 Vollständiger Text 
Verfahren : 2011/0406(COD)
Werdegang im Plenum
Entwicklungsstadium in Bezug auf das Dokument : A7-0450/2013

Eingereichte Texte :


Aussprachen :

PV 10/12/2013 - 15
CRE 10/12/2013 - 15

Abstimmungen :

PV 11/12/2013 - 4.20
CRE 11/12/2013 - 4.20
Erklärungen zur Abstimmung

Angenommene Texte :


Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013 - Straßburg Überprüfte Ausgabe

4.20. Schaffung eines Finanzierungsinstruments für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (A7-0450/2013 - Thijs Berman) (Abstimmung)

- Al termine della votazione finale:


  Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, the Commission welcomes Parliament’s approval of the financing instruments for the EU external action. These instruments will enable the EU to continue to be a global player and promote its interests and values. Democracy, peace, solidarity, stability and poverty reduction, as well as safeguarding global public goods, will be at the heart of external action for the next seven years. The instruments allow us to pursue cooperation with our external partners on four policy priorities: enlargement, neighbourhood, cooperation with strategic partners and development cooperation. On behalf of the Commission, I would like to thank all the rapporteurs, as well as those who preceded them, for their constructive contributions to the negotiations. We should be proud of what we have achieved together.

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