Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. - Madam President, the Commission has followed the debate very closely and takes due note of all the comments that have been made. However, I would like to reiterate the Commission’s position of not withdrawing the proposal and to highlight two points. First: that the marketing rules for traditional varieties are made considerably lighter. Registration will be possible without any previous testing, while quantitative and area restrictions for marketing are abolished. The proposal allows for more responsibility to be taken by operators in the form of testing and certification under official supervision. Moreover, the specific needs of organic production are taken into account in respect of variety testing and through the new approach to heterogeneous materials.
Let me reiterate that the Commission takes the opinions and concerns expressed by the Members of the European Parliament yesterday evening very seriously and wants to discuss with you how to improve the present proposal.
Paolo De Castro, presidente della commissione AGRI. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, nonostante il dibattito ieri in quest'Aula abbia in maniera chiara e univoca chiesto alla Commissione di ritirare la proposta, constatiamo che il Commissario insiste nel non considerare la volontà del Parlamento.
E per questo, che a norma dell'articolo 56 del regolamento e con il supporto della maggioranza della commissione per l'agricoltura e del suo relatore, chiedo a quest'Aula di votare sul progetto di risoluzione legislativa per confermare la nostra volontà di rigettare questa proposta e concludere così la prima lettura.
(La richiesta di votazione sul progetto di risoluzione legislativa è approvata)
– Dopo la votazione
Kriton Arsenis (S&D). - Madam President, given the massive, almost unanimous rejection of the proposal, I would like to call for the resignation of Commissioner Borg.