Véronique De Keyser (S&D). - Monsieur le Président, étant donné la situation dont l'Égypte est actuellement le théâtre, les cinq groupes signataires de la résolution commune se sont mis d'accord sur une procédure un peu spéciale – et je l'explique en gros pour les collègues –, qui revient à remplacer, au pied levé, la résolution existante par un amendement oral, qui comprend un considérant et un paragraphe. Ce que je vais vous lire, c'est ce considérant et ce paragraphe. Mais cela implique techniquement, Monsieur le Président, de retirer tous les visas, tous les considérants et tous les paragraphes, à l'exception du paragraphe 11, qui dit "instructs its President to ...". Donc on retire tout ça, on laisse le paragraphe 11, et je vous lis l'amendement oral, tel que les groupes l'ont souhaité. Je vais le lire en anglais:
having regard to the statements of General Abdul Fatah Khalil Al-Sisi, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of Egypt, of 4 July 2013,
‘A. whereas, in its statement of 4 July 2013, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces announced the suspension of the constitution, the transfer of power to the head of the High Constitutional Court until early presidential elections are held, to be followed by parliamentary elections, and the forming of a national coalition government and a committee to look into amendments to the constitution; whereas Mr Adly Mansour has been sworn in as interim President;
‘1. Expresses its deep concern at the situation in Egypt following the military intervention; underlines that power should be transferred to democratically-elected civilian authorities as soon as possible; expresses its fundamental solidarity with all those Egyptians who cherish democratic aspirations for their country and calls for a rapid return to the democratic process, including the holding of free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections in a fully inclusive process with the participation of all democratic actors;’.