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Понеделник, 10 март 2014 г. - Страсбург

19. Градинарството (кратко представяне) (продължение)
Видеозапис на изказванията

  President. - Dear colleagues, we wish our colleague Ms Patrão Neves all the best for her health, and we hope that tomorrow she will take part in our debates and in the voting.

We now continue with the debate on the report by Anthea McIntyre on the future of Europe’s horticulture sector – strategies for growth (2013/2100(INI)) (A7-0048/2014).

Pytania z sali


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE). - Mr[nbsp ]President, thank you for your sensitivity in dealing with this terrible incident. We wish Maria well.

Briefly, I want to thank the rapporteur for this report and to concentrate on paragraphs[nbsp ]14 and 15 concerning producer organisations, because the feedback I get is that, while they are a good idea in theory, there are huge implementation problems in the Member States. This needs to be addressed, because we promised producers that these provisions would be the answer to all their problems, and that is not the case.

The second really important issue – and perhaps we could do with more debate on it – is the content of paragraph[nbsp ]16, which relates to unfair trading practices across the European Union. I fully support the proposal here that we need a legislative framework for a code of conduct for operators in the food supply chain, and a national adjudicator. I think the experience of the United Kingdom here is something which we all value, and which we should watch in terms of its effectiveness.


  Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE). - Herr Präsident! 2009 hat das Europäische Parlament, hat die Europäische Union die Pestizidverordnung beschlossen. Gefordert wurde darin, dass die Kommission Kriterien für endokrine Stoffe vorlegt. Das hat die Kommission leider auf die lange Bank geschoben. Als damalige Berichterstatterin des Europäischen Parlaments bin ich allerdings entsetzt, wie mit diesem Initiativbericht, der keinerlei Rechtsbindung hat, versucht wird, die Kriteriensetzung für diese endokrinen Stoffe in Abrede zu stellen.

Es kann doch nicht angehen, dass versucht wird, eine Verordnung, die demokratisch in transparenter Weise beschlossen worden ist, mit dieser Initiative, die eine einzige Werbebroschüre für die Pestizidindustrie ist, auszuhebeln. Damit schafft man keine Begeisterung für Europa, denn damit zeigt man, dass man sich vor den Karren spannen lässt, dass man Handlanger ist für die Pestizidindustrie und dass man leider die Verbraucherschutzinteressen und auch die Interessen der Umwelt mit Füßen tritt.

Ich finde sehr bedauerlich, dass es diesen Initiativbericht gibt, der überhaupt keine Rechtsgrundlage hat, und dass man versucht, damit quasi nur die Industrieinteressen voranzubringen. Das ist umso bedauerlicher, als das Europäische Parlament gerade jetzt, wo die Europawahl vor der Tür steht, damit das falsche Zeichen setzt. Es muss uns darum gehen, Verbraucherschutz und Umweltschutz voranzubringen. Daher hoffe ich, dass dieser Initiativbericht abgelehnt wird!


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). - Gospodine predsjedniče, zanimljivo je ovo izvješće. Važna je promocija hortikulture, ali isto tako sigurna opskrba hranom. Ovdje su zanimljive brojke i disparitet između 18 % ukupne vrijednosti poljoprivredne proizvodnje, a istovremeno koristi se samo 3 % obradive površine.

Ja bih željela reći podatke iz Hrvatske, gdje poljoprivredni sektor nedovoljno iskorištava raspoložive resurse i potencijale. Puno je malih i rascjepkanih zemljišta na kojima je konkurentna proizvodnja gotovo nemoguća.

Mnogi drugi faktori su tamo koji ograničavaju učinkovitost proizvodnje. U prilog ionako već lošem stanju u hortikulturi izražavam duboku zabrinutost zbog toga što se između jedne trećine i jedne polovine proizvoda baca samo zbog svog izgleda i zato se slažem s time da Komisija treba pronaći rješenje kako oblikovati tržišna pravila da bi i ovi neki proizvodi mogli biti konkurentni.

Isto tako želim uputiti mlade da se uključe u ovaj sektor poljoprivrede, odnosno hortikulture.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - Mr President, I too would like to wish Maria well. Thank you for the way you handled the situation.

This is a very important topic, and unfortunately it could be described as the forgotten aspect of the agricultural industry. In terms of land, it is only 3[nbsp ]% of land usage, but it nonetheless accounts for 18[nbsp ]% of produce. Furthermore, 70[nbsp ]% of the holders have less than five hectares. But where would we all be without fresh fruit and vegetables? The more local they are, the better. For that reason, we should be encouraging this sector as much as possible and dealing particularly with the issues that affect them greatly. My colleague Ms McGuinness referred to the supply chain and unfair trading practices. That is one area.

Secondly, there is the area of workers, and particularly of ensuring that people have a career choice in this area, particularly by having third-level courses aimed at it and addressing its needs. Finally, there is research and development; we need to put far more resources into it to make it a better area to work in and also to have better practices which can be more profitable for the producers.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE). - Ogrodnictwo to ważny sektor gospodarki – rolnictwa – sektor, który zapewnia nie tylko produkty żywnościowe ważne dla właściwego żywienia, a przez to i[nbsp ]dla zdrowia naszych obywateli, ale także zapewnia producentom istotne dochody w[nbsp ]ramach wewnętrznej sprzedaży, krajowej, unijnej, a[nbsp ]także eksportu. To dodatkowe miejsca pracy, bo ten sektor – produkcja rolnicza – wymaga dużych nakładów pracy. Wreszcie ogrodnictwo to także produkcja roślin na potrzeby kształtowania terenów zieleni, a więc ten sektor jest wyjątkowy szeroki, jeśli chodzi o[nbsp ]możliwości.

Co należy czynić dla jego rozwoju? Kreować potrzebę wzrostu spożycia – to zwiększa popyt, a[nbsp ]więc daje dodatkowe dochody i jest także istotne dla zdrowia konsumentów; preferować bardziej ekologiczne metody produkcji, a[nbsp ]więc przy mniejszym zużyciu środków chemicznych.

Wreszcie ogrodnictwo to produkcja charakterystyczna dla małych gospodarstw, a[nbsp ]więc daje dodatkowe zatrudnienie. Myślę, że także warto stawiać na nowoczesne formy produkcji, bardziej oparte na doświadczeniach i badaniach naukowych.


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). - Mr[nbsp ]President, I have been with Ms[nbsp ]Patrão Neves and she is much better. There is a team there, a doctor is already there, and she is getting better by the minute. I hope there will be no serious findings later on. Concerning my speech, I think I made a mistake: I wanted to speak on the report by Véronique De[nbsp ]Keyser, which may be the next one.


(Koniec pytań z sali)


  Tonio Borg, Member of the Commission. - Mr[nbsp ]President, the Commission firmly believes that improvement of the negotiating position for small farmers requires an increased degree of organisation in the sector. Fortunately, the available data show a steady increase in organisation, albeit at differing degrees in different Member States. The reformed Common Market Organisation regulation confirms and improves the provisions on producer organisations and associations in the fruit and vegetable sector.

Following the CAP reform, the Commission has started drafting the requisite delegated and implementing acts, and the input of Parliament and the Member States will be taken into account. These discussions will take place in the current year. The same will happen in relation to marketing standards, with further simplification where possible.

The Commission will present a report on producer organisations, operational funds and operational programmes in the fruit and vegetable sectors in the first quarter of this year. The conclusions of that report will be taken into account in the ongoing discussion on delegated and implementing acts. The Commission has noted the call to create two different approval processes for cisgenic and transgenic plants. The Commission has undertaken an analysis to clarify the legal status of the new breeding techniques under the current GMO legislation.

The Commission proposal for a regulation on plant reproductive material includes a number of provisions, such as fee exemptions and support for microenterprises, which are particularly relevant in the fruit and ornamentals sector. In addition, the proposal facilitates access to the market for traditional varieties and allows the marketing of heterogeneous material which contributes to genetic diversity within crop species.

Concerning organisms harmful to plants and plant products, the Commission emphasises that the current EU legislation already ensures that import requirements for third countries closely mirror the requirements for intra-EU trade.

The report also mentions the approval system for pesticides. Here the Commission acknowledges that we have one of the strictest procedures in the world. The overriding purpose is to ensure a high level of protection of human and animal health and the environment. The Commission recognises that this may have an effect on the availability of plant protection products for EU farmers, and thus possibly on competitiveness. To address this problem, the Commission has just adopted a report on the establishment of a fund for minor users, which will in particular benefit the fruit and vegetable sectors. Furthermore, the Commission, with Member States, will support a research coordination network – ERA-NET – on integrated pest management, with specific reference to minor users. This will contribute to the further development of integrated pest management, including non-chemical alternatives.

The report also addresses food waste. This issue is gathering a lot of political support – and rightly so – as people are shocked to learn that we waste 30-50[nbsp ]% of the food we produce. This means we are wasting land, nitrates, water and energy and many other key resources used in food production. The Commission will present a communication on sustainable food by this summer. The communication will set out a number of areas for action, with food waste as a central theme. We are also looking at how we can support Member States in developing strategies to prevent food waste. A few examples of action are: offering clearer technical definitions of food waste, establishing an agreed methodology for collecting food-waste data, and setting targets for food-waste prevention as part of the revision of the Waste Framework Directive.

Another avenue of action is the establishment of a working group with stakeholders to establish the best possible support measures at EU level. One of the issues concerns the possible role of short food-supply chains in mitigating the loss and waste of fruit and vegetables. EU food hygiene legislation also includes derogations for small farms and short food-supply chains. This facilitates direct consumer access to agricultural produce whilst ensuring consumer safety.


  Przewodniczący. - Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się we wtorek 11 marca 2014 r. godz. 12.00.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 149)


  Robert Dušek (S&D), písemně. – Zpráva o budoucnosti evropského pěstitelství je strategickým dokumentem a je jednou z prvních, která se věnuje pěstitelství ovoce a zeleniny. Pěstitelství ovoce a zeleniny představuje 18 % celkové hodnoty zemědělské produkce v EU a využívá přitom pouze 3 % obdělávané půdy. Spotřeba ovoce a zeleniny v Evropě nadále stoupá a konečně se stává světovým trendem se zdravě stravovat. Je ovšem nezbytné, aby ovoce a zelenina byly nejen čerstvé, ale zejména také biologicky hodnotné bez zbytečného zatížení pesticidy a dalšími chemickými postřiky. Celosvětovým trendem bohužel také je na obchodu s ovocem a zeleninou co nejvíce vydělávat a využívat moderní chemické prostředky pro co nejdelší konzervaci ve stejném stavu. Vyzývám zde proto k masivní podpoře biologického pěstování ovoce a zeleniny nejen v EU, ale i v jednotlivých členských státech. Předložená zpráva vyjmenovává výzvy, kterým bude v nejbližších letech pěstitelství čelit, a možná řešení. Pěstitelství ovoce a zeleniny má vliv na zaměstnanost v regionech a nabízí mnoho pracovních příležitostí pro méně kvalifikované mladé lidi, ženy i občany v pokročilejším věku. Je nezbytné pěstitelství biologicky nezávadného ovoce a zeleniny v Evropě plně podporovat. EU by měla být ze strategických důvodů v tomto odvětví soběstačná.


  Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. A horticultura é um dos setores agrícolas que exige mais atenção pela sua diversidade, natureza perecível dos seus produtos, estando mais sujeita a abusos da grande distribuição, mais vulnerável às intempéries, com menor proteção das seguradoras, com maior impacto numa alimentação saudável em todas as idades, etc. Por isso, este relatório é tão importante, sobretudo quando a horticultura ocupa apenas 3 % da superfície cultivada e representa 18 % do total da produção agrícola europeia, e quando o número de produtores diminui a par do seu rendimento cada vez mais reduzido também. Do muito que há a fazer para proteger e dinamizar a horticultura, é urgente reforçar as organizações de produtores (OP), investir na formação técnica para jovens e na inovação associada à produção e transformação para um mercado competitivo; é urgente estimular os circuitos curtos de abastecimento, os mercados locais e o consumo, com os produtores a escoarem os seus produtos diretamente com melhor remuneração, e ainda a preço mais reduzido e com maior qualidade para os consumidores.

Правна информация - Политика за поверителност