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Verfahren : 2013/0085(NLE)
Werdegang im Plenum
Entwicklungsstadium in Bezug auf das Dokument : A7-0394/2013

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Aussprachen :

PV 10/12/2013 - 21
CRE 10/12/2013 - 21

Abstimmungen :

PV 11/12/2013 - 4.3
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Angenommene Texte :


Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2013 - Straßburg

21. IAO-Übereinkommen über menschenwürdige Arbeit für Hausangestellte (Aussprache)
Video der Beiträge

  Πρόεδρος. - Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η συζήτηση επί της σύστασης της κ. Cristina Zuber, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Απασχόλησης και Κοινωνικών Υποθέσεων, σχετικά με πρόταση απόφασης του Συμβουλίου για την εξουσιοδότηση των κρατών μελών να κυρώσουν, προς το συμφέρον της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, τη σύμβαση της Διεθνούς Οργάνωσης Εργασίας του 2011 σχετικά με την αξιοπρεπή εργασία για το οικιακό προσωπικό (σύμβαση αριθ. 189) [11462/2013 - C7-0234/2013 - 2013/0085(NLE)] (Α7-0394/2013)


  Inês Cristina Zuber (GUE/NGL). - Senhora Presidente, pouco se sabe sobre a situação social e laboral dos trabalhadores domésticos, pouco ou nada se fala sobre esse setor profissional e porquê? Talvez porque a maioria destes trabalhadores trabalhe, certamente, na informalidade. Os dados estatísticos são assim escassos e pensamos, também, incertos.

Os dados do Eurostat estimam que existam 2,6 milhões de trabalhadores domésticos na União Europeia, 89 % dos quais mulheres e metade deles migrantes. É evidente que o trabalho doméstico é um dos trabalhos mais desprotegidos e invisíveis, tendo em conta o caráter isolado e individual do mesmo. Assim, é muitas vezes difícil para os trabalhadores domésticos informarem-se acerca dos seus direitos, organizarem-se em associações e sindicatos representativos dos seus interesses e, desta forma, estarem mais protegidos na reivindicação dos seus direitos laborais e sociais.

O trabalho doméstico caracteriza-se pela precariedade, pela ausência de contrato de trabalho, pelo atraso no pagamento dos salários, pela exigência da realização de horas extraordinárias sem a devida remuneração, pelo desrespeito do direito às folgas e descansos, pelo não pagamento de feriados e férias, pela ausência de pagamentos à segurança social, entre outros.

Segundo a OIT, em muitos casos, os trabalhadores domésticos são vítimas de baixos salários, horários excessivamente longos, ausência de um dia de descanso semanal e às vezes abusos físicos, mentais ou sexuais ou restrições à sua liberdade de movimentos.

Investigações da OIT mostram ainda que, a nível mundial, apenas 10 % de todos os trabalhadores domésticos estão abrangidos pela legislação geral do trabalho na mesma medida do que os outros trabalhadores. A Convenção da OIT, de que aqui falamos, expressa como objetivo principal a valorização dos trabalhadores domésticos, estabelecendo, entre outras garantias, o reconhecimento da importância dos trabalhadores domésticos para a economia, a adoção de medidas pelos Estados signatários para que respeitem, promovam e apliquem os princípios e direitos fundamentais do trabalho - liberdade de associação, liberdade sindical e reconhecimento efetivo do direito à negociação coletiva - a eliminação de todas as formas de trabalho forçado ou obrigatório, a abolição efetiva do trabalho infantil e a garantia de que os trabalhadores domésticos são informados sobre as suas condições de trabalho de forma adequada e compreensível e, sempre que possível, através de um contrato escrito.

Temos, no entanto, algumas preocupações. Sabemos que existe tráfico de seres humanos, nomeadamente tráfico de mulheres, não só de países terceiros para a União Europeia, mas também entre países da União Europeia. Assim, consideramos que os Estados devem conferir especial atenção à fiscalização dos contratos efetuados nos seus países, nomeadamente pelas agências de emprego privadas que contratam pessoas de outros países para trabalhar como trabalhadores domésticos.

Temos ainda uma especial preocupação para com os trabalhadores que trabalham para diferentes empregadores, o que quer dizer que será mais difícil estimar para cada empregado qual será o salário a dar-lhe, tendo em conta a obtenção de um salário mínimo que é aquele que é designado pela Convenção de que estamos a falar.

É certo que o grande desafio em relação à elevação de direitos dos trabalhadores domésticos subsiste mais na alteração da realidade prática do que da legislação, por isso, a sua organização, o fortalecimento e a sua capacidade reivindicativa são peças-chave. É fundamental trazer este debate para o espaço público, valorizar e dignificar o importante trabalho destes trabalhadores, por isso, estamos de acordo que o Conselho autorize os Estados-Membros a ratificar esta Convenção.


  László Andor, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, the Domestic Workers Convention of the International Labour Organization, which recently entered into force, comes at an opportune time, both to improve working conditions for workers amongst the most vulnerable and to contribute to an inclusive economy. With decent conditions, domestic work is able to provide job opportunities and potentially better life conditions for women, low-skilled and migrant workers.

On the side of the users, it helps provide quality care, personal and household services and a better balance between family life and work. Yet most domestic workers too often remain in the informal sphere and are excluded from labour rights, social security and sometimes even fundamental rights.

States ratifying the ILO Domestic Workers Convention are required to take measures to ensure fair and decent working conditions, prevent abuse, ensure equal treatment, protect against discrimination, offer decent living conditions, and provide easy access to complaint mechanisms.

There is already a body of Union legislation in most matters covered by the Convention. Overall, the Convention and EU legislation share the same approach. EU law is more protective and detailed in some areas and the Convention in others.

The purpose of the draft Council decision submitted to the consent of Parliament is to remove any legal impediment to ratifying the ILO Domestic Workers Convention No 189. It will authorise Member States to ratify the Convention, should they so wish, for the parts of the Convention falling under Union competence.

There are already three Council decisions to authorise ratification of other ILO conventions, and this plenary today voted its consent to a similar proposal regarding the Chemicals Convention No 170, the report by Ms Steinruck.

The implementation of the ILO Domestic Workers Convention is in line with the EU commitment to decent work and the EU strategy to combat trafficking in human beings. The decision to ratify the Convention will, however, remain in the hands of the Member States. Several of them have expressed their intention to do so. The Commission is satisfied that the Council approved the general approach regarding this proposal in June, and it welcomes the draft recommendation submitted to this plenary session of the European Parliament for debate.


  Traian Ungureanu, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, I would like to thank Commissioner Andor, in particular for his brave stance when he was interviewed by hostile British media on the supposed Romanian and Bulgarian invasion.

Turning to the report, I think it is a first step towards ratification of the ILO Convention. The Convention itself is an efficient tool in fighting human trafficking under the guise of employment. By ratifying the ILO Convention domestic workers will be granted vital legal and economic recognition.

As a significant proportion of migrant workers in the EU, domestic workers are particularly vulnerable. Domestic workers are usually less knowledgeable about contractual rights and obligations deriving from their work. This is how many of them become easy prey for those trying to push them into illegal activities. I believe that this report is very important for our workers. It deals with a European and global issue and keeps alive the fight against illegal employment and human trafficking.


  Richard Falbr, za skupinu S&D. – Paní předsedající, pane komisaři, rozhodně vítám skutečnost, že budeme hlasovat o tom, že je v zájmu Evropské unie ratifikovat úmluvu Mezinárodní organizace práce o důstojné práci pro pracovníky v domácnosti z roku 2011. Během posledních let jsme se mohli nejednou přesvědčit o tom, že orgány Evropské unie arogantně přehlížejí důležitost Mezinárodní organizace práce. Nejkřiklavější případ známe z doby nedávné – návrh Evropské komise na směrnici o pracovní době, který Evropský parlament po masivním protestu odborů zamítl.

Úmluva stanoví, že ratifikující státy jsou povinny zajistit důstojné pracovní podmínky a sociální práva a zabránit při práci v domácnosti zneužití žen nebo dokonce dětí. Řada zemí, zejména ty, z kterých přicházejí migrační toky, úmluvu ratifikovala. Z členských států Evropské unie úmluvu schválila jen Itálie. Německo a Belgie mají provést ratifikaci v nejbližší době.

Úmluva se vztahuje bohužel jen na pracovníky pracující v běžném pracovním poměru. Netýká se těch, kteří pracují jako osoby samostatně výdělečně činné, nebo pracovníků bez dokladů. Doufám, že se většina členských států nevypořádá s úmluvou tak jako Česká republika, kde ji vláda vzala na vědomí, ale odmítla ji ratifikovat se zdůvodněním, že toto téma se týká spíše rozvojových zemí.

Na závěr bych vyslovil přání, aby Mezinárodní organizace práce získala zpět tu vážnost, kterou měla v 90. letech. A na závěr velký dík paní zpravodajce Zuberové.


  Marian Harkin, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, this is an important report and I want to thank Ms Zuber for her work on this issue. For too long, domestic work has been undervalued and invisible, a little bit like the work of carers. I suppose it is mainly for historic reasons, because this work was carried out mainly by women and girls and in most cases behind the closed doors of private homes. More and more of this work is now being carried out by migrants, and of course those who have fewer opportunities, and many of these workers find themselves in very vulnerable positions. That is why this resolution is so important.

We need to ensure that domestic workers have access to information on their conditions of employment and, where possible, a possible written contract. We need to ensure weekly rest periods. We do so for lorry drivers to ensure health and safety on our roads. We should do the same for domestic workers, to ensure their health and safety.

Ms Zuber raises an important issue: that of trafficking. The full implementation of this convention would help to counteract the practice of modern-day slavery. It is also worth noting that opportunities in the care sector will increase in forthcoming years as the population ages and there is a greater need for personal care.

Finally, Commissioner Andor said that the implementation of this Convention is in line with the EU commitment to decent work and it is in line with the EU commitment to combating trafficking. While it is up to Member States to ratify, I believe a strong message from this Parliament would help in that process.


  Danuta Jazłowiecka (PPE). - Pani Przewodnicząca! Obecnie w Unii Europejskiej ponad 2,5 miliona osób zatrudnionych jest w gospodarstwach domowych. Jest to grupa zawodowa, która ma wkład w tworzenie wzrostu gospodarczego w Europie. Dodatkowo osoby pracujące w gospodarstwach domowych niejednokrotnie umożliwiają domownikom podjęcie pracy zawodowej, co ma jeszcze bardziej pozytywny wpływ na wzrost i zatrudnienie. Niestety w wielu krajach nadal brakuje odpowiednich rozwiązań prawnych, które regulowałyby podstawowe kwestie związane z zatrudnieniem osób w gospodarstwach domowych. Mam na myśli czas pracy, prawo do odpoczynku, jasną i przejrzystą informację na temat warunków pracy czy wysokości zatrudnienia.

W wielu państwach, niestety także w Unii Europejskiej, pracę wykonywaną w gospodarstwach domowych cechuje duża niepewność, brak umowy o pracę, opóźnienia w wypłatach wynagrodzenia, brak zabezpieczenia społecznego – o czym informowali tutaj koledzy podczas debaty. Co więcej, prawie 90% osób zatrudnionych w gospodarstwach domowych stanowią kobiety, bardzo często imigrantki znajdujące się w trudnej sytuacji osobistej. W tej sytuacji państwa członkowskie muszą pilnie wypracować instrumenty, które zapewnią tej kategorii pracowników pewność prawa. Dodatkowo osoby pracujące w gospodarstwach domowych bardzo często tworzą szarą strefę, co ma negatywny wpływ na budżety krajów członkowskich. Musimy wprowadzić rozwiązania, które zachęcą pracowników do rejestrowania swojej działalności i zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa zatrudnienia.


  Emer Costello (S&D). - Madam President, I very much welcome this long awaited report on the ratification of ILO Convention No 189 on domestic work. According to Eurostat data there are 2.6 million domestic workers in the EU: 89% are women and over half are migrants. Domestic work is socially and economically important but it is often precarious, undervalued and undeclared work.

A survey carried out by the Domestic Workers Action Group in Ireland in 2010 revealed a litany of abuses of domestic workers, including being paid below the minimum wage, being asked to work for long hours, being obliged work six to seven days per week, working without a written contract, non-receipt of payslips, and no PRSI or tax paid. Workers with permits were threatened by employers that their permits would be revoked and that they would be returned home.

More worrying, the Domestic Workers Action Group report that 70% of people trafficked into Ireland are for the domestic work market.

Yet domestic workers perform a very valuable social role as they can allow parents, mostly women, with the skills and qualifications needed for our economic recovery, to remain in or re-enter the workforce. Looking after older people and caring for children is a vitally important job.

If we want to achieve the employment potential of the domestic work sector then we have to transform precarious domestic jobs into decent sustainable jobs. Convention No 189 covers areas such as the abolition of child labour, protection against harassment and abuse, the right to collective bargaining, the right to information and fair terms and conditions in relation to employment, regulation of working time, minimum pay, health and safety, social security, protection of migrant workers and, indeed, putting in place dispute resolutions and complaint mechanisms.

The Convention presents an opportunity to start transforming what is too often a relationship of exploitation into a legal relationship that supports decent work. I am calling on the Member States to ratify the Convention without delay; there can be no excuse for any further delay.


Διαδικασία "catch the eye"


  Sari Essayah (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, meillä parlamentissa on tällä hetkellä käsittelyssä direktiivi, joka koskee opiskelijoita, tutkijoita mutta myös au paireja.

Muun muassa tämän direktiivin käsittelyssä törmäsimme kotitaloustyöhön liittyviin ongelmiin paljon laajemminkin. Monissa maissa kotitaloustyötä ei säännellä samoin kuin muita työsuhteita. Lisäksi tällä alalla on erittäin paljon harmaata työvoimaa ja maahanmuuttajien hyväksikäyttämistä sekä myös lapsityövoimaa. Useimmat kotitaloustyöntekijät eivät ole tietoisia eläke- tai sosiaaliturvaoikeuksistaan eikä heillä ole työterveyshuoltoa tai sairasvakuutusta.

On kuitenkin huomioitava, kuten kollegat Costello ja Harkin toivat esille, että kotitaloussektori sinällään voi väestön ikääntyessä olla työllisyyttä tarjoava. Monet hoiva-alalla työskentelevät pystyvät perustamaan yrityksiä, joilla he pystyvät työllistämään paitsi itsensä myös tarjoamaan työpaikan muille henkilöille. Sen tähden on äärimmäisen tärkeää, että tästä alasta tehdään normaalisti säänneltyä työtä.


(Τέλος παρεμβάσεων με τη διαδικασία "catch the eye")


  László Andor, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, the European Commission works shoulder to shoulder with the international liberal organisations for decent work, improved working conditions and against poverty. This cooperation has been extended in recent years to new fora, such as the G20; in EU Member States, on important issues like rebuilding the social dialogue, we work together with the ILO, especially in the so-called Programme countries.

In my view, implementing the ILO Domestic Workers’ Convention well matches the core values and fundamental rights of the European Union, as well as our social, gender equality and anti-discrimination policies. We also consider that the ratification of the Convention contributes to our strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings. The Commission welcomes the draft recommendation submitted to this plenary. We will monitor the future of this Convention within the Member States and will certainly raise it in the future in our engagement with the Member States, if necessary.


  Inês Cristina Zuber, relatora. − Senhora Presidente, quero agradecer, em primeiro lugar, a todos os intervenientes neste debate e queria fazer alguns comentários em relação àquilo que foi dito.

A questão dos trabalhadores indocumentados é também uma questão que se relaciona, em grande parte, com a necessidade de haver um contrato escrito de trabalho porque, muitas vezes, os trabalhadores só se podem legalizar através, precisamente, da apresentação desse documento.

Por outro lado, o facto de ser um contrato por escrito, não só regulariza e não só garante quais é que são os direitos, como também permite muitas vezes às pessoas migrantes que têm dificuldade de compreensão da língua falada que possam de facto aperceber-se de quais são os compromissos que estão a assumir quando assinam um contrato.

Quero dizer que estou de acordo com tudo aquilo que foi dito e que de facto a maior preocupação é, do meu ponto de vista, como implementar na prática estas medidas, porque nós sabemos que ainda que os Estados a ratifiquem, serão necessários bastantes esforços para chegar a estes trabalhadores domésticos e chegar aos empregadores e fazer com que cumpram as garantias que estão estipuladas nesta Convenção.

Por último, gostaria de dizer que penso que todas as políticas da União Europeia que apostem na precarização das relações laborais e na diminuição dos salários e dos direitos dos trabalhadores em geral não irão contribuir certamente para a elevação dos direitos dos trabalhadores domésticos, que são um grupo ainda mais vulnerável do que a maioria dos trabalhadores.


  Πρόεδρος. - Η συζήτηση έληξε.

Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί αύριο, Τετάρτη 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, στις 12.20.

Γραπτές δηλώσεις (άρθρο 149)


  Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), raštu. Norėčiau pabrėžti, jog dar daugelyje Europos Sąjungos valstybių namų ūkio darbuotojai dažnai dirba turėdami mažas garantijas, yra įdarbinami nesudarant sutarties, jiems vėluojama mokėti atlyginimą, iš jų reikalaujama dirbti papildomas valandas deramai už tai neatlyginant, nepaisoma jų teisių į poilsio laiką ir apmokamas švenčių dienas, taip pat nemokamos jų socialinio draudimo įmokos. Daugiausia į šią darbuotojų kategoriją patenka moterys. Pagal Eurostato duomenis, Europos Sąjungoje yra 2,6 mln. namų ūkio darbuotojų, iš kurių 89 proc. yra moterys ir pusė jų – migrantės. Šia Tarptautinės darbo organizacijos konvencija Nr. 189 nustatomas reikalavimas apsaugoti namų ūkio darbuotojus, kurie, o dauguma jų yra moterys ir migrantai, dažnai atsiduria labai pažeidžiamoje padėtyje, tapdami diskriminacijos ir įvairaus piktnaudžiavimo, susijusio su jų žmogaus teisių pažeidimais, aukomis. Taigi labai svarbu, kad valstybės narės ratifikuotų šią Konvenciją ir imtųsi priemonių užtikrinti deramas darbo sąlygas ir socialines teises bei užkirsti kelią piktnaudžiavimui, smurtui ir vaikų darbui namų ūkyje.


  Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. Szanowny Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni Państwo! Nie mam żadnych wątpliwości, co do tego, że przyjęcie Konwencji będzie przynosiło jedynie korzyści. Spotykamy się często z informacjami o niewolniczym wręcz traktowaniu ludzi zatrudnianych w ramach pomocy domowej. Pracują bez jakichkolwiek gwarancji zatrudnienia, bez praw socjalnych, za niewielkie wynagrodzenia. Nikt nie jest w stanie kontrolować, w jakich warunkach te osoby pracują i mieszkają. Aż trudno uwierzyć, że to wszystko dzieje się w dzisiejszych czasach. Konwencja proponuje szereg rozwiązań mających ucywilizować pracę pomocy domowej. Zaliczyć do nich można ustalenie minimalnego wieku do pracy, zapisy o poszanowaniu godności i czasu wolnego, zalecenia o przygotowywaniu umów określających warunki zatrudnienia, czy również objęcie tych osób przepisami o minimalnym zatrudnieniu. To tylko przykłady pokazujące, że podążamy w dobrym kierunku. Jak podkreśla Sprawozdawczyni, wiele z zasad ujętych w Konwencji zaliczamy do praw człowieka. Trudno zrozumieć, dlaczego do dziś w Europie możliwa była sytuacja, gdy ludzie są ich pozbawieni. Mam nadzieję, że Państwom Członkowskim uda się wypracować mechanizmy kontroli przestrzegania przepisów Konwencji, mimo trudności, jakie to będzie ze sobą niosło. W drodze podsumowania chciałbym podziękować Sprawozdawczyni za przygotowany raport. Wierzę, że odmieni trudny los wielu ludzi w Unii Europejskiej. Ich praca na to zasługuje.

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