11. O papel dos direitos à propriedade, dos direitos de propriedade e da criação de riqueza na questão da erradicação da pobreza e da promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável nos países em desenvolvimento (breve apresentação)
Πρόεδρος. - Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η σύντομη παρουσίαση της έκθεσης του Nirj Deva σχετικά με τον ρόλο της ιδιοκτησίας και της παραγωγής πλούτου για την εξάλειψη της φτώχειας και την προώθηση της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης [2013/2026(ΙΝΙ)] (Α7-0118/2014).
Nirj Deva, rapporteur. - Madam President, we are discussing a very important report this morning, and I would like to start by briefly sharing with you a story. Imagine a completely underdeveloped nation with nothing in it, peopled by millions of uneducated refugees with no assets, money or available donor funds, without bank accounts, law courts, hospitals or schools – absolutely nothing. A nation peopled by people who are poorly educated. And within a span of 120[nbsp ]years, that nation becomes and transforms itself into the richest, most technologically-advanced country in the world. How did a country without World Bank, IMF or EU aid turn itself from an empty land into the richest country in the world? That is the story of development, and we have forgotten it.
How did they do it? They understood how to form capital. The legal property system transformed natural assets – land, houses, small businesses – into capital. The asset potential can be unlocked, forming investments, shareholdings, equity, debentures, mortgages, insurance. This understanding made what we now call the United States of America the richest country in the world. But around the world where we try and help poor developing countries, when we examine their structures, they do not have any of these capabilities that can turn assets into securitisable capital, and when we look at the millions and millions of businesses that are lining the streets of developing countries as we go from the airport to the capital city, or hundreds of thousands of slums, all those are unregistered, non-legal and not transferable, not asset-realisable, and I am very glad that the European Commissioner for Budgets is sitting here listening to this, because he will understand this more than anybody in the Commission. Today 1.2 billion people occupy property which they do not hold formal rights to, or live without permanent homes. Some 90[nbsp ]% of the land in Africa alone is unregistered.
The total value of the extra-legal unregistered wealth in developing countries amounts to over USD[nbsp ]10 trillion: 93 times larger than the total of all the foreign aid to developing countries that we have given over the past 30[nbsp ]years. This amount is larger than the capital of the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and there it is, lying unregistered and unusable – over USD[nbsp ]10 trillion.
What I am asking now is for us to be able to prepare a way of turning those unregistered assets into registerable assets so that those people themselves can realise the potential of the value of the land and the businesses that they have. In order to do that, we have to assist in a very small way in helping them to register land, to get surveyors and people with legal qualifications to understand how to demark, distribute, value and register the land, and how to register businesses. For example, it takes more than 300[nbsp ]days to register a business in Peru. It takes over 180[nbsp ]days to open a bank account in Burkina Faso. These are the impediments that have been created in turning assets into wealth. The developing countries, particularly the countries of Africa, are sitting on enormous wealth, and yet it is unrecognisable and untappable. This report addresses that problem and asks us to change it so that these people will have poverty eliminated by the creation of wealth.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8).)
Paul Rübig (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Ich möchte mich zuerst beim Kollegen Deva bedanken, weil gerade die Entwicklungspolitik für uns von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Kommissar Piebalgs hat das immer auf einen guten Punkt gebracht: Gerade in den ärmsten der armen Gebiete brauchen wir Energieversorgung. Deshalb ist es wichtig, sich Gedanken zu machen, wie man zum Beispiel Fotovoltaik-Einheiten, Windkraftanlagen in jene Gebiete am Äquator bringt, wo zwölf Stunden Nacht und zwölf Stunden Tag ist. Sehen Sie eine Chance, dass wir mit den europäischen Mitteln vor allem die Energie zur Verfügung stellen, um Smartphones, um Laptops, um Computer zu betreiben, um etwas Licht in der Nacht zu haben, um arbeiten zu können. Glauben Sie, dass das eine Möglichkeit ist, dass Europa hier stärker tätig werden sollte?
Nirj Deva (ECR), blue-card answer. – I want to thank my colleague for asking that question, which is indeed a very good question. Yes indeed, the sun shines brightest in the poorest parts of the world, and yet they are not harnessing that energy that comes from the sun. Water flows most rapidly downstream of rivers, and mini-hydros could be used to generate electricity. However, nothing of that kind is happening.
It is so obvious that there are certain lacunae in the way we are thinking. What we have to do is to create a climate where a village could buy and set up a small mini-hydro. It needs to be registered as a company. The villagers would own it and then generate electricity that they could sell among themselves and to the next village. It is simple. This would have happened in Belgium, France and the United States, but it does not happen in Africa. Why? Because they do not have the infrastructure.
Διαδικασία "catch the eye"
Zbigniew Zaleski (PPE). - Madam President, I was glad to have the opportunity to collaborate with Mr[nbsp ]Deva on development. Now I will continue in Polish.
Mam takie wrażenie, że Unia ma kompleks na polu technologicznym, nawet odczuwa lęk przed Chinami, że mogą nas wyprzedzić w badaniach naukowych. Dlatego też w badaniach naukowych dominuje energia i technologia i świadczą o tym sprawozdania tej izby. Numerem pierwszym naszej troski jest właśnie energia, ale za mało troski i funduszy poświęcamy na badania naukowe w obszarze społecznym. Krótko mówiąc chodzi o jakość życia i zdrowia zarówno w Unii jak i w krajach rozwijających się. Chodzi o kluczowe słowa: sociological well-being. Proponuję więcej pieniędzy na ten cel. Po rozmowie z dyrektorem generalnym Robertem-Janem Smitsem odniosłem wrażenie, że będzie on popierał takie projekty. Zatem rok 2015 i kolejne lata powinny być temu poświęcone. W przeciwnym razie wrośnie liczba prób samobójczych i nieszczęśliwych ludzi.
(Τέλος διαδικασίας "catch the eye")
Janusz Lewandowski, Member of the Commission. - Madam President, I would like to thank Mr Deva for his report on the role of property rights, property ownership and wealth creation in reducing poverty and fostering development. He has told us his story. I can tell you my story. I was, at the beginning of the transition to the post-communist world, responsible for restoring property rights. This is not only about restoring the rule of law, but also about the perception of and respect for property rights. This was essential for the development of what was previously a communist part of the world. So I fully agree that this is a very timely report, but it is essential in overcoming the difficulties of the developing world.
This is why, as early as 2004, the European Union developed land policy guidelines to support the drafting of land policies. We are supporting all the major actors on the world arena, such as the FAO, the African Land Policy Initiative (LPI) and the International Land Coalition. We have also launched the land governance programme for Sub-Saharan Africa, covering ten countries and supporting the continental process led by the African Union. This also concerns the 2013 G8 Land Transparency Initiative, but this is all well known to you.
From the budgetary point of view, our guidelines should now be backed up with some development aid over the period from 2014 to 2020. This is on the basis of the National Indicative Programmes proposed by the delegations in more than 50 countries. This should fulfil our commitment to the Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative (AGIR) in the Sahel (EUR[nbsp ]1.5 billion) and to nutrition (EUR[nbsp ]3.5 billion). This increased focus gives further sense to the attention we attach to development.
Once again – also given my personal experience – I congratulate you on this timely report, which focuses on what is really essential to reduce poverty and foster sustainable development in the so-called developing part of the world. We are happy to share with you the organisation of the conference on property rights and land tenure of 9[nbsp ]April[nbsp ]2014.
Πρόεδρος. - Η συζήτηση έληξε. Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί την Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2014.