Programme of activities of the Greek Presidency (debate)
Nick Griffin (NI). - Madam President, Prime Minister, 2014 is supposed to be the year of democracy in Europe, but what kind of democracy tears up its own constitution, bans demonstrations to prove the people are happy, sends machine gun-toting storm-troopers to arrest democratically elected MPs and imprisons opponents without trial when they cannot disprove hearsay allegations made against them by police informers? Totalitarians like you always justify such attacks on freedom with propaganda lies about criminal association but, Mr Samaras, your bankers’ occupation government – now busy helping your masters loot Greece – are the real criminals. You are the heir of the communists who refused to fight when your country was invaded by Mussolini, when Metaxas said ‘no’ and fought foreign occupation and exploitation – which is of course the real crime of its modern political descendants, Golden Dawn.