 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2011/0280(COD)
Potek postopka na zasedanju
Potek postopka za dokument : B7-0079/2013

Predložena besedila :


Razprave :

PV 12/03/2013 - 14
CRE 12/03/2013 - 14
PV 13/03/2013 - 6
CRE 13/03/2013 - 6

Glasovanja :

PV 13/03/2013 - 8.7
CRE 13/03/2013 - 8.7
Obrazložitev glasovanja
Obrazložitev glasovanja

Sprejeta besedila :


Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Sreda, 13. marec 2013 - Strasbourg

8.7. Odločitev o začetku in mandatu medinstitucionalnih pogajanj o neposrednih plačilih kmetom v podpornih shemah v okviru SKP - 2011/0280(COD) (B7-0079/2013) (glasovanje)

- Πριν από την ψηφοφορία:


  Robert Atkins (ECR). - Mr President, you may have heard my earlier point of order to the President under Rule 175, to which he seemed quite receptive, and accordingly I would like to move referral to committee back of all these dossiers from the Committee on Agriculture. I have no views one way or another about the substance; that is not the point. But bringing forward reports with this huge number of amendments is making a mockery of the way the plenary session is supposed to work.

I suspect that many colleagues across the political spectrum would agree with this, and therefore I formally move referral back to the Committee so it can get its act together and not bring forward these reports with this number of amendments in the future.



  Giles Chichester (ECR). - Mr President, I would speak in favour of this motion. We have long been troubled in this House by committees failing to do their work and bringing forward too many amendments because they cannot make up their minds. I strongly support referring this back to the committee and telling our colleagues on the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development to get ploughing and sort out their harvest.

(Laughter and applause)


  Paolo De Castro (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, come ha riferito il Presidente Schulz molto correttamente poco fa, a norma dell'articolo 162, abbiamo convocato una commissione per verificare la possibilità di ridurre il numero degli emendamenti. La riunione si è svolta lunedì scorso e una proposta da me avanzata per portare tutti gli emendamenti in Aula è stata accolta da tutti i gruppi all'unanimità. Pertanto sarebbe inutile tornare in commissione, perché tutti i gruppi, compreso il gruppo dei colleghi, hanno votato a favore del voto in Aula.


(Το αίτημα αναπομπής στην επιτροπή απορρίπτεται)

- Πριν από την ψηφοφορία επί της τροπολογίας 73:


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE). - Mr President, I would just like to say that amendment 72 is on page 19 of the voting list. We have not come to amendment 72 at this point on the list. It is there though.


- Πριν από την ψηφοφορία επί των τροπολογιών 107-120:


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE). - Mr President, I hope Sir Robert will indulge me for this oral amendment. I will not take too much time. I am proposing the amendment on the bloc of votes from 107 to 120 to move the new paragraph from Article 29(4a) to Article 29(3a). The text is: ‘The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 55 to ensure that the agricultural area subject to the scheme shall cover a minimum percentage of the total holding of the farmer.’


(Η προφορική τροπολογία κρατείται)

- Πριν από την ψηφοφορία επί του Β7-0080/2013:


  John Stuart Agnew (EFD). - Mr President, I would like to give the House the opportunity not to vote on this CMO regulation. It has been very controversial. Very large amounts of money are at stake in the private sector. It could result in the closing down of a cane refinery in Britain. Just to give you an idea of the extent of difficulty in our committee, when we first discussed it, the very first amendment was to scrap the whole thing and 11 out of 44 supported it. We owe it to our constituents for this to go back to committee in order to get a better resolution from it.


(Το αίτημα αναπομπής στην επιτροπή απορρίπτεται)

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