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Doslovno izvješće
Srijeda, 20. studenog 2013. - Strasbourg Revidirano izdanje

5. Program rada Komisije za 2014.
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  El Presidente. − El punto siguiente en el orden del día es el debate a partir de la Declaración de la Comisión sobre el Programa de trabajo de la Comisión para 2014 (2013/2838(RSP)).

Aunque solo interviene la presidencia de la Comisión —el Vicepresidente Šefčovič— y luego los representantes de cada uno de los Grupos, voy a rogarles a todos un máximo de prudencia para llegar a tiempo a la ceremonia del Premio Sájarov.


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, honourable Members, it is a great pleasure to present to this House the Commission’s work programme for 2014.

This work programme is the culmination of an intense political dialogue between our two institutions, drawing on the State of the Union debate, the meetings with the Conference of Committee Chairs and the Conference of Presidents in October, this Parliament’s resolutions and discussions at committee level in the form of structured dialogues.

The political dialogue helps to generate a real consensus around key political priorities. This will mean that, as we enter a year of institutional transition and elections, citizens will see that there is a real sense of direction in the European Union, a sense of purpose centred on the goals of completing the banking union and delivering on growth and jobs.

The work programme underlines the Commission’s determination to keep up the pace of work to deliver the reforms we have all agreed to over the past five years.

In addition to a limited number of new initiatives, the Commission has put the focus firmly on concluding legislative work on key proposals that are already on the table. We count on Parliament’s strong support for this, and we also call on the Member States to implement what has been agreed without delay.

Nowhere is that more important than on the Multiannual Financial Framework. Parliament has played a key role in reaching agreement on the EU budget, which is a catalyst for reforms, investments and support to communities across Europe, and I warmly welcome the positive vote on this chapter of the MFF yesterday. We now need to get the MFF programmes off the ground as soon as possible to produce concrete results for citizens and businesses hit by the crisis.

Honourable Members, we have worked hard under difficult circumstances to support the economic recovery and to restore the confidence of citizens and markets. We see positive signs today but we cannot afford any complacency. We can and must go further together. The Commission launched the 2014 European Semester last week. This is now a well-established exercise with a reinforced social dimension.

But this year is, of course, the first time that the Commission has delivered its assessment of the draft national budget which it published last Friday, and work continues on the deepening of EMU while ensuring full democratic control.

That option of the Single Supervisory Mechanism is transforming the banking landscape and this needs to be accompanied by an agreement on a Single Resolution Mechanism as well as the Bank Recovery and Resolution and Deposit Guarantee Directives by the end of this parliamentary term.

We also need to focus on how the EU can help those for whom recovery still seems a distant prospect rather than a reality. Support for the young and unemployed is a particular priority. We must keep the pressure on Member States to implement the Youth Guarantee and to use European funding intelligently and efficiently to help young people.

Six Member States have already shared their draft Youth Guarantee implementation plans with us and we are working with the remaining Member States to ensure that the plans are in place by the end of the year so as to ensure that the EUR 6 billion of the Youth Initiative can be spent accordingly.

Further work on labour mobility and networking between public employment services is also underway. Access to finance is another top priority. We have agreed changes to the cohesion rules that will pave the way for the new SME financial instruments.

The Commission will also follow up on the Green Paper on the Financing of the Economy with a new initiative in 2014.

With economic recovery still fragile, we need to exploit the full potential of the single market and our trade agenda and force competitiveness across all sectors.

Europe’s economy needs a modern industrial base and streamlined regulation. This Parliament has given much attention to the proposals in the two single market acts. Adopting legislation in areas like electronic signatures, payments and switching bank accounts will not only have a direct economic knock-on for the digital single market; it will also be felt directly by citizens.

Energy is a major preoccupation for many European citizens. That is why we need to keep up the work to deliver a real single market for energy. We also need to look to the long term with a long lead time for investment in energy generation. This is reason why the Commission will move ahead to start putting in place a clear framework for climate and energy policies beyond 2020.

Honourable Members, we are a community of values and at a time when our attention is directed at the economy we must not lose sight of this. Our freedoms sustain our prosperity. To grow and create jobs we must continue to safeguard and expand the freedoms of our citizens.

The EU must also protect its citizens by adapting to new threats and challenges. Concrete action in the coming months to finalise the data protection framework will have to ensure that citizens and companies can exercise their freedoms and rights in security.

The Commission will also be taking forward the reflection on the rule of law as well as feeding into the debate on the future of Europe. And let us not forget our common objective to conclude discussions on the statute and funding of European political parties in good time before the next elections.

In 2014 the Commission will continue to defend European values and interests around the world and to show that it is a positive force worldwide through effective development and humanitarian aid directed to those most in need and through an active enlargement and neighbourhood policy that will continue to make the EU an anchor of peaceful development in our region and beyond.

Mr President, honourable Members, this is the time to direct our energies towards making the most of the rest of this legislature, bringing all key proposals to conclusion and ensuring the smooth and timely start of MMF programmes.

From the beginning, this Commission has worked very closely with this Parliament, its shared objectives and its common sense of the European good. Let us maintain this spirit over the final months of the legislature and ensure that we do the maximum to show citizens what our Union can achieve: a Europe that is stronger, more united and open to the world.

Thank you very much for your attention and am looking forward to our discussions.


  József Szájer, a PPE képviselőcsoport nevében. – Fontos, hogy a 2014-re szóló bizottsági munkaprogram betartsa azt az elvet, amit a Biztos úr is említett, méghozzá azt, hogy néhány és világosan meghatározott prioritást rögzítsen. Az Európai Néppárt számára a munkaprogramban foglalt elemek közül a legfontosabb az újraiparosítás programja, a munkahelyteremtés programja, amelyen belül mi is különös hangsúlyt fektetünk az ifjúsági munkanélküliség elleni küzdelemre, a kis- és középvállalkozások támogatására és az euróövezet gazdasági cselekvőképességéhez szükséges eszközöknek a biztosítására. Ezek az elvek abban a tekintetben kell, hogy érvényesüljenek – és ezt a tesztet minden egyes alkalommal el kell végeznünk –, hogy az európai cselekvés valóban hozzáad-e valamit ahhoz a nemzeti cselekvéshez, ami ezen a területen érvényesül.

Nem szabad, hogy egy ilyen időszakban a választópolgárok azt érezzék, hogy az Európai Unió olyan ügyekbe is beleavatkozik, amellyel kapcsolatban helyben szükséges a megoldásokat keresni. A polgároknak csak azt szabad érezniük, hogy az Európai Unió segíti a nemzeti törekvéseket az imént is elsorolt kérdések tekintetében, azok megoldásában. Vagyis el kell végezni a hozzáadott európai érték tesztjét minden egyes alkalommal.

Ezzel kapcsolatban nyilvánvalóan az is fontos, hogy hagyni is kell a tagországokat. Egy válság esetén nem biztos, hogy mindig azok a megoldások a legjobbak, amelyeket már tízszer, százszor kipróbáltunk, és azok nem működtek. Igenis, egy válság esetén kreativitásra, új megoldásokra is szükség van, és az Európai Bizottságnak mind a szabályozással, mind pedig a különböző cselekedeteivel, a Parlamenttel együtt, segítenie kell ezeket a törekvéseket, hiszen ezekből a példákból tanulhatunk a későbbiekben.

Éppen ezért helytelen a túlszabályozás, de az is helytelen, hogy ha szabályozás nélkül hagyunk olyan területeket, amelyeken egyébként az önszabályozó mechanizmusok nem működnek. Éppen ezért az Európai Unió döntéseinek a meghozatalakor, a Bizottság programjának a végrehajtásakor különös tekintettel kell lennünk arra, amiről a Biztos úr is beszélt, hogy ez az az év, amikor nekünk – a Bizottságnak, az Európai Parlamentnek, az Európai Tanácsnak, a tagországoknak – be kell bizonyítanunk, hogy az európai uniós cselekvések hozzáadott értéke olyan, hogy elvételük nagyon súlyos kárt jelentene az európai polgárok számára. Köszönöm megtisztelő figyelmüket! Az Európai Néppárt üdvözli a Bizottság munkaprogramját.


  Enrique Guerrero Salom, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor Presidente, me acojo a las últimas palabras del Vicepresidente de la Comisión. Efectivamente, tenemos que ser eficaces para mostrar a los ciudadanos europeos, en los próximos meses, que somos capaces de responder a sus preocupaciones y a sus necesidades.

Mi Grupo no quiere que la Comisión padezca del «síndrome del pacto cojo»: queremos que aproveche el año que queda para cumplir con su tarea y desearíamos que pensara más en su legado que en las dificultades del presente, y quisiéramos que ese legado fuera un giro, un giro político hacia algunas prioridades.

En primer lugar, un giro hacia el crecimiento, la creación de empleo, la calidad del empleo y la protección de los derechos de todos los trabajadores, especialmente de aquellos trabajadores desplazados dentro de la Unión que, ahora mismo, ven en riesgo sus derechos en distintos países.

En segundo lugar, un giro hacia la lucha contra el desempleo juvenil: en estos momentos, quince países de la Unión tienen una tasa de desempleo juvenil de entre el 20 % y el 30 %; seis de esos países, más del 30 %; cuatro, más del 40 %; dos, más del 50 %. Seis países solamente han aprobado sus planes de garantía de empleo juvenil; pido a la Comisión que les siga empujando.

En tercer lugar, un giro hacia la lucha contra la desigualdad y por la cohesión territorial y social. La decisión de aplicar condiciones y exigencias de macrocondicionalidad, con posibles sanciones a los países que más necesitan de los fondos, es una decisión equivocada, va en la dirección opuesta a lo que necesitamos.

La decisión de reducir los fondos del Fondo Social Europeo en un momento de máxima crisis va también en la dirección equivocada y en la dirección opuesta. Solo si alcanzamos el 25 % del total de los fondos, seremos capaces de mantener la actual política social del Fondo Social Europeo y de no disminuirla en los próximos años, cuando nos enfrentamos con una crisis social sin precedentes dentro de la Unión.


  Andrew Duff, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, the Liberal Group welcomes the tight Commission work programme and its strict priorities to complete before the end of the mandate.

Broadly speaking, the procedure for drafting the Commission’s work programme works well between the Commission and Parliament. Where it is lacking, however, is in the refusal of the Council of Ministers to play its part in agreeing a common work programme for all the institutions. Instead, we have these troika-style presidency programmes for rotating chairs, which are distracting, partial, incoherent and not consistent.

The time has come, if we are we are to improve the legislative performance of the Union, for the European Council to take a grip on the direction and management of the affairs of the ordinary Council. I hope that the new Parliament and the new Commission will seek to secure the inclusion of the Council in the formulation of future work programmes.


  Yannick Jadot, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Vice-président de la Commission, chers collègues, la négociation du traité de libre-échange avec les États-Unis sera évidemment un élément important du programme de travail de la Commission. Vous le savez toutes et tous, ce sont des choix de société qui sont en train d'être négociés en matière de services publics, en matière de protection des consommateurs, en matière de droit des investisseurs ou en matière d'OGM, de bœuf aux hormones, de protection des données personnelles. Or, cette négociation se poursuit en pleine opacité vis-à-vis des citoyens européens.

Monsieur le Vice-président, vous avez parlé de démocratie et de communauté de valeurs. En quoi l'attitude de la Commission européenne et du Conseil, qui interdisent aujourd'hui aux citoyens européens d'avoir accès ne serait-ce qu'au mandat de négociation, permet-elle de renforcer la démocratie? Cela renforce, vous le savez, la perception des citoyens européens selon laquelle l'Union européenne n'est au service que des firmes multinationales et se fait au détriment des intérêts des citoyens.

Par conséquent, le groupe des Verts vous demande de mener une négociation totalement transparente qui permette aux citoyens européens de savoir comment vous négociez leurs choix de société.


  Konrad Szymański, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Zadaniem numer jeden każdej Komisji Europejskiej jest dziś przegląd prawodawstwa unijnego pod kątem konkurencyjności. Zapowiedzi przewodniczącego Barroso są tutaj dość obiecujące. To także Unia Europejska dzisiaj jest odpowiedzialna za tłamszenie działalności, witalności gospodarczej Europejczyków. Redukcja wymogów unijnych w obszarach obowiązków administracyjnych, informacyjnych dla firm, szczególnie małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, jest dzisiaj palącą potrzebą. Samo uwolnienie rynku usług oraz rynku cyfrowego może przynieść kolejne 6% PKB dla całej Unii. Potrzebujemy dzisiaj mniej regulacji. Każda nowa regulacja powinna przejść proponowany przez brytyjski rząd oraz 6 innych państw członkowskich test konkurencyjności. Nie potrzebujemy nowych dyrektyw w sprawie gazu łupkowego, nowych wymogów co do wpływu środowiskowego. Potrzebujemy przewidywalności dla inwestorów w obszarze energii. Trzeba pilnie wycofać się z polityki wysokich cen energii w Europie, w szczególności w kontekście umowy o wolnym handlu ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Wspólny rynek jest dziś jedynym instrumentem antykryzysowym, który mamy. Czas go urzeczywistnić.


  Rolandas Paksas, EFD frakcijos vardu. – Pagrindiniai iššūkiai, iškilsiantys kitais metais visai Europos Sąjungai yra veiksmingo, tvaraus augimo atgaivinimas, nedarbo problemų sprendimas. Pritariu Komisijos nuostatai, kad svarbiausiu prioritetu pasirinktas ekonomikos augimas ir darbo vietų kūrimas, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant kovai su jaunimo nedarbu ir galimybėms lengviau gauti finansavimą.

Tačiau aš siūlyčiau būti gerokai konkretesniems. Jeigu šiandien Europos Sąjungos institucijos visoje Bendrijoje bando reglamentuoti kaip pavyzdys agurkų, vištų kiaušinių ar bananų dydį, tai, matyt, vertėtų apsispręsti ir dėl privalomo minimalių pajamų dydžio, kurį Europos Sąjunga turėtų užtikrinti kiekvienam Bendrijos nariui, kiekvienam piliečiui.

Galima iki užkimimo šaukti apie bendrosios rinkos stiprinimą, tačiau jeigu kone penktadalis žmonių gyvena Europos Sąjungoje žemiau skurdo ribos, to stiprumo niekada taip ir nepasieksime.

Manau, kad Komisija turėtų ieškoti naujų būdų ir galimybių skatinant jaunimo įdarbinimą Bendrijos šalyse. Tai galėtų būti daroma ir didinant subsidijas darbdaviams ir mažinant ar rekomenduojant nustatyti šalims narėms vienodą, tarkime perpus mažesnį darbo jėgos apmokestinimą įdarbinant asmenis iki 30 metų.


  Mario Borghezio (NI). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, dopo Lampedusa grandi parole per l'immigrazione; fatti, nessuno. Anche nel nostro programma 2014 c'è ben poca cosa, mentre lì occorre una strategia concreta e immediata – subito! – di contrasto a questi traffici che creano tragedie come quella di Lampedusa.

Si parla di regolamento finanziario bancario. Una sola domanda: cosa aspetta la Commissione a riferire qui, davanti al Parlamento europeo, sullo stato reale delle banche tedesche? Eppure, nel settore, è ben noto a tutti che nelle banche tedesche sono occultati quantitativi giganteschi di prodotti derivanti, occultati nei paradisi fiscali per centinaia di migliaia di euro, sembrerebbe. Alcune sono state salvate con aiuti di Stato, soprattutto nell'area delle Landesbanken. Le voci di enormi perdite occultate in questi paradisi fiscali rendono urgente e necessaria, ai fini della trasparenza, questa comunicazione al Parlamento europeo. Vorrei una risposta già oggi dalla Commissione.

È giusto che promettiate reti più efficienti nei trasporti per i cittadini europei: ma avete idea di cosa sia la situazione della povera Sardegna, oggi sott'acqua? Non ci sono autostrade né ci sono strade efficienti per portare gli aiuti. Se la Commissione andrà a verificare la situazione, constaterà che non ho detto il falso.

Ci tengo a denunciare un fatto: la Sardegna è stata trattata dallo Stato italiano come una colonia e ha ben motivo per rivendicare la sua autonomia e la sua indipendenza. È ora di parlare chiaro sulla realtà di certe regioni, trattate dagli Stati nazionali come colonie. Ritengo che la Sardegna in questo momento abbia bisogno dell'aiuto solidale e concreto di chi si deve rendere conto delle condizioni in cui è stata lasciata, perché questa tragedia ha dei responsabili e questi devono essere indicati, anche dal punto di vista politico, dal Parlamento europeo.


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, I would also like to thank all those honourable Members who appreciated the brevity and the structure of the Commission work programme for 2014. I can assure you that it was not an easy task to set the correct priorities because, out of several hundred legislative proposals on the table of the legislator, we had to select very clear top priorities, and there are 26 of them.

I think Members can see that we have tried our best to focus our work for the remaining months of this legislature on really delivering on the proposals which can bring the highest EU value added or which contribute the most to economic growth and job creation in Europe.

As you will see from our annexes, we have included for the first time a very clear section on the REFIT Programme. This is how we are approaching the reduction of administrative burden priorities. You will also see the proposal for the directives or regulations which we are suggesting that we can get rid of in the next period. I believe that this is the model which the Commission will also follow in the future.

Mr Duff referred to the need for better programming for the future. I have to say that his remarks very much echo the thrust of the discussion I had yesterday with the Foreign and European Ministers in the General Affairs Council, who also realised that if we want to better tackle our implementation gap and to be more efficient, we need to work on our programming and planning and to align the work of the working groups in the Council, as well as the committee sessions in Parliament. So we are moving with our priorities at more or less at the same speed.

I also appreciated the call made by several Ministers for the three institutions to sit down together, after the next European elections, to look at the current framework agreement which we have signed between Parliament and the Commission, and of course to start work on the agreement which would involve the Council because this would allow us to plan our work much better and provide much better efficiency in the future.

I can, of course, assure you that it will be very important for the Commission that the communitarian method is followed and that the right of initiative of the Commission is respected in any future arrangement.

Mr Szájer highlighted the importance of industrial policy. I would like to reassure him that in January the Commission will come forward with an appropriate communication as well as our in-depth analysis on the main drivers of energy prices, because we see energy prices as being a very important factor in the competitivity of the European economy. Therefore we would like to bring forward both of these communications at the same time so we can adopt appropriate measures.

Mr Guerrero Salom very rightly pointed out that unemployment is the key problem in the European Union. We know that to tackle it appropriately we need bigger and more robust growth. We also have to reflect the fact that the creation of jobs usually lags six months to one year behind economic growth.

Therefore, it must be our top priority, and I would like to assure you that we are doing our utmost to motivate the Member States to work on the Youth Guarantee schemes because we really want all those Member States where youth unemployment especially is very high, to be ready and to use the potential of the EU funding as of 1 January next year. The Commission will be ready and we hope the Member States will be ready as well.

I can say the same to Mr Paksas about labour taxation. We are pushing very hard and he will find it in most of our country-specific recommendations where we advise the Member States to move away from overly-high taxation on labour to more growth-friendly taxation because very often these taxes prevent labour mobility and they prevent job creation. Therefore, there must be concerted action on support for creation of new jobs, but taxation policy must also be adjusted when it comes to labour.

Thank you very much for highlighting the importance of the administrative burden, and the importance of legislating only in those cases where we can clearly demonstrate EU value added. As I said yesterday to the Ministers, and as we have discussed many times here in this House, this must be a common effort.

We will make the proposals – we have already made quite a few on how to reduce the administrative burden and of course these proposals must be approved by the co-legislator – but most importantly they must be transposed correctly at national level. The Member States must avoid the gold-plating which very often complicates the application of EU law and increases the administrative burden.

We will do this with a lot of energy. We will do it on a regular basis. We will have annual reports and we will also have, this time, scoreboards which will focus on the efforts of the Member States – on how they are doing and on what kinds of efforts they are deploying to reduce the administrative burden at national level as well. We hope that healthy competition will come out of this and that we will be able to report good progress at EU and national level, hopefully in one year’s time.

Mr Borghezio referred to the tragedy in Lampedusa. I would like to inform him that the Task Force for the Mediterranean is working very hard. They will report on their findings and their proposals for further action at the beginning of December already and I believe that this will be debated here of course, in Parliament, but also in various Council configurations.

A last word on TTIP and the negotiations between the European Union and the United States. We know how important these negotiations are. We know what the potential price is of adding an additional EUR 119 billion to the EU’s GDP on a yearly basis. We know how important this would be for setting new standards for new products and for new technologies, and I know how important it is to defend European priorities and to negotiate in a very ambitious spirit. This is exactly what we are doing, because our top priority is to get the best possible deal for EU citizens and EU businesses.


  El Presidente. − Señor Vicepresidente, no quiero cerrar el debate sin destacar lo cómodo y lo agradable que ha sido siempre colaborar con usted; seguro que le echaremos de menos.

El señor Vicepresidente se ha referido a las próximas elecciones y, de todos es sabido que, cada vez que se producen elecciones de esta naturaleza, suele haber algún ministro que ocupa un escaño en el Parlamento y algunos otros que ocupan un sillón en la Comisión. Tengo la esperanza de que la llegada de estos ministros al Parlamento y a la Comisión les permita aprender un montón de cosas, entender y desarrollar —con el mismo entusiasmo que han demostrado para defender el método intergubernamental— el método comunitario, que es la base del proyecto de la construcción europea.


  Yannick Jadot (Verts/ALE). - Monsieur le Président, c'est une question d'ordre puisque M. le vice-président de la Commission met en scène et parle de la collaboration entre la Commission et le Parlement. Je lui ai posé une question sur la transparence des négociations, à laquelle il n'a pas répondu. Je voudrais donc que l'exercice auquel nous nous adonnons ici, dans cette plénière, donne lieu à des réponses de la Commission à l'Assemblée démocratique européenne.


  El Presidente. − Señor Jadot, el Vicepresidente ha contestado como ha creído pertinente y cada uno de nosotros tenemos nuestro derecho, naturalmente, de estar más o menos satisfechos con la respuesta del Vicepresidente.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE).

Gospodine potpredsjedniče, molila bih vas da mi dopustite da u tjednu kad Hrvatska komemorira Vukovar imamo posjet na galeriji 29 veterana iz domovinskog rata iz Hrvatske pa bih molila da ih svi zajedno pozdravimo.


  El Presidente. − Señora Šuica, colega y amiga, naturalmente alguno de ustedes sabe que yo he tenido el privilegio de estar en Vukovar en un par de ocasiones, también cuando celebramos la restauración del magnífico edificio que fue la Casa de los Trabajadores. Me siento muy vinculado a todo lo que tiene que ver con Vukovar y, por tanto, me conmueve y me alegra, precisamente, estar presidiendo este debate con la presencia de tan distinguidos huéspedes.

Se cierra el debate.

(La sesión, suspendida a las 11.45 horas, se reanuda a las 12.00 horas)

Declaraciones por escrito (artículo 149 del Reglamento)


  Jan Kozłowski (PPE), na piśmie. Mam głęboką nadzieję, że dzięki sukcesowi, jakim było przyjęcie wczoraj wieloletnich ram finansowych na lata 2014–2020, już od początku przyszłego roku uda się uruchomić programy mające na celu sprostanie stojącym przed nami wyzwaniom. Cieszę się, że wśród nich wyróżniono walkę z bezrobociem wśród młodzieży, zwiększenie zatrudnienia w sektorze MŚP oraz podjęcie innych działań sprzyjających wzrostowi i inwestycjom. Biorąc pod uwagę znaczenie MŚP dla rynku pracy, mam nadzieję, że opublikowany w październiku komunikat na temat rezultatów programu REFIT pozwoli Komisji usunąć bariery administracyjne oraz uprościć procedury, tak aby doprowadzić do stworzenia nowych, trwałych miejsc pracy.


  Nuno Teixeira (PPE), por escrito. A estratégia da Comissão Europeia, apresentada no passado dia 22 de novembro, foca-se essencialmente na implementação e execução de medidas já adotadas. Pretende-se, assim, que o Quadro Financeiro Plurianual 2014-2020 entre em vigor já em janeiro de 2014 e que os Estados-membros comecem a aplicar este financiamento em projetos sustentáveis de valor acrescentado, capazes de criar emprego e crescimento. Neste programa a Comissão sublinha ainda que para a finalização da União Económica é necessário fechar determinados assuntos, nomeadamente a União bancária, o mercado interno, a agenda digital e a adoção do fundo do Mecanismo de Supervisão Único. Pela primeira vez, a Comissão detalhou uma lista de prioridades que pretende ver adotadas: o Pacote ferroviário, fundo de investimentos de longo prazo, pacote para as telecomunicações, o sistema de troca de emissões de gases poluentes da União Europeia na aviação. Numa altura de viragem, com um novo programa quadro para 2014-2020, a União e os Estados-Membros necessitam aplicar uma estratégia coordenada e alinhada com os objetivos da UE2020. Só com uma resposta conjunta, delineada e coordenada a Europa poderá sair revitalizada desta crise económica, que assola o mundo desde 2008.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D), în scris. Programul de lucru al Comisiei pentru anul 2014 ar trebui să se concentreze pe măsuri privind creșterea economică și pe crearea de locuri de muncă. Pentru anul 2014 prioritățile anunțate ale programului sunt: finalizarea Uniunii Economice și Monetare, îmbunătațirea cadrului de justiție și securitate, asigurarea creșterii economice inteligente și inclusive și creșterea eficienței acțiunilor externe ale Uniunii. Salut faptul că printre prioritățile Uniunii în domeniul acțiunii externe se număra și semnarea acordului cu Republica Moldova.

În ceea ce privește inițiativele legislative, Comisia se va concentra pe finalizarea propunerilor deja înaintate Parlamentului. Cu toate acestea, Comisia va prezenta și câteva noi inițiative privind: politica industrială a Uniunii, modernizarea regulilor privind ajutorul de stat (de exemplu în domeniul cercetării și inovării), facilitarea liberei circulații a lucrătorilor, utilizarea eficientă a resurselor, facilitarea accesului la bunuri și servicii pentru persoanele cu dizabilități, reforma OLAF, etc. Remarcăm, de asemenea, faptul că 53 de inițiative legislative ale Comisiei figurează în Anexa IV, anexă ce prevede inițiativele pe care Comisia le retrage.



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