Der Präsident. - Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die kurze Darstellung des Berichts mit Empfehlungen an die Kommission von Antonyia Parvanova über Bekämpfung der Gewalt gegen Frauen (2013/2004(INL)) (A7-0075/2014).
Antonyia Parvanova, rapporteur. - Mr President, first I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs, the European Women’s Lobby, Victim Support Europe and European Added Value Assessment for their contributions to the report.
Violence against women is a severe violation of human rights in the form of gender-based discrimination. It is the root cause of gender inequality and it is an obstacle to women’s full participation in economic, social, political and cultural life. According to studies by European Added Value Assessment, around 20 to 25[nbsp ]% of women in Europe have experienced acts of physical violence at least once during their adult lives, and over 10[nbsp ]% have suffered sexual violence involving the use of force. As many as 45[nbsp ]% of women have endured some form of violence; 12 to 15[nbsp ]% of women in Europe are victims of domestic violence, and seven women die every day in the Union from it.
The economic cost of violence against women in the EU in 2011 is estimated at EUR 228 billion each year, including EUR 45 billion for services, EUR 24 billion in lost economic output and EUR 159 billion on pain and suffering. The cost of preventive measures is substantially less than the cost of violence.
There have been a number of calls by Parliament to the Commission to come forward with an EU-wide strategy including legislation to combat violence against women. Today in the EU there is neither a legislative act establishing measures to promote and support the action of Member States nor a comprehensive strategy to combat violence against women.
The outcomes and levels of protection of women and girls within the 28 EU Member States differ widely. There is no doubt that violence against women has a cross-border dimension and needs to be tackled at EU level. There is a need for minimum standards, common definition and action.
The report contains a resolution that lays the basis for a legislative annex. The annex proposes a regulation based on Article 84 of the Treaty that provides for the exchange of best practices, information and training of officials involved. The report proposes using the passerelle clause set out in Article 83(1) of the Treaty to add gender-based violence to the list of so-called ‘Euro crimes’ with a cross-border dimension.
The legislative initiative report (INI) also calls on the Commission to submit, by the end of 2014, a proposal for an act establishing measures to promote and support the action of Member States in the field of prevention of violence against women. It also insists on the need for a coherent system for collecting statistics on gender-based violence and asks the Commission to propose a new action plan on FGM addressing several issues like prevention and protection.
The annex urges the Member States which have not done so yet to ratify the Istanbul Convention on violence against women and the Commission to launch the procedure for the accession of the EU to the same instrument. It also proposes that the Commission take the first steps towards establishing a European Observatory on Violence Against Women, building on existing institutional structures such as the European Institute for Gender Equality. It also calls on the Commission to establish, in the next three years, a new Year to End Violence against Women with the aim of raising awareness among citizens.
The EU should therefore become the leading international actor in preventing gender-based violence, and we should ensure that a life free from violence becomes a reality for all women in the EU. I hope we will have the opportunity tomorrow to support this legislative INI with a majority and to call on the Commission for very, very strong commitment towards this report.
Roberta Angelilli (PPE). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, da anni si confermano sempre gli stessi drammatici dati: in Europa una donna su quattro ha subito atti di violenza almeno una volta nel corso della propria vita e oltre il 10% ha subito violenza sessuale. La lotta alla violenza contro le donne deve essere quindi, finalmente, una vera priorità in Europa. Il nostro obiettivo deve essere la tolleranza zero.
Chiediamo innanzitutto una direttiva, perché la violenza contro le donne è un crimine particolarmente grave e una direttiva è utile per stabilire norme severe, efficaci e dissuasive, valide in tutti e 28 gli Stati membri dell'Unione europea. Chiediamo poi un piano d'azione forte, per fare informazione e prevenzione in materia di lotta alla violenza contro le donne.
Biljana Borzan (S&D). - Gospodine predsjedavajući, osobno smatram nevjerojatnom činjenicu da u Europskoj uniji koja prednjači po zaštiti ljudskih prava u svijetu ne postoji strategija o borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama. Sramotno je da u zajednici u kojoj je skoro svaka četvrta žena pretrpjela fizičko nasilje barem jednom u svojoj odrasloj dobi, a svaka deseta spolno nasilje uz upotrebu sile, ne postoji jedinstven i djelotvoran sustav njihove zaštite. Trošak tog propusta ni ne može se izraziti u brojkama jer nema niti jasnih podataka niti metodologije na razini Europske unije.
Znamo da se oko 1,8[nbsp ]% BDP-a u Europskoj uniji godišnje izdvaja za administrativne, bolničke i druge troškove koji nastaju zbog nasilja nad ženama, no daleko je važnija činjenica da se psihičke i fizičke traume i boli ne mogu izmjeriti nikakvim brojkama. Drage kolegice i kolege, dužnost nam je zaštititi više od polovice stanovništva Europske unije koje predstavljamo te podsjetiti Komisiju da odradi ovu davno zakašnjelu zadaću.
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). - Señor Presidente, anualmente, cerca de 3[nbsp ]000 mujeres mueren al año en Europa a consecuencia de la violencia de género. La cifra es brutal, pero es solo una estimación. Muchos Estados miembros carecen de estadísticas porque la violencia de género es en ellos un asunto doméstico privado, y así es imposible combatir esta lacra.
Necesitamos un marco europeo que haga visible en toda Europa la dimensión de este problema, cuya plasmación en cifras y en limitación de derechos fundamentales debe movilizarnos ya. Necesitamos una estrategia europea integral centrada en la atención a las víctimas, la persecución coordinada de estos delitos y, especialmente, la prevención.
La violencia de género es la consecuencia más grave de la desigualdad, y erradicarla es una cuestión de educación y de valores. La casa de la libertad y los valores que construimos todos los días deben blindar, para empezar, la convivencia y el respeto en cada hogar europeo para cada una de las mujeres europeas.
Ruža Tomašić (ECR). - Gospodine predsjedniče, kao žena i bivša policijska službenica posebno sam zainteresirana za rješenje ovog problema te dajem otvorenu podršku borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama. Podržavam Rezoluciju u dijelu u kojem se zalaže za primjenu preventivnih mjera, prije svega podizanja svijesti. Smatram kako bi takve kampanje informativnog i obrazovnog karaktera trebale biti integrativnim dijelom obrazovnog sustava i općenito javnog prostora u Europskoj uniji.
No, s obzirom na to da sam za vrijeme svoje policijske karijere radila sa ženama žrtvama nasilja te da iz prve ruke znam koliko je težak put ka učinkovitosti u ovoj borbi, nisam sigurna da će nam gomilanje propisa i nadzornih tijela na razini Unije previše pomoći. Borba protiv nasilja nad ženama vodi se u svakoj ulici, na razini svake gradske četvrti ili sela, među ljudima, a ne u briselskim hodnicima. Ovu borbu moramo spustiti na što niže razine i djelovati u skladu s lokalnim specifičnostima, a na tom su polju kompetencije članica vidno iznad onih Europske unije.
Elena Băsescu (PPE). - În România, femeile reprezintă 83% din cazurile de abuz fizic în familie, iar la fiecare 30 de secunde, în țara mea, o femeie este victimă a violenței domestice. Violența împotriva femeii este o realitate cruntă, iar estimările arată că abuzurile sunt în creștere. Din neglijență și dezinteres, guvernul socialist din România amână nejustificat avizarea semnării și ratificării Convenției de la Istanbul. Comisia și statele membre trebuie să transmită un mesaj clar: nu există toleranță sau circumstanțe atenuante pentru violența împotriva femeilor. În altă ordine de idei, cred că, în foarte multe cazuri, derapajele comportamentale țin de educație. Așadar, aș vrea să nu pierdem din vedere un aspect important: copiii noștri, adulții de mâine, vor acționa pe baza a ceea ce au văzut și învățat în sânul familiei.
Маруся Любчева (S&D). - Европейският парламент периодично разглежда доклади, свързани с насилието над жени, но за съжаление проблемът все още няма адекватно решение. Насилието над жени се отразява върху положението им в обществото, свързано е със стереотипност в мисленето и поведението, води до неравнопоставеност. То причинява трайно физическо, сексуално и емоционално страдание и увреждане на жертвите и техните семейства. Извършителите, обаче, често остават ненаказани.
Жените, над които е упражнено насилие, се нуждаят не само от правна защита, а също така от специфична здравна и психологическа помощ, както и от насочено преодоляване на последиците от насилието. Насилието над жени за съжаление приема все по-неприемливи форми. Страшното е, че то засяга много млади момичета и жени и налага нуждата от мониторинг с оглед осигуряване на превенция.
Трябва да се осигури по-активно включване на Европейския институт за равенство на половете, необходимо е различна информация и образователни кампании, нуждаем се от сериозна европейска регулация.
(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)
Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. - Mr President, every day women and girls are humiliated, beaten, sexually abused, and killed only because they are women or girls, and that happens in our Member States and throughout the world. It not only affects the women who fall victim, but it is a huge burden on the whole of society. It is unacceptable. I would like to congratulate Ms Parvanova and thank her for her report, and to pay tribute to her strong and continuing commitment to ending violence against women and her call for the Commission to act with ambition.
We in the Commission have shown a dedication to making full use of the EU competences and supporting the Member States in preventing and combating all forms of violence against women within the EU, and also in our work with the rest of the world. I can vouch for that in my own field in humanitarian aid.
Together we have put in place a comprehensive legal framework at European level to protect women against all forms of violence. This framework includes the directive on trafficking in human beings, the directive against sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, the directive on the European Protection Order applicable in criminal matters, a regulation setting the European Protection Order covering civil matters, and last but not least, the directive on the rights of crime victims, stressing the need for specific and appropriate protection for victims of gender-based violence.
This strong legislative framework is in place. The Commission is now guiding and monitoring Member States in the effective implementation of this legal framework at national level. In this context, an additional EU legislative instrument, as suggested by Parliament, on preventive measures on violence against women, would require a careful analysis of how exactly it would fit into what we currently do in terms of the division of responsibilities between the Member States and the Commission.
Article 84 of the Lisbon Treaty contains clear restrictions on the EU harmonising national criminal law in the context of crime prevention. The possible added value of such an initiative would also need to be carefully assessed by the Commission, because we have already developed a range of preventive actions, such as awareness-raising activities, exchanges of good practice and project funding at grass-roots level: activities to prevent violence against women. But I agree with you, Ms Parvanova: we need to improve our knowledge and the collection of data on violence against women and translate this knowledge into action at EU level and in the Member States.
In the Commission we have participated very actively in the work of Eurostat, the Fundamental Rights Agency and the European Institute for Gender Equality, to improve EU data collection based on reliable national data. This requires very strong involvement and cooperation from the Member States.
You can also count on the Commission to use the new Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme to keep supporting awareness-raising activities and regular exchanges of good practices and to provide funding to governments, NGOs and the networks working in this field. As you know, the Commission has recently adopted a Communication on eliminating female genital mutilation and has committed itself to monitoring and taking stock of progress on an annual basis. 6[nbsp ]February has been defined as the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.
Regarding accession to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, we are examining the legal and policy implications of a possible EU accession in the area of the Convention where there might be EU competence. But more important is to keep calling on the Member States to sign and ratify the Convention. To date – almost four years after agreeing on this Convention – 20 Member States have signed it but only three have ratified it: Austria, Italy and Portugal.
So those of us who are not Austrian, Italian or Portuguese have to work hard with our national parliaments and governments and the media, asking why these Member States have not ratified the first international legally-binding instrument combating violence against women. What are they afraid of? Do the legal systems in our Member States work or not? If they work, then no Member State should be afraid of ratifying the Council of Europe Convention. I hope we will see progress very soon.
I want to conclude by saying that the Commission will make full use of EU competences to support the Member States in this respect. It is not about ideology: it is about the right of women to be protected against violence for the benefit of society as a whole.
Der Präsident. - Damit ist dieser Punkt abgeschlossen.
Die Abstimmung findet am Dienstag, 25.[nbsp ]Februar, um 12.00[nbsp ]Uhr statt.
Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)
Nessa Childers (NI), in writing. – Many girls and women still do not have equal opportunities to realise rights recognised by law. Gender equality is not only morally right, it is necessary to human progress and sustainable development. The EU must do more to prevent and combat violence against women. By empowering women we are also contributing to the realisation of other goals, such as improving maternal health, reducing hunger and ensuring universal education. I wholeheartedly support Ms Parvanova’s report and welcome the establishment of an EU year to end violence against women. I congratulate the rapporteur for her work on this report.
Edite Estrela (S&D) , por escrito. – A violência contra as mulheres representa uma grave violação dos direitos humanos. As estatísticas revelam que uma em cada cinco mulheres é vítima de violência doméstica e uma em cada dez é violada ou forçada a praticar atos sexuais. A violência perpetrada em casa ou por familiares afeta cerca de 55 % das vítimas. Os custos associados à violência doméstica são elevados. Estimativas recentes calculam que, na UE, o custo da violência de género contra as mulheres foi de 228 mil milhões de euros em 2011 (isto é, 1,8 % do PIB da UE). Os especialistas sublinham que o número de casos não registados é muito elevado, devido ao estigma social e à habitual indiferença em relação à violência sexual contra as mulheres. Os infratores raramente são julgados e quase nunca condenados. A Comissão deve apresentar uma proposta para promover e apoiar a ação dos Estados-Membros no domínio da prevenção da violência contra as mulheres. A violência contra as mulheres é um dos maiores obstáculos à concretização da igualdade e um atentado à democracia. É preciso eliminar estereótipos e mitos, alterar as representações de género e os valores que têm perpetuado a existência de relações desiguais no meio familiar, escolar e social. Estamos todos convocados para este combate contra a violência de género.
Romana Jordan (PPE), pisno. – Pri nasilju na podlagi spola gre za kršenje temeljnih človekovih pravic, žrtev pa je lahko izpostavljena tako fizičnemu kot psihičnemu nasilju. Tovrstnemu nasilju so v veliki meri izpostavljene ženske, torej večinsko prebivalstvo. Številke so zaskrbljujoče, saj je med 20[nbsp ]% in 25[nbsp ]% žensk v Evropi vsaj enkrat doživelo fizično nasilje, preko 10[nbsp ]% je bilo izpostavljenih spolnemu nasilju z uporabo sile. Zato podpiram poročilo poročevalke Parvanove. Na nekaterih mestih resnično zelo posega v subsidiarnost, a menim, da je ukrepanje z evropske ravni upravičeno. Do nasilja bi morali imeti ničelno stopnjo tolerance, ne glede na to, kje in komu se dogaja. Pozdravljam njene konkretne predloge, še posebej: pripravo strategije in akcijskega načrta za preprečevanje nasilja nad ženskami in dekleti, pripravo zakonodajnega predloga za preprečevanje nasilja nad ženskami in dekleti, opredelitev tega nasilja kot enega od področij kriminala, boljše osveščanje ljudi, zahtevo za uvedbo ukrepov s strani držav članic. Še zlasti pomembno je razviti in izvajati tiste ukrepe, ki nudijo pomoč žrtvam.