 Úplné znění 
Postup : 2012/0245(COD)
Průběh na zasedání
Stadia projednávání dokumentu : A7-0158/2013

Předložené texty :


Rozpravy :

PV 24/02/2014 - 22
CRE 24/02/2014 - 22

Hlasování :

PV 25/02/2014 - 5.14
Vysvětlení hlasování

Přijaté texty :


Doslovný záznam ze zasedání
Pondělí, 24. února 2014 - Štrasburk

22. Evropský dobrovolnický sbor humanitární pomoci (rozprava)
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  La Présidente. - L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur le rapport de Michèle[nbsp ]Striffler, au nom de la commission du développement, sur la proposition de règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil portant création du Corps volontaire européen d'aide humanitaire –[nbsp ]Volontaires de l'aide de l'UE (COM(2012)0514 – C7–0303/2012 – 2012/0245(COD)) (A7-0158/2013)


  Michèle Striffler, rapporteure. - Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, tout d'abord je tiens à saluer l'engagement et les efforts de Mme[nbsp ]Georgieva pour mener à bien la création de cette nouvelle initiative prévue par le traité de Lisbonne.

Je tiens également à souligner notre étroite collaboration et notre excellente entente sur cette proposition législative.

L'initiative des volontaires de l'aide de l'UE a pour objectif d'exprimer les valeurs humanitaires de l'Union européenne et sa solidarité avec les personnes dans le besoin, en contribuant au renforcement de la capacité de l'Union à répondre aux crises humanitaires.

L'Union doit assurer une aide humanitaire adéquate face à l'augmentation du nombre et de l'ampleur des crises humanitaires. Les volontaires joueront un rôle essentiel dans la préparation aux catastrophes, la réduction des risques de catastrophes et le renforcement du lien entre urgence, réhabilitation et développement.

Tout sera fait pour que les volontaires apportent une plus-value réelle car le déploiement de ceux-ci sera basé sur les besoins identifiés sur le terrain, et leur rôle sera clairement défini. Il s'agit d'un élément complémentaire aux structures et organisations existantes, et la sécurité de tous ces volontaires sera bien entendu garantie.

Tout citoyen européen pourra se porter candidat. La sélection des volontaires respectera une diversité de profils et de compétences chez les jeunes, les retraités et les experts. De plus, des actions de valorisation de l'expérience des volontaires, notamment par une certification à l'issue du déploiement sur le terrain, seront mises en œuvre.

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer plusieurs volontaires dans les projets pilotes, qui revenaient de mission; ils ont acquis une expérience et des compétences inestimables en venant en aide aux populations qui en ont le plus besoin.

De plus, cette initiative comblera les lacunes du volontariat humanitaire actuel et contribuera également à l'idée de la citoyenneté européenne et à la sensibilisation de l'opinion publique.

L'aide humanitaire est un impératif moral. Je regrette, bien sûr, que le budget alloué pour la période 2014–2020 ait été fortement diminué par rapport à la proposition initiale de la Commission, réduisant ainsi le nombre de volontaires qui seront déployés.

Je profite aussi de cette tribune pour manifester mon inquiétude face au manque de moyens dont dispose la DG[nbsp ]ECHO pour couvrir les besoins humanitaires grandissants. Nous connaissons les problèmes actuels de retards de paiement à ECHO. Je suis certaine que cette initiative sera une réussite et permettra de venir en aide aux personnes les plus vulnérables. À cette fin, l'impact des volontaires de l'aide de l'UE dans le secteur de l'aide humanitaire et le rapport coût/efficacité du programme seront bien entendu régulièrement évalués.


  Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. - Madam President, I would like to start by most sincerely thanking Parliament, and Ms[nbsp ]Striffler personally, for your continuous and strong support for the creation of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps. This support reflects the views of European citizens, whom you all represent. According to Eurobarometer, 88[nbsp ]% of Europeans are in favour of the creation of EU aid volunteers and look forward to seeing them established and in action.

With the active engagement of Parliament, the Commission and the Council we are now coming to the final stage of making their wish happen. As a result, by 2020 nearly 20[nbsp ]000 Europeans will have taken part in activities benefiting people in need – and, as Ms[nbsp ]Striffler said, the numbers of such people are unfortunately growing – but also benefiting the volunteers themselves by helping them gain new skills and new experience.

At this time of tight budgets we have worked hard to make sure that we provide value for money, that the EU aid volunteers complement existing schemes, and that this also helps the volunteers to advance their own development. Most of them are young people and for them volunteering is also a way to become more competitive on tighter labour markets.

We have carried out three rounds of pilot projects in which over 40 humanitarian organisations took part, providing valuable insights into what exactly is needed in standard setting, in training and in deployment for the programme to achieve its main goal: to be a platform where Europeans live out our values, where they offer a helping hand to those who desperately need it.

We have witnessed the enthusiasm and dedication of those who have taken part in these pilot projects: over 250 people ranging from the young to the young in spirit – the youngest volunteer at 21, the young in spirit but more mature at 70. I can tell you that meeting these people makes me enormously proud to be the European Commissioner for humanitarian aid because what we are demonstrating is that it is not by chance that Europe is a global leader in this field.

To be specific concerning Parliamentʼs contributions, let me just highlight a few of them: Parliament has placed promoting active European citizenship among the initiativeʼs objectives and also measures on communications and visibility that would support this objective and make it happen.

Parliament has reinforced security of the volunteers as a priority, and on that basis we have excluded deploying EU aid volunteers in theatres of armed conflict. We have placed the emphasis instead on volunteer work in disaster risk reduction and resilience, linking relief to rehabilitation and development. These are entirely aligned with EU priorities but are also fields where there is a shortage of skills in humanitarian organisations.

Last but not least, Parliament has promoted the gender dimension in cooperation with women and I can tell you that every time I go to areas affected by disasters or by conflict I often see women not just as victims but as victors, as those who are saving lives.

Let me finish by saying that we recognise that we are at the beginning of the process of making this initiative happen, and we look forward to working continuously with Parliament in the implementation of the programme, in the adoption of delegated acts, on standards for EU aid volunteersʼ management, on the mid-term review of thematic priorities and financial allocations, as Ms[nbsp ]Striffler emphasised, and also on the annual report on implementation and in evaluations.


  María Muñiz De Urquiza, Ponente de opinión de la Comisión de Presupuestos. - Señora Presidenta, cuando hay seis millones de jóvenes menores de 25 años parados en Europa ―por cierto, casi un millón de ellos en España―, nuestra primera prioridad es la lucha contra el paro y contra el paro juvenil.

Esta iniciativa de un mecanismo paneuropeo de voluntarios de ayuda humanitaria es buena, en la medida en que pretende desarrollar las competencias y la empleabilidad de los jóvenes en el terreno humanitario.

Con los 147,9 millones de euros que están presupuestados se prevé dar formación a 20[nbsp ]000 jóvenes europeos y a 7[nbsp ]000 colaboradores locales. Es menos de lo que pedía la Comisión, que pedía 210 millones de euros ―lo ha señalado la ponente, la señora Striffler―, pero si estos fondos se traducen en trabajo para los jóvenes ¡bienvenidos sean! Pero creo que no hay que ser cicateros en este ámbito, que estamos todos de acuerdo en que es positivo para la Unión Europea.

Además, desde el punto de vista de la Comisión de Presupuestos, la financiación de este cuerpo no se hará ―un segundo, señora Presidenta― en detrimento de los fondos de ayuda humanitaria y no competirá con las ONG a las que se financiará para facilitar la formación de estos jóvenes y contribuir a ella.

Así que creo que hacemos bien en estar orgullosos de este cuerpo del voluntariado europeo.


  Filip Kaczmarek, w imieniu grupy PPE. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Chciałbym podziękować Pani Komisarz i posłance Striffler, która jest naszym stałym sprawozdawcą, za zaangażowanie w ten projekt. To bardzo ważny projekt dla całej Unii Europejskiej.

Jednym z zadań Unii Europejskiej jest zapewnienie odpowiedniej pomocy humanitarnej potrzebującym. W ostatnich latach liczba kryzysów humanitarnych na świecie znacznie wzrosła, co wymaga od nas lepszej koordynacji działań. Często pomoc musiała być udzielana w tym samym czasie w różnych miejscach. Idea pomocy humanitarnej jest piękna, i wszyscy się z tym zgadzamy, lecz aby europejska reakcja w sytuacjach kryzysowych była skuteczna, powinna być dobrze zorganizowana i dobrze koordynowana. Stąd między innymi pomysł powołania Europejskiego Ochotniczego Korpusu Pomocy Humanitarnej. Ma on przyczynić się do rozwinięcia zdolności Unii w dziedzinie reagowania na kryzysy humanitarne oraz utworzenia zdolności i odporności społeczności w państwach trzecich podatnych na zagrożenia lub dotkniętych klęskami żywiołowymi.

Istotne jest to, że inicjatywa korpusu ma uzupełniać i wzmacniać działalność humanitarną Unii Europejskiej, a nie powielać istniejące już struktury. W swoich działaniach Korpus będzie się kierować obowiązującymi zasadami pomocy humanitarnej oraz Konsensusem europejskim w sprawie pomocy humanitarnej. Będzie więc, mamy nadzieję, źródłem wartości dodanej dla pomocy humanitarnej Unii Europejskiej, ale także dla lokalnych organizacji.


  Corina Creţu, în numele grupului S&D. – Vreau și eu să o felicit pe autoarea raportului, doamna Striffler și pe doamna Comisar Georgieva pentru implicarea sa constantă și pentru sprijinul său pentru instituirea Corpului voluntar european de ajutor umanitar, care reprezintă, așa cum s-a spus aici, un pas important în întărirea profilului internațional al Uniunii Europene, putând astfel răspunde cu eficiență sporită crizelor umanitare din țările terțe. Acțiunile derulate pînă în prezent de către Uniune stau mărturie a eforturilor noastre pentru extinderea solidarității față de persoanele aflate în dificultate și acest mecanism este cu atât mai important cu cât vine într-o perioadă în care, deși numărul crizelor de această natură este în creștere, instabilitatea economică a ultimilor ani permite o susținere financiară sensibil diminuată a intervențiilor umanitare. Prin bugetul său de peste 100 de milioane de euro, Corpul voluntar european de ajutor umanitar va putea instrui aproape 5 000 de voluntari, care nu doar că vor răspunde problemelor generate de criză, ci le vor putea, de cele mai multe ori, chiar preîntâmpina. Este așadar o măsură importantă și sunt convinsă că își va demonstra eficiența.


  Bill Newton Dunn, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, like everybody else, I am very proud to be taking part in this debate, because this is something very important and new which we are launching – admittedly low-key, and I am not sure the media will report it, because it is good news and so it is not so exciting. But this was a proposal provided for in the Lisbon Treaty so it is an entirely long-term, positive European development which we have been waiting for.

The Committee on Development only had one person against. We were overwhelmingly in favour of it under our rapporteur Ms[nbsp ]Striffler. I listened along with her and some other members of the Committee to the youngsters who had been on the pilot schemes. They were full of enthusiasm for the experience they had had, because not only is it helping unfortunate parts of the world where there have been natural disasters – floods, earthquakes or whatever – which allows them to make the world a slightly better place and to help in that, but the youngsters who took part in the pilot trials also said it is a wonderful experience to be working together with other people from different European countries. So it is an entirely positive and beneficial experience.

To me it is a very good example rather like the Erasmus programme, allowing students to study in different parts of Europe and learning that we are all human beings together; we may eat spaghetti, or roast beef or whatever, but we are exactly the same – but we are very fortunate and should be helping in other parts of the world.

Now I took part also in the trialogue and the attempts to reach agreement with the Council and there was one thing which disappointed me, and I think my colleagues, which is that on Parliamentʼs side we would have liked to have seen the volunteers wearing some identity to say that this is an EU force, perhaps a little badge on their T-shirt or something with the EU flag. However too many Members of the Council thought that this was a bad idea, which, I think, is something that they should be ashamed of, and I hope at least that some of the volunteers will proudly carry the European flag wherever they go.

One thing that Ms[nbsp ]Georgieva said was extremely interesting: that Eurobarometer says that 88[nbsp ]% of citizens in Europe are in favour this, and of course they should be and I welcome their warm-heartedness. I just think about my own country with the monster of UKIP which is against everything, is utterly miserable and against foreign aid and against foreigners and against immigrants. They are not here, of course, to take part in this debate – no surprise there at all – but I shall be fascinated tomorrow to see whether UKIP and the other Eurosceptic parties vote against this proposal, because this is something very special and new, and although there are only a small number of us in the Chamber right now, we can all be very proud, as several colleagues have said, to be in at the beginning, launching something which is going to be entirely beneficial to Europe and the world.


  Alf Svensson (PPE). - Fru talman! Tack så mycket kommissionär Georgieva, tack så mycket kollega Striffler. Det är utomordentligt att vi har kommit så här långt så att en frivilligkår upprättas eller inrättas. Det handlar ju ytterst om solidaritet och det handlar om effektivisering. Ibland hör man dem som gör gällande att EU inte ska syssla med det eller detta. Jag kan inte säga att jag tillhör den kategorin alls, men i det här sammanhanget så kan väl ändå ingen tycka någonting annat än att EU ska syssla med detta. Och som sagt, det handlar om solidaritet.

Det är ju också en signal till vår union, till det globala samhället att vi ska hjälpas åt, vi ska bry oss om varandra. Det här är något från Lissabonfördraget som vi verkligen kan stryka under.

Det finns nu, eller kommer att finnas, en lista på specialister som finns där i förväg och som man kan vända sig till och som inte behöver upprättas eller sökas. Vi vet ju, kommissionär Georgieva, hur bra det var med katastrofbiståndet på Filippinerna. Det fanns en samordning och det fungerade på en gång, och där har vi ju i biståndet över huvud tagit många steg framåt, så jag vill bara gratulera Michèle Striffler och gratulera kommissionen, och jag höll på att säga gratulera oss alla, för att det här inrättas, det är ett framåtskridande för solidariteten.


  Ricardo Cortés Lastra (S&D). - Señora Presidenta, quería comenzar felicitando a la señora Striffler pero también, sin lugar a dudas, a la Comisaria Georgieva, que tiene todo el apoyo de nuestro grupo socialista —usted lo sabe bien—.

Hoy me enorgullezco de este paso tan importante que se va a dar en este Parlamento con el voto de este Reglamento. Este Reglamento es un paso de gigante teniendo en cuenta que llevamos solicitando su puesta en marcha desde el año 2006 y que hasta el 2009, con el Tratado de Lisboa, no se ha hecho obligatorio.

Mañana se dará un paso más en la acción social en situaciones de crisis, con lo que podríamos llamar la puesta en marcha de un «Erasmus solidario». Un programa que dará la oportunidad a cientos de europeos —personal especializado y organizaciones— de formarse a la vez que les presta apoyo.

Como todo lo que innova, tendrán muchos retos por delante: entre otros, asegurar su complementariedad con respecto al trabajo que realizan sobre el terreno profesionales y personal militar. Hacer visible el valor añadido del trabajo de los voluntarios, especialmente fortaleciendo el vínculo entre asistencia, rehabilitación y desarrollo. Pero las ventajas son aún mayores. Permitirá a los europeos expresar sus compromisos con nuestros valores clave de solidaridad y respeto de los derechos humanos, y dará pie a una sociedad europea más cohesionada y comprometida. En definitiva, será una herramienta más para conseguir llegar a donde más falta hace. Una herramienta que da impulso a otra Europa. Una Europa más solidaria, señora Comisaria.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). - Vreau s-o felicit și eu pe colega noastră, Michelle Striffler, pentru raport. Odată cu adoptarea lui ne aflăm cu un pas mai aproape de realizarea obiectivului fixat în articolul 214 al Tratului de la Lisabona, și anume realizarea unui cadru legal pentru ca tinerii europeni să poată participa la operațiunile de ajutor umanitar din afara Uniunii. Sunt perfect de acord cu raportoarea că acțiunile membrilor Corpului de voluntari trebuie să fie călăuzite de Consensul european privind ajutorul umanitar și, de asemenea, că mobilizarea voluntarilor europeni ar trebui să fie făcută pe baza nevoilor care sunt identificate la nivel local. Susțin, de asemenea, excluderea explicită a situațiilor de conflict armat și de tensiuni interne. Este nevoie, într-adevăr, de un echilibru între implicarea voluntarilor și asigurarea securității acestora. Salut, de asemenea, includerea unei clauze de revizuire întărite, potrivit dorințelor parlamentului nostru - aceasta ne va permite să perfecționăm sistemul în lumina experienței din următorii ani și sunt convins că acest nou instrument va contribui și la proiectarea unei imagini pozitive a Uniunii pentru că, nu-i așa, Corpul voluntar european de ajutor umanitar reprezintă transcrierea în practică a valorilor noastre umanitare și el le va oferi tinerilor posibilitatea de a-și exprima solidaritatea cu persoanele aflate în dificultate în țări terțe. Pentru acțiunea umanitară a Uniunii, Corpul de voluntari va aduce, în mod evident, un plus de vizibilitare și de eficacitate.


  Antigoni Papadopoulou (S&D). - Madam President, a European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps was first proposed by the Commission in 2012 to express the EU’s humanitarian values and solidarity with people facing humanitarian crises and man-made disasters in third countries. The increased number of humanitarian crises and today’s financial constraints encouraged the Commission to propose the EU Aid Corps to complement the existing structures and organisations, aiming to avoid duplications.

We welcome the new approach because it sets standards for the identification, selection, training and deployment of volunteers in partnership with specialised institutions, and also because it introduces interim evaluations of the effectiveness of EU aid volunteers on the basis of specific indicators. Personally, I support the establishment of both qualitative as well as quantitative indicators for accessing each operational objective. I congratulate you on the proposal.


Interventions à la demande


  Моника Панайотова (PPE). - Г-жо Председател, уважаема г-жо Комисар, приветствам докладчика за постигнатото споразумение със Съвета по предложението за регламент за създаване на Европейски доброволчески корпус за хуманитарна помощ. Бих искала да поздравя комисар Георгиева за последователните усилия за осигуряването на активно гражданско участие и обществена подкрепа при подготовката на регламента, гарантиращи успеха на доброволческия корпус.

Помня момента, когато преди две години, представлявайки ресорната комисия по европейски въпроси в българския парламент, различните парламентарни групи подкрепихме единодушно, в рамките на политическия диалог, създаването на инициативата „Доброволци на Европейския съюз за хуманитарна помощ“. Инициативата може да изиграе важна роля за професионалната реализация на младите хора чрез възможностите за обучение, натрупване на опит и включването им в мрежата и регистъра на европейските доброволци.

Приветствам предложението на Европейския парламент за признаването на натрупания доброволчески опит от младите като професионален стаж, което е подходяща мярка за борбата с младежка безработица.


  Anna Záborská (PPE). - Ďakujem spravodajkyni za vynikajúcu správu. Vznik dobrovoľníckej humanitárnej pomoci má obrovský význam pre vnímanie Európy vo svete, ale najmä pre mladú generáciu Európanov. Dostávajú príležitosť ísť tam, kde je ich pomoc najviac treba, a byť osobne zodpovedný za výsledok. Získajú tak cenné skúsenosti, a to nielen pracovné. No predovšetkým Európska únia dá tisícom mladých ľudí možnosť vidieť na vlastné oči skutočný nedostatok. Európa je posadnutá nárokovou mentalitou, až príliš často považujeme za samozrejmé veci, ktoré takými v[nbsp ]skutočnosti nie sú. Mať čo jesť, kde bývať, môcť chodiť do školy. Ale tiež spoľahnúť sa na solidaritu, ak ochorieme, prídeme o prácu alebo nám staroba zabráni, aby sme sa mohli o seba sami postarať. Vďaka európskemu dobrovoľníckemu zboru máme šancu túto mentalitu zmeniť.


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). - Predstavený návrh nariadenia o založení Európskeho dobrovoľníckeho zboru pre humanitárnu pomoc patrí medzi konkrétne opatrenia smerujúce k posilneniu solidarity európskych občanov s ľuďmi, ktorí sa ocitli v tiesni a v núdzi. Je všeobecne známe, že Únia je najväčším svetovým poskytovateľom humanitárnej pomoci, je však nesmierne dôležité umožniť občanom Európskej únie podieľať sa na humanitárnej pomoci osobne. Bezprostredná priama pomoc prináša aj svoje nebezpečenstvo vzhľadom na mimoriadne prírodné alebo spoločenské podmienky v cieľových krajinách, a preto je namieste vytvoriť bezpečný rámec na jej efektívne a rýchle poskytovanie. Talent dobrovoľníkov, ich schopnosti a hlavne dobré srdce musia byť ocenené aj tým, že sa podmienkami dobrovoľníkov legislatívne zaoberá aj zákonodarca a týmto spôsobom upevňuje ich postavenie v rámci humanitárnej pomoci Únie.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). - Senhora Presidente, não pomos em causa, pelo contrário, muito valorizamos os sentimentos de altruísmo e de genuína solidariedade e generosidade que levam muitos europeus a abraçar o voluntariado, sob formas muito diversas, nos países em desenvolvimento. Mas, até por isso, não podemos daqui manifestar algumas reservas face a esta proposta de criação de um corpo de voluntários da União Europeia para a ajuda humanitária. Distanciamo-nos de uma certa visão instrumental do voluntariado, que procura expressar através dele valores e sentimentos que estão muito longe de estar presentes na ação geral da União Europeia e particularmente nas suas políticas setoriais, algumas delas com efeitos consabidamente perniciosos nos países em desenvolvimento.

A proposta tem, além disso, outras nuances e implicações que, em geral, não nos parece que contribuam, como seria desejável e necessário, para o reforço da cooperação para o desenvolvimento. Sendo justas algumas das preocupações, outras deveriam ser as soluções.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - A Uachtaráin, mar a dúirt Bill Newton Dunn is dea-scéal é seo agus mar sin ní chloisfear mórán faoi sna meáin ach bíodh sin mar atá. Mar a dúirt an Coimisinéir tá beagnach 90% de shaoránaigh na hEorpa i bhfabhar na moltaí seo. Agus tá moladh mór ag dul don Fheisire Striffler agus a comhghleacaithe a rinne a lán oibre go ciúin chun na moltaí seo a chur os ár gcomhair. Gan dabht ar bith, is iontach an rud é go bhfuil daoine sásta obair dheonach a dhéanamh go háirithe do dhaoine atá i bpráinn. Tá aithne agamsa ar dhaoine óga a thóg bliain amach as a gcuid staidéir agus atá ag obair go deonach thar lear agus tá aithne agam ar an taobh eile den scéal ar sheandaoine, daoine atá ar pinsean a chaitheann a lán dá gcuid ama thar lear sna háiteanna is dainséaraí ar domhan. Dá bhri sin, is maith an rud é go bhfuilimid á eagrú agus á chur le chéile mar seo chun a bheith níos éifeachtúla.


  Franz Obermayr (NI). - Frau Präsidentin! Ich möchte meinem Vorredner, der sich sorgte, dass die Eurokritiker hier offensichtlich Probleme bei der Abstimmung haben, entgegenhalten: Man kann durchaus eurokritisch sein in der gegenwärtigen Form, aber man kann auch hilfsbereit und einsatzbereit sein. Ich bin selber seit meinem fünfzehnten Lebensjahr Mitglied einer freiwilligen Feuerwehrorganisation – damals Jugendgruppe –, und wir brauchten keinen Lissabon-Vertrag, um im Ausland tätig zu sein. Meine Feuerwehr hat bereits vor dreißig Jahren in Italien, in Slowenien, aber auch in Deutschland bei Einsätzen geholfen, wenn es notwendig war. Das nur einmal zur Einsatzbereitschaft!

Grundsätzlich finde ich die Sache ausgezeichnet. Ich finde es hervorragend, dass junge Leute angehalten werden, so etwas zu tun. Die Mittel sind vielleicht etwas knapp bemessen. Aber ich möchte an dieser Stelle nochmals in Erinnerung rufen, dass wir auch innerhalb Europas sehr viele Probleme in diesem Bereich haben. Wir haben ganze Mitgliedstaaten, in denen es diese vorbeugenden Aktivitäten nicht gibt. Ich denke an den vorbeugenden Brandschutz in Griechenland, wo hier ein wahnsinniges Defizit besteht. Also helfen wir auch uns selber. Das sollte auch eine Motivation sein für junge Leute, in Gesamteuropa tätig zu sein.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). - Gospođo predsjedavajuća, vidjeli smo u posljednih nekoliko incidenata diljem svijeta da kad se dogode katastrofe, pomoć treba doći brzo i učinkovito kako bi se zadovoljile osnovne potrebe žrtava u najtežim trenucima. Pomaganje najranjivijim populacijama u kriznim situacijama je moralni imperativ za međunarodnu zajednicu i za Uniju.

Kao što znamo Unija je najveći svjetski donator humanitarne pomoći. Daje gotovo 50% globalne humanitarne pomoći, a Lisabonskim ugovorom je predviđeno da se osnuje europsko volontersko tijelo za humanitarnu pomoć. Kao što smo već čuli, 88% građana Europske unije smatra da je važno da Unija financira humanitarnu pomoć, iako je trenutno ekonomska kriza. U oba slučaja podrška za humanitarnu pomoć je više od dvije trećine u svim državama članicama. Kad je Hrvatska u pitanju, 466 organiziranih volonterskih akcija postojalo je u 2012.-oj godini, a broj volontera je bio 19 422. Znači vrlo su razvijene volonterske akcije i u Hrvatskoj.


  Iosif Matula (PPE). - Crizele umanitare înregistrate în ultimii ani la nivel mondial impun o acțiune concertată a actorilor UE pentru consolidarea și optimizarea reacției la acest gen de fenomene. Propunerea de instituire a Corpului voluntar european de ajutor umanitar reprezintă o expresie concretă a solidarității europene în acțiune și a coeziunii sociale. Selectarea, formarea și mobilizarea voluntarilor în cadrul misiunilor umanitare vor aduce plus valoare, completând sistemele de intervenție existente. Stabilirea unui cadru al contribuțiilor comune ale tinerilor europeni la acțiunile de ajutor umanitar ale Uniunii va stimula cooperarea transfrontalieră între organizațiile de voluntari din diversele state membre, facilitând, astfel, schimbul de bune practici. Nu în ultimul rând, consider deosebit de importantă inițierea unor acțiuni de sensibilizare asupra importanței ajutorului umanitar și a voluntariatului în rândul cetățenilor Uniunii în ceea ce privește spiritul civic, coeziunea socială și promovarea cetățeniei active la nivel național, regional și local. Felicitări colegei raportor!


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). - A liberális padsorokból az egyik nyugat-európai képviselőtársunk felhívta a figyelmünket arra, hogy egyfelől az európai önkéntesek csapatában, másfelől pedig úgy általában is nekünk, európai embereknek büszkén kellene menetelnünk az Európai Unió zászlaja alatt, és rosszallóan jegyezte meg, hogy mi, EU-szkeptikusok, vagy EU-realisták az ilyesmit nem annyira szeretjük. Nagyon szépen kérem képviselőtársamat, jöjjön el velem Magyarországra! Elviszem Önt egy olyan gyárba vagy üzembe, esetleg élelmiszerláncba például, nyugat-európaiak által tulajdonoltba, ahol a magyar emberek 250 euróért robotolnak teljes munkajogi jogfosztottságban havonta. Beszélje már rá őket, hogy meneteljenek büszkén emelt fejjel az Európai Unió zászlaja alatt! Nagyon kíváncsi vagyok az eredményre. Sok szerencsét kívánok a próbálkozáshoz!

(A felszólaló hozzájárul egy „kékkártyás” kérdés megválaszolásához (az eljárási szabályzat 149. cikkének (8) bekezdése).)


  Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE), blue-card question. – Ms[nbsp ]Morvai, my wife is Hungarian. I spent part of Christmas and the New Year in Budapest. I have relations and family in Hungary, so I have problem at all in accepting your invitation to go to Hungary. I know many Hungarians and I would be very happy to talk to many more. I am sure they will all – like the ones I know – be very enthusiastic.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI), Kékkártyás válasz. – Nagyon köszönöm képviselőtársamnak, és kérem a jelenlévő szokás szerint rendkívül kisszámú képviselőt, hogy legyenek tanúink arra, hogy én komolyan gondoltam a meghívást. Nem úgy általában, bár szívesen megmutatom Önnek a csodálatos budapesti fürdőket, kávéházakat, Operaházat is, de én most üzemekbe, nyugati tulajdonú összeszerelő üzemekbe szeretném Önt vinni, és például a Tescóba – ha jól tudom Ön angol –, vagy más olyan üzletláncokba, ahol mondom 250 euróért dolgoznak az emberek, és azt szeretném, hogy ezekkel az emberekkel beszéljen, és beszélje rá őket, hogy meneteljenek az EU zászló alatt!


  Andrej Plenković (PPE). - Gospođo predsjedavajuća, smatram da je ustanovljavanje europskog volonterskog tijela za humanitarnu pomoć jedan vrlo dobar čin za Europsku uniju, i u tom smislu pozdravljam napore koje je u protekle četiri godine u ovom pravcu poduzimala povjerenica


  Davor Ivo Stier (PPE). - Gospodine predsjedniče, ja pozdravljam izvješće kolegice Striffler i ovu inicijativu za stvaranje europskog volonterskog tijela za humanitarnu pomoć. Time se naravno potvrđuje i liderska uloga Europske unije u humanitarnoj pomoći, u razvojnoj pomoći. Sasvim sigurno će skoro 20 000 registriranih volontera u Hrvatskoj također pozdraviti ovu mjeru i ja sam uvjeren da će to također pridonijeti da se ojača i jedna europska dimenzija, ako hoćete, u izgradnji tog europskog identiteta koji jest označen time što Europska unija ima jednu lidersku poziciju u humanitarnoj pomoći u svijetu.

Tu jest razlika između nas koji vjerujemo u europski projekt i s druge strane populista - oni su htjeli i u prošloj raspravi zatvoriti granice za one mlade visoko kvalificirane koji bi pomogli konkurentnosti europskog gospodarstva, a očito im smeta da nose europsku zastavu, da bi i drugima pomogli u pomoći da bi i time potvrdili da je Europska unija jedna snaga za dobro u svijetu.


(Fin des interventions à la demande)


  Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. - Madam President, I am very humbled by the expression of support that has been given to the EU aid volunteers. I would just like to make three points, two in reaction to the comments and one in closing.

In reaction to the comments, I have heard some concerns about the way the EU implements development initiatives and whether or not the EU aid volunteers will contribute to development. I just want to stress that we have worked on creating a corps where people would be competent and qualified to help others, but also to help others to help themselves. We have included in our concept a total of 7[nbsp ]000 locally trained volunteers so that we can also contribute to local capacities to cope with disasters and with increasingly unpredictable forces of nature.

Secondly, a couple of comments were made on visibility and on how to make people know about good news. We are currently working very hard on this initiative and are receiving a lot of support from Parliament to make it more visible. Tomorrow at 16.00, Ms Striffler and I shall have a Twitter chat, so if you want to participate in it you are very, very welcome. But on a more serious note, it is very hard to break good news. It is much easier to bring attention to a disaster when it happens than to work on preventing it. This is exactly why, in all we do in humanitarian aid and civil protection today, we also emphasise very strongly the role of investing in preparedness and prevention. Hard as it is, it must be done so that fewer people suffer tomorrow, so that there are fewer victims.

My closing comment is that the hard work begins now. We now have to make the implementation of this initiative a reality. I am very pleased to say that we have enormously expanded support among humanitarian organisations. Initially they were a little sceptical of this initiative, but now that they have participated in the design, they are on board.

I have the confidence that what we will do will indeed help Europe to be a force for good in the world. It would help our image as Europeans; it would ultimately help the competitiveness of Europe as a region that is rich not only in resources and in money, but very rich in people and values. This is what gives me the greatest satisfaction of the work we do together.


  Michèle Striffler, rapporteure. - Madame la Présidente, je conclurai en quelques mots, puisque tout a été dit. Il est vrai qu'au départ, il y avait certaines réticences par rapport aux ONG ainsi qu'à la sécurité de ces volontaires, mais, dans ce rapport, vous pourrez constater que nous avons vraiment répondu à tous ces soucis, à toutes ces questions.

Je voudrais vraiment remercier tous les groupes politiques et les rapporteurs fictifs parce qu'il s'agit d'un travail en commun; je tiens aussi à remercier mes assistants ainsi que notre commissaire, Mme Georgieva, et ses assistants.

Cela a été un travail très agréable qui a duré longtemps et qui apporte un nouvel outil, une réelle valeur ajoutée, et, je tiens à le répéter, qui vient vraiment concrétiser cette citoyenneté européenne dont nous avons tant besoin.


  La Présidente. - Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu mardi, le 25[nbsp ]février[nbsp ]2014, à 12[nbsp ]heures.

Déclarations écrites (article 149)


  Sergio Berlato (PPE) , per iscritto. Nel corso degli anni, la quantità e l'entità delle crisi umanitarie nel mondo sono considerevolmente aumentate, provocando una domanda crescente di operatori umanitari per l'apporto di una risposta efficace. Preso atto di questa situazione, la Commissione europea ha adottato una proposta di regolamento sull'istituzione del "Corpo volontario europeo di aiuto umanitario", con il duplice fine di esprimere la solidarietà dell'Unione europea verso le popolazioni in stato di necessità e di migliorare la capacità di risposta dell'Unione alle crisi umanitarie. La solidarietà rappresenta un valore fondamentale all'interno di una società civile e il volontariato ne è espressione concreta e visibile.

Ritengo che l'Unione europea debba assicurare un aiuto umanitario adeguato di fronte all'aumento del numero e dell'ampiezza delle crisi umanitarie. Plaudo, pertanto, agli sforzi compiuti dalla Commissione che, con questa iniziativa, colma le attuali lacune del volontariato umanitario e contribuisce a sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica sul concetto di cittadinanza europea. Concordo con il relatore nel ritenere che, per far fronte agli obiettivi stabiliti nella proposta di regolamento, sarebbe opportuno creare, fin dall'avvio del programma, uno spazio di concertazione e di dialogo che riunisca i rappresentanti della Commissione, degli Stati membri e delle organizzazioni di invio e di accoglienza.


  Franck Proust (PPE). - La création du corps volontaire européen d'aide humanitaire est une initiative remarquable sur plusieurs plans. Premièrement elle permet à l'UE d'exporter ces valeurs en apportant directement son aide aux victimes de catastrophe humanitaire. D'abord en tentant de prévenir les risques de catastrophes humanitaires et ensuite en se rendant sur place pour aider les victimes. Deuxièmement, elle permet à de nombreux jeunes d'acquérir une expérience professionnelle dans le volontariat. Troisièmement, ce corps volontaire européen d'aide humanitaire va donner une visibilité positive à l'Union européenne trop souvent affublée de tous les maux. Je regrette cependant que le budget tel que proposé par la Commission européenne ait été réduit. Toutefois force est de constater les bienfaits de ce corps européens qui garantira une Europe plus forte, plus visible et plus humaine.

Právní upozornění - Ochrana soukromí