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 Test sħiħ 
Proċedura : 2014/2003(BUD)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
Ċiklu relatat mad-dokument : A7-0277/2014

Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 17/04/2014 - 9.6
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
Il-Ħamis, 17 ta' April 2014 - Strasburgu

10.6. Estimi tad-dħul u n-nefqa għas-sena finanzjarja 2015 - Taqsima I - Il-Parlament (A7-0277/2014 - Salvador Garriga Polledo)

Explications de vote par écrit


  Claudette Abela Baldacchino (S&D), in writing. - This dossier puts into the picture the 2015 budget. The budget should be set on a realistic basis and should be in line with the principles of budgetary discipline and sound financial management; it is noted that 2015 will be a full year for the new Parliament in office. Also the Union budget should reflect the current economic situation experienced by citizens across the Union, as the well as the fiscal constraints faced by many Member States, some of whom are engaged in serious efforts to bring their budgets onto a more sustainable long-term footing.


  Mara Bizzotto (EFD), per iscritto. - Ho votato contro il testo che chiede un aumento delle spese del Parlamento europeo del 2.24% rispetto al 2014.


  Rachida Dati (PPE), par écrit. – Ce texte traite des prévisions budgétaires pour l'année 2015 concernant le Parlement européen. Il est important de faire preuve de réalisme concernant cet état prévisionnel des recettes et des dépenses. Le budget de l'Union européenne doit en effet être en adéquation avec les difficultés économiques qui traverse l'Europe. Le Parlement européen doit lui aussi faire des efforts dans ces périodes de restrictions budgétaires. Des économies peuvent notamment être effectuées au sein des services de cette institution. De plus, les investissements superflus tels que ceux effectués pour la Maison de l'Histoire européenne devraient être suspendus.


  Iñaki Irazabalbeitia Fernández (Verts/ALE), in writing. - I voted against because I believe that it should have been possible to keep the increase in Parliamentʼs estimates to below 2[nbsp ]%, instead of the proposed 2.2[nbsp ]%.


  George Lyon (ALDE), in writing. - I voted against the 2015 Parliament budget estimates. I feel that a 2.24[nbsp ]% increase in the budget compared to 2014 is unjustified. The Liberal Democrats tabled an amendment to the package which called for a freeze in real terms in the budget. It is regrettable that the two biggest groups in Parliament voted against our amendment and kept the 2.24[nbsp ]% increase in the budget for 2015.


  Jean-Luc Mélenchon (GUE/NGL), par écrit. – Ce rapport préfigure le budget 2015 du Parlement européen. L’exercice est très discutable et vain puisqu’un nouveau Parlement européen sera élu en mai prochain et que c’est lui qui votera le budget 2015. Quoiqu’il en soit les orientations proposées par ce rapport sont mauvaises, en particulier l’obsession récurrente de faire des économies sur les services de traduction. Alors que le droit de disposer de l’ensemble des documents et de suivre l’ensemble des réunions dans toutes les langues de l’Union est encore loin d’être garanti, ce rapport préconise de nouvelles réductions de moyens de traduction. La traduction des amendements en commission ne serait par exemple plus systématique mais uniquement à la demande, ce qui va compliquer le travail des députés, a fortiori dans des procédures législatives souvent chargées et complexes. Je déplore cette obsession dictée par l’austérité et je vote donc contre ce rapport.


  Roberta Metsola (PPE), in writing. - I voted in favour of this report as it defines Parliamentʼs revenue and expenditure for the financial year of 2015, whilst taking into account the financial constraints of many of the economies of Europe’s Member States.


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D), in writing. - I voted in favour as I am in agreement with this report.


  Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE), in writing. - As probably my last remarks in Parliament, I can predict that there will be no United States of Europe including the UK, because of the inertia and silence of Westminster which, like any existing organisation, puts preserving itself ahead of explaining future options to the public. A United Europe is the right way ahead for our corner of the planet. Of course there are unsatisfactory aspects, due to compromises between 28 Member States – such as the need to stop Parliament trekking twelve times per year to Strasbourg, and to abolish the useless Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee. The EU is an amazing achievement: permanent peace, freedom and democracy. Many major problems face us. The greatest is climate change, a huge threat to the way of life of future generations. Another is the growth of cross-border organised crime, which the national capitals also fail to fight through reluctance to share powers. They fail to create an FBI for our continent and a common external border force. I hope that, one day, the EU will directly elect its own President and that I will be able to cast a vote.


  Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE), por escrito. - Votei favoravelmente o presente relatório em que o Parlamento Europeu toma nota do anteprojeto de previsão de receitas e despesas do Parlamento Europeu para o exercício de 2015, tal como aprovado pela Mesa em 2 de abril de 2014, o qual apresenta montantes significativamente inferiores aos da proposta inicial.


  Kay Swinburne (ECR), in writing. - The Committee on Budgets and the Bureau agreed to set the draft estimates at 2.2[nbsp ]%, including 0.4[nbsp ]% for the salary adjustment for 2012. In addition, it was agreed that the Secretary-General should produce an estimate of the construction costs of the new KAD Building in time for the reading of the budget in the autumn. Given that the inflation rate (as set out by Eurostat) is considerably below the 2.2[nbsp ]% figure agreed, I voted against the report.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D), în scris. - Am votat pentru rezoluția referitoare la estimarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli al Parlamentului European pentru exercițiul financiar 2015. Procedura bugetară 2015 se va desfășura într-un an electoral la nivel european, în care estimarea Parlamentului pentru exercițiul financiar 2015 va fi adoptată de Parlamentul actual, iar bugetul final va fi aprobat de către noul Parlament în toamnă. Plafonul rubricii V (Administrație), stabilit de către noul cadru financiar multianual pentru perioada 2014-2020, se ridică la 9 076 milioane EUR pentru bugetul 2015. Plafonul pentru cheltuielile administrative globale ale instituțiilor a fost stabilit la 7 351 de milioane EUR. Secretarul General a propus să se continue și să se consolideze într-o măsură mai mare cele patru domenii de activitate adoptate după consultarea Grupului de lucru comun al Biroului și al Comisiei pentru bugete în 2014, și anume consolidarea consultanței științifice independente și a capacității de control, precum și îmbunătățirea asistenței logistice și locale pentru deputați. PE a aprobat proiectul de estimare a bugetului pe 2015 la 1 794 929 112 EUR, corespunzând unei rate generale de creștere de 1,8 % față de bugetul pe 2014 și este de acord să includă în acestea și cheltuielile extraordinare obligatorii de 0,4% rezultând din noul acord privind coeficientul de ajustare a remunerațiilor și pensiilor.

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