 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2012/2842(RSP)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclos relativos a los documentos :

Textos presentados :


Debates :

PV 26/10/2012 - 4.1
CRE 26/10/2012 - 4.1

Votaciones :

PV 26/10/2012 - 6.1

Textos aprobados :


Acta literal de los debates
Viernes 26 de octubre de 2012 - Estrasburgo

4.1. Situación de los derechos humanos en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Vídeo de las intervenciones

  El Presidente. − El punto siguiente es el debate sobre siete propuestas de resolución relativas a la situación de los derechos humanos en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.


  Ana Gomes, author. − Mr President, the increasing crackdown on human rights and civil liberties by the Government of the United Arab Emirates is worrying. The current policy of detention, harassment and intimidation of human rights defenders and political activists has swept up prominent human rights lawyers, judges, law professors, bloggers, student leaders, religious conservatives and liberals alike.

Particularly worrying is the fact that many of the detained are kept incommunicado, denied legal assistance and allegedly subjected to torture. In fact the only information we seem to have about the detainees is provided by the UAE Human Rights Committee, which is a government organisation and does not supply independent or credible information. Even when alleged national security concerns are at stake, the UAE authorities need to ensure that detainees deemed to have broken the law are charged with a crime, provided with legal assistance of their choosing and brought before a judge in a fair trial.

We also call on the UAE authorities to enforce freedom of speech and press freedom, which are granted under the Constitution in the UAE, since no real enforcement of such freedoms can take place when the harassment of those who call for greater political participation and inclusive institutions is not independently investigated, and when the penal code allows for the prosecution of those who today criticise the government.

Another matter of great concern, which we wish was in the resolution which we are to adopt, is the situation of migrant workers who are badly discriminated against and not protected in the UAE.


  Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος, Συντάκτης. − Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η εσωτερική κατάσταση στα Εμιράτα, χαρακτηρίζεται αυταρχική, με καταπίεση της κοινωνίας των πολιτών, διώξεις και φυλάκιση αντιφρονούντων. Φοβούμαι, δε, ότι αυτή η εσωτερική πολιτική κατάσταση θα παραμείνει για πολύ χρονικό διάστημα ως έχει, διότι η κυβέρνηση των Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων δεν έχει ευήκοον ους, δηλ. δεν ακούει τις απόψεις της διεθνούς κοινότητας, καθώς και το τι επιτάσσουν οι αποφάσεις του ΟΗΕ και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.

Είναι, βεβαίως, η κατάσταση στα Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα εναρμονισμένη με αυτήν της ευρύτερης περιοχής της Μέσης Ανατολής όπου, όμως, φοβάμαι ότι η λεγόμενη "Αραβική Άνοιξη" έχει μετατραπεί σ' έναν "χριστιανικό χειμώνα" για τους κατοίκους της. Πράγματι, τα τελευταία χρόνια ήταν στην κυριολεξία καταστροφικά για τα εκατομμύρια των ταλαιπωρημένων χριστιανών της περιοχής.

Την ίδια κατάσταση έχουμε και στην Αίγυπτο, στο Ιράκ και στη Συρία, και αντιμετωπίζουμε ένα μεγάλο πρόβλημα με τους χριστιανούς σε αυτή την περιοχή, για την επίλυση του οποίου θα πρέπει να δραστηριοποιηθούμε.


  Nirj Deva (ECR), blue-card question to Ana Gomes. – Normally I have enormous respect for Ana Gomes’ research but on this one she has got it hopelessly wrong. Is she aware that the people who have been arrested and jailed are the very people who have been asking for Christian churches to be shut, for non-Christian and non-Muslim faiths not to be practised in the United Arab Emirates, and for women to have to wear the burka and not to work, drive, wear uniform or take part in public life? These are the people, the 62 people, who have been arrested and are being tried. Is Ms Gomes not aware of what they have been saying?


  Ana Gomes, blue-card answer to Nirj Deva. − Yes, that is exactly the reason why the Government of the UAE should not fear disclosure of information and freedom of speech and of the press. If these allegations that you mention are correct there should be no reason to prevent these basic freedoms. In the same way I would like to draw attention to the exploitation of migrant workers, which is a really serious problem, and I would call for cooperation of the authorities with the ILO.


  Bernd Posselt, Verfasser. − Herr Präsident! Es ist 30 Jahre her, dass ich zum ersten Mal die Golfstaaten und auch die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate besucht habe. Und diese Region musste in 30 Jahren einen Weg zurücklegen, der weiter war als der Weg Großbritanniens von Richard Löwenherz bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Deshalb glaube ich nicht, dass wir mit ideologischen Antworten weiterkommen. Wir müssen dieser Region Fairness entgegenbringen.

Es ist eine Tatsache, dass die Golfstaaten, und insbesondere auch die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, so ziemlich die fairsten Regierungen haben, die es in der Region gibt. Aber selbstverständlich müssen wir Menschenrechtsverletzungen, wo es sie gibt, kritisieren. Deshalb verlangen wir die Freilassung politischer Gefangener, deshalb verlangen wir, dass z. B. die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung wieder ihre Außenstelle eröffnen kann. Wir üben Kritik, aber wir können in einer Dringlichkeit nicht unfaire allgemeinpolitische Forderungen stellen. Deshalb sagen wir ganz klar: Wir wollen diese Dringlichkeit auf ihren Menschenrechtskern reduzieren und wir bieten den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten eine faire Menschenrechtspartnerschaft an. Wir sind nicht gegen diese Region. Wir sind die fairen Partner dieser Region. Wir sind kritisch, aber wir erkennen an, welch gewaltigen Weg diese Staaten zurückgelegt haben und zurücklegen müssen!


  Charles Tannock, author. − Mr President, the UAE is a relatively open and diverse society with more than 100 000 British citizens residing there. This openness to outside influences continues to result in a better understanding among the governing élite of the importance of human rights. The EU and the UAE have an important economic and security partnership as well. The UAE’s human rights indicators are generally a lot better than most other Arab States. Women, for instance, occupy senior positions throughout the government, business and civil society, including three lady ambassadors. Migrant labourers benefit from recent legislative changes to protect their rights and welfare. The UAE has also taken important steps to crack down on human trafficking.

This is not to gloss over concerns about the arrest of 62 Emiratis, but sadly most of these detainees appear to be Islamist hardliners who would like to reverse all the progress made in that country by closing down the churches. Mr Salavrakos has left, but he got it completely wrong: the people in prison want to close down the churches and persecute Christians, and they want to repress women. Those in this House who think that religious fundamentalism is the answer to improving human rights in the Gulf are sadly mistaken.

Whilst the ECR Group accepts that there are serious concerns about some aspects of human rights in the UAE, the situation is far worse in some neighbouring countries. Indeed, Iran, which regularly executes juveniles and gay people, is perhaps the most shocking. This resolution today is therefore unnecessary because it distracts attention from the real issue in the Gulf region: Iran’s desperate efforts to acquire nuclear arms, and its gross violations of human rights.

Of course the UAE Government must fully investigate the allegations against the 62 detainees. If there is no good evidence against them, these individuals should be released. If, on the other hand, there is clear evidence of a crime, the government should charge them and try them without delay in accordance with the law. But the idea that the UAE is a serious human rights violator is completely absurd.


  Jaromír Kohlíček, Autor. − Pane předsedající, vzhledem k tomu, že monarchie v arabském světě nikdy nebyly světlým vzorem demokracie a o Spojených arabských emirátech to platí jistě doslova, jsem překvapen. Moje překvapení vychází z faktu, že se zabýváme vlastně poprvé středověkými podmínkami, ve kterých žijí a jsou přísně separováni zahraniční pracovníci.

Konečně si všímáme středověkých poměrů panujících v politickém životě těchto zemí – nevím kde pan Tannock sehnal svá data. Moji vážení kolegové nalezli odvahu, aby nesměle proti těmto nešvarům zvedli hlas. Ale to je málo. Staří latiníci říkají pecunia non olet neboli peníze nesmrdí. Od doby císaře Vespasiána jsme sice urazili dva tisíce let, ale domnívám se, že tato pravda stále platí, jak tady slyším.

Jedna skromná rezoluce situaci nevyřeší, ale ta odvaha zvednout hlas proti těm, kteří disponují obrovskými finančními rezervami. Jsem zvědav, kdy budou zavedeny sankce proti všem středověkým režimům a blahopřeji autorům k jejich neskutečné odvaze.

Tuto rezoluci skupina GUE/NGL podporuje.

(Řečník souhlasil s tím, že odpoví na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty (čl. 149 odst. 8 jednacího řádu).)


  Charles Tannock, blue-card question. − Mr President, I would just like to ask Mr Kohlíček: if the UAE is such an undesirable place to work, why are there thousands and thousands of people from the Indian subcontinent, from as far afield as Bangladesh and the Philippines, who would love to have a job in the UAE, where they get one of the highest wages in the Middle East for the work that they perform? There are also more than 100 000 Brits and other Europeans living there as well, so this idea that the people there are being exploited or in some kind of forced labour is also frankly absurd.


  Jaromír Kohlíček, odpověď na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty. − Vážený pane kolego, obdivuji vaše pokrytectví, protože Evropané nežijí v těch oplocených táborech. Ale jestliže má člověk v jižní Asii – je to koneckonců následek britské kolonizační politiky – buď zemřít a nebo jít za těchto ponižujících podmínek pracovat, potom si vybere, že se obětuje pro svoji rodinu a jde za těchto podmínek, i za těchto hrozných podmínek, pracovat.


  Rui Tavares, Autor. − Senhor Presidente, os direitos do trabalho nos Emirados Árabes Unidos estão neste momento a enfrentar graves desafios. A moldura legal é neste momento muito injusta para os trabalhadores migrantes, dá excessivo poder aos empregadores e permite-lhes que interfiram com as vidas, inclusive com as vidas pessoais dos seus empregados. Há leis que impedem os direitos essenciais do trabalho como o direito de associação ou de contrato coletivo. Sem tais direitos os trabalhadores que são também imigrantes não têm nenhuma maneira de pedir um melhor tratamento e estão então condenados a uma existência que é desmoralizadora e desumana, isto deve parar.

Apelamos daqui às autoridades dos Emirados Árabes Unidos para que avancem no sentido de providenciar mais igualdade no lugar de trabalho, para construírem uma boa moldura legal que dê aos trabalhadores os seus direitos, que lhes permita associarem-se, que lhes permita terem a liberdade de expressão no local de trabalho e fora dele e que lhes dê direitos de cidadania nos Emirados Árabes Unidos.


  Elena Băsescu, în numele grupului PPE. – Respectarea drepturilor fundamentale ale omului ar trebui să fie un principiu universal valabil şi să nu ţină cont de ţară sau religie.

Deşi Emiratele Arabe Unite încă au unele deficienţe în acest domeniu, au existat şi progrese înregistrate în ultima perioadă. Aderarea în 2012 la Convenţia ONU împotriva torturii şi la Convenţia privind condiţiile decente pentru lucrătorii interni demonstrează voinţa lor de a continua reformele. De asemenea, candidatura la Consiliul ONU pentru Drepturile Omului în perioada 2013-2015 arată o deschidere tot mai mare. Sunt dovezi clare cu privire la ataşamentul Emiratelor Arabe Unite faţă de valorile democratice şi dorinţa acestui stat de a se alinia standardelor internaţionale.

Sigur că nu putem trece cu vederea abuzurile care au avut loc, însă în opinia mea ele sunt cazuri singulare, care vor deveni tot mai izolate pe măsură ce autorităţile vor continua reformele.


  Liisa Jaakonsaari, S&D-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, Arabiemiraatit on mielenkiintoinen ja äärettömän ristiriitainen maa. Toisaalta siellä panostetaan erittäin paljon koulutukseen ja yhteiskunnasta halutaan tehdä korkeaan osaamiseen perustuva maa. Siksi onkin erittäin traagista ja outoa ja kummallista, että samanaikaisesti tällainen maa loukkaa niin räikeästi ihmisoikeuksia, mistä ehkä pahin esimerkki mielestäni on kidutuksen salliminen.

Suuri huoli, mihin täällä on jo kiinnitetty huomiota on naisten aseman jatkuva heikentyminen ja toisaalta myös siirtotyöntekijöiden ja kotitaloustyöntekijöiden asema. Heihin todellakin kohdistetaan väkivaltaa ja jopa seksuaalista hyväksikäyttöä, ja tämän takia myös keskustelu Euroopan parlamentissa Arabiemiraateista on erityisen tärkeää.


  Franz Obermayr (NI). - Herr Präsident! Die Vereinigten Emirate stehen für Öl, Scheichs, Sonne und Luxus, aber sie stehen auch für weniger schöne und weniger moderne Dinge wie Folter, Steinigung, Enthauptung, öffentliche Auspeitschung und Unterdrückung der Frauen. Dazu kommen schreckliche Arbeitsbedingungen in der boomenden Bauindustrie, vor allem für die Gastarbeiter. Jährlich kommen wegen mangelnder Sicherheitsstandards zahlreiche Gastarbeiter in dieser Region ums Leben.

Besonders brisant ist ein Fall, auf den ich schon heute hinweisen möchte: Bei aller Schönfärberei ist offensichtlich unbekannt, dass ein Landsmann von mir, ein österreichischer Arzt, Dr. Eugen Adelsmayr, dort vor wenigen Tagen zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wurde. Er hatte Glück, es hätte auch die Todesstrafe verhängt werden können. Der Grund: Man warf ihm vor, dass er den Tod eines Patienten verursacht hätte. Verblüffend daran ist, dass drei gerichtliche Fachgutachten, die Adelsmayr entlasten, unberücksichtigt blieben. Es ist weiters interessant, dass das Gutachten der Behörde bei der Übersetzung in Dubai plötzlich von 25 auf 6 Seiten verkürzt wurde und die wesentlichen 19 Seiten, die Adelsmayr entlasten sollten, plötzlich aus dem Akt verschwunden waren.

Das erhärtet die Menschenrechtsberichte, wonach in diesem Land offensichtlich Vetternwirtschaft herrscht und Beweismittel mit Füßen getreten werden. Wir brauchen daher nicht nur klare Worte, sondern auch klare Aktionen: Empfehlen wir unseren Bürgern, diese Länder wegen mangelnder Rechtssicherheit nicht zu besuchen und auch bei den Emiraten künftig nicht mehr zu buchen, bis sich die Situation geändert hat!


  Monica Luisa Macovei (PPE). - Mr President, the UAE authorities have suppressed some democratic reforms. For instance, the government is detaining human rights defenders, activists and journalists. These individuals face the possible denial of their Emirate identity. In addition, their lawyers are dealing with harassment and the constant threat of deportation. According to the authorities, they were apprehended in an attempt to overthrow the government. However, this accusation seems to be a cover-up to hide the fact that the government is denying its own people this fundamental right.

In our negotiations with the UAE Government, the European Parliament must be concerned with the civil rights of the Emirati people. We must encourage the faciliation of the right to free expression, along with the right to a fair trial and access to unbiased legal aid. I encourage all of my colleagues to support this resolution.


Intervenciones con arreglo al procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra («catch the eye»)


  Sari Essayah (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, Yhdistyneissä arabiemiirikunnissa on ihmisoikeuspuutteita. Sitä kai ei kukaan tässä salissa kiellä, ja emme saa ummistaa niiltä silmiämme, vaikka tällä hetkellä maassa käydään varmasti taistelua myöskin äärifundamentalisteja kohtaan.

Naisten oikeudet ovat maassa erittäin heikot. Asioita tulkitaan islamististen lakien mukaan ja naisilla ei ole mahdollisuutta saada siviilioikeuteen perustuvaa oikeudenkäyntiä. Samoin myös täällä on tuotu esille siirtotyöläisten heikko asema ja lähestulkoon vailla oikeuksia oleva tilanne.

Erityisesti ihmisoikeustilanteesta haluaisin nostaa esille kokoontumisvapauden ja myös ilmaisuvapauden, koska viranomaiset ovat tukahduttaneet monia ihan rauhanomaisia mielenosoituksia ja pidättäneet aktivisteja, ja ihmisoikeuksien puolustajat ja hallituksen kritisoijat kohtaavat hyvin monenlaista vastustusta. Heitä vangitaan ja heitä myös syrjitään. Näissä tilanteissa tarvitaan parannusta, vaikka samanaikaisesti on tietenkin pidettävä huolta, että maa ei liu'u äärifundamentalistien käsiin.


  Antonio Cancian (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, anche alla luce di quanto ho avuto modo di constatare in prima persona in occasione della nostra visita negli Emirati con la delegazione DARP di cui faccio parte, ritengo che le relazioni che il Parlamento europeo sta costruendo con la controparte siano positive e costruttive.

Abbiamo sempre lavorato nel rispetto reciproco e abbiamo fondato il nostro dialogo su questa premessa, pertanto ritengo che la formulazione di alcuni paragrafi di questa risoluzione la renda eccessivamente critica, non tenendo conto degli sforzi che gli Emirati stanno compiendo per il riconoscimento dei diritti umani dei lavoratori e delle donne. Tutti siamo a conoscenza delle rivolte che stanno attraversando diversi paesi del mondo arabo, cito il Bahrain, cito la Siria su tutti, ma per quello che mi è dato sapere, non credo a rischio di degenerazione così come si lascia intuire. Credo che il Parlamento europeo non abbia dato la possibilità al governo di confrontarsi sugli elementi molto critici sulla situazione dei diritti umani degli Emirati Arabi contenuti nella risoluzione.


  Kristiina Ojuland (ALDE). - Mr President, although the United Arab Emirates remained relatively untouched by the events of the Arab Spring, the country is plagued by similar ills to Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Syria and others. The human rights and civil liberties of the people are suppressed, while the stage where this tragedy is taking place is decorated with oil money.

In the resolution we express our deep concern for the security and fate of the human rights defenders, political activists and civil society actors and call on the United Arab Emirates to grant to all people their fundamental rights. As a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council from 2013 to 2015, the United Arab Emirates should set an example and halt the ongoing crack-downs, release all prisoners of conscience and investigate the assaults and threats made against activists.

Oil deposits cannot overshadow the universality and inviolability of human rights.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, sanon lyhyesti vain sen, että tämä tilanne on todella paljon monimutkaisempi kuin ajatellaan. Itse allekirjoitin päätöslauselman, mutta en osaa sitä pitää kaikkein kiireellisimpänä.

On surullista, että arabikeväästä on tullut joillekin, joissakin maissa ihmisoikeuksien takatalvi, ja henkilökohtaisesti ymmärrän Arabiemiraattien johdon huolen esimerkiksi Egyptin tapahtumista.

Egyptissä muslimiveljeskunta sai demokraattisen prosessin avulla voiton, mutta on kysyttävä, mitkä ovat tulevaisuuden näkymät siellä? Kiinnostaako siellä jatkossa demokratia ja hyvä hallinto vai poliittinen kontrolli? Egyptin ihmisoikeusryhmät ovat ilmaisseet huolensa uuden perutuslain piirteistä, koska siinä heikennetään naisten oikeuksia, siinä jätetään epäselväksi, ketä šaria koskee ja ketä ei.

Siksi tämän talon on seurattava tarkkaan kokonaisuutta. Kaikkea sitä, mitä arabikeväästä seuraa eri puolilla.


  Nirj Deva (ECR). - Mr President, sometimes I want to weep. With Syria in flames, with Syria and Turkey at loggerheads, with Iran enriching uranium, with pirates running amok in the Indian Ocean, with Al-Qaida in Mali, and with Boko Haram running riot in Nigeria, what does the European Parliament think is urgent? Human rights in the UAE.

The UAE is one of the better places in the Middle East compared to some of the other countries. The human rights record in some of those neighbouring countries is appalling. Why are we talking about the UAE and not about those countries? Is it some envy or jealousy that we are expressing? Why is it that we had this extraordinary speech from my colleague Mr Kohlíček saying that people are going from India to live in terrible conditions in the UAE? India is a democracy and, if they leave India to work in the UAE voluntarily – nobody is taking them by force – then return and then go back again, that means that the conditions in the UAE must be better than in India. If the conditions were not better than India, why would they go?

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))


  Paul Murphy (GUE/NGL), blue-card question. – Could it be the case that your unwillingness to criticise the human rights record in the UAE has something to do with the imperialist interests of the US and the major capitalist forces in Europe and their geostrategic interest in the region? Surely that explains the difference in your rhetoric in relation to human rights in Bahrain – another US client state – and your condemnations of human rights abuses elsewhere. I would also share your condemnation – but why the exception for the UAE?


  Nirj Deva (ECR), Blue-card answer. – I am very happy to answer the honourable Member’s question. We are not talking about Bahrain, we are not talking about Kuwait, we are not talking about Saudi Arabia, we are not talking about the other countries in the region; we are talking about the UAE.

The UAE has a better record on human rights, on looking after its migrant workers and on all the other conditions on the ICCP of the United Nations than of any of the other countries in the region. But I ask myself a question here: millions of migrant workers voluntarily go and work in the UAE. They leave appalling slums in India, Sri Lanka – where I come from – and Bangladesh. They go there to have a better life. Nobody is forcing them to go.


  Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR). - Polska nigdy nie miała kolonii, więc nie będę podejrzany imperializm z całą pewnością. Chciałem powiedzieć trzy rzeczy bardzo krótko. Po pierwsze, posłanka Ojuland ma absolutnie rację, ropa nie powinna przesłaniać nam kwestii praw człowieka, i oczywiście mój szacowny przyjaciel poseł Deva ma rację, że w innych krajach arabskich jest gorzej. To nie jest jednak powód, żeby nie mówić również o tych przykładach w Emiratach Arabskich. Kwestia druga, posłanka Korhola ma rację, mówiąc, że teraz jest zima, jeśli chodzi o prawa człowieka – tylko że to można było wcześniej przewidzieć. Byli tacy, co ostrzegali – także ja – że arabska wiosna prowadzi do wolnych wyborów być może tylko raz: wtedy, kiedy fundamentaliści islamscy dochodzą do władzy. I wreszcie, siłą rzeczy Parlament Europejski jest takim miejscem, gdzie o prawach człowieka mówi się więcej niż w Komisji Europejskiej i w Radzie, bo tamte organy w większym stopniu zwracają uwagę na interesy i na ropę właśnie.


(Fin de las intervenciones con arreglo al procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra («catch the eye»))


  Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, the EU has followed the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the United Arab Emirates with some concern in recent months. As was recalled by honourable Members, several individuals were arrested in 2011 and 2012 simply for expressing their political views in the media or for signing an on-line petition on the Internet. That petition asked for political and institutional reforms in a peaceful and respectful manner. Some of these individuals were tried and even deprived of their UAE citizenship. They were subsequently pardoned, but the legal case against them has not been filed.

The whereabouts of many of the other 60 political activists currently under arrest is not known. This is unacceptable and in breach of international conventions which the United Arab Emirates has signed and ratified. In addition to this, the UAE authorities closed down the offices of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung this spring. This is a prestigious foundation which was carrying out excellent work in the UAE. Never have the UAE authorities provided a satisfactory explanation for this eviction, which for the EU is all the more difficult to accept as that foundation was implementing an EU-funded project aimed at enhancing understanding and cooperation, which then had to be deeply redesigned.

All these cases of restrictions of civil and political rights, fundamental freedoms and human rights point to a deteriorating trend that cannot leave us indifferent, especially because of the friendly relations between the EU and the UAE and the good cooperation on several matters of common interest in the recent past.

The EU has repeatedly voiced its concern to the UAE Government, including very recently, through diplomatic channels. Human rights and fundamental freedoms were discussed with the Gulf Cooperation Council at the latest ministerial meeting that took place in Luxembourg in June. These issues will certainly feature on the agenda of the next meetings with the Gulf at all levels, and the same messages were conveyed during the visit of a delegation of this Parliament earlier this year. The EU is ready to discuss these issues with the UAE and to support them in case they need and want our support.

However, we want to talk to all stakeholders, activists, civil society and human rights defenders too, and not only the government of the country. In this context, the upcoming establishment of an EU delegation in Abu Dhabi, strongly supported by this Parliament, will definitely be an element enabling us to do more and better.

A specific case was raised by Member of Parliament Obermayr in relation to Dr Adelsmayr, which the EU has been following very attentively since the very beginning of this case, in close cooperation with the Austrian authorities. We remain ready to undertake any steps that may provide necessary with the UAE authorities in order to resolve this situation.


  El Presidente. − Se cierra el debate.

La votación tendrá lugar al final de los debates.

Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad