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Procedure : 2012/2843(RSP)
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Debatten :

PV 26/10/2012 - 4.2
CRE 26/10/2012 - 4.2

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PV 26/10/2012 - 6.2
CRE 26/10/2012 - 6.2

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Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Vrijdag 26 oktober 2012 - Straatsburg

4.2. Discriminatie van meisjes in Pakistan, in het bijzonder het geval van Malala Yousafzai
Video van de redevoeringen

  El Presidente. − El punto siguiente es el debate sobre siete propuestas de resolución relativas a la discriminación contra las niñas en Pakistán, en particular el caso de Malala Yousafzai.


  Ana Gomes, Autora. − O cobarde ataque dos talibã a Malala Yousufzai acordou o mundo para a tragédia que é a vida das mulheres e das raparigas no Paquistão, que é hoje o terceiro país mais perigoso para as mulheres. A deriva extremista fundamentalista dita islâmica mas de facto anti-Islão, encarnada nos talibã, está na origem da violência contra as mulheres no Paquistão e no vizinho Afeganistão, negando o seu papel na sociedade, incluindo os básicos direitos à educação, à participação cívica, à escolha sobre como viver as suas vidas, à sua vida, como estamos a ver no caso de Malala. E a tragédia de Malala de facto abalou o mundo, abalou o próprio Paquistão.

A onda de solidariedade que se gerou em torno desta corajosa rapariga, cujo único crime foi o da ação e da palavra livre para exigir os seus direitos, não pode cair em saco roto. É hora de dizermos que o business as usual com o Paquistão acabou, é hora de exigir que as autoridades civis e militares paquistanesas se libertem das ligações perigosas e do poder controlador dos talibã e que se empenhem efetivamente na proteção do seu povo contra a intolerância e a violência religiosa que golpeia, muito em particular, as mulheres e as raparigas.

A União Europeia não pode cultivar relações nem investir em acordos de cooperação com um governo que se mantém em negação e nada faz, enquanto crianças são atacadas mortalmente por irem à escola, enquanto crianças são forçadas a casar, enquanto crianças são usadas como moeda de troca na resolução de disputas, enquanto crianças são treinadas por grupos armados para levar a cabo ataques suicidas com apoio dos Serviços da Inteligência Paquistanesa Militar. É com a sociedade civil do Paquistão, a sociedade que se mobiliza, que a União Europeia tem que interagir.


  Fiorello Provera, Autore. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, "oscenità", questa è l'accusa dei talebani alla quattordicenne Malala, che chiedeva di andare a scuola e chiedeva il diritto all'istruzione per le bambine del Pakistan, e l'accusa di oscenità è il pretesto per colpire Malala con due colpi di arma da fuoco, uno alla testa e l'altro alla spalla.

L'attentato talebano non ha soltanto motivazioni religiose o politiche, ma vuole reprimere, cancellare, diritti umani fondamentali e negare la dignità della donna e il suo diritto all'istruzione. Questi sono la civiltà e il modello di vita che i talebani propongono al mondo musulmano, con assoluto disprezzo della vita propria e altrui.

Evidentemente, condanniamo questi atti vigliacchi e feroci ma vorremmo che tutto l'Islam cosiddetto moderato alzasse forte la propria voce insieme a noi, condannando questi crimini. Tacere significherebbe condividere ed essere conniventi e questo è intollerabile.


  Laima Liucija Andrikienė, author. − Mr President, today we are discussing the case of Malala Yousafzai, a 14-year-old girl from the Swat Valley in Pakistan who, on 9 October, on her way to school, was shot in the head and neck and severely wounded. Of course we, the European Parliament, stand firmly behind Malala and her family. That is clearly expressed in our resolution.

Tehrik-i-Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack. Furthermore, they have issued a statement to the effect that they would attempt to kill Malala Yousafzai again if she recovers from her injuries. Women and girls continue to become victims of domestic violence, trafficking and forced marriages and are being traded in the settlement of disputes. The perpetrators of violence against women and girls in Pakistan remain unprosecuted.

My belief is that, wherever children become a target of military attacks and this is tolerated by the leadership of the country, that regime and that nation do not have a future. Children should go to school. Children should be better educated than their parents, and if their fathers, uncles or older brothers prevent children from enjoying even their very basic rights, such as the right to education, it is lamentable.


  Ryszard Czarnecki, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! To nie jest incydent, to nie jest sprawa wyjątkowa, choć niesłychanie dramatyczna i bolesna. To jest sprawa, która tak naprawdę zdarza się co chwila, nie tylko zresztą w tym kraju, ale w całym tym regionie. I żeby było jasne, niestety – powiedzmy sobie to, czego nie mówimy głośno – niemała część tego społeczeństwa akceptuje talibów, jak również ich praktyki. To jest prawdziwy dramat, bo to może zaważyć na przyszłości tego kraju i tego regionu.

Chciałbym, abyśmy uświadomili także naszym sojusznikom spoza Europy, którzy podejmują dyskretne negocjacje z talibami, czy rzeczywiście robią dobrze, odkładając na bok prawa człowieka, gdy liczy się tylko zimny interes polityczny.


  Jean Lambert, author. − Mr President, we have seen that it is not so easy to stand up against forces like the Taliban when one personally, one’s family and those close to one are actually being threatened, and indeed murdered. We in this Parliament commend Malala’s bravery and that of Hina Khan and countless others – those girls, and boys, who attend education even when they are under threat.

There has been political and public outcry in Pakistan over this tragic event, and we should be supporting that outcry. The women’s caucus in the parliament has been instrumental in changing the laws in Pakistan. The problem will now be the implementation, because for some, like the Taliban, education is a threat to the power structure. We have seen almost 1 000 attacks on schools in that area of Pakistan, so we know it is crucially important for the government to invest in universal education and an open curriculum. We should be supporting it in every way we can to stand up against the forces of oppression.


  Phil Bennion, author. − Mr President, this cross-party motion strongly condemns the brutal attempted murder of Malala Yousafzai by Taliban insurgents. May I firstly take the opportunity to welcome the medical assistance provided on the ground and later in Pakistan, and also at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where Malala arrived a few days ago.

Her courage in campaigning for the right to education has really touched the world. We have to look at the situation in Pakistan, where 7 million children are out of school, some due to the practice of child marriage, others due to child labour, and others simply because parents are too frightened to send their children, particularly girls, to school.

The House today is urging the Pakistan Government to step up its efforts in respecting the provision of primary education to all children and tackling the issue of youth radicalisation in madrasas, where a mandatory standard curriculum of basic education, along with a robust inspection system, is needed.

Pakistan is a sovereign state, so we in the EU cannot tell it what to do, but we must support it in the difficulties it is encountering. How can anyone think it is reasonable to try to kill a girl just because she wants to go to school? There has been widespread condemnation of this, and it seems that only the Taliban would take that view.


  Paul Murphy, author. − Mr President, let me start by expressing my deep respect for Malala Yousafzai’s courageous stand to fight for the right to education. The Taliban’s attack on her life highlights the grim prospects for young women and girls within Pakistan. It is the third most dangerous place in the world for women. Hundreds of schools are attacked and destroyed by radical, right-wing Islamic groupings, which unfortunately are growing stronger. Of course, as always, it is ordinary working people, and in particular women, who bear the disastrous consequences for the increasing disintegration of Pakistani society.

Developments in Pakistan cannot be separated from developments in Afghanistan. The resurgence of reactionary Taliban forces in both Afghanistan and Pakistan cannot be seen separately from the US-led occupation of Afghanistan and the US drone attacks in north-west Pakistan, which have so far killed about 3 000 people. A recent US law report concluded that ‘the number of high-level militants killed as a percentage of total casualties is extremely low, estimated at just 2%’. Evidence suggests that US strikes have facilitated recruitment to violent, non-state armed groups and motivated further violent attacks. The drone war in Pakistan must be ended.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))


  Charles Tannock (ECR), blue-card question. – Mr Murphy, can you kindly explain what the US invasion of Afghanistan, which was in retaliation to the attacks on New York that killed 3 000 people, has got to do with the attempted murder of a young girl campaigning for education? What has that got to do with your world, which is completely dominated by concepts of imperialism? It is absolute nonsense to try to conflate the two. Please explain yourself before this House.


  Paul Murphy (GUE/NGL), blue-card answer. – I can quite easily explain myself, thank you very much. Let me re-quote the report from a US law school, which simply says, ‘evidence suggests that US strikes have facilitated recruitment to violent, non-state armed groups’. The occupation of Afghanistan and the drone war on Pakistan act, in reality, as a recruiting sergeant for right-wing Islamic forces. That is the reality. It is these same forces that are carrying out attacks on schools and these same forces – like the Taliban – that obviously attempted to kill Malala. That is recognition of the reality.

Similarly, can you defend the attack on – and the continuing occupation of – Afghanistan as really having anything to do with the September 11 attack? It has become clear that there is very little connection between the two, and that it was part of a pre-existing plan.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola, PPE-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, seurasin erittäin läheltä edesmenneiden Benazir Bhutton ja Shahbaz Bhattin työtä vapaamman Pakistanin puolesta.

Bhattihan oli täällä myös keväällä vuonna 2010, vuosi ennen murhaansa. Hän kertoi jo silloin, että tiesi, että joku päivä fundamentalistit hänet tappavat, mutta hän koki työnsä arvokkaammaksi kuin sen lopettamisen pelon vuoksi.

Tällä kertaa Malalan tapauksessa erilaista ja rohkaisevaa on nähdä, miten laajaa tukea tytön tapaus on saanut ympäri Pakistania ja muuta maailmaa. Väkivaltainen ja vihantäyteinen teko on kääntynyt itseään vastaan.

Kysymys koulutuksesta ja kaikkien oikeudesta siihen on tärkeä osa terrorismin vastaisessa taistelussa. Rohkea Malala aloitti jo 11-vuotiaana blogin, jossa hän kertoi elämästä talibanin hallitsemalla alueella Pakistanissa. Siitä, kuinka hän piilotti koulukirjoja huivien alle ja kuinka hän salaa luki silloinkin, kun talibanit kielsivät tyttöjen koulunkäynnin.

Pakistanissa on useita miljoonia lapsia, jotka eivät ole koulussa ja heistä suurin osa on tyttöjä. Kriittisen ja analyyttisen ajattelun opettaminen pelottaa talibanin kaltaisia terroristijärjestöjä. Pakistan on epäilemättä saanut uuden sankarin. Maa taistelee terrorismia vastaan, mutta on selvää että taisteluun tarvitaan armeijan lisäksi myös muita työkaluja. Malalan sanoin, jos uusi sukupolvi ei saa kyniä ja kirjoja, he saavat aseita terroristeilta.


  Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, w imieniu grupy S&D. – W dniu 9 października w Pakistanie postrzelono śmiertelnie 14-letnią dziewczynkę, której jednym przestępstwem było promowanie prawa dziewcząt do edukacji. Pakistański oddział talibów przyznał się do ataku i w wydanym oświadczeniu oznajmił, że zabije każdego, kto prowadzi kampanię przeciwko islamskiemu prawu. Ten tragiczny incydent sprawił, że zmarła dziewczynka Malala stała się narodowym symbolem oporu przeciwko reżimowi talibów. Tylko w ubiegłym roku zanotowano 152 przypadki ataków uzbrojonych grup na obiekty szkolne w rejonie. Dziewczynki są nie tylko ofiarami przemocy – zmusza się je również do małżeństw, handluje nimi jak towarem. Co prawda w ostatnim czasie pakistański rząd wprowadził serię przepisów mających na celu zapewnienie im ochrony, ale odpowiednie ich wdrożenie zajmie jeszcze wiele lat. W tym kontekście z zadowoleniem przyjmuję gotowość Unii do wspierania Pakistanu w jego dążeniach do przestrzegania międzynarodowych standardów w zakresie bezpieczeństwa obywateli, eliminacji wszelkich form przemocy i dyskryminacji, zapewniając wszystkim grupom społecznym równe prawa i wolności obywatelskie.


  Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, si on ne donne des stylos à cette jeune génération, les terroristes leur donneront des armes. Ce sont les mots de Malala qui, à quatorze ans, comprend parfaitement qu'éducation des enfants et lutte contre l'obscurantisme vont de pair.

Au-delà du cas de cette jeune Pakistanaise devenue un symbole, je veux rappeler que, cette situation inacceptable, des fillettes en Afghanistan la vivent quotidiennement. Ces multiples violences dont elles sont victimes ne font plus la une des journaux, comme c'était le cas il y a dix ans, quand nous voulions justifier notre action militaire en Afghanistan, au nom de l'émancipation des femmes afghanes.

Alors je tiens à le répéter à nouveau: il ne faut pas les oublier. C'est le message que sont venues porter des parlementaires afghanes lors de leur visite il y a quelques semaines au Parlement européen. Elles redoutent qu'en 2014, après le retrait des forces de l'ISAF, leurs droits gagnés cette dernière décennie soient purement et simplement échangés contre un retour au calme lors des négociations entre le gouvernement afghan et les talibans.

Alors, oui, il faut continuer à condamner sans relâche ces pratiques d'un autre âge. Mais l'Union européenne doit surtout soutenir financièrement les associations locales de femmes qui se battent pour maintenir les écoles ouvertes.


  James Nicholson, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, may I begin by wishing Malala a speedy recovery. This young girl has demonstrated, bravely and with a spirit that far surpasses her 14 years, her pursuit of the right to have an education in Pakistan. This must be an inspiration to us all.

Like 75 million girls worldwide, Malala has been denied the opportunity to learn – something which so many of us take for granted. While access to education for all children is, of course, our ultimate objective, it is becoming more and more evident that in many countries this is a problem that is unfortunately all too pertinent for girls.

If the Millennium Development Goals are to be truly realised, we cannot continue to ignore the plight of girls such as Malala who face the threat of violence on a daily basis. Unfortunately, as we have seen, this can have horrific and devastating consequences. I do hope that countries such as Pakistan, which have made commitments relating to the rights of girls in education, continue to work towards achieving these goals. I would urge the EU and its institutions to do all in its power to assist those countries.


  Bastiaan Belder, namens de EFD-Fractie. – Evenals collega Nicholson wil ik graag de wens uitspreken dat Malala Yousafzai geheel mag herstellen van haar ernstige verwondingen. Ik heb gehoord dat dat herstel gelukkig ook vordert.

Haar dieptreurige, ja afschuwelijke zaak leidt tot een tweetal deprimerende observaties over het Pakistaanse onderwijsstelsel. Armoede dwingt veel ouders hun kinderen naar madrassa's te sturen, waar het onderwijs gratis is. En juist op deze madrassa' s is het vak islamiat, islamitische studies, verplicht van staatswege met als gevolg de bevordering van intolerante gedachten, niet alleen jegens religieuze minderheden, maar evengoed jegens vrouwen en respectievelijk over onderwijs voor meisjes.

Kortom, het werkelijke probleem in Pakistan is het volstrekt ontoereikend gefinancierde onderwijssysteem zelf. Veelzeggend genoeg komt Malala uit de Swat-vallei, waar slechts één op de drie meisjes naar school gaat. Bij haar onvoorstelbaar grote moed mogen de Pakistaanse autoriteiten echt niet langer achterblijven. En dat moet ook de urgente boodschap zijn van Brussel aan Islamabad.


  Sari Essayah (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, talibanin murhayrityksen kohteeksi joutunut pakistanilainen teinityttö Malala Yousafzai ansaitsee meidän kaikkien kunnioituksen rohkeudestaan lasten ja erityisesti tyttöjen oikeuksien puolustamisessa.

Pakistanissa lasten ja tyttöjen oikeudet ovat heikot. Tarvitaan paljon vaikuttamistyötä, lainsäädännön uudistuksia ja erityisesti asenteiden muuttumista, jotta tyttöjen asema kohenisi.

Yousafzai on blogissaan kampanjoinut tyttöjen koulutuksen puolesta. Pakistanissa, kuten monissa muissa kehitysmaissa, vanhemmat eivät useinkaan ymmärrä tyttöjen koulutuksen merkitystä kestävälle kehitykselle koko yhteiskunnan hyödyksi. Arviot siitä, että mikä Pakistanissa tyttöjen lukutaitoprosentti on, menevät jopa niin alas, että vain 12 prosenttia tytöistä osaisi lukea. Mikäli Pakistan haluaa kehittyä yhteiskuntana, he tarvitsevat sen sukupolven, joka on saanut koulutuksensa, jolla on mahdollisuus rakentaa Pakistanista parempi maa.


  Corina Creţu (S&D). - Mă alătur şi eu celor care au condamnat aici cu fermitate atacul extremist împotriva acestei fete de 14 ani, Malala Yousafzai, devenită simbol al mişcării pentru afirmarea drepturilor fetelor şi ale femeilor în Pakistan. Solicităm guvernului pakistanez să acţioneze de urgenţă pentru asigurarea siguranţei sale şi a tuturor militanţilor pentru drepturile omului.

Din păcate, acest atac barbar demonstrează că extremiştii sunt decişi să recurgă la orice mijloace, inclusiv la împuşcarea unor copii, pentru a-şi impune viziunea radicală. Malala a fost pedepsită pentru că a îndrăznit să facă publice, prin intermediul blogului, experienţele traumatizante din perioada ocupării regiunii sale de către talibani, care au distrus sute de şcoli, în special de fete. Rezoluţia noastră cuprinde o cerere fermă adresată autorităţilor pakistaneze de a combate discriminarea fetelor şi femeilor, de a respecta prevederile constituţionale care prevăd dreptul egal la educaţie între fete şi băieţi, şi de a asigura siguranţa elevelor în şcoli. La rândul său, cred că Uniunea Europeană are datoria de a se implica mai activ în combaterea ameninţărilor talibane.


Intervenciones con arreglo al procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra (catch the eye)


  Monica Luisa Macovei (PPE). - Mr President, we, as the European Union, have an obligation to protect the fundamental rights of all citizens. It goes without saying that we must do so within each of our 27 Member States, but we must also do our best to protect those citizens residing in non-EU States. It is our duty to call for the basic rights of Pakistani women and children to be protected.

Malala Yousafzai, a 14-year-old girl who was attacked because of her outspoken call for women’s education, is just the latest victim of violence and oppression against women in Pakistan. Pakistan has made efforts to curb violence, passing laws in the fight against discrimination and violence against women. We must do our part to show Pakistan that this is not enough. The Global Gender Gap Index still rates Pakistan as the third most dangerous place in the world for women. The Union must show its strength and ensure that EU-provided assistance, trade and development aid is conditional upon Pakistan’s ability to ensure basic protection and rights for its citizens. Pakistan must continue to make strides by providing proper education and safety for women.


  Elena Băsescu (PPE). - Indiferent de ţară sau religie, dreptul la educaţie trebuie să fie garantat tuturor copiilor, iar discriminarea pe considerente de gen este de condamnat. Acţiunile talibanilor din Pakistan pun în pericol atât securitatea internă a ţării, cât şi dezvoltarea ei în viitor. Numai în anul 2012, ca urmare a conflictului cu talibanii, 250 de şcoli au fost distruse, iar alte 750 avariate. Este un fapt îngrijorător, iar autorităţile trebuie să asigure o protecţie mai bună a instituţiilor de învăţământ.

Însă mă preocupă în mod deosebit atacurile repetate asupra tinerelor care nu doresc decât să meargă la şcoală. Atacatorii invocă motive religioase, dar nu cred că există vreo religie care să interzică dreptul la educaţie al femeilor. Autorităţile pakistaneze trebuie să ia toate măsurile pentru a preveni astfel de atacuri pe viitor şi pentru a garanta accesul egal la educaţie al femeilor şi bărbaţilor.


  Karin Kadenbach (S&D). - Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar! Es hat in den letzten Jahren eine ganze Reihe von literarischen Aufbereitungen der Situation der Frauen, und speziell der Situation der Mädchen, in Pakistan gegeben. Menschen, die jahrelang die Situation vor allem in den ländlichen Regionen gesehen haben, haben anhand von Einzelschicksalen beschrieben, wie Mädchen von der Bildung ferngehalten werden, wie junge Frauen aber mit der Eheschließung auch aus dem Arbeitsprozess gedrängt werden, wie selbstverständlich es immer noch ist, trotz einer anderen Rechtslage, dass Frauen von älteren Brüdern oder von ihren Ehemännern abhängig sind.

Wir haben im pakistanischen Parlament die Situation, dass dort der Frauenanteil 30 % beträgt und schon sehr viele Fortschritte gemacht wurden. Aber die Gesetze, die dort beschlossen werden, müssen auch implementiert und gelebt werden. Ich sehe hier, im Fall Malala Yousafzai, einen ganz schrecklichen Aufschrei, dass wir diese Hilfe und diese Unterstützung leisten müssen. Es muss an uns liegen, die Menschenrechte, die Bürgerrechte in Pakistan voranzutreiben. Wir müssen die Schritte, die auf parlamentarischer Ebene dort schon erreicht wurden, zur Kenntnis nehmen, aber vor allem die Umsetzung beobachten.


  Kristiina Ojuland (ALDE). - Mr President, this spring I was one of the initiators of a written declaration on education and religious discrimination in Pakistan. This autumn, the cold-blooded assault on Malala Yousafzai has proved that the intolerance and discrimination we were referring to are still more than present in Pakistan and that the Taliban and al-Qa’ida are terrorising society in order to hinder any democratic and egalitarian reform.

I would like to express my deep condolences to the family of Malala Yousafzai and to commend Pakistani society, Islamic scholars and political parties who condemned the attack. That is a clear sign of a profound comprehension of human values, and I would urge the Pakistan authorities to act against the antagonists of gender mainstreaming and against the terrorists.


  Charles Tannock (ECR). - Mr President, the cowardly attack on Malala Yousafzai was a truly heinous crime. Barbaric violence was visited upon a child of 14, whose only perceived offence was to dare to speak out for the rights of girls to an education.

It is a matter of regret that the Pakistan Government proved incapable of protecting its own citizens from such wickedness. Unfortunately, there is a history of Pakistani people, including Christian ministers and converts, being targeted because they challenge the Taliban’s twisted philosophy, including now the threat to kill the medics who are trying to treat her.

It is hard to find the words to condemn strongly enough this sickening attack. However, that condemnation has echoed across the world and it is gratifying that so many voices in Pakistan itself have also been raised in anger and in opposition to Malala’s fate, not least those of many Muslim religious leaders in Pakistan. I am very glad to say that I am proud that she is now making some progress towards recovery with the help of the care and expertise of British doctors in Birmingham.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). - Chcel by som týmto vyjadriť podporu a súčasne aj úprimný obdiv tínedžerke, ktorá sa stala symbolom boja za právo na vzdelanie moslimských žien. Iba 14-ročná Malala Jusafzaj dokázala svojimi názormi a prirodzenou odvahou byť postrachom pre Taliban. To, že práva žien a právo na vzdelanie vzbudzuje obavy v niektorých tradičných spoločnostiach, nie je príliš zarážajúce. Čo je však absolútne zarážajúce, je, že tieto spoločnosti dokážu zájsť až do takých extrémov, aby sa snažili zbraňami umlčať 14-ročné deti, ktoré volajú o právo na vzdelanie. Myslím si však, že to ukazuje aj na slabosť Talibanu a tých, ktorí sa snažia takýmito drastickými spôsobmi tieto práva potláčať.


  Miloslav Ransdorf (GUE/NGL). - Pane předsedající, chtěl bych říci, že případy, jako je tento, by nás měly vést k zamyšlení nad tím, zda je opravdu vhodnou strategií multikulturalismus. Myslím si, že není, že jako politická strategie ztroskotal, a jestliže se říkalo, že všechny diskurzy jsou si rovny, tak nejsou.

Tam, kde začínají útoky na lidskou důstojnost, kde jsou prováděny takovou brutální formou jako v tomto případě, tak tam rovnost diskurzu končí. Myslím si, že je čas odbourat předsudek, který nás váže ke strategii multikulturalismu.


(Fin de las intervenciones con arreglo al procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra (catch the eye))


  Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, Vice-President/High Representative Ashton has strongly condemned the shooting of 14-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, who was attacked on 9 October by extremists. She described this as a vile aggression and an assault both on basic human values and against all human rights defenders in Pakistan. It is encouraging that Malala is responding well to her treatment at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham and, like all of the Members who have spoken here, we too wish her a speedy recovery from her injuries.

It is utterly disturbing that the Pakistani Taliban, who took responsibility for the attack, announced that they would try to kill Malala again should she recover from her injuries. We expect that the Pakistan Government will make every effort to ensure the safety of Malala Yousafzai and her family, and others who are facing similar threats. Malala is well known for advocating girls’ rights to education in Pakistan. She took a courageous stance against the Taliban, who launched an insurgency in the Swat Valley in 2009 where she is from. We can only admire this girl for her courage.

Education is one of the EU’s priority areas for cooperation with Pakistan, with the emphasis on basic and vocational education. In doing this, we pay special attention to ensure access to education for girls. We want to work with Pakistan to build an education system which helps to promote tolerance.

Issues relating to the rights of women and children are regularly raised in the European Union’s human rights dialogue with Pakistan, most recently during the February 2012 EU-Pakistan Joint Commission, and the High Representative addressed this question during her visit to Islamabad on 5 and 6 June.

The EU has encouraged the Pakistan Government to take urgent measures to ensure protection for the rights of women. Moreover, we provide funding for a range of human rights projects in Pakistan, which have included trafficking in human beings, ending discrimination and violence against women and children, access to justice and women’s political empowerment.

Important new legislation has been introduced and we intend to work closely with the provinces, which now have widespread responsibilities in these areas. But we are deeply concerned at the damage that the climate of intimidation and violence is doing to Pakistan’s development. Following adoption of the EU-Pakistan engagement plan, we aim to enhance the existing dialogue by regular sectoral dialogues on security, including the rule of law and access to justice, as well as human rights. Countering violent extremism is expected to be part of this dialogue. We hope to step up our cooperation with Pakistan in the coming years. Supporting Pakistan’s democratic institutions and its civil society must be a central part of this.

The incident on 9 October led to outrage throughout Pakistani society. Prime Minister Ashraf was right when he reacted by saying that Pakistan should not allow the future of its children to be endangered by a militant mindset. He has pledged to uproot the menace of extremism. We should do whatever we can to help those in Pakistan who are ready to stand up against terrorism and ideologically-motivated violence.


  El Presidente. − Se cierra el debate.

La votación tendrá lugar al final de los debates.

Declaraciones por escrito (artículo 149 del Reglamento)


  Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE), in writing The miraculous recovery of Malala Yousafzai is yet another testament to the courage of this remarkable young woman. In Pakistan there are people who want to use guns to prevent girls from being educated. When the Taliban took control of the Swat area of Pakistan they banned girls from going to school. Malala’s diary for the BBC following the ban was the first step in her campaign for female education. She risked her life by standing up to those who systematically victimise women and practise gender apartheid. Even after the Pakistani military had pushed the Taliban out of the cities in Swat, Malala’s life was in danger. Ultimately she paid the price for her courage when she was shot by the Taliban earlier this month. As Malala lies in hospital in the UK, I pray for her full recovery. I am proud to have voted for this resolution and I hope that women from all over Pakistan, all over the world, will be inspired by Malala’s bravery.


  Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR), in writing. – The miraculous recovery of Malala Yousafzai is yet another testament to the courage of this remarkable young woman. In Pakistan there are people who want to use guns to prevent girls from being educated. When the Taliban took control of the Swat area of Pakistan they banned girls from going to school. Malala’s diary for the BBC following the ban was the first step in her campaign for female education. She risked her life by standing up to those who systematically victimise women and practise gender apartheid. Even after the Pakistani military had pushed the Taliban out of the cities in Swat, Malala’s life was in danger. Ultimately she paid the price for her courage when she was shot by the Taliban earlier this month. As Malala lies in hospital in the UK, I pray for her full recovery. I am proud to have voted for this resolution and I hope that women from all over Pakistan, all over the world, will be inspired by Malala’s bravery.


  Tadeusz Zwiefka (PPE), na piśmie. – Myślę, że wszyscy jesteśmy zgodni, że przypadek Malali Yousafi nie może przejść bez echa w Parlamencie Europejskim. Od kilkunastu dni śledzimy stan zdrowia 14-letniej Malali, która okazując odwagę w walce o marzenia swoje i tysięcy jej podobnych pakistańskich dziewczynek, stała się celem brutalnego ataku.

Pakistan jest jednym z trzech najbardziej niebezpiecznych dla kobiet państw świata. Rocznie ma tam miejsce kilkaset honorowych zabójstw i przypadków karania kobiet poprzez oblewanie kwasem. Zgłoszenie sprawy na policję i skierowanie do sądu graniczy z heroizmem. Również niekwestionowany w Europie równy dostęp do edukacji pozostaje przywilejem płci męskiej. Pakistan zajmuje drugą pozycję w rankingach światowych, co do liczby dziewcząt bez wykształcenia podstawowego.

Malala zapłaciła niemal najwyższą cenę za swoją determinację i mówienie na głos o prawie każdej dziewczynki do samodzielnego decydowania o własnej przyszłości. Należy pamiętać, że atak na nią wymierzony jest we wszystkich obrońców praw człowieka i wartości fundamentalnych. Musimy zareagować. Przecież Unia Europejska za jeden z celów postawiła sobie budowanie relacji z krajami trzecimi w oparciu o zasady demokracji, poszanowania państwa prawa i swobód obywatelskich. Mając to na uwadze, popieram w pełni tekst rezolucji i wzywam Komisję Europejską do regularnej kontroli prac rządu pakistańskiego nad implementacją przepisów odnośnie dyskryminacji i przemocy wobec kobiet.

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