 Cjeloviti tekst 
Postupak : 2013/0221(COD)
Faze dokumenta na plenarnoj sjednici
Odabrani dokument : A7-0008/2014

Podneseni tekstovi :


Rasprave :

Glasovanja :

PV 15/04/2014 - 17.12
CRE 15/04/2014 - 17.12
Objašnjenja glasovanja

Doneseni tekstovi :


Doslovno izvješće
Utorak, 15. travnja 2014. - Strasbourg Revidirano izdanje

17.12. Tlačna oprema (A7-0008/2014 - Zuzana Roithová) (glasovanje)

Before the vote:


  Zuzana Roithová, zpravodajka. - Vážený pane předsedající, přijímáme poslední z deseti technických směrnic harmonizačního balíčku, který umožní uvádět bezpečnější výrobky na evropský trh v novém, zjednodušeném a konzistentním právním prostředí.

Dohoda s Radou i Komisí byla konstruktivní, ale komplikace po dva roky jednání přinášely komitologické otázky. Vše jsme nakonec ve prospěch pravomocí Parlamentu dojednali. Ale v jednom bodě jsme přistoupili na kompromis s Radou a k němu Parlament vydává zvláštní prohlášení, které nebudu z časových důvodů číst, ale bude zveřejněno v Úředním věstníku. Jde o postavení Parlamentu v expertních výborech Evropské komise.

Vážení kolegové, v posledním období se dojednala řada zlepšení fungování orgánů v rámci meziinstitucionální dohody. Ale zbývají stále sporné body. Proto na vás apeluji, abyste v dalším legislativním období tyto věci poctivě dořešili.


– After the vote:


  Statement by the Commission Commission statement on recital 55 which reads as follows: When matters relating to this Directive, other than its implementation or infringements, are being examined, i.e. in a Commission expert group, the European Parliament should in line with existing practice receive full information and documentation and, where appropriate, an invitation to attend such meetings.

Commission Statement:

‘With regard to recital 55 and the possibility of the European Parliament to be invited to meetings of expert groups, the Commission will implement this recital in accordance with its practice in the implementation of point 15 of the Framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission. Meetings of the comitology committee are explicitly excluded under this arrangement. Concerning the reference to infringements in the same recital, the Commission considers this misleading as infringements proceeding are discussed with Member States in the context of the procedures set out under Article 258 TFEU.’

Commission statement on the provision and corresponding recital which reads as follows: Relevant part of Article 44(5) on committee procedure:

The committee shall be consulted by the Commission on any matter for which consultation of sectoral experts is required by Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 or by any other Union legislation.

The committee may furthermore examine any other matter concerning the application of this Directive raised either by its chair or by a representative of a Member State in accordance with its rules of procedure.

Corresponding recital 54: In line with established practice, the committee set up by this Directive can play a useful role in examining matters concerning the application of this Directive raised either by its chair or by a representative of a Member State in accordance with its rules of procedure.

Commission Statement:

‘The Commission regrets the adoption of Article 44, paragraph 5, and recital 54 that have the potential to create confusion and legal uncertainty. The role of the committees which ensure control by Member States on the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers is defined only by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011, adopted on the basis of Article 291, third paragraph, TFEU. Therefore, no other secondary legislative act can alter or would need to specify further this role. In particular, the rules of procedure of committees are adopted by the committees on the basis of Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. As such they are to be applied when the committee exercises its role defined by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. Any reference to rules of procedure outside this context is superfluous and inappropriate. It also risks complicating the functioning of the committee.’

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