Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di James Elles, a nome della commissione per i bilanci, sulla programmazione politica e tendenze a lungo termine: implicazioni di bilancio per il potenziamento delle capacità (2012/2290(INI)) (A7-0265/2013).
James Elles, rapporteur. − Mr President, I am delighted to present this own-initiative report from the Committee on Budgets to the House for its consideration and thank my colleagues on the committee for allowing me to do so. I will review its purpose, where it has got to, and what still is to be done to create this interinstitutional system for long-term trends.
First, its purpose: with a rapid transition under way in the global system today, the aim of Espace is to enable the EU institutions to have the means whereby they can take into account long-term trends when taking current decisions. Effective EU policy-making will depend more and more on the timely identification of those long-term trends that have a bearing on the challenges and choices facing the Union in an increasingly complex and interdependent world.
But we should not have the illusion that the purpose of Espace is to predict what is going to happen in the future. History is littered with examples of those who thought they knew how events were going to unfold, only to find the opposite occurred: witness the executive of Decca who in 1962 ended their contract with the Beatles, thinking there was no future for groups in pop. And indeed, over the past decade events have clearly shown how difficult it is to predict the future, such as the collapse of the financial markets in the autumn of 2008, or the extraordinary dynamism of the IT industry with the founding of Facebook and Google.
Thus the emphasis must be, as the report recommends, on developing an effective capacity for the provision of independent, high-quality, interinstitutional analyses and advice on key trends confronting policy makers within the EU system on a regular basis.
So where has the project got to so far? It is based on two budget lines. In the first, the pilot project produced a reflective document on ‘Global trends 2030 – Citizens in an interconnected and polycentric world’. Under the aegis of the EUISS in Paris, this interesting exercise drew attention, in particular, to three major themes. First, the evolving empowerment of the individual, empowered by technological change; second, the burgeoning rise of the global middle class against a backdrop of growing resource scarcity and persistent poverty; and last, the emergence of a multipolar world where non-state actors play a critical role with growing governance gaps.
So now, in the second stage, more attention is being paid to economic, social and governance trends in the hope of identifying those trends which could have the greatest significance for the European Union over the next five years.
As we turn into 2014, let us hope we can have a broad and imaginative debate on some of the emerging ideas. A working paper will be available shortly putting together some of the key ideas drawn from all these sources, before culminating in a document to be finalised towards the middle of next year, for the incoming leaders of the EU institutions to consider.
Over the next few months, alongside this foresight report, there will be the elaboration of an administrative cooperation interinstitutional agreement, with each partner agreeing to undertake and maintain and participate on a continuing basis in the agreement. Furthermore, in the same process, a global repository website is also being built, to give access to a wide-ranging library of material relating to global trends.
Once in place, such a system will be well-placed to provide specific input into decision-making, for example to the budgetary authority in the run-up to the negotiation of a first 2020 multiannual financial framework, or together with the Futurium which is looking at global trends.
So, in conclusion, thanks to the work of many within the institutions who have already been involved in the ongoing work of Espace, the project is on course to achieve its purpose and its design. If successful, it will be able to provide incisive and forward-looking documents, which will help prepare EU decisions in an open manner, having access to the best information available.
In the past, many have spoken of the survival of the fittest. In tomorrow’s world, it is those who are best informed who are most likely to be the survivors.
(Interventi su richiesta)
Andrej Plenković (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, kao član Odbora za proračun, ali i kao bivši diplomat koji je dio svoje karijere proveo upravo u odjelu za analizu i planiranje, čestitam kolegi Ellesu na vrlo kvalitetnom izvješću koji je stavio u fokus europski sustav strateške analize i analize politika. Mislim da je glavna vrijednost njegovog dokumenta upravo ta međuinstitucionalna suradnja Komisije, Vijeća, Parlamenta i Europske službe za vanjsko djelovanje. Čini mi se da su globalni trendovi i u pogledu gospodarstva, i u pogledu društva, i u pogledu globalnoga upravljanja izuzetno važne teme, da kroz njih razvijamo svojevrsni europski pogled anticipacije budućnosti jer samo na taj način moći ćemo pravilno koristiti sredstva našega proračuna, a osobito za kohezijsku politiku, da pratimo one izazove koji su ključni za građane koji su, točno je, ojačani u globalizaciji, jer smo u vremenu komunikacije svih sa svima, ali, nadam se, argumentirano i odgovorno. Stoga podržavam njegovo izvješće. Nadam se da će ovaj pilot-projekt zaživjeti u godinama pred nama te služiti kao podloga novim europskim institucijama 2014. za razdoblje u kojemu ćemo provoditi višegodišnji financijski okvir.
(Fine degli interventi su richiesta)
Maria Damanaki, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I wish to thank the rapporteur, Mr Elles, for the speech he has just given, for the work he has done on this report and for his chairmanship of the taskforce of the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System. This is an interinstitutional project which is very important to us. I would like also to congratulate him for the initiative he has demonstrated in developing the concept of this policy system, both during the pilot project and now in the preparatory action.
The world is indeed changing at a speed and intensity that leaves many policy makers struggling on occasions to make sense of what it happening and what the policy responses should be. This policy system is an attempt to define how the institutions of the Union can work together in a collaborative manner to identify the key global trends impacting on us, what the implications of those may be, and to suggest how we might fashion policy responses.
So this is a unique interinstitutional project involving Parliament, the Commission, the Council of the European Union and the External Action Service, and one that is currently engaged in the production of reports analysing the major global trends in the economy, society and in international governance and power.
Next year, this European Strategy and Policy Analysis System is scheduled to deliver a report to the presidents of the institutions that will offer analysis for the next institutional cycle, as they seek to chart the way ahead for the European Union.
The interinstitutional taskforce is currently considering what shape and form a permanent system might take. Work on this is ongoing, looking at light formulas for bringing about this foresight capacity without putting additional pressure on financial and human resources.
The Commission will continue to contribute positively to these discussions. I wish the rapporteur well in his role as Chair of this European Strategy and Policy Analysis Systems taskforce.
Presidente. − La discussione è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà domani, 8 ottobre 2013, alle 12.00.