 Vollständiger Text 
Verfahren : 2012/0066(COD)
Werdegang im Plenum
Entwicklungsstadium in Bezug auf das Dokument : A7-0131/2013

Eingereichte Texte :


Aussprachen :

PV 10/10/2013 - 5
CRE 10/10/2013 - 5

Abstimmungen :

PV 10/10/2013 - 9.3
Erklärungen zur Abstimmung

Angenommene Texte :


Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013 - Straßburg

5. Cadmium enthaltende Gerätebatterien und -akkumulatoren (Aussprache)
Video der Beiträge

  Elnök. − A következő napirendi pont a Todorov Panayotov Vladko által a Környezetvédelmi, Közegészségügyi és Élelmiszer-biztonsági Bizottság nevében készített, „A kadmiumot tartalmazó hordozható elemek és akkumulátorok” című jelentésről folytatott vita (COM(2012)0136 - C7-0087/2012 - 2012/0066(COD)) (A7-0131/2013)


  Vladko Todorov Panayotov, rapporteur. − Mr President, after long negotiations between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, we finally agreed on an ambitious but realistic compromise on the Batteries Directive regarding batteries and accumulators containing cadmium intended for use in cordless power tools. I would like to underline two very important things in relation to the final agreement that was reached.

At the trialogue negotiations we agreed on a line acceptable for all, a compromise for the exemption for cadmium-containing batteries in cordless power tools to expire on 31 December 2016. I am confident that the measures in this first-reading agreement on which the European Parliament will vote today will improve the current legislation by closing any possible gaps in the directive. The goal of these provisions is to enable a less costly transition for all in the value chain and to ensure the protection of the environment and human health. I believe that the final agreement that we reach is sending a strong and clear message to everyone about the cadmium ban.

The second very important aspect of the European Parliament proposal was the introduction of mercury into the current debate on batteries, regarding button cell batteries containing mercury. I am happy that my colleagues in the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety welcomed my proposal and fully supported it. Mercury-containing button cell batteries would be banned from the market from the autumn of 2015. This is a great step which will prevent about five tonnes of mercury per year from escaping into the environment in the European Union.

In conclusion, I believe that we managed to reach a very ambitious and positive agreement on the Batteries Directive. This change will push Europe to innovate in the field of modern technologies, materials and recycling. It will give a strong positive signal regarding cadmium and mercury, and will eliminate these toxic metals from the environment.

Finally, I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs without whose great work this job would never have been done: Zofija Mazej Kukovič, Carl Schlyter, Dan Jørgensen, Miroslav Ouzký and Jiří Maštálka. I thank them for the fruitful cooperation that we had. I ask all colleagues to support the agreement which was reached between Parliament, the Council and the Commission.


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, first and foremost I would like to thank and congratulate the rapporteur, Professor Panayotov, and his co-rapporteurs on their thorough work on the Commission’s proposal to ban the use of cadmium in cordless power tool batteries. In addition to the support for our basic proposal, the Commission welcomes the provisions banning mercury in button cells and the progress made on the removability of batteries in electronic equipment.

The final result is good news for the environment and human health. The bans on cadmium and mercury are further steps towards the long-term goal of a non-toxic environment which the Council and Parliament have supported in the context of the Seventh Environmental Action Programme. They should act as a spur for innovation in the search for safer alternatives. The provision on the removability of batteries will help to improve the design of products, cutting waste and boosting the opportunities for re-use and recycling.

The Commission has made it clear that we fully support the outcome as far as the substance is concerned. On some procedural issues, changes introduced to the Commission’s proposal during the deliberations at first reading require us to make three declarations. They concern the use of the no-opinion clause for the adoption of implementing acts; the mandatory consultation of stakeholders in preparation of delegated acts; and the publication of a consolidated version of the directive. We will pass the full text of these declarations to the Plenary Records Unit for publication in the record.


  Zofija Mazej Kukovič, v imenu skupine PPE. – Sprememba direktive o baterijah prinaša velike napredke za okolje, za zdravje in za končne uporabnike, posebej pa še dodano vrednost za inovativno industrijo.

Ali se zavedamo, kako odvisno je naše življenje od baterij? Baterija je vir, ki je našim očem velikokrat neviden. Baterije so tiste, ki nam na eni strani omogočajo sodobno življenje. Tisto, kar je tehnološko napredno, je brezžično. Na drugi strani pa v nekaterih primerih tudi škoduje zdravju.

Evropska komisija je bila pozvana, da pregleda in obnovi obstoječo direktivo z namenom osvežitve glede na nova tehnološka spoznanja in glede na spoznanja o vplivih na okolje in zdravje.

Predlog Komisije je vseboval prepoved uporabe nikelj-kadmija v baterijah za brezžično električno orodje. Šestnajst milijonov kosov električnega orodja je prodano vsako leto, toda 40 % od teh kosov je brezžičnega.

Kadmij ima seveda slabe posledice za zdravje. V okolje uhaja zaradi nepravilnega ravnanja tudi z odpadnimi prenosnimi baterijami.

V Evropskem parlamentu smo ta predlog precej izboljšali in ga po dolgih pogajanjih tudi podprli. Z novostmi bomo zagotovili varnost naših državljank in državljanov in hkrati prehodno obdoje industriji za prilagoditev in ohranitev delovnih mest.

Nikelj-kadmijeve baterije v ročnih orodjiih so praktično v vsakem domu. Dokazljivo je, da velik del industrije pa že danes proizvaja in vgrajuje tovrstne baterije v Evropi z novimi materiali, z litijem, tako da bo prehod lažje obvladovan. Posebej to velja za srednje velika in mala podjetja.

Nova direktiva bo uvedla prepoved tudi za gumbaste celice, ki predvsem so nevarne takrat, kadar so v igračah.

Zelo pomembna sprememba direktive je tudi v tem, da bomo lahko baterijo sami odstranili, kar je prava novost.

Želim se zahvaliti poročevalcu, profesorju Panajotovu, ker je s svojimi strokovnimi izkušnjami na področju materialov veliko pripomogel k izboljšanju zakonodaje in h kompromisom.


  Daciana Octavia Sârbu, în numele grupului S&D. – Directiva din 2006 privind bateriile a urmărit interzicerea folosirii cadmiului, permiţând doar o serie de excepţii, din cauza riscurilor pentru mediu, dar şi pentru că acesta a fost asociat cu riscul unor boli grave, precum cancerul şi afecţiunile cardio-vasculare. În mod similar, folosirea mercurului este restricţionată prin legislaţia europeană, fiind clasificată ca risc profesional cu efecte fiziologice şi psihologice cunoscute.

Uniunea Europeană are responsabilitatea de a proteja atât mediul, cât şi sănătatea publică, dar preocupările legate de sănătate, siguranţă şi mediu intră adesea în conflict cu necesităţile industriei şi chiar cu nevoile individuale ale cetăţenilor în privinţa bunurilor şi serviciilor. De aceea, e nevoie de un echilibru în reglementare, iar în cazul de faţă cred că acest echilibru a fost atins. Reglementările actuale au dus la reducerea prezenţei acestor substanţe toxice în produsele folosite în gospodărie, diminuând astfel efectele nocive asupra mediului şi, implicit, expunerea noastră la aceste substanţe.

Au fost încurajate în acelaşi timp tehnologiile alternative şi inovatoare, ca şi produsele prietenoase pentru mediu. Acest nou acord între instituţii arată succesul acestor soluţii, care înseamnă reducerea poluării şi a riscurilor la adresa sănătăţii. Salut în mod special acceptarea de către Consiliu a propunerii Parlamentului legate de designul produselor electrocasnice, care încurajează schimbarea facilă a bateriilor.

În prezent, prea multe piese, dar chiar şi aparate întregi sunt aruncate cu prea multă uşurinţă. Am devenit o societate care iroseşte foarte multe bunuri şi resurse.


  Carl Schlyter, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Kadmium och kvicksilver är två av de mycket giftiga tungmetaller som vi exponeras för. Äntligen, äntligen, kommer det som vi misslyckades med 2006 nu att bli verklighet, nämligen ett totalförbud för dessa ämnen i knappceller. Det kommer att gå ganska fort, 21 månader. Fortare än så är det svårt att få att fungera. Före slutet av 2016 kommer vi också att fasa ut detta onödiga undantag, som på grund av lobbyisternas falska argument blev kvar förra gången.

Jag vill väldigt hjärtligt tacka Vladko Todorov Panayotov för hans prestigelösa arbete med detta direktiv, som ledde till att vi alla gemensamt kunde få ett resultat.

Jag är också stolt över att vi äntligen gör verklighet av det som jag även förra gången krävde, nämligen att utbytbarhet av batterier blir ett krav. Det kostar i dag i Belgien 110 euro om du ska byta ut batteriet i vissa välkända företags produkter, t.ex. Apple, men även Samsung är svårt att byta. Det är klart att det ska vara fri konkurrens på batteribyte. Det är klart att det ska vara lätt att byta batteri, så att vi kan återvinna produkter, återanvända produkter och inte behöver slänga produkter när de än något år gamla bara för att batteriet dör.

Slutligen vill jag påminna kommissionen om att ni redan 2009 skulle ha gjort en kapacitetsmärkning för engångsbatterier, men jag väntar fortfarande! Det man köper när man köper ett batteri är energimängden. Det är klart att det ska stå hur mycket det innehåller. Vem skulle acceptera att gå till bensinmacken och inte veta hur många liter man betalar för?


  James Nicholson, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, I welcome the final agreement on the Batteries Directive, although I would have preferred a longer transition date for the cadmium exemption. The compromise of 31 December 2016 is acceptable when viewed in the light of the additional agreement which states that existing stocks already placed on the market can be sold until all stocks are exhausted. This is particularly important for small SMEs, which would already be adversely affected by the draconian removal of cadmium accumulators.

The decision to ban mercury button cells is a further step towards reaching the targets of the UN Minamata Convention on banning most uses of mercury by 2020. Again, the allowances for selling stocks until they are exhausted are particularly welcome and will permit businesses to adapt to new rules. The exemption for mercury cells in hearing aids is very sensible and I support this exemption. The text that has emerged from the trialogue is largely improved and I can support the adoption of this directive.


  Jaroslav Paška, za skupinu EFD. – Všetci si uvedomujeme, že výroba a používanie akumulátorov a batérií obsahujúcich kadmium je z hľadiska ich vplyvu na životné prostredie istým problémom. Kadmium z batérií môže pri nevhodnom zaobchádzaní preniknúť aj do ľudského organizmu, voči ktorému je toxický, a spôsobuje vážne poškodenia. Preto je nevyhnutné dôsledne podporovať vhodné systémy zberu a recyklácie, ktorými sa dá dosiahnuť až 100 % recyklácia kadmia z prenosných batérií a akumulátorov. Náhradou za niklokadmiovú technológiu môžu byť v súčasnom období lítiové batérie, ktoré sú však drahšie a v krajinách s nižšou kúpnou silou obyvateľstva preto aj menej vyhľadávané. Návrh Komisie na ukončenie používania niklokadmiových batérií v Európe do konca roka 2015 je teda administratívnym opatrením, ktoré smeruje k ochrane životného prostredia a podporuje nové technológie, ktoré sú však cenove a technologicky náročnejšie. Preto súhlasím s názorom pána spravodajcu, že lepším kompromisom voči európskej verejnosti by bol termín ukončenia používania niklokadmiových batérií do konca roka 2016 a možno aj neskôr.


  Alexander Mirsky (S&D). - Es uzmanīgi iepazinos ar Eiropas Parlamenta deputāta profesora Panayotov ziņojumu. Ziniet, man ir ļoti patīkami, ka mēs ar Vladko esam draugi, jo es lepojos ar draudzību ar šo cilvēku, un viņš sagatavoja ļoti svarīgu ziņojumu, kas dod iespēju aizsargāt simts tūkstošu cilvēkus no dzīvsudraba iedarbības un citiem kaitīgiem metāliem. Es bieži gānu Komisiju un kritizēju referentus, bet šodien es vēlos sirsnīgi teikt: kad darbu dara profesionāli, mēs jūtam rezultātu. Bateriju ar kaitīgiem metāliem un dzīvsudrabu ražošanas beigšana dos katram Eiropas iedzīvotājam papildu veselību un ticību, ka mēs, Eiropas deputāti, nestrādājam te par velti. Vladko, Tu esi malacis, un es lepojos ar draudzību ar Tevi! No sociālo frakcijas es atbalstu šo Eiropas Komisijas un profesora Panayotov kopīgo darbu. Paldies jums visiem! Paldies jums par uzmanību!


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Alajos Mészáros (PPE). - Először is szeretnék gratulálni Panayotov kollegának a kitűnő munkájáért. 2011-ben az összes elektromos kéziszerszám 40%-a minősült vezeték nélküli villamos kéziszerszámnak. Napjainkban a vezeték nélküli villamos kéziszerszámokban legnagyobb arányban nikkel kadmium, nikkel fém hidrid és lítium ion újratölthető akkumulátorokat használunk. Ezen belül 70%-os volt a lítium ion akkumulátoros és 27%-os a nikkel-kadmium akkumulátoros szerszámok aránya. Tudnivaló azonban, hogy a kelet-közép európai tagállamok esetében az arány fordítottja érvényes. E régióban több időt fog igénybe venni a kadmiumot tartalmazó akkumulátorok piacának teljes kiiktatása. A környezetre és az emberi egészségre gyakorolt káros hatásai miatt a kadmium a legveszélyesebb anyagok listáján szerepel. Ha felhalmozódik a környezetben és az emberi testben, mérgező, mivel ismeretlen időtartamig megmarad és gyakran visszafordíthatatlan károkat okoz. Figyelembe véve az összegyűjtött nikkel-kadmium akkumulátorok 100%-os újrafeldolgozásának lehetőségét, a kockázatok kezelhetők és kevésbé jelentősek. A mentesség egy évvel való meghosszabbítása ésszerű kompromisszumot tenne lehetővé. Ez egyaránt védené a fogyasztók és vállalkozások érdeket az egész értéklánc mentén.


  Franz Obermayr (NI). - Herr Präsident! Leider gibt es auf dem europäischen Markt noch immer Produkte, die Cadmium enthalten: Batterien, medizinische Geräte, Schnurlostelefone. Cadmium ist ein hochgiftiger Stoff, der nicht nur auf die Umwelt, sondern auch auf den menschlichen Körper einwirkt und ihn schädigt. Es ist daher wichtig, nach und nach diese Produkte vom Markt zu nehmen und Alternativen zu finden, z. B. Lithium.

Es geht hier allerdings nicht nur um Batterien. Nichtbiologische landwirtschaftliche Betriebe arbeiten hauptsächlich mit Düngemitteln, die Cadmium enthalten. Das bedeutet: In nahezu jedem Nahrungsmittel ist dieser giftige Stoff enthalten. Man muss sich daher überlegen, wie man Cadmium nicht nur aus den Geräten, sondern auch aus unseren Lebensmitteln verbannt. Wir müssen Forschung gerade in diesem Bereich unterstützen, um Alternativen zu finden. Und wir müssen auch verstärkt Bioprodukte fördern!


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE). - Mr President, I am very conscious of the fact that we have visitor groups in Parliament and that, although the title of this debate is quite dull, what we are debating is extremely serious and of great importance to our visitors as well as to citizens in general. Under the Irish Presidency, Minister Phil Hogan in particular was instrumental in ensuring that we would have an agreement which provides certainty – not only for industry but also for the environment and public health – that these dangerous metals will be eradicated from particular batteries.

I had a group of visitors with me in Parliament yesterday and it was very interesting to hear what they thought of Europe. I mentioned to them that, when it comes to waste disposal, the initiative – certainly in Ireland – would not have happened without the European Union pushing various directives, including this one. It happened slowly but when Europe makes decisions you do see the effect and this always benefits public health and environmental protection in the long term. I welcome this.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - Mr President, I would particularly like to compliment the rapporteur, not only on his good work in this important area – though it may not be the sexiest in the world, it is of great importance to citizens – but also for the wonderful, practical explanation he gave of the work being carried out, especially as regards emphasising the need for a less costly transition and protection of the environment and human health, and also for pointing out that five tonnes of mercury seep into the environment every year. Obviously something needs to be done about that and, thanks to his good work and that of the committee, this is now being addressed.

My two expert colleagues behind me spoke about power tools and the need for these to be upgraded and improved by looking at the contents of their batteries. One thing I would like to stress is that we need to place more emphasis on recycling because many batteries are just being dumped. While people are actually very conscientious when it comes to recycling paper, glass and the like, they are not aware of the need to recycle batteries.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége.)


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, you are invited to approve an update of the EU directives on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators. The revised legislation should contribute to better protection of the environment and human health by clarifying some key provisions in a directive which will also help to improve enforcement. As Ms McGuinness said, this is good for the health of citizens, it is good for the environment, and I think that it gives the necessary clarity to entrepreneurs and businesses. I would like to thank you for giving the proposed directive your support.

To respond to Mr Schlyter’s question, I would like to reassure him that the Commission is working on this issue and that we face technical difficulties with uniform labelling, especially for non-rechargeable batteries. We are working very closely with various standardisation organisations including the European Standardisation Organisation, which is also helping us to find the most appropriate way forward. So far, it seems that the best way to proceed would be to take a case-by-case approach to labelling, but we are working on it and will keep you informed of the progress in the area.


  Владко Тодоров Панайотов, докладчик. − Тъй като съм развълнуван, ще говоря на родния си български език. Тази директива и изказванията по нея показват един много радостен факт – че в определени моменти ние всички можем да бъдем заедно и да приемем общи, полезни за цяла Европа решения.

Десет години почти тази директива не се приема по различни причини и сега ние намерихме компромисния баланс между всички политически сили в Европейския парламент, Европейската комисия и Съвета. Намери се едно решение, което ще бъде полезно и за околната среда и за хората и ще даде възможност на по-бедните държави в този наистина труден социален период да си набавят запаса, необходим за закупуването на тези батерии.

Аз съм уверен, че тази директива ще служи като основа за един много голям технологичен и социален скок на Европа. Разбира се, без огромната работа – още веднъж искам да благодаря на г-жа Кукович, на г-н Шлютер, на останалите докладчици в сянка – нямаше да можем да постигнем това съгласие. Това е уникален успех за всички.


  Elnök : A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra 2013. október 10-én, csütörtökön kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (149. cikk)


  Richard Seeber (PPE), schriftlich. – Dem Einsatz von Schwermetallen wie Cadmium und Quecksilber in der Produktion kam in der Vergangenheit große wirtschaftliche Bedeutung zu. Leider hatte dies aber auch negative Auswirkungen für Mensch und Umwelt zur Folge. In den letzten Jahren wurden daher weitreichende gesetzliche Maßnahmen zur Beschränkung der Anwendung von Schwermetallen verabschiedet. Dies mit Erfolg: In meinem Heimatland Österreich kam es nachweislich zu einer Verringerung des Cadmium- und Quecksilberlagers im Oberboden. Die heute zu beschließende Richtlinienüberarbeitung ist eine logische Konsequenz der Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre: Bereits 2006 wurde das Inverkehrbringen von Gerätbatterien und -akkumulatoren, die Cadmium enthalten, verboten. Die bisher bestehende Ausnahme für schnurlose Elektrowerkzeuge wird nunmehr auch aufgehoben. Es ist wichtig, dass das Verbot mit 31. Dezember 2016 so angesetzt wurde, dass die betroffenen Wirtschaftsakteure ausreichend Zeit haben, um die einschlägigen Ersatztechnologien einführen zu können. Es freut mich auch ganz besonders, dass wir die Gelegenheit gleich nutzen konnten, um eine weitere nicht mehr zeitgemäße Ausnahme aufzuheben: Quecksilber darf künftig nicht mehr in Knopfzellen enthalten sein. Dies ist deshalb von besonderer Bedeutung, weil Knopfzellen oftmals nicht über den Sondermüll entsorgt werden und daher besonders umweltschädlich sind.


  Ivari Padar (S&D), kirjalikult. – Patareide ja akude turuleviimine ning eemaldamine puudutab eelkõige keskkonnakaitset. MEP Panayotovi raport sätestab olulise lisanduse just elavhõbedasisaldusega nööpelementide osas. On oluline, et vastavad nööpelemendid saaksid nõuetekohaselt kokku kogutud ning nendest tulenev potentsiaalne keskkonnareostuse oht oleks minimeeritud.


(A 11.20-kor megszakított ülést 12.00 órakor folytatják.)



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