 Úplné znění 
Doslovný záznam ze zasedání
Středa, 4. července 2012 - Štrasburk

6. Prohlášení předsednictví
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  El Presidente. − Quiero también hacer una declaración en nombre del Presidente.

Como ustedes saben, queridos colegas, en España, en la Comunidad Valenciana, desde la pasada semana se sufre uno de los peores incendios forestales de los últimos 20 años.

Más de 48 000 hectáreas de bosque han sido calcinadas en las localidades de Andilla y de Cortes de Pallás.

Estos incendios, lamentablemente, se han cobrado la vida de un piloto de helicóptero que participaba en los trabajos de extinción.

En nombre del Parlamento Europeo, quiero expresar nuestro más sentido pésame a la familia de este piloto y nuestro reconocimiento de la abnegada labor de todos los que participan en esta lucha contra el fuego.


  Hannes Swoboda (S&D). - Mr President, of course we are very sorry about what has happened in Spain, but if I may, I would like to draw your attention to a declaration which seems has been made by the Prime Minister of Britain. I would ask my colleagues from Britain perhaps to look into that. Many of us saw reports that the Prime Minister, Mr Cameron, had said that, if Greece were to leave the eurozone, he would introduce particular border controls against Greek people. I am sorry to hear some applause for that.

Maybe this declaration is not true. But if it is true, I would like – because I know there are many responsible Conservative colleagues here – to ask the Prime Minister to refrain from such declarations. We do not need this kind of declaration or this kind of action against certain citizens of the European Union. Therefore, this is my request to colleagues.



  Martin Callanan (ECR). - Mr President, I do not want to provoke a big row about this, but David Cameron did not say that. He said, when asked at a parliamentary committee, that there are lots of contingency plans to deal with all sorts of eventualities, and this may be one of them in the event of a particular event happening. I think that if Hannes reads the detailed press coverage and the comments about it, he will find that the reports that he has read are not true.

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