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Procedūra : 2011/0206(COD)
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Debates :

PV 21/11/2012 - 17
CRE 21/11/2012 - 17

Balsojumi :

PV 22/11/2012 - 13.1
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Debašu stenogramma
Trešdiena, 2012. gada 21. novembris - Strasbūra

17. Baltijas laša krājums un zvejniecības, kas šo krājumu izmanto - Zvejas resursu saglabāšana, izmantojot tehniskos līdzekļus jūras organismu mazuļu aizsardzībai - Haizivju spuru atdalīšana uz kuģiem - Mazapjoma un nerūpnieciskā zveja un kopējās zivsaimniecības politikas reforma - Kopējās zivsaimniecības politikas ārējā dimensija (debates)
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  Πρόεδρος. - Το επόμενο σημείο είναι η κοινή συζήτηση σχετικά με

- την έκθεση του Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Αλιείας, που αφορά τη θέσπιση πολυετούς σχεδίου για το απόθεμα σολομού της Βαλτικής και την αλιευτική εκμετάλλευση του συγκεκριμένου αποθέματος

[COM(2011)0470 - C7-0220/2011 - 2011/0206(COD)] (A7-0239/2012)

- την έκθεση του Pat the Cope Gallagher, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Αλιείας, για την τροποποίηση του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 850/98 του Συμβουλίου για τη διατήρηση των αλιευτικών πόρων μέσω τεχνικών μέτρων προστασίας των νεαρών θαλάσσιων οργανισμών και την κατάργηση του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1288/2009 του Συμβουλίου

[COM(2012)0298 - C7-0156/2012 - 2012/0158(COD)] (A7-0342/2012)

- την έκθεση του Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Αλιείας, για την τροποποίηση του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1185/2003 σχετικά με την αφαίρεση πτερυγίων καρχαρία επί του σκάφους

[COM(2011)0798 - C7-0431/2011 - 2011/0364(COD)] (A7-0295/2012)

- την έκθεση του João Ferreira, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Αλιείας, που αφορά την παράκτια αλιεία, την παραδοσιακή αλιεία και τη μεταρρύθμιση της κοινής αλιευτικής πολιτικής

[2011/2292(INI)] (A7-0291/2012)

- την έκθεση της Isabella Lövin, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Αλιείας, που αφορά την εξωτερική διάσταση της Κοινής Αλιευτικής Πολιτικής

[COM(2011)0424 - - 2011/2318(INI)] (A7-0290/2012)


  Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, sprawozdawca. − Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! Wieloletni plan ochrony łososia bałtyckiego jest niezwykle ważnym elementem zarządzania zasobami morskimi w kontekście wspólnej polityki rybołówstwa. Muszę odnieść się do roli wieloletnich planów zarządzania oraz do impasu, jaki ma miejsce w Radzie, który blokuje ich wdrożenie. Omawiana regulacja kompleksowo reguluje ochronę łososia na Morzu Bałtyckim, obejmując nowe obszary oraz zagadnienia do tej pory nieujęte we wspólnej polityce rybołówstwa. Przy tej okazji chciałem nadmienić, że przeprowadzono zakrojone na szeroką skalę konsultacje z zainteresowanymi stronami. Z powodu ograniczeń czasowych skupię się jedynie na kilku.

Jednym z zasadniczych zagadnień ujętych w tym sprawozdaniu jest rybołówstwo rekreacyjne, do tej pory nieuregulowane, a w sposób znaczący wpływające na stan zasobów. Brak regulacji spowodował niekontrolowany rozwój połowów rekreacyjnych w niektórych krajach, a w wyniku wprowadzenia specyficznych nazw jednostek, np. statek serwisowy, znalazły się one poza kontrolą, co przyczyniło się do wzrostu nieraportowalnych połowów łososia bałtyckiego. Znane są także przypadki, kiedy w połowach rekreacyjnych używano zaawansowanych narzędzi połowowych, takich jak sieci ciągnione. Państwa członkowskie nie wywiązywały się z zobowiązań przekazywania odpowiednich informacji o połowach, przez co stan zasobów łososia w Morzu Bałtyckim nie jest właściwie oszacowany.

Drugim zagadnieniem nieujętym w istniejących regulacjach jest wpływ drapieżników na populację łososia bałtyckiego. Brak bowiem jest odpowiednich opracowań i miarodajnych badań, które charakteryzowałyby zależności między drapieżnikami a populacją łososia. Sprawozdanie to wyszczególnia badania, które powinny być wykonane w celu określenia zależności oraz prawidłowej oceny zasobów.

Kolejnym ważnym zagadnieniem jest reprodukcja łososia bałtyckiego. W obecnej sytuacji mamy do czynienia ze spadkiem populacji łososia, a próba ustanowienia sztywnych granic hamujących możliwość reprodukcji nie jest dobrym rozwiązaniem, ponieważ może przyczynić się do dalszego spadku populacji. Trzeba zachować możliwość elastycznego sposobu realizacji zarybień, dostosowanej do bieżącego stanu zasobów.

Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! Dotychczasowa wspólna polityka rybołówstwa nie ma najlepszych ocen, przeciwnie – ofiarą jej realizacji padło środowisko naturalne wraz z zasobami, rybacy oraz społeczność nadmorska. Plany wieloletnie ochrony gatunku, a przede wszystkim nowa wspólna polityka rybołówstwa mają stanowić wyjście z obecnej, diametralnie złej sytuacji. Jest to jedyna droga wyjścia z kryzysu, która powinna zostać zaakceptowana przez Komisję, Radę i Parlament Europejski. Dopiero wtedy damy radę i damy szansę na dokonanie zmian.

Teraz, w tym momencie, chciałem zwrócić się do Rady z pytaniem, czy będziemy mieli szansę dalszego procedowania w ramach procedury współdecyzji. Czy w dalszym ciągu będzie trwała blokada, którą Rada obecnie realizuje wobec Parlamentu w poszczególnych uzgodnieniach? Niestety, nie mamy takiej szansy, ponieważ Rada prawdopodobnie już podjęła decyzję i jej po prostu nie ma.


  Pat the Cope Gallagher, rapporteur. − Technical conservation measures are rules which our fishermen throughout the Union must follow on a daily basis when undertaking a fishing expedition. The purpose of imposing these measures or rules on our fishermen is very simple: it is to lay down how and where fishing activity should be carried out and to ensure that it is done in a sustainable manner. Ultimately, these measures are designed to ensure that our fish stocks are exploited in a sustainable way and that the eco-systems in which the fish live are well maintained.

However, in order for these measures to work effectively and to deliver on stated objectives, these measures must be formulated and designed in tune with the evolving nature of fisheries management and, importantly, must be based on scientific advice.

Following my appointment as rapporteur by the Committee on Fisheries, I prepared my draft report under time constraints, bearing in mind that the Commission proposal was published in late June and the existing transitional measures expire on 31 December next. There were limited opportunities to fully debate the report in committee, which was unfortunate. I am therefore very grateful for the close collaboration and support I received from the shadow rapporteurs and, indeed, the entire committee.

The report approved by the committee on 10 October included several key changes which specifically amended poorly conceived – and I believe inappropriate – technical measures. These amendments are fully justified and supported by clear scientific advice.

I then received a mandate from the committee to negotiate with the Council Presidency. The trialogue negotiations concluded following an informal exchange when the trialogue went into recess. After the trialogue meeting, a misunderstanding developed concerning the agreement. The shadows met and a joint response by the shadows was sent to the Presidency, in which we outlined our red-lined, but reasonable, areas.

I am pleased that we now have an agreement in place which serves the best interests of our fishermen, coastal communities, sustainable fisheries and the consumer.

The majority of the amendments contained in the agreement relate to the ICES area VIa, which is located on the north-west coast of Scotland and the north-west coast of Ireland where, in 2009, a cod recovery plan was introduced. Regrettably, the measures for cod recovery have caused major difficulties for fishermen off the coast of my own country by stopping traditional fisheries which, although they do not target cod, have of course suffered as a result of this.

I would like to take this opportunity to outline several key aspects of the agreement. The agreement permits the use of gill nets and tangle nets south of 59° north within the defined area for cod recovery. The gear type is both eco-friendly and sustainable, and will not target cod in the defined area. This means that small inshore and island fishermen from the north-west will no longer have to steam 50 miles into treacherous Atlantic waters in small vessels. The fishermen will be able to target lesser spotted dogfish and haddock with gill and tangle nets within three miles of the coastline for ten days per month. Lesser spotted dogfish are not caught for human consumption, but can be used as bait for lobster and crab pots. The agreement removed the by-catch provision for haddock and whiting, which is causing a major discarding problem. It will now once again be possible to have targeted fishery for these three species.

The agreement also ensures that non-Irish boats will be prevented from fishing in the Greencastle Box, which is closed from October to March each year. I have a few other points to make but will take the opportunity to do so later in the debate.


  Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, relatora. − Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, este relatório não é sobre finning. Finning é uma prática abominável de captura do tubarão para remoção das barbatanas e rejeição do corpo, proibida na União Europeia desde 2003. A proposta da Comissão é eliminar a derrogação, não ao finning, mas ao corte das barbatanas a bordo, permitida mediante uma autorização especial, devendo o armador manter, desembarcar e comercializar todas as partes do animal capturado.

Os armadores querem continuar a cortar as barbatanas a bordo. Porquê? Cortando as barbatanas podem armazenar separadamente barbatanas e corpos, o que poupa espaço, para armazenamento a bordo, e permite aumentar a duração de cada viagem e o tempo de pesca disponível. Logo, reduz as vindas a terra, assim poupando combustível e diminuindo as emissões poluentes, evita o descongelamento parcial do tubarão em terra para separar barbatanas e corpos, que têm mercados distintos, e depois o seu posterior recongelamento. Assim, preserva-se a qualidade do peixe, salvaguarda-se a saúde do consumidor e não se diminui o valor do pescado.

Estes argumentos eram legítimos para a Comissão em 2003. O que mudou? Porque é que a Comissão se lembrou de avançar com esta iniciativa? Porque a frota europeia pratica finning? Não! Em 2005 e 2006, a Comissão e o Parlamento confirmaram a inexistência de finning, e hoje, frequentemente instadas a apresentarem provas de finning, nem a Comissão nem as ONG o conseguiram fazer.

Num workshop em maio, a representante da Shark Alliance afirmou publicamente que não era a frota europeia a praticar o finning. Então, porque as espécies que a frota europeia captura estão em risco? Não! 90 % das capturas europeias são de tintureira, uma espécie com uma produtividade biológica ímpar. A Comissão tem dito que é para acabar com o finning, gerando deliberadamente a confusão na opinião pública. Ao mesmo tempo, instada a justificá-lo, diz que afinal são suspeitas, e ousa pretender legislar com base em suspeitas.

Não obstante a aberração desta posição e o grave precedente que abre, procurei apresentar propostas que respondessem a todas as preocupações formuladas. Se há suspeitas de finning, reforcemos o controlo. Propus a obrigatoriedade de desembarque simultâneo de barbatanas e corpos em todos os portos e a contratação por parte dos armadores de uma entidade independente para controlo dos desembarques nos portos em que o controlo não esteja assegurado.

Se o problema é a derrogação, limitemo-la. Propus que a derrogação se aplicasse apenas aos barcos congeladores, excluindo os de fresco. Se a preocupação é com os stocks de tubarões, criemos condições para obter dados científicos. Propus as bases de um plano de ação para os tubarões, com a obrigatoriedade de extensa recolha de dados sobre todas as espécies capturadas.

A Comissão a tudo disse não.

Entretanto, no seu estranho empenho em avançar com esta proposta, esqueceu-se de avaliar os impactos socioeconómicos. O setor fê-lo, e numa estimativa mínima calculou 14 milhões de prejuízos por ano para a frota ibérica.

A proposta da Comissária é injustificada, prejudicial, e o conjunto das propostas que apresentei respondem cabalmente a todas as suspeitas e preocupações.

Então, porque é que estas propostas não obtêm unanimidade, em vez de virem a ser chumbadas amanhã pelo Parlamento? É aqui que importa denunciar veementemente a campanha de desinformação iniciada pela Comissão e prosseguida militantemente pelas ONG, que, neste caso concreto, esqueceram a nobreza da sua missão de cidadania e recorreram às meias verdades que conduzem a conclusões falsas, a mentiras explícitas, à pressão da presença constante dos mails, das circulares, mas também ao terrorismo político da identificação persecutória daqueles que pensam diferentemente e à sua difamação pessoal nas redes sociais.

A pressão das ONG e o desinteresse nacional nesta pescaria leva muitos deputados a optarem pelo voto confortável. Saímos todos a perder. Na véspera da reforma da PCP, que conduzirá inevitavelmente a fortes custos económicos e sociais, a frota vê-se penalizada com um prejuízo adicional. A Comissão ilude-se, julgando que pode fazer reformas contra o setor, que a veem como uma segunda Comissária do Ambiente e se reconhecem órfãos, rebelando-se no futuro pelos meios que tiverem ao seu dispor. As ONG que deviam proteger os tubarões ficam a perder, porque rompem a atual excelente relação dos armadores com os cientistas e inviabilizam a extensa recolha de dados e um plano de ação para tubarões. Os deputados que votarem por comodismo ficam cada vez mais reféns das ONG. Lamento por todos.


  João Ferreira, relator. − Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, este relatório sobre a pequena pesca costeira e a pesca artesanal era necessário por duas razões.

Em primeiro lugar, se é relativamente consensual o desastre em que resultou a atual política comum de pescas, não podemos esquecer que esse desastre é hoje sentido de modo particularmente vivo pelos segmentos de frota mais débeis, pela pesca de pequena escala e pelas comunidades costeiras dela mais dependentes.

Em segundo lugar, porque as propostas da Comissão Europeia para a reforma da política comum de pescas não apenas não resolvem estes problemas como contêm novos elementos de preocupação e de ameaça para o futuro da pesca de pequena escala.

Este relatório, por um lado, procurou contribuir para uma abordagem global à reforma da PCP mais favorável à pequena pesca, para uma melhor consideração do que são os seus problemas, mas também o seu potencial, de forma a aproveitá-lo tão plenamente quanto possível.

Por outro lado, avança-se com propostas concretas, de alcance diverso, de apoio à pequena pesca. Permitam-me que aqui destaque alguns pontos do relatório e algumas das suas propostas.

A defesa de uma descentralização significativa da gestão das pescas. Uma gestão de proximidade que ponha fim à gestão centralizada que prevaleceu ao longo dos últimos 30 anos com os resultados conhecidos. A recusa de um modelo único de gestão para todos os Estados-Membros, como as concessões de pesca transferíveis. Um aumento da comparticipação comunitária no financiamento da aquisição, tratamento e disponibilização de dados biológicos. A defesa de uma discriminação positiva dos segmentos e operadores que utilizem artes e equipamentos mais seletivos, de menor impacto nos recursos e no ambiente marinho, e que apresentem maiores benefícios para as comunidades em que se inserem ao nível da geração de emprego e da qualidade desse emprego. A necessidade de um instrumento financeiro destinado às regiões ultraperiféricas que conserve o princípio da majoração da intensidade dos apoios. Também o financiamento de ações pelo Fundo Europeu das Pescas e dos Assuntos Marítimos. Ações, entre outros, nos seguintes domínios: a melhoria das condições de segurança e de trabalho a bordo, das condições de conservação do pescado e da eficiência energética das embarcações; a promoção do rejuvenescimento do setor, com a entrada e manutenção de jovens na atividade; o apoio à construção de infraestruturas, como portos de pesca e instalações para o desembarque, armazenamento e venda dos produtos da pesca; o apoio a formas de organização, associação e cooperação dos profissionais do setor; a promoção do papel das mulheres na pesca e a valorização das atividades desenvolvidas em terra.

Mais propostas: a criação de mecanismos de apoio para situações de emergência, como catástrofes naturais e provocadas pelo Homem; paragens forçadas de atividade, determinadas por planos de reconstituição de stocks ou aumento súbito de preço dos combustíveis; a instauração de compensações financeiras durante os períodos de paragem biológica; a possibilidade de áreas de reserva de acesso exclusivo para a pequena pesca; a defesa dos instrumentos públicos de regulação dos mercados ainda existentes; a defesa de mecanismos que promovam uma justa e adequada distribuição do valor acrescentado ao longo da cadeia de valor do setor.

Tudo isto são propostas deste relatório, entre outras. Estas são algumas das mais relevantes, para as quais peço o vosso apoio. Algumas delas corrigem falhas graves da proposta da Comissão. Não bastam altissonantes proclamações em defesa da pequena pesca. É necessário que estas proclamações se traduzam num compromisso concreto de apoio às medidas necessárias para ajudar a resolver os graves problemas que hoje enfrenta a pequena pesca costeira e a pesca artesanal.


  Isabella Lövin, rapporteur. − Mr President, as the rapporteur on the international dimension of the common fisheries policy reform, I am quite proud today to say that ‘we have actually done it’!

In the almost unanimous vote in the Committee on Fisheries, colleagues supported, and to a large extent improved, my draft report, so that it now clearly sets out the future principles for the EU external fishing fleet and how it can be sustainable in all its activities. It shows how the EU can become a leader by setting an example of responsible behaviour by a long-distance fishing nation, worldwide.

What we have achieved is quite remarkable. We reached a consensus that the EU should negotiate a fisheries agreement only where there is a clearly and scientifically-proven surplus of fish that is not needed by local fishermen or people in the region. Of course, the fish stocks must also be in good condition. We agreed that the same rules – for instance, on discarding fish – should apply to EU vessels whether they are operating inside or outside the Union. We also agreed to introduce a human rights clause into fisheries agreements so that, if there is a serious violation of human rights in a third country, the protocols shall be suspended. We stated the need to decouple access fees from the money for so-called sectoral support in a clear way, so that poor countries should not be tempted to sell more fish in order to get more development aid.

Widespread support was also shown for the concept of regional agreements. The EU should not use its strength to negotiate agreements with countries in developing parts of the world one by one, but rather should encourage regional cooperation, which would lead to better management of fishery resources and transparency on total catches. We also recognise that the EU and its Member States have responsibilities in relation to the many private operators owned by EU interests, but often flying other flags, that are fishing all over the world. The committee also recognised our heavy responsibility as the greatest fish consumer market in the world, importing and eating 11% of all the world’s catches in terms of volume.

I do not want to hide the fact that there is some controversial content in the report and that the biggest group in Parliament is still trying to get these things out of tomorrow’s vote – the anti-flag hopping clause, for example, the exclusivity clause and the statement that vessel owners should pay a considerable market-based share of the access fees.

I regret this and I really hope that those – even in the EPP Group – who want to see the EU leading by example on issues relating to environmental sustainability, fair trade and respect for human rights, will not try to delete the paragraphs in question. One paragraph that I would like to emphasise is paragraph 7, which is about greater coordination inside the Commission and among Member States. That is really necessary if we are to achieve policy coherence on development, in accordance with Article 208 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. We cannot have the EU negotiating a fisheries agreement and using development aid and trade agreements as a means of pressure to push through access to fishing grounds in developing countries.

I believe we have a great report here that can not only change the impact of the EU on the world’s oceans, but could also change how all distance-fishing nations behave. If we can show that the EU is willing to change, poor countries will have an easier time stipulating conditions for other distance-fishing nations. With this report we have started a race to the top in terms of good standards.

I want to thank all the shadow rapporteurs, the assistants and advisers who helped with the report. We have the promise here of a great success.


  Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, first I would like to thank all rapporteurs for their reports and not only the rapporteurs of course, but also the shadow rapporteurs and the Committee on Fisheries as a whole. It is obvious that a lot of work has been done here on very important issues and I am very happy to see that the fisheries policy draws the attention of more and more Members of this House. I do not have the time unfortunately to refer to all the issues raised by the rapporteur, so let me focus on some points.

My first point concerns the multiannual plan for the Baltic salmon stock. Of course, I would like to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Gróbarczyk, and I would like to say that we welcome Parliament’s endorsement that this stock should be managed according to the principle of maximum sustainable yield. It seems very easy now to refer to maximum sustainable yield, but I would like to remind all of you that it was not like this years ago; we have made progress here and we have done this together. I also welcome the ideas mentioned by the rapporteur that would increase the protection of the stocks like higher smolt production targets in rivers. This is very very encouraging and we have to work together to see this excellent work implemented.

With regard to the proposal on transitional technical measures: I would like to thank Mr Gallagher for his work but I would also like to underline that he has made a tremendous effort to make this agreement possible in time. This is very important considering the time constraints he had to face. I would like to say that the discontinuation of these measures (even temporarily) would have negative consequences for the conservation of some stocks and for vulnerable marine habitats, so I am very pleased that agreement was found on this proposal. Difficult and technical issues were handled by all of you and I think that we have achieved a high-level of conservation for these stocks.

Let me move now to the shark finning proposal; I think that we all agree – we have to agree, after all, because this is the reality – that we have to eradicate the horrendous practice of shark finning and protect sharks better. We need to do that one way or another, but we really need to do that. Our current rules allow shark fins to be removed on board and these rules are very difficult to control in practice. We cannot have a civil servant on every boat; this is impossible. Even if we wanted it, it would be impossible. So these rules do not provide sufficient safeguards to avoid the removal of fins and carcasses being discarded. I believe that rules that cannot be controlled in practice are just not good enough. It is therefore essential that all sharks are landed with their fins still attached, without any derogations.

I would like to remind you that many important shark fishing nations have already adopted fins-attached laws. We are not the first here. We are the followers rather, and their fishermen, the other nations’ fishermen, have shown that this is possible, while remaining profitable. So we can also do it. Some European fleets have also voluntarily adopted a fins-attached practice without complaining about additional costs. Regional Fisheries Management Organisations are also moving towards fins-attached rules. So there is a general tendency here. I hope that this House will support the Commission to close any remaining loopholes in the rules.

Let me now say a few words on a very important own-initiative report: the report about small-scale fisheries. Small-scale fisheries are extremely important in Union fisheries. I do not have the time to refer to figures but they are in the report one way or another. So I would like just to say that over three out of four European vessels are small-scale coastal vessels, generating jobs and income, and contributing to the social fabric of our coastal communities. So it is not only about money, it is also about the real life of coastal areas.

Small-scale fisheries are also likely to benefit the most from a reformed fisheries policy based on a clear and time-bound obligation to manage stocks at maximum sustainable levels and to eliminate discards. Why? Because these small-scale fisheries are the most vulnerable segments of our fisheries industry and if the fish are in good health, then the small-scale fisheries can take advantage of it. They are also likely to benefit from the introduction of fish stock recovery areas in territorial waters. I am therefore looking favourably at the idea of fish stock recovery areas as a conservation tool. Small-scale fisheries can also take advantage of these, too.

Our reform proposals place a special emphasis on small-scale fleets: we relieve small vessels from administrative and unnecessary financial burden; we differentiate fleet capacity management; we provide specific support from our new financial instrument. I would like to thank Mr Ferreira for his report, which highlights many important elements and I would like to say that some of these elements are already there in our reform proposal, for example the better funding, for example, the market rules. Very important for small-scale fisheries.

I am grateful for your constructive contributions on the role of small-scale fishing in the future policy and I would like to underline that I really am trying, the Commission is trying, to change the pattern here and really help small vessels.

Last, but certainly not least, I would like to congratulate Mrs Lövin for her report on the external dimension of the common fisheries policy. This is a very important issue. This is a part of the reform we are trying to introduce and I can say also that I am really proud that Parliament and the Fisheries Committee, and almost all of you, have supported it.

This report is also important because it looks beyond the common fisheries policy into other policies, other areas that have an important impact on the sustainable management of international fisheries resources, such as trade and foreign policy. So, here about trade and foreign policy, there is a lot of work to be done with other services, with other committees, and I am very happy that we have gone through it.

I am very pleased that Parliament shows broad support for bold external action for sustainable fisheries management worldwide. This will improve our standing as an important fishing and market entity for sound and efficient fisheries management. We need this worldwide image. European fisheries policy needs this new image. It will also strengthen our position in negotiations with third parties to move forward the sustainability agenda and the global fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

As you know, last week, the Commission initiated a procedure against eight countries for failing to address illegal fishing. I would like to thank Parliament for its support on this file. So we have to move to the international handling of this very important issue and we need the credentials, let me put it this way, we need the credentials of a new international aspect in our fisheries policy to do so.

I also welcome that the report endorses the need for bilateral agreements; this is very important. We need the bilateral agreements and we need a new generation of new bilateral agreements that would lead to a stable and transparent framework for both our partners and our industry. In particular, I appreciate that Parliament supports our proposal that the European fishing industry should take over a more important financial share of the costs when acquiring access rights to non-EU fishing zones.

I would like once again to thank all the rapporteurs and the speakers for their contributions.


  Andrea Zanoni, relatore per parere della commissione per l'ambiente, la sanità pubblica e la sicurezza alimentare. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, basta con il finning! Basta con le catture indiscriminate di squali per asportare la preziosa e ricercatissima pinna per poi rigettare l'ingombrantissima carcassa in mare. Quindi, basta con le deroghe per permessi speciali. È quello che ha chiesto la commissione ambiente del Parlamento europeo nel parere sul quale sono stato relatore e che, nonostante alcune resistenze in commissione pesca, domani, mi auguro, sarà confermato dalla totalità di quest'Aula.

L'Unione europea, in linea con raccomandazioni del mondo scientifico internazionale, ha già scelto nel 2003 di vietare la pratica del finning, ma le deroghe presenti nella legislazione vigente non permettono di contrastare efficacemente questo fenomeno, che mette seriamente in pericolo la sopravvivenza degli squali, specie particolarmente vulnerabile. Non ci sono altre strade: solo stabilendo che gli squali devono essere sbarcati con le pinne ancora attaccate al corpo, possiamo garantire un controllo semplice ed efficace del divieto di spinnamento a bordo. Favorire la conservazione degli stock di squali è una pesca realmente sostenibile. Quindi il Parlamento deve sostenere la proposta della Commissione europea.


  Carl Schlyter, föredragande av yttrande från utskottet för miljö, folkhälsa och livsmedelssäkerhet. − Herr talman! Laxen är hotad och huvudhotet mot laxen är fisket och vattenkraften. Det är inte sälen och skarvarna som äter upp majoriteten av laxen.

Det är viktigt och jag är glad för att fiskeriutskottet har godkänt många av miljöutskottets förslag, särskilt när det gäller 80-procentmålet för reproduktionskapaciteten och en hårdare och tydligare reglering av fritidsfiske, husbehovsfiske, sportfiske, för dessa står för en signifikant del av fångsterna.

Dessutom är det bra om vi får förbättrade rapporteringssystem generellt, och det jag saknar i fiskeriutskottets betänkande är det vi godkände i miljöutskottet, nämligen att stoppa havsfisket, för det är icke selektivt. Man kan råka fånga de få nödvändiga vildlaxarna som ska tillbaka till de områden där de måste fortplanta sig, nämligen hotade älvar.

För övrigt välkomnar jag förslaget. Detta kan bli början på återgången till laxens återhämtning och det är inte bara miljömässigt bra. Det är en ekonomisk vinst för många intressen i samhället och det ger tusentals jobb.

Mer fisk ger mer jobb och pengar.


  Ana Miranda, relatora de parecer da Comissão do Desenvolvimento Regional. − Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, como relatora da Comissão do Desenvolvimento Regional, depreendo que concorda que a pesca artesanal, a pesca costeira, o marisqueio ou apanha de marisco e a aquicultura extensiva constituem formas de pesca sustentável a nível social, económico e ambiental. Concordo também com a sua ideia de que a pequena pesca está numa situação precária.

Eu venho de um país marinheiro, de uma nação pesqueira, e por isso é a mais vulnerável e deve ser protegida de forma específica. Precisamos, ademais, de uma nova definição da pesca artesanal. Esta definição atual está desfasada. A reforma da Política Comum das Pescas não se deve fazer à custa dos marinheiros da pesca artesanal, à custa das mariscadoras e das redeiras.


  Barbara Matera, relatrice per parere della commissione per i diritti della donna e l'uguaglianza di genere. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, come vicepresidente della commissione diritti della donna e uguaglianza di genere, ho scritto un parere per la relazione del collega Ferreira sulla pesca artigianale su piccola scala. Esistono oggi troppe barriere giuridiche e sociali che impediscono alle donne la vera partecipazione a tutti i livelli in questo settore. Le donne sono imbarcate a bordo di pescherecci; sono coinvolte a tutti i livelli della catena produttiva della pesca, dalla cattura del pesce alla semina, alla raccolta in acquacoltura, dalla trasformazione alla commercializzazione; sono armatrici; responsabili di organizzazioni di pesca e forniscono supporto ai meriti in mare.

Occorre rendere maggiormente visibile il lavoro delle donne nel settore della pesca e in particolar modo quella su scala artigianale, perché l'85% delle donne attive in questo settore si sente discriminato. Questo è un settore esclusivamente visto come un settore maschile: numerosi sono gli ostacoli al loro avanzamento professionale e le strutture di sostegno a loro disposizione sono inadeguate.

Sono lieta che il collega Ferreira abbia dato attenzione a questo parere e mi rallegro che la Commissaria Damanaki abbia sottolineato l'importanza della collaborazione che deve esserci tra la commissione pesca e le altre commissioni di questo Parlamento: sono pertanto qui a sottolineare alcune delle azioni prioritarie da intraprendere – parlo ovviamente a livello dell'Unione europea e degli Stati membri: la cosa più importante è la tutela giuridica e sociale dello status delle lavoratrici per garantire la loro parità salariale rispetto agli uomini; quindi, garantire diritti sociali ed economici e, soprattutto, un'assicurazione per i rischi in mare. È stato fatto tanto ma si può continuare a fare ancora.


  Gabriel Mato Adrover, en nombre del Grupo PPE. – Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, son momentos duros para el sector pesquero europeo. La grave crisis económica que azota Europa, la escasez de recursos marinos para que las flotas sean económicamente eficientes y las negociaciones de acuerdos muchas veces inaceptables, por ser lesivos para sus intereses, hacen que el sector mire al futuro con cierta preocupación. Si a ello le añadimos el vergonzoso bloqueo de los planes multianuales por parte del Consejo, que busca, además, subterfugios para incumplir el propio Tratado —cosa que, en ningún caso, vamos a tolerar—, convendrán conmigo en que el panorama no es muy alentador.

Estamos debatiendo distintos asuntos de gran importancia, entre ellos la dimensión exterior de la política pesquera común, que permite a la flota de la UE pescar en alta mar y en aguas de terceros países, y a través de la cual la Unión Europea también exporta principios de buena gobernanza, liderando la defensa de la sostenibilidad, procurando la seguridad alimentaria en los países menos desarrollados y luchando de manera efectiva contra la pesca ilegal.

El consumo de pescado de la Unión Europea depende, en un 60 %, de las importaciones de terceros países y, por ello, uno de los objetivos de la dimensión exterior de esta política debe ser asegurar la continuidad de las actividades económicas de la pesca de altura.

No compartimos que los acuerdos de pesca lleven aparejada una cláusula de exclusividad que impida a la flota europea poder faenar en las aguas de un tercer país cuando la Unión Europea haya fracasado en la conclusión de un nuevo protocolo, y ejemplos, tenemos.

Tampoco aprobamos que se castigue el reabanderamiento temporal de los barcos de la Unión Europea cuando sustituyen su bandera para poder acceder a las aguas de un tercer país —incluso si este país cumple con toda la normativa internacional— en caso de que no se haya alcanzado un acuerdo para el acceso a los recursos; ni que los cánones que los armadores deben pagar en concepto de licencia de pesca, para poder acceder a los recursos pesqueros de un tercer país, se tripliquen en ocasiones sin que se haya realizado un análisis del impacto coste/beneficio.

Desde mi punto de vista, tampoco tiene sentido la propuesta de llevar las poblaciones de peces a niveles por encima del rendimiento máximo sostenible, en lugar de al nivel del rendimiento máximo sostenible, es decir, recortando posibilidades de pesca por encima de lo necesario. Por estas y otras razones, nuestro Grupo ha presentado una propuesta de resolución alternativa que, en nuestra opinión, mejora la propuesta del ponente.

Para terminar, señora Comisaria —el Consejo está ausente, una vez más—, la pesca es un sector tan importante que merece que las tres instituciones seamos capaces de ponernos de acuerdo y trabajar en la misma dirección. Por parte del Parlamento, no va a quedar.


  Ole Christensen, for S&D-Gruppen. – Hr. Formand! Jeg er overordnet set rigtig godt tilfreds med den brede aftale, som denne betænkning er et resultat af. Det er et stort skridt mod et mere skånsomt og bæredygtigt fiskeri. Betænkningen er et udtryk for, at udvalget med stort flertal støtter en tiltrængt forbedret kontrol af laksefiskeriet i Østersøen. Med betænkningen bakker vi op om Kommissionens forslag om at forvalte alt laksefiskeri, også det rekreative og ikkekommercielle fiskeri. Det gør vi, fordi manglende kontrol af denne type fiskeri har været medvirkende til, at laksen har været overfisket.

Der har igennem forhandlingsprocessen været kritikere, der mener, at det er for omfattende at indføre denne brede kontrol. Det synes jeg ikke, det er. Vi skal selvfølgelig være opmærksomme på det, men i et samarbejde mellem erhvervet, lystfiskerne, Kommissionen og medlemsstaterne tror jeg på, at man kan finde smarte løsninger. F.eks. er der en helt ny verden inden for smartphones og internetbaserede indberetninger.

Det illegale laksefiskeri er et rigtigt stort problem, og det bliver kun stoppet, hvis medlemsstaterne tager kontrollen alvorligt, og erhvervet ikke snyder. Derfor skal de, der snyder, tage ansvar, således at man ikke snyder med mærkningen af ørred og laks. Det undergraver jo hele forsøget på at få genoprettet laksebestandene.

Betænkningen må siges at være længe ventet, og jeg vil derfor indtrængende også bede Rådet om at gå ind i konstruktive forhandlinger om dette, således at vi kan få den nødvendige forvaltning af hele laksefiskeriet.


  Chris Davies, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I wonder who it was who first stood over a shark on the deck of their vessel and stuck a knife deep into it and hacked off its fin, cutting deeply into it, and then told his colleagues to help him throw it overboard back into the sea, where it could swim, sink and starve or just bleed to death. Fishing is an inherently cruel activity I suppose but, even by its standards, shark finning is an unpleasant practice.

We thought we had dealt with the problem of shark finning some years ago, but of course we left loopholes, and now the Commission has come back and is closing those loopholes, and I hope we will end it once and for all. But that should be seen as a first step, because we know from the figures that shark species across the planet have experienced massive declines in the last few years. This is a creature that has been on the planet for hundreds of millions of years – longer than mankind. I would be very sorry if we saw the elimination of entire species during the course of our own lifetimes.

I will just turn to the issue of small-scale fisheries. We know that small-scale fisheries, by and large, generally employ more people in the fishing sector as a whole than the large-scale fishing that generates so much income. We also know that, by and large, it causes the least environmental damage. Yet on numerous occasions I hear people in my own country and elsewhere saying that it is all the fault of Brussels, and that we should be helping small-scale fishermen, giving them a bigger share of the catch and not penalising them. They ask why we are being so bad and so cruel to the small-scale fisherman. Yet, of course, it is not Brussels, and it is not the Commission. The Commission – the European Union – shares out the fishing opportunities to Member States. It is the Member States that decide whether the big vessels or the small vessels get it. Maybe some of the critics should spend less time criticising Brussels and more time criticising their own national capitals.


  Raül Romeva i Rueda, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. – Señor Presidente, los tiburones llevan en nuestros mares y océanos más de 400 millones de años, de momento, porque más de 100 millones de tiburones son masacrados cada año por sus aletas.

La parte más oscura de esa historia es el cercenamiento de las aletas –el finning–, una práctica cruel donde las haya y que, por ello, está prohibida en casi todo el mundo, también en la Unión Europea.

Pero el Reglamento europeo vigente contiene algunas lagunas que debíamos corregir. Se trataba de un proceso necesario, razonable y, a priori, sencillo. Consistía en exigir que todos los tiburones se desembarcaran con las aletas adheridas de forma natural al cuerpo.

Nos ha costado mucho llegar hasta aquí, demasiado, y sinceramente no entiendo por qué, y miles de ciudadanos tampoco lo entienden. Cuando la Comisión Europea hizo lo único sensato que se podía hacer, esto es, eliminar las excepciones y los permisos especiales de los que se benefician, sobre todo, las flotas española y portuguesa, nuestro papel, como Parlamento, debería haber sido simplemente apoyar y gratificar dicha propuesta. Sin embargo, llevamos meses debatiendo y, consecuentemente, alargando la agonía de los tiburones.

Espero que mañana corrijamos este desaguisado, tal y como varias organizaciones, entre otras, Shark Alliance, Oceana o Humane Society International, nos han pedido.


  Struan Stevenson, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, let me first of all congratulate Mr Ferreira on his important report on the small-scale fleet because not only is the artisanal fleet in EU waters by far the largest sector, representing over 80 % of the EU fleet by vessel number, with tens of thousands of fishermen, supporting thousands of coastal communities across the EU, but it is also a low impact sustainable fishery, matching all of the criteria that we are demanding as legislators.

But the livelihoods of our artisanal fishermen are under threat. Changing marine ecosystems, fishing pressure from the larger, over ten-metre, vessels and human pressure on coastal areas are all contributing to a downward spiral for local fishermen, who for centuries have supplied fresh, high-quality, diverse, locally-caught fish and shellfish to the market. We have an opportunity within the current CFP reform to correct this negative trend. Ever since the CFP was first introduced, there has been discrimination against the artisanal sector. The majority of fishing quotas have been allocated to large-scale fishing operations across the EU, leading to the situation where over 60 % of fish stocks in European waters are now fished beyond sustainable limits.

Now of course we need to support the large-scale fleet because we are only 40 % self-sufficient in marine produce in Europe and we are increasingly dependent on imports of fish products from countries outside the EU, but the artisanal fleet have a key role to play in all of this. One of our core objectives must be to grant the right to fish to those who fish sustainably. That means reducing overcapacity, ending harmful subsidies and destructive practices, and restoring our seas to full health.

These should be our guiding principles throughout the discussions on the CFP reform.


  Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας EFD. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, θέλω να εξάρω το έργο των εισηγητών. Συμμερίζομαι κατά το πλείστον τους προβληματισμούς αλλά και τις προτάσεις που διατυπώνουν στις εκθέσεις τους. Εξαίρω επίσης και το έργο της Επιτρόπου, κυρία Δαμανάκη, η οποία στάθηκε στο πλευρό της επιτροπής καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια του έργου της. Λόγω περιορισμένου χρόνου, θα εστιάσω στην έκθεση του κ. Ferreira που αφορά τον πολύ σημαντικό ρόλο της αλιείας μικρής κλίμακος.

Η έκθεση αυτή συζητείται σε μια χρονικά καθοριστική στιγμή, διότι τώρα διαμορφώνουμε την κοινή αλιευτική πολιτική που θα θέσει τις βάσεις της αλιείας για τα επόμενα δέκα χρόνια. Είναι απαραίτητο να τύχει ιδιαιτέρας προσοχής και διαχείρισης η μικρής κλίμακας αλιεία, τόσο στο πλαίσιο της κοινής αλιευτικής πολιτικής όσο και από την άποψη της επαρκούς χρηματοδότησής της από το νέο ταμείο Ναυτιλίας και Αλιείας. Η αλιεία μικρής κλίμακας απασχολεί το 80% του αλιευτικού στόλου στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Η παραδοσιακή αλιεία, λόγω των διαρθρωτικών αδυναμιών που παρουσιάζει, είναι περισσότερο εκτεθειμένη σε εξωτερικά πλήγματα. Η οικονομική κρίση, η αύξηση της τιμής του πετρελαίου, οι δυσλειτουργίες της αγοράς και τα κωλύματα στην διοχέτευση του προϊόντος είναι μερικά από τα προβλήματα που πλήττουν τον κλάδο και πρέπει να λυθούν με βέλτιστες πρακτικές. Οι προτάσεις του εισηγητή είναι αρκούντως θετικές. Το σημαντικότερο όμως πρόβλημα, όπως τονίζεται από τους εκπροσώπους του κλάδου, είναι αυτό της υπεραλίευσης των αποθεμάτων. Το 80% των αλιευτικών αποθεμάτων της Μεσογείου υπεραλιεύεται χωρίς να λαμβάνεται μέριμνα για την επαρκή ανάπλασή τους, ο δε ευρωπαϊκός κανονισμός για την αλιεία στη Μεσόγειο καταπατάται καθημερινώς. Θεωρώ ότι το θέμα του ελέγχου της εφαρμογής και της συμμόρφωσης των κρατών μελών με τις υπάρχουσες νομοθεσίες είναι βασικό. Το μέλλον της αλιείας στην Ευρώπη βρίσκεται στις παράκτιες αλιευτικές δραστηριότητες, οι οποίες είναι βιώσιμες, έχουν χαμηλές επιπτώσεις στο θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον και αποτελούν μοχλό δημιουργίας ανάπτυξης και θέσεων απασχόλησης στην Ευρώπη. Ο κλάδος της αλιείας μικρής κλίμακας παρουσιάζει τεράστια πλεονεκτήματα τα οποία πρέπει να αξιοποιηθούν.


  João Ferreira, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhor Presidente, algumas palavras em relação à dimensão externa da Política Comum de Pescas. Na minha intervenção final terei oportunidade de voltar à pequena pesca e de dar, nessa altura, uma novidade ao colega Davies: é que a gestão dos recursos vivos biológicos marinhos é uma competência exclusiva da União Europeia. Não é sequer uma competência partilhada com os Estados-Membros. Mas lá voltaremos.

Quanto à dimensão externa da PCP, a atual PCP carece de alterações profundas também na sua vertente externa. São necessárias alterações profundas nos atuais acordos de pesca com países terceiros. A relatora avança com algumas delas, o que valorizamos. Parte substancial dos objetivos dos acordos de parceria no domínio das pescas não foi alcançada. Estes acordos em geral têm-se resumido à transferência de verbas para os países em desenvolvimento, a troco da exploração dos seus recursos haliêuticos. Esta é uma visão restritiva, que deploramos e que contraria o espírito e objetivos destes acordos. A cooperação no domínio das pescas deve promover, a médio prazo, a exploração pelos países em desenvolvimento dos seus próprios recursos, tanto para consumo interno como para exportação, aumentando assim a parte da riqueza gerada que fica no país.

Sublinhamos, uma vez mais, a importância da formulação de matrizes, com metas, ações e indicadores que permitam acompanhar a aplicação dos acordos de pesca num espírito de parceria. Este acompanhamento deve incluir a adoção de procedimentos corretivos, a articular com o país terceiro sempre que se constate um afastamento face aos objetivos delineados.

Uma última palavra quanto à proposta de regulamento relativa às medidas técnicas. Quero aqui saudar a disponibilidade do relator para acolher a proposta de alteração que apresentámos. O anterior regulamento previa medidas gravosas e discriminatórias da frota portuguesa dedicada à pesca de tamboril – medidas que careciam de base científica. Valorizamos, por isso, o facto de ter sido possível introduzir esta alteração.


  Diane Dodds (NI). - Mr President, this joint debate covers four important components of fisheries policy, and at the outset I would like to applaud the rapporteurs for their hard work in moving these matters through the Committee on Fisheries.

The new common fisheries policy – when it arrives – will have a bearing on every one of the subjects. A discard ban, maximum sustainable yield and regionalisation are all issues that have come to the fore as the reform has progressed. Coming from Northern Ireland, I want to highlight the importance of the small-scale fleet and the work that the rapporteur has done on this particular report.

However, I want to pose what is for me a very important question for the Commissioner and for colleagues here tonight. I want to focus on an aspect of the reform that I think is absolutely pivotal to a successful reform, and that is the issue of regionalisation. We all agree that regionalisation is important. It is important for streamlining bureaucracy and management, the more efficient protection of fish stocks, and the working together of the scientific community and the catching sector, be it in the Baltic Sea, with shark finning or with queen scallop fishing, as in Mr Gallagher’s report.

What I would like to see is this Parliament reflecting, in the weeks ahead, on what it really wants from EU fisheries policy. It seems to me that there is a tendency for us to simply want to secure a power base for various EU institutions, rather than what I would like to see as a pragmatic approach to fisheries policy that will benefit fish stocks, those who depend upon them in the catching sector and those who depend upon them for food and sustenance.


  Werner Kuhn (PPE). - Herr Präsident! Verehrte Frau Kommissarin! Als Berichterstatter für die Situation des Wildlachses in der Ostsee möchte ich mich in erster Linie auf diesen Teil unserer Debatte beziehen.

In der Tat ist es so, dass der Bestand in einem sehr schlechten Zustand ist. Die Reduzierung der Fangquote, die durch die Wissenschaftler in besonderer Weise gemeinsam mit dem RAC vorgenommen worden ist, ist dramatisch: fast 80 %. Diese Fangquote wird nicht in Tonnen gerechnet, sondern schon in Stückzahl. Und wenn wir dann über die fischereiliche Sterblichkeit reden, müssen wir natürlich auch alle Aspekte dabei berücksichtigen. Es ist notwendig, dass die touristische und die Freizeitfischerei mit einbezogen und mit den gleichen Kontrollmaßnahmen bedacht werden wie die berufsständische Fischerei. Das steht außer Frage. Wenn wir für Fischereifahrzeuge ab zwölf Meter Länge Logbücher einführen wollen, dann muss das aber auch in allen Bereichen geschehen.

Der Lachs, der insbesondere im Bottnischen Meerbusen und im mittleren Becken der Ostsee seinen Lebensraum hat, muss natürlich auch zu seinen Laichplätzen. Dazu muss er die Flüsse – vor allem in Schweden – nach oben wandern. Bevor er an die Flussmündung kommt, hat er seine natürlichen Feinde zu überwinden. Das sind die Robben, die Kegelrobben, die dort sozusagen wagenburgartig auf ihn lauern. Wenn er das überstanden hat, schwimmt er flussaufwärts, dann kommen die Sportangler und die Freizeitfischer, dann die Wasserkraftwerke, die schon erwähnt worden sind, und erst dann seine Laichplätze.

Wir müssen das alles dabei im Auge behalten, denn das bedeutet nachhaltige Fischerei. Wir müssen auch gegensteuern, einen Managementplan einrichten, die Bestände mit dem Smolt wiederauffüllen, denn Lachs ist nicht nur ein sehr guter Speisefisch, sondern diese Spezies darf auch nicht aussterben! Wir wollen sie in der Ostsee behalten!

MSY – höchstmöglicher Dauerertrag, das wird ja mit den wissenschaftlichen Ermittlungen gerade in dieser Weise schon praktiziert, auch mit den RAC. Aber es müssen sich auch alle an diesen Regional Advisory Councils beteiligen, auch die NGO. Letztens haben wir den RAC Nordsee dagehabt, und der hat uns gesagt, die NGO waren noch kein einziges Mal bei einer Sitzung. Ich fordere sie an dieser Stelle auf, dass sie sich daran beteiligen – und an unserer Gemeinsamen Fischereipolitik, in großer Verantwortung für uns als Europäer!


  Kriton Arsenis (S&D). - Mr President, I would first like to refer to the issue of the external dimension in Ms Lövin’s report. I am very sad at what is happening in Parliament concerning this issue. The report was adopted in committee with 24 votes in favour and 1 against. Nevertheless, I am afraid that the PPE Group has decided that no other political group should be given reports of this kind. I cannot otherwise understand why, in order to delete three lines of this report, it is tabling an alternative report instead of just asking for a split vote. Mr Mato Adrover is a good chair of the Committee on Fisheries, and I would ask him to have a rethink, because a chair cannot go against a 24-1 majority in his committee.

On the issue of shark finning, I am confident that tomorrow a great majority within this Parliament will vote in favour of sharks being landed with their fins naturally attached. We will close the loopholes in the legislation. I am confident that the majority in Parliament tomorrow will honestly ban shark finning across the EU.


  Nils Torvalds (ALDE). - Herr talman! I natt diskuterar vi flera viktiga betänkanden. Jag börjar i mina egna hemvatten, Östersjön, och handlingsplanen för Östersjölaxen.

För det första ger betänkandet oss ett minimimått för lax och havsöring. Det kommer förhoppningsvis att effektivt täppa till de kryphål som har funnits och som har gjort det möjligt att fiska lax över kvoterna och bokföra fångsten som havsöring i stället för lax.

För det andra vill vi att man på sikt fasar ut nuvarande kompensationsutsättningar genom att göra en älvsvis inventering och en handlingsplan över hur man kan restaurera de lokala laxbestånden.

För det tredje vill vi med aktivt involverade yrkesfiskare, sportfiskare och naturvårdsorganisationer se till att en större praktisk kunskap kommer in i detta sammanhang och från Östersjöns fiskeripolitik till den externa dimensionen av detta betänkande. Tre punkter:

För det första är det viktigt att vi skapar ett rättvist spelregelsystem och sätter stopp för dagens systematiska flaggbyten. De fiskebåtar som flaggas ut från EU till länder som erbjuder bekvämlighetsflagg ska inte få återvända till EU:s register för att sedan åtnjuta ekonomiska subventioner.

För det andra får EU inte konkurrera ut utvecklingsländerna och för det tredje är det viktigt att vi strömlinjeformar vår biståndspolitik med vår handelspolitik.


  Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE). - Mr President, tomorrow I will be voting to strengthen the ban on shark finning and to firmly close such loopholes as still exist, for all the reasons that the Commissioner outlined in her comments. Tomorrow I will be voting in favour of the External Dimension Report by my Group colleague, Ms Lövin, which is extremely well focused on that subject. Tomorrow I will also be supporting the Gallagher and Ferreira Reports, both of which draw particular attention to lessons we can learn as we grapple with the reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP).

The Gallagher Report deals with some highly complex technical measures which have been of great frustration to fishers in Scotland and Ireland, amongst other places – a great frustration because technical measures have been in place which have had inappropriate catch-composition rules for too long, and instead of conserving resources have actually directly caused massive discards of haddock. I am glad that at last we are finding a way, hopefully, to get out of that ridiculous situation. The point here which is relevant to CFP reform is that decisions on the detail of technical measures are surely best made by the fishing nations themselves, through decentralised decision-making. I hope that will be taken on board in a new CFP.

Mr Ferreira rightly points out that there are very diverse ranges of types of fishery – types of boats, types of geography, types of catches – and therefore that centralised control is not the best way to manage these resources for the benefit of consumers and communities. Again, I hope that decentralisation, rather than such things as mandatory closed areas, will be the way forward.


  Anna Rosbach (ECR). - Hr. Formand! Fru Kommissær! Da vi står med fem betænkninger, vil jeg i aften gerne koncentrere mig om fjernelse af hajfinner, hvilket en lang række kolleger også har gjort.

Et af de centrale principper i fiskerireformen er, at vi skal stoppe udsmid af fisk. Det princip skal selvfølgelig også gælde for hajer. Hvis der overhovedet skal fanges hajer, skal hele dyret landes. Det betyder, at finner ikke må fjernes fra kroppen til søs, som også andre har sagt i dag, og hajkød kan selvfølgelig sagtens bruges til mange ting, bl.a. dyrefoder, fiskemel og langt flere ting. Lovgivningen på dette punkt er for svag. Derfor er det godt, at Kommissionen vil lukke hullerne i loven. Tak for det, fru Kommissær!

I Rådet støtter man forslaget, og det bør vi naturligvis også gøre. Det vil være utroligt ærgerligt, hvis Parlamentet vælger at trække forslaget i den forkerte retning. Vi skal for en gangs skyld gøre noget helt rigtigt. Formålet med lovændringen er bl.a. at stoppe mishandlingen af hajer. Vi skal ikke fange hajer for finnernes skyld, ligesom vi heller ikke skal dræbe elefanter for stødtændernes skyld.


  John Bufton (EFD). - Mr President, shark finning is an appalling practice that has been allowed to continue, despite a ban in 2003, through loopholes and special provisions.

While the UK has outlawed shark finning, special fishing permits are still being granted by some Member States. As a result, Europe ranks second in the world as a producer of shark products, after Indonesia. Spain issued 1 266 permits between 2004 and 2010, and Portugal 145.

Shark fins are the most valuable part of the catch and can reach up to USD 90 per kilo in Asia. As a result, fishermen hack the fins from the sharks to bypass landing the catch at one port, making controls impossible to enforce and enabling this lucrative trade to continue unrestricted.

In Wales, the fleet of almost 500 boats operating off the coastline is largely Spanish-owned and exports 90 % of its catch to China and Japan. Despite a UK blanket ban, there is nothing we can do to prevent shark finning happening on foreign vessels just off our shores.

I stand by the belief that fishing rights should be controlled by domestic governments, but in the meantime, by pushing for an amendment stating that the fin must be attached to the shark in a natural way on landing, we can work to ensure the abatement of this cruel and wasteful practice.


  Younous Omarjee (GUE/NGL). - Monsieur le Président, je soutiens sans réserve les propositions de la Commission sur le finning.

Voyez-vous, je viens de l'île de la Réunion, où les requins n'ont pas bonne presse, compte tenu des attaques répétées sur les surfeurs. Mais je garde à l'esprit qu'un requin rejeté à la mer est un requin mort. Je garde à l'esprit que la pratique barbare du finning a entraîné une surpêche, et que les flottes européennes ne sont pas exemptes de tout reproche. Enfin, je garde à l'esprit que 73 espèces de requin sont menacées, compte tenu du rôle essentiel des requins dans la chaîne du vivant. Cela a été dit: les requins sont dans les océans depuis près de 400 millions d'années – 140 millions d'années avant les dinosaures – et ils participent même à la création de l'oxygène que nous respirons.

Nous ne pouvons donc pas être cette espèce – l'espèce humaine – qui sacrifie une autre espèce pour des intérêts économiques ainsi que pour satisfaire aussi le plaisir, en Asie, d'une soupe, qui n'est même pas bonne.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI). - Herr Präsident! Auch von mir einige Bemerkungen zur Haifisch-Problematik: Die Berichterstatterin erläutert im Bericht ja zutreffend, dass das Finning aus sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und moralischen Gründen abzulehnen ist. Ihr Versuch aber, die Ausnahmeregelung für das Abtrennen der Flossen an Bord zu verteidigen, erscheint mir doch nicht wirklich nachvollziehbar. Ausnahmeregelungen sind ja immer problematisch, sie können bekanntlich leicht umgangen werden und sind auch schwer kontrollierbar. Nur ein klares Verbot des Abtrennens der Haifischflossen – wie von der Kommission vorgeschlagen – kann hier Abhilfe schaffen und die Tiere wirklich besser schützen.

Wesentlich für den Haischutz wird auch die Tagung zum Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen sein. Wenn es der Europäischen Union dort gelingt, die japanisch orientierte oder organisierte Sperrminorität zu überwinden, ist meines Erachtens ein wesentlicher Schritt zum Haischutz getan. Außerdem ist es unumgänglich, auch beim Konsumenten anzusetzen. Wenn nun dank diverser Kampagnen in Hongkong, über das ja immerhin ungefähr die Hälfte des globalen Handels mit Flossen läuft, langsam ein Umdenken bewirkt wird und einige Restaurants und Hotels keine Haifischflossen mehr anbieten, dann ist dies meines Erachtens ein gutes Zeichen. Ermutigend ist auch das Signal aus Beijing, wo ein Abgeordneter dafür eintritt, dass bei offiziellen Banketten kein Haifisch mehr serviert wird. Immerhin werden ja 95 % der Haifischflossen in China konsumiert.

Mit klaren Regeln in Europa kann die EU auch auf internationaler Ebene gestärkt und überzeugend für ein Verbot des Finnings eintreten, das ist wichtig!


  Alain Cadec (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, je remercie d'abord tous les rapporteurs.

Je suis particulièrement satisfait des propositions du rapport de notre collègue Ferreira, qui correspondent, pour l'essentiel, à mes propositions. La pêche européenne a un avenir et la PCP doit accompagner les investissements dans le secteur. La modernisation et le renouvellement de la flotte sont essentiels pour garantir à la fois la compétitivité et la durabilité de notre modèle de pêche.

La flotte européenne a aujourd'hui 27 ans de moyenne d'âge, ce qui cause d'importants problèmes en termes de préservation de l'environnement et de sécurité à bord. Il devient urgent de répondre à ce problème. Il n'est bien sûr pas question d'augmenter la capacité et l'effort de pêche. J'insiste sur ce point.

Le renouvellement de la flotte doit se faire à capacité constante, voire inférieure, si nécessaire. Il sera évidemment nécessaire de définir des critères précis pour ce renouvellement. C'est pourquoi je propose de donner à la Commission le pouvoir d'adopter des actes délégués sur ces critères.

Madame la Commissaire, je profite de cette occasion pour vous redire mon opposition déterminée aux concessions de pêche transférables. C'est un mécanisme dangereux qui conduirait inévitablement au démantèlement de notre modèle de pêche. Il est pourtant nécessaire de disposer d'un instrument de gestion de la capacité de la flotte, car les plafonds de capacité imposés aux États membres dans le règlement de base ne sont pas suffisants.

Madame la Commissaire, vous me demandez souvent quelles sont mes propositions alternatives aux concessions de pêche transférables; je vais tenter de répondre à votre interrogation. Dans le cadre de mon rapport sur le FEAMP, je déposerai prochainement un amendement visant à renforcer le respect, par les États membres, de leur plafond de capacité, sous la forme d'une conditionnalité ex-post. Si au bout de trois ans, un État membre ne respecte pas son plafond de capacité, la Commission pourra suspendre les engagements et les paiements du FEAMP à destination de cet État.

C'est aux États membres qu'il revient de mesurer et de maîtriser leur capacité, avec toute la rigueur nécessaire. Ils devront, à l'avenir, assumer les conséquences de leurs éventuelles carences en la matière. Je ne doute pas, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, que vous soutiendrez cette proposition.


  Isabelle Thomas (S&D). - Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, les délibérations sur la pêche de cette session préfigurent, chacune à sa manière, une partie de ce que sera l'édifice de la future politique commune de la pêche.

En tant qu'architectes de cette politique, nous devons en permanence garder à l'esprit que chaque pilier du développement durable conditionne l'équilibre et la solidité de cet édifice. En d'autres termes, la politique des pêches doit conforter à la fois la viabilité économique, le maintien des emplois et la préservation des ressources.

Ces cinq rapports mettent à l'épreuve les grands objectifs de la future PCP que sont le rendement maximum durable, la lutte contre les rejets ou l'attribution des droits de pêche. Mais encore faut-il que ces objectifs ne soient pas des slogans. Ainsi, les mesures techniques du rapport Gallagher, même si elles ne sont que transitoires, pointent les difficultés du passage aux cas pratiques, pêcherie par pêcherie, stock par stock.

Le rapport Ferreira sur la pêche artisanale a eu la sagesse de reconnaître qu'il n'existe pas un seul critère, mais une liste de critères, pour définir la pêche artisanale. Le rapport Gróbarczyk pose la question du manque de données. Le rapport Lövin sur la dimension externe souligne que nous évoluons dans un contexte mondial et pose la question des conditions d'exploitation des ressources hors des eaux européennes, ainsi que des conditions d'importation pour un juste échange. Il n'est plus possible que les contraintes imposées à nos pêcheurs ne soient pas corrigées par des contraintes d'importation qui évitent une concurrence déloyale. Enfin, le rapport Patrão Neve sur les requins pose notamment l'urgence d'un renfort des contrôles de l'Union.

La réussite d'une ambition ne se proclame pas: elle se construit par le travail patient et minutieux entre objectifs et moyens. C'est ce que nous tentons de faire.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). - Señor Presidente, los pescadores europeos son los que ponen cara, manos y esfuerzo a una forma de hacer y transformar que fomenta las buenas prácticas en todos los mares del mundo. Por eso, estamos obligados a conseguir que la pesca no regulada sea un mal negocio.

Eso requiere que todo el pescado que consumimos en Europa cumpla los mismos requisitos que exigimos a nuestros pescadores y productores. Además, nuestros profesionales necesitan participar más en la negociación de los acuerdos pesqueros y que haya más control, para que nuestras aportaciones en terceros países impulsen industrias con los valores y prácticas que nos caracterizan, y una estrategia europea coherente y pragmática, para evitar que flotas depredadoras ocupen los espacios que nosotros dejamos cuando expiran algunos acuerdos pesqueros.

Por eso, apoyo estas aportaciones sobre la dimensión exterior de la política pesquera común, pero también apoyo que haya un lugar en ella para la pesca artesanal y de pequeña escala, la más integrada en su ecosistema natural y social. Sus profesionales ofrecen productos de alta calidad y merecen disfrutar del valor que aporta su trabajo en el mar y en tierra.

Una definición flexible y realista de la pesca artesanal, un papel reforzado para las regiones y sensibilidad social para que se reconozcan las enfermedades profesionales de las mujeres que desempeñan oficios auxiliares, son condiciones básicas para mantener la población y la actividad en muchas zonas costeras.


  Jean-Paul Besset (Verts/ALE). - Monsieur le Président, je consacrerai la petite minute de mon intervention à soutenir – positivement –, au nom de mon groupe, le rapport de notre collègue Ferreira. À nos yeux, ce rapport présente au moins deux avantages.

En premier lieu, il met l'accent sur un secteur essentiel de l'activité de la pêche, souvent oublié et sacrifié – celui de la petite pêche, de la pêche artisanale, de la pêche côtière – qui concerne la majorité des bateaux et des pêcheurs en Europe.

En deuxième lieu, ce rapport introduit la problématique de la petite pêche au cœur de la réforme de la politique commune de la pêche. Si, comme nous l'espérons, la nouvelle politique de la pêche se fonde sur des critères de pêche durable, les intérêts des pêcheurs artisanaux seront garantis et consolidés.

Ce n'est qu'avec une politique de la pêche résolument tournée vers la conservation des milieux marins, vers la protection et le renouvellement des stocks, que l'avenir des milliers de petits pêcheurs sera assuré et, avec lui, celui de l'alimentation mondiale à laquelle les petits pêcheurs artisanaux apportent une contribution décisive.


  Julie Girling (ECR). - Mr President, I am also going to use my minute to address the issue of shark finning, at the risk of repetition.

It is imperative that we use this opportunity to close the remaining loopholes in this regulation and ensure that the cruel and wasteful practice of finning is completely eradicated. Ensuring that all sharks caught in EU waters by EU vessels are landed with their fins naturally attached is by far the simplest way to ensure this enforcement.

In the UK, we have already taken steps to ensure that the wasteful practice of shark finning at sea cannot take place on UK-registered vessels, and we have been joined by many other countries around the world. It is time the EU enshrined this, for all vessels under EU flags.

‘No derogations’ is the best way to ensure a complete end to this wasteful practice. ‘Fins naturally attached’ improves and simplifies enforcement and compliance-monitoring and reduces the risk of the regulation being circumvented.

I have heard no robust, convincing evidence that there is any reason to do anything other than vote in that direction.


  Antonello Antinoro (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, nel ringraziare i relatori delle relazioni che voteremo domani, soltanto un piccolo passaggio sullo spinnamento e mi associo a quanto ho ascoltato stasera, con voce unanime, da parte di tutti i colleghi. Volevo però soffermarmi sulla pesca artigianale, sulla relazione Ferreira, che saluto e con il quale mi complimento.

Con la passata politica comune della pesca si è contribuito soltanto ad aumentare il distacco tra le istituzioni che disciplinano la pesca e i suoi veri attori, ossia i pescatori. Purtroppo, fino ad adesso, in Europa, la mancanza di una vera e propria definizione di pesca artigianale ha penalizzato chi da sempre ha inteso la pesca come un'attività legata alle tradizioni del proprio luogo, dei propri mari e della propria cucina. È così cresciuta la convinzione che la linea seguita dalla Commissione europea fosse quella di uniformare tutta la pesca in Europa sotto la grande pesca industriale, seguendo soltanto logiche di mercato e non ascoltando le ragioni di migliaia di pescatori che da un paio di decenni operano secondo regole che hanno attinenza con la conservazione dell'ecosistema, sul quale non posso che essere d'accordo, ma che non hanno mai preservato le attività lavorative della microeconomia della pesca artigianale.

Questa relazione d'iniziativa è un segnale forte verso la Commissione, che potrà tradursi in atti pratici a vantaggio della microeconomia peschiera. La relazione infatti sottolinea una serie di vantaggi, quali ad esempio l'assegnazione di somma minima alla pesca su piccola scala del Fondo europeo. Bisognerà incentivare progetti con soluzioni integrate, che vanno a beneficio della comunità costiera nel suo complesso, e inoltre dovrà essere indispensabile l'incoraggiamento all'accesso dei giovani al settore – ne abbiamo parlato diverse volte in commissione – giacché altrimenti, non solo la pesca morirà, probabilmente per penuria dei mari e dei pesci, ma anche perché i giovani non si avvicinano più a questo settore. Questa relazione è l'occasione per inserirvi momenti formativi e d'incentivo nei confronti dei giovani che vogliono avvicinarsi al settore.


  Илияна Малинова Йотова (S&D). - Като докладчик в сянка по външното измерение, бих искала да поздравя г-жа Lövin за чудесната работа, която свърши по доклада, и на целия секретариат, който беше на много професионално ниво. Работата по доклада беше много сложна, защото трябваше да се намери златното сечение между интересите на държавите членки и Общността, на Европейския съюз и трети страни, на съседните морски държави при стриктното спазване на международните споразумения, на гаранциите за конкурентоспособност и регулиране на пазара. Трябваше да се намери и златното сечение между търговските интереси, развитието на сектора по рибарство и едновременно с това да се гарантира устойчивост на рибните запаси и спазване на екологичните норми, създаване на строги правила. Регламентирана беше и дейността на регионалните управления по рибарство и необходимостта от създаването на такава за Черно море. Работихме упорито и намерихме добрите компромиси.

Ето защо недоумявам защо г-н Аdrovede внесе нов, алтернативен проект, буквално в 11.55 ч., и изненада всички членове на комисията, които гласувахме почти единодушно за доклада Lövin. Тази вечер аргументите, които той изложи, не можаха да убедят и мен, а предполагам и мнозинството в тази зала и аз призовавам моите колеги да не подкрепят това алтернативно предложение.


  Carmen Fraga Estévez (PPE). - Señor Presidente, yo voy a centrarme en el informe de la señora Patrão sobre la pesca de tiburones, y aprovecho para felicitarla por el magnífico trabajo realizado y por la colaboración ofrecida.

Dicho esto, no quedan muchas más felicitaciones que dar, en especial a la Comisión Europea, porque esta propuesta es una clara demostración de lo que nunca se debería hacer en la pesca. Su sectarismo y falta de consenso a todas luces contradicen los principios de la próxima reforma, en particular en lo que se refiere al proceso de toma de decisiones de abajo arriba, a través de la consulta —tanto al sector implicado como a la sociedad civil—, en aras de la consecución de un compromiso.

Señora Comisaria, un compromiso sobre medidas que afectan de manera muy grave al futuro de una flota no puede ser solamente un compromiso entre usted y las ONG. Usted se ha posicionado exclusivamente de su lado y esto es una subordinación de la Comisión a los intereses de una parte de la sociedad civil, pero no un compromiso con los afectados.

Personalmente, me he implicado mucho en este asunto y he trabajado arduamente con el sector, para convencerles de la necesidad de ceder en sus posiciones iniciales, con el fin de que nadie pudiera objetar las propuestas finales. Lo mismo he intentado con las ONG, pero ha sido imposible, porque ellas sabían que la Comisión estaba de su parte. Y, ¿por qué, entonces, iban ellas a querer un compromiso?

Yo, señora Comisaria, en relación con lo que ha dicho usted del nivel internacional, acabo de llegar de la reunión de la CICAA, donde todas y cada una de las resoluciones sobre tiburones han sido rechazadas, incluida una como la que usted propone: su debate no duró ni un minuto y, además, la Comisión Europea ni siquiera dijo nada.

Por tanto, señora Comisaria, ¿cree usted que, en estas circunstancias, es necesario condenar a una flota, justamente frente a los competidores? ¿No habría sido mucho mejor esperar a que la CICAA decidiera algo?

Y yo, aquí, le pido a usted que diga públicamente que en la Unión Europea no se practica el finning. Este es el resultado de las intervenciones que ha habido en la campaña de mentiras que las ONG están desarrollando. Y yo le pido que usted diga si hay finning o no hay finning en la Unión Europea.


  Ulrike Rodust (S&D). - Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Mit unserem Bericht zur kleinen Fischerei unterstreichen wir, dass wir ein Herz für traditionelle und handwerkliche Fischer haben und dass wir ihnen Gehör schenken.

Die traditionelle Fischerei schafft pro gefangenem Kilo Fisch mehr Arbeitsplätze und produziert weniger CO2 als die Industriefischerei. Die Lobby der kleinen Fischer ist aber schwächer. Deswegen müssen wir immer wieder darauf aufpassen, dass sie beispielsweise bei der Quotenvergabe nicht benachteiligt werden. Wir stimmen morgen auch über die Position des Parlaments zu unseren Fischereiaußenbeziehungen ab.

Dieser Bericht sollte die Grundlage für unsere zukünftigen Entscheidungen beispielsweise zu Fischereiabkommen sein. Ich bin froh, dass sich mit einer Ausnahme alle Fraktionen auf einen Text einigen konnten.

Nun hat eine Minderheit eine Entschließung verfasst, die hoffentlich von der Mehrheit abgelehnt wird. Optimistisch stimmt mich, was ich zum Shark-finning höre. Hier scheint sich die EVP in letzter Minute der Mehrheitsmeinung anzuschließen. Shark-finning muss in der EU endlich ohne jedes rechtliche Schlupfloch unterbunden werden.


  Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE). - Dziękuję Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowna Pani Komisarz! Na początku chciałbym podziękować panu posłowi Grubarczykowi za bardzo dobrą współpracę nad sprawozdaniem dotyczącym wieloletniego planu dla bałtyckich zasobów łososia. Początki prac nie były jednak łatwe. Niestety, szereg rozwiązań zaproponowanych przez Komisję Europejską w wielu miejscach nie przystawał do rzeczywistości. Aby to rozporządzenie było kompleksowe i możliwe do pełnej realizacji z korzyścią dla ryb i rybaków, trzeba było włożyć dużo pracy. Treść propozycji Komisji, na którą przecież czekaliśmy bardzo długo, nie była podstawą do konstruktywnej wymiany zdań - niestety, rozporządzenie to bowiem będzie miało ogromny wpływ na gospodarkę rybami łososiowatymi. Na szczęście, ponad podziałami udało nam się wspólnie wypracować dobry dokument i osiągnąć mocny kompromis, dzięki któremu nie zostały złożone żadne dodatkowe poprawki podczas tej sesji plenarnej. Gratuluję, Panie Pośle!

Chciałbym zwrócić uwagę na kilka kwestii. Najważniejsza jest dla mnie sprawa zarybiania. Na szczęście, zapisy ukazujące zarybianie w bardzo złym świetle zostały usunięte. Teraz należy przede wszystkim skupić się na uzyskaniu lepszej jakości bezpieczniejszego genetycznie materiału do zarybień oraz do eliminacji nieodpowiednio przeprowadzonych zarybień. Bowiem tylko źle przeprowadzone zarybienia mogą mieć negatywne skutki dla różnorodności genetycznej populacji bałtyckich łososi. Zwróćmy uwagę na fakt, że bez zarybień restytucyjnych w wielu rzekach w ogóle nie mielibyśmy łososia. Cieszy również fakt objęcia kontrolami 20% inspekcji wszystkich wyładunków. Myślę, że ten zapis zgodny z rozporządzeniem 1224/2009 ustanawiającym wspólny system kontroli w celu zapewnienia przestrzegania przepisów wspólnej polityki rybołówstwa jest bardzo dobrym kompromisem. Kwestia objęcia planem zarówno połowów przemysłowych jak i rekreacyjnych została przez pana posła Grabarczyka uwzględniona, z czego się bardzo cieszę. Jeszcze raz gratuluję, Panie Pośle! Dziękuję.


  Guido Milana (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio innanzi tutto i cinque relatori che hanno lavorato moltissimo su questi argomenti e, siccome potrò occuparmi soltanto di uno, per il secondo indosserò un oggetto sul capo, per dimostrare la mia convinzione che nessun pesce, secondo la legislazione europea, possa essere sbarcato senza le pinne, per cui non capisco perché gli squali debbano essere sbarcati senza le pinne. Allora, in onore degli squali, indosserò una pinna per continuare il mio intervento.

Volevo sostenere soprattutto l'impostazione della collega Lövin e contestare sostanzialmente l'idea che il Partito popolare possa aver prodotto una risoluzione alternativa. Credo che questa risoluzione alternativa del Partito popolare, firmata dal presidente, ponga un problema serissimo, perché cancella una parte importantissima di quella relazione che riguarda la conclusione di accordi di pesca nel Mediterraneo. Questo mare, in nostro Mediterraneo, senza accordi di pesca con gli altri paesi, è destinato a morte certa. Cancellare l'ipotesi che si possa perseguire una politica estera della pesca nel Mediterraneo significherebbe condannare il mare alla sua morte. Quindi, chiedo al collega presidente della nostra commissione, di ritirare quella mozione prima di domani, altrimenti invito i colleghi del Mediterraneo a votare contro.


  Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE). - Voorzitter, commissaris, dames en heren, de visserij is een vitale sector in Europa. Dat blijkt ook wel uit de vijf verslagen en het debat vanavond, met grote economische en ecologische belangen.

Als rapporteur voor een vijftal toekomstige structuurfondsen voor de algemene verordening, waaronder ook het maritiem en visserijfonds valt, wil ik nog eens wijzen op de mogelijkheden die wij hebben om te investeren in een geïntegreerde aanpak voor de kustregio's. En het is ook het verslag-Ferreira dat wijst op de kleinschalige visserij, ambachtelijke visserij. De instandhouding is belangrijk voor de aantrekkelijkheid van de kustzones en voor het evenwicht in die zones, ook ecologisch. Ook in mijn land, Nederland, is de sector van schelp- en schaaldieren klein maar vitaal. Het is dus belangrijk niet alleen oog te hebben voor het grootschalige. Nieuwe initiatieven, zoals aquacultuur, kunnen daar ook een aanvulling op zijn. Het Regionaal Ontwikkelingsfonds kun je ook gebruiken in de kustregio's.

Ten tweede: technologie helpt ons. Ik mag bijvoorbeeld eens wijzen op een ontwikkeling in Nederland - een jonge visser uit Volendam heeft daar een innovatieprijs mee gewonnen - om de bijvangst meteen levend weer terug te spoelen in de zee. Dat kan op een aantal schepen en in een aantal sectoren. Zo'n ontwikkeling helpt ons echt verder, en ik wil de commissaris vragen of ze dat soort innovaties krachtig wil ondersteunen. Dat kan vanuit de fondsen, en ik denk dat dat een goede bijdrage is voor het imago van de sector.


  Dolores García-Hierro Caraballo (S&D). - Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, señores y señoras diputados, como titular socialista de la delegación española, quiero dejar constancia de mi preocupación en este momento, porque tenemos que alcanzar un acuerdo sobre la reforma de la política pesquera común, y es precisamente a quienes tienen la mayoría en el Consejo y en este Parlamento, a los conservadores, a quienes quiero transmitir mi reflexión.

Creo que debemos realizar una reforma pesquera justa y equilibrada; una reforma respetuosa con los recursos pesqueros, con la sostenibilidad social, económica, con el medio ambiente y con el medio marino; una reforma justa con los pescadores que, durante siglos, emplean artes selectivas de pesca, de bajo impacto, y que cuidan del mar, porque ha sido y es su principal fuente de vida. El 80 % de la flota europea se dedica a la pesca costera, artesanal y de bajura. Regiones enteras viven de ella, da forma a nuestra cultura y nuestra gastronomía, garantiza un alimento fresco de alta calidad y, además, genera mucho empleo. Por ello, debemos tener en cuenta esta realidad, favorecer la formación e incorporación de los jóvenes y equiparar los salarios de las mujeres.

Y, por último, el cercenamiento de las aletas de los tiburones no se justifica ni económicamente ni socialmente.


  Jens Nilsson (S&D). - Herr talman! Som boende i norra Sverige hoppas jag att vi med morgondagens beslut tar viktiga steg för att garantera att den vilda laxens reproduktionsförmåga i Östersjön förbättras, men det finns säkert mycket mer att göra framöver.

Jag begärde egentligen ordet för att fråga om hajfenor. När jag var ny i fiskeriutskottet i februari ramlade jag rakt in i en diskussion om hajfenorna och jag blev förvånad eftersom jag har för mig att det är 10 år sedan det förbjöds. Om det förbjöds för 10 år sedan och fortfarande pågår måste vi göra något.

Jag är mycket nöjd med att vi med morgondagens beslut förhoppningsvis täpper till kryphålen i de gällande reglerna. Regler för fiske måste vara anpassade för att uppnå målet, enkla att genomföra på vattnet och lika enkla att kontrollera i hamnen.

På detta sätt stoppar vi missförhållandena på ett effektivt sätt, utan att krångla till det.


Διαδικασία Catch-the-Eye


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - A Uachtaráin, nuair a toghadh mise mar Fheisire trí bliana ó shin ní raibh mórán cur amach agam ar an gComhbheartas Iascaigh ná ar fhadhbanna a bhaineann leis an tionscal iascaireachta. Ach anois tar éis taighde agus cruinnithe – agus tar éis éisteacht leis na díospóireachtaí – tuigim i bhfad níos fearr anois é.

I must say that tonight’s discussion has been the most positive and optimistic of those I have attended regarding fisheries. I am particularly delighted with the emphasis being put on the need to preserve coastal communities and small-scale fisheries, to maintain stocks and ecosystems, to base our decisions on up-to-date scientific advice and to end the despicable practice of discards.

The Commissioner has made the point – which is true – that you cannot monitor all fishing vessels but, given that most of the damage is being done by large-scale vessels, would she not consider making resources available to monitor those vessels, because finning, mincing and flag hopping are all part and parcel of what many of the large-scale vessels do? Would she also consider introducing more draconian measures which would act as a deterrent as well?


  Gesine Meissner (ALDE). - Herr Präsident! Wir haben heute sehr interessante Berichte zur Fischereireform gehört und ich möchte auf drei Berichte eingehen.

Zum einen: Wir wissen alle, dass die Fischerei eines der ältesten Handwerke überhaupt ist. Und auch heute ist es noch so, dass Fischerei in vielerlei Hinsicht von kleinen und mittelständischen Betrieben und Handwerkern betrieben wird. Wir stellen immer kleine und mittelständische Betriebe in den Mittelpunkt unserer Politik in Europa und darum finde ich es nur gut, dass in diesem Fall in dem Bericht sehr stark auf deren Bedürfnisse abgestellt worden ist. Das zum einen.

Zum anderen zur externen Dimension der Fischereipolitik: Fisch ist schon heute ein wichtiger Eiweißlieferant für viele Länder – Entwicklungsländer – und deren Menschen. Und es ist deswegen ganz wichtig, weil auch die Weltbevölkerung wächst, in Zukunft noch mehr darauf zu achten, dass die Menschen, die vor Ort Fisch als Eiweißlieferanten brauchen, auch wirklich selber die Fische vor ihrer Küste fangen können und dass nur das, was darüber hinaus da ist, dann im Rahmen von Fischereiabkommen für z. B. europäische Fischer tatsächlich zur Verfügung steht.

Und das Letzte: Ich denke, dass das Hai-Finning nicht gut ist, sondern barbarisch, und abgeschafft werden sollte. Da sind wir uns ziemlich einig.


  Luís Paulo Alves (S&D). - Senhor Presidente, a pequena pesca deve merecer uma especial proteção da Política Comum de Pescas, não só porque promove a coesão socioeconómica e garante o sustento de muitas famílias, como constitui um fator de fixação dessas comunidades ao longo das zonas costeiras. A sua sustentabilidade económica e social deve constituir um objetivo, garantindo-lhes um regime de pesca diferenciado que dê prioridade de acesso aos recursos, permita a gestão de proximidade e proteja os direitos de pesca de que beneficiam os profissionais de pesca dessas comunidades contra os direitos de pesca transferíveis.

É igualmente importante para a sua sustentabilidade ter em atenção o regime de acesso às águas, em especial nas regiões com bacias biogeográficas marinhas, com reduzida plataforma continental e recursos pouco abundantes, concentrados em montes submarinos e bancos de pesca que devem ter acesso protegido.

Num contexto de liberalização e de crise, que pesa sobre as regiões frágeis, deve igualmente assegurar-se que os produtos provenientes do comércio internacional cumpram as mesmas exigências que os produtos que a União importa.


(Λήξη της διαδικασίας Catch-the-Eye)


  Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. − I shall now make a few comments, firstly on the Baltic salmon proposal. I would also like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work, which was recognised by all the speakers.

Just two clarifications: regarding the problem of predators – yes, I recognise that there is a problem; and yes, we are trying to find concrete data and figures about the size and severity of the problem. But at the end of the day, Mr Gróbarczyk, I would like to remind you and all the Members that this is a national competence. This is not a competence of the Commission. This is a competence that comes from the Environment Directive, and so it is a competence of the Member States. We are now trying to find out the impact – the result – of the action of these predators, but this is all we can do. I would just like to clarify this situation.

As regards recreational fisheries – specifically salmon – a lot of the Members of this House have referred to this problem. Yes, there is a problem. We have some studies which have references saying that, for example, recreational fisheries in the Baltic take maybe 20% of the whole salmon catch. Can you imagine 20% only from recreation fisheries? But recreational fisheries are a competence of the Member States, so what we can do is to ensure that what recreational fisheries are doing is really recreational: catching fish for consumption and not for sale. However, the Member States have to cooperate on this, as we cannot touch these issues. I would like to give you this clarification.

Regarding the Technical Measures regulation, I would like just to mention that – as a lot of Members of this House have said – it would make the rapporteur’s life, the committee’s life and our lives much easier if we had the regionalisation provision implemented. A lot of details that are in this regulation could then be decided by the regional bodies, so this would be a great comfort to the rapporteur and to all of you. That is why I would like to urge you to support the Commission’s proposal for regionalisation. I am afraid that in the Council meetings I cannot see a lot of progress concerning this issue. I do not want to finalise the discussion now, but we have a lack of progress in the Council. So really I think that, with regard to the reform, Parliament can give us some strength to defend this regionalisation policy.

Concerning shark finning, I would like to reassure you that all the consultation procedures were followed with regard to our proposal. We did not come here without having a consultation process lasting many months. It is a process which is very well organised under very strict rules – the Commission rules. We also have an impact assessment. We try to prepare as well as possible, but, at the end of the day, we have to realise that the great majority of the Members who spoke on this issue understand the need to close all the loopholes we have in our legislation. I hope we will be able to put an end to this harmful practice. I think I have to repeat that a lot of other countries are doing the same, and they have fleets that are profitable, so please help us. Of course we need to work with our industry to find the best solutions for the implementation of this legislation.

With respect to small-scale fisheries, there were a lot of interventions here. This is reasonable, since it is a very important issue. I would like to welcome the comments about women in the fishery sector, and we can do a lot of things here with regard to the funding ideas we have. Concerning young people, I would like to inform you that, during the last Council meeting, I announced that we are going to amend the Commission’s proposal for the next financial perspective in order to give some incentives to young people to enter the sector. This can help create a more positive climate in our coastal areas, which must be our focus. I agree with you that this has to be our main target.

I would also like to mention here that we need support in order to go for measures that can help coastal communities in a more constructive way. Let me give you an example. I am very sorry that we have missed the opportunity to have a mandatory label with the date of catch on fish products, because this would help our local fisheries a lot, because the consumer would then be informed about fresh fish and could perhaps make a different choice. Nevertheless, we are going to continue, and there are other market measures which can help the local communities.

I can also say to you that I very much welcome all these ideas about more selective gears coming from small-scale fisheries. We are going to ringfence a great deal of money with regard to the next financial perspectives for innovation and more selective gears.

A final remark about the external dimension: I can understand that this is a very complicated issue. I have also underlined that this is an issue which comes with trade policy and foreign affairs policy. We also have to concentrate on our relationships with other countries – sometimes these are countries which are not very well developed. We therefore have to bear in mind that we cannot go there to fish in the way we used to some decades ago.

Let me make it clear: we need to respect these people and their sustainability issues. We have to fish only for the surplus; we have to pay adequate prices, but they also have to contribute to this change, otherwise we will not be able to fish outside European waters. It is as simple as that. We have to follow the same rules, I agree with you – all of you who intervened highlighted this.

I also understand that we need to move further beyond our agreements, in order to find a way to maintain a level playing field between our fishermen and the fishermen of other countries. This is the case, for instance, in the Mediterranean and in other areas where we have to work side-by-side with fishermen from other countries. We have to be sure that our fishermen who respect the rules have a level playing field with third-country vessels. This will not be easy, but we need to have a solid policy to ensure that sustainability issues concerning our waters are respected, in order to embark on international cooperation on combating illegal fisheries. This is what we are trying to do.

I would just like to remind you that we have some problems with our fisheries agreements. This is something which has already been mentioned, and it is not only an issue of policy. It is also an institutional problem, because cooperation between Parliament, the Council and the Commission is not at the level we would like it to be. We are facing additional problems with regard to the agreements owing to the reluctance of the Council to give Parliament a say on this.

We have to focus on these issues; we have to work together – I agree with you. I would like, Mr President, to thank all the Members; after all, we did have a positive discussion tonight.


  Carmen Fraga Estévez (PPE). - Señor Presidente, yo creo que la Comisaria también está aquí para responder a nuestras preguntas. Y yo he pedido que públicamente se diga si el cercenamiento de las aletas –finning– es una práctica habitual en la flota de la UE, como han afirmado muchos diputados. Quiero que ella diga si eso es, o no, verdad.


  Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, sprawozdawca. − Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! Wracając do Pani stwierdzenia na temat drapieżników, nie było naszą intencją– i niej jest moją, aby zmuszać Komisję do jakichkolwiek działań. Tak, jak Pani powiedziała, 20% połowów łososia stanowią połowy rekreacyjne – i Pani to wie; chodzi nam o to, by Pani, czy też Komisja, również wiedziała, ile procent zasobów odławianych jest przez drapieżniki. Jest to zasadnicza kwestia w kontekście ich szacowania i określenia, ile faktycznie tej ryby mamy. Cieszę się, że zgadzamy się w tej kwestii. Natomiast ważniejsza dla nas, dla mnie jest przyszłość tego sprawozdania. Czy trafi ono, tak jak pozostałe plany zarządzania, do przysłowiowego kosza, czy zamrażarki, czy też będziemy w stanie wdrożyć je i realizować oraz przekazać do realizacji poszczególnym państwom? Mam co do tego poważne wątpliwości, gdyż – jak na początku Pani stwierdziła, iż cieszy Panią, że temat rybołówstwa przyciąga coraz większą ilość liczbę posłów – muszę stwierdzić, że zainteresowanie Rady jest odwrotnie proporcjonalne do zainteresowania posłów. A to niestety już martwi.

Ze swojej strony serdecznie dziękuję Pani Komisarz, wszystkim posłom sprawozdawcom za pracę, którą wykonali i wydatny wkład w moje sprawozdanie. Dziękuję również panu Wałęsie za tak ciepłe słowa i proszę o jutrzejsze poparcie tej dyrektywy. Dziękuję bardzo.


  Pat the Cope Gallagher, rapporteur. − Mr President, while I would have appreciated having the opportunity to refer to the other reports, time does not permit me to do so. I want to congratulate the other rapporteurs and wish them well. I want to thank the Commissioner for her kind words, bearing in mind the time constraints; we had a very short period of time to prepare a report and bring it through the Committee. I am very grateful for the broad general support which there is for the Technical Measures report.

This agreement provides for a review, which I had hoped to refer to earlier, of the defined area for cod recovery by 1 January 2015. This means that the line may be removed in its entirety – of course following scientific assessment, and that is all important. The mesh sizes used within the defined area will also be reviewed, so it is important that we review, from year to year or bi-annually, the report approved by the Committee.

It also proposes the introduction of a new and appropriate mesh size for small pelagic species. The express intention of the Committee was to avoid the same problem we had some two years ago in relation to boarfish, where it was necessary for Parliament to introduce a specific amendment to allow that important lucrative fishery to exist. As a result of that, boarfish is a very sustainable and well-managed fishery.

However, the Council refused to support the amendment and, as a result, other, non-EU countries may take advantage of this and build up historical catches. The whole purpose of the amendment was to enable the development of new fisheries into the future which, of course, is respecting UN FAO guidelines on how new and developing fisheries should be dealt with in detail.

Last year the Council approved the declaration on the development of fisheries. Hopefully the Council, at the December meeting, could do the same and allow us to concentrate on other fisheries.


  Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, relatora. − Senhor Presidente, depois do que ouvi a Sra. Comissária dizer, concluo ser lamentável que não tenha lido as minhas propostas. Lamentável que não saiba que todos os países que seguem a regra das barbatanas ligadas só pescam a fresco, tal como eu proponho. Lamentável que não se reconheça que, exceto Taiwan, Formosa, que tem congeladores e está neste momento a rever a regra que a Sra. nos propõe devido à falta de qualidade de pescado. É lamentável ainda que não tenha tido a honestidade de dizer que não há finning e que esta sua proposta se trata de uma cedência às ONG.

Depois do que ouvi os meus colegas dizerem, algumas afirmações verdadeiramente espantosas pelo seu desfasamento com a realidade, faço votos de que se informem melhor antes de tomarem decisões, que nunca afinal são inconsequentes para pessoas que labutam e que têm família.


  João Ferreira, relator. − Senhor Presidente, referi-me há pouco a várias propostas importantes que constam do relatório da pequena pesca, para as quais pedi o vosso apoio amanhã, mas não posso deixar de referir que teria sido possível e desejável ir mais longe neste relatório.

Para além das propostas que referi há pouco, fiz outras, que seriam também muito importantes para valorizar a pequena pesca. Propostas como, por exemplo, a elaboração de um programa comunitário específico de apoio à pequena pesca, a defesa de um tratamento diferenciado com regimes e modelos de gestão adaptados às características e problemas específicos deste segmento, o apoio à renovação e modernização da frota, a possibilidade de adotar formas de intervenção na cadeia de valor do setor, nos casos em que existam graves desequilíbrios, como a fixação de margens máximas de intermediação para cada agente da cadeia, valorizando os preços pagos à produção na primeira venda, a consagração e alargamento da área de reserva de acesso exclusivo, atualmente nas 12 milhas, para as áreas adjacentes, de acordo com a plataforma continental. No caso das regiões ultraperiféricas, esta área deveria passar das 100 para as 200 milhas, de forma a melhor proteger as frotas locais e as comunidades delas mais dependentes, dando-lhes prioridade no acesso aos recursos.

Lamentavelmente, estas foram propostas que não foram apoiadas pela maioria no voto em comissão. Mas não vamos desistir delas.

Sra. Comissária, é positivo que a Comissão tenha corrigido a sua posição relativamente à entrada de jovens na atividade, mas era também necessário que corrigisse muitas outras posições, como a definição restritiva de pequena pesca em que continua a insistir, como a tentativa de imposição de um modelo de gestão único, baseado em concessões de pesca transferíveis que, a serem aprovadas, teriam consequências desastrosas, como muito bem sabe, para a pequena pesca na Europa.


  Isabella Lövin, rapporteur. − Mr President, thank you to all the colleagues who have commented on and supported the report on the external dimension of the common fisheries policy. We really appreciate the Commission’s original proposal and we also appreciate that the Commission welcomes the additional dimension that we have added to the external communication – the inclusion of the issues of trade, private agreements and private operators from the EU that are actually fishing outside of the EU waters. They should somehow also be included, in our view, in the external dimension of the CFP.

The EU is now very dependent on imports of fish. We are importing 60%, but the 40% that is counted as ‘domestic fisheries’ is actually 23% of the value of that, through the fisheries partnerships agreements. So this is really not sustainable. What we are doing is not sustainable; we are making ourselves more and more dependent on fish from foreign seas, and this is not how the EU should proceed.

If we want to take responsibility for our own consumption of fish, we must first rebuild European stocks. We should therefore take the reform of the CFP really seriously and rebuild all the European stocks to levels above those capable of producing MSY. Secondly, in our fisheries partnerships agreements we take development cooperation seriously and help developing countries to develop their own fisheries industry so that they can support their own populations and perhaps export some of the fish to us. That is the way to go.


  Πρόεδρος. - Η κοινή συζήτηση έληξε.

Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί αύριο στις 12 το μεσημέρι.

Γραπτές δηλώσεις (άρθρο 149)


  Birgit Collin-Langen (PPE), in writing. The population of salmon has dramatically decreased over the past few years, provoked by pollution, some caused by man-made problems, as well as by extensive exploitation of salmon stocks. That is why there is an obvious need for a sustainable approach in fisheries management with regard to salmon stocks in the Baltic Sea. Dealing with this issue, the Gróbarczyk report suggests that the Baltic salmon stock should be exploited in a sustainable way, according to the principle of maximum sustainable yield. I agree with the rapporteur’s proposal to ensure diversity and integrity in management of the salmon stock.


  Anne Delvaux (PPE), par écrit. – Monsieur le Président, Madame la commissaire, chers collègues, je vous encourage tous à combler les failles de la législation actuelle relative à la découpe des ailerons de requin, en veillant à ce que tous les requins capturés par les navires de l'UE dans le monde soient débarqués avec leurs ailerons naturellement attachés, sans - et j'insiste - qu’aucune exception ne soit tolérée. C'est pourquoi je vous invite à rejeter toute tentative d'introduction des amendements préservant la dérogation à travers laquelle la pratique du « finning » pourrait rester inaperçue. Non seulement l'adoption de cette proposition permettrait d’apporter une protection accrue aux requins de l’UE, mais elle permettra également à l'UE de contribuer à l'effort mondial visant à éradiquer la pratique, aussi cruelle qu'inutile, que constitue la découpe des ailerons de requins, en préconisant aux organisations régionales de pêche telles que la ICCAT et la IOTC des politiques en faveur des ailerons de requins naturellement attachés aux corps, sans exception. Mon point de vue est partagé par une majorité de citoyens de l'Union européenne. Nous les représentons. Ne l'oubliez pas!


  Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE), în scris. Uniunea Europeană are datoria de a susţine pescuitul la scară mică şi pe cel artizanal, mai ales având în vedere că, în unele regiuni, aceste activităţi reprezintă singura sursă de venituri a localnicilor. În aceste condiţii, cele două tipuri de pescuit ar trebui să beneficieze de o atenţie sporită în cadrul noului Fond european pentru pescuit şi afaceri maritime, deoarece aproximativ 80% din activităţile de pescuit din cadrul Uniunii sunt efectuate de nave cu o lungime mai mică de 15 metri. Pentru România, de exemplu, acest lucru este valabil în proporţie de 100%, iar sute de familii trăiesc din această muncă. Atrag atenţia asupra pericolului reprezentat de concesiunile de pescuit transferabile, care i-ar defavoriza grav pe aceşti mici pescari în beneficiul celor mult mai competitivi şi consider că Parlamentul trebuie să aibă o opinie fermă de respingere a acestui sistem.

Juridisks paziņojums - Privātuma politika