President. − The next item is the report by Giles Chichester, on behalf of the Committee on Petitions, on the activities of the Committee on Petitions 2011 (2011/2317(INI)) (A7-0240/2012).
Giles Chichester, rapporteur. − Mr President, Commissioner, it is my pleasure to present this report to the House, giving details of the work of the Committee on Petitions in 2011.
In that year, 998 petitions were declared admissible and 416 further petitions were received but declared inadmissible. I would like to recommend to colleagues a glance at the statistical analysis in the explanatory statement because that gives some interesting information about the origin of petitions and the subjects with which they are most concerned, as well as the countries the petitioners come from.
There are three topics of most importance: fundamental rights, the internal market and the environment. Interestingly, the country from which most complaints come is Germany. The citizens of Germany raise the largest number of petitions, closely followed by Spain and Italy, whereas the countries most frequently the subject of petitions are Spain and Germany – same countries, different order. I find that particularly interesting, bearing in mind my mailbag from constituents with concerns about Europe, because my Member State, the United Kingdom, comes about sixth or seventh on the list of petitioning countries, yet, from the perception of the way people in the UK view the EU, you would expect a higher proportion. I find that interesting.
I would like to pick out some of the topics that we refer to in the report. The first is the right of European citizens and residents to their legitimately acquired property, with concerns over what can happen to that property in another country. In 2011 there were 70 petitions relating to the Spanish Ley de Costas [Coastal Law]. Fifty-one of those were identified as coming from Spanish citizens, so it is not a question of foreigners concerned about their holiday homes: here we have Spanish citizens concerned about their property rights. That is quite a recurring theme.
We also have to note the increasing number of petitions relating to, or raising, issues that are not within the competence of the European Union. Maybe we should take it as a compliment that people wish to raise issues and look to us for solutions and reparations.
I would like to welcome Parliament’s decision to develop a much more practical and visible petitions portal on its website, which should facilitate citizens’ access to the petitions process. I welcome – we welcome – the constructive cooperation between the Committee on Petitions and the services of the European Ombudsman, and we reaffirm our determination to support the Ombudsman in identifying maladministration, both on the part of EU institutions and affecting them.
We consider the correct implementation of the Waste Framework Directive in all Member States to be of the utmost importance, and we ask Member States to deal with waste-management trouble spots decisively and swiftly. We support wholeheartedly the underlying objective of the Ley de Costas, namely that the environment of the Spanish coast should be protected from overdevelopment; and that issue continues to be a problem for Spanish petitioners.
Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, I would first like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Chichester, for his work in drafting this valuable report as well as Ms Mazzoni and the whole Petitions Committee, whose impressive work is reflected in this report.
The report points to some of the most topical and sensitive areas subject to the citizens’ petition in the field of environment and fundamental rights, on which the Commission and Parliament are already working closely and will continue to exchange information and views.
Today’s debate marks a good opportunity to underline my appreciation of Parliament’s remarkable commitment to the smooth implementation of Article 227 of the Treaty, which reserves the right of any EU citizen resident in the Member State or any company, organisation, association with its headquarters in the EU to submit a petition to the European Parliament.
The Commission is particularly happy to be able to contribute to Parliament’s important work. This is a considerable investment in terms of resources. And it is worth it, since handling the citizen’s petitions is ultimately also a means for the EU institutions of winning citizens’ trust in these difficult times. In this regard, the European Parliament and the Commission clearly share the commitment to put citizens first. Citizens are and must always remain at the centre of all our activities and discussions.
As rightly mentioned in the Lichtenberger report, which is the next point on this plenary session’s agenda, the Committee on Petitions plays a central role as an effective link between citizens, the Parliament and the Commission. This is why the Commission always includes a section on petitions in its annual report on the application of the EU law, in which we recognise that petitions to the European Parliament lead to infringement proceedings in a number of areas.
In the next annual report on the application of EU law, which will be adopted in the coming weeks, we also plan to indicate the concrete number of cases which had their origin in petitions. With this in mind, please let me reiterate our willing and continued collaboration with your work on Parliament’s Committee on Petitions.
As Mr Chichester’s report points out, you asked us for help with over half of the almost 1000 admissible petitions which you received in 2011. Although our help initially consists mainly in analysing what EU law, if any, might be applicable in the case, we also attend the follow-up meetings of your petitions. It is important that my fellow members of the Commission continue to attend key meetings for exchanges of views with your committee.
Allow me to say a few words on the European Citizens’ Initiative, a system in which the Petitions Committee has a relevant role. Since 1 April 2012 a new tool of participatory democracy has been in place at EU level with the entry into application of the European Citizens’ Initiative. The initial technical problems encountered are being solved.
The Commission has put its own servers at the disposal of organisers and provided extended help, guidance and assistance to them for the certification process. Three initiatives are now up and running, collecting signatures on-line even as we speak.
I would like to assure you that I am committed to making sure that citizens can make full use of their new rights, and I look forward to our cooperation in that regard. I would like to conclude by stressing that the Commission looks forward to continuing and enhancing its fruitful cooperation with Parliament’s Petitions Committee.
Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE. – Aşa cum ştiţi, Comisia pentru petiţii nu ajunge foarte des pe ordinea de zi a plenarei. Cu toate acestea, munca pe care o înfăptuieşte această comisie este una extrem de importantă. Este vorba de primirea nemulţumirilor din partea cetăţenilor, este vorba, în această perspectivă, de apărarea drepturilor cetăţenilor europeni. Acesta este motivul pentru care comisia realizează anual un număr important de audieri. Acesta este, de asemenea, motivul pentru care menţinem un dialog strâns, atât cu Comisia Europeană, cât şi cu statele membre, dar şi cu alte organisme şi instituţii, precum Ombudsmanul European.
Din păcate, aproape jumătate dintre petiţiile depuse continuă să fie inadmisibile, deoarece privesc subiecte care sunt în afara competenţelor Uniunii şi, de aceea, cred că este foarte bună, de aici înainte, o informare suplimentară a cetăţenilor asupra Uniunii, în general, şi asupra Parlamentului, în particular. De altfel, cred că implicarea Comisiei pentru petiţii în organizarea de audieri privind propunerile de iniţiative ale cetăţenilor europeni, despre care vorbea şi comisarul Šefčovič, poate contribui pozitiv la acest proces de informare.
Aş vrea, de asemenea, să spun că, în afara ţărilor pe care le menţiona dl Chichester anul trecut, Germania, Spania şi Italia, ca primele în ordinea petiţiilor depuse, următoarele sunt Polonia şi România, ceea ce ne arată că, atât cetăţenii din vechile state membre, cât şi cetăţeni din noile state membre sunt implicaţi în apărarea drepturilor lor la nivel european. Principalele teme vizate de petiţii sunt: protecţia mediului, piaţa internă, drepturile fundamentale, nu întâmplător, pentru că sunt domenii fundamentale ale Uniunii.
Închei mica mea intervenţie spunând că sprijin o utilizare eficientă şi adecvată a acestui instrument care serveşte la instaurarea unui dialog direct între Parlament şi cetăţeni.
Victor Boştinaru, în numele grupului S&D. – Permiteţi-mi să încep prin a-l felicita pe dl raportor, dl Chichester, pentru excelentul său raport şi pentru cooperarea excelentă pe care am avut-o în perioada redactării şi a dezbaterilor din comisie.
Ca şi în anii precedenţi, Comisia pentru petiţii a primit un număr foarte mare de petiţii referitoare la încălcarea legislaţiei europene în materie de mediu. Încă o dată, aş dori să cer statelor membre să acorde o importanţă deosebită acestor chestiuni. Este în joc aici atât calitatea vieţii de zi cu zi a cetăţenilor europeni, cât şi prezervarea unui patrimoniu natural unic al Uniunii noastre.
În această ordine de idei, salut iniţiativa comisarului Potočnik de a veni cu o amendare a Directivei privitoare la „environment impact assessment” şi vreau să subliniez contribuţia pe care Comisia pentru petiţii a avut-o în această dezvoltare. Cer ca această schimbare să aibă în vedere, în primul rând, criterii clare, transparente şi să garanteze neutralitatea şi obiectivitatea studiilor de impact, ţinând cont că acestea sunt marile slăbiciuni ale directivei prezente.
Comisia noastră a fost şi este un loc în care cetăţenii europeni îşi exprimă preocupările lor legate de nerespectarea unor drepturi europene. Singurul amendament depus de Grupul S&D merge în acest sens. În numele cetăţenilor europeni, cât şi al meu personal, cer azi tuturor statelor membre şi Comisiei Europene respectarea libertăţii de circulaţie pentru toţi cetăţenii europeni, indiferent de naţionalitate, rasă şi orientare sexuală.
Marian Harkin, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I believe that the Committee on Petitions is one of the most important committees in Parliament because it does provide a real tangible link between the European institutions and citizens. Mr Chichester was telling us about the explanatory statement. I have a few figures from that and it tells us that since 1997 over 20 000 petitions have been dealt with, and in the last three years alone 323 main petitioners actually addressed the committee in person, so that is a genuine link to citizens. However, the reason they are there in the first place of course is that they have concerns about the transposition or application of European legislation, so it is our duty to respond in a real and meaningful way.
One of the most significant areas is the area of the environment, which represents 20 % of the total of infringement cases, and the environmental impact assessment directive is a case in point. Indeed, my own Member State is before the courts, having failed to properly transpose that piece of legislation. I have personally come across a number of cases and situations that were adversely affected by this, including one in my own constituency in Donegal, in a place called Carnagarve where a sewage system was being constructed.
Another issue that has been highlighted is the obstacles faced by persons with disabilities to free movement and it is not just the physical obstacles but the inability to travel without a personal assistant. Most of us hop on a plane, a boat or a train and off we go, but for people with disabilities who can only travel with the help of a personal assistant, I am afraid the phrase ‘free movement of persons’ is a hollow promise from the EU because many Member States do not provide that service.
Finally, one thing I can say in light of my experiences on the Petitions Committee is that we need to be honest with citizens; we should not over-promise; we need to be clear about the possibilities and avenues for redress and above all we should not use the Petitions Committee to simply pass the buck.
Margrete Auken, for Verts/ALE-Gruppen. – Hr. Formand! Jeg vil tilslutte mig den tak, der har været til Giles Chichester for en god betænkning. Jeg vil ikke gentage, hvad mine kolleger her har sagt, men blot sammenfattende sige, at vi skal gøre meget mere ud af, at dette borgernære udvalg også bliver mere kendt i Unionen, således at man bruger det. Og tak for, at der er blevet gjort godt opmærksom på det.
Men jeg vil altså samle mig om en enkelt ting, som jeg ved, at du, Giles, også har været optaget af, nemlig kystloven i Spanien. Du skriver i betænkningen i artikel 18, at vi hilser det spanske samarbejde velkommen. Det kan du ikke mene! Hvis du har set, hvad der står nu i det lovforslag, der er ved at blive jaget igennem i det spanske parlament med absolut majoritet, så ville du sige "Nej, det gør vi ikke!", og så vil du - og det håber jeg også, du gør i morgen - støtte vores ændringsforslag 5. Det er det vigtigste. Men så også ændringsforslag 6, hvor vi gør udtrykkeligt opmærksom på, at sådan som kystloven i øjeblikket bliver behandlet, så går den stik imod ånden i Parlamentets betænkning fra 2009. Der er ikke tale om, at man sikrer kystbeskyttelse og naturen i den. Der er heller ikke tale om, at man giver individuelle husejere og grundejere bedre rettigheder. Faktisk er det sådan, at de eneste, der får bedre rettigheder, fordi de får lovlighed omkring sig, det er big business. Man gør oven i købet det, at man legaliserer alle de utallige overtrædelser, der har været af kystloven i tidligere tid, og hvor vi to jo har været enige om, at det har været et voldsomt overgreb på almindelige borgere. Så lad mig sige så meget, at jeg håber - og det vil jeg koncentrere mig om her, selv om det ikke er retfærdigt i forhold til alle de gode ting i din betænkning, som vi altså støtter - men jeg håber virkelig meget, at vi kan samles os om i morgen at sende et signal til Spanien. Meget tyder på, at vores arbejdsgruppe ikke når at blive færdig, ikke får lov at arbejde færdigt, før Spanien har vedtaget loven. Og derfor er det i morgen, vi har chancen for at sende vores kommentar til Spanien, hvor vi skal sige: "Ikke i Parlamentets navn!". Not in my name either! De bruger minsandten Auken-betænkningen som legitimering for det lovforslag, der ligger nu. Og da håber jeg altså virkelig, at du vil være sammen med os om i morgen at sende et klart signal til Spanien, således at de kan høre, at de i hvert fald ikke kan tage Parlamentet og Parlamentets betænkning fra 2009, altså Auken-betænkningen, til indtægt for det, der sker.
Ryszard Czarnecki, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Przewodniczący Komisji Petycji! Szanowne Panie! Szanowni Panowie! W tym momencie na sali zebrała się Grupa Wyszehradzka, ponieważ przewodniczący Parlamentu pochodzi z Czech, przedstawiciel Komisji – ze Słowacji, ja – z Polski. Ale wracając do głównego tematu naszego spotkania chciałbym podkreślić wagę Komisji Petycji. Jest ona często deską ratunku dla zdesperowanych obywateli, podatników, wyborców naszych państw członkowskich. Często ci ludzie mają poczucie, że Parlament Europejski to czasem tylko Komisja Petycji, ponieważ jest ona adresatem wielu skarg, bolączek, problemów zwykłych ludzi, których wielka polityka nie obchodzi, lecz interesują ich konkretne problemy. O tych problemach moi szacowni przedmówcy na tej sali mówili mądrze. Chciałbym powiedzieć, że Komisja Petycji zajmuje się zarówno problemami, powiem wprost, megapolitycznymi, bo przypomnę, że w zeszłej kadencji Komisja Petycji Parlamentu Europejskiego wskazała kierunek całemu Parlamentowi Europejskiemu, gdy chodziło o gazociąg północny Nordstream. Parlament Europejski, po wydaniu decyzji Komisji Petycji w tej sprawie, przyjął decyzję sceptyczną. Niestety, rządy państw członkowskich, czy ich część, uznała inaczej, ale Komisja Petycji Parlamentu Europejskiego zachowała się w tej sprawie niesłychanie przyzwoicie i zgodnie z intencjami obywateli państw członkowskich, którzy się z nią skontaktowali. Przypomnę jeszcze, choć może się to komuś na tej sali nie podobać, sprawę Hiszpanii, o której tutaj się mówi. I słusznie. Albo jeszcze inna słynna sprawa: Radia Cope, radia katalońskiego, któremu odmówiono koncesji i, które właśnie dzięki debatom i naciskom Komisji Petycji, wygrało bitwę z przewodniczącym Parlamentu Europejskiego Josepem Borellem i w efekcie ta koncesja temu radiu została przyznana. Mówię tutaj o konkretnych sprawach, w których Komisja Petycji była bardzo wpływowa i skuteczna.
Ale też były sprawy bardzo drobne. Powiem konkretnie o moim kraju – Polsce, gdzie obywatele skarżyli się właśnie do Komisji Petycji w kwestii sprowadzania samochodów z zagranicy, kiedy musieli płacić podwójne cła. Komisja Petycji również tą sprawą się zajęła.
Są to niesłychanie istotne, może i drobiazgowe, ale konkretne sprawy, które budują autorytet Parlamentowi Europejskiemu. Jest to niesłychanie ważne i za to należą się Komisji Petycji słowa podziękowania.
Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας EFD. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, ο κ. Chichester εισπράττει συγχαρητήρια για την καλή έκθεσή του και θα επιθυμούσα να προστεθούν και τα δικά μου.
Το έργο της Επιτροπής Αναφορών κύριε Πρόεδρε, είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντικό για την προάσπιση των δικαιωμάτων των ευρωπαίων πολιτών και των δημοκρατικών θεσμών στον χώρο της Ευρώπης.
Θετικά κρίνεται το γεγονός ότι ο αριθμός των νέων αναφορών που υποβλήθηκαν στην επιτροπή αυξήθηκε το 2011. Η επιτροπή ασχολήθηκε με ποικίλες αναφορές. Η ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία των προσώπων, η εσωτερική αγορά, τα θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα και οι ελευθερίες των πολιτών καθώς και τα περιβαλλοντικά ζητήματα, ήταν οι βασικοί τομείς που βρίσκονταν στο επίκεντρο των εργασιών της επιτροπής. Όπως αναφέρεται στην έκθεση, παρατηρείται αύξηση των αναφορών στον τομέα των οικονομικών και χρηματοπιστωτικών υποθέσεων ως απόρροια της τρέχουσας κρίσης χρέους. Στο περιεχόμενο των αναφορών που έρχονται στην επιτροπή αντικατοπτρίζεται η ανησυχία και τα θέματα που πλήττουν και απασχολούν τους ευρωπαίους πολίτες.
Σ' αυτό το πλαίσιο σημαντική κρίνεται η έκκληση για βελτίωση της δικτυακής πύλης της Επιτροπής μέσα από τον ιστότοπο του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, ώστε να ενισχυθεί η αποτελεσματικότητα, η διαφάνεια της διαδικασίας των αναφορών και η παροχή καλύτερης πληροφόρησης στους ευρωπαίους πολίτες.
Peter Jahr (PPE). - Herr Präsident! Vielen Dank an unseren Berichterstatter, Herrn Chichester, für seinen guten Bericht, der die Erfolge des Ausschusses zu würdigen weiß, aber auch das Augenmerk auf Dinge legt, nämlich unseren Petitionsausschuss, der ganz wichtig ist, und auch Dinge nennt, die zweifelsfrei zu verbessern sind. Ich freue mich sehr, dass es dem Ausschuss gelungen ist, seine gute Arbeit aus den letzten Jahren fortzusetzen. Wir bieten den europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern einen wichtigen Anlaufpunkt für den Fall, dass sie sich ungerecht behandelt fühlen. Wenn man den Bericht so durchgeht und durchschaut, dann sieht man, dass uns kein Thema unwichtig war. Wir haben wirklich eine Bandbreite von Themen. Wir sind da als Abgeordnete auch mutig, schwierige und sensible Themen zu behandeln.
Wenn man so will, stellt der Petitionsausschuss den direkten Kontakt zwischen den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern auf der einen Seite und der Europäischen Union und dem Europäischen Parlament auf der anderen sicher. Wenn wir fact-finding missions machen und vor Ort Aktionen stattfinden lassen, kommen viele das erste Mal durch den Petitionsausschuss mit dem Europäischen Parlament in Kontakt. Das allein ist es wert, dass es unseren Ausschuss auch weiterhin geben muss.
Nun noch zur Frage, die man sich ja immer stellen muss, jede Leistung, die man macht, kann durchaus noch besser werden. Was kann aus meiner Sicht noch verbessert werden? Erstens: Wir müssen dafür sorgen, die Bearbeitungszeiten zu senken. Das liegt einerseits an internen Abläufen bei uns im Ausschuss, aber auch vor allen Dingen an der langen Zeit, bis wir eine entsprechende Antwort von der Kommission bekommen. Ich weiß, auch die Kommission wartet manchmal zu lange auf die Zuarbeit von den Mitgliedstaaten, das sollte an sich schneller gehen.
Zweitens: Wir sollten die Anzahl der unzulässigen Petitionen senken. Drittens: Wir können auch noch die Zusammenarbeit mit den zuständigen Fachausschüssen verbessern. Ich möchte es einmal so formulieren: Mit unseren Hinweisen, die wir von den Bürgern bekommen und an die Fachausschüsse weitergeben, wollen wir deren Arbeit nicht behindern, sondern bereichern.
Michael Cashman (S&D). - Mr President, congratulations to Mr Chichester on this excellent report. Of course, one of the most important functions of our committee is that we are the direct interface between citizens and the institutions – and in some cases the Member States – on European issues. Often we can do no more than encourage Member States to do the right thing, and we have certainly been trying to do that in relation to Spanish property petitions but it is worthwhile recalling that since 2004 not one Spanish property petition has been successfully concluded.
Too many citizens are still the victims of expropriation and suffer the destruction of their houses on the basis of misapplied laws, whether the Ley de Costas or urbanisation laws. I welcome the setting-up of the working group to discuss these issues in relation to Spanish property law, and I hope it will be not just a talking shop but rather a constructive body making specific and effective proposals to address the very important issue of fair compensation.
Regarding freedom of movement and fundamental rights, the S&D Group has tabled an amendment which reflects, I believe, the core value of this House in that regard, namely the principle of equality. Same-sex families, the Roma and other minority groups suffer particularly from restrictions on their freedom of movement inside the EU, as we have heard on many occasions. We need to remind the Member States of the obligation under Directive 2004/38 to facilitate entry and residence without discrimination – and that applies to all.
Janusz Wojciechowski (ECR). - Panie Przewodniczący! Chciałem pogratulować panu Chichesterowi świetnego sprawozdania, a przede wszystkim wyrazić uznanie dla Komisji Petycji za wielką i bardzo ważną pracę, którą wykonuje – pracę, która trochę pozostaje w cieniu prac innych komisji, tych merytorycznych, które zajmują się projektami aktów prawnych.
Natomiast Komisja Petycji spełnia niesłychanie ważną rolę – tę rolę właśnie kontaktu, dialogu z obywatelami Unii Europejskiej. To w tej komisji można poznać, jak funkcjonuje prawo europejskie w odniesieniu do konkretnych ludzi. I to jest bardzo ważne – takie sprawdzenie, jak w praktyce funkcjonuje to prawo, które tutaj, na tej sali stanowimy. Można żałować, że Komisja Petycji nie jest oczywiście w stanie podołać wszystkim oczekiwaniom. Bardzo wielu ludzi zwraca się z petycjami, natomiast komisja jest tylko jedna i oczywiście jej praca, bardzo ważna, jest zbyt skromna w stosunku do tych potrzeb. I należałoby rozważyć tak na przyszłość, czy na przykład rozpatrywaniem petycji w jakimś zakresie nie powinny się zająć również komisje merytoryczne, aby tych petycji mogło być więcej rozpoznanych.
Sprawozdanie jest bardzo dobre, aczkolwiek trochę może brakuje w nim takiej informacji, jaka jest skuteczność tych petycji, co udało się dzięki tym petycjom zmienić, co obywatele, którzy się zwracają do Parlamentu z petycjami, dzięki temu osiągnęli.
Pragnę również zwrócić uwagę na potrzebę takiej reakcji na te petycje, które zostały uznane za niedopuszczalne. Oczywiście możliwości rozpatrywania petycji są ograniczone, one ściśle mogą dotyczyć tych spraw wynikających z prawa europejskiego, ale chodzi o to, aby ci obywatele, którzy zwracają się z petycjami – tymi, które nie mogą być rozpoznane w Parlamencie – też uzyskiwali jakąś satysfakcję. I wydaje się, że przekazywanie na przykład tych petycji do odnośnych władz krajowych z jakimś takim gestem zainteresowania się, co się z nimi dalej dzieje, byłoby też pożądaną rzeczą.
Spośród tematów, na które chciałbym, żeby komisja w przyszłości zwróciła uwagę, wskazuję problem podatków zharmonizowanych, podatku VAT. W moim kraju, w Polsce, jest dużo skarg na władze krajowe, które zdaniem skarżących – i moim zdaniem skarżący mają w tej sprawie rację – nie przestrzegają w pełni zasad prawa europejskiego i warto, żeby na te sprawy podatkowe komisja zwróciła w przyszłości uwagę.
Erminia Mazzoni (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, io non voglio entrare nel merito delle tematiche affrontate e delle criticità emerse, in quanto queste sono state compiutamente analizzate, in primis dal relatore, onorevole Chichester, che ringrazio per il lavoro svolto, e poi dai colleghi nei loro interventi.
Tirando le somme di un anno di attività, mi sento di dire che il bilancio può avere un segno positivo. Le leggere oscillazioni nel numero delle petizioni presentate, sul rapporto tra petizioni ammissibili e non ammissibili, sul totale delle petizioni chiuse con successo, dimostrano sicuramente un progressivo miglioramento dell'organizzazione dei lavori della commissione e una maggiore efficienza degli strumenti a disposizione della stessa. I dati contenuti nella relazione segnalano che le iniziative avviate per rendere migliore l'informazione ai cittadini e soprattutto più facile l'accesso agli stessi, sono delle iniziative importanti ed esse dovrebbero essere sostenute come prioritarie dal Parlamento europeo.
Il maggior numero di relazioni d'iniziativa, i pareri alle altre commissioni e le relazioni in quest'Aula segnalano un positivo apprezzamento di valore delle denunce formulate dai cittadini e anche della loro utilità per monitorare lo stato di attuazione della normativa europea e la sua efficacia. Quello che ritengo qualificante però è soprattutto il riconoscimento alla commissione petizioni del ruolo di commissione associata nella procedura relativa alle iniziative popolari, definita con il regolamento 211/2011, come ha avuto modo di segnalare il Commissario Šefčovič, che ringrazio sempre per la sua attenzione. Questo riconoscimento attribuisce all'iter burocratico per la formazione delle leggi di iniziativa popolare un carattere più democratico e più partecipato.
In definitiva direi che l'anno 2011 qualifica la commissione per le petizioni come strumento importante di supporto alla costruzione dell'Europa dei popoli.
Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (S&D). - Dziękuję Panie Przewodniczący! Komisja Petycji odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę w procesie monitorowania prawa wspólnotowego, a składane przez obywateli europejskich skargi umożliwiają Parlamentowi Europejskiemu zwrócenie uwagi na wszelkie przypadki jego naruszania. Problem nieprzestrzegania przez państwa członkowskie zapisów Karty praw podstawowych jest jednym z najczęściej pojawiających się na naszych obradach. W tym kontekście niezwykle istotne jest najnowsze orzecznictwo Trybunału Sprawiedliwości dotyczące art. 51, podkreślające, że podstawowe prawa jednostki w Unii są obecnie chronione i gwarantowane przez zapisy traktatowe. Zatem muszą być one bezwzględnie przestrzegane przez organy państw członkowskich. Dobrym krokiem było stworzenie jednego okienka dla obywateli pragnących wnieść apelacje, złożyć pozew lub otrzymać informacje, korzystając z portalu „Twoje prawa w Unii Europejskiej”. Inicjatywa ta w połączeniu z nowym portalem petycji zaprocentuje dalszym przybliżeniem procedur Parlamentu Europejskiego i Komisji obywatelom Unii, zwiększając potencjalnie ilość petycjonariuszy. Gratulując sprawozdawcy, pragnę jednocześnie podkreślić dalszą potrzebę monitorowania implementacji prawa europejskiego w Unii Europejskiej, zwłaszcza w dziedzinie prawa środowiskowego, sprawiedliwości oraz rynku wewnętrznego, gdyż petycje otrzymane w 2011 r. dotyczyły w przeważającej większości naruszeń prawa właśnie w tych obszarach. Dziękuję.
Seán Kelly (PPE). - A Uachtaráin, ar dtús ba mhaith liom an tUasal Chichester a mholadh as ucht an dea-obair atá déanta aige agus freisin mo chomhghleacaí Marian Harkin atá ina ball den choiste seo agus a thugann a lán cabhrach domsa agus do a lán daoine eile.
Mr President, it is interesting that in 2011 just two short of a thousand petitions were admissible. That is a lot of petitions and an awful lot of work and I think that we should acknowledge that and compliment those involved in dealing with these issues because they take a lot of time.
I had the privilege of making one of those petitions on behalf of my constituents in Haulbowline in Cork Harbour under the Waste Framework Directive. For six years they had gotten nowhere with their complaints. There was a toxic site, nobody listened to them, the responsibility was passed from Jack to Billy and Billy to Jack and as a result nothing happened. Yet in that area because of the presence of chromium VI and because the site was toxic it had a 37 % higher cancer rate than the rest of the country.
Thankfully, the Petitions Committee met, made a decision and as result of that the Government was given three months to clean up the site, for which EUR 40 million had been donated and the site has now been cleaned up – a perfect example of the way the Petitions Committee works. I would like to see that expanded and also made more available to citizens so that they can see the benefits of the Petitions Committee.
Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (S&D). - Tisztelt Šefčovič biztos úr, kollégák! A Petíciós Bizottság az Európai Parlament, sok tekintetben az egész Európai Unió, lelkiismerete. Számos európai polgár számára a végső mentsvár, menedék jogai megvédésében. Ezért nagyon fontos, hogy jól végezze a munkáját, és teljesen egyetértek Chichester úr jelentésével, a Petíciós Bizottság kiváló szakmai és politikai munkát végez, és nagyon fontos, hogy egyre erősebb az összhang az Európai Bizottság és a Petíciós Bizottság között. Erre annál is inkább szükség van, mert az elmúlt években megszaporodtak a demokratikus alapjogok megsértésével kapcsolatos petíciók. Sajnálatos, hogy az elmúlt hónapokban számos petíció érkezett hazámból, Magyarországról a Bizottsághoz, mert a magyar kormány visszamenőleges hatállyal felszámolta a korkedvezményes és szolgálati rokkantsági nyugdíjakat, valamint a rendszeres szociális járadékban részesülők támogatását és a rendvédelmi dolgozók támogatását. Bízom benne, hogy ezekben a kérdésekben a Petíciós Bizottság érdemi segítséget fog nyújtani azoknak, akiknek az elemi emberi jogait megsértették.
Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE). - Panie Przewodniczący! W 2011 r. nasza praca w Komisji Petycji koncentrowała się przede wszystkim na dwóch zagadnieniach: ochronie środowiska i ochronie praw podstawowych. W tym roku, podobnie jak w poprzednich latach, wzrosła liczba składających petycje do 1414. Niestety aż 416 z nich zostało uznanych za niedopuszczalne. W związku z tym niezbędne jest zwiększenie starań na rzecz informowania obywateli o zakresie ram prawnych, w których działa nasza komisja.
Z zadowoleniem obserwuję decyzję Parlamentu o zaangażowaniu Komisji Petycji w każde wysłuchanie dotyczące pomyślnie przeprowadzonej europejskiej inicjatywy obywatelskiej. Towarzyszenie komisji prowadzącej, która jest przedmiotowo właściwa w danej sprawie, świadczy o potwierdzeniu statusu Komisji Petycji jako organu najbardziej doświadczonego w relacjach z mieszkańcami Unii Europejskiej.
Podsumowując, chciałbym podkreślić ważność decyzji o wprowadzeniu rozwiązań technologicznych usprawniających dostęp obywateli do składania petycji, między innymi opracowanie bardziej przejrzystego i praktycznego portalu na swojej stronie, a także utworzenie „jednego okienka” dla obywateli szukających informacji lub pragnących wnieść apelację.
Kinga Göncz (S&D). - Én is gratulálok a kitűnő jelentéshez. A petíciók növekvő száma fontos jelzés. Közös értékeink tiszteletben tartása még mindig sok kívánnivalót hagy maga után az Unióban. Egyre több európai polgár ismeri a jogait, élni is kíván azokkal, és tud arról, hogy petícióval fordulhat a bizottsághoz, az Európai Parlamenthez, hogyha alapvető jogait sérelem éri, hogyha hátrányos megkülönböztetés éri. A petíciók számának szaporodása egy-egy területen érzékenyen jelzi a nemzeti korlátozások növekedését, a jogsértéseket. 2011-ben például a sajtó és a véleménynyilvánítás szabadságát érintő petíciók száma az előző évi 26-ról 131-re emelkedett. A célunk az kell legyen, hogy a panaszokat ne csak megválaszoljuk, hanem valódi megoldások is szülessenek a petíciók témájában a Petíciós Bizottság és az Európai Bizottság együttműködésében.
Philippe Boulland (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, la commission des pétitions a acquis cette année le droit d'être automatiquement associée pour l'audition des initiatives citoyennes européennes. C'est, pour moi, le signal fort de l'année 2011 pour cette commission. Les citoyens savaient en effet déjà à quelle commission s'adresser en cas de non-respect de leurs droits, mais c'est aussi désormais le cas lorsqu'ils auront des propositions pour améliorer la législation européenne. Je souhaite que la commission des pétitions puisse ainsi être considérée de plus en plus souvent comme l'interlocuteur privilégié des citoyens au Parlement européen.
Ce problème de considération se rencontre également dans les résultats des prises de position de la commission des pétitions. Trop souvent, nous sommes interpelés par des citoyens qui font face à des imbroglios juridiques sur lesquels nous souhaiterions prendre position; mais alors que les problèmes sont européens, alors que les solutions devraient être européennes, nous restons impuissants, car la subsidiarité ne se conjugue toujours pas avec des solutions européennes, et ce par manque de volonté nationale.
Je prendrai l'exemple difficile des divorces transnationaux: les problèmes sont à la fois nationaux et européens, lorsque les droits de garde ou de visite dépassent les frontières nationales, celles de l'Allemagne en l'occurrence. Malgré les difficultés flagrantes pour de nombreux parents de voir leurs enfants nés d'une union binationale, nous restons, au Parlement, encore impuissants à agir.
Ma proposition pour que tous les citoyens européens aient le droit à un médiateur national, surtout en provenance d'Allemagne – qui envoie énormément de pétitions –, sur le modèle du défenseur des droits en France, n'a été suivie d'aucun effet. Pourtant, dans le cas des divorces transnationaux, cela reste une solution conciliant problématique européenne et solution nationale. Dans de nombreux cas, le droit européen semble impuissant à répondre aux attentes des citoyens. L'année européenne de la ... 2013 devra s'occuper des doléances des citoyens, des ... du divorce mais il nous faut des moyens d'agir pour être ...
(Le Président coupe le micro de l'orateur)
Elena Băsescu (PPE). - Ca vicepreşedintă a Comisiei pentru petiţii, am ajuns la concluzia că depunerea de petiţii poate fi cea mai bună metodă pentru aducerea în dezbaterea publică a problemelor cu care se confruntă simplii cetăţeni vizavi de nedreptăţile făcute de către autorităţi. În anul 2011, majoritatea petiţiilor depuse au vizat chestiuni de drepturi fundamentale.
Un lucru cu care nu sunt de acord şi sper că, pe viitor, se va remedia este faptul că prea multe petiţii conţin subiecte politice care, oricum, ţin de competenţa naţională şi nu comunitară şi care ar trebui să nu fie declarate admisibile din start. Câteva exemple ar fi subiecte ca: libertatea presei, exploatarea pe bază de cianură de la Roşia Montană, câinii comunitari şi, mai nou, exploatarea gazelor de şist. Îmi doresc ca, pe viitor, admisibilitatea unor astfel de petiţii să fie mai temeinic analizată, să se discearnă mai clar când subiecte politice pe ordinea de zi dintr-un stat membru sunt aduse în Comisia pentru petiţii.
Aşa cum s-a încercat şi politizarea vizitei Comisiei PETI în România, la fel se întâmplă şi cu majoritatea vizitelor de documentare în celelalte state membre. Ca membri ai Parlamentului, fiecare aparţinem unui partid politic, însă ar trebui să folosim această comisie doar în interesul cetăţenilor şi nu pentru a servi intereselor de partid, pentru a ataca sau a apăra guvernul aflat la putere într-un stat membru.
Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, first I would like to thank Mr Chichester, the Committee on Petitions and Mrs Mazzoni once again for their excellent work and cooperation with the Commission. We will of course try to work together on the deepening of this cooperation and also on how we could express it even more explicitly. Therefore we would like to include next year – especially in the report on the application of European law as mentioned in my introductory remarks – the very valuable input we received from the Committee on Petitions, indicating citizens’ complaints concerning the applicability, application and respect for European law.
From this debate, I would also like highlight how much we appreciate the European Parliament’s plan to upgrade the website, with a focus on the Commission’s reply. I believe this would complete the picture, showing what happened with a petition and how the committee dealt with it as well as the input and response from the Commission. So this is an excellent initiative and of course we very much look forward to cooperating with you on these issues.
Because of the time restrictions I can only respond to two issues, which were probably those mentioned most often. The first one relates to the environmental petitions and to the speech made by Mr Boştinaru concerning the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive. It is true that the proposal was adopted on 26 October 2012. We would like to make the process through this new proposal shorter, with clear timelines, but also much stronger with regard to the quality of air reports through the use of accredited experts and mandatory assessment of the reasonable alternatives. I believe that this would also give a bit of clarity to the process and strong assurances to citizens that all the environmental impacts are assessed properly.
Concerning the Spanish coastal law, which was raised by Mrs Auken and Mr Cashman, I would just like to inform you that the Commission has raised the issue with the Spanish authorities on several occasions in recent years because we have been aware that the number of complaints is actually very high, not only from Spanish but also from EU citizens. We are still keeping a very close eye on this issue, especially on the new draft law which was proposed. We are in contact with the Spanish authorities and of course the Commission will follow the process leading to the adoption of the law very carefully and will look at the final text to see whether it affects EU law or not.
Giles Chichester, rapporteur. − Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner, and indeed may I thank all honourable Members for their very kind words. I feel I need some special friend standing close by whispering in my ear ‘Remember you are only mortal’, but can I also thank all the colleagues for their cooperation in this report. It shows the good spirit in the committee, as well as a recognition of the important work that we do. I would like to say a special word of thanks to the Commission; a number of colleagues have mentioned the important part that the Commission plays in responding to our demands for information and action. You may not always satisfy us but we know you are always trying to do so and we thank you for that.
This report – and I have to say I am most impressed at the number of Members wishing to speak this evening – illustrates the importance which Members attach to the Petitions Committee and to our work. It is a vital platform for the citizens of the EU to air their concerns. If I may just pick up one point that Ms Auken has raised – in slight complaint, which is very healthy; perhaps she is the person whispering in my ear – with regard to the comment about the Spanish authorities: I aim to be as polite to the Spanish authorities as I expect them to be to my constituents in Gibraltar, but I would like to point out that the text in the report says ‘welcomes the Spanish Government’s announcement’, so the jury is still out on the delivery and I think that is an important distinction to make. I would like to thank everybody, and thank you very much, Mr President.
President. − The debate is closed.
The vote will take place tomorrow (Wednesday, 21 November 2012).
Written statements (Rule 149)
Zoltán Bagó (PPE), írásban. – Egyértemű és nem vitatható ténykérdés, hogy a Petíciós Bizottság egyre növekvő szerepe az Európai Parlamentben pontosan igazolja és tükrözi, hogy az európai polgárok komolyan gondolják az EU intézményével folytatott dialógust és a közvetlen részvételt. Mind a jelentésben összegzett témák, mind azok száma nem hagy kétséget arról, hogy újra kell gondolni és a jelentésben megfogalmazottak szerint kiemeltebb szerepet és nagyobb hatáskört kell adni a Petíciós Bizottságnak. Ennek súlyát és okát egyébként nemcsak az imént megfogalmazottak miatt, hanem ettől függetlenül két más tényezőben is. Egyrészről a megfogalmazott és meghirdetett "Több Európa" iránya is ezt indokolja, hiszen elképzelhetetlen egy olyan politikai és strukturális képviselet, ahol a képviselt polgár és a képviselő között egy gyenge és hatáskör nélküli bizottság tölti be a közvetítő szerepet. Másrészről, az egyes tagállamokban egyre erőteljesebben jelentkező euroszkepticizmus éppen a hatékony és eredménytelen dialógus következménye. Összegezve: A jelentéssel mind tartalmában, mind jelezett és elvárható céljaival egyetértek és azt maradéktalanul támogatom. Legyen ez egy valódi kapcsolattartási pont, amely önálló és egyértelmű szereppel rendelkezik.