Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). - Domnule președinte, propun ca la sfârșitul paragrafului 4 să adăugăm, actualizând informația: „culminating with the detention of the principal, the accountant and the driver of the high-school on 5th February 2014”.
‘culminating with the detention of the principal, the accountant and the driver of the high school on 5 February 2014’
(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)
– Vor der Abstimmung über Erwägung 1:
Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). - Domnule președinte, ca și în cazul anterior, e vorba de o actualizare. Propun ca la sfârșitul acestui considerent să adăugăm: „whereas on 5th February, the principal, the accountant and the driver of Lucian Blaga high-school were detained, while they were transporting the salaries of the high-school staff.”
‘whereas on 5 February the principal, the accountant and the driver of the Lucian Blaga high school were detained while they were transporting the salaries of the high school’s staff’.
(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)
– Vor der Abstimmung über Erwägung O:
Mitro Repo (S&D). - Arvoisa puhemies, tekninen tarkistus kohtaan ”syyskuussa 2014”. Ehdotamme, että siihen laitettaisiin ”no later than the end of August 2014”. Tämä on vähäinen muutos, mutta se yhdenmukaistaa tekstimme ministerineuvoston joulukuussa tekemän päätöksen mukaiseksi, ja toivon, että tämä sopii muille ryhmille myös.