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Postup : 2011/0398(COD)
Postup v rámci schôdze
Postup dokumentu : A7-0274/2014

Predkladané texty :


Rozpravy :

PV 14/04/2014 - 18
CRE 14/04/2014 - 18

Hlasovanie :

PV 16/04/2014 - 7.16
Vysvetlenie hlasovaní

Prijaté texty :


Doslovný zápis z rozpráv
Streda, 16. apríla 2014 - Štrasburg

8.33. Zavedenie prevádzkových obmedzení súvisiacich s hlukom na letiskách Európskej únie (A7-0274/2014 - Jörg Leichtfried)
Videozáznamy z vystúpení

Ustne wyjaśnienia dotyczące głosowania


  Charles Tannock (ECR). - Mr President, as an MEP representing London, this is a subject very dear to the hearts of millions of my constituents. London is home to the world’s busiest airport, Heathrow. Huge numbers of people live under its very active flight paths and are disrupted by noise on a daily basis. This report introduced operating restrictions in accordance with the ICAO balanced approach, to help limit the number of people affected by the harmful effects of aircraft noise.

Whilst I did have some concerns about the initial proposals, which would have had a negative impact on some of our regional airports and local businesses to the detriment of local employment, the report in its current form has come up with a balanced and suitable compromise. Furthermore, the provision allowing for representatives of affected residents is a positive move in recognising their needs, as well as involving them in the process on a consultative basis. This aspect, I believe, has the potential to be used as a means of executing more constructive dialogue between airports and local residents, something which my London constituents will be very pleased about.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). - Gospodine predsjedniče, ovu sam preporuku za drugo čitanje podržala, a radi se o utvrđivanju pravila i postupaka u vezi s određivanjem operativnih ograničenja povezanih s bukom u zračnim lukama u Uniji. Ovom odredbom se harmonizira, razjašnjuje i jača zajednička pravila o donošenju odluka, uvođenju operativnih ograničenja povezanih s bukom u zračnim lukama u Uniji.

Pravila pokrivaju upravljanje bukom i kreirana su kako bi identificirali troškovno najisplativiji pristup u ograničenjima buke u zračnim lukama. Treba napomenuti da se radi o aerodromima koji imaju više od 50 000 civilnog zračnog prometa godišnje.

Svaka lokalna vlast zadržat će svoje pravo i odlučiti o mjerama koje će usvojiti, poput one o zabrani noćnih letova. Smatram da je potrebna i doza fleksibilnosti kako bi se osiguralo da legislativa bude u skladu s tehnološkim razvojem.


Pisemne wyjaśnienia dotyczące głosowania


  Claudette Abela Baldacchino (S&D), in writing. - This regulation deals with noise related measures at airports, and in particular aviation noise.


  Luís Paulo Alves (S&D), por escrito. - Aprovo o presente Relatório, pois considero que o regulamento harmoniza, clarifica e reforça as regras comuns relacionadas com o ruído sobre restrições de operação nos aeroportos da União Europeia, tais como a proibição de voos nocturnos. As regras, que são baseadas em princípios acordados pela Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional e conhecido como abordagem equilibrada e abrangem a avaliação e gestão do ruído das aeronaves, sendo projectados para identificar a forma que corresponda a um custo eficiente para combater o ruído oriundo de aeronaves em cada aeroporto. Note-se no entanto que, o regulamento aplica-se apenas aos aeroportos com um tráfego aéreo superior a 50 000 aeronaves civis por ano e não estabelece limites de ruído específicos, sendo que essas limitações permanecem dentro da competência das autoridades nacionais ou locais. Saúdo ainda a iniciativa do Parlamento Europeu, segundo a qual as autoridades locais conservam as suas competências para decidir sobre medidas relacionadas com o ruído nos aeroportos, como a proibição de voos noturnos.


  Sophie Auconie (PPE), par écrit. – J'ai voté en faveur de ce texte car il vise à mettre à jour les mesures existantes afin de permettre aux autorités locales d'améliorer la gestion et le contrôle du bruit autour des aéroports de l'Union européenne.


  Biljana Borzan (S&D), napisan. - Ova uredba usklađuje, razjašnjava i jača zajednička pravila o tome kako se donose odluke vezane uz operativna ograničenja radi buke u zračnim lukama Europske unije, kao što su zabrane noćnih letova.

Pravila koja se temelje na načelima dogovorenima od strane Međunarodne organizacije civilnog zrakoplovstva (ICAO) i poznatija kao „uravnotežen pristup”, pokrivaju procjenu i upravljanje buke proizašle od zrakoplova i namijenjena su za utvrđivanje najučinkovitijeg načina stišavanja zrakoplovne buke na svakom pojedinom aerodromu.

Uredba se odnosi samo na veće zračne luke, s više od 50 000 polijetanja i slijetanja civilnih zrakoplova godišnje. Lokalne vlasti će zadržati svoje nadležnosti za odlučivanje o razini buke i mjerama koje će se donijeti, što uključuje i zabrane noćnih letova.


  Emer Costello (S&D), in writing. - I believe a good compromise was reached by Parliament and the Council on limiting aircraft and airport noise. The new regulation will strengthen the protection of citizens living near large airports such as Dublin Airport. National or local authorities as appropriate, and they alone, will decide on whether or not traffic restrictions need to be imposed in order to protect residents living locally, particularly during the night. In taking these decisions they must take account of health and social aspects and follow the ‘balanced approach’ established by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). This new regulation will enter into force by 2016, although a one-year transition period will allow the adoption of an operating restriction in accordance with the previous directive on airport noise, provided the prior consultation process was ongoing when the new regulation entered into force. How this derogation will apply in practice needs to be clarified for the benefit of residents living near large airports.


  Rachida Dati (PPE), par écrit. – Par ce texte, nous avons souhaité introduire des restrictions d'exploitation liées au bruit dans les aéroports de l'Union européenne. Il était toutefois important d'adopter une approche équilibrée pour mettre en place ces mesures. Adopter les mesures d'atténuation du bruit présentant le meilleur rapport coût-efficacité me semble ainsi tout à fait cohérent. Ce texte présente une réponse adéquate aux nuisances sonores dans les aéroports, tout en respectant les compétences des autorités nationales ou locales.


  Rosa Estaràs Ferragut (PPE), por escrito. - La propuesta pretende actualizar las medidas existentes para permitir a las autoridades locales mejorar el nivel de ruido de los aeropuertos de la Unión Europea dentro del marco internacional establecido por enfoque ya aportado por la Organización Internacional de Aviación Civil. El informe aporta medidas como la reducción del ruido de los aviones en la fuente, la planificación del uso del suelo y medidas de gestión, proceder mediante los procedimientos operacionales de atenuación del ruido y un mayor uso de las restricciones de funcionamiento.


  Jill Evans (Verts/ALE), in writing. - I was not in favour of this report as the proposal as it stands will not improve the situation of residents living near airports. I still fear that night bans can be avoided by the Commission in favour of the interests of the air industry. It is vital that a proper regulation is put into place to minimise noise disturbance from planes for all constituents, including in Wales.


  Mathieu Grosch (PPE), schriftlich. - Ich begrüße diese neuen Regelungen, da sie eine verstärkte Einbeziehung von lokalen Behörden und Anwohnern bei diesbezüglichen Entscheidungen fordern und damit der Entscheidungsprozess offener und transparenter wird und somit wiederum die Akzeptanz von Maßnahmen erhöht wird.

Auf EU-Ebene haben wir für lärmbedingte Entscheidungen einen ausgewogenen Ansatz mit objektiven und messbaren Kriterien als Entscheidungshilfe vorgeschlagen. Gleichzeitig konnte das EU-Parlament durchsetzen, dass die endgültige Entscheidung bei Fluglärmminderungsmaßnahmen ausschließlich von den lokalen Behörden und auf der Grundlage ihrer nationalen und gegebenenfalls regionalen Gesetzgebungen und Abkommen über Lärm getroffen wird. Die EU-Kommission kann somit nicht, wie ursprünglich von ihr vorgeschlagen, die Maßnahmen in Frage stellen. Sie kann lediglich das Verfahren überprüfen, aber nicht den Inhalt der Entscheidung. Damit konnte das Prinzip der Subsidiarität gewahrt bleiben und ein Eingriff der EU-Kommission verhindert werden.

Besonders vorbildlich wurden die lärmbedingten Maßnahmen am Flughafen Bierset durchgeführt, da dort in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Bewohnern des Umlands eine hervorragende lärmreduzierende Infrastruktur erstellt wurde. Diese hat einen wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und umweltbezogenen Mehrwert für die gesamte Region, und deshalb wurde der Flughafen Bierset in der Debatte stets, unter anderem auch von der Europäischen Kommission, als Vorzeigebeispiel erwähnt.


  David Martin (S&D), in writing. - It is the Environmental Noise Directive that helps Member States coordinate maximum noise levels for those living near airports. I voted in favour of these proposals, as they reiterate the need for regular noise assessments and reviews on how to implement noise reduction procedures. The EU listened to those living near airports and took many of their concerns into account and this resulted in the strong proposals today.


  Jean-Luc Mélenchon (GUE/NGL), par écrit. – Alors que le Parlement avait introduit des modifications salutaires au texte de la Commission, le Conseil a décidé de revenir dessus. Ainsi, la prise en compte des conditions de travail dans les aéroports, la santé et la sécurité des riverains, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et les effets directs et indirects sur l’emploi sont désormais exclus des éléments à prendre en compte de manière prioritaire dans le "rapport coût-efficacité des restrictions d'exploitation envisagées en matière de nuisances sonores".

Loin de dénoncer cette reculade, le rapport Leichtfried l’accepte et l’entérine en deuxième lecture. Je ne considère pas, pour ma part, que la santé, la sécurité, l’emploi et l’écologie soient des éléments à prendre en compte de manière secondaire, mais de manière prioritaire. Je vote donc contre ce rapport.


  Roberta Metsola (PPE), in writing. - I voted in favour of this recommendation as it ensures that measures on the right of review, health considerations, noise performance information, information to citizens, the phasing-out of noisier aircraft and the setting of specific noise thresholds are adopted for the benefit of EU citizens.


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D), in writing. - I voted in favour of this report. Noise restrictions at European Union airports is essential for a good quality of life.


  Rolandas Paksas (EFD), raštu. - Balsavau už šią rekomendaciją.

ES turėtų galioti aiškios, imperatyvios taisyklės, reglamentuojančios su triukšmu susijusių naudojimo apribojimų taikymą Sąjungos oro uostuose.

Visų pirma, siekiant nustatyti ekonomiškai efektyviausią orlaivių skleidžiamo triukšmo problemos sprendimo būdą, taisyklės turėtų būti įgyvendinamos remiantis darniuoju metodu. Atliekant orlaivių skleidžiamo triukšmo vertinimą ir valdymą, būtina užtikrinti priimamų sprendimų skaidrumą.

Be to, triukšmo apribojimai turi būti proporcingi nustatytai triukšmo problemai ir pritaikyti prie dabartinių aviacijos sistemos reikalavimų.

Manau, kad yra tikslinga vietos valdžios institucijoms palikti teisę pačioms spręsti dėl su triukšmu susijusių priemonių oro uostuose taikymo.


  Antigoni Papadopoulou (S&D), in writing. - This Regulation aims to introduce noise-related operating restrictions at EU airports in an effort to harmonise, clarify and strengthen relevant decisions at EU airports. Based on the principles of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the aim is to identify the most cost-efficient way of tackling aircraft noise at each individual airport. The Regulation covers, however, only large airports with more than 50[nbsp ]000 civil aircraft movements per year. Thus it local authorities have the power to decide on noise-related measures for smaller airports. I voted in favour.


  Gilles Pargneaux (S&D), par écrit. – J'ai soutenu ce règlement qui fixe des dispositions concernant l'introduction homogène de restrictions d'exploitation liées au bruit, aéroport par aéroport, de façon à améliorer le climat sonore et de limiter ou de réduire le nombre des personnes souffrant des effets nocifs du bruit, conformément à "l'approche équilibrée". Ce texte permettra de faciliter la réalisation d'objectifs environnementaux spécifiques en matière d'atténuation du bruit, tels qu'ils sont exposés dans les dispositions européennes, nationales et locales, et d'évaluer leur interdépendance par rapport à d'autres objectifs environnementaux, au niveau des aéroports.


  Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. - Votei favoravelmente o presente regulamento que procede a uma maior harmonização, clarificação e a um reforço das regras comuns subjacentes às decisões em matéria de restrições de operação relacionadas com o ruído nos aeroportos da UE, nomeadamente a proibição dos voos noturnos. As regras em causa, que têm por base os princípios instituídos pela Organização Internacional da Aviação Civil (ICAO) conhecidos pela designação abordagem equilibrada, abrangem, em particular, a avaliação e a gestão do ruído das aeronaves e visam identificar a forma mais eficiente em termos de custos de combater o ruído das aeronaves nos aeroportos. O regulamento só se aplica a aeroportos de maior dimensão, com um tráfego superior a 50 mil movimentos de aeronaves civis por ano e não estabelece limiares de ruído específicos, que continuam a ser da competência das autoridades nacionais ou locais.


  Tonino Picula (S&D), napisan. - Regulacije po pitanju buke u zračnim lukama različitih zemalja članica, ukoliko su nekoordinirane, mogle bi naškoditi ulozi avijacije u ekonomskom razvoju. Glavni cilj ove uredbe je osigurati konzistentnost u zemljama članicama po pitanju provođenja smjernica predstavljenih u dokumentu poznatom kao „Uravnoteženi pristup”, u kojem bi se sam proces procjene ciljeva smanjenja buke služio objektivnim i mjerljivim kriterijima te konzultacijom sa svim dionicima.

Usklađivanje i jačanje pravila povezanih s bukom u zračnim lukama Unije važno je ne samo zbog operativnih ograničenja koja nastaju zbog pretjerane buke, već i zbog posljedičnog protivljenja određenih dionika daljnjem razvitku i konstrukciji zračnih luka zbog problema zagađenja bukom. Stoga podržavam ovu uredbu i pohvaljujem usklađenost s propisima i preporukama ICAO-a kao nadležne agencije UN-a za pitanja civilne avijacije.


  Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), schriftelijk. - De Europese Commissie heeft in het kader van het 'airport package' - over de (uitbreiding van) capaciteiten van de luchthavens - beslist de Europese wetgeving omtrent geluidsuitstoot aan te passen. Ze heeft haar voorstel volledig gebaseerd op de 'gebalanceerde benadering' van de Internationale Burgerluchtvaartorganisatie (International Civil Aviation Organization- ICAO), die ondanks de benaming allesbehalve gebalanceerd is. Met deze aanpak stelt men niet de reductie van lawaai, vervuiling, gezondheidsproblemen en veiligheidsrisico's centraal, maar wel de economische belangen van de commerciële luchtvaart, een handvol bedrijven met een sterke lobby. Niets in de wetgeving kan verhinderen dat de Europese Commissie het nachtelijk vliegverbod omzeilt voor de economische belangen van een aantal bedrijven. Ondanks de verbeteringen die het Europees Parlement heeft aangebracht aan het oorspronkelijke Commissievoorstel (bv. door een paragraaf over gezondheidsschade op te nemen), zal de nieuwe regelgeving de situatie van de inwoners nabij luchthavens niet ten goede komen. Dit is exact het tegenovergestelde van wat Europese wetgeving zou moeten doen, namelijk verzekeren dat alle opties mogelijk blijven om het recht op gezonde en rustige woon- en leefomgeving te garanderen.


  Kay Swinburne (ECR), in writing. - This second-reading agreement lays down rules on the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions in a consistent manner, so as to help limit the number of people significantly affected by the harmful effects of aircraft noise, in accordance with the ICAO Balanced Approach. The proposed right for the Commission to suspend decisions on operating restrictions at airports has been removed – the Commission now only has the right to make non-binding recommendations to the local competent authorities, which can be discarded. Secondly, I am satisfied that overly-subjective criteria on assessing the health impacts of exposure to aviation noise have been removed from the final agreement. Finally, the agreed text ensures that concerned local residents should be represented by elected local representatives and reduces the possibility for pressure groups to exercise undue influence over the process. This final agreement satisfactorily addressed initial concerns of over-regulation on regional airports and local business, and therefore I voted in favour of the report.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D), în scris. - Am votat pentru rezoluția Parlamentului de adoptare a regulamentului privind introducerea restricțiilor de operare referitoare la zgomot pe aeroporturile din Uniune. Regulamentul armonizează, clarifică și întărește regulile comune privind restricțiile de operare referitoare la zgomot pe aeroporturile UE, precum interzicerea zborurilor de noapte. Regulile, care sunt bazate pe principiile agreate de ICAO și cunoscute ca „abordare echilibrată”, acoperă în special evaluarea și managementul zgomotului produs de avioane și vizează identificarea celui mai eficient mod de reducere a zgomotului produs de aeronave în fiecare aeroport. Regulamentul se aplică doar aeroporturilor mari, cu peste 50 000 de mișcări de aeronave pe an și nu stabilește praguri specific de zgomot, acestea ramanând în competența autorităților naționale sau locale. La inițiativa Parlamentului, autoritățile locale își vor păstra puterea de a decide cu privire la măsurile de reducere a zgomotului pe aeroporturi, precum măsurile de interzicere a zborurilor de noapte. Mai mult, Comisia este obligată să vina cu soluții la problemele de sănătate cauzate de zgomotul pe aeroporturi, prin revizuirea Directivei 2002/49/EC privind zgomotul de mediu.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR), napisan. - Podržala sam ovo izvješće i predložene restrikcije na bučne zrakoplove. Danas kada se velika pažnja posvećuje zaštiti okoliša i ekologiji, jedan od glavnih negativnih elemenata prisutnih u svakom dijelu čovjekova okoliša, pa tako i u prometu, jest buka.

Zračni promet najmlađa je grana prometa koja se počela naglo razvijati pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća i za njen nagli rast zaslužno je uvođenje turbo-mlaznih motora. Uvođenje tih motora u zrakoplovstvo rezultiralo je gradnjom većih, sigurnijih i bržih zrakoplova. S obzirom na veliku snagu turbo-mlaznih motora kao popratni efekt pojavila se buka, a naglim povećanjem zračnog prometa buka je postala učestala i nesnošljiva. Zrakoplov kao izvor buke koja se odražava na zemlji stvara buku u nekoliko segmenata: polijetanje, slijetanje i vožnja zrakoplova po tlu. Najveća razina buke vezane uz zračni promet generira se u blizini zračnih luka te u području iznad prilaznih i odlaznih putanja.

Bez obzira na to radilo se o buci zrakoplova pri slijetanju i polijetanju ili buci zrakoplova koja nastaje na zemlji, mjesne vlasti moraju na što bolji način zaštititi okolno stanovništvo. Princip zaštite operativnim procedurama je najučestaliji i može biti koristan iz razloga modifikacija koridora i određivanja visine prilaza iznad nekoga područja koje nije naseljeno.


  Derek Vaughan (S&D), in writing. - I fully support this regulation concerning new rules for reducing noise at airports. The main aim of this regulation is to protect EU citizensʼ health. Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85[nbsp ]dB can cause hearing loss and sound pressure near airports often peaks at well over 100[nbsp ]dB. Noise reduction is already a priority for aircraft producers and therefore aircraft already in service are often retrofitted with noise reduction kits, so air travellers should not be hit with higher priced tickets. This regulation also preserves the right of local communities to have a say on noise restriction measures.


  Jacek Włosowicz (EFD), na piśmie. - Powinna być to dyrektywa. Dzięki postępowi technologicznemu i skutecznej infrastrukturze trzeba starać się łagodzić negatywny wpływ na zdrowie człowieka niektórych czynników. Akty delegowane powinny być wykorzystywane tylko w przypadku zaktualizowań technicznych.

Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia