ir bijusi par finanšu un ekonomikas krīzi. Un Dānijas prezidentūrai ir bijis ļoti liels kārdinājums veltīt visu enerģiju un visas savas pūles tikai šiem jautājumiem, atstājot visu pārējo, kas mums arī ir svarīgs, novārtā. Bet Dānijas prezidentūra to nav darījusi. Un šeit man jāsaka — visu cieņu (īpaši ņemot vērā to, ka tā ir maza valsts), ka tā ir spējusi vienlaikus gan veltīt uzmanību, varētu teikt, galvenajām problēmām, kas mums ir, gan arī risināt daudzus citus jautājumus. Es nerunāšu par daudzajiem citiem jautājumiem. Par tiem runāja jau Barroso kungs un runās citi, es vēlos uzsvērt tieši enerģētiku.

Domājot par mūsu interesēm nākotnē, protams, ir ļoti svarīgi, ka mēs virzāmies uz vienotu Eiropas enerģētikas politiku. Tas palielinās mūsu energopiegādes drošību, palīdzēs samazināt CO2 izmešus un — ļoti svarīgi — palīdzēs samazināt mūsu importa atkarību. Un Dānijas prezidentūras vadībā ir risināti jautājumi gan par energoefektivitātes likumdošanu, gan likumdošanu, par ko nobalsosim tikai septembrī šajā namā, Parlamentā, par energopiegādēm no trešajām valstīm. Un šajā likumdošanā par energopiegādes līgumiem ar trešajām valstīm Dānijas prezidentūra sastapa absolūtu pretestību no pārējās Padomes. Faktiski vairums Padomes dalībvalstu nevēlējās šo likumdošanu vispār pieņemt jebkādā redakcijā, un, pateicoties Dānijas prezidentūras vadībai, ir panākts kompromisa risinājums, par ko Parlaments varēs arī septembrī nobalsot, kas tomēr mūs virzīs vienu soli tuvāk kopējai enerģētikas politikai. Tātad visu cieņu un paldies Dānijas prezidentūrai, kura ir veltījusi enerģiju un pūles ne tikai ekonomikas krīzes risināšanai, bet arī citiem mums svarīgiem jautājumiem.


  Hannes Swoboda, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Frau Ministerpräsidentin! Herzlichen Dank für Ihren Vorsitz und herzlichen Dank vor allem für die Liste, die Sie heute vorgelesen haben, was alles unter der dänischen Präsidentschaft geschehen ist. Es ist eine eindrucksvolle Liste, das muss ich wirklich bekennen. Natürlich war die dänische Präsidentschaft von zwei Faktoren überschattet, die es ihr nicht leicht gemacht haben, erstens von der Wirtschaftskrise – ich bin sehr froh, und wir werden wohl darauf zurückkommen, dass wir es beim letzten Gipfel letztendlich doch noch geschafft haben, einige positive Schritte in Richtung Wachstum zu setzen, denn das ist absolut notwendig, um die Krise zu überwinden – und dann natürlich auch vom Vorgehen des Europäischen Rates.

Die Patentrichtlinie ist erwähnt worden. Dieses Haus hat seit Jahren für ein europäisches Patent gekämpft. Das Ergebnis wird die Streitigkeiten und die Animositäten zwischen einzelnen Ländern überwinden. Im letzten Moment haben es aber einige Länder noch geschafft, das gute Resultat zu verunstalten. Ich finde es eigentlich schon sehr merkwürdig, dass z. B. Großbritannien, das immer kritisiert, dass wir drei Sitze des Europäischen Parlaments haben, darauf gedrängt hat, dass es für die gerichtliche Behörde für das Patent drei Sitze gibt.


Das ist doch eine Linie, die absolut unverträglich ist. So sieht man also, worum es manchen Regierungen wirklich geht.

Beim Budget war es ähnlich. Wieder hat sich der Europäische Rat eingemischt, aber das konnte noch von den Kollegen des Parlaments und der dänischen Ratspräsidentschaft gerettet werden. Der Europäische Rat – ich werde das Herrn van Rompuy auch sagen – soll sich um das kümmern, was seine Aufgabe ist! Er soll nicht Detailgesetzgebung machen! Das ist nicht Aufgabe des Europäischen Rates, es ist die Aufgabe des Rates, gemeinsam mit dem Europäischen Parlament Gesetzgebung zu machen. Das muss endlich klargestellt werden!

Zweitens: Ein Punkt, den ich ganz besonders herausstreichen möchte, ist die Energieeffizienzrichtlinie. Dabei geht es nicht nur um eine Richtlinie, es geht um eine Haltung, eine Richtung! Ich bin dem Kollegen Turmes und der Kollegin Britta Thomsen und allen anderen dankbar, dass sie so gekämpft haben. Wir wollten natürlich noch mehr haben, sie wollten auch mehr haben, aber wieder waren es einige Länder, die verhindert haben, dass wir wirklich einen großen Schritt nach vorne machen.

Aber ich hoffe, auch mit Ihrer weiteren Unterstützung als Land Dänemark, dass wir diese Energiewende zustande bringen, dass es uns gelingt, diese Tausenden und vielleicht sogar Millionen Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, für die es hier ein Potenzial gibt. Wir alle fragen: Wo ist die Arbeit? Die Arbeit geht uns aus. Nein, die Arbeit geht uns nicht aus, wenn wir uns insbesondere auf die Energiewende konzentrieren, wenn wir das so genannte Greening of economy durchführen wollen. Hier gilt es viele, viele Jobs auch in Europa zu schaffen und gleichzeitig die Abhängigkeit von den Importen von Öl und Gas zu verringern. Wir haben hier eine sehr große Leistung zustande gebracht, und ich hoffe, dass manche Länder, die jetzt noch Widerstand leisten, die Einsicht gewinnen, dass man in Zukunft wirklich zwingende Vorschriften zur Energieeffizienz haben sollte.

Zum Abschluss, Frau Ministerpräsidentin, möchte ich Ihnen zu Ihrer Wahl, nämlich zur Wahl von Herrn Wammen als Europaminister, gratulieren, denn er hat wirklich sehr, sehr viel getan, damit die dänische Präsidentschaft in vielen Bereichen Erfolge erzielen konnte. Ich möchte Ihnen, Herr Wammen, dafür danken. Sie haben ein gutes Beispiel gegeben, wie man europäisch agieren und trotzdem die Interessen des eigenen Landes vertreten kann. Wenn also die dänische Präsidentschaft viele Erfolge aufzuweisen hat, dann ist das vor allem Ihnen zu verdanken. Danke für Ihre Arbeit!



  Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Frau Ratspräsidentin, Herr Kommissionspräsident! Wir haben eben viel darüber gehört, dass das europäische Haus aus den Ziegeln der Solidarität gebaut wird. Allerdings muss jedes Haus auf einem Fundament stehen, das solide ist. Das war die prägende Linie in den letzten sechs Monaten: die Verbindung von Solidarität und Solidität. Ich hätte mir deswegen gewünscht, Frau Ministerpräsidentin, Sie hätten hier auch etwas mehr zum Thema Solidität gesagt und darüber gesprochen, wie wir es schaffen, die Situation, in der wir sind – die Schuldenkrise in den Mitgliedstaaten, die unsere Währung in Mitleidenschaft gezogen hat –, stärker und besser zu kontrollieren.

Sie haben das Two-Pack erwähnt, das fällt in der Tat in Ihre Präsidentschaft. Beim Two-Pack haben wir als Europäisches Parlament einen Schuldentilgungspakt verlangt. Ich glaube, dass wir einen mutigen Schritt nach vorne brauchen, wenn wir hier Erfolg haben wollen. Die Beschlüsse des Rates vom Wochenende lassen doch viele Fragen offen. Kollege Swoboda hat den Wachstumspakt erwähnt. Ich weiß, dass das etwas ist, was ihm besonders am Herzen liegt. Der Spiegel hat das Ganze eine Mogelpackung genannt. 50-55 Milliarden Euro sollen aus Strukturfonds kommen – da sagt sogar Kommissar Hahn, er wisse auch nicht, wie man auf solche Zahlen komme. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob das wirklich solide ist, ob man so bei den Bürgern Vertrauen wecken kann. Haftung und Kontrolle müssen zusammengehören, das ist wirklich entscheidend.

Wir wollen Wachstumskräfte freisetzen, wir wollen das Europäische Patent. Aber – und da gebe ich dem Kollegen Swoboda völlig Recht – es ist absolut absurd, was der Rat beschlossen hat: Einen Gerichtssitz mit drei verschiedenen Orten – London, Paris und München –, das ist geradezu grotesk und zeigt, dass die Mitgliedstaaten ganz offensichtlich nicht in der Lage sind, bei einem so wichtigen, innovationstreibenden Thema zu vernünftigen Beschlüssen zu kommen.

Ich habe eine Frage: Auf der Grundlage von Artikel 127 Absatz 6 des Vertrags soll jetzt eine neue Bankenaufsicht gebildet werden. Ich dachte, wir hätten eine European Banking Authority. Werden wir jetzt auch eine Bankenaufsicht mit zwei Sitzen bekommen, bekommen wir zwei verschiedene Bankenaufsichten? Wie stellt sich der Rat das genau vor? Sie werden es ziemlich schwierig haben, die Proliferation von Sitzen verschiedener Organisationen diesem Parlament zu erklären und dafür Unterstützung zu gewinnen.

Ansonsten herzlichen Dank für Ihre engagierte Präsidentschaft. Sie haben einige andere Themen wirklich erfolgreich vorangebracht. Ich habe Schengen nicht erwähnt, das war sicher ein wunder Punkt Ihrer Präsidentschaft. Aber die Erweiterungspolitik mit Serbien und Montenegro zählt sicher zu den positiven Aspekten.


  Daniel Cohn-Bendit, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Président, imaginons qu'un jour, un Président de la Commission nous dise après six mois: "Vous savez tous ce que nous avons fait. Nous avons fait beaucoup, c'est vrai, nous l'avons fait avec énergie, mais maintenant, nous allons vous dire ce qui a bloqué." Le problème que nous avons ici, c'est que vous aviez bel et bien un projet, mais qu'on ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi celui-ci n'a pas pu aboutir.

Vous avez parlé de la directive sur l'efficacité énergétique. Peut-on se mentir à soi-même? Ce sont deux pays qui ont bloqué: l'Allemagne et la Pologne. Nous devons donc voir comment nous pouvons débloquer l'Europe, parce qu'en nous faisant un film en disant: "Vous voyez, on a bien travaillé, etc.", nous savons très bien que les décisions que nous prenons ne sont pas à la hauteur du nécessaire.

La directive sur l'énergie est bien mais nous savons tous qu'elle est insuffisante. Ce n'est pas votre faute, c'est le fonctionnement de l'Europe qui est en cause. On a parlé du brevet. C'est bien entendu absurde mais il faut vraiment que l'opinion publique le comprenne. Le problème, ce n'est pas simplement ce que nous nous disons ici, c'est aussi ce que l'opinion publique peut comprendre. Quand vous avez cette contradiction avec M. Cameron, qui donne des leçons à tout le monde, et qui, en fait, empêche l'Europe de se développer, il faut que l'opinion publique européenne, à l'exemple des brevets, comprenne de quoi il s'agit.

Nous pourrions donner d'autres exemples, notamment celui de Schengen, qui est évident. Car enfin, si on rétablit l'ouverture et la fermeture des frontières, c'est la fin de l'idée communautaire de l'Europe. C'est très simple, tous les ministres de l'intérieur sont responsables. Nommons un chat un chat, pour qu'au moins, l'opinion publique comprenne de quoi il s'agit.

Vous parlez de l'intégration de la Serbie et du Monténégro. Oui! Mais encore une fois, on oublie Sarajevo. On oublie toujours la Bosnie. Aujourd'hui, le seul pays qui n'a pas de perspective européenne, c'est celui qui a été victime des nationalismes dans les Balkans, c'est la Bosnie. Il ne suffit pas de nous donner des satisfecit – certes mérités – à propos de la Bosnie quand on parle de la Serbie, parce que tant que nous n'aurons pas trouvé une solution pour la Bosnie, je continuerai, personnellement, à avoir mauvaise conscience.


  Martin Callanan, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, I want to do two things this morning.

First of all, I want to wish the Secretary-General of Parliament a very happy birthday. I am sure he is delighted to be having to spend his birthday listening to us drone on in this Chamber. Secondly, and much more importantly, I would like to thank the Danish Presidency, their officials and ministers and all those whom we have dealt with over the last six months.

Of course, Prime Minister, as a Socialist while I myself am a Conservative, I am sure there are many issues on which we would disagree. However, I would like to pay tribute to the typical Danish efficiency and practicality which has been sorely needed in the EU over the last six months. In particular your Presidency should be congratulated for burying the financial transactions tax as an EU-wide initiative. It would have damaged many of the EU’s financial centres, and many ordinary savers and investors as well.

Your administration should also be thanked for refusing to reopen negotiations on the Pregnant Workers Directive, which would have raised costs for businesses, reduced women’s choice and made it harder for many young women to find jobs. You should also be congratulated as a member of the EU net contributors club for pushing for budget restraint within the EU as well.

In fact when I look at many of the policy areas, it seems there are many lessons that you could teach the wider Socialist family about the responsibilities of power should you ever choose to come back to this Parliament.

Regarding the row over the Schengen evaluation mechanism, I have to say you have my sympathy on this. After all, the decision to change the legal base was made unanimously by the Council – a Council which, as Mr Daul and others often remind us, is made up predominantly of leaders of the EPP. I think it is very unfair that the messenger should be shot over this incident.

That aside, I think the Danish Presidency’s overall relationship with Parliament has been extremely good and I would like to thank in particular your Europe Minister sitting behind you, Mr Wammen, for all the work that he has done. He sat there tirelessly day after day in this Chamber, having to listen to a lot of brickbats and criticisms. I think he has done it extremely well, extremely courteously, and I am sure he has a great future ahead in your government.

Prime Minister, overall your Presidency has been a good honest broker between the institutions and we come away with a positive assessment of Denmark’s time at the helm.


  Søren Bo Søndergaard, for GUE/NGL-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! Sidste år gav det danske formandskab følgende løfte i sit program, og jeg citerer: "Væksten og en højere beskæftigelse skal tilbage i Europa på både kort og lang sigt". I dag er det så tid til at gøre status, og det må konstateres, at det i hvert fald ikke blev på kort sigt, at løftet blev indfriet. Tværtimod.

I går kom de nye arbejdsløshedstal. De er en menneskelig katastrofe – aldrig i euroens historie har så mange været arbejdsløse – og denne katastrofe skyldes også EU's nedskæringsdiktater, som det danske formandskab har støttet fra dag et. Tag Irland som eksempel: På grund af finanspagten vil irerne være tvunget til at gennemføre voldsomme besparelser de kommende år. Der er tale om så store besparelser, at det svarer til, at Irland skal skære to tredjedele af hele deres uddannelsessektor væk.

Den vækst- og jobpagt, som Rådet vedtog i fredags, retter ikke op på sådanne konsekvenser af nedskæringspolitikken. Den er som et plaster på et åbent benbrud. Vi har i dag over 25 mio. arbejdsløse i EU, og så vedtager Rådet en jobplan uden nogen konkrete målsætninger om, hvor meget arbejdsløshedens skal nedbringes. Det er simpelthen ikke godt nok.

Da jeg talte ved indledningen af det danske formandskab, sagde jeg, at befolkningerne ikke havde brug for flere EU-dikterede nedskæringer, men for arbejdspladser til at forbedre vores fælles velfærd, og at det danske formandskab nu måtte vise, om det var en del af løsningen eller en del af problemet. I dag må vi desværre konstatere, at det danske formandskab på dette punkt ikke blev en del af løsningen.


  Morten Messerschmidt, for EFD-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! Kære Helle Thorning-Schmidt, du gjorde det! Ingen har nogensinde før solgt så voldsomt ud af arvesølvet for så alligevel at tabe det hele på gulvet. Du sagde ja til finanstraktaten. Du erklærede dig European by heart. Du ophævede grænsekontrollen. Du fredede landbrugsstøtten. I seks lange måneder talte du EU's ikke-folkevalgte elite efter munden. Alligevel er din regering blevet buhet ud af Europa-Parlamentet. Forleden måtte du aflyse folkeafstemningen om det danske forbehold, og i går tabte du EU-patenterne på gulvet.

Hvad jeg troede skulle blive en historisk love story, er jo endt som en ren soap opera. "Europa i arbejde", sådan lød dit slogan. Ikke siden 1997 har arbejdsløsheden i EU været så høj som i dag. Euroen er ikke bare Titanic efter isbjerget. Euroen er Titanic på bunden af det iskolde Atlanterhav. Og nu driver Europas befolkninger rundt i det kolde vand i håb om, at I, der har sænket deres skib, kommer og redder dem. Men det gør I ikke, for I famler i blinde!

20 topmøder har I holdt for at redde euroen, men det eneste, I har reddet, er et skændigt eftermæle til jer selv, og I har efterladt en økonomi i ruiner. Lad mig derfor sige det meget klart, så klart, at selv du kan forstå det: Shame on you.

Jeg har hørt mange undre sig over det visionsløse danske formandskab. End ikke dine franske socialistvenner kom du i møde, da de ville kickstarte økonomien. Men jeg ved, hvad der ligger bag, for i virkeligheden har dette slet ikke været noget ordinært, rigtigt formandskab. Det har været verdenshistoriens længste jobsamtale. Én lang forberedelse på dit kommende nederlag som statsminister i Danmark. Om 2 ½ år skal der nemlig vælges ny Kommission og ny EU-præsident her i EU. Jeg tør vædde med, at du vil være kandidat til begge poster. Ikke for magten, men for at komme hjem til vennerne her i EU. Så vogt dig, Manuel Barroso, vogt dig, Van Rompuy, vogt jer, alle I, som sidder her og råder og regerer uden noget som helst folkeligt mandat. Her er en kvinde, der ikke skyer nogen midler for at få sin vilje. Det har danskerne oplevet så rigeligt igennem de seks måneder, der er gået. Jeg tror derfor, at jeg godt tør sige, jeg taler på de fleste danskeres vegne, når jeg siger: "Kære Helle Thorning-Schmidt, vend endelig hjem til EU, og lad os få Danmark tilbage".

(Uro i salen)

(Taleren accepterer at besvare et blåt kort-spørgsmål i henhold til forretningsordenens artikel 149, stk. 8)


  Jens Rohde (ALDE), Blåt-kort-spørgsmål. – Hr. Morten Messerschmidt overgår jo fuldstændig sig selv i forhold til sidste gang, og det troede jeg sådan set ikke var muligt. Måske han skulle have set sig i et spejl, da han sagde Shame on you, for det var absolut ikke en tale, der var Messerschmidt værdig. Men fred være med det.

Det er patenterne, jeg godt lige ville stille et spørgsmål til hr. Messerschmidt om, fordi hr. Messerschmidt jo gør sig store bekymringer om, at statsministeren har tabt patenterne på gulvet, men mig bekendt er det hr. Messerschmidt, der vil have en folkeafstemning om patenter i Danmark og vil gå ud og anbefale – kan jeg forstå – at vi ikke skal have en fælles patentdomstol. Er det ikke rigtigt, hr. Morten Messerschmidt? Og hvad vil hr. Morten Messerschmidt sige til alle de europæiske og danske virksomheder, som i 30 år har bedt om at få fælles patent, således at det bliver væsentligt billigere for europæiske virksomheder at søge patenter og derved at styrke deres konkurrenceevne?


  Morten Messerschmidt (EFD), Blåt-kort-svar. – Hr. formand! Tak for spørgsmålet, som deler sig i to. Først er der spørgsmålet om folkeafstemning. Jeg er en varm tilhænger af folkeafstemninger, hvad også hr. Rohde vil vide. Vi insisterede på det ved den seneste traktatændring, hvor hr. Rohdes parti insisterede på det modsatte. Vi insisterede på det ved finanstraktaten, hvor hr. Rohdes parti insisterede på det modsatte. Derfor er det egentlig ikke så underligt, når nu vi har muligheden efter den danske grundlov, at vi også insisterer på en folkeafstemning.

Så selve sagen. Jamen, vores grundlæggende bekymring er den, som den danske patentforening også har givet udtryk for, nemlig en bekymring i forhold til reglerne om forumshopping. Hvis det er sådan, at man som en lille patenthaver kan tvinges til at skulle forsvare sit patent ved en hvilken som helst national domstol og ikke derfra umiddelbart kan indbringe sagen for den centrale myndighed, så har vi et problem, som gør, at det muligvis vil være til gavn for de store aktieselskaber osv., altså dem, som hr. Rohde gerne vil servicere, men ikke for den lille patenthaver.


  Daniël van der Stoep (NI). - 2012 staat tot nu toe in het teken van een falende Unie, een falende euro en het verlies van vertrouwen van de burgers in de mislukte Europese droom. Maar, Voorzitter, er is ook slecht nieuws. Een aantal zuidelijke landen staat op het punt van omvallen. De beurzen van niets vermoedende belastingbetalers in noordelijke lidstaten worden geplunderd onder de noemer solidariteit. Veel burgers in de EU zien de recente ontwikkelingen rond het ESM met lede ogen aan.

Voorzitter, als de trend van het afgelopen jaar doorzet, is het nog maar de vraag of wij hier over een half jaar nog staan. Er gaan steeds meer stemmen op in vele landen van de EU om de organisatie EU en de euro op te heffen. Voorzitter, dat juich ik van harte toe. Deze EU is over haar houdbaarheidsdatum heen, want op een kapotte viool kun je niet meer spelen.


  Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE). - Voorzitter, vertegenwoordigers van Raad en Commissie, graag ga ik in op de voortgang die wel degelijk is geboekt. Zo is er een akkoord over NSI efficiency bereikt. Zo is er een akkoord over het Financieel Reglement, ook belangrijke dingen. Dat wil het Parlement: resultaten boeken.

Als coördinator van de PPE-Fractie voor het regionaal beleid zie ik echter te weinig voortgang in het proces rond het meerjarig financieel kader. Als er begin 2013 geen akkoord is, kunnen wij eenvoudigweg de nieuwe verordeningen niet toepassen en dan hebben wij verloren jaren in deze tijd van crisis begin 2014.

Er is wél, moet ik zeggen aan het adres van de Raad, voortgang geboekt ten aanzien van de algemene verordening inzake de structuurfondsen. Maar daar zit een weeffout in. Er zijn belangrijke onderdelen die onder medewetgeving met het Parlement vallen en die in de box zijn gestopt en daar worden besproken in verband met het MFK. Dan gaat het over zaken als de categorie-indeling van regio's, waarvoor het Parlement, de cohesievertegenwoordigers bevoegd zijn. De positie van het gemeenschappelijk strategisch kader, de prestatiereserve, enz.

Kijk naar artikel 312 van het Verdrag van Lissabon en de artikelen 174, 177, en het is duidelijk dat daar een weeffout zit, een architectuurfout. Ik vraag de Raad vandaag - omdat dit de komende tijd bij onderhandelingen belangrijk wordt - : wilt u dat herstellen of is het gevolg daarvan dat het hele MFK, dat hele financiële kader onder medewetgeving gaat vallen? Daarover hebben wij aan de Raad op 18 juni met een grote groep leden van het Parlement vragen gesteld. U respecteert het Verdrag van Lissabon niet. Dat kan zo niet! Wij willen met het mandaat van onze Commissie regionale zaken na de stemming van 11 juli meteen aan de slag om onderwerpen te bespreken waarover wij het voor het zeggen hebben. Dat kan zo niet!


  Der Präsident. − Meine Damen und Herrn! Der Kollege Callanan hat soeben freundlicherweise dem Generalsekretär zum Geburtstag gratuliert. Damit haben Sie mir die Chance genommen, ihm am Ende dieser Runde zu gratulieren. Vielen Dank für diese freundliche Hilfe.

Aber ich hätte dem Generalsekretär gerne gemeinsam mit einem anderen Mitglied dieses Hauses gratuliert, und weil das ein so außergewöhnliches Mitglied ist, hatte ich mir vorbehalten, zu warten, bis er auch im Saal ist, was jetzt der Fall ist. Denn unser ehemaliger Präsident Jerzy Buzek feiert heute seinen Geburtstag. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Herr Präsident!

Jerzy, ich wollte dir eigentlich gemeinsam mit dem Generalsekretär gratulieren, weil ich das so toll finde, dass der Generalsekretär und der Präsident bisher immer gemeinsam Geburtstag hatten. Jetzt ist es getrennt, jetzt haben wir zwei Gründe zu feiern, also ist es ein Fortschritt.


  Dan Jørgensen (S&D). - Hr. formand! Europa befinder sig midt i en økonomisk krise. Flere lande har været på randen af et decideret økonomisk sammenbrud. Arbejdsløsheden er alarmerende høj, væksten er bekymrende lav. I sådanne tider er der behov for, at EU leverer konkrete resultater. I sådanne tider er der behov for, at medlemslandene står sammen om at skabe fremgang og optimisme. Det er selv sagt ikke nogen let opgave, men det er en vigtig opgave, og det er en opgave, som det danske formandskab har løst med succes.

Betyder det, at man har reddet verden? Betyder det, at krisen er afblæst, og at Europa nu er fuldt tilbage på sporet? Nej, selvfølgelig betyder det ikke det, men det betyder, at der i de forgangne seks måneder under dansk ledelse er truffet beslutninger, der er store skridt i den rigtige retning. Under overskrifterne "Et ansvarligt Europa", "Et dynamisk Europa", "Et grønt Europa" og "Et sikkert Europa" har det danske formandskab leveret konkrete resultater, politiske aftaler og kompromisser, som har direkte betydning for alle europæere.

Med over 20 mio. arbejdsløse i EU, med en ungdomsarbejdsløshed, der er eksploderet, og med masser af grunde til mismod er det specielt de mange vækstinitiativer, som imponerer. Senest selvfølgelig den europæiske vækstpagt. En pagt, der vil skabe titusindvis af job, en pagt, som vil sætte gang i hjulene, men som vil gøre det på en måde, så det ikke går ud over ansvarligheden og behovet for økonomisk konsolidering. Af andre konkrete resultater springer også energieffektivitetsdirektivet i øjnene. Her har vi at gøre med en lovgivning, som ikke bare er ambitiøs miljømæssigt, det er den ubetinget - faktisk er det den mest ambitiøse i verden af den type - det er også en lovgivning, som vil skabe massevis af jobs, op imod to millioner frem mod 2020.

Mere end 250 konkrete resultater er det blevet til. 250 beslutninger af betydning for de europæiske borgere. Det kan EU være stolt af, det kan vi her i Europa-Parlamentet være stolte af, og det kan Ministerrådet anført af det danske formandskab med rette være meget stolt af.




  Jens Rohde (ALDE). - Hr. formand! Jeg synes også, at der er grund til at ønske til lykke med et veludført formandskab. Jeg vil gerne i den forbindelse have lov til at overbringe det til vores dygtige embedsværk, men også til statsministerens Europaminister Nicolai Wammen, som har gjort et meget stort arbejde her i Europa-Parlamentet, som jeg tror, at alle her i huset sætter pris på uanset partifarve.

Men nu er det jo ikke ros det hele. Der skal også være lidt spørgsmål, for der er nogle ting, der undrer mig. Det er, at statsministeren i sin tale tager Konrad Adenauer forfængeligt og taler om, at hun er "European by heart" og bruger en del af sin tale på at tale om solidariteten. Så undrer det mig, at statsministeren i den forgangne uge i de danske medier har haft travlt med at lægge afstand til en finansunion, at sige nej til, at Danmark skal være et af de lande, der skal hæfte for gæld for andre lande, hvad vi jo i øvrigt reelt set gør i forvejen, og har brugt ugen på at aflyse en folkeafstemning.

Må jeg minde statsministeren om statsministerens egne ord i en tale, hun holdt for ikke så længe siden, hvor hun spurgte: "What international organisation in the whole history of human kind has ever been able to do anything like what the EU has done in the past six months?" Det må man sige er store ord. Det er meget, meget store ord. Jeg tror godt, at man kan nævne nogen begivenheder, der måske er større, end det, der er sket her. Men hvordan hænger det så sammen med, at man ikke ønsker en folkeafstemning i Danmark? Hvis vi har truffet så store beslutninger i EU, så burde det dog føre til en folkeafstemning og ikke det modsatte, statsminister.


  Emilie Turunen (Verts/ALE). - Hr formand! Kære statsminister, velkommen tilbage til Europa-Parlamentet! Sidst du var her i salen, sagde du noget, jeg synes var meget tankevækkende, nemlig at du havde meget stor forståelse for de millioner af unge, der lige nu kæmper med arbejdsløshed og med manglende fremtidsudsigter, præcis som din egen generation gjorde det i 1980'erne. Problemet med ungdomsarbejdsløshed er ikke forsvundet siden januar, men den glædelige nyhed er, at der i modsætning til for bare seks måneder siden nu er et meget større fokus på at få skabt vækst og beskæftigelse til Europas unge. For seks måneder siden var mantraet nedskæringer, nu er mantraet også investeringer, vækst og beskæftigelse. Nu har vi også for nylig på det europæiske topmøde fået en europæisk ungdomsgaranti med i konklusionerne. Det er ikke kun det danske formandskabs fortjeneste, men det er også det danske formandskabs fortjeneste. Tusind tak for det.

Så, nu kan jeg se, at min tid løber alt for hurtigt. Jeg vil bare sige, at Danmarks Europa-eksamen er bestået, jeg synes, at det danske formandskab har leveret varen. Tak for det.


  Anna Rosbach (ECR). - Hr. formand! Danmark fik overdraget formandskabet i en svær tid. Den europæiske gældskrise gjorde, at Europas ledere brugte al deres energi på at tale om en finanspagt og -union. Man har talt om traktater, pagter og institutionelle ændringer i stedet for at fokusere på at styrke det indre marked, få fjernet konkurrenceforvridende subsidier og rent faktisk sætte gang i væksten. Men det har været svære arbejdsforhold for hele formandskabet.

Jeg vil især gerne takke Europaminister Nicolai Wammen, som har været meget synlig her i Parlamentet, og som har gjort et stort arbejde for at inddrage Parlamentet i formandskabets aktiviteter. Tak for det, Nicolai. Særlig glad er jeg for, at formandskabet satte antibiotikaresistens på dagsordenen, og jeg glæder mig over Rådets positive konklusioner. Af de vigtigste resultater, som formandskabet har opnået, vil jeg fremhæve aftalen om bedre sikkerhed i forbindelse med farlige kemikalier.

Men der er også torne: Jeg er skuffet over, at Rådet har besluttet at forringe Kommissionens forslag til en reform af den fælles fiskeripolitik. Rådet har reelt besluttet, at det europæiske fiskeri ikke skal gøres bæredygtigt. At det sker under det danske formandskab, har skuffet mig meget.

Alt i alt vil jeg dog gerne takke den danske regering for et veloverstået og professionelt formandskab.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI). - Herr Präsident! Wir alle wissen, dass die Menschen quer durch Europa die EU längst mehrheitlich als eine Art Brüsseler Bürokratiemoloch wahrnehmen, ein Moloch, bei dem Entscheidungen hinter verschlossenen Türen über den Köpfen der Menschen hinweg getroffen werden. Das dänische Vorhaben, das Zugangsrecht zu Akten des Brüsseler Verwaltungs- und Regierungsapparats einzuschränken, hätte zweifellos diesbezüglich einen herben Rückschlag für die Bemühungen um mehr Transparenz bedeutet. Es wurde gottlob im letzten Moment aufgegeben.

Im Zusammenhang mit der Schengen-Reform von einer Renationalisierung zu sprechen, ist indes zweifellos übertrieben, denn schließlich fällt sie in die Kompetenz der Mitgliedstaaten, die sich diesbezüglich letztlich auch vor ihren Bürgern zu verantworten haben. Es handelt sich also nicht um einen anti-europäischen Beschluss der Ratspräsidentschaft, sondern vielmehr wurde in diesem Fall zumindest einmal der Brüsseler Zentralisierungswut Einhalt geboten. Allerdings hätte man die Türkei niemals mit Visaerleichterungen für fehlende Kooperation bei der Bekämpfung der illegalen Zuwanderung belohnen dürfen.

Kopenhagen, das sich stets als Brückenbauer zwischen den Euro- und Nicht-Euro-Ländern verstand, hat allerdings im Bereich der finanzpolitischen Selbstbestimmung der EU-Länder dem Zentralisierungswahn nachgegeben und den Weg zur Schuldenunion geebnet. Während die dänische Ratspräsidentschaft den Nettozahlern damit quasi eine Schuldenfalle grub, war sie selbst darauf bedacht, nicht hineinzufallen. Daher wurde wohl auch das Referendum über eine engere Bindung Dänemarks an die EU und an den Euro verschoben.

Insgesamt muss man allerdings feststellen, dass sich alle Bemühungen des dänischen Vorsitzes um Nachhaltigkeit in einer Europäischen Schuldenunion als vergebens herausstellen werden.


  Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, voglio innanzitutto esprimere le mie sincere congratulazioni alla Presidenza danese per l'ottimo lavoro svolto e per gli importanti risultati raggiunti nell'ambito del semestre europeo. Mi complimento in particolare per le eccellenti capacità negoziali dimostrate, che hanno contribuito, in maniera seppur un po' articolata, alla conclusione di una diatriba volgare e assurda quale è stata quella dell'assegnazione della sede della Corte per i brevetti.

In qualità di relatore, ho acconsentito con rammarico al rinvio del voto finale a seguito della proposta unilaterale del Consiglio di emendare la proposta di regolamento, ma non posso non rilevare che questo modo di operare è inaccettabile, intacca gravemente l'equilibrio costituzionale dell'Unione europea – soprattutto in un argomento e in un provvedimento fondamentale per stimolare la crescita economica dell'Unione europea in settori chiave come quello dell'innovazione. È un provvedimento in cui il Parlamento ha avuto una linea programmatica e costruttiva.

Esprimo quindi la mia profonda amarezza verso l'accaduto e invito il Consiglio dei ministri rappresentato dalla subentrata Presidenza cipriota a trovare al più presto una soluzione sulla sostanza e sulla procedura. Non sarà questo Parlamento a far fallire un progetto portato avanti da oltre trent'anni, né questo Parlamento permetterà che le regole che disciplinano i rapporti interistituzionali siano modificate unilateralmente da qualsivoglia istituzione.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). - Señor Presidente, señora Primera Ministra, la Presidencia danesa fue saludada con expectación alentadora, en manos de un Gobierno de elección reciente, en el peor momento de la peor crisis de la Unión Europea. Pero seis meses después, reconociendo los avances en materia energética y en la respuesta ante la crisis, el balance no puede ser satisfactorio porque ha quedado ensombrecido por la decisión adoptada en el Consejo de Ministros de Justicia e Interior de regubernamentalizar el mecanismo de evaluación de Schengen.

Esto significa no solamente ignorar el espacio de libertad, justicia y seguridad como política europea en la que el Parlamento es legislador ordinario; significa también ignorar que este Parlamento representa a quinientos millones de ciudadanos como único órgano directamente legitimado por la ciudadanía; y significa asimismo ignorar que, como se dijo en el Consejo informal de Ministros de Justicia e Interior en Copenhague, la solidaridad, que es un mandato del artículo 80 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea no consiste en restablecer las fronteras interiores en la Unión Europea sino en ayudar a poner en común la gestión de las fronteras interiores en la Unión Europea y de las fronteras exteriores de la Unión Europea.

Por eso, termino diciéndole dos cosas. La primera es que esto ha afectado al conjunto del paquete de asilo y al conjunto del paquete de Schengen. Pero la segunda es que la unión política no puede identificarse con unión bancaria ni con garantía de depósitos, sino con el rescate de la ciudadanía, la libre circulación de personas y la solidaridad en la Unión Europea.


  Morten Løkkegaard (ALDE). - Hr. formand! Jeg vil også lige benytte lejligheden til at komme med et enkelt punkt. Jeg er som så mange andre rigtig tilfreds med det danske formandskab og jeg vil gerne give udtryk for det ved denne lejlighed, og specielt også takke Nicolai Wammen for et rigtigt godt samarbejde. Én ting, jeg har ærgret mig lidt over, er, at man ikke som formandskab har gjort lidt mere ud af de mange tanker, som bliver gjort i øjeblikket om, hvad der skal ske oven på krisen, og hvordan vi kommer videre med at få skabt den folkelige legitimering.

(Formanden afbrød taleren)


  Πρόεδρος. - Κύριε Løkkegaard, επικαλείσθε τη γαλάζια κάρτα και σας έδωσα το λόγο. Κάνετε την ερώτηση. Γαλάζια κάρτα σημαίνει ότι απευθύνετε ερώτηση στον προλαλήσαντα συνάδελφο. Δεν είναι διαδικασία catch-the-eye, εκτός και αν σηκώσατε λάθος κάρτα.


  Ivailo Kalfin (S&D). - Mr President, I would like to thank and congratulate the Danish Presidency, and particularly Minister Wammen, for dealing with the difficult and delicate matter of the multiannual financial framework. I know that there are many controversies among Member States but what happened during the Danish Presidency was a streamlining of the debate, creating a good basis for future understanding and agreement, and putting on the table some of the very important issues for Parliament, such as that of own resources, which has been thoroughly discussed for the first time. I would like to see further results here and I am optimistic that we can move ahead on that issue.

I would also like to express my warm thanks for the very good interinstitutional cooperation with the Council during the Danish Presidency – including giving Parliament for the first time the opportunity to speak at the General Affairs Council and present its views on the multiannual financial framework – and for the very good support from the Danish Presidency for the Council conclusions. I think that what the Danish Presidency has achieved is a good basis for agreement on the MFF in the future.


Διαδικασία Catch-The-Eye


  Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE). - Herr Präsident, Frau Ratspräsidentin! Als Berichterstatterin des Haushalts- und des Haushaltskontrollausschusses habe ich zwei Verfahren unter Ihrer Präsidentschaft abgeschlossen: die Haushaltsordnung – damit gibt es ein Regelset für die kommende MFR-Periode – und das OLAF-Verfahren. Seit November 2008 stand diese Verordnung im Rat in der Warteschlange, und Sie haben aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen der polnischen Präsidentschaft dieses Verfahren zum Abschluss gebracht. Ich möchte Ihnen deswegen für zwei wirklich sehr engagierte Finanzbeamte danken, die diese Dossiers bearbeitet haben, ebenso wie Herrn Botschafter Tranholm-Mikkelsen. Sie werden mir fehlen, Ihre Effizienz als Verhandler wird uns fehlen. Sie haben sich wirklich um die finanziellen Interessen der Europäischen Union verdient gemacht. Herzlichen Dank!


  Zita Gurmai (S&D). - Mr President, six months ago I said here that we had high expectations of the Danish Presidency, not only because we had a Presidency led by a woman but because of its ambitious agenda in a period where Europe has multiple challenges to address.

Six months is a short period to meet such expectations, but recent developments such the outcome of last week’s European summit give us reason to believe that with the political will and the necessary unity much can be achieved. I am referring here to the investment package and the financial transactions tax. The Danish Presidency put investment, growth and competitiveness as priorities, and I believe that package should help meet those objectives. I would like to thank the Danish Government and especially Minister Wammen for their hard work.

I would like to highlight the commitments that the Danish Presidency has made towards gender equality. Progress has been made on some of them, such as increasing women’s participation in boardrooms. I regret, however, that despite the efforts of the Presidency, no agreement could be found at the Council level regarding the Maternity Leave Directive.

As Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt underlined, it is our duty to take our countries through the crisis without abandoning our values and the European social model. Let us not forget that.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - A Uachtaráin, ba mhaith liom freisin mo bhuíochas a chur in iúl do Phríomh-Aire na Danmhairge as an sárjab a rinne siad san Uachtaránacht. Gan dabht ar bith, lean mise na díospóireachtaí go léir agus bhí siad an-díograiseach agus d'éirigh linn a lán dul chun cinn a dhéanamh. Ba mhaith liom iad a mholadh go háirithe as ucht na táillí fánaíochta a shocrú. Déanfaidh sé sin an-difríocht do shaoránaigh trasna na hEorpa ar fad agus rinne siad gaisce freisin maidir le cúrsaí fuinnimh. Bhí sé sin an-tábhachtach chomh maith. Ag an am seo, an bhliain seo chugainn, beidh mo thír féin, Éire, ag críochnú ár sé mhí in Uachtaránacht ar an gComhairle agus tá súil agam go ndéanfaimid go sármhaith agus go gcruthóimid rudaí a dhéanamh i gceart amhail mar a rinne an Danmhairg. Dá bhrí sin, críochnóidh mé leis an Danmhairg a mholadh as ucht an dea-jab a rinne siad agus táimid buíoch dóibh.


  Morten Løkkegaard (ALDE). - Hr. formand! Tak, jeg prøver igen. Som jeg lige fik sagt, er jeg glad for det, der er foregået under det danske formandskab. Jeg synes, at man er nået rigtig langt. Det vil jeg gerne rose alle for. Jeg synes også, at den danske Europaminister Nicolai Wammen – som andre har sagt – har gjort det rigtig godt. Et enkelt punkt har efter min mening manglet, og det har jeg også gjort opmærksom på et par gange undervejs. Der har foregået en debat i Europa de sidste seks måneder, specielt fra Tysklands side, om, hvordan vi kommer videre, hvordan vi får skabt en forankring i befolkningerne. Jeg synes, det er ærgerligt, at det danske formandskab ikke rigtigt har villet gå ind i den diskussion. Jeg havde håbet på, at man havde taget chancen til at få løftet den diskussion også. Men jeg kan da håbe på, at man fremadrettet – og det vil statsministeren forhåbentlig bekræfte – vil gå ind og måske deltage samarbejdet med Europa-Parlamentet om at komme videre i den diskussion.


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI). - Mr President, those who advance the European project see themselves as good Europeans. In fact the project itself is geared towards the destruction of Europe’s distinct identity. This can be seen clearly in the programme of the Danish Presidency.

Denmark sought to advance the candidature of Turkey, a country that is not ancestrally, culturally or religiously European. It sought to facilitate legal immigration, claiming that Europe is somehow in need of yet more immigrants. In January it promised that immigrants would be ensured smooth and non-bureaucratic access. They have certainly kept their word about that. It has paid lip service to a returns policy for illegal immigrants, but we know from Frontex that they are not detained long but are released and given an order to leave that is neither checked for compliance nor enforced.

The peoples of Europe are not arbitrary collections of peoples who can be airbrushed out of the future and replaced by people from the third world.




  Liisa Jaakonsaari (S&D). - Arvoisa puhemies, varmaan ulkopuolisesta maailmasta saattaa tuntua erikoiselta, että me olemme niin paljon kiitelleet toisiamme, varsinkin kun markkinat ovat edelleen hermostuneita ja kansalaiset vihaisia tämän kriisin takia.

Minusta viime viikonvaihteen huippukokous oli suoraan sanoen katastrofi. Oli järkyttävää seurata sitä ennen näkemätöntä tiedotussotaa, jota eri jäsenvaltiot kävivät omista lähtökohdistaan ja jossa ne kertoivat omista tavoitteistaan. Viesti, joka tuli huippukokouksesta, oli erittäin ristiriitainen. Mikä pahinta – kuten täällä on käynyt ilmi esimerkiksi patentin suhteen – jälleen kerran tehtiin yöllä uutta politiikkaa usein hyvin teknisistä ja yksityiskohtaisista asioista.

Tutkijat ovat todenneet, että jos ihminen valvoo 24 tuntia peräkkäin, hän on yhden promillen humalassa, ja silloin autolla ajaminen on rikos. Kun tehdään päätöksiä tällaisen pitkän valvomisen jälkeen, tulee tällaisia ongelmia. Sen takia, kun Te pääministeri olette luova ja ideoiva ihminen, voisitte esitellä, mitä kokemuksia Teillä olisi, jotta tämän huippukokouksen jälkeen voitaisiin käytäntöjä parantaa?


  Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). - Din păcate preşedinţia daneză a fost umbrită de criza instituţională fără precedent ce a dus la excluderea Parlamentului European din configurarea noului mecanism de evaluare Schengen. Fiind vorba de un sistem transnaţional şi cu impact direct asupra cetăţenilor europeni, ar fi fost preferabil ca în epoca post-Lisabona Parlamentul European să nu fie ţinut la distanţă, în mod intenţionat, de la luarea unor decizii atât de importante.

Danemarca a dat dovadă, în mod tradiţional, de transparenţă în luarea deciziilor, dar acest episod face ca bilanţul nostru, în calitate de Parlament European, să nu fie unul pozitiv. De aceea, îmi exprim speranţa că preşedinţia cipriotă va duce, cu mai mult succes, acest proiect la bun sfârşit şi va ţine cont de procesul democratic care implică Parlamentul European în procesul decizional.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, I think this very rich debate clearly demonstrated what was mentioned by several speakers, that the Danish Presidency was hard-working, dynamic and practical, and delivered a lot. I think that progress on many files was very clear, and we in the Commission highly appreciate that.

Despite the efforts, it is clear that further work is needed on energy efficiency, the European patent and Schengen. In all of these very important areas we need more ambition, more Europe, and a clear respect for the Community method. I particularly appreciate the Danish Presidency’s efforts and results, and the method used in organising the discussions and negotiations on the multiannual financial framework.

Prime Minister, your Presidency delivered a ‘negotiating box’ which is a good base on which we all can work to conclude negotiations by the end of 2012. You have been very clear on the importance of close cooperation with the European Parliament delegation. You continued regular meetings which, I am sure, will pave the way for good cooperation on this very important file and increase the chances that we will be able to conclude these very important talks by the end of 2012.

I would also like to highlight that with the opening of accession talks with Montenegro, the granting of candidate status to Serbia and the progress in cooperation with other Western Balkan countries, your Presidency sent a very strong signal of solidarity and cooperation from the European Union to the Western Balkans and showed them the way forward in mutual cooperation.

To conclude, I appreciate the personal involvement of Minister Wammen, and the highly professional performance of the permanent representative, Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen, because they helped me achieve progress on the file which has been on our table for more than three years, namely how to better manage the agencies in the future.

We worked very hard with the European Parliament delegation under the leadership of Jutta Haug and I am absolutely convinced that our common approach on the principles will help us to avoid the situations we are facing now with the European patent. We will be able to manage the discussion on what we will need to establish as regards agencies in the future in a much better and well organised way.

My thanks to the Danish Presidency for its great effort and great results.


  Helle Thorning-Schmidt, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President of the European Parliament, Mr President of the Commission, leaders of political groups, honourable Members of this House, thank you very much for this debate. First of all allow me to thank you for your kind words, particularly to our Minister for Europe, Nicolai Wammen. I think that it is a very good sign that at the end of a Presidency you are all on first name terms with Nicolai and appreciate the hard work he has done.

I have listened very carefully to your remarks and noted that we share the fundamental commitment of getting Europe back on track, a commitment to restore growth and create new jobs for the too many unemployed. Our Presidency has tried to do just that at a very difficult time, not least thanks to the work done in this House. We have taken big steps in the right direction and now we need to make sure that we continue to deliver together and we will continue our efforts in the Council to do that.

No doubt when European citizens look at us – if they are looking at this debate at all – what they expect from us is that we will pull through the crisis together, and create new growth and new jobs in Europe. As I see it, this requires full use of the Community method. What does this mean? Well sometimes it means that we have heated debates about lines of division. That is how it will be always and this is how it has also been during the Danish Presidency.

We should not be scared by that because that is how it is when you make compromises. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we do not. But we always share a common goal of serving Europe and serving its citizens. Let me try to address some of the main topics which you have raised today.

Many of you have rightly pointed out that we still are in a dire economic crisis, and you are right. It has been the case, and will continue to be so for some time, that we act every day against a heavy backdrop of the economic crisis, with thousands and thousands unemployed in Europe. That is why I am so happy that many of you have shared my concern in pushing for the implementation of the Growth and Jobs Pact. This is important. Some thought this Growth and Jobs Pact was not enough, and perhaps you agree, but nevertheless this is a small light in the dark that will create some hope that we can create growth and jobs in Europe again.

We discussed this also at the European Council on Thursday and Friday and, as I said there, I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending to the Council that we strengthen cooperation with the Parliament in doing this: strengthen cooperation in terms of creating growth and jobs and perhaps fast-track some of the decisions that we need to take.

It is of course important that at every step we take in the development of the Union we respect the role of the European Parliament, and I have stated this very clearly in the European Council. I hope that we can all agree to urgently deliver on this Compact. European citizens have the right to expect that from us.

I would very much like to thank some of those who have mentioned the multiannual financial framework and I would warmly thank everyone who has participated in this House in these discussions. We have had a very close and constructive dialogue on the negotiations, and we have had that throughout the Presidency at all levels.

We have done our utmost to fully respect the powers granted to the European Parliament and we have put great emphasis from day one on hearing your views and bringing them to the floor of the Council. I dare say that on this dossier we have had the closest cooperation between any Presidency and the European Parliament ever seen. We all know that the negotiations ahead of us will be very difficult, but I hope that the involvement of the European Parliament will continue in the same constructive atmosphere as it has started.

Some of you have mentioned the Patent Regulation and of course I have taken good note of your remarks concerning the patent. Let me remind you that Europe has waited more than 30 years for a solution and when you wait for 30 years you know that a solution will require a compromise. I understand that the European Parliament will continue to discuss this in September and I hope that the European Parliament will live up to its responsibility and help reach a final agreement for the sake of creating growth and jobs in Europe.

Some have said: ‘This is not good enough; we want it differently.’ I have no problem understanding that this is the position of the House, but again I would urge that we do not end up in a situation where we make the best the enemy of the good.

One of the things I was particularly pleased to hear about in our discussion today was the many mentions of the green agenda. All of you here know that it has not been easy to push the green agenda in a time of crisis, but I am proud of the results that we have achieved together in this area, particularly when we talk about energy efficiency.

Let me also extend special thanks to the Commission, to Commission President Barroso, when it comes to continuously promoting a green economy. He did that very well in Rio, he has done that throughout these six months and I know that he will continue to do so. Mr Barroso’s devotion and commitment is crucial and I thank the Commission for it.

The European Union is the best framework imaginable to overcome the challenges facing us today and tomorrow. The crisis we have right now, and the solutions we find, show that, even though we did not always agree, we did not give up on each other. We showed solidarity and we should continue to do so. Everyone here knows that Europe still faces a severe crisis, but the decisions that we take together will lead us step by step out of the crisis to a better future.

I believe that we will be judged on our capacity to cooperate and find compromises. Political leaders of today are judged by their results, not their intentions, and what European citizens expect from us is results. They expect solutions and we have tried to live up to that obligation over the last six months. We will continue to do that in the future so that Europe, after the past gloom and pessimism, can again see an area of growth, progress and optimism. I believe that this is possible, but it is only possible if we are committed to doing it together. Thank you very much for your cooperation.



  Der Präsident. − Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)


  Χαράλαμπος Αγγουράκης (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. Ο απολογισμός της Δανέζικης προεδρίας του Συμβουλίου της ΕΕ, το πρώτο εξάμηνο του 2012, συνάντησε την ικανοποίηση των ευρωενωσιακών οργάνων και του πολιτικού προσωπικού των μονοπωλίων στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο. Επί δανέζικης προεδρίας προωθήθηκαν και έγιναν ευρωενωσιακή νομοθεσία οι αντιλαϊκοί Κανονισμοί για την "Ενισχυμένη Οικονομική Διακυβέρνηση" , υπογράφηκε το "Δημοσιονομική Σύμφωνο", τα μέτρα για την κατάργηση των Συλλογικών Συμβάσεων Εργασίας, τις μειώσεις μισθών και συντάξεων, την αύξηση των ορίων ηλικίας συνταξιοδότησης σε όλα τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ. Κλιμακώθηκε η ιμπεριαλιστική επέμβαση ΕΕ-ΗΠΑ-ΝΑΤΟ στη Συρία και το Ιράν, για την εκμετάλλευση των πλουτοπαραγωγικών πηγών και των λαών της περιοχής. Αυτό είναι το έργο της "αριστερής κυβέρνησης" της Δανίας.

Προώθηση των συμφερόντων των μονοπωλιακών ομίλων, των καπιταλιστικών αναδιαρθρώσεων και των αντεργατικών μέτρων σε όλη την ΕΕ, την ίδια στιγμή που κατεδαφίζεται ότι έχει απομείνει από τα εργατικά, ασφαλιστικά και κοινωνικά δικαιώματα, ενώ φτώχεια και η εξαθλίωση αυξάνονται καθημερινά . Αυτή είναι η χρησιμότητα των "αριστερών κυβερνήσεων" και της "αριστερής διαχείρισης" του καπιταλισμού για την πλουτοκρατία. Να ικανοποιεί τις επιταγές και τις επιδιώξεις των μονοπωλίων, σε περιβάλλον "κοινωνικής ειρήνης", αυταπατών και ελπίδων που διαψεύδονται παταγωδώς, αφήνοντας τους εργαζόμενους έρμαιο της μοιρολατρείας, των συμβιβασμών, της υποταγής στην ένωση του κεφαλαίου, χειροπόδαρα παραδομένους στην βαρβαρότητα της καπιταλιστικής εκμετάλλευσης.


  Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (S&D), na piśmie. Sześć miesięcy temu – ówczesna nowo wybrana – duńska premier Helle Thorning-Schmidt prezentowała na łamach Parlamentu Europejskiego priorytety prac duńskiej prezydencji, przypadającej na pierwsze półrocze 2012 roku. Dziś, przyglądając się osiągnięciom Kopenhagi, możemy pogratulować Danii sukcesów osiągniętych w wielu dziedzinach, takich jak budżet UE, wieloletnie ramy finansowe Unii na lata 2012–2020, polityka klimatyczna czy energetyka. Dania zasługuje na uznanie przede wszystkim za świetną pracę w odniesieniu do licznych legislacyjnych portfolio związanych z agendą cyfrową oraz prawami własności intelektualnej. Jako sprawozdawczyni odpowiedzialna za sprawozdanie na temat dozwolonego użytku dzieł osieroconych mogę mówić tylko o pozytywnych doświadczeniach wyniesionych z tej współpracy.

Jednakże ostatnie posunięcia duńskiej prezydencji dotyczące propozycji reformy Schengen w kontekście możliwości przywracania kontroli na granicach przez państwa członkowskie wzbudziły w Europie ogromne poruszenie, w szczególności propozycja pozbawienia Parlamentu dotychczasowego prawa głosu i udziału w odnośnej procedurze legislacyjnej. Sprawa ta będzie dalej rozpatrywana przez kolejną prezydencję, ale położyła ona cień na dotychczasowej percepcji dorobku duńskiego przewodnictwa w UE.

Podsumowując, biorąc pod uwagę, iż prezydencja duńska przypadła na trudny politycznie okres w Unii, związany z kryzysem gospodarczym i kłopotami finansowymi kolejnych państw członkowskich – z którymi przyjedzie się teraz zmierzyć Cyprowi – bilans osiągnięć Kopenhagi wydaje się być pozytywny.


(Die Sitzung wird für einige Augenblicke unterbrochen.)

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