 Cjeloviti tekst 
Postupak : 2013/2147(INI)
Faze dokumenta na plenarnoj sjednici
Odabrani dokument : A7-0125/2014

Podneseni tekstovi :


Rasprave :

PV 10/03/2014 - 21
CRE 10/03/2014 - 21

Glasovanja :

PV 11/03/2014 - 9.29
CRE 11/03/2014 - 9.29
Objašnjenja glasovanja

Doneseni tekstovi :


Doslovno izvješće
Utorak, 11. ožujka 2014. - Strasbourg Revidirano izdanje

9.29. Saudijska Arabija (A7-0125/2014 - Ana Gomes) (glasovanje)

Prima della votazione sul paragrafo 22


  Ana Gomes, rapporteur. - (inaudible as microphone turned off) … groups and it reads: ‘Expresses its grave consternation that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the countries in the world that still practices public executions, amputations and flogging. Calls on the KSA authorities to pass legislation outlawing these practices, which constitute a gross violation of a number of international human rights’ instruments to which the KSA is a party’.


(L'emendamento orale è accolto)

– Prima della votazione sul paragrafo 42


  Ana Gomes, rapporteur. - Madam President, again, another amendment that has been agreed and reads as follows: ‘Is concerned that some of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s citizens’ and organisations’ financial and political support for some religious and political groups, notably in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and in particular in South Asia (namely Pakistan and Afghanistan, Chechnya and Dagestan), may result in reinforcing fundamentalist and obscurantist forces that undermine efforts to nurture democratic governance and oppose the participation of women in public life.’


(L'emendamento orale è accolto)

Prima della votazione sul considerando S


  Ana Gomes, rapporteur. - It has also been agreed. It reads, ‘Whereas the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia needs to ensure the real freedom of religion, particularly regarding public practice and religious minorities, in line with an important role that KSA plays as custodian of the two Holy Mosques of Islam in Mecca and Medina’.


(L'emendamento orale è accolto)


  Presidente. - Con questo si conclude il turno di votazioni.

Pravna obavijest - Politika zaštite privatnosti