Véronique De Keyser (S&D). - Monsieur le Président, en raison du cessez-le-feu qui est intervenu hier à Gaza, nous avons été amenés à modifier, avec l'accord des autres groupes, un tout petit peu la formulation.
Il y a quatre amendements raw (au brouillon) qui vous seront donnés au fur et à mesure. Si vous le permettez, je vais déjà vous donner le premier, puisque nous allons voter le premier. Au début du paragraphe 1
After ‘expresses grave concern, etc.’ add ‘welcomes the ceasefire agreement announced in Cairo and calls for its full implementation’ and ‘commends the efforts of Egypt and other actors to mediate’. So first, ‘welcomes the ceasefire’ and second, ‘commends the efforts of Egypt’. Do you want me to read the whole paragraph?
(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)
– Vor der Schlussabstimmung:
Véronique De Keyser (S&D). - Mr President, the three oral amendments are as follows:
‘ having regard to the ceasefire agreement of 21 November 2012,’.
A second oral amendment: ‘A. whereas the recent escalation of violence has resulted in loss of life’ (instead of ‘ongoing conflict’).
A third oral amendment – in English; I apologise to my British colleagues, my English is very bad, but anyway: ‘(AA.) whereas Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamel Amr and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a ceasefire at a news conference in Cairo on 21 November 2012; whereas, according to this ceasefire, “Israel shall stop all hostilities in the Gaza Strip, land, sea and air including incursions and targeting of individuals” (close the quotation mark, this is not the amendment, this is a quote from the conference) while “all Palestinian factions shall stop all hostilities from the Gaza Strip against Israel, including rocket attacks, and attacks along the border”;’ (close the quotation mark, this is a sentence from the press conference).
(Die mündlichen Änderungsanträge werden übernommen.)