 Πλήρες κείμενο 
Διαδικασία : 2012/2117(INI)
Διαδρομή στην ολομέλεια
Διαδρομή του εγγράφου : A7-0175/2013

Κείμενα που κατατέθηκαν :


Συζήτηση :

PV 10/06/2013 - 16
CRE 10/06/2013 - 16

Ψηφοφορία :

PV 11/06/2013 - 10.12
CRE 11/06/2013 - 10.12
Αιτιολογήσεις ψήφου

Κείμενα που εγκρίθηκαν :


Πληρη πρακτικα των συζητησεων
Δευτέρα 10 Ιουνίου 2013 - Στρασβούργο Αναθεωρημένη έκδοση

16. Οργανωμένο έγκλημα, διαφθορά και νομιμοποίηση πόρων από εγκληματικές δραστηριότητες (συζήτηση)
Βίντεο των παρεμβάσεων
Συνοπτικά πρακτικά

  Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt der Tageordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Salvatore Iacolino im Namen des Sonderausschusses gegen organisiertes Verbrechen, Korruption und Geldwäsche über organisiertes Verbrechen, Korruption und Geldwäsche: Empfohlene Maßnahmen und Initiativen (Zwischenbericht) (2012/2117(INI) - A7-0175/2013).


  Salvatore Iacolino, relatore. − Signor Presidente, mi accingo ad introdurre una questione che non è di poco rilievo e che riguarda un'attività intensa, fitta che abbiamo posto in essere con la commissione speciale, voluta proprio dal Parlamento europeo: la commissione sul crimine organizzato, la corruzione e il riciclaggio.

Un anno di intensa attività con audizioni, con il contributo di esperti, con una serie di delegazioni che abbiamo svolto negli Stati Uniti d'America, in Italia e ancora a Belgrado, con lavori portati avanti prima con dei documenti specifici di lavoro e poi con questa relazione di metà mandato.

Il contrasto e la lotta al crimine organizzato, la corruzione al riciclaggio, tutti i reati transnazionali impongono una forte cooperazione giudiziaria e di polizia basata sulla fiducia tra gli Stati membri ed un concorso responsabile attraverso specifici accordi di cooperazione dei paesi terzi.

Abbiamo voluto centrare la nostra attenzione su una sfida che oramai non è soltanto una sfida europea, ma è una sfida globale nei confronti di crimini che sono essenzialmente – lo sa bene la signora Commissario Malmström – crimini di natura economica. Riteniamo che, appunto per questo, dobbiamo fare in modo che queste risorse che oggi vengono acquisite illecitamente da parte dei sistemi criminali possano invece essere recuperate.

Come? Attraverso una forte cooperazione, attraverso squadre investigative comuni, attraverso un forte concorso responsabile di Eurojust, per esempio, di Europol ma anche attraverso Stati membri che svolgano responsabilmente questa loro attività.

Il contrasto del crimine organizzato è senz'altro una priorità politica del Parlamento europeo e riteniamo che parimenti lo sia della Commissione e degli Stati membri: abbiamo pertanto previsto una definizione comune di crimine organizzato che includa il reato di stampo mafioso, facendo riferimento ai modelli legislativi più avanzati, la lotta al traffico degli esseri umani. Così come la lotta al narcotraffico, così come la lotta al contrabbando di sigarette o le scommesse illegali nelle competizioni sportive, impongono una forte collaborazione anche con i singoli componenti di questa realtà: banche, una maggiore governance bancaria.

Abbiamo raccomandato inoltre – per come è giusto che sia – l'abolizione del segreto bancario: la corruzione è spesso legata a una burocrazia farraginosa nella quale si infiltrano i gangli più incisivi della corruzione e allora bisogna che gli Stati membri svolgano appieno il loro intervento, attraverso riforme strutturali che sviluppino semplificazione e riordino di una burocrazia che deve essere a vantaggio dei cittadini.

Bisogna recuperare la fiducia dei cittadini e degli imprenditori onesti! Lo si fa attraverso una politica più responsabile, allargando la previsione del voto di scambio anche con promesse di utilità diverse dal denaro. Bisogna escludere le imprese condannate con sentenze passate in giudicato da tutte le gare pubbliche negli Stati membri.

Finalmente attivare la procura europea, c'è bisogno di questa proposta, c'è bisogno di un maggiore contrasto nei confronti dei paradisi fiscali che albergano anche nel territorio degli Stati membri, maggiore trasparenza del sistema bancario e un concorso responsabile di notai e camere di commercio. Occorre l'individuazione certa del beneficiario effettivo e inoltre anche una disciplina fiscale omogenea a livello europeo.

Abbiamo bisogno di ripartire dall'Europa, dall'Unione europea per contrastare al meglio questi sistemi criminali che hanno determinato morte, uccisioni barbare nei confronti di chi in Sicilia, ma nel resto d'Italia, così come in Europa ha contrastato con grande forza e con grande coraggio nei confronti di questi sistemi criminali.

Una roadmap, Signor Presidente, con un cronoprogramma preciso e con un concorso forte da parte della commissione. Ringrazio il presidente della commissione CRIM, i coordinatori, gli shadow, gli autori dei contributi tematici, il segretariato e sono a disposizione per ogni eventuale apporto che loro ulteriormente vorranno dare.


Elnökváltás: SURJÁN LÁSZLÓ


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur for this very important report and for the work that he and the members of the CRIM committee – the Special Committee on Organised Crime – have been doing. We welcome the report and support much of what is in it. I am happy that I have been able to follow the work of the CRIM committee by visiting you and talking with you on a couple of occasions.

I know that you are working on the final conclusions with regard to specific measures taken in the field of organised crime, corruption and money laundering. Let me refer to some of the issues which you mentioned and that are also in the report.

On corruption and integrity, I am pleased to see the large number of recommendations, especially with reference to the anti-corruption report that the Commission is planning to adopt this year. For the time being the Commission does not intend to propose new legislation on the definition of corruption, the approximation of statutes of limitation for corruption offences or the protection of whistleblowers.

Long-standing international standards – such as UNCAC or Council of Europe instruments, which cover a wide range of corruption aspects – are already in place. With few exceptions, the shortcomings in our member countries relate to the unsatisfactory implementation of anti-corruption legislation or policies or sometimes, perhaps, a lack of political will.

The Commission’s anti-corruption report will therefore look at the end results and the impact of anti-corruption efforts. We will refer to all kinds of corruption in the public and private sector. We will assess Member States’ efforts to see what has worked and what has not, to recommend further improvements and to disseminate good practices.

As regards the fight against money laundering, we share the recommendations in the report. The recently proposed fourth Money Laundering Directive will address several of these issues, such as the explicit mention of tax crimes in the list of predicate offences and enhanced transparency on beneficial ownership; it will reinforce vigilance on sport betting and gambling in general; and it will reinforce cooperation and data sharing between public authorities.

To complement the preventive measures in the fourth Money Laundering Directive, the Commission is preparing a proposal for a criminal law directive laying down minimum rules on the definition of, and sanctions for, money laundering. We greatly welcome the fact that the mid-term report insists on the need for better tools to identify the beneficial owners and the inclusion of beneficial ownership information in company registers, as well as recommending limiting the creation of shell companies.

The mid-term report refers to the need for efficient systems for the confiscation and recovery of the proceeds of crime and I welcome the proposals here. Once adopted, the proposal which is now being negotiated between the Council and the Parliament – the Confiscation Directive – will need to be implemented properly and promptly.

We welcome the report’s emphasis on the need for special protection for victims of trafficking, especially children. As you know, the newly adopted directive on victims’ rights means that all victims of crime will benefit from common minimum standards on their procedural rights, support and protection throughout criminal proceedings. This directive recognises the specific needs of protection for vulnerable victims, especially minors, and it also pays special attention to victims of trafficking, terrorism and organised crime.

This legislation must be properly implemented and applied by 2015. Only this will make victims’ rights a tangible reality for all victims and their families. The new Drugs Strategy was adopted last December and the first of two action plans will be adopted this month.

Two Commission legislative proposals on precursors are also being negotiated to strengthen control on trade in precursors, whether the trade is with countries outside or inside the EU.

We also welcome in your report the strong statement on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which will be a milestone in the process of improving the protection of the EU’s financial interests and thus of taxpayers’ money. Vice-President Reding and Commissioner Šemeta have discussed this with you on several occasions.

I would like to thank the Parliament and Mr Iacolino for the strong recommendations on this important project. We intend to adopt a proposal for a regulation establishing the European Prosecutor’s Office shortly, and I can assure you that the proposal will take your views into account. We share the same concerns and the same goals: the waste of EU funds in the pockets of fraudsters is unacceptable.

Finally, I also welcome the recommendations on research. The Commission is negotiating with Parliament and the Council the content and the budget of the next Horizon 2020 research programme. This includes a ‘Secure Societies’ theme dealing with numerous aspects of organised crime listed in the report, including money laundering.

With regard to the cross-cutting aspects of organised crime, you referred to the idea of revising the current legislative framework, including on mafia-type organisations, and for stronger sanctions, specific witness protection measures and tailor-made investigation tools. The Commission is currently carrying out a study on the effectiveness of the tools used to fight organised crime in the EU. The outcome of this study will be available next year and will enable us to determine the best suitable measures to be adopted in future.

We greatly welcome this report; the recommendations will serve as a solid basis for action at EU level. Together, we can make a strong contribution to fighting organised crime in the European Union.


  Véronique Mathieu Houillon, au nom du groupe PPE. – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, tout d'abord, je souhaite féliciter Salvatore Iacolino pour l'excellent rapport qui est maintenant sous nos yeux.

Les groupes criminels sont toujours plus polymorphes. Ils opèrent avec le trafic de drogues, le trafic de cigarettes, mais ils trompent également les consommateurs avec des produits à bas coûts qui sont dangereux pour la santé humaine et pour l'environnement, avec la contrefaçon de médicaments et de produits de consommation courante, de pesticides, etc.

Les réseaux criminels organisent la traite d'êtres humains avec l'immigration illégale et la prostitution forcée. Ils utilisent la corruption pour acheter un service, une complaisance, ou le silence, et le blanchiment pour camoufler leurs activités criminelles. Que faire?

Nous avons des institutions européennes qui ont pris conscience de la situation. On peut également féliciter les institutions et les agences – Europol, Cepol et Eurojust – qui font un travail remarquable et quotidien contre les réseaux criminels.

Et on applaudit également les récentes propositions de la Commission européenne. Elles ont été citées par la commissaire à l'instant. Je ne vais pas en citer d'autres.

Comme identifié dans le rapport Iacolino, beaucoup d'autres axes de réflexion et de réforme sont encore à envisager. Nous devons renforcer la coopération policière et judiciaire en misant sur la formation. On peut encore exclure des offres de marché public les opérateurs condamnés pour activités criminelles ou blanchiment, et mettre en place, d'une façon transparente, une liste européenne d'organisations criminelles.

Ne l'oublions pas, les premiers lésés sont les citoyens européens. Ce rapport doit nous faire prendre conscience que la mafia ne se limite pas à une partie de l'Union européenne. Il est temps d'agir en conséquence et qu'une prise de conscience s'opère, car il s'agit de milliards d'euros détournés de l'économie légale au détriment de contribuables. Une question de moralité, mais également de sécurité pour les citoyens européens.


  Tanja Fajon, v imenu skupine S&D. – Kako pošteno in dobro delajo pravni sistemi v naših državah? Očitno je, da so neučinkoviti in počasni, predvsem pa, da ne uživajo zaupanja naših državljanov.

To nam dokazujejo zaskrbljujoči podatki. Če se omejim le na korupcijo: na leto izgubimo okoli 120 milijard evrov. Finančna kriza organiziranim kriminalnim mrežam odpira priložnosti za še večji dobiček. Če bi le del ukradenega denarja investirali v ustvarjanje delovnih mest, bi že zdavnaj premagali krizo.

Vzpostavitev evropskega urada javnega tožilstva je posebej pomembna za borbo proti davčnim prevaram in utajam. Korupcija zavira investicije in gospodarsko rast, zmanjšuje zaupanje v institucije, zato predlagamo vsaj petletno prepoved kandidiranja in opravljanja javnih funkcij na vseh ravneh za posameznike, obsojene korupcije, večjo transparentnost financiranja političnih strank, vzpostavitev črnih seznamov podjetij, vpletenih v korupcijo, in odpravo bančnih skrivnosti.

Nujno moramo okrepiti pravosodno in policijsko sodelovanje na evropski in mednarodni ravni. Z našimi priporočili vladam bomo jutri poslali zelo jasno sporočilo, da je Evropski parlament resno zavezan borbi proti korupciji, organiziranemu kriminalu in pranju denarja.

Le s strogimi ukrepi bomo ohranili naše države demokratične, pravne in socialne in ponovno začeli graditi na izgubljenem zaupanju državljanov.


  Sonia Alfano, a nome del gruppo ALDE. – Signor Presidente, mi sia consentito innanzitutto ringraziare in maniera veramente sentita il relatore, onorevole Iacolino, i coordinatori, i segretari, il segretariato, la Commissione, tutti i colleghi della commissione CRIM e la Commissaria Malmström. Se non fosse per la Commissaria Malmström e per la sua sensibilità dimostrata negli anni precedenti, noi oggi non saremmo qui a parlare di questo testo: per cui, grazie Commissaria Malmström.

Come dicevo prima, proprio il Parlamento europeo, durante questa legislatura, ha mostrato grande sensibilità politica, su un tema mai affrontato dal 1979 a oggi, portando al centro del dibattito delle istituzioni europee l'argomento crimine organizzato.

Un anno fa il Parlamento ha fortemente voluto che venisse creata una commissione ad hoc, la CRIM, il cui scopo è quello di indicare alla Commissione europea e agli Stati membri la strada da seguire per definire un quadro di azione europeo, di contrasto alle organizzazioni criminali e mafiose. La CRIM è diventata un validissimo interlocutore per autorità investigative e autorità giudiziarie, un luogo in cui le loro richieste finalizzate a una lotta a tutto campo alle organizzazioni criminali si trasformano dopo il giusto e dovuto approfondimento in istanze politiche di cui il Parlamento europeo si fa carico.

In qualità di presidente della CRIM invito tutti i colleghi a sostenere il lavoro svolto finora; la risoluzione intermedia che voteremmo domani è un passo ulteriore verso l'adozione di una sorta di testo unico che possa rappresentare la stella polare a livello europeo e nazionale per i prossimi anni e la cui attuazione dovrà essere un obiettivo prioritario durante la prossima legislatura.

Lotta alla criminalità organizzata, corruzione, riciclaggio di denaro significa soprattutto poter garantire libertà, sicurezza e democrazia ai cittadini europei; perdere tempo o titubare significa regalare vantaggio alle organizzazioni criminali organizzate e minacciare l'economia dell'Unione. Non intendo ripetere ciò che i miei colleghi hanno eccellentemente esposto.

Come presidente della CRIM, consentitemi inoltre – e mi auguro che si aggiungano anche altri colleghi – di deplorare ogni iniziativa volta a offendere la memoria delle vittime della mafia, esattamente come è accaduto a Vienna nei giorni scorsi con l'apertura di un pub, nel cui menu vengono sbeffeggiate le vittime innocenti della mafia. In Spagna, 31 ristoranti si chiamano mafia: è vergognoso!

Invito gli Stati membri ad adottare immediate iniziative per porre fine a questo scempio di sangue innocente. Le mafie devono essere affrontate e sconfitte e non diventare terreno fertile su cui elaborare modelli disonesti e criminali.


  Rui Tavares, em nome do Grupo Verts/ALE. – Caros Colegas, deveria enfatizar que falo aqui em nome do Grupo dos Verdes/Aliança Livre Europeia, que se absteve no voto em comissão. É uma abstenção que queremos construtiva como, aliás, tem sido a posição deste grupo desde o início em relação à Comissão Especial para a Criminalidade Organizada, a Corrupção e o Branqueamento de Capitais.

Foi este grupo, junto com outros, que propôs que a lavagem de dinheiro fizesse parte do mandato da comissão. É uma parte do seu mandato que muito nos agrada e, aliás, uma parte do relatório do nosso colega Salvatore Iacolino que muito nos agrada, também porque tem alguns passos importantes no combate à lavagem de dinheiro. É também um tema que, há um ano atrás, quando começámos os trabalhos, não estava em cima da mesa como está agora. Hoje em dia, depois dos debates que tivemos em Conselho e depois das notícias que saíram na imprensa, sabemos que o dano social que é causado pela lavagem de dinheiro ou branqueamento de capitais à escala europeia é enorme, é de um bilião, ou seja, um milhão de milhão de euros todos os anos.

Quais é que são as razões que nos obrigam, também, a ser ao mesmo tempo cautelosos? Uma certa tendência para avançar no domínio da lei criminal, da lei penal, da harmonização entre leis penais dos diversos Estados-Membros, às vezes sem ter em devida precaução todas as questões de liberdades e direitos fundamentais. Nós achamos que este caminho deve ser feito. O caminho que deve ser feito no combate à criminalidade organizada, à corrupção e à lavagem de dinheiro tem que ser feito com segurança naquilo em que nós queremos ser duros, como a criminalidade, mas também naquilo em que queremos ser firmes, como a defesa dos direitos dos cidadãos.

Também nos preocupa, por outro lado, por exemplo, a ideia de que nós pudéssemos criar uma subcomissão dentro da Comissão das Liberdades deste Parlamento só para lidar com as questões de criminalidade. Não é uma proposta do relator, mas é uma proposta que está no relatório. Nós achamos que isso criaria uma divisão demasiado grande entre os defensores das liberdades civis e os defensores da segurança e da criminalidade. Nós estamos os dois do mesmo lado, não em lados diferentes e creio que, para o futuro, há ainda caminho para trabalharmos em conjunto, para, no relatório final, podermos votar a favor.

(O orador aceita responder a uma pergunta formulada ao abrigo do procedimento "cartão azul" (artigo 149.º, n.º 8, do Regimento))


  Krisztina Morvai (NI), blue-card question. – Mr President, we know, Mr Tavares, from your Hungarian report that you are an expert on transparency. With this expertise, how satisfied are you with this report’s message on corruption within the European Union institutions?

In other words, has this report covered sufficiently the well-known corruption that goes on within the institutions of the European Union, as suggested, for example, by this week’s Bilderberg Group meeting? To what extent are you happy with the system of checks and balances within the European Union, and how does it prevent corruption within the European Union?


  Rui Tavares (Verts/ALE), blue-card answer. – Thank you for your question, Ms Morvai. Corruption within the institutions of the Union is indeed a phenomenon, for example in the linkage between the institutions of the Union and the funds which are awarded to national governments and then sometimes feed in to the financing of national parties. It is a disgraceful phenomenon that must be addressed by the European Public Prosecutor of which Commissioner Malmström spoke, which will have as the first item on its mandate to fight fraud concerning the budget of the Union. This has to be complemented, of course, by a strong edifice of civil rights and guarantees.

We have seen from the experience of OLAF that sometimes you have very strong tools for fighting corruption but that these are not framed by a good legal basis in respect of civil rights and freedoms. There is much to be done in that area in the future.


  Timothy Kirkhope (ECR). - President, firstly I would like to thank the rapporteur for his hard work and, in particular, his very pragmatic and positive approach to the work he has undertaken.

This mid-term report is a litmus test for the final report and, whilst there is much in here that we strongly support – most importantly, the tough stance on fighting cross-border crime – I would, however, urge Parliament not to make the final report a veritable Christmas tree which collapses under the sheer weight of loads of ideas. Instead, we need to create a strong, coherent final report with a deliberate focus and targeted set of priorities. Most importantly, we need to be one step ahead of criminals and criminal activity, rather than one step behind. At the moment we are, frankly, trailing well behind.

This is a massive problem, causing huge economic and social damage to all of us. I strongly believe that the best antidote to cross-border crime, and indeed cybercrime, is the sharing of information, but obviously with appropriate safeguards in place and also speed, efficiency and precision in the work that we do. I hope that we take a step back before the final report and produce a final proposal which fully equips Europe to face the big challenges which lie ahead of us in the future.


  Gerard Batten (EFD). - Mr President, the economies of Europe are in deep crisis, and unemployment is reaching record levels. But there is one boom industry offering unprecedented employment opportunities. That of course is organised crime. This report recognises the seriousness of the situation and offers the solution we have come to expect on every occasion, namely a common European approach and more harmonised laws.

But it is precisely the common European approach that has helped create the problem in the first place. Every annual Europol organised crime threat assessment report since 2009 has said that the root cause for the growth of organised crime across Europe is the EU’s own open-borders policy.

This report suggests the creation of an ‘intelligence training centre’. However, the intelligent thing to do would not be to set up another institution expanding the power of the EU, but to reintroduce border controls to prevent the free movement of criminals in the first place.


  Cornelis de Jong (GUE/NGL). - Voorzitter, ik wil de rapporteur danken. Ondanks alle honderden amendementen is er in ieder geval een verslag dat lezenswaardig is, en dat belangrijk is, niet alleen voor Italië maar voor heel Europa.

Ik ben het wel erg eens met de heer Kirkhope als hij zegt "Het eindverslag moet wel kort en krachtig zijn". Anders kan de Commissie weer enkele dingen eruit te pakken – zoals we net gehoord hebben bij corruptie van commissaris Malmström – en andere dingen gewoon te negeren. Dat moeten we niet laten gebeuren.

Strafrecht is een gevoelige materie. Je ontneemt iemand geheel of gedeeltelijk zijn mensenrechten, en het verslag heeft nog te weinig aandacht voor preventie en voor reclassering. Het strafrecht dient er niet alleen maar toe om de samenleving gerust te stellen, maar is ook een middel om misdadigers te helpen na hun straf weer terug in de samenleving te komen. Het aantal gevallen van recidive ligt veel te hoog. Het is zowel voor de samenleving als voor de daders belangrijk dat we dit niet uit het oog verliezen. Ik hoop dan ook dat in het eindverslag meer aandacht besteed wordt aan preventie en reclassering.

Ik heb mijn fractie aangeraden zich te onthouden van stemming over dit verslag. Dat heeft vooral te maken met het feit dat het verslag soms doorslaat, bijvoorbeeld waar het voorstelt bij bepaalde misdrijven het passief kiesrecht te ontnemen. In plaats van een individuele toets voor de rechter roept het verslag op dit kiesrecht eigenlijk automatisch en ook nog eens permanent te ontnemen. Dat kan niet.

Nog belangrijker is echter de oproep een Europees openbaar ministerie in te stellen. We hebben net een vernietigend verslag gehad van het toezichthoudend comité over OLAF. Duidelijk is dat dit niet het moment is om zich uit te spreken over vervolgstappen. De Commissie zegt dat in 40 procent of meer van de gevallen lidstaten geen actie ondernemen in vervolg op OLAF-verslagen. Maar ligt dat aan de lidstaten of aan de kwaliteit van die verslagen zelf? Laten we eerst eens kritisch kijken naar het functioneren van OLAF en van EUROJUST. Als zij goed genoeg functioneren, kunnen diezelfde resultaten die we met het openbaar ministerie willen bereiken, niet bereikt worden via intensievere samenwerking tussen lidstaten?


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI). - Mr President, the solution to these problems, we are told, is more EU legislation and greater competence for the EU. Unlike the literary character Topsy, organised crime did not just grow: it has been facilitated by the EU. Schengen removed borders for organised crime just as it did for legitimate business. Drugs, arms and trafficked people can be more easily moved. A single currency makes it possible to launder the profits of crime much more easily anywhere in the zone, just as lax immigration controls and connivance with bogus asylum claims allow criminals and sometimes their wares to pass from one country and one continent to another.

Of course, not all organised crime involves crossing frontiers. The predominance of the same distinct population groups both in ostensibly legitimate cash business such as taxi firms and take-away food shops, and in drug dealing and prostitution, allows the profits of the latter to be laundered through the former.


  Tadeusz Zwiefka (PPE). - Panie Przewodniczący! Kiedy podejmowaliśmy pracę w Specjalnej Komisji ds. Zwalczania Przestępczości Zorganizowanej wiedzieliśmy, że tematy, którymi będziemy się zajmowali, będą niezwykle skomplikowane i nie należą do najłatwiejszych. Myślę jednak, że nikt nie spodziewał się, jak ogromna jest skala wpływu działalności przestępczej na funkcjonowanie budżetów państw członkowskich czy Unii Europejskiej. Sprawozdanie śródokresowe komisji CRIM jest próbą zebrania i zidentyfikowania całej gamy problemów w tym obszarze. Praca wykonana przy tym sprawozdaniu to praca niezwykle trudna i tutaj chciałbym podziękować panu Iacolino za jego ogromny wysiłek, a przede wszystkim za wzorową współpracę z innymi posłami.

Trudno bowiem przy tak rozległej tematyce, na co wskazuje chociażby długość sprawozdania, uchwycić wszystkie możliwe aspekty związane ze zorganizowaną przestępczością czy korupcją. Dlatego musimy wyłonić i zidentyfikować te najważniejsze i znaleźć te płaszczyzny, gdzie możemy usprawnić działanie już istniejących instytucji i mechanizmów. W tym kontekście cieszy mnie ogłoszony w zeszłym tygodniu przez Komisję Europejską plan zwalczania przemytu wyrobów tytoniowych. Ta problematyka została zauważona także w pracach komisji CRIM i mówiliśmy o tym podczas jednego z wysłuchań.

Chciałbym także podkreślić, że chyba w żadnym innym obszarze szybkość i skuteczność reakcji, zarówno władzy legislacyjnej, jak i wykonawczej, nie jest tak potrzebna jak właśnie w walce z przestępczością zorganizowaną.


  Rita Borsellino (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Commissaria Malmström, la relazione di medio periodo che voteremo domani in plenaria costituisce un primo passo importante compiuto dalla commissione speciale CRIM, dopo mesi di molto lavoro e di molte audizioni.

Mi preme sottolineare il fatto che si tratta soltanto di un primo passo e che ancora purtroppo è lungo il cammino che dobbiamo compiere per diffondere in Europa una cultura della legalità e per fare valere il principio che le mafie non sono un fenomeno locale ma sono un fenomeno globale e come tali devono essere trattate.

Tra gli strumenti e le misure da adottare a livello europeo suggerite dalla relazione, vorrei ricordare ancora una volta, in particolar modo, la definizione comune di criminalità organizzata e corruzione, l'armonizzazione della normativa penale, l'abolizione del segreto bancario, la trasparenza negli appalti pubblici e in particolare la creazione di una lista nera di compagnie coinvolte in reati di corruzione e il divieto per cinque anni di partecipare a gare pubbliche per quegli operatori economici che hanno commesso reati legati alla corruzione, al crimine organizzato e al riciclaggio.

Poi, l'istituzione di un procuratore europeo, che è stata più di una volta citata, l'ineleggibilità al Parlamento europeo ad altre cariche europee di persone condannate per reati riguardanti la corruzione, il crimine organizzato e il riciclaggio e anche norme severe contro i crimini ambientali, e ancora la richiesta di una normativa ad hoc per la protezione dei testimoni di giustizia e delle vittime della tratta.

Ringrazio il relatore per il suo lavoro e spero che questa relazione sia alla base per la stesura di una relazione finale ancora più ambiziosa, che delinei una chiara strategia europea per contrastare il crimine, la corruzione e il riciclaggio.


  Θεόδωρος Σκυλακάκης (ALDE). - Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το οργανωμένο έγκλημα και οι πρακτικές διαφθοράς στην Ευρώπη αποτελούν σήμερα εξαιρετικά εκτεταμένα φαινόμενα. Από τη θεματική εισήγηση που συνέταξα κατά την σύνταξη της έκθεσης αυτής, προκύπτει ότι κάθε χρόνο έχουμε πάνω από 20 εκατομμύρια ομολογημένες δωροδοκίες στους δημοσίους τομείς των κρατών μελών της Ένωσης.

Το οργανωμένο έγκλημα εξαιτίας του ιδιαίτερα διασυνοριακού χαρακτήρα του, και η διαφθορά, λόγω των καταστροφικών επιπτώσεων της στις κρατικές και οικονομικές λειτουργίες αλλά και στα οικονομικά συμφέροντα της Ένωσης, πρέπει να αποτελέσουν κατά τη γνώμη μου κεντρικά θέματα ενδιαφέροντος της Ένωσης.

Τα κράτη μέλη μόνα τους έχουν, θεαματικά, αποτύχει στην αντιμετώπιση αυτών των φαινομένων και υπάρχουν πολύ ισχυρά επιχειρήματα με βάση την καλόπιστη εφαρμογή της αρχής της επικουρικότητας για την αντιμετώπιση τους, με τη δημιουργία ισχυρών, νέων, κοινών θεσμών, με περισσότερη και αποτελεσματικότερη Ευρώπη. Θεσμών που ήδη προβλέπονται όπως ο "Ευρωπαίος Εισαγγελέας", αλλά και μελλοντικών, όπως η μετεξέλιξη των εργαλείων που ήδη διαθέτουμε, σ' ένα ευρωπαϊκό FBI, Αυτό με σκοπό να υπάρχει κάτι το οποίο θα φοβούνται, τόσο οι πανίσχυρες εγκληματικές οργανώσεις που δρουν σε πολλές χώρες της Ένωσης, όσο και τα οργανωμένα τοπικά κυκλώματα δημόσιας ή πολιτικής διαφθοράς, την ύπαρξη των οποίων τόσοι πολλοί σήμερα παριστάνουν ότι αγνοούν.


  Jan Philipp Albrecht (Verts/ALE). - Herr Präsident! Der Kampf gegen organisierte Kriminalität, Geldwäsche und Korruption ist wichtig und muss ausgeweitet werden! Wir brauchen bessere Maßnahmen, vor allen Dingen eine bessere grenzübergreifende Kooperation in der Europäischen Union. Wir müssen da voranschreiten. Wir brauchen gemeinsame Regeln. All das ist in diesem Zwischenbericht enthalten, und das finde ich gut. Ich glaube, dass wir an dieser Stelle vorankommen. Aber mir fehlt ein ganz wichtiger Teil in diesem Bericht, und das ist auch der Grund, warum wir dem Bericht in dieser Form, d.h. als Zwischenbericht, eben noch nicht zustimmen können. Wir würden ihm gerne am Ende zustimmen. Wir müssen natürlich kooperieren und die Maßnahmen von Polizei und Justiz verbessern, es fehlen jedoch einheitliche Verfahrenstandards. Wir brauchen ein Fundament, wir brauchen die Zusammenarbeit bei den rechtsstaatlichen Grundbedingungen, die erfüllt sein müssen, bei den Grundrechten auch, die geschützt werden müssen. Und das ist eben in diesem Bericht noch nicht ausreichend. Wenn man bessere Bekämpfung von Kriminalität wirklich will, dann muss man einheitliche Standards schaffen!


  James Nicholson (ECR). - Mr President, may I first of all take this opportunity to congratulate the rapporteur on an excellent report, as well as all involved in the committee’s work on this.

Certainly, when I first got involved I did not realise the extent of smuggling and the loss to the revenue that this brings. In my own region we have a massive problem with diesel smuggling and tobacco smuggling. Also, though I did not realise it, people-trafficking through my region into the United Kingdom mainland is substantial, and it is only the good work of the local police in recent times that has been able to save many people from this particular problem.

I think many of us do not really think about and appreciate the work that the police and many others do across borders, working together to actually grasp these very serious problems which we have in our midst and which, sometimes, are going on under our noses without us knowing what is happening.

So I think more must be done and I wish the rapporteur well as he works on this final report.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - Mnohé príklady z každodenného života nám dokazujú, že pre organizovaný zločin nepredstavujú hranice štátov a rozdielne jurisdikcie nijakú veľkú prekážku. Odhalenie rozsiahleho prania špinavých peňazí spoločnosťou Liberty Reserve z Kostariky, ktorá za využitia komplexného internetového systému prostredníctvom virtuálnych mien očistila a dala do obehu šesť miliárd dolárov získaných z podvodov s platobnými kartami, Ponziho schém či detskej pornografie, nám ukázalo, ako efektívne a pohotovo dokáže organizovaný zločin využívať všetky vymoženosti dnešnej techniky. Táto banka prvého výberu podsvetia od roku 2006 vykonala viac ako päťdesiatpäť miliónov transakcií a mala po celom svete asi milión klientov, z ktorých približne 20 % bolo zo Spojených štátov amerických.

Naše úsilie o zlepšenie medzinárodnej spolupráce v boji proti organizovanej trestnej činnosti je preto odôvodnené a v záujme ochrany čestných ľudí musíme byť, myslím si, v tejto oblasti ešte oveľa aktívnejší.


  Димитър Стоянов (NI). - Този доклад, който имаме, той наистина е много подробен, но от него може да се извади едно много точно заключение, че прекалено голямата свобода на придвижване, която има, че прекалено ускорените темпове на федерализация на Европейския съюз играят най-вече в полза на организираната престъпност. Всъщност най-големият печеливш от федерализацията на Европейския съюз, в пъти повече от обикновените граждани, това са организираните престъпни групи. Аз това прочетох в този доклад. И какво ни се предлага като решение на проблема? Нова федерална структура, европейска прокуратура, която е напълно извън правомощията на Европейския съюз, които той има по тези договори. Когато беше въведена европейската заповед за арест пак ни обяснявахте, че това ще е за борба с организираната престъпност. После се оказа, че националните власти я използват, за да гонят кокошкари, които откраднали колела. Не, не можете по този начин. Това не отговаря на принципа за субсидиарност, затова трябва да преосмислим откъде е започнал проблемът, а не да въвеждаме нови методи за решаването му.


  Barbara Weiler (S&D). - Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich möchte ganz kurz Herrn Stoyanov schon mal vorab empfehlen, sich mal den Lissabon-Vertrag anzuschauen. Da ist die europäische Staatsanwaltschaft eigentlich schon verankert. Es ist möglich. Wir müssen es nur wollen. Es ist ja kein Geheimnis, dass in den Staaten der Europäischen Union Geldwäsche, Steuerhinterziehung und Korruption lange ignoriert, ja verharmlost wurden. Viele haben sogar die lasche Praxis als wirtschaftlichen Standortfaktor gesehen.

Ich möchte kurz Herrn Kommissar Šemeta zitieren der kürzlich gesagt hat: "Der bestehende Schutz von EU-Geldern lässt sich bestenfalls als lückenhaft beschreiben. Betrüger dürfen sich nicht ihrer Verfolgung und Bestrafung entziehen können, nur weil sie sich in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat befinden." Genau das ist auch unsere Meinung. Es geht aber nicht nur um die fehlenden Einnahmen des Staates, mir ist genauso wichtig, dass das Vertrauen der Bürger in ihre demokratischen Strukturen oder die Rechtssicherheit für nötige Investitionen ausbleiben. Oder die katastrophale Entwicklung des Menschenhandels. Dieser Bericht zeigt Strukturen auf, die veränderbar sind und verändert werden müssen. Grenzüberschreitende Kriminalität ist nur durch europäische Instrumente und bessere Koordinierung möglich.


  Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE). - Mr President, I am very pleased, as I was the rapporteur on organised crime in the last Parliament, to see that this issue is now rising in public awareness as an extremely important danger that we are facing.

Statistics on the activity of organised crime are very hard to come by because, unfortunately, the gangs do not publish reports, and even industries do not know the damage that is being done to them. But what is clear from the committee’s work is that millions of jobs are being lost by counterfeiting and cyber-theft and hundreds of billions of taxes are being forfeited each year.

One of the most startling findings that I noticed in the committee’s work was that, of the containers which take our imports and exports in and out of Europe by road, rail, sea and air, only up to five percent are ever checked. Ninety-five percent sail through with counterfeit goods and all sorts of horrible things, some of which are life-threatening. We have to do something about that.

Another thing which is astonishing is the lack of cooperation between the Member States. They each live in their own little world, prefer to do it their own way and do not trust each other. We are being seriously damaged by their failures.

The Liberal Group strongly supports setting up a permanent subcommittee on organised crime in the next Parliament in order to put pressure on the Commission to make sure they keep on top of this job. I am sure the present Commissioner will do that. I hope she comes back and goes on doing this, but we want to put pressure on whoever is doing it.

In conclusion I would like to say that my impression from this committee is that our society faces a clear and growing danger from organised crime. If we fail to react and the Member States fail to learn to work together, the whole future of a prosperous Europe is genuinely at risk.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI). - Herr Präsident! Der Kampf gegen die organisierte Kriminalität ist bekanntlich wie der Kampf gegen eine Hydra: Für jeden abgeschlagenen Arm wachsen neue nach. Allein schon beim Bankbetrug – egal, ob die Bankdaten über Videos, per Geldautomaten oder im Internet ausgespäht werden – kann die Polizei bestenfalls nachhinken. Viel zu selten gelingt ein Schlag gegen die gut getarnten Mafiachefs. Während sich die EU des Problems von Wettmanipulationen beim Sport schon angenommen hat, um die mafiösen Strukturen effektiver zu zerschlagen, werden Probleme wie der Kriminaltourismus verschlafen.

Das wachsende Wohlstandsgefälle in Europa und der Wegfall der Grenzkontrollen beschert Gemeinden in Grenznähe, die gut an Autobahnen angebunden sind, einen Vormarsch von Einbrecherbanden. Klar ist auch, dass die Chance, die Täter zu fassen, jedenfalls größer ist, wenn eine Grenze bewacht ist. Das muss die Kommission endlich einsehen, anstatt den Wunsch der durch Einbruchserien geplagten Bevölkerung nach mehr Grenzkontrollen als antieuropäischen Affront zu empfinden. Sie muss endlich effektiv verhindern, dass EU-Fördergelder in großem Stil in Mafiakassen landen.


  Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE). - Señor Presidente, felicito a Salvatore Iacolino por su trabajo. Es el principio de un camino, el inicio de una tarea; creo que la vitalidad de su esfuerzo tiene que ver con la posibilidad de ayudar a detectar, a prevenir, a combatir y a castigar el blanqueo, la corrupción, esencialmente. Creo que, cooperando juntos, vamos por buen camino.

Pero, señor Presidente, quería dedicar unas palabras a la figura del Fiscal Europeo. Cuando la señora Reding presente aquí su propuesta legislativa, verán que el Fiscal Europeo solo tendrá competencias para entender de la correcta utilización de los fondos de la Unión.

Como ven, el Fiscal no va a tener ninguna competencia para luchar contra el tráfico ilícito de armas o de drogas, o contra el fraude con tarjetas de crédito o la trata de seres humanos. Por eso, conviene que, en una segunda etapa, cuando estemos en presencia del informe definitivo, podamos definir bien, ya, cuáles son las competencias del Fiscal Europeo para no caer en frustraciones.

Enhorabuena por su trabajo, señor Iacolino.


  Inés Ayala Sender (S&D). - Señor Presidente, yo también quiero felicitar al ponente, y también a la señora Malmström por su voluntad política.

En la delincuencia organizada y el blanqueo lo más doloroso es cuando afecta a la trata de seres humanos. La Directiva 2011/36/UE relativa a la prevención y lucha contra la trata de seres humanos y la estrategia que la completa han sido dos hitos absolutamente fundamentales, palancas para poder trabajar hacia adelante.

Pero yo querría también destacar cuatro urgencias.

Necesitamos lograr más y mejores datos para conocer mejor, evaluar y comparar el fenómeno, cada vez más cambiante y difícil de definir puesto que se mezcla con otros delitos; datos también para poder poner objetivos concretos de lucha y reducción; datos para luchar contra algunos mitos, como, por ejemplo, que las mujeres que son víctimas de la explotación sexual no son europeas –sabemos que, después de la ampliación, la mayoría son europeas.

Necesitamos también desarrollar y reforzar la protección de las víctimas, asunto ya muy desarrollado en la Directiva y que, en los tiempos de recortes y austeridad impuesta, siempre corre un gran riesgo; sobre todo urge para poder librarlas de la necesidad de actuar como testigos.

También necesitamos facilitar medios adecuados y necesarios a quien lucha contra esta lacra social.

Y, por último, necesitamos utilizar todos los medios de la Unión Europea para sensibilizar a los ciudadanos y ciudadanas a fin de reducir la demanda de bienes y servicios procedentes de la trata de personas para explotación laboral y sexual.


  Monica Luisa Macovei (PPE). - Traficul de persoane, droguri sau arme, evaziunea fiscală, corupţia, spălarea banilor murdari distrug oameni, comunităţi şi orice regulă. Și ne costă bani, foarte mulţi bani. ONU a estimat bunurile provenite din activităţi de natură penală la circa 2 000 de miliarde de dolari: două trilioane de dolari. După zeci de audieri în Comisia CRIM, o concluzie este clară: singura soluţie de a încetini şi opri grupurile de crimă organizată este confiscarea banilor proveniţi din infracţiuni, de către judecători, în procese civile sau penale, chiar şi în lipsa unei condamnări, a unei pedepse de natură penală.

Să ne uităm spre statele membre care au înţeles, cu mulţi ani în urmă, că aceasta este singura soluţie. Prioritatea este luarea banilor. Şi fac acest lucru prin proceduri civile, mai rapide, fără să urmărească neapărat condamnarea la închisoare a persoanelor respective. De pildă, Marea Britanie, care are astfel de proceduri, a confiscat în 2011 şi 2012, în procese civile, circa 14 milioane de lire sterline şi averi de peste 300 de milioane de lire sterline. Dacă nu urmărim în primul rând banii, pierdem lupta cu crima organizată.

(Preşedintele întrerupe oratorul)


  Илияна Малинова Йотова (S&D). - Искам да поздравя колегата Яколино и комисар Малмстрьом с първия доклад на комисията КРИМ (CRIM), който по безспорен начин доказва необходимостта от нейната работа. Няма да повтарям добрите оценки на своите колеги. Струва ми се обаче, че има още какво да бъде допълнено по един от най-съществените въпроси – противодействието на корупцията по високите етажи на властта и по-точно какви механизми да се прилагат, когато организираната престъпност е обвързана с държавата, когато престъпните групи умело работят например с обществените поръчки, покровителствани от политически чадър. Крайно време е Европейската комисия да предложи и общи законодателни правила за използване на специалните разузнавателни средства. Така до голяма степен ще се избегнат рисковете от незаконната им употреба, както скандалът в България, в който предишното правителство незаконно подслушва политици и бизнесмени не за борба с престъпността, а за изнудване и рекет. Контролът трябва да се осъществява от независими структури в държавите членки с права за обмен на информация и създаване на своеобразна оперативна мрежа за ефективна борба с трансграничната престъпност.


  Emer Costello (S&D). - Mr President, organised crime and corruption costs roughly EUR 120 billion in Europe each year. This report provides the basis for a comprehensive EU response. I would like to focus on two issues. Firstly, while I welcome the call for Member States to promote the use of seized criminal assets for social purposes, I believe we could go further. I think we should consider establishing a new EU fund from part of the confiscated assets of transnational organised crime. This fund would be open to pilot projects by citizens’ community groups across the EU, and should be specifically targeted at communities which have been devastated by drugs and organised crime.

Secondly, human trafficking is a multi-billion-euro business generating profits in the region of EUR 25 billion annually. All Member States – including my own – which have not yet done so should transpose without delay the Trafficking Directive, which was due to be transposed by April 2013. The Commission should also prepare proposals criminalising the use of services of victims of trafficking, including for sexual and labour exploitation, and I hope that it will bring forward proposals for an EU-wide helpline for the victims of traffickers. I commend the rapporteur for this report. I believe that it is a good mid-term report and that there is still work to be done on the final report.


Catch the eye” eljárás


  Mojca Kleva Kekuš (S&D). - Pred mesecem dni smo v Evropskem parlamentu na plenarnem zasedanju potrdili moje poročilo o boju proti davčnim goljufijam, davčnim utajam in davčnim oazam, kjer smo se zavzeli za to, da v Evropi čim prej ustavimo tok denarja, ki se v bistvu zgubi v višini tisoč milijard evrov vsako leto.

Želela bi pozdraviti današnje poročilo, ki vrši dodaten pritisk ne samo na problematiko boja proti davčnim goljufom, ampak tudi boja proti organiziranemu kriminalu, proti korupciji in proti pranju denarja.

Predvsem bi pa rada omenila eno točko, ki je bila danes že večkrat omenjena, in to je problem davčnih oaz, ki so direktno vezane na sofinanciranje sistema pranja denarja po celotnem svetu, zato se s poročevalcem res strinjam, da potrebujemo evropsko rešitev in res evropski izziv in evropsko strategijo.

Ta parlament je že nekaj storil glede davčnih oaz: dogovorili smo se o definiciji in se dogovorili o sankcijah za jurisdikcije, ki pristanejo na seznamu davčnih oaz.

Jaz upam, da bo Komisija te naše napore tudi v naprej spoštovala in jih potrjevala.


  Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE). - Arvoisa puhemies, nyt käsittelyssä oleva ja parlamentin huomenna hyväksymä mietintö kattaa laajasti järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden, korruption ja rahanpesun kitkemiseen tarvittavat toimet. Tässä on nyt jäsenvaltioille täytäntöön pantavaa, ja toivottavasti myös huippukokous ottaa nämä asiat käsittelyyn ja etenee asiassa.

Verotukseen liittyvät väärinkäytökset on otettava tosissaan. Kysymys on siitä, pystytäänkö Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltioissa tarjoamaan hyvinvointipalveluja ja säilyykö EU:lla minkäänlaista uskottavuutta, jos se toimii vielä toisen kerran samalla tavalla kuin viime huippukokouksessa, jossa ei tehty itse asiassa mitään tämän eteen.

EU:n pitää myös kansainvälisillä foorumeilla ottaa johtava rooli, mutta se ei tietystikään voi sitä ottaa, ellei se itse omassa keskuudessaan ensiksi ota tätä vakavasti ja kitke järjestäytynyttä rikollisuutta, rahanpesua ja tähän liittyviä rikoksia ja väärinkäytöksiä pois.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). - A persistência, o alastramento e a diversificação de fenómenos como a criminalidade organizada, a corrupção e o branqueamento de capitais, são, simultaneamente, causa e expressão de uma degradação da democracia, sendo inseparáveis da subordinação crescente do poder político ao poder económico.

Os paraísos fiscais são hoje peças incontornáveis no complexo xadrez em que se desenvolvem estes fenómenos. Peças determinantes para o branqueamento e a fuga de capitais provenientes de atividade ilícitas e também lícitas. Peças que, conjuntamente com o sacrossanto sigilo bancário, têm sido acarinhadas e defendidas com um zelo que é flagrantemente contraditório com as proclamadas intenções de combate a estes fenómenos. Combate que deve assentar em grande parte em medidas preventivas e que não pode ignorar que os seus resultados são tanto mais efetivos quanto mais próximo se estiver da realidade em que ocorrem os fenómenos. Nessa medida, o esvaziamento e a debilitação progressiva das estruturas nacionais responsáveis pelo combate a estes fenómenos representam um duro revés que nenhuma estrutura supranacional poderá suplantar.


  Monika Smolková (S&D). - Organizovaná trestná činnosť nadobúda nadnárodný rozmer a stáva sa celosvetovým hospodárskym subjektom. Tento jav nie je len doménou rozvojových štátov, ale týka sa aj štátov, ktoré sú so svojou ekonomikou na vrchole.

Podporujem správu, pretože prichádza s konkrétnymi návrhmi a opatreniami, ktoré by mohli v záujme bezpečnosti, stability a ekonomického rozvoja všetkých štátov viesť k zefektívneniu boja proti organizovanému zločinu, korupcii a praniu špinavých peňazí. V plnom rozsahu si uvedomujem, že proces pri odhaľovaní trestnej činnosti vôbec nie je jednoduchý. Preto vítam najmä tie návrhy, ktorými sa posilní súdna a policajná spolupráca na európskej a medzinárodnej úrovni.

Aj keď sa organizovaný zločin nedá celkom striktne rozdeliť na jednotlivé typy, očakávam, že Európska únia a členské štáty v záujme jednotnej a koordinovanej spolupráce budú pokračovať pri identifikácii nových hrozieb týkajúcich sa organizovanej trestnej činnosti a nastolia také modely, ktoré budú účinným nástrojom boja proti nim.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége)


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I would like to thank the honourable Members for this very interesting debate.

As every one of you has stated, organised crime groups have become ever more sophisticated and multi-tasked. They create huge harm to their victims and society as a whole. Such corruption is also a very well-paid business. Different figures have been circulating and it is very difficult to estimate the exact numbers here, but we have seen figures in the Commission, and are working around them, saying that organised crime and its different assets amount to at least the collective GDP of several Member States, and that corruption in the EU alone could be the equivalent of one EU annual budget – so if we could do away with that, we would not need to have the budget debates and struggles we have today!

We need, of course, not only to protect the victims and make our societies safer, but also to get that money and those assets back into the legal economy, and this is even more important now, in the economic crisis.

Criminals cooperate so police authorities must cooperate as well. They have increasingly done so in Europe. We have improved our tools and our different ways of cooperating. Europol and other agencies are building slowly, but I agree with Mr Newton Dunn that there is still trust that needs to be built before all these can be really efficient. But slowly there is a common police culture growing.

We also have a variety of laws but it is, as many of you have said, also important that they are implemented. Two months ago, the deadline expired for implementing the Trafficking Directive. Only nine countries have done this so far. Four have notified us that they have partially implemented it and they are on their way, but that means half of them must still do it. This is a very important tool to fight this horrible modern slavery. There are also other tools that we have proposed or are in the proposal pipeline.

There are some very valuable proposals in the report by Mr Iacolino. We look forward to the final report next autumn and we will continue, of course, to work very closely with you.


  Salvatore Iacolino, relatore. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ho ascoltato i pregevoli interventi e i contributi dei miei colleghi, così come la replica della signora Commissario Malmström.

Non v'è dubbio che bisogna armonizzare le legislazioni degli Stati membri, dare impulso a questo strumento innovativo e formidabile che è la confisca preventiva – sia su base civile che su base penale – per sottrarre le risorse che sono state acquisite illecitamente dai sistemi criminali e utilizzarle nell'economia lecita a vantaggio del welfare, dell'offerta formativa, del diritto allo studio, della disoccupazione giovanile, del contrasto alla disoccupazione giovanile.

Non abbiamo parlato del giornalismo investigativo, che pure ha un ruolo importante, così come del diritto di accesso agli atti per garantire che la pubblica amministrazione sia trasparente; giustizia rapida e giusta e ancora una possibilità reale di rendere tracciabili tutte le operazioni, flessibilità però dei nostri strumenti, perché flessibile e articolata è l'attività dei sistemi criminali.

Adesso un ruolo importante l'avrà la Commissione: noi ci aspettiamo entro il mese di giugno – al più tardi entro la fine di questa attività prima dell'estate – l'atto sulla procura europea: secondo noi è fondamentale, ampliandone le attività di competenza rispetto all'originaria previsione, nonché la direttiva sul risparmio e la quarta direttiva antiriciclaggio.

Adesso la palla è nelle nostre mani e dobbiamo utilizzare al meglio, attraverso una straordinaria capacità di collaborazione fra Commissione, singoli Stati membri, Consiglio e Parlamento europeo.

Io ringrazio tutti coloro i quali hanno dato un contributo, anche oggi, ad alimentare un dibattito sano e propositivo e ringrazio anche i gruppi che si sono astenuti in sede di votazione in commissione CRIM, confidando tuttavia che domattina anche loro possono sostenere questa votazione, perché il contrasto al crimine organizzato, alla corruzione, al riciclaggio non richiede certamente litigiosità – che non vi sono state in commissione CRIM – ma invece quella compattezza convinta che anche oggi ho ascoltato attraverso i contributi – lo ripeto pregevoli e stimolanti – dei miei colleghi e della signora Commissario.


  Elnök. − A vitát lezárom.

Szavazásra 2013. június 11-én, kedden kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (149. cikk)


  Ágnes Hankiss (PPE), írásban. – Üdvözlöm az időközi jelentést, mert az az eddiginél is hatékonyabb együttműködést sürget a szervezett bűnözés elleni küzdelemben, valamint konkrét, a célkitűzésekre és a szükséges intézkedésekre vonatkozó ajánlásokat fogalmaz meg.

Módosító javaslataimban kitértem többek között arra, hogy napjainkban a terrorizmus és a szervezett bűnözés összefonódása egyre szervesebbé és erőteljesebbé válik, aminek intő példáját mutatja a Száhel régió.

A kiberbűnözés térhódítása a szervezett bűnözésben (elsősorban az orosz és oroszajkú szervezett bűnözésben) alapvetően átalakította a hagyományosan maffia-típusú szervezeteket, és új típusú struktúrákat hozott létre. Sürgető feladat az uniós szintű jogalkotási keret és a kapcsolódó operatív eszközök megalkotása, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy a tagállamok a jelenleginél is eredményesebben hangolhassák össze a kiberbűnözés ellen hozott intézkedéseiket.

A vegyi, biológiai, radiológiai és nukleáris (CBRN) anyagok és eszközök illegális kereskedelme (proliferáció) is kötődhet a szervezett bűnözéshez, és pénzforrásul szolgálhat terroristák számára. A szervezett bűnözés és a terrorizmus szívesen használ fedőszervként nonprofit szervezeteket (jótékonysági alapítványok, civil egyesületek) pénzmosásra. A nonprofit szervezetek monitoringja szükséges rendvédelmi feladat, amelyet azonban összhangba kell hozni az adatvédelem kívánalmaival.


  Alajos Mészáros (PPE), írásban. A szervezett bűnözés napjainkra olyan globális gazdasági szereplővé vált, amely hatalmas illegális versenyelőnyre tesz szert, és amely csalárd módon megfertőzi a legális gazdaságot. A szervezett bűnözés, a korrupció és a pénzmosás elkülönül egymástól, gyakran mégis objektív kapcsolat van közöttük. A globalizált bűnözésre megfelelő súlyú választ kell adni, e kihívásnak az Európai Unió tud megfelelni. A szervezett bűnözés, a korrupció és a pénzmosás új, kifinomult formái a legmagasabb szintű, megújuló politikai elkötelezettséget, valamint új társadalmi és bűnüldözési paradigmákat követelnek meg. A jelentéstervezet elkészítéséhez az Európai Parlament 13 ülést és 9 nyilvános meghallgatást tartott, közel 90 szakértőt hallgatott meg. Az előadó által kidolgozott három munkadokumentum iránymutatást ad a szervezett bűnözés, a korrupció és a pénzmosás problémájával foglalkozó hatékonyabb uniós és nemzeti jogszabályok kidolgozásához. A működőképesebb, rugalmasabb és a korrupció által kevésbé átitatott közigazgatás, a felelősségteljesebb politika, a gyorsabb és hitelesebb büntető igazságszolgáltatás, az egészségesebb vállalkozói kultúra, az átláthatóbb bankrendszer és szakmai ágazati rendszer, valamint a pénzmosás elleni megfelelő intézkedések előmozdítására tett javaslatot. Elsődleges feladatunk a javaslatok mielőbbi átültetése. Az új technológiák és a Lisszaboni Szerződés kínálta lehetőségek remélhetőleg hozzá tudnak járulni e célkitűzés megvalósításához.


  Alexander Mirsky (S&D), in writing. In a package dealing with fighting against corruption it would be appropriate to consider the situation in the Latvian Republic. Largely due to imperfect legislation in Latvia, corruption schemes and serious abuses by officials and elected representatives are thriving. The law allows municipal representatives to combine any number of posts in a municipality. That leads to a situation where some municipal representatives receive from 10 to 50 minimum wages monthly while not showing up at their place of work for months. Such provisions in Latvian law on municipalities has led to abuses on an unprecedented scale. It has come to the point where the deputy mayor of the Latvian capital, Riga, has been nicknamed ‘Mister 20%’. Taking into account all the abovementioned, I consider it necessary to start working on the fight against corruption via EU legislation, by amending it with the aim of minimising the risk of corruption.


  Zbigniew Ziobro (EFD), na piśmie. – Zorganizowana przestępczość to wciąż olbrzymi problem w Europie. Jego globalny charakter oraz zasięg wymaga globalnych środków. Jednym z nich było utworzenie komisji CRIM. Jej działanie powinno zostać przedłużone również w kolejnej kadencji, tym razem w charakterze komisji stałej. Tym bardziej, iż według organizacji SOCTA w 2012 r. funkcjonowało w Europie 3600 zorganizowanych grup przestępczych. Omawiając problem zorganizowanej przestępczości, chciałbym dziś skoncentrować się na trzech kluczowych sprawach. Po pierwsze – na walce z handlem ludźmi oraz handlem organami. Liczby są zatrważające. Zjawisko to przynosi zyski rzędu 25 mld euro. Od wschodniej granicy Unii do Atlantyku wszystkie państwa Wspólnoty Europejskiej dotknięte są tym koszmarem. 264 tysiące osób staje się co roku ofiarami wykorzystania seksualnego. W czasach kryzysu mocno rozwija się przemysłowe wykorzystanie darmowej siły roboczej. Walka z tymi zjawiskami wymaga wspólnego wysiłku oraz wzmocnienia nakładów.

Kolejnym ważnym elementem jest przestępczość narkotykowa. Dostarcza ona największych profitów zorganizowanym grupom przestępczym. Proceder ten ma charakter międzynarodowy. Aby go zatrzymać, potrzebujemy szerszej kontroli na granicach i wspólnego prawa antynarkotykowego dla całej Unii. Szczególnie ważne jest powstrzymanie przemytu oraz ścisły nadzór nad handlem prekursorami narkotyków.

W ostatnim akapicie swojego przemówienia chciałbym skoncentrować się na walce ze zorganizowaną przestępczością gospodarczą. Handel podrabianymi produktami, wyłudzenia, pranie brudnych pieniędzy to zmora dzisiejszy rynków. Ich działanie kosztuje przedsiębiorców ponad 870 mld dolarów rocznie.

Ανακοίνωση νομικού περιεχομένου - Πολιτική απορρήτου