 Full text 
Procedure : 2011/0358(COD)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A7-0375/2012

Texts tabled :


Debates :

Votes :

PV 22/05/2013 - 7.7
CRE 22/05/2013 - 7.7
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 - Strasbourg

7.7. Pyrotechnic articles (A7-0375/2012 - Zuzana Roithová) (vote)

- Πριν από την ψηφοφορία:


  Zuzana Roithová (PPE). - Paní předsedající, pyrotechnická směrnice byla vyňata z balíčku devíti směrnic o uvádění technických výrobků na trh, protože by jinak od čtvrtého července výroba airbagů pro auta v celé Evropě byla nelegální. Modernizovali jsme pravidla tak, že budeme lépe chránit naše spotřebitele před nekvalitními výrobky umístěnými na trh zejména z Asie. A já chci poděkovat všem, kteří k modernizaci směrnice přispěli.


- Μετά από την ψηφοφορία:


  Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the Commission. − Madam President, I would love to be a Vice-President of the European Parliament. Honourable Members, I am more into firefighting than pyrotechnics but the Commission would like to thank the rapporteur, Ms Roithová, for her work and efforts in processing this proposal. In the spirit of compromise and with a view to reaching a first reading agreement, the Commission will not stand in the way of an agreement between institutions and therefore welcomes this compromise package and looks forward to its rapid adoption.

However, the Commission does have several concerns over the competence of the committee set up by this directive and has sent Parliament a statement to this effect for the records of the plenary sitting.


Commission statement on the Competence of the Committee

Report Zuzana Roithová (A7-0375/2012)

The Commission regrets the adoption of the 2nd sentence of Article 45(2b) that has the potential to create confusion and legal uncertainty. The role of the Committees which ensure control by Member States on the Commission's exercise of implementing powers is defined only by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011, adopted on the basis of Article 291, third paragraph, TFEU. Therefore, no other secondary legislative act can alter or would need to specify further this role. In particular, the rules of procedures of committees are adopted by the committees on the basis of Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. As such they are to be applied when the Committee exercise its role defined by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. Any reference to rules of procedures outside this context is superfluous and inappropriate. It also risks complicating the functioning of the committee.

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