 Pełny tekst 
Procedura : 2013/2826(RSP)
Przebieg prac nad dokumentem podczas sesji
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Teksty złożone :


Debaty :

Głosowanie :

PV 12/09/2013 - 13.16
CRE 12/09/2013 - 13.16

Teksty przyjęte :


Pełne sprawozdanie z obrad
Czwartek, 12 września 2013 r. - Strasburg

13.16. Presja wywierana przez Rosję na kraje Partnerstwa Wschodniego (w kontekście zblizającego się szczytu Partnerstwa Wschodniego w Wilnie) (RCB7-0389/2013, B7-0389/2013, B7-0393/2013, B7-0394/2013, B7-0395/2013, B7-0396/2013, B7-0397/2013) (głosowanie)

– Vor der Abstimmung:


  Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (PPE). - Mr President, the oral amendment which I am proposing stems from the fact that in the original version we mentioned allusions to the possibility of pressure on Moldova through the wine trade. This wine embargo has already happened, so the intention is to update the wording.

Therefore in the third line of recital B I propose to delete the words ‘allusions to the possibility of increased pressure on Moldova through’, leaving ‘… Ukraine’s exports, an export ban on the Moldovan wine industry’.

So, we propose deleting from ‘allusions’ to ‘through’ and adding after ‘ban on’, ‘the Moldovan’ before ‘wine’ – the intention being simply to update in accordance with the facts.

Then in the third line from the bottom of recital B we propose to replace the wording ‘intensify their cooperation with’ by ‘join’ followed by ‘the Russian-led Customs Union’.

So we are deleting here in two places, adding ‘the Moldovan’ and replacing the words ‘intensify their cooperation with’ by ‘join’, which is just a factual correction.


(Die mündlichen Änderungsanträge werden berücksichtigt.)

Informacja prawna - Polityka ochrony prywatności