 Пълен текст 
Процедура : 2012/2877(RSP)
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документите :

Внесени текстове :


Разисквания :

PV 22/11/2012 - 17.1
CRE 22/11/2012 - 17.1

Гласувания :

PV 22/11/2012 - 18.1
CRE 22/11/2012 - 18.1

Приети текстове :


Пълен протокол на разискванията
Четвъртък, 22 ноември 2012 г. - Страсбург

17.1. Положението с правата на човека в Иран, и по-специално масовите екзекуции и неотдавнашната смърт на блогъра Sattar Behesthi

  předseda. − Prvním bodem dnešního jednání je situace v oblasti lidských práv v Íránu, zejména hromadné popravy a nedávná smrt bloggera Sattára Beheštího(1).


  Raül Romeva i Rueda, author. − Mr President, the human rights situation in Iran is constantly deteriorating. Numerous cases of ill-treatment, torture, medical neglect and death in Iranian prisons have been documented. Sattar Beheshti, a 35-year-old blogger, was arrested on 30 October by Iran’s cyber police in a raid on his mother’s home in Robat Karim. They also confiscated a number of his personal belongings, including his computers.

Mr Beheshti’s family tried to get information from security and judicial officials about his whereabouts and the reason for his arrest. No answer was given until 6 November, when police officials told the family that the blogger had died in custody. The authorities did not provide any explanation for his death. This is why in this resolution we strongly want to demand an immediate investigation into the circumstances of Sattar Beheshti’s death in custody and call for the prosecution of the officials responsible. We also have to recognise the right of the family to clarify all the circumstances surrounding his death.

We also need to remember the execution, on 22 October, of ten Iranians accused of drug-related offences. We are concerned that they did not receive a fair trial and they were subjected to torture during their detention.

Probably, in many cases, none of this is new. The problem is that we are being forced once again to ask the Iranian authorities to ensure that prisoners are not subjected to any torture or other ill-treatment and that they are allowed to have regular access to lawyers of their choice and medical treatment when needed. Let us not forget that Iran has also ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


  Jaroslav Paška, autor. − Všetci vieme, že iránsky režim nerešpektuje svoje záväzky podľa medzinárodného práva a dohody, ktoré podpísal.

Pretrvávajúce porušovanie základných práv občanov tejto krajiny štátnymi, poriadkovými, bezpečnostnými aj súdnymi orgánmi vytvára v krajine atmosféru strachu a útlaku. Zatiaľ čo kritici režimu sú prenasledovaní, šikanovaní, väznení a mučení, pracovníci represívnych bezpečnostných zložiek zneužívajú privilégium absolútnej beztrestnosti za zverstvá páchané na iránskom ľude. Dôkazom toho je aj mučenie Sattára Beheštího či poprava Saída Sedíkího. Aj keď iránsky parlament sa zaviazal, že úmrtie Sattára Beheštího vo väzenskej cele prešetrí, nemôžeme prehliadnuť fakt, že v iránskych väzenských celách sa nachádzajú ďalšie desiatky obhajcov ľudských práv, ktorí sú v ohrození svojho života. Preto musíme využiť všetky dostupné možnosti tak sankcie, medzinárodnú diplomaciu, či cielené reštriktívne opatrenia na zastavenie týchto brutálnych represií štátnej moci voči iránskemu ľudu.


  Véronique De Keyser, auteure. − Monsieur le Président, je crois que l'on peut comprendre beaucoup de choses de l'Iran et que l'on peut se dire que c'est un pays avec lequel il faut négocier. On peut aussi comprendre l'idée d'une dénucléarisation de tout le Moyen-Orient. On peut comprendre beaucoup de choses, mais je ne comprends pas la cruauté de ce régime vis-à-vis des droits de l'homme.

Je dois dire que ce n'est même pas politique: il y a eu un accroissement considérable des peines de morts, un blogueur est décédé dans des conditions suspectes, et notre appel répété de rencontrer les deux prix Sakharov, que nous avons nommés cette année, est resté sans suite.

Je lance donc ici un appel aux autorités iraniennes – en raison même de cette idée consistant à aller vers eux, à leur tendre la main – en faveur des droits de l'homme. Je crois que nous ne pourrons jamais nous comprendre si ce chapitre-là n'est pas ouvert avec elles.

Je voudrais aussi pouvoir, au mois de décembre, célébrer le prix Sakharov avec les deux nominés, qui sont Nasrin Sotoudeh, aujourd'hui en grève de la faim, et Jafar Panahi, aujourd'hui en appel d'une condamnation contre lui, et qui risque d'être emprisonné. Ce sont deux lauréats que nous n'avons pas nommés contre l'Iran, mais bien parce qu'ils sont pour nous représentatifs de la liberté et des droits de l'homme.


  Struan Stevenson, author. − Mr President, the fascist Iranian regime has used the smokescreen of Gaza to accelerate the number of executions and amputations that have been taking place in that country. More than 80 people have been executed in the past ten days, but that simply adds to the 120 000 people executed over the past 30 years – many of them supporters of the opposition PMOI. I have here a volume that contains the first volume of 20 000 names of executed PMOI supporters in the fascist-run regime of Iran, which is an absolute outrage.

It is also an outrage that this Parliament tried to send a friendship delegation last month to visit these murderers. The only reason they were stopped was because we awarded the Sakharov Prize to the Iranian dissident, Nasrin Sotoudeh, who is now on her sixth day of hunger strike and is critically ill. We must never send a friendship delegation to that fascist regime again.


  Sari Essayah, laatija. − Arvoisa puhemies, hyvä komission jäsen, Iranin nykyhallinto rikkoo räikeällä tavalla ihmisoikeuksia ja polkee kansalaistensa perusvapauksia.

Tällä kertaa me kiinnitämme huomiota paitsi teloituksiin niin erityisesti 35-vuotiaaseen bloginpitäjään Sattar Beheshtiin, joka kuoli kidutukseen Evinin vankilassa viime viikolla. Syy hänen pidätykseensä oli yksinomaan hänen poliittiset mielipiteensä ja Iranin hallituksen kritisointi Facebookissa. Kansainvälinen yhteisö ja ihmisoikeusjärjestöt ovat huomioineet Iranin hallituksen kuolemantuottamuksen ja ilmaisseet myös huolestumisen Beheshtin perheen turvallisuustilanteesta.

Beheshtin kuolema on kiinnittänyt huomiota maan surkeaan ihmisoikeustilanteeseen, mutta kaikki eivät kuitenkaan näe suurempaa kuvaa, eli sitä, kuinka Iranin hallinto vaikuttaa taustalla koko Lähi-idän turvallisuustilanteen heikkenemisessä. Iranin nykyhallinto on suurin uhka maailmanrauhalle. On aivan käsittämätöntä, että kansainvälinen yhteisö katselee pääosin sivusta, kuinka Iranin hallinto on kaikessa rauhassa saanut kehittää sotilaallista ydinaseohjelmaansa ja olla piittaamatta mm. IAEA:n kannoista. Maan nykyjohto saa julkisesti uhkailla hävittävänsä toisen YK:n jäsenvaltion Israelin ja tukee Libanonissa ja Syyriassa toimivaa hizbollah-terroristiryhmää ja välitti mm. tämän viimeisimmän Lähi-idän kriisin aikana aseita Hamasille. Samoin Iranin nykyhallinto on painostanut Irakia siinä, kuinka he ovat kohdelleet Iranin oppositiota, jotka ovat tällä hetkellä Camp Ashrafin ja Libertyn leireissä.

Toivonkin, että sekä tässä parlamentin kannanotossa mutta erityisesti myös EU:n ulkosuhdekomissaari Ashtonin ulostulossa saataisiin vielä terävämpiä sanamuotoja, ja todellakin näissä taloudellisissa pakotteissa voitaisiin edelleenkin edistyä, jotta Iran ja sen nykyhallinto pystyttäisiin laittamaan vastuuseen omien kansalaistensa heikosta kohtelusta.


  Paul Murphy, author. − Mr President, the tragic death of Sattar Beheshti as a result of brutal torture in the infamous Evin prison following his arrest for so-called ‘actions against national security’ on social networks and Facebook is, unfortunately, not an isolated case at all. According to Human Rights Watch, at least 15 people detained for exercising their basic rights have died in custody or as a result of injuries from alleged mistreatment or neglect since 2009. Added to that is the massive number of activists who have been executed on trumped-up charges. Some estimates put that number at 660 people in 2011.

This repression and brutality needs to end now. Of course, this repression and brutality also should not be used as a pretext for military action against Iran. The international working class and anti-war movement must stand against any military action or sanctions against the Iranian people, while at the same time supporting their struggle to release all political prisoners, end state torture, end the death penalty and overthrow this regime.


  Kristiina Ojuland, author. − Mr President, on 22 October Sattar Beheshti wrote in his blog, and let me quote: ‘the sentences and (...) the executions carried out (...) were not out of a desire for justice – but were aimed at terrorising the people! So that no one will complain!’ Soon after that he was arrested and tortured. He reportedly died in custody on 3 November. Although the exact circumstances surrounding his death have not yet been established, several reports indicate that he died as a direct result of torture. This shows the barbaric, unlawful and violent nature of the Iranian regime. This needs to change and the EU needs to step up in encouraging the Iranian authorities to re-engage in a human rights dialogue.

I would like to send my deepest condolences to Sattar Beheshti’s family, and to others who have suffered because of the cruel violence of the regime which this House has discussed so many times, unfortunately without a result as yet.


  Bernd Posselt, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Auf Initiative der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte habe ich die politische Patenschaft für Herrn Bahman Ahmadi-Amouie übernommen, einen der bekanntesten Journalisten des Iran. Und er sitzt für fünf Jahre im Gefängnis aus demselben Grund, aus dem der Blogger zu Tode gekommen ist, mit dem wir uns heute befassen, und aus dem unsere Sacharow-Preisträger verfolgt werden. Sie haben allesamt nichts anderes getan, als ihr Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit in Anspruch zu nehmen – eines der selbstverständlichsten Grund- und Menschenrechte!

Und der Iran hat nicht den geringsten Anspruch, wie ein normaler Staat behandelt zu werden, solange er nicht einmal diese minimalen Grundrechte einräumt. Natürlich müssen wir verhandeln und Kontakte unterhalten. Der Iran ist eine der ältesten Kulturen der Menschheit und einer der ältesten Staaten der Menschheit. Aber dann soll er sich auch entsprechend benehmen und Menschlichkeit walten lassen gegenüber Persönlichkeiten, die nichts anderes tun, als frei und offen ihre Meinung sagen.


  George Sabin Cutaş, în numele grupului S&D. – Sattar Beheshti nu este doar un exemplu în plus al îngrădirii libertăţii de exprimare, el este reprezentantul unei societăţi civile ale cărei aspiraţii de libertate sunt curmate în mod sistematic cu brutalitate. Însă, atâta timp cât va exista o societate civilă în Iran, Parlamentul European nu va înceta să apere drepturile sale fundamentale.

De aceea, cer autorităţilor iraniene să investigheze într-un mod imparţial circumstanţele care au dus la moartea în detenţie a lui Sattar Beheshti şi să înştiinţeze familia acestuia asupra rezultatelor anchetei. Doresc, de asemenea, să îmi manifest îngrijorarea cu privire la câştigătorii Premiului Saharov, Nasrin Sotoudeh şi Jafar Panahi, şi fac apel la autorităţile iraniene să înceteze acţiunile de reprimare a societăţii civile.


  Janusz Wojciechowski, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, this is not the first time we have criticised Iran for its executions, but unless we take some serous action, the regime will continue this. Some things should not be forgotten: in 1988, when Mir-Hossein Mousavi was Prime Minister, 30 000 political prisoners were executed in cold blood in less than three months. Most of them were from the People’s Mujahedin of Iran. This is one of the worst crimes in modern history that has not yet been brought to any international tribunal.

I also wanted to draw attention to the difficult situation facing Kurdish people. There are at least 23 Kurdish political prisoners on death row, including Ali Afshari, Houshang Rezaei, Behrouz Alkhani and Loghman Moradi. It is time for us to take action. We must immediately stop all business with Iran and impose full sanctions so that the regime realises that human rights violations will cost it dearly.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, si j'ai bien compté, c'est la septième résolution d'urgence que nous allons adopter sur l'Iran depuis le début de cette mandature. Il est vrai que la situation des droits de l'homme en Iran est dramatique et que ce pays a le triste privilège d'être à la première place des États bourreaux au prorata de son nombre d'habitants: 383 personnes exécutées en public depuis le début de l'année, six exécutions collectives depuis le 27 octobre, vingt pendaisons publiques pour les seuls 7 et 8 novembre. Le régime tente d'accélérer l'exécution de près d'un millier de condamnés avec la mise en place d'un comité de la mort. L'avocate Nasrin Sotoudeh, à qui nous avons décerné le prix Sakharov, est en grève de la faim et, oui, la mise à mort du blogueur Sattar Behesthi, torturé pendant une garde à vue, est dramatique.

Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander à quoi servent nos résolutions. Le nombre d'exécutions ne cesse d'augmenter dans ce pays: elles ont été multipliées par quatre l'année dernière. Ne serions-nous pas plus utiles en dépensant aussi notre énergie à d'autres sujets? Nous ne sommes pas là, mes chers collègues, uniquement pour nous donner bonne conscience.


  Justas Vincas Paleckis (S&D). - Mr President, the human rights situation in Iran has deteriorated rapidly in recent years and months. The lack of transparency concerning the recent imprisonment and death of the 35-year-old Iranian blogger, Sattar Beheshti, has demonstrated that Iran is flagrantly disrespecting the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The recent executions of many Iranian citizens, who may not have received a fair trial, and the continuing mistreatment of the human rights lawyer and Sakharov Prize winner, Nasrin Sotoudeh, also cause great concern. I call on the Iranian authorities to respect human rights and increase the transparency of their judicial and prison systems and to place a moratorium on capital punishment immediately.


  Charles Tannock (ECR). - Mr President, we in this House have watched with grave alarm over many years now as the human rights situation in Iran – not to mention the political situation, as well – continues to deteriorate. As this resolution makes clear, the Iranian regime is guilty of the most egregious abuses of basic human rights, sentencing hundreds of people to death on spurious grounds and without due process or trial, violently oppressing women, gay people and other minorities such as the Ahwazi Arabs, Baluchis, Baha’is, Kurds and so on, and cracking down on any kind of political dissent.

The death in custody now of Sattar Beheshti, a blogger, is a grave crime which must not go unpunished. We in this Parliament must summon all the resources of the EU to assist the Iranian people in their struggle against state repression. Awarding the Sakharov Prize to Nasrin Sotoudeh and Jafar Panahi was a significant and symbolic step, but surely just the beginning of a process. We can only hope that a new momentum of diplomatic pressure might persuade the brutal Iranian Government to improve its legal and judicial processes and to stop persecuting its own citizens, who deserve much better.


Vystoupení na základě přihlášení se zvednutím ruky


  Edit Bauer (PPE). - Mr President, as we see Iran achieve an industrial framework for the execution of people, it seems to me that the story of Sattar Beheshti is quite clear evidence of that. Allow me to quote from his blog: ‘Yesterday they threatened me, saying I should tell my mother that she would soon be wearing black clothes if I did not shut up. If you do not shut your big mouth we do whatever we want. You must shut up and should not inform, otherwise you will be strangled anonymously. Day and night threatening phone calls do not stop. As an Iranian I say I cannot remain silent in the face of these miseries’. Unfortunately, we today should pay tribute to these political prisoners and express solidarity with his family, but it seems to me that we need to do more, that we need to act.


  Bogusław Sonik (PPE). - Rezolucja nasza skierowana jest również do obywateli Iranu. Jest to sygnał wysłany z samego centrum Unii Europejskiej, która jest głosem wolnego świata, wyraża troskę i zapewnia o tym, że o nich pamiętamy. Przede wszystkich jednak daje ona nadzieję na to, że wolność i swobody obywatelskie zawitają kiedyś, w przyszłości do Iranu.

Naszą największą siłą jest solidarność. W ten sposób osiągnęliśmy zawsze największe sukcesy w Europie. I chciałbym koleżance z Francji powiedzieć, że tutaj, przez kilkanaście lat w tej, czy innej sali Parlamentu Europejskiego, były podejmowane debaty i rezolucje na temat wolności, swobód i praw obywatelskich w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej, i w końcu ten mur runął. Dlatego nie należy tracić nadziei i pozbawiać nas również ufności i wiary w to, że te spotkania i rezolucje mają sens. Nasza pomoc jest dla wszystkich, którzy cierpią, niezbędna.


  Zita Gurmai (S&D). - Mr President, since the 2009 protests which followed the last Iranian presidential elections, the human rights situation in Iran has steadily deteriorated. The growing numbers of political prisoners, the rising number of executions, unfair trials, the use of torture, and restrictions of fundamental liberties are just some examples of the increase in human rights violations. The recent death of Sattar Beheshti is a tragic reminder of the situation.

This issue is sometimes obscured by tensions over the Iranian nuclear power programme, which also needs to be firmly addressed. It is high time to reflect on the most effective ways to engage in a productive dialogue with the Iranian authorities on the basis of the EU dual-track approach. We should keep in mind that the effect of wide-reaching sanctions can be counterproductive, as they result in increasing difficulties for ordinary citizens. Therefore, we should make full use of new tools, such as the Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, and swiftly assess its efficiency. Finding an effective balance between dialogue and sanctions is crucial if we want to achieve tangible results.


  Marek Henryk Migalski (ECR). - Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Vergiat, z którą się właściwie nigdy nie zgadzam i różni nas prawie wszystko, miała rację, że można czuć się nieusatysfakcjonowanym tym, że produkujemy kolejne dokumenty i kolejne rezolucje, a z tego nic nie ma. Ale to jest nasz obowiązek, to znaczy po to zostaliśmy tutaj wybrani, żeby między innymi produkować te słowa, bo to są słowa ważne. Ważne również dla tych, którzy są dzisiaj w Iranie, a niebezpieczeństwo Iranu czy przynoszone przez Iran polega na dwojakiego rodzaju zagrożeniu. Pierwsze to jest zagrożenie wewnętrzne i o tym mówimy dzisiaj, to znaczy, że ten reżim zagraża swoim obywatelom i odbiera im podstawowe prawa.

I powinniśmy również pamiętać o drugim zagrożeniu, czy drugim problemie z Iranem, a mianowicie, że to jest również państwo, które zagraża światu zewnętrznemu, i powinniśmy o tym pamiętać, że walcząc o prawa Irańczyków, walczymy tak naprawdę również o prawa nas wszystkich do życia w spokoju i w pokoju.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). - Decesul recent al bloggerului iranian Sattar Beheshti este emblematic pentru situaţia dramatică a drepturilor omului din această ţară. Aici, în Parlament, am denunţat în repetate rânduri încălcări ale drepturilor omului din Iran. Într-adevăr, apărătorii acestor drepturi - jurnalişti, bloggeri, artişti, studenţi, avocaţi, sindicalişti - sunt în mod regulat supuşi presiunilor guvernamentale şi trăiesc sub ameninţarea constantă de a sfârşi în închisorile iraniene.

Exact aceasta a fost şi soarta lui Beheshti, al cărui curaj de a denunţa abuzurile comise de regimul iranian a fost răsplătit cu moartea în închisoare. Şi mai grav, potrivit mai multor surse, decesul său este rezultatul torturilor la care a fost supus. Când cunoaştem istoricul Iranului în materie de decese în închisoare, această concluzie este perfect justificată. Cu toate acestea, trebuie să insistăm pentru anchetarea acestui caz şi pedepsirea vinovaţilor.

Întrucât am fost printre susţinătorii, în numele Grupului PPE, a candidaturii lui Nasrin Sotoudeh şi Jafar Panahi pentru Premiul Saharov, închei prin a solicita eliberarea lor imediată.


  Corina Creţu (S&D). - Uciderea bloggerului iranian Sattar Beheshti este cu atât mai şocantă, cu cât este vorba de moartea unui om care nu a făcut decât să îşi exprime paşnic opiniile pe un blog. Este una din multele crime ale regimului de la Teheran, care demonstrează absurditatea inumană a acestuia.

Aşa cum s-a spus aici, este cazul să facem mai mult decât să condamnăm, bineînţeles, cu toată fermitatea, această crimă revoltătoare, la capătul unor torturi inumane la care a fost supus în închisoare acest tânăr blogger. Solicit şi eu autorităţilor iraniene să investigheze această crimă şi să pună capăt represaliilor brutale împotriva libertăţii de expresie.

De asemenea, Uniunea Europeană are obligaţia de a cere imperativ Iranului să instituie un moratoriu asupra execuţiilor, al căror număr este în creştere îngrijorătoare, şi să facă pasul spre abolirea pedepsei cu moartea, aplicată acum până şi minorilor. Se impun sancţiuni care să determine autorităţile iraniene să respecte drepturile fundamentale ale omului şi ale cetăţenilor din această ţară.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - Mr President, not for the first time, and I fear not for the last time, we are once again discussing the appalling situation in Iran. This is a country that is run not just by dictators, but by what could honestly be described as savages. They have no respect for international law and they have no respect for their own people, whom they arrest and murder almost willy-nilly if they do not agree with them. This is a country that wants its citizens to be yes-men and yes-women. If they are not, they are in grave danger.

The case of Mr Beheshti is a case in point. He was arrested, tortured and murdered and his family was told to come to collect him. It is time for the international community to get tough with Iran and to impose sanctions that will have an impact on the regime and force it at least to respect international law and fundamental rights.


  Mitro Repo (S&D). - Arvoisa puhemies, Iranissa tapahtuu toistuvasti perus- ja ihmisoikeusrikkomuksia. Uhreina ovat ihmisoikeuksien puolustajat sekä aivan tavalliset kansalaiset, jotka henkilökohtaisissa blogeissaan ja yhteisöpalvelimissa nostavat esille kokemiaan vääryyksiä.

Valtionjohtoista yksityiselämän häirintää harjoittaa myös Iranin tietoverkkopoliisi Fata. Toimittajien työtä kontrolloidaan, taiteilijoiden työn vapautta rajoitetaan. Parlamentin tulee välittää Iranin valtiolle voimakas viesti siitä, ettei kansalaisten häirintä ja ahdistelu ole hyväksyttävää. Sattar Beheshtin kidutus ja kuolema poliisin huostassa tulee tutkia, syylliset tuomita. Keskusteleva ja avoin yhteiskunta on lopulta myös valtion ja vallassa olevien etu. Irania tulee rohkaista keskustelemaan aroistakin asioista.


  Elena Băsescu (PPE). - Libertatea de exprimare este unul din principiile fundamentale ale unei democraţii. De aceea, cazul bloggerului iranian mă preocupă în mod deosebit. Arestarea şi decesul său, în condiţii cel puţin suspecte, ridică semne de întrebare cu privire la apărarea principiilor democratice de către autorităţile iraniene. Astfel de practici ar trebui descurajate prin orice mijloace.

Uniunea, în calitate de promotor al drepturilor fundamentale, ar trebui să găsească mijloace de a pune presiune pe autorităţile din Iran. Este nevoie ca prizonierii politici să fie eliberaţi imediat, iar discriminarea minorităţilor religioase să înceteze. Mă refer aici în mod special la câştigătorii Premiului Saharov, care trebuie să îşi poată primi premiul în Parlament, în luna decembrie. Pentru ca Iranul să-şi recapete credibilitatea, trebuie să respecte Convenţia internaţională cu privire la drepturile civile şi politice.


  Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR). - Mr President, I am also very appalled by these executions in Iran. Just between 22 October and 14 November this year 100 people were executed by the regime. We know there have been about 120 000 executions since 1979. No other country in the world has this rate of executions, and still we have a French delegation in Parliament seeking to improve relations with Iran. It is really controversial.

Political executions in Iran today are carried out on the pretext of alleged drug crimes. Most of the executed prisoners belong to the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, an organisation that has been pressing for democratic change for three decades. Some of the PMOI prisoners currently sentenced to death are Habibollah Latifi, Zanyar Moradi, Mostafa Salimi and Habib Afshari.


(Konec vystoupení na základě přihlášení se zvednutím ruky)


  Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, I would like to thank Members for their very pertinent views and for the serious debate today. The European Union is seriously concerned about the deteriorating human rights record in Iran. The continuous repression of political opponents, human rights defenders, journalists, artists, bloggers, lawyers, women and minority groups is a real problem.

The European Parliament is playing an important role in denouncing this situation. The award of this year’s Sakharov Prize to two leading Iranians defending freedom of thought – the lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, and the film director Jafar Penahi – is a very significant example of Parliament’s commitment to human rights.

The tragic death of blogger Sattar Beheshti in custody is a poignant example of the precarious situation of human rights activists in Iran. The European Union responded swiftly by urging the Iranian authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of his death. Afterwards the Iranian judiciary announced that an inquiry had been launched and that the persons responsible would be prosecuted. We shall of course closely follow developments.

Early October saw a spate of arrests of prominent human rights lawyers. The EU reacted to this on several fronts by summoning the Iranian Ambassador to the EU in Brussels, issuing a statement and carrying out a démarche in Tehran.

Iran’s extensive use of the death penalty is particularly worrisome. So far we have confirmation of 338 executions this year. This reconfirms that Iran is one of the world’s most frequent users of capital punishment. In addition, collective and public executions are common in Iran. The EU has a strong stance against the death penalty and we have repeatedly condemned executions in Iran. The High Representative and Vice-President, Catherine Ashton, issued her latest statement on 23 October condemning the collective executions of 10 Iranians charged with drug smuggling.

The EU also remains deeply concerned about the position of ethnic and religious minorities in Iran. Despite constitutional guarantees of equality, they are subject to an array of discriminatory laws and practices. We are using all tools available to raise awareness and call on Iran to respect the principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination. We recall that 78 individuals are now on the EU human rights sanctions list for human rights violations in Iran. The list is reviewed on a regular basis to take into account developments in the country.

Finally, the EU fully supports the role of the UN special rapporteur on Iran, Mr Shaheed, and we have officially called on Iran to facilitate his visit to the country.


  předseda. − Rozprava skončila.

Hlasování se bude konat po skončení rozprav.

Písemná prohlášení (článek 149)


  Tadeusz Zwiefka (PPE), na piśmie. – Przypadki łamania praw człowieka w Iranie są codziennością. Media i organizacje międzynarodowe co chwila donoszą światu o kolejnych masowych egzekucjach, w których Iran zaczyna się poniekąd specjalizować, zajmując drugie miejsce na światowej liście krajów wykonujących karę śmierci.. Dobrze wiemy, że według obowiązującego prawa szariatu kara śmierci grozi za morderstwo, cudzołóstwo, gwałt, napad z bronią w ręku, handel narkotykami czy odstępstwo od wiary. Wykonywane są one publicznie, także na nieletnich, a postępowanie sądowe często nie spełnia żadnych standardów uczciwego procesu. Jedną z ostatnich głośnych spraw było powieszenie 22 osób za handel narkotykami, Nierzadkie są także przypadki politycznych morderstw, w zaciszu więziennych murów, jakich ofiarą padł niedawno Sattar Beheshti. Został aresztowany pod zarzutem popełnienia cyberprzestępstwa, którym okazały się być wpisy na blogu, komentujące sytuację społeczno-polityczną w kraju. Po kilku dniach przebywania w areszcie zmarł. Okoliczności śmierci 35-letniego blogera owiane są tajemnicą. Dlatego też powinniśmy dołączyć się do głosów wzywających władze irańskie do dokładnego wyjaśnienia okoliczności tych zdarzeń. Przypadki tłumienia wolności słowa w Iranie to codzienność. W więzieniach przebywa wielu opozycjonistów oraz dziennikarzy, także zagranicznych.. Dzisiaj na Unii Europejskiej, jako laureatce Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, spoczywa szczególny obowiązek głośnego występowania przeciwko łamaniu praw człowieka.


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