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Procedūra : 2013/2562(RSP)
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Debatai :

PV 14/03/2013 - 13.2
CRE 14/03/2013 - 13.2

Balsavimas :

PV 14/03/2013 - 14.2

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Ketvirtadienis, 2013 m. kovo 14 d. - Strasbūras

13.2. Irakas: sunki mažumų grupių, ypač Irako turkmėnų, padėtis
Kalbų vaizdo įrašas

  Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt folgt die Aussprache über sechs Entschließungsanträge zur problematischen Lage von Minderheitengruppen, insbesondere der irakischen Turkmenen, im Irak(1) (2013/2562(RSP)).


  Krzysztof Lisek, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! Pani Komisarz! Sytuacja w Iraku na przestrzeni ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat jest oczywiście bardzo skomplikowana, związana z konfliktami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi. Wydaje mi się jednak, że rezolucja, którą przedstawiamy, porusza wszystkie ważne aktualne aspekty sytuacji wewnętrznej w Iraku. Niestety mamy do czynienia cały czas z przypadkami łamania praw człowieka, stosowaniem tortur, z atakami terrorystycznymi. Ta rezolucja nawołuje oczywiście do niedyskryminowania Turkmenów, prawa zresztą wszystkich mniejszości są teoretyczne zagwarantowane w konstytucji Iraku. Wspomina o potrzebie koordynacji irackich władz i organizacji międzynarodowych w celu wspierania mniejszości i tych najsłabszych grup. Wzywa rząd iracki i wszystkich przywódców politycznych do podjęcia dialogu. Mam nadzieję, że również w imieniu Unii Europejskiej Pani Wysoka Przedstawiciel podejmie wszystkie niezbędne kroki, aby zaprzestać dyskryminacji mniejszości i będzie wspierała iracki rząd w celu zoorganizowania wolnych, pokojowych, uczciwych wyborów regionalnych w kwietniu, które będą szansą na dialog w Iraku.


  Mitro Repo, laatija. − Arvoisa puhemies, Irakissa on useita vähemmistöryhmiä, joiden kohtelu ei täytä Irakin kansallisia eikä myöskään kansainvälisiä sitoumuksia ja tavoitteita. Pari kuukautta sitten vasta hyväksyimme täällä kumppanuuden EU:n ja Irakin välillä, ja nyt on jo ongelmia.

Irak on eri kansalaisuuksien ja kulttuurien yhteenliittymä. Sillä on yli kymmenen tuhannen vuoden historiansa myötä rikas ja arvokas kulttuuriperintö välitettävänään. Irak on perustuslaissaan taannut tasa-arvoisen kohtelun niin turkmeeneille, kaldealaisille, kurdeille, assyyrialaisille kuin muillekin maassa oleville kansallisuuksille.

Ponnisteluja vähemmistöjen oikeudenmukaiseen kohteluun tulee jatkaa, ja Euroopan unionin on tuettava Irakia tässä työssä. Köyhyyden torjuminen, koulutuksen ja terveydenhuollon parantaminen sekä työllisyyteen liittyvät uudistukset ovat tämän sosiaalisen ja inhimillisen kehityksen kulmakiviä Irakissa. Eri vähemmistöjen oikeus elää oman kulttuuriperinnön mukaan tulee turvata. Yhteiskunnasta ei voi tulla tervettä eikä elinvoimaista, jos naiset eli puolet väestöstä jätetään päätöksenteon ulkopuolelle.


  Barbara Lochbihler, Verfasserin. − Herr Präsident! Zehn Jahre nach dem Ende der repressiven Herrschaft Saddam Husseins haben die Iraker zwar mehr Freiheit, doch sind schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen wie Folter, unfaire Gerichtsverfahren und Angriffe auf Zivilisten an der Tagesordnung. Folter ist weit verbreitet und wird insbesondere gegen diejenigen Gefangenen angewendet, die im Zusammenhang mit Terrorismusvorwürfen festgenommen wurden. Durch Folter erzwungene Geständnisse sind nicht selten die Grundlage, auf der die Gefangenen zum Tode verurteilt werden. Mit 129 Hinrichtungen im Jahr 2012 gehört der Irak zu den weltweit führenden Vollstreckern der Todesstrafe.

Es ist zu begrüßen, dass das irakische Justizministerium eine Reform der Gefängnisse eingeleitet hat. Die EU muss diesen Prozess aufmerksam beobachten.

Ende Januar verurteilte der UN-Generalsekretär die jüngste Welle terroristischer Anschläge im Irak scharf, ebenso die Hohe Vertreterin der EU für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Sowohl die irakische Regierung als auch die Regionalregierung der Autonomen Region Kurdistan sind aufgefordert, deeskalierend zu wirken und ihre territorialen Streitigkeiten politisch zu lösen.

Die turkmenische Minderheit im Irak leidet mehrfach unter dieser Situation. Turkmenen leiden unter Assimilierungsmaßnahmen, werden entführt und angegriffen, obwohl ihnen in der irakischen Verfassung gleiche Rechte garantiert werden. Wir fordern deshalb von der EU, in allen Verhandlungen und in allen Gesprächen mit der irakischen Regierung die Lage der turkmenischen Minderheit besonders herauszustellen!


  Struan Stevenson, author. − Mr President, last night Hamid Rabi, a 52-year-old political refugee with permanent residency in Germany, died of injuries sustained in the vicious rocket attack which took place on 9 February 2013 on Camp Liberty in Bagdad. He was the eighth victim to die as a result of that cowardly assault; another ten were dismembered, over 90 were seriously injured. All of us in this Chamber are responsible for those deaths and injuries. The EU, the UN and the US bullied and cajoled the 3 100 Iranian asylum seekers and refugees to abandon their relative safety of Camp Ashraf and move to the prison-like conditions of Camp Liberty.

We guaranteed their safety and we deceived them. We sent them to a death camp. The 3 100 defenceless refugees are now crushed into a compound of only half a square kilometre in size, forced to live in squalid and unsanitary conditions, in flimsy caravans. They were seating ducks when 45 rockets were fired in a tight trajectory during the hours of darkness, hitting the area where the maximum number of people was sleeping.

This was no random terrorist attack. It was a professionally executed military operation. The rockets were fired from only 3 km distance, well within the military compound that surrounds Camp Liberty. There is no doubt the operation was ordered by the Iranian regime and was carried out with the close cooperation of the Iraqi Government. It will not be the last attack. Now, although five weeks have passed since that brutal incidence, the Iraqi Government has still not allowed body armour or even hard hats into Camp Liberty. They are being set up for annihilation and we, through our silence and our reluctance to intervene, are complicit in this crime.


  Metin Kazak, author. − Mr President, I would urge you all to support the adoption of the emergency resolution on the plight of minority groups in Iraq, in particular the Iraqi Turkmen. Literally hundreds of men, women and children are dying each year in attacks targeted on the Turkmen community, and this tragedy must be stopped.

A dreadful example which represents just the tip of the iceberg of the sectarian violence against the Iraqi Turkmen is the horrific suicide bomb attack that took place on 23 January this year at the funeral in Tuz Khurmatu of a Turkmen civil servant, who had himself been assassinated the previous day. This attack claimed the lives of a further 42 ethnic Turkmen and wounded another 117. Despite the findings of Iraq’s own High Commission for Human Rights, which acknowledges that the Turkmen have been subjected to terrorism, bombings, kidnappings and assassination, neither the Federal Government of Iraq nor the Kurdish regional government have done enough to provide security and protection for all Iraqi citizens in general, and the Turkmen in particular, because they have been numerously targeted on a large scale.

This resolution is not just for the Turkmen, it is for all the minority communities of Iraq who long for peace and security. Therefore, the EU should work closely with the Iraqi Government and use all the tools at its disposal to encourage the Iraqi Government to provide adequate protection to the Turkmen and other minorities.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the political groups for their support in putting such an important resolution before the plenary and urge Members, once again, to adopt it, because Europe has to demonstrate that it has not forgotten the Turkmen community or other Iraqi minorities, and that we will endeavour to ease their suffering.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. − Monsieur le Président, dix ans après l'intervention, sans mandat de l'ONU, de la coalition internationale dirigée par les autorités américaines et britanniques, le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que l'on peut s'interroger sur les résultats concrets de cette intervention pour la population irakienne.

Amnesty International vient de publier son rapport annuel sur la situation des droits de l'homme dans le monde. La partie qu'il consacre à l'Irak est accablante, y compris sur le rôle des forces de sécurité américaines, tant qu'elles ont été présentes sur le sol irakien, c'est-à-dire jusqu'à fin 2011.

Des rapports de l'ONU ont également dénoncé les violations des droits de l'homme perpétrées par les entreprises militaires et de sécurité privées mises en place par la coalition internationale, lesquelles bénéficient d'une quasi-impunité. Plus de douze mille personnes sont aujourd'hui incarcérées sans jugement en Irak. Les manifestations populaires sont sévèrement réprimées. Au moins 20 personnes ont été tuées lors de récentes manifestations qui ont eu lieu à Bagdad en février dernier. Les minorités sont les principales victimes de la partition ethnico-religieuse du pays. La situation des Turkmènes est la triste illustration de la dégradation de cette situation. Leur identité, niée depuis la Première guerre mondiale, l'est toujours aujourd'hui. Ils ont la malchance de vivre majoritairement dans une des régions les plus convoitées du pays, riche en ressources populaires.

La résolution qui nous est proposée aujourd'hui ne nous semble pas tout à fait à la hauteur des enjeux. Nous la voterons cependant parce que, bien qu'insuffisante, elle appelle l'ensemble des parties prenantes au dialogue et c'est ce qui nous paraît essentiel.


  Bernd Posselt, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Im nächsten Jahr sind es 95 Jahre seit den Pariser Vorortverträgen, in denen man versucht hat, nicht nur Europa, sondern auch den Nahen Osten neu zu ordnen. Es gab den Vertrag von Sèvres, in dem man den Kurden das Selbstbestimmungsrecht versprochen hat, um es ihnen drei Jahre später im Vertrag von Lausanne wieder zu nehmen. Der Kunststaat Irak wurde aus der Konkursmasse des Osmanischen Reichs geschnitten, und seitdem haben alle Herrscher in Bagdad nach dem Grundsatz „Divide et impera“ operiert und die Völker aufeinandergehetzt. Und auch heute muss man leider sagen, dass es die Regierung im Irak nicht schafft, Sunniten, Schiiten und Kurden zu einem geregelten Miteinander zu bringen.

Darunter leiden vor allem die kleinen Gruppen: die Christen in der Ebene von Ninive und eben die Turkmenen, die seit dem Osmanischen Reich dort Heimatrecht genießen. Sie drohen zwischen die Räder des Kampfes der Großen gegeneinander zu geraten und Opfer von Rohstoffinteressen zu werden. Deshalb ist es unsere Aufgabe, bei der irakischen Regierung energisch dafür zu sorgen, dass sie die Menschen- und Minderheitenrechte einhält.


  Kristiina Ojuland, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I would like to convey our sincerest condolences to the Iraqi Turkmen families who have lost their loved ones in the horrific attacks that have taken place in recent months. Despite promising to protect the rights of the Turkmen and other minorities, Iraq has not done so.

Last year Iraq was rated as the fourth most dangerous country in the world for minorities. The Iraqi Government must immediately implement and guarantee fundamental human rights for all ethnic and religious communities by strengthening its democratic institutions and the rule of the law. Work needs to proceed towards the national reconciliation of an extremely fragmented society.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, 10 years after the allied military intervention, the Iraqi people sadly continue to be victims of violence and disorder on a depressingly regular basis.

The recent massacres of Turkmen and Kurdish citizens demonstrate the deeply troubling extent of the problem, far beyond the simple Sunni-Shia faultlines. I, for instance, have for many years expressed my concerns with regard to Christian minorities in the country, and in particular the Assyrians, who continue to suffer systematic oppression.

Iraq was not a nation state based around any one ethnicity, and the multiple cultural, national and religious identities of its citizens could in principle be a source of strength in its diversity.

We in this House must, therefore, take the opportunity to ask the federal government to do all it can to help minority groups. The new High Commission for Human Rights is a positive step, and we must commend the Kurdish regional government in particular, which must be allowed maximum autonomy for what it does to try and help.

Above all, the government in Baghdad must treat human rights as its guiding principle, and must afford much better security for all the minorities in Iraq. We in the EU must stand ready to assist our Iraqi partners wherever we can.


  Jaroslav Paška, za skupinu EFD. – Jedným z najvýbušnejších miest v pohusajnovskom Iraku sa stalo miliónové mesto Kirkuk. V jeho blízkosti sa nachádzajú bohaté náleziská ropy a miestni obyvatelia ho volajú aj Malý Irak. O jeho územie vedú ostré spory až tri miestne etniká. Za vlády Saddáma Husajna boli z mesta vysťahované desiatky tisíce Kurdov a ich bydliská obsadili Arabi. Po zvrhnutí Husajnovej vlády sa Kurdi začali vracať do svojich domovov a začali z mesta vyháňať Arabov, ako aj miestnych Turkménov. Do mesta prichádzajú Kurdi, ktorí tu nikdy nežili. Správcovia kurdskej autonómie sa zjavne rozhodli privlastniť si toto územie možno aj kvôli nerastnému bohatstvu, ktoré sa tu nachádza.

Násilie, teror, politické vraždy – to sú miestne metódy na presadenie politického a hospodárskeho vplyvu. Pretože sa v tomto regióne bojuje aj o ovládnutie ropných zdrojov, nemôžeme si robiť ilúzie o tom, že za pretrvávajúcimi násilnosťami sú aj miestne záujmy obchodníkov s ropou. Iracká administratíva však zjavne nedokáže predchádzať konfliktom medzi príslušnými etnikami a náboženskými skupinami žijúcimi v tejto krajine. A v spore o Kirkuk ponecháva Kurdom priveľa priestoru na presadzovanie a perzekvovanie miestneho prevažne turkménskeho obyvateľstva, ale aj Arabov. Možno by sme preto mali pri riešení tohto problému dôrazne apelovať nielen na irackú vládu, ale aj na kurdskú autonómnu samosprávu, aby sa miestne obyvateľstvo neodôvodnene nestávalo obeťou ekonomických, hospodárskych a politických sporov o bohatstvo v tomto regióne.


  Petri Sarvamaa (PPE). - Mr President, ten years after the war on Saddam Hussein, we are unfortunately witnessing an Iraq that is as insecure and brutal a place to live for its minorities as it ever was. The recent wave of terrorist attacks and outright executions in Iraq has again killed hundreds of people.

It seems that minorities in particular are in gravest danger. While in this resolution there is no mention of Camp Liberty, it is my moral duty to mention the more than three thousand people who live in inhuman conditions just kilometres away from the government of Iraq and the diplomatic compounds of the rest of the world. They are also a minority in Iraq; Iranian refugees with no status and no security.

The state of Iraq is not doing enough to protect these unarmed civilians. Just last night there was another victim in Camp Liberty, as Mr Hamid Rabi died of the wounds he sustained in the missile attack on the camp last month.


  Bogusław Sonik (PPE). - Nie możemy pozostać bierni w obliczu rosnącej przemocy i chaosu na tle etnicznym w Iraku. Spór trwający między centralnym rządem w Bagdadzie a regionalnym rządem Kurdystanu ostatnio nasilił się. Wpływa to negatywnie na sytuację bezpieczeństwa w regionie i zagraża pokojowemu współistnieniu wielu etnicznych grup: Kurdów, Arabów, Turkmenów. Ostatnie incydenty, takie jak wzrastająca liczba zamachów terrorystycznych oraz zamachów samobójczych, jakie miały miejsce w przypadku turkmeńskiego urzędnika w styczniu br., dodatkowo destabilizują sytuację, eskalując falę przemocy w tym kraju.

Nie można akceptować faktu, że ataki wymierzone są głównie w ludność cywilną oraz w oparciu o uprzedzenia na tle religijnym, etnicznym czy kulturowym. Bliski Wschód to wyjątkowo wyraźnie widoczny system naczyń połączonych. To, co dzieje się w Iraku, w dużym stopniu determinuje sytuację w jego otoczeniu międzynarodowym – i na odwrót. Rozwój wydarzeń w regionie wpływa na kierunek, w którym zmierza iracka polityka.




  Sari Essayah (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, Irakin turkmeenit ovat kolmanneksi isoin etninen vähemmistö ja elävät pääasiassa Irakin pohjoisosassa. Kansa on kärsinyt useista joukkosurmista, joista tunnetuin lienee Kirkukin joukkosurma vuodelta 1959. Historian aikana monet eri tahot ovat käyttäneet turkmeeneja omiin pyrkimyksiinsä, vallitseva Baath-puolue aikoinaan yhtä hyvin kuin kurdit. Turkmeenit on pyritty sulauttamaan ja heidän kulttuurinsa hävittämään.

Tähän mennessä tämä Irakin niin sanottu demokratisoitumisprosessi on tarkoittanut ongelmia vähemmistöille, jotka ovat joutuneet erityisesti kärsimään epävakaasta tilanteesta Irakissa Saddamin hallinnon kaaduttua. Nyt olisi korkea aika konsultoida vähemmistöryhmiä siitä, miten saadaan heitä suojaavia ja puolustavia rakenteita rakennettua, ja kansainvälisen yhteisön tulee vedota Irakin nykyiseen hallintoon, että vähemmistöryhmien oikeudet tulevat toteutettua.


  George Sabin Cutaş (S&D). - Am luat cunoştinţă, cu părere de rău, de îngrozitorul atac care a avut loc pe 23 ianuarie împotriva minorităţii turkmene din Irak. Populaţia civilă se află într-o situaţie de vulnerabilitate extremă în această ţară, în care violenţa interetnică, manifestată prin asasinări, răpiri şi atentate, este frecventă.

În acest context, este pozitivă aprobarea de către Parlamentul irakian a unei comisii pentru drepturile omului. Această ţară trebuie, însă, să intensifice eforturile pentru a garanta atât siguranţa grupurilor vulnerabile, cât şi libertatea religioasă şi de afirmare a identităţii. O comisie pentru drepturile omului complet funcţională reprezintă o necesitate, iar reconcilierea interetnică şi menţinerea securităţii şi a ordinii publice trebuie să fie priorităţi ale Guvernului.

În acelaşi timp, Uniunea Europeană are datoria de a ajuta Republica Irak să realizeze aceste obiective. Acordul de parteneriat şi cooperare constituie o platformă de dialog şi, totodată, un angajament din partea Uniunii pentru susţinerea eforturilor din domeniul drepturilor şi al libertăţilor fundamentale.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, we share your concerns about the situation of Iraqi minorities. We are all aware of the difficult situation across Iraq and of its impact on the life of Iraqi people, particularly the minorities, including Turkmen, who are more vulnerable.

The House will be well aware of the emphasis that the European Union puts on human rights in its external actions, and the situation in Iraq is indeed a cause for serious concern. Baroness Ashton has regularly condemned the continuing unacceptable violence in Iraq, including the attacks against minorities. She has also called repeatedly and publicly on the Iraqi Government and Iraq’s major political forces to engage in a dialogue to address the outstanding issues and ensure effective governance and the rule of law throughout the country.

This is all the more important now, as the country is facing serious political difficulties with increased tensions along ethnic and sectarian lines. In this respect the European Union supports the work of the United Nations in facilitating dialogue between the major political forces. In its dialogue with Iraq, the Union does not hesitate to voice its concerns over human rights, including, in particular, freedom of religion or belief, and the elimination of all forms of discrimination.

The European Union has offered to cooperate with Iraq in improving human rights protection. Many of you referred to the new EU-Iraq Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. Human rights are a prominent element in this agreement, and one of the agreed priorities for implementation. The agreement will certainly help to extend the scope of cooperation. The European Union will maintain its targeted support for Iraq. Since 2004, the Union has contributed more than one billion euros to Iraq, ranging from humanitarian aid to support for basic services and promoting democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

Part of this contribution has supported the most vulnerable Iraqis and the minorities – with, for example, activities in the field of water, education or health provision in areas including Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah, and Arbil as part of an effort to assist the government in providing basic services.

We have also supported capacity building, including for Iraq’s judicial system, with commitments, for example, to the Centre for Torture Victims in Kirkuk and the Council of Representatives, on which minorities are represented. All this activity is in areas where the presence of minorities is particularly significant.

What we hear from all the minorities is that they do not want to leave Iraq. We take good note of their views: that the Iraqi people’s rich mosaic of ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural backgrounds is a valuable heritage to be cherished and protected. So the European Union is committed to following the human rights issues closely, in relation to minorities and to other vulnerable groups in Iraq.


  Der Präsident. − Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet im Anschluss an die Aussprache statt.


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