 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2013/2056(BUD)
Potek postopka na zasedanju
Potek postopka za dokument : A7-0287/2013

Predložena besedila :


Razprave :

PV 10/09/2013 - 16
CRE 10/09/2013 - 16

Glasovanja :

PV 11/09/2013 - 5.3
Obrazložitev glasovanja
Obrazložitev glasovanja

Sprejeta besedila :


Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Torek, 10. september 2013 - Strasbourg

16. Predstavitev stališča Sveta o predlogu splošnega proračuna - proračunsko leto 2014 (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la presentazione da parte del Consiglio della sua posizione sul progetto di bilancio generale - esercizio 2014 (2013/2624(RSP)).

Informo che per la procedura non è prevista la procedura "carch the eye" né saranno accettati i cartellini blu.


  Algimantas Rimkūnas, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, I am honoured to present to you today the Council’s position on the draft budget of the European Union for the financial year 2014, the first annual budget under the new Multiannual Financial Framework. This position was adopted by the Council on 2 September 2013.

From the very outset, I would like to assure you that the Council is ready to work with both Parliament and the Commission in the coming weeks and months to secure agreement on a realistic and balanced budget for 2014. Close and efficient cooperation is necessary to this end. The Council, for its part, is ready to work constructively and in a spirit of compromise.

I am very glad to note that the budgetary trialogue which took place on 3 September was positive and encouraging. I was particularly glad to note that we all – the European Parliament and the Council – agree on the high priority we attach to programmes and actions supporting employment and growth. Let me emphasise in this respect that the Council generally accepts the amounts proposed by the Commission in the draft budget for 2014 for all operational expenditure relating to programmes under the new Multiannual Financial Framework. I would point out that all reductions proposed in the Council position are based on a detailed analysis of the probable implementation of the individual programmes and actions concerned and that no general approach or unjustified cuts have been applied.

The Council’s position on the first draft annual budget under the new Multiannual Financial Framework provides, in absolute figures, for EUR 142.2 billion in commitments and EUR 135 billion in payments. It was supported by a large majority of the Member States.

I would like to draw your attention to three important elements that form the basis of the Council’s position. Firstly, the Council decided to give priority to the programmes and actions designed to put European back on the track of sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs, including for specified policy objectives relating to youth employment, research, Erasmus and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and to boost the financing of the economy. Secondly, the Council took into account the ongoing efforts by Member States to consolidate their national budgets. Particular emphasis was placed on keeping administrative expenditure under control, in line with Member States’ domestic policy, thereby applying sound financial management. Thirdly, the Council proposed to leave sufficient margins under the ceilings in the Multiannual Financial Framework to be able to cope with unforeseen situations.

I will now briefly set out the main elements of the Council’s position under each of the headings and subheadings of the Multiannual Financial Framework, starting with Heading 1, Smart and Inclusive Growth. The Council attaches particular importance to this heading as it corresponds to an area where EU action has significant added value, playing a key role in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy, especially in research, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Under Subheading 1a, Competitiveness for Growth and Jobs, the Council supports the measures to promote the competitiveness of SMEs, in particular, and to further investment in education and human skills through the Erasmus for All programme. The reduction applied to this subheading concentrates on large infrastructure projects and is based on expected absorption capacities and also on the completion of previous programmes and support expenditure.

The reduction applied by the Council to large projects such as ITER (the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) and the Trans-European Networks is in line with the approach recently suggested by the Commission to frontload appropriations for Horizon 2020, Erasmus and COSME for the first years of the new Multiannual Financial Framework and to offset this frontloading by postponing certain expenditure on large projects to later years.

The Council has also sought to secure an adequate level of payment appropriations for structural actions. It therefore agreed that under Subheading 1b, Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion, payment appropriations should grow by 7.5% as against 2013. In accordance with the European Council conclusions of 27-28 June, the allocation of EUR 6 billion to the Youth Employment initiative will allow the first disbursements to be made to beneficiaries in EU regions experiencing high youth unemployment rates from January 2014.

Under Heading 2, Sustainable Growth and National Resources, the Council proposes to stabilise the level of appropriations as against 2013. Nevertheless, it agrees to a slight increase, of 0.27%, in the appropriations for market-related expenditure and direct payments under the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund. The reductions applied to this heading are distributed between the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. They are based on the latest information available and are subject to revision following the presentation by the Commission of its traditional letter of amendment in the autumn.

Under Heading 3, Security and Citizenship, the Council supports modest reductions to both commitment and payment appropriations, taking into account realistic absorption capacities. Save for support expenditure, the Council backs the appropriations proposed by the Commission in relation to asylum and migration, initiatives in the fields of external borders, justice, internal security, public health and consumer protection.

Under Heading 4, Global Europe, the Council sets commitment and payment appropriations at a lower level than that proposed by the Commission, in order better to reflect past and current budget implementation and to take into account realistic absorption capacities. This heading, together with Subheadings 1a and 1b and Heading 2, is subject to a statement on payment appropriations in which the Council invites the Commission to submit a draft amending budget if payment appropriations in 2014 are insufficient to cover expenditure under the headings in question.

Under Heading 5, Administration, the Council acknowledges the efforts made by the EU institutions to limit increases in their respective budget estimates, including through the reduction of staff numbers in line with the 5% target over the period 2013-2017. Nevertheless, further potential savings have been identified. The Council proposes to remove the appropriations included in the institutions’ estimates related to salary adjustments in 2011 and 2012 because it considers that it is not for the EU institutions to anticipate the Court of Justice ruling on this issue.

A similar approach was adopted in relation to all decentralised agencies, where the Council supports comparable reductions in both commitment and payment appropriations in proportion to the number of staff, self-financed posts excepted. The Council, as usual, did not modify the European Parliament’s section of the budget.

Lastly, under Heading 6, Compensation, the Council agrees with the level of appropriations proposed by the Commission.

I am convinced that the Council’s position on the draft budget for 2014 represents the necessary balance between the need to take account of the difficult economic situation in Member States and the need to secure adequate appropriations in the EU budget to support new programmes and actions. The promotion of growth and fiscal consolidation are mutually reinforcing.

We all agree on the importance and added value of programmes and actions carried out at European level, and everybody – including the Ministers of Finance – supports the appropriate financing. But we are all bound by the objectives of budgetary discipline and the national targets of bringing down government debts and deficits. Against that background each additional euro in the EU budget weighs heavily on national budgets. This is a constraint which affects us all.

We therefore have to prioritise and find the right balance, ensuring on the one hand the timely implementation of the agreed programmes and actions whilst, on the other hand, limiting our national budget deficits to the required levels. I count on your comprehension and support in this respect.

The budget of the European Union for the financial year 2014 will play a crucial role in supporting the economy by acting as a catalyst for growth and jobs and leveraging productive and human-capital investments. I very much hope that this common goal will guide us in our discussions over the next few months as we seek to reach an agreement on the budget for 2014.


  Janusz Lewandowski, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, Minister, honourable Members, the session today is for me the second opportunity after our trialogue to express my deep concern with the Council’s reading of the budget proposal for 2014.

When presenting the draft for 2014 our message was clear. It cannot this time be ‘business as usual’, for many reasons. We were doing it in the specific context of the advanced negotiations on the next MFF period and later than usual – that is in June – to make a more stable point of reference for the draft budget. First of all, however, already in our proposal – due to the low ceilings of the starting period of the next financial perspective – our proposal was, in terms of commitments, 6% less or EUR 9.1 billion less than we needed for this year and, in terms of payments, EUR 8.4 billion less than we needed for 2013. Therefore, it cannot be a routine road of cuts, and I am really concerned at the Council’s reading going the traditional way of cuts to what is already a very low level for 2014 cutting commitments by EUR 240 million and payments by over EUR 1 billion.

What is more, I cannot detect too much logic in the reading or in the way the cuts were made, in the context of all the promises made to use all our available tools to reinforce growth and competitiveness in Europe. There is a weak recovery this year. Therefore I cannot understand the cuts in structural funding because this is an instrument, the instrument to promote growth and competitiveness.

The major cuts by volume are in the heading which compromises real instruments for small and medium-sized companies, like COSME, and for research and development, Horizon 2020. Also what was reduced is the administrative support expenditure for research and infrastructure in a way that could be detrimental to the implementation of these programmes.

In the external actions, given what we know about what is around Europe – Syria for example – again the cuts for support expenditure could hinder the implementation of our obligations vis-à-vis the external world. I cannot accept the justification that this is being done because we need margins for so-called flexibilities and unexpected developments through 2014. It is in the nature or flexibilities of special instruments to mobilise them above the ceiling and not within the ceiling, so this is not the right justification for leaving the margins for the next year.

This continuous effort to reduce what is already reduced and probably not fully satisfying the needs of 2014 is really worrying, as we know what is the life cycle of major projects in Europe. They are mature now and we need resources to pay the bills coming from the Member States. Hopefully our joint meeting on payments could be the opportunity to discuss the developments in payments reflecting the maturity of major projects in Europe throughout 2013 and 2014. I am fully in favour of this opportunity to discuss the soundest approach to budgeting at this critical time of fragile recovery in Europe.

This is a very specific budget, as really 90% of appropriations are either so-called non-differentiated expenditure and payments for old projects; only 10% is for the new programmes of the new financial perspective 2014-2020.

As for salary adjustment, yes it is cut but, when the Court rules otherwise, it should be restored.

As for the agencies, this is again a very strict approach, with a 1% cut in compliance and with the interinstitutional draft agreement saying that all the institutions are obliged to seek reductions by 1% and no one institution is free of that sort of duty.

Therefore I am asking Parliament to take these arguments into account when preparing the reading of the 2014 budget. I am grateful to Anne Jensen for her efforts to prepare on time the indicative list of pilot project and preparatory actions. That is making our evaluations easier and I hope for really good cooperation in the course of the budgetary procedure.

What we need now of course is to deliver amending letters to the draft 2014 budget taking account of our updated knowledge. The first one coming in September is a specific adjustment to the last minute political agreements on the 2014-2020 financial perspective – that is frontloading of COSME, Erasmus and Horizon 2020, as well some reinforcements for Cyprus. The second amending letter should be a routine one on agriculture and fisheries.

Let us remain optimistic that we can accomplish our task within 21 days of conciliation this time and agree a reasonable budget for 2014.


  Monika Hohlmeier, Berichterstatterin. − Herr Präsident, liebe Ratspräsidentschaft, Herr Kommissar, meine lieben Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Zunächst einmal kurz zum allgemeinen Haushalt zwei, drei Bemerkungen, bevor ich zum Parlamentshaushalt komme: Ich habe wohl gehört und respektiere das auch, dass die Ratspräsidentschaft sagt, dass sie die Kürzungen genau analysiert hat. Allein, ich habe ein bisschen den Eindruck, dass letztendlich im Schwerpunkt der Haushalt einfach gekürzt werden musste, weil man zuhause mit der eigenen Finanzlage in den jeweiligen Ländern in Schwierigkeiten steckt. Und nicht jede Kürzung bietet die Logik auf, die wir uns gemeinschaftlich wünschen würden, weshalb ich meine Kollegin Anne Jensen, die unmittelbar nach mir spricht, jetzt im Vorhinein schon unterstützen möchte und meine Unterstützung hier zum Ausdruck bringen möchte.

Zum Haushalt des Europäischen Parlaments selbst möchte ich anfügen, dass als erstes das Europäische Parlament sich mit seinem Haushalt in Richtung Inflationsrate bewegen wird. Wir haben ja einige Sondersituationen im Haushalt des Europäischen Parlaments zu verzeichnen. Diese Sondersituationen ergeben sich aus der neuen Legislaturperiode, die allein 2,2 % Zusatzkosten verursachen wird. Schlicht und einfach: Demokratie kostet auch ab und zu Geld, und aus diesem Grund müssen wir dieses auch einsetzen und können uns dagegen letztendlich auch gar nicht wehren. Wir streben eine engere Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und mit dem Ausschuss der Regionen an, allerdings enthalten die bisherigen Vorlagen noch keine konkreten Zahlen, sodass ich eher davon ausgehen werde, dass wir diese konkreten Zahlen erst einsetzen werden, wenn letztendlich die Verhandlungen beendet sind.

Insgesamt wird der Haushalt des Europäischen Parlaments ebenfalls ein Sparhaushalt werden, in dem kein realer Zuwachs mehr vorhanden sein wird, sondern er wird – abgesehen von den Kosten für die Legislatur und den Kosten für Kroatien – ein Minus von ca. 0,3 % aufweisen.

Zweitens möchte ich mich bei den anderen Institutionen im Besonderen zum Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienst äußern, denn ich bin mir nicht sicher – und ich habe das auch schon bei den Trilog-Verhandlungen gesagt –, ob der Rat eigentlich tatsächlich noch zu seiner Entscheidung steht, dass er den Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienst möchte. Denn ein Anstieg von 1,7 % für eine Institution, die im Aufbau steht, ist schon etwas knapp bemessen. Aus diesem Grund bin ich überzeugt, dass wir uns über den Haushalt des Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienstes vor allem vor dem Hintergrund der Sicherheit und der Debatten um – ich will das Stichwort Edward Snowden nennen – die Sicherheit der Leitungen und die entsprechenden Voraussetzungen für die Technik unterhalten werden müssen, ebenso wie über das Thema abatement rate.

Bei den anderen Institutionen musste ich feststellen, dass wir uns nicht so ganz an die Analyse gehalten haben. Ich bitte den Rat ganz herzlich darum, dass wir bei den Verhandlungen tatsächlich in eine intensivere Diskussion einsteigen, weil ich ein bisschen die Befürchtung habe, dass die allgemeinen Kürzungen nicht zielführend sind – man hat einfach die abatement rate gekürzt und ist nicht in die Haushalte eingestiegen. Ich glaube, wir werden darüber noch einmal miteinander sprechen müssen, um einen sinnvollen Haushalt oder sinnvolle Haushalte für die anderen Institutionen zu bewerkstelligen.


  Anne E. Jensen, ordfører. − Hr. formand! Den umiddelbare reaktion i Parlamentet på Rådets forslag til budgettet er skuffelse. Skuffelse over, at der skæres præcist på de områder, der skal sikre vækst og beskæftigelse, og over at der skæres i betalingerne, som vi alle ved er sat så lavt, at det er tvivlsomt, om EU kan leve op til sine forpligtelser. Det er uholdbart, og jeg vil sige, det er et sparebudget allerede fra Kommissionens hånd, et budget, der ligger en 5-6 % under niveauet for indeværende år, så allerede Kommissionen præsenterede et sparebudget.

Rådet skærer i Kommissionens forslag i beløbene til forskning og innovation og går derimod faktisk mod den aftale, man har lavet med Parlamentet i juli måned om den flerårige budgetramme. Her blev det jo netop aftalt, at vi skulle fremrykke bevillinger allerede i 2014 netop til forskning, uddannelse og innovation. Det er skammeligt, hvis Rådet ikke lever op til den aftale, og derfor vil det være en vigtig ting for Parlamentet at sikre tilstrækkelige bevillinger til dette område og også til ungdomsinitiativet, der skal afhjælpe den store ungdomsledighed i mange lande.

Der er andre dele af budgettet, hvor bevillingerne er stramme. Hr. Lewandowski har nævnt udenrigsbudgettet, og vi er da bekymrede over situationen i Syrien, hvor et stigende antal flygtninge skaber nye krav til EU's budget. Rådet har skåret systematisk på budgetlinjerne til administration af programmer, og også her er vi så langt nede, at det er uholdbart. Også det blev nævnt af kommissæren.

Endelig har vi bevillingerne til agenturerne. Der er vi i Parlamentet ikke helt enige med Kommissionen, men vi vil sige, at tilsynsmyndighederne for den finansielle sektor er et område, vi vil være stærkt opmærksomme på i forhandlingerne. I det hele taget vil vi se meget nøje på budgetterne for agenturerne.

Der har traditionelt altid været usikkerhed om, hvor store betalinger der skal afsættes på budgettet. Der er stor usikkerhed om, hvornår regningerne for store projekter løber ind, og det har gjort, at vi i mange år har accepteret systematisk, at man skar beløbet ned, som medlemslandene skulle indbetale, men nu er vi dernede, hvor det gør rigtig ondt. Allerede i år er der store problemer med, at Kommissionen kan betale sine regninger, og næste år risikerer vi, den situation bliver værre. Det er utåleligt, at Kommissionen bringes i denne situation, og derfor vil Parlamentet have stærkt fokus på betalingsbevillingerne under de kommende forhandlinger.

Alt i alt vil jeg sige, at det nok ikke er lette forhandlinger, vi står foran. De vil være kædet sammen med forhandlingerne om ændringsbudgetterne for indeværende år, som vil finde sted om lidt. Allerede nu vil jeg dog gerne sige tak til det litauiske formandskab og til hr. Rimkūnas for det indledende arbejde op til forhandlingerne. Jeg tror faktisk på et godt samarbejde, og i mit land siger vi altid, at hvor der er vilje, er der vej. Jeg tvivler ikke på det litauiske formandskabs vilje til at finde løsninger, men jeg ved, at I vil have en vanskelig situation med lande bag jer, der ønsker kun at spare og ikke ser på, hvordan de reelle forhold er.

Vi er nødt til at sikre, at Kommissionen bringes i en situation, hvor den kan betale sine regninger.


  Alain Lamassoure, rapporteur pour avis de la commission des budgets. − Monsieur le Président, je ferai une seule intervention sur le projet de budget 2014 et les budgets rectificatifs de 2013 parce que tous sont soumis à la même contrainte politique absolue: il s'agit de respecter l'accord passé entre nos trois institutions sur le cadre financier pluriannuel. Cet accord engage les 28 gouvernements, à l'unanimité, au plus haut niveau. Et pourtant, les ministres du budget l'ignorent. Le projet de budget 2014, adopté le 2 septembre dernier, coupe les propositions de la Commission sur les politiques prioritaires que nous avons définies en commun: sur l'emploi des jeunes, sur la recherche, sur l'aide aux PME, sur Erasmus pour tous, sur les Fonds structurels, qui soutiennent la croissance. Le commissaire l'a dit de manière excellente, ainsi que nos rapporteurs

À quoi sert le Coreper s'il n'est pas capable d'informer les ministres du budget des décisions prises par le Conseil européen, au niveau politique, et validées juridiquement par le conseil "affaires générales"? Est-ce au Parlement de veiller à ce que les chefs de gouvernement se fassent obéir de leurs ministres?

Nous avons négocié le cadre financier pluriannuel pendant des mois. L'accord que nous avons trouvé a été appuyé par le Parlement à une très large majorité en juillet dernier. Le moment est venu pour chacun de montrer sa bonne foi en honorant les engagements solennels et précis qui ont été pris. De part et d'autre, nous avons négocié sur la base: "il n'y a d'accord sur rien tant qu'il n'y a pas d'accord sur tout". Nous avons trouvé un accord sur tout, maintenant il faut l'appliquer.

Les Romains disaient en latin: "Pacta sunt servanda". Il en va de même pour les budgets rectificatifs et pour les crédits de paiement pour 2013. Nous allons voter cette semaine la première tranche des crédits manquants. La Commission va proposer immédiatement la deuxième tranche, à hauteur de 3,9 milliards. Tant que l'accord formel sur cette deuxième tranche n'aura pas été donné par une autorité habilitée au Conseil, la ratification du cadre budgétaire 2014-2020 ne sera pas soumise au vote de la plénière du Parlement. Nous avions prévu ce vote final sur le CFP pour cette session: il aurait dû avoir lieu demain. La date envisagée est maintenant la deuxième session d'octobre, soit un report d'un mois. Et, s'il le faut, nous reporterons encore.

Entre-temps, nous aurons tenu une réunion tripartite sur les paiements. Je remercie la présidence lituanienne d'en avoir accepté le principe, que la présidence précédente avait refusé. J'espère que, sur ces bases, nous nous mettrons d'accord pour régler tous les problèmes de cette année et de 2014. Tous les choix politiques ont été faits, il s'agit maintenant de les appliquer.


  Algimantas Rimkūnas, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, I would like to thank Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski, rapporteurs Monika Hohlmeier and Anne Jensen and Alain Lamassoure, the Chair of the Committee on Budgets, for their very valuable remarks and views. At this juncture, we consider that a better understanding of mutual positions on the Council’s proposal on the draft budget for 2014 is the main goal. I think we have reached that. It opens the door for us to start real negotiations on the 2014 budget in the coming months. Once again, I consider that today’s discussion was a very good starting point from which to go forward.

I would like to add that we rely on the Commission’s support because it traditionally performs the role of honest broker. Commissioner Lewandowski, we are looking forward to fruitful cooperation. I would like to assure you that the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council, and I myself, will do our best in order to get positive results.

I thank you very much for your attention and would like to wish the Parliament every success in its examination of the Council’s position in the coming weeks. We very much look forward to our negotiations in October and November.


  President. − The debate is closed.

Written statements (Rule 149)


  Edit Herczog (S&D), írásban. – A kifizetési előirányzatok mennyisége, amire becslések szerint a Kutatási és Innovációs Főigazgatóságnak szüksége lesz a 2014-es évben, az 4,9 milliárd EUR. Ez a létező FP7 támogatási megállapodás szerinti osztalékelőleg és egyenleg kifizetését, méghozzá az új kötelezettségvállalások előfinanszírozását biztosítaná.

A Bizottság által elfogadott jelenlegi 2014-es költségvetési tervezetben a Kutatási és Innovációs Főigazgatóság részére csökken a kifizetési előirányzatok összege: EUR 4,9 milliárdról EUR 3,8 milliárdra. Ez egy 22%-os, illetve 1,1 milliárd eurós csökkentés a becslésekkel szemben. A 2014-es költségvetési tervezet következésképpen nem elegendő a szükségletek fedezésére, és egy ilyen helyzet káros lesz a kedvezményezettek számára.

A Tanács is jóváhagyott egy 14,5 millió eurós közigazgatási vágást a kötelezettségvállalási és kifizetési előirányzatokban. Mindeddig a Tanács nem nyújtott arra magyarázatot, hogy miért kezdeményezte a személyzeti kiadásokban ezt a vágást. A Bizottság a többéves pénzügyi keret kifizetéselőirányzat-korlátozásai miatt volt kénytelen csökkenteni.


  Kinga Göncz (S&D), írásban. – Félő, hogy a tervezett megszorítás első számú áldozatai ismét azok a társadalmi csoportok lennének, akik egyébként is a válság kárvallottjai: az állástalanok, a létminimum alatt élők, a kisebbségekhez tartozók, a fiatalok, az idősek.

A társadalom peremén élők érdekei elenyésznek, amikor befektetésekről születnek döntések. Mindig látványosabb utat, felújított középületet avatni közösségi forrásokból, mint tudással, tapasztalattal, mikrohitellel támogatni a vállalkozásba kezdő szegényeket, vagy közmunka helyett versenyképes készségek elsajátítását finanszírozni a hosszú távon munkanélküliek számára.

Ezért lenne fontos, hogy az Európai Szociális Alap nyújtotta lehetőséget minél teljesebben használják ki a tagállamok. „Aki szegény, az a legszegényebb”, hiszen a hátrányos helyzetűeket egyre inkább bűnbaknak, a jóléti állam terhének tekintik. Őket sújtják azok az intézkedések, amelyek lehetővé teszik, hogy a fiatalt nagykorúvá érése előtt ki lehessen tenni az iskolából, a gyereket pedig 12 éves korától bíróság elé citálni. S aki hajlék híján az utcán él, büntetendő cselekményt követ el – a magyar törvények szerint.

Szükség van arra, hogy a tagállamokon számon kérjük döntéseik következményeit, ellenőrizzük, mi valósult meg a közös elhatározásaikból. Ebben segítségünkre lehetnek a terepen dolgozó civil és szakmai szervezetek is, amelyeknek nagy szerepe lehet a kormányzati vállalások tényleges eredményeinek nyilvános értékelésében.


  Claudio Morganti (EFD). - Non posso che essere d'accordo col Consiglio per dare un'ulteriore sforbiciata ai costi delle Istituzioni europee, che troppo spesso sono fonte di enormi sprechi, a partire dall'ancora irrisolta questione della doppia sede di questo Parlamento, sul quale mi piacerebbe che la presidenza lituana prendesse una posizione netta. Non riesco però a capire come nella sua posizione il Consiglio possa tagliare linee fondamentali, come quelle per crescita e occupazione: in particolare non posso accettare la riduzione del sostegno verso le piccole e medie imprese, i giovani e, non ultimo, i fondi per una concreta lotta contro le frodi e la contraffazione, coinvolgendo le dogane europee. Questi sono pessimi segnali, poiché non si possono levare risorse alla parte più produttiva dell'economia europea, che deve essere il motore per la ripartenza; anche i mancati investimenti per una seria lotta all'importazione selvaggia di prodotti contraffatti, sono lo specchio di un'Europa che non vuole credere in se stessa e tutelare i suoi prodotti e le sue imprese. Mi auguro quindi che questi punti vengano al più presto rivisti, poiché sono ben altre le linee su cui si dovrebbe intervenire.

Pravno obvestilo - Varstvo osebnih podatkov