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Postup : 2012/2838(RSP)
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Predkladané texty :

O-000201/2012 (B7-0109/2013)

Rozpravy :

PV 05/02/2013 - 12
CRE 05/02/2013 - 12

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Doslovný zápis z rozpráv
Utorok, 5. februára 2013 - Štrasburg

12. Príprava na CITES COP 16 (rozprava)
Videozáznamy z vystúpení

  Πρόεδρος. - Το επόμενο σημείο είναι η συζήτηση σχετικά με

- Προφορική ερώτηση προς το Συμβούλιο σχετικά με τις προπαρασκευαστικές εργασίες ενόψει της 16ης Διάσκεψης των Συμβαλλομένων Μερών στη Σύμβαση για το Διεθνές Εμπόριο [2012/2838(RSP)] του Matthias Groote, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος, Δημόσιας Υγείας και Ασφάλειας των Τροφίμων (O-000201/2012 - B7-0109/2013),

- Προφορική ερώτηση προς την Επιτροπή σχετικά με τις προπαρασκευαστικές εργασίες ενόψει της 16ης Διάσκεψης των Συμβαλλομένων Μερών στη Σύμβαση για το Διεθνές Εμπόριο [2012/2838(RSP)] του Matthias Groote, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος, Δημόσιας Υγείας και Ασφάλειας των Τροφίμων (O-000202/2012 - B7-0110/2013)


  Matthias Groote, Verfasser. − Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, Frau Ratspräsidentin! Ich bin froh, dass alle drei anwesend sind und dass wir heute auch zu einer solch prominenten Zeit die Möglichkeit haben, dieses wichtige Thema zu debattieren. Ich habe manchmal das Gefühl, dass dieses Thema bei der ganzen Debatte um wirtschaftlich wichtige und große Herausforderungen manchmal untergeht, denn wir haben weltweit einen massiven Verlust von Artenvielfalt zu verzeichnen. Es gibt nur eine Möglichkeit, diesem Trend entgegenzutreten, indem nämlich international dort Beschlüsse gefasst und Arten geschützt werden. Dass dies nötig ist, steht außer Frage.

Wir haben uns im Umweltausschuss des Parlaments mit dieser Thematik beschäftigt und dort eine Entschließung auf den Weg gebracht. Hierbei geht es – wie vom Präsidenten schon erwähnt – um die CITES, die 16. Konferenz der Vertragsparteien, die vom 3. bis 14. März dieses Jahres in Bangkok in Thailand stattfindet. Wir haben große Sorge, weil viele Tierarten bedroht sind. Ganz genau sind es Hammerhaie, aber auch die illegale Jagd auf Elefanten ist massiv in die Höhe geschnellt. Wir als Parlament möchten gerne, dass die 27 Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union hier bei der CoP16 wirklich mit einer Zunge sprechen und dass wir dort stark auftreten, dass wir diesem Treiben und diesem Trend hin zum Verlust von Artenvielfalt, aber auch dem Handel mit verschiedensten Pflanzen- und bedrohten Tierarten – es sind nämlich 33 000, die unter dieses Abkommen fallen – Einhalt gebieten.

In unserer Entschließung haben wir einige Anliegen, und zwar: Wir wollen, dass die Eisbären, die sich bis jetzt noch im Anhang II befinden, in Anhang I dieser Konvention übertragen werden, und auch der Rote Thunfisch. Hiermit haben wir uns im Parlament des Öfteren befasst. Der Rote Thunfisch ist wirklich vom Aussterben bedroht und muss auch besonders geschützt werden. Daher muss er auch in Anhang I und darf nicht weiter in Anhang II fristen. Insgesamt sind es 900 Arten, die dort inbegriffen sind.

Es ist vollkommen klar, dass in wirtschaftlich schweren Zeiten der Handel trotzdem weiterläuft. Aber wir haben die Bitte vonseiten des Umweltausschusses, dass gerade hier Allgemeininteresse und Artenvielfalt Vorrang vor wirtschaftlichen Interessen haben. Das ist die allgemeine Bitte, die ich heute nochmals zum Ausdruck bringen möchte, dass Sie als Rat, aber auch als Kommission diese Linie so, wie wir sie in der Entschließung auf den Weg gebracht haben, in Bangkok vertreten, dass wirklich etwas Gutes dabei herauskommt und die besagten Tierarten – ich habe nur einige angesprochen, alles andere würde den Rahmen sprengen – durch die Europäische Union geschützt werden – ich weiß, dass es kein einfaches Unterfangen ist bei 177 Vertragsparteien und auch kein Wunschkonzert –, dass wir hier mit Nachdruck auftreten und diese Punkte wirklich in dieses Rahmenabkommen umsetzen. Sonst haben wir keine Möglichkeit, außer auf internationaler Ebene Druck auszuüben.

Seit 1975 haben wir CITES, und mit CITES sind sehr viele sinnvolle Dinge auf den Weg gebracht worden. Aber CITES muss immer wieder angepasst werden an die Herausforderungen, an die Gegebenheiten, denen wir uns gerade stellen müssen. Ich bin gespannt auf die Aussprache und auch auf die Antwort von Kommission und Rat. Schön, dass Sie uns heute hier die Möglichkeit geben.


  Lucinda Creighton, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, I would like to thank Mr Groote for his question. The Council is working on the European Union position for this Conference of the Parties, COP 16, and will adopt a decision ahead of the conference. Parliament will, of course, be informed of that decision.

The Presidency will make sure that at COP 16 in March in Bangkok, as at previous Conferences of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the EU Member States act jointly to defend the agreed position of the Union and that they therefore speak with one voice.

This year, CITES celebrates 40 years of existence. During these years, the Convention has proved itself to be an important instrument against over-exploitation of our natural resources. Constant discussion and improvement of its implementation have shown many times that it is possible to have sustainable trade and also to attain the objectives of the Convention if all parties apply the rules and accept necessary restrictions.

As usual, the agenda for this conference covers many issues, from strategic questions to enforcement, compliance and conservation. Each issue involves a different degree of complexity and, at times, may lead to controversy. The future effectiveness of CITES and its role in a global, complex and regulated world will be influenced by decisions on many specific items.

The decisions taken, whether on plant or animal species, will show whether CITES parties are prepared to find acceptable solutions between different countries and views, between conservation needs and economic justification.

We have always maintained that any amendments to the CITES appendices should be based on the conservation status of the species concerned and the listing criteria developed by CITES. They should, furthermore, take account of the contribution that CITES controls can make to improving conservation status, minimise unnecessary administrative burdens and ensure that the parties’ resources are directed towards issues of real conservation concern. It is not by chance that several proposals touch the question of livelihoods. The EU and its Member States have always tried to find a way forward in cooperation with other parties, especially those who are not in the position of having sufficient resources for the satisfactory implementation of CITES. I am hopeful that other parties will share this view.

However, we also go to Bangkok having put a number of important proposals on the table. As at previous COPs, we will again try to ensure the enhanced protection status of sharks. We have also tabled proposals on the transparency of voting and on conflicts of interest, both of which are essentially about increasing transparency. Transparency should be at the heart of the development of conservation policies and practices within the Convention, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the use of secret ballots can cast doubts on the basis on which decisions are made within CITES. Indeed, it becomes impossible to demonstrate that such decisions are based on the use of the agreed scientific criteria. Secondly, the proposals seek to translate within CITES some of the outcomes of the Rio+20 Summit last year with regard to the kind of institutions we want in order to achieve sustainable development. Finally, we remain convinced that undertaking specific steps to move such governance reforms forward will not only result in tangible benefits in terms of increased protection and better management practices, but will also sustain and reinforce the spirit of partnership amongst parties, in the realisation of a common objective.

We are, of course, particularly encouraged by the strong and consistent support of the European Parliament in this respect. The Presidency, together with the Commission and the Member States, is determined to play an active role in ensuring that CITES continues to be an effective tool, in order to attain its two main objectives: conservation and sustainable management of our natural resources.

It is our intention to engage with other parties not only in promoting our proposals but also in looking for acceptable solutions that encompass the need for species conservation and, at the same time, respect for the means of subsistence of populations with fewer or insufficient resources. We are therefore prepared to conduct the upcoming deliberations in a spirit of cooperation, mutual understanding and shared interest in the protection of species threatened by trade, in order to maintain a diverse environment for our future generations.


  Janez Potočnik, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, as Matthias Groote said, this is prime time. To begin with I would like add something which is basically connected with the debate on the European Semester which you have just held. It is my dream that the Environment Commissioner will some day be part of the debate on the European Semester, because you will certainly recall that in the Treaty – I think it is Chapter 3 – it says that sustainable development consists of three pillars. These are the economic, social and environmental pillars, and the European Semester is definitely the story of sustainable development for Europe in the future.

But focusing now on CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), I would first like to thank Parliament and Mr Groote in particular for their interest and involvement with a view to the next CITES COP (Conference of the Parties). When the parties to the Convention meet in Bangkok in March, significant issues will be at stake. CITES is a key international treaty for the regulation of trade in endangered species. It is widely seen as a very effective tool for the protection of biodiversity and promotion of sustainable trade. It has a direct impact on trade, due to the legally binding nature of its decisions and its robust compliance tools. The Rio+20 Conference also recognised its importance.

The European Union has been a leading force within CITES in terms of tabling proposals to extend its scope and strengthening its implementation. The European Union has been at the forefront of promoting a fully science-based approach within CITES and is the main donor to the Secretariat for the implementation of the Convention. As you know, we have tabled a draft Council decision containing detailed positions on all of the proposals put forward for this COP. As you have heard, discussions in the Council have started, and it appears that on the vast majority of issues we will easily find common ground.

We have also started outreach to third countries and will intensify these efforts in the remaining weeks leading up to the COP. I am pleased to say that this time round the European Union will team up with other countries when tabling proposals for listing, in particular with Latin American countries on some marine species.

Let me now set out what priorities the European Union should pursue at this meeting.

First, making sure that the Convention is fully used for the protection of marine species which are threatened by international trade. Marine species deserve the same level of protection as terrestrial species, and we think that CITES can have a very important role to play when this is justified. This is why the European Union has proposed listing one shark species (porbeagle) in Appendix 2 of CITES and it is co-sponsoring the proposal by Brazil and Latin and Central American countries to list three hammerhead shark species also in Appendix 2. Those sharks are particularly vulnerable to overfishing. They are caught in very large numbers for international trade, notably for their fins but in some cases also for their meat. Today no clear regime exists to ensure that such trade is sustainable. A CITES listing is more justified than ever.

The upcoming meeting is also the occasion to finally make progress on the definition of ‘introduction from the sea’, which is about the responsibility of flag states when chartering is involved. The Commission has proposed a solution to this issue, taking full account of the need to fight against illegal fishing, and we are working hard with Member States to find common ground for COP 16.

Second, making the Convention more transparent. At the last COP, most decisions on controversial issues – marine listing or ivory trade, for example – were taken through secret ballots. Today if temporary parties so decide, the decision is voted upon secretly. We propose to change that. In our view, requests to have a secret ballot vote need to be supported by a majority. This would put CITES more in line with what one expects of an international convention on the environment in the 21st century.

Furthermore, we want to introduce a clear policy on conflict of interest in the scientific committees set up under the CITES Convention. There are currently no provisions at all on this point so we need to ensure that these committees base their deliberations on sound scientific reasoning only.

Finally, our third priority is implementation and enforcement. We should not look for new listings or delisting proposals unless this is justified on the basis of scientific criteria. What we do need is that the provisions of the CITES Convention are properly implemented. Failure to comply with CITES requirements does not only result in biodiversity loss but also represents a loss of income for legally operating actors and for government authorities. Wildlife trafficking is more and more associated with transnational organised crime. This is especially the case of illegal trade in ivory and rhinoceros horns which is at its highest level in a decade. We believe that the COP should focus on the most effective ways and means to address these problems.

Enforcement needs to be made a priority in range states, transit countries and countries of final destination. If necessary we should use all measures foreseen within the CITES framework to address persistent failures to take priority measures against poaching or illegal trade. To strengthen international cooperation and capacity building the Commission supports Interpol with almost EUR 2 million to strengthen its efforts to combat wildlife crime.

A further EUR 2 million will be used to prolong our support to the monitoring of the illegal killing of elephants, the so-called MIKE programme, which is a unique mechanism which monitors and addresses elephant poaching across the African continent.

There are many other important items on the agenda of the next COP. We will define our position on these on the basis of the criteria agreed by the CITES parties, which rely on science and the need to convince local populations to participate in the protection of wildlife so that it can actually be successful. Let me assure you that the Commission will do its utmost for the European Union to arrive in Bangkok with a well-coordinated position also in cooperation, of course, with the Presidency, in order for us to pull our full weight at this important conference.

Some of the issues, such as polar bears, which were also addressed in the opening remarks by Mr Groote, I will touch upon in my conclusions.


  Esther de Lange, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Toen ik met een delegatie van dit parlement in 2010 afreisde naar de biodiversiteitstop van Nagoya, was ik zeven maanden zwanger. Inmiddels is mijn zoon twee en de doelen die wij afspraken in Japan, lijken verder weg dan ooit. Zoals doel zes: het voorkomen van het uitsterven van bedreigde diersoorten en het herstellen van de meest bedreigde populaties in 2020. Sterker nog, de berichten worden steeds alarmerender. Een Russisch expert van de IUCN voorspelde onlangs dat de ijsbeer binnen één generatie kan uitsterven.

Ik wil mijn zoon straks als hij volwassen is niet in de ogen moeten kijken en moeten zeggen dat deze generatie politici het heeft nagelaten hier iets aan te doen. En CITES is één van de instrumenten die wij in handen hebben om kwetsbare diersoorten te beschermen, in dit geval via het beperken van de internationale handel in bedreigde diersoorten.

Mijn centrale vraag is of de Raad en de Commissie kunnen garanderen dat zij naar Bangkok afreizen met een ambitieus mandaat. Wat de Commissie betreft heb ik na het horen van de inleiding daar nog redelijk vertrouwen in. Bij de Raad proef ik die ambitie nog niet. De vorige keer in 2010 weigerde de Raad bijvoorbeeld om de ijsbeer op te nemen in bijlage 1. Kan de Raad nu aangeven of hij bereid is om dit deze keer wél te doen? En worden ook de overige suggesties van het Parlement als het gaat om de classificatie van dieren overgenomen? En ik wil de heer Groote danken voor het verslag dat hij daarover geschreven heeft.

Andere punten waar wij aandacht voor moeten hebben - en ze zijn al aangestipt : het beperken van de afzetmarkt voor afgeleide producten van beschermde diersoorten, neushoorn hoorns, ivoor. Want als er geen afzetmarkt is hoeft er ook minder gestroopt te worden. Bovendien moeten wij ons inzetten om binnen de EU ook de stromen van illegaal gevangen dieren te beperken en te monitoren, bij voorbeeld door beter te weten wat er op internet allemaal gebeurt.

Tot slot moeten wij de interne besluitvorming van CITES verbeteren. Ik ben blij dat ik daar tenminste wel iets over heb gehoord van de Raad. Ik hoop dat ook de onderhandelaars van Raad en Commissie deze aarde in een betere staat willen achterlaten voor hun kinderen en kleinkinderen. En dat zij de ambitie dus nog een tikkeltje opvoeren vergeleken met wat ik tot nu toe heb gehoord.

(De spreker stemt ermee in een "blauwe kaart"-vraag te beantwoorden (artikel 149, lid 8, van het Reglement).


  Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE), "blauwe kaart"-vraag. – Ik wilde mevrouw De Lange danken voor haar medelevende bijdrage aan dit debat om bedreigde diersoorten te beschermen. Maar bedreigde diersoorten zijn niet alleen maar ijsberen. Dat zijn ook dieren die in Europa voorkomen. Nu bespreken wij momenteel ook het Europees landbouwbeleid. Dat is cruciaal voor het behoud van bedreigde diersoorten binnen Europa. Bent u bereid om die vergroening van het Europees landbouwbeleid ten volle te ondersteunen?


  Esther de Lange (PPE), "blauwe kaart"-antwoord. – Het risico is hier dat wij een Europees landbouwdebat gaan voeren. Voor mij zijn vergroening en productiviteit van het Europese landbouwbeleid twee kanten van dezelfde medaille. Maar wij gaan er in dit huis nog een stevig robbertje over vechten of de voorstellen van de Europese Commissie nu de juiste zijn.

Dus vergroening, ja, en dan gaat het voor mij om de doelen die gerealiseerd moeten worden en niet alleen een lippendienst. Vergroening, ja, maar niet per se op de manier die de Europese Commissie heeft voorgesteld.


  Karin Kadenbach, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, Frau Ratsvorsitzende! Ich glaube, diese Diskussion heute findet in einem sehr spannenden Zeitraum statt. Wir haben, wie vorhin gerade angesprochen wurde, eine heiße Phase der zukünftigen Agrarpolitik, wir haben dieser Tage über die Fischereipolitik gesprochen, und heute geht es um den Handel mit vom Aussterben bedrohten Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Ich glaube, dass diese kommende CITES-Sitzung, die in diesen Tagen ihr vierzigjähriges Bestehen feiert, das sogenannte Washingtoner Artenschutzabkommen, auch Mahnung sein sollte, dass wir den Tierschutz und den Artenschutz nicht nur jetzt am Elefanten, am Eisbären festmachen, sondern dass wir diese bedrohten Arten, die nicht nur durch den illegalen Handel, durch die Wilderei, durch die illegale Fischerei bedroht sind, sondern auch durch die Bedrohung ihres Lebensraums und der –umstände, als Gesamtes betrachten.

Herr Kommissar, ich habe Sie schon bei den Verhandlungen in Nagoya kennenlernen dürfen. Ich habe Sie dort als wirklichen Verfechter der Artenvielfalt und der Biodiversität erlebt. Ich wünsche mir, dass Sie auch in Bangkok dieses Engagement an den Tag legen. Wir haben in dem Entschließungsantrag 59 Abänderungen. Wir werden am Donnerstag darüber abstimmen. Das heißt, wir werden dann auch sehen, wie stark das vom Parlament getragen wurde, denn immerhin ist dieser Entschließungsantrag im ENVI-Ausschuss einstimmig angenommen worden. Ich glaube, es gibt ein ganz klares Bekenntnis zum Schutz dieser Tier- und Pflanzenarten, und ich würde mir einfach wünschen, dass dieser illegale Handel, dass die Wilderei, dass die illegale Fischerei generell als ein Markt betrachtet wird, den es ähnlich wie den Drogenmarkt, ähnlich wie den Waffenschmuggelmarkt auf allen Ebenen zu bekämpfen gilt.

Da kann ich mich Ihren Ausführungen anschließen, Herr Kommissar: Auch ich würde mir wünschen, dass Ihre Anwesenheit bei sehr viel mehr Besprechungen hier im Hause gegeben wäre, genauso wie die Anwesenheit des Gesundheitskommissars, denn ich glaube, wir haben uns als europäische Parlamentarier und Parlamentarierinnen einem Grundsatz verpflichtet, nämlich für die Lebensqualität der Menschen und der Tiere in diesem Europa, in dieser Welt zu kämpfen, und das können wir nur dann, wenn wir in allen Bereichen Umwelt- und Gesundheitsaspekte mitbetrachten.


  Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, on one side this CITES debate is about the regular issues that are on the agenda next month and they are important. I very much hope that we will succeed in giving several shark species stronger protection. I regret the fact that no-one even tried to put bluefin tuna on the agenda. I call upon the Commission and the Member States to fight, in unity this time, for the elimination of secret voting within CITES and for the adoption of the ‘introduction from the sea’ principle.

But I would also like to focus on something else. The Commissioner has already addressed it. No matter how many animals we put on the strongest protection annex, we run the risk that it will only benefit the last tiger, rhino or elephant alive due to the explosive increase in poaching. The illegal trade in animal parts is extremely profitable. Rhino horn is being sold nowadays for an average of EUR 0.5 million. Museums have to lock those rhino horns behind closed doors to avoid being robbed. Even plastic horns are being stolen.

Illicit trade in wildlife has exploded into a EUR 15 billion criminal enterprise, rivalled only in size by trade in illegal arms and drugs. But the risks in wildlife crime are so much smaller. It is an uneven fight between heavily armed criminal gangs against a few brave rangers. International crime is focusing on wildlife crime and so are rebel groups, using the profits to buy new arms.

Obviously the regular CITES work should continue, but I also expect from the Bangkok conference an intensive debate about wildlife crime. Hillary Clinton has called for the creation of a global system of regional wildlife enforcement networks. The EU should be part of this as well, but we need more. We need an international action plan to fight wildlife crime. I am asking the Commission and the Council if they are willing to team up with the United States to set up such an action plan.


  Bas Eickhout, namens de Verts/ALE-Fractie. – Net zoals de voorgaande sprekers kan ik niet vaak genoeg het belang van CITES benadrukken. Een VN-conventie probeert gewoon de handel in bedreigde diersoorten tegen te gaan en doet dat eigenlijk vooral ook met stemmingen, iets wat redelijk uniek is in de VN. Daarin wordt meestal - wij kennen de klimaatconventie, de biodiversiteitsconventie - lang gepraat en duurt het ongelooflijk lang om tot besluiten te komen. Bij CITES wordt er uiteindelijk echt gestemd.

Het is belangrijk dat die stemmingen transparant gebeuren, zodat wij weten wat het standpunt is van alle verschillende landen ter wereld. Ik ben erg blij dat Europa daar echt wat aan wil doen, zowel de Commissie als de Raad hebben dat punt genoemd.

Maar een ander punt - en daarover ben ik toch wat meer bezorgd - is toch wat de Raad precies als inzet zal hebben. Heel duidelijk heb ik de prioriteiten van de Commissie gehoord en die prioriteiten komen redelijk overeen met wat het Parlement ook wil. Maar wat zijn nu echt de prioriteiten van de Raad? Hoe gaan wij ervoor zorgen dat Europa op tijd voorbereid afreist naar Bangkok? Want dat is altijd één van de problemen van Europa. Wij hebben misschien goede plannen, maar wij komen onvoorbereid aan, zoals in 2010 in Doha. Toen wisten wij niet goed op welk moment wij tot onze standpunten kwamen, waardoor wij eigenlijk continu aan het verliezen waren van de lobby van China en Japan . Hoe gaan wij voorkomen dat dat opnieuw gebeurt in Bangkok dit jaar?

Dan met name het punt over de mariene diersoorten. Het is ongelooflijk belangrijk dat CITES nu ook eens doorzet en de handel in mariene diersoorten gaat verbieden. Maar Europa is daarin nog steeds onduidelijk. Wat gaat de Raad doen, wat gaat de Ierse voorzitter eraan doen om ervoor te zorgen dat Europa voorbereid met een duidelijk standpunt naar Bangkok afreist?

Tot slot een concrete vraag aan de Raad. Het Europees Parlement heeft heel duidelijke prioriteiten inzake ijsberen, tijgers. Wat vindt de Raad daarvan en in hoeverre gaat de Raad de inzet van het Europees Parlement ondersteunen om ervoor te zorgen dat de bescherming van bedreigde diersoorten in Bangkok verstevigd wordt?


  Richard Seeber (PPE). - Herr Präsident! Es steht in der Bibel geschrieben – und die lesen wir Österreicher ja auch fleißig –, dass der Mensch sich die Erde untertan machen soll. Nur, was derzeit passiert, was unsere Generation mit der Natur macht, kann man eigentlich nicht anders denn als Raubbau bezeichnen. Es ist wirklich beschämend für unsere Generation, dass wir diese natürlichen Ressourcen so ausnutzen. Man könnte natürlich sagen: Artensterben hat es im Verlauf der Geschichte unseres Planeten immer gegeben. Nur, wenn man sich die Zahlen anschaut, stellt man fest, dass gerade in unserer Generation das Artensterben besonders schnell ist und das Ausrotten von verschiedenen Tier- und Pflanzenarten ein Ausmaß angenommen hat, das nicht mehr vertretbar ist.

Wir handeln dabei sehr kurzfristig. Wir haben meistens nur diese kurzfristigen ökonomischen Interessen im Kopf, ohne langfristig im Sinne von Ökosystemleistungen zu denken, die wir als Menschheit zum Überleben brauchen. Hier muss auch unser Fokus liegen. Darum begrüße ich es sehr, dass wir diese Konferenz wieder mit einem Verhandlungsthema aus der Kommission beschicken. Ich bin mir sicher: Kommissar Potočnik wird die Wünsche des Parlaments aufnehmen und vor allem dort auch dieses hohe level of ambition, das wir im Parlament fordern, einbringen und auch die Mitgliedstaaten zwingen und anregen, mit einer Stimme zu sprechen.

Ich möchte wie die Kollegen darauf hinweisen, dass natürlich für uns besonders wichtig ist, dass wir die Meere in diese Konvention einbeziehen. Sie sind, wenn man so will, die Brutstätte allen Lebens. Dort sind auch die meisten Arten drin, und es ist höchst an der Zeit, dass wir diesen Schritt vollziehen.

Wichtig ist auch – wie Kollege Eickhout ausgeführt hat – die Transparenz der Entscheidungsfindung. Es ist ein ganz zentraler Punkt, dass wir auch auf diejenigen hinweisen, die hier hinter vorgehaltener Hand zwar Artenschutz betreiben, aber es dann im ökonomischen Interesse nicht machen. Auch zentral sind natürlich verbindliche Regeln für die verschiedenen Tiere, die hier genannt wurden, und auch die Durchsetzung. Auch das sollten wir im Hinterkopf haben. Ich darf den Kommissar bitten, diese Anregungen auch mitzunehmen.


  Edite Estrela (S&D). - Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, Senhora Ministra, 40 anos após a assinatura da Convenção de Washington, é fundamental que as Partes renovem os seus compromissos, no sentido de "assegurar que o comércio de animais e plantas selvagens, e de produtos deles derivados, não ponha em risco a sobrevivência das espécies nem constitua um perigo para a manutenção da biodiversidade".

A regulamentação e a gestão sustentável do comércio internacional de espécies selvagens contribuem para a preservação da biodiversidade e para o bem-estar económico e social das comunidades locais.

Apesar dos progressos registados, verificamos que aumentou a caça furtiva de elefantes e de rinocerontes, por causa da procura de marfim e de chifre de rinoceronte na Ásia. Estima-se que dezenas de milhares de elefantes sejam abatidos todos os anos em África e que, só em 2012, cerca de 700 rinocerontes tenham sido também abatidos na África do Sul. Também os tigres e outros grandes felinos asiáticos, incluídos no anexo I da CITES, são ainda objeto de comércio ilegal. E também gostaria de corroborar o que foi aqui dito pelo Presidente da Comissão ENVI em relação ao atum rabilho que deveria constar do anexo I.

E corroboro também a necessidade de que a União Europeia e os Estados-Membros falem a uma só voz e se apresentem com uma posição ambiciosa.

O Plano Estratégico para a Biodiversidade 2011-2020, definido no âmbito da Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica, estabelece que, até 2020, a extinção das espécies ameaçadas seja evitada e prevê que todas as unidades populacionais de peixes, invertebrados e plantas aquáticas sejam geridas de forma sustentável e legal. E alerta para a necessidade de se evitar a sobrepesca e os impactos negativos da pesca nas espécies e ecossistemas vulneráveis.


  Chris Davies (ALDE). - Mr President, I remember reading a book to my daughter some years ago about elephants in Africa and remarking that, when I read that same book some 40 years before, the population was three or four times greater. Of course we know that elephants are dying in vast numbers, we know that international laws are needed to combat wildlife crime, but we also need to recognise where the demand is coming from. It is coming from China, almost exclusively, to a huge degree from growing wealth in China, people being able to afford ivory, and from a degree of ignorance.

I understand that a majority of Chinese people actually think that the tusks of elephants re-grow, like fingernails, so they don’t realise what destruction is taking place. My question, really, is to both the Commission and the President: what are we doing to link up with African nations, to talk to the Chinese about the need for action for information, to combat this crime at its very source? If we are not able to persuade the Chinese authorities to take action, then we are going to end up with more elephants in European zoos than out in the wild.


  Sophie Auconie (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, la convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvage menacées d'extinction joue un rôle central dans la préservation de la biodiversité.

La CITES démontre en effet que l'on peut combiner des exigences environnementales sans pour autant compromettre les nécessités économiques. Face à l'effondrement de la biodiversité sur tous les continents, il est urgent de s'assurer que la seizième conférence des parties, qui aura lieu à Bangkok, en mars prochain, soit à la hauteur des enjeux.

Il est essentiel que le processus de décision gagne en transparence. Nous ne pouvons plus nous permettre que la CITES soit l'otage d'intérêts particuliers quand la survie d'espèces emblématiques est en jeu. Tout changement de classification d'une espèce entre les appendices doit être fondé sur plusieurs études scientifiques indépendantes. Ces changements ne peuvent, en aucun cas, résulter d'approximations ou être le fruit de pressions économiques ou populaires.

En période de crise économique, la tentation peut s'avérer forte d'assouplir les règles, Monsieur le Commissaire. Nous ne le tolérerons pas! L'Union européenne doit conserver son rôle de premier plan en matière de préservation de la biodiversité et, surtout, entraîner ses partenaires dans cette voie. Notre engagement en faveur de la CITES est absolu et notre vigilance sera sans faille.




  Pavel Poc (S&D). - Pane předsedající, já bych se rád dotkl jednoho konkrétního problému. Inspekce životního prostředí České republiky minulý rok zveřejnila poměrně alarmující informaci.

Překupnické gangy v mé zemi najímají české občany, aby jeli do africké země, tam legálně ulovili nosorožce a ten tzv. lovec potom trofej samozřejmě převeze do České republiky, po návratu trofej putuje k překupníkům a ti se postarají o zbytek.

Takové gangy působí nejen v mé zemi, ale i v dalších evropských zemích. Zneužívají možnosti dovozu neživých částí zvířat uvedených v příloze I a II úmluvy CITES v podobě suvenýrů nebo loveckých trofejí. Stačí potom vývozní povolení ze země původu a trofej může být bez problémů dovezena do Evropské unie. Je dobré si v této souvislosti uvědomit, že kilogram nosorožčího rohu na černém trhu stojí stejně jako kilogram zlata.

Popsaný případ jasně ukazuje, že skupiny zaměřené na nelegální obchod se snaží být vždy o krok napřed před mezinárodními dohodami, před naší snahou a před národní legislativou našich zemí. Je tedy potřeba urychleně, účelně a především koordinovaně zasáhnout proti trofejnímu lovu, za kterým se může skrývat snaha o nelegální obohacení.

Oceňuji přístup Evropské komise, která pro Interpol uvolnila 1,7 milionu euro na boj proti nelegálnímu obchodu s chráněnými druhy a další 2 miliony eur na rozšíření programu, který bojuje právě proti nelegálnímu obchodu se slonovinou a s nosorožčími rohy.

Chci poděkovat panu zpravodaji i všem kolegům z Výboru pro životní prostředí za skvělou práci a také za pozitivní přijetí mého návrhu, který vyzývá strany úmluvy, aby omezily roční státní kvóty na vývoz trofejí ohrožených druhů.


  Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines (PPE). - Señor Presidente, quisiera decir aquí que apoyo totalmente la política de este documento, y creo que hay que apoyar con fuerza a la Comisión en la nueva conferencia.

Sin embargo, yo quisiera defender las enmiendas 13, 47 y 49, en las que consideramos que debiera haber una excepción para los osos polares, en concreto la que ha pedido el Gobierno de Canadá y la que han pedido los inuit. ¿Por qué? Porque Canadá ha conseguido un acuerdo con los inuit desde hace años, en el que se regula su caza y su forma de vida —puesto que los inuit viven de los osos— y han conseguido que, además de practicar sus costumbres tradicionales, se multiplique el número de osos.

Luego, es preciso premiar a aquellos gobiernos y a aquellos pueblos que han sabido mantener sus tradiciones y convivir al tiempo que se multiplica y se preserva la especie.

Creo que el mundo de las prohibiciones tiene que ser capaz de reconocer la excepción. Una excepción en la cual la convivencia entre los animales y las personas constituye para un pueblo su forma de vida, su forma de alimentación.

Esto es un patrimonio cultural intangible que se basa en la preservación del medio natural, en la protección de los animales, y que debe saber convivir con aquellas medidas duras que debiéramos incluso incrementar en el caso de quienes están cazando osos en Rusia y establecen un mercado ilegal, o animales en África, y que están destruyendo el sistema que hemos heredado de los antepasados.

Por tanto, pido, repito, que se apoyen las enmiendas 13, 47 y 49, puesto que el Gobierno de Canadá ha tutelado esta excepción y ha demostrado su viabilidad.


  Kriton Arsenis (S&D). - Mr President, an increasing number of countries in the European Union are supporting the US proposal to include polar bears in Appendix I of CITES. We have now Poland, Germany, the UK, and Austria behind this proposal, as well as the Netherlands, which yesterday pledged its support, and I am pretty confident that my country, Greece, will also do so. However, we understand that the Commission has so far taken a negative stance regarding this proposal, and I would like to ask the Commissioner why this has been so.

Polar bears are facing a growing number of threats: climate change, loss of habitats, pollution and all forms of development. They cannot afford to face, on top of all this, the threat from trade, of being killed for their fur and body parts.

Furthermore I, like other colleagues, was once again disappointed at the lack of a proposal to include bluefin tuna in Appendix I. We all know very well that this might lead to the extinction of this key species, and I hope that the Commission will take initiatives to remedy this.


  Jolanta Emilia Hibner (PPE). - Panie Przewodniczący! Stojąc u progu 16. Konferencji Stron konwencji waszyngtońskiej CITES, nikogo nie trzeba przekonywać o roli, jaką odgrywa ten dokument w ochronie dziko występujących populacji zwierząt i roślin, gatunków zagrożonych wyginięciem, poprzez kontrolę i ograniczenie międzynarodowego handlu nimi. Z tym większą radością należy przyjąć rezolucję Parlamentu Europejskiego skierowaną do uczestników konferencji w Bangkoku.

Na pewno na szczególną uwagę w zaprezentowanym akcie prawnym zasługuje propozycja USA dotycząca przeniesienia niedźwiedzia polarnego z załącznika II do bardziej restrykcyjnego załącznika I do konwencji CITES. Za krokiem tym przemawia niewątpliwie fakt, że populacja niedźwiedzia jest zagrożona przez zmiany klimatu – co powiedział wcześniej kolega – związany z nimi zanik siedlisk, a dodatkowe pozyskiwanie niedźwiedzi poprzez polowania z pewnością nie pomaga kurczącym się populacjom. Przeniesienie do załącznika I oznacza zakaz międzynarodowego handlu różnymi częściami niedźwiedzia, takimi jak wyroby ze skór, kości, ozdoby, pamiątki, co może się przyczynić do obniżenia tzw. kwot pozyskania, gdyż zmniejszając podaż, możemy doprowadzić do tego, że również popyt na te produkty ulegnie zmniejszeniu. Warta poparcia jest również propozycja zwiększenia reżimu ochronnego w CITES i przeniesienia pewnych gatunków żółwi, ryb czy żarłacza białopłetwego.


  Andres Perello Rodriguez (S&D). - Señor Presidente, cuando hablamos de cambio climático encontramos siempre detrás la acción humana como una de las causantes. Cuando hablamos del Apéndice I es insoportable, pero tenemos que reconocer que la acción directa del hombre sigue siendo la principal causa de que sea más necesario que nunca.

Y habrá que decir, en voz alta y clara, que esa acción humana llega a veces hasta a ser doméstica. Yo pienso que tenemos que decir que son ridículas algunas modas que llevan a fomentar la explotación de especies rarísimas, como reptiles o tortugas protegidas, como animales de compañía. Siempre me he preguntado cuánta compañía hace una serpiente en casa, sobre todo cuando es comprada ilegalmente.

Pero si hay una cosa que celebro en esta Resolución es que condene enérgicamente la caza furtiva, sobre todo del elefante. Y debería prohibir también que esa caza se haga solo para tener trofeos deportivos. Me parece que, aunque lo haga gente fina, millonarios y algún monarca con problemas familiares y aburrido por sus pocas competencias, no debería permitirse que se haga deporte matando animales de este calibre, matando estos paquidermos. Estamos en la segunda década del siglo XXI y esto es poco noble y poco humano.


  Romana Jordan (PPE). - Konvencija CITES spada med uspešnejše mednarodne inštrumente na področju varstva prostoživečih vrst rastlin in živali. Naj kot primer navedem, da smo tudi v moji državi Sloveniji korenito znižali število kršitev. Ta rezultat je posledica osveščanja državljanov in izvajanja, seveda, zahtev o prepovedi trgovanja z določenimi vrstami živali in rastlin. Vendar pa zdaj ni čas, da se ustavimo, vendar moramo z osveščanjem prebivalstva tudi nadaljevati.

V Evropski uniji je vzpostavljen strog nadzor in pregled izvajanja konvencije za vse države članice. Medtem pa obstajajo na globalni ravni razlike v striktnosti izvajanja konvencije. In menim, da je prav, da na te razlike opozorimo in se trudimo, da bi jih zmanjšali. Zato pozivam Komisijo in Svet, da na pogajanjih opozorita na te razlike in si prizadevata za celovito in skrbno izvajanje konvencije za vse podpisnice.

Od Komisije in Sveta bi želela tudi slišati, da se natančneje opredelita o pobudah, ki smo jih dali v Evropskem parlamentu v to, v našo resolucijo. Nekaj smo že slišali glede preglednosti odločanja in morskih psov. Želela bi pa slišat tudi opredelitve glede financiranja, zaščite velikih mačk, plazilcev, severnega medveda in ostalih vrst, ki smo jih navedli v naši resoluciji.

In na koncu naj povem, da pogajanja glede te konvencije lahko služijo tudi za vzgled ostalim pogajanjem, recimo pogajanjem na področju podnebnih sprememb.


Uwagi z sali


  Véronique Mathieu (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, j'étais venue pour écouter les débats sur la convention CITES, que j'approuve d'ailleurs tout à fait, parce qu'il est absolument indispensable de protéger les espèces menacées. C'est une louable intention, mais au fil des interventions de certains collègues, le débat a littéralement viré à la croisade anti-chasse, et je le déplore.

Si certaines espèces sont menacées – ce que je reconnais –, ce n'est pas à cause de la chasse. Un plan de gestion bien mené dans un certain nombre de pays est tout à fait sain et cela ne peut pas nuire aux espèces, loin de là. Sachez que les chasseurs font tout ce qu'il peuvent pour préserver les espèces.

Je rentre de Reno, où j'ai assisté à la convention du Safari Club international. Cette très grosse association lève, tous les ans, 450 millions de dollars de fonds privés – privés, j'insiste – qu'elle réinjecte dans la protection des espèces et dans la protection des habitats. Cela, il n'y a que les chasseurs qui peuvent le faire.

Alors, je voudrais bien quand même – merci de ne pas couper le micro –… les chasseurs le font pour les espèces et pour ...

(Le Président retire la parole à l'oratrice)


  Franz Obermayr (NI). - Herr Präsident! Ja, Herr Kommissar, ich wünsche viel Erfolg in Bangkok, und es ist außer Frage: CITES ist eine ganz wichtige Vereinbarung, ein ganz wichtiges Abkommen. Aber ich möchte das Bewusstsein hinsichtlich der vom Herrn Kommissar angeschnittenen Wilderei erweitern. Es ist ein Faktum, dass der beste Schutz bedrohter Arten in der nachhaltigen Nutzung der Fauna und der Flora besteht, einer nachhaltigen touristischen Nutzung, wie sie einerseits der Fototourismus, aber auch der Jagdtourismus darstellt.

Wo ganze Regionen, Sippen, Familien, ganze Stämme von den zahlreichen Aufgaben, die rund um diesen Tourismus anfallen, leben, da wird auch das Wild respektiert. Da achtet die lokale Bevölkerung auf ihre Artenvielfalt. Sie achtet auf ihre Lebensgrundlage. Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass es dort, wo die Jagd in dieser Form verboten ist, auch zu keinem aufmerksamen Erhalt der Spezies kommt, sondern gerade dort findet Wilderei statt, wie wir aus zahlreichen internationalen Studien erkennen können.

Daher darf ich Sie auffordern, das zu respektieren und sich dafür einzusetzen, dass nachhaltige Nutzung am besten auch durch Jagd- und Fototourismus gewährleistet ist.


  Elena Băsescu (PPE). - Convenţia CITES este un instrument foarte important în lupta împotriva traficului ilegal de animale şi plante pe cale de dispariţie. Din păcate, Uniunea este una dintre principalele destinaţii ale produselor provenite din braconaj. De aceea, consider că, la viitoarea conferinţă, Uniunea trebuie să adopte o poziţie cât mai fermă împotriva formelor de comerţ ilegal cu astfel de plante sau animale.

Există în continuare numeroase specii care fac obiectul braconajului peste tot în lume. Cel mai cunoscut caz este cel al elefanţilor africani, care continuă să fie vânaţi pentru fildeş. Deşi în majoritatea statelor există legislaţie care să prevină astfel de acte, implementarea ei lasă de dorit, iar, în mare parte din cazuri, obiectele provenite din activităţile de braconaj sunt destinate, din păcate, unor colecţionari.


(Koniec uwag z sali)


  Janez Potočnik, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, first of all I would like to thank you all for the interest which you expressed through your questions and the concerns which were raised in your contributions to this debate. I can, of course, guarantee you that, as always, your views are taken very seriously into account when we are also considering our positions for the COP.

One of the problems which you listed is connected with wildlife trafficking and organised crime, and one of the initiatives was mentioned. I do not know that initiative from the US in detail, but I can promise that I will look at this. Of course the fight against illegal trafficking and crime is at the top of our list of priorities and will absolutely continue to be so in the future.

I have also clearly mentioned that one of the priorities for the next COP is the enforcement and implementation of the existing part. This means that we need to look in a holistic way at everything which is connected to the whole chain of origin, transit and destination countries. This should be among the activities to which our attention should be given.

When we talk about – as many of you mentioned – whether animals should be listed in Appendix 1 or Appendix 2, we of course have to be aware that there are certain principles which have to be followed. Listing should be science-based. It should be done in such a way as to have the local population on board. It should be done in a way that convincingly shows that the CITES trade instrument is efficient and relevant in contributing to the solutions which we see as problems. Without going into detail about all the animals which you mentioned, I will try to explain to you the polar bears’ situation, which many of you mentioned.

Firstly, I have to say that they are currently included in Appendix 2 to the CITES Convention, which clearly says that international trade can take place only if it is deemed sustainable. So that request is already there in Appendix 2. Based on scientific and objective factors, we are not convinced that all the factors are actually in place to meet the criteria – whether biological criteria or trade criteria – for a listing in Appendix 1. This was basically also the situation three years ago, when that was the position of the European Union. There is no guarantee that an international trade ban will be beneficial to the conservation of polar bears. The current harvest is done by Inuit populations and only a share of this harvest is directed towards international trade, which is allowed even under a ban.

Finally, as many of you mentioned, a major threat to the polar bear is the redirection of sea ice as a consequence of climate change. International trade is absolutely not the main threat to the polar bear, so in a way, dealing with that and not climate change as the primary cause is not the answer. Of course we are concerned about what is happening to the polar bear and we share this position with the Presidency. That is why we are also currently working in the Council to find an alternative solution to target the real problems identified to date – unsustainable harvest quotas for some sub-populations of polar bears and lack of assurance that trade will not further increase in the future – while at the same time also requesting that the CITES bodies carry out the assessment on the basis of scientific evaluations. In this way, both the protection and the species would be reinforced by the role of CITES or science-based instruments. We are currently working on that solution, which would in a way be a parallel solution to something which is being proposed by the United States.

Finally, I would like to say that I am encouraged that, together with the developments which I also hear in the Council, if we speak with one voice, as in each convention, we will be strong. This is certainly a precondition if Europe is to play the role it should play in international fora.


  Lucinda Creighton, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, I would like to thank the honourable Members for their contributions during the debate. I have found it very interesting and I appreciate the very strong interventions that have been made on a range of issues. I am particularly pleased with the support of Members for many of the EU proposals, particularly relating to transparency of voting, the issue of conflicts of interest, and also some of you alluded to the listing of endangered shark species. The Presidency has taken note of the strong opposition of the European Parliament to the use of secret ballots as a general practice within CITES, and we welcome the support given by the European Parliament to that proposal.

I have very clearly understood a strong desire for coherence from the EU side at the conference, for the EU to speak with one voice, and that is certainly our intention. As in previous CITES COPs a number of outreach activities at different levels are envisaged to try to explain further the EU proposals and also to promote and highlight wider EU concerns. We expect to have a number of useful exchanges both ahead of and during the conference, too. The Presidency will be considering, together with the Commission and the Member States, the best way of organising these activities in order to ensure a maximum impact and, ultimately, the success of our proposals.

A number of Members have raised some very important issues. Some have already been addressed by Commissioner Potočnik. Firstly, on the question of polar bears: I think the point was made very well by Ms Gutiérrez-Cortines about the need to have support and buy-in from indigenous communities to support plans for sustainability, and the Commissioner has also alluded to that. That certainly is a major concern of the EU. I think it is fair to say that there are differences of opinion in the international community and, indeed, amongst NGOs on the approach which would be best for the protection of polar bears. The battle against climate change is obviously one of the key priorities for the European Union and for Member States, so the Council is aware of the links between climate change and the loss of habitat, and that is something that the Council will of course be examining when considering the position to be adopted in respect of the proposal, and the most effective way to ensure the preservation and survival of polar bears in the Arctic while respecting the CITES requirements. I think we certainly will have a clear and coherent position on that subject.

Another issue which was raised was the question of bluefin tuna. I think you are aware that there are no proposals on the agenda for this species at the COP. It was included at the last COP in a proposal for inclusion in Appendix 1, but that was defeated on this point, so there are no proposals on this occasion.

Finally, a point which was raised by some Members was the issue of consulting with Asian states in the context of concerns over both elephants and rhino, elephant ivory and rhino horn, which of course in many cases are being illegally sold to Asian countries – amongst others, I should say. The EU has been in discussions with a number of Asian countries, particularly China and Vietnam, in order to try to address some of the misconceptions and some of the misinformation, and to try to find some viable solutions, so that engagement is ongoing.

In summary I would like to thank Members for their very helpful contributions. I will certainly feed them back to the Council. I think a lot of what has been raised has been very valuable and a lot of these issues are obviously of deep public concern as well, and I know that many of them will be addressed at the COP. Thank you again for the debate.


  Przewodniczący. − Otrzymałem jeden projekt rezolucji złożony zgodnie z art. 115 ust. 5 Regulaminu.

Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w środę 6 lutego 2013 r. o godz. 11.30.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 149)


  Minodora Cliveti (S&D), în scris. Schimbările climatice sunt, în mod incontestabil, reale și reprezintă cea mai mare ameninţare la adresa mediului înconjurător cu care se confruntă umanitatea. În urma Conferinței pentru schimbări climatice de la Doha nu s-a ajuns la un nou acord asupra luptei împotriva schimbărilor climatice. S-au obținut în urma negocierilor prelungirea acordului de la Kyoto și încheierea unei înțelegeri privind ajutorul financiar ce va fi acordat țărilor din sud, dar aceste rezultate nu sunt o soluție pentru a încetini încălzirea globală. Următoarea Conferință a părților din cadrul Convenției-cadru a Organizației Națiunilor Unite privind schimbările climatice (COP 19) de la Varșovia din noiembrie-decembrie 2013 are o deosebită importanță, ea fiind o etapă pregătitoare intermediară a următoarei întâlniri majore la nivel internațional care va avea loc în 2015 la Paris și al cărei scop este încheierea unui acord internațional în ceea ce privește reducerea gazelor cu efect de seră, care să implice toate țările, inclusiv și pe cele mai poluante: China și Statele Unite. Un astfel de acord este imperativ necesar pentru a încetini încălzirea globală. Statele Membre trebuie să ajungă la o poziție clară, fermă și unitară, astfel încât Uniunea Europeană să aibă un rol mai puternic şi mai influent în cadrul negocierilor internaţionale privind schimbările climatice.


  Daciana Octavia Sârbu (S&D), în scris. În ciuda controalelor internaţionale stricte privind comerţul cu fildeş, populaţia de elefanţi africani este ameninţată în continuare de comerţul ilegal înfloritor. În ultimul timp, cantitatea de fildeş confiscată a crescut simţitor. Există dovezi că implementarea legislaţiei nu s-a îmbunătăţit considerabil, mai ales în ţările cu o piaţă a fildeşului importantă, unde se practică uciderea elefanţilor şi comerţul ilegal. Nu trebuie să permitem desfăşurarea comerţului în aceste condiţii. Salut retragerea propunerii făcute către Conferinţa CITES din acest an, referitoare la o vânzare unică de fildeş din Tanzania. Impactul unor vânzări similare în trecut către China şi Japonia nu a fost încă evaluat, deşi se bănuieşte că a fost extrem de nociv, vânzările legale ajutând la mascarea operaţiunilor ilegale. Deşi m-am referit în mesajul meu la tema elefanţilor şi a fildeşului, problema trece dincolo de o specie sau alta. Este afectată biodiversitatea ca întreg, precum şi toate efectele benefice pe care aceasta ni le furnizează, de la purificarea apei şi absorbţia carbonului şi până la fertilitatea solurilor. Ţările africane trebuie sprijinite în lupta lor de a opri decimarea speciilor pe cale de dispariţie şi de a promova folosirea durabilă a resurselor lor naturale, acum tot mai limitate.

Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia