 Texto integral 
Processo : 2013/0418(NLE)
Ciclo de vida em sessão
Ciclo relativo ao documento : A8-0036/2014

Textos apresentados :


Debates :

PV 15/12/2014 - 15
CRE 15/12/2014 - 15

Votação :

PV 16/12/2014 - 5.3
Declarações de voto

Textos aprovados :


Relato integral dos debates
Segunda-feira, 15 de Dezembro de 2014 - Estrasburgo

15. Convenção sobre o Comércio Internacional das Espécies Selvagens da Fauna e da Flora Ameaçadas de Extinção (CITES) (debate)
Vídeo das intervenções

  Der Präsident. - Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Empfehlung des Ausschusses für Umweltfragen, öffentliche Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit betreffend den Entwurf eines Beschlusses des Rates über den Beitritt der Europäischen Union zu dem Übereinkommen über den internationalen Handel mit gefährdeten Arten frei lebender Tiere und Pflanzen (CITES) (09412/2014 - C8-0042/2014 - 2013/0418(NLE)) Berichterstatterin: Pilar Ayuso (A8-0036/2014).


  Herranz García, Esther, ponente suplente. - Señora Vicepresidenta, señor Comisario, en primer lugar quisiera pedirles disculpas en nombre de la ponente, la señora Ayuso, que, por razones personales, no puede estar presente hoy aquí, pero que agradece a sus Señorías el trabajo parlamentario precedente.

Como todos ustedes saben, la CITES, la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres, que entró en vigor en 1975, persigue proteger las especies mediante controles de comercio internacional. Engloba unas 35 000 especies, que están reguladas en tres apéndices en función del grado de protección que necesiten. Desde que la Comisión presentó su propuesta, ha habido dos nuevas adhesiones a la CITES, que cuenta en la actualidad con 180 partes, entre ellas todos los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea.

La Unión Europea tenía hasta ahora la condición de observador en la CITES, dado que solo los Estados miembros podían ser partes. Sin embargo, esta situación cambió en noviembre de 2013, con la entrada en vigor de la «enmienda de Gaborone», que permite a organizaciones de integración económica regional constituidas por Estados pasar a ser partes de la Convención. La solicitud de aprobación remitida al Parlamento por el Consejo basa su proyecto de Decisión en un único artículo del Tratado, el artículo 192, relativo al medio ambiente, mientras que la Comisión había basado su propuesta inicial en los artículos 192 y 207, relativo este último a la política comercial común.

En la opinión emitida por la Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos de esta casa se consideró que, en este caso, la doble base jurídica propuesta por la Comisión Europea es la adecuada. Sin embargo, y dado que el Parlamento tiene que adoptar una recomendación relativa solo a la adhesión de la Unión Europea a la CITES, y no ha sido llamado a adoptar una posición sobre el fundamento jurídico, nos hemos limitado, en este contexto y solo en aras de la claridad jurídica, a mencionar el tema de la doble base jurídica en los vistos.

En nuestra opinión, la adhesión de la Unión Europea a la CITES es un paso lógico y necesario para garantizar la plena capacidad de la Unión Europea para seguir sus objetivos de política ambiental. La señora Ayuso dice que es importante señalar que los derechos y obligaciones de los Estados miembros en el marco de la Convención no se verán afectados por esta adhesión. En la práctica, el proceso interno de toma de decisiones no se verá influenciado, sino que racionalizará las prácticas que actualmente se encuentran en vigor.

Por todo lo expuesto, me pide la señora Ayuso que les transmita que ella considera que debemos votar a favor de la adhesión de la Unión Europea a la CITES.




  Carlos Moedas, Member of the Commission. - Madam President, Commissioner Vella regrets that he is not able to be in Strasbourg today. He is in Brussels at the Fisheries Council, but he has asked me to present the views of the Commission on this file to you.

I would like, first of all, to thank Ms Ayuso and Ms Herranz García for their excellent and efficient work on this particular file. When presenting these political guidelines to Parliament in July, President Juncker made clear that one of the aims of the new Commission is to reinforce the EU as a strong global actor. The EU accession to the CITES Convention is to be seen in this context.

The CITES Convention aims to make international trade in wildlife species sustainable. It is a very operational and efficient instrument that regulates millions of cross-border movements of animals, plants and commodities derived from them, such as timber, leather goods, medicines, cosmetics and food products. In total, we are talking about 35 000 species that are covered by CITES. This wide scope, combined with the legally binding nature of its decisions and its robust compliance mechanism, makes the CITES Convention a critical tool to address the overexploitation of natural resources, which is one of the biggest threats to biodiversity today.

The CITES Convention stands at the crossroads of environment, trade and development. These are all areas in which the EU is a leading actor on the international scene. These are also areas in which the EU has strong legislation and policies. The EU’s accession to the Convention will reflect its leading role, and it will increase the EU’s visibility and accountability. The situation will be similar to the other organisations such as the WTO, the FAO or the Convention on Biological Diversity, of which the EU has been a full member for many years.

In operational terms, the way we prepare for CITES meetings will not change much after the EU accession, as there is a well-established practice to agree on common EU positions before each meeting. However, the EU will gain visibility at the CITES meetings, as EU positions will be expressed by the EU on matters of EU competence. The EU will also be able to participate fully in the various bodies set up under the Convention and contribute to its annual budget.

This accession comes at a particularly important time. CITES has recently engaged much more in regulating international trade in marine and timber species. These are very valuable commodities traded in large amounts. The EU has pushed for these, and our accession to CITES will allow us to increase our investment further to ensure that the international timber and fish trades are legal and sustainable.

CITES is also at the forefront of the fight against wildlife trafficking, a problem which I know is important to this Parliament. The current dramatic surge in wildlife trafficking calls for a strong response from the international community. At its last meeting in July, the CITES Standing Committee adopted very concrete measures targeting the countries most involved in wildlife trafficking, particularly in ivory, rhino horns and rosewood. These measures need to be implemented within strict deadlines, and failure to do so could result in the adoption of trade sanctions. Increasingly, CITES is also engaging in close cooperation with international organisations like the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, and Interpol, which also specialise in combating organised crime. The EU must play its role in these global efforts, and the accession to CITES is a very concrete step towards facilitating this.

To conclude, I would stress that the EU’s accession to CITES will reinforce both the EU as a global player and CITES as an essential multilateral instrument for sustainable development. The Commission is aware of the interest of Parliament in these matters, and we count on your support in finally making it possible for the EU to become a full party to CITES.


  Dubravka Šuica, u ime kluba PPE. – Gospođo predsjednice, najprije možemo zahvaliti gđi Ayuzo i gđi Garcia koje su izvrsno odradile zadatak, a gospodinu povjereniku mogu u ime Europske pučke stranke reći da možete računati na našu potporu, jer smatram da je ovo jedan vrlo važan potez s obzirom da je cilj konvencije u cijelom svijetu uspostaviti nadzor nad trgovinom ugroženim vrstama divljih životinja i biljaka.

Mi znamo da Europska unija još od 1984. godine provodi CITES konvenciju, međutim kao što znamo, nije je mogla potpisati s obzirom da su to mogle samo države članice. Zato je vrlo važno da danas, odnosno sutra, kad budemo glasovali, Europski parlament usvoji preporuku o pristupu CITES-u, jer kao što ste i sami rekli, u studenome 2013. godine omogućeno je da i Unija pristupi i bude punopravna članica.

Važna su tri aspekta: i razvoj, i međunarodna trgovina i zaštita okoliša. I dosad smo se ponašali u skladu s ovim odredbama ove konvencije, ali smo se tada referirali na odredbe osnivačkog ugovora Europske unije i onoga poglavlja koje se bavilo zaštitom okoliša. Da bi se učinkovito provodila ova konvencija, smatram da je potrebna kontinuirana suradnja svih tijela: carine, policije, granične, veterinarske inspekcije, inspekcije zaštite prirode.

Godišnja vrijednost međunarodne trgovine divljim vrstama procijenjuje se na milijarde američkih dolara, a na nezakonitom tržištu se po godišnjoj zaradi svrstava zbog trgovine narkoticima, oružjem i ljudima.

Dakle, radi se opstanku više od 35 000 vrsta i zato je dobro da je ovaj dokument došao u Europski parlament, da putem konvencije štitimo ugrožene vrste time što se zabranjuje ili posebnim sustavom dopuštenja uvelike otežava međunarodna trgovina ovim vrstama.

Ugrožene vrste divljih životinja i biljaka čija se trgovina nadzire, svrstane su u tri dodatka konvenciji. U svakom slučaju, još jednom u ime Europske pučke stranke, podržavamo da Europska unija postane globalni igrač u ovom dijelu i da se osnaži uloga CITES-a.


  Renata Briano, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, innanzitutto anche io, voglio ringrazia la relatrice Ayuso, per il lavoro svolto e dire al Commissario che può contare, per quanto riguarda questo tema, anche sul nostro gruppo. Come è già stato detto, la Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di flora e fauna selvatiche, minacciate di estinzione, predispone una serie di garanzie, affinché il commercio internazionale di esemplari di flora e fauna selvatica non ne minaccino la sopravvivenza. La CITES protegge infatti più di 35 000 specie e ne fanno parte 178 paesi, tra cui tutti gli Stati membri dell'Unione europea. L'UE, adesso, può finalmente esserne parte contraente e non più semplice osservatore.

Si tratta quindi di un atto dovuto. Un atto dovuto perché le competenze per applicare la Convenzione ricadono, di prevalenza, sull'Unione europea: è un passaggio necessario per rendere più efficace la protezione della biodiversità e delle specie a rischio. La salvaguardia, la tutela e il miglioramento della qualità dell'ambiente, sono delle priorità dell'Unione, secondo i trattati, assieme all'uso accorto e razionale delle risorse naturali e alla promozione internazionale di provvedimenti per risolvere i problemi ambientali.

Inoltre, l'UE adotta le misure per il corretto funzionamento del mercato interno e in materia di unione doganale, politica commerciale comune. Il commercio internazionale a discapito delle specie a rischio – pensiamo allo sterminio di elefanti e di rinoceronti per le zanne e i corni, alla caccia indiscriminata di animali da pelliccia e i grandi felini, alla strage di alberi rari per i loro legname – genera un fatturato annuo di 200 miliardi di dollari. Questa barbarie impoverisce la Terra, per arricchire alcune organizzazioni criminali e spesso alimentare guerre e terrorismo. Per questo non possiamo che vedere con favore l'intervento diretto dell'Unione europea nella CITES e la sua adesione, come previsto, nella proposta di decisione del Consiglio, nonché ringraziare tutte le forze dell'ordine che controllano il rispetto di queste norme.


  Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Het CITES-verdrag over de internationale handel in bedreigde in het wild levende dier- en plantensoorten is intussen ruim 40 jaar oud, maar meer dan ooit nodig. CITES – het is al gezegd – biedt bescherming aan niet minder dan 35 000 dier- en plantensoorten. Als bijvoorbeeld de Afrikaanse zwarte neushoorn voorlopig van uitsterven werd behoed, dan is dat onder andere dankzij deze conventie. Het Wereldnatuurfonds schat de waarde van de illegale handel in bedreigde diersoorten en afgeleide producten alleen al op 19 miljard dollar. Dat is de vierde grootste illegale handel na drugs, namaak en mensenhandel. En met de winsten worden vaak oorlog en terrorisme gefinancierd. Het CITES-verdrag reguleert de internationale handel zodat die op een duurzame manier kan gebeuren met oog voor de menselijke behoeften en voor de economie. 180 landen hebben zich inderdaad al bij CITES aangesloten, ook alle 28 EU-lidstaten.

Vandaag spreken we over de toetreding van de Europese Unie tot de overeenkomst. Als schaduwrapporteur voor de ECR-Fractie kan ik bevestigen dat wij die toetreding steunen. Die bevordert de juridische transparantie over de precieze rol van de Europese Unie en haar slagkracht. Overigens is dit geen unicum. De EU trad eerder toe tot andere internationale milieuconventies zoals de Bonn-conventie, het Carthagena-protocol en het Nagoya-protocol. Ik wil beklemtonen dat er duidelijk afgebakende verantwoordelijkheden zijn tussen de EU en de lidstaten en dat de toetreding van de EU tot CITES geen invloed heeft op de verdeling van de bevoegdheden tussen de EU en de lidstaten, noch op de manier waarop een gemeenschappelijk EU-standpunt wordt bepaald.

Het enige heikele punt is de vraag of dit dossier een dubbele rechtsgrond (milieu en handel) moet hebben. Maar deze discussie staat onze goedkeuring morgen in de plenaire niet in de weg.


  Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, I must say I am relieved that finally the EU can become a party to the CITES Conference. I witnessed myself how important this is a few years ago when I was part of Parliament’s delegation to the CITES Conference in Doha. We did not speak with one voice, we were not very united, we were more occupied by our internal negotiations as EU Member States and then we made a strong position at the Conference itself, so I am very relieved that we have finally become a party to CITES.

Another thing I would like to address here – and the Commissioner has already mentioned it, as have many of my colleagues – is the importance of the fight against wildlife trafficking. That is something that should be done with CITES but of course, and the Commission knows this, this is something that should also be done much more strongly within the EU. I therefore hope that Commissioner Moedas can give the message not only to his colleague responsible for the environment but also to his colleagues higher up the hierarchy in the Commission that we really need an EU action plan against wildlife trafficking, and the sooner the better.


  Lynn Boylan, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Madam President, I welcome today’s recommendation for the EU’s accession to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Plants and Animals. The European Union cannot be found wanting in its actions, and it cannot allow species like the African elephant and rhino to be consigned to the history books. 22 000 African elephants were killed for their ivory in 2012 alone. 95% of the world’s rhinos have been wiped out in the last forty years, and let us also not forget all the other less well-known species that are illegally traded on a daily basis. The impact that losses like these have on ecosystems is catastrophic.

The EU and Member States must, of course, comply with obligations under this Convention, but it is one thing to ban or limit trade and it is another to effectively enforce it. One cannot ignore the fact that the vast majority of this illegal trade is carried out in the developing world in conflict zones. The EU, of course, should support these countries where they lack equipment and funds for enforcement, but we must also look at the bigger picture. If annual turnover for the illegal trade is estimated to be USD 19 billion – making it the fourth-largest illegal trade in the world – the extreme poverty of many African communities lends itself to this trade. When the tusks of a single adult elephant are worth more than ten times the average annual income in many of these countries, is it any wonder that impoverished people resort to wildlife trade?


  Benedek Jávor, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, the Green Group and I warmly welcome and support the accession of the EU to CITES, which is one of the world’s most powerful tools for biodiversity conservation. It is clearly a necessary and desirable development. However, as I see it, this step is only a drop in the bucket. Let me remind you that, despite the EU’s commitment to halve the loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2020 and to restore biodiversity wherever possible, in the longer term – as well as in the long-term vision for biodiversity for 2050 – natural capital and ecosystems services are being continuously depleted. This will have profound consequences for our wellbeing.

As stated by the Commission itself, over half of the habitats and species covered by the EU Habitats Directive are considered to be in an unfavourable conservation status. There is evidence that the status of many ecosystems is reaching, or has already reached, the point of no return. It is estimated that each year we lose 3% of our GDP due to the loss of biodiversity. Besides undermining the economy through diversity loss, changes in habitats and ecosystems also erode social cohesion in and outside the EU. Thus we must step up efforts in Europe to achieve our biodiversity targets.

We must ensure that none of the policies of the EU or of its Member States have harmful impacts on biodiversity. We must reinvest in natural capital, construct green infrastructure and ensure that all spending under the EU budget is supportive of halting the loss of biodiversity. I therefore urge the European Commission and all European decision-makers to set their priorities and structure their work mindful of the biodiversity targets, and not to compromise biodiversity, as it is crucial to sustaining the ecological systems and the services we all depend on.


  Marco Affronte, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'ingresso dell'Unione europea come membro della Convenzione di Washington, non può che trovarci d'accordo, così come con parere praticamente unanime si è espressa la commissione ambiente su questo. La CITES è stata ratificata da 180 paesi nel mondo ed è probabilmente una delle normative che in maniera più efficace ha dato un contributo alla tutela delle specie protette. L'occasione dell'ingresso dell'Unione europea nella Convenzione deve essere però uno stimolo a fare ancora di più, molto di più nell'ambito del traffico illegale di specie selvatiche.

Nel 2011 il valore del mercato europeo dei prodotti appartenenti a specie iscritte nelle liste della Convenzione di Washington, è stato stimato a quasi 500 milioni di euro. L'Europol osserva che, negli ultimi anni, il livello di attività criminali sempre più organizzate e presenti nel campo del commercio illegale di specie selvatiche sta crescendo. L'Unione europea è sempre più un consumatore ma anche un produttore di risorse naturali illegalmente acquisite da immettere sui mercati. Nella banca dati europea dei sequestri di specie incluse nella CITES ci sono oltre 37 000 registrazioni, segno evidente di un mercato illegale di enormi dimensioni.

Un esempio per tutto è dato dalla massiccia importazione illecita di carni dall'Africa, la cosiddetta "bush meat" che nei paesi di provenienza, rappresenta un'importante risorsa alimentare mentre da noi è solo uno sfizio e l'ostentazione di uno stato sociale: parliamo di circa 270 tonnellate di carne illegalmente importate, solo attraverso l'aeroporto di Parigi. Ben venga dunque l'ingresso dell'Unione come membro della CITES ma procediamo anche con altre iniziative, come il rinforzo delle regole, il miglioramento della raccolta dei dati e l'inasprimento delle pene per i trasgressori.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). - Τις προσεχείς ημέρες θα έλθει προς έγκριση πρόταση απόφασης του Συμβουλίου να προσχωρήσει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στη σύμβαση για το διεθνές εμπόριο των ειδών άγριας πανίδας και χλωρίδας.

Η ανάγκη για την υπερψήφιση της προτάσεως γίνεται προφανής εάν συνειδητοποιήσει κάποιος ότι, από τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1970, οι άνθρωποι, για λόγους εμπορικού κέρδους, έχουν καταληφθεί από μία ανεξήγητη μανία καταστροφής πολλών ειδών φυτών και ζώων, τα οποία κινδυνεύουν να εξαφανισθούν από τον πλανήτη. Εκτιμάται ότι μέχρι το 2020 περί τα 10.000.000 από αυτά τα φυτά και τα ζώα θα έχουν εξαφανιστεί.

Εάν σ’ αυτό τον αριθμό συνυπολογίσουμε την απώλεια κυρίως των ζώων λόγω της καταστροφής από τον άνθρωπο των δασών, των βοσκοτόπων, των κοραλλιογενών υφάλων αλλά και τη μόλυνση των θαλασσών, η οποία προέρχεται πάλι από τον άνθρωπο, τότε αυτός ο αριθμός των ζώων εγγίζει τα όρια της τραγικότητας.

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, λοιπόν, βρίσκεται μπροστά σε μία πολύ σημαντική πρόκληση, στην οποία πρέπει να ανταποκριθεί με επιτυχία. Ξεκινά με τις καλύτερες προθέσεις. Ερωτάται όμως: Θα κατορθώσει να περιορίσει τη μέχρι στιγμής ανεξέλεγκτη δράση των νομίμων και παρανόμων εμπόρων αυτών των ειδών; Θα κατορθώσει να ελέγξει το εμπόριο των ειδών αυτών μέσω του διαδικτύου; Και τέλος, θα μπορέσει να εξασφαλίσει τη διεθνή συνεργασία ώστε να προωθήσει, σε διεθνές επίπεδο, μέτρα τα οποία αφενός θα προστατεύουν αυτά τα είδη αφετέρου θα εγγυώνται την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος, ώστε και η ζωή του ανθρώπου να γίνει πιο καλή αλλά παράλληλα να εξασφαλιστούν και καλύτερες συνθήκες διαβιώσεως;

Εύχομαι να επιτύχουμε σ’ αυτή την προσπάθεια.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). - Gospođo potpredsjednice, kao osoba koja se zalaže za zaštitu pravnog poretka, ali i za zaštitu ugroženih divljih, biljnih i životinjskih vrsta, pozivam nadležna tijela Europske unije da učine sve kako bi Europska unija pristupila Konvenciji CITES.

Konvencijom je danas zaštićeno preko 35 000 različitih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta, njih oko 1000, ili 3 % je ugroženo i suočeno s rizikom izumiranja upravo zbog trgovine. Republika Hrvatska je stranka konvencije od 2000. godine, postigla je vrlo zapažene rezultate u borbi protiv trgovine egzotičnim vrstama, a ove godine izvršena je vrlo velika zapljena egzotičnih biljaka i životinja.

Svake godine u međunarodnu trgovinu divljim vrstama ulaze deseci milijuna primjeraka biljaka i životinja, a vrijednost te trgovine iznosi preko 10 milijardi dolara godišnje. Izrazito rijetke i kritično ugrožene kornjače sa Madagaskara na ilegalnom tržištu postižu cijenu i do 25 000 eura po komadu, a rijetke Learove papige iz Brazila mogu koštati vrtoglavih 90 000 eura po primjerku. Kilogram roga nosoroga na crnom tržištu košta više od kilograma zlata. Slonovača i dalje predstavlja luksuzan proizvod i statusni simbol, pa cijena sirove slonovače iznosi i do 5 000 eura po kilogramu, dok rezbareni predmeti koštaju i puno više.

Potražnja za ovim proizvodima rezultirala je masovnim krivolovom na te vrste pa je u 2012. godini u krivolovu ubijeno 22 000 slonova, a tijekom prošle godine samo na teritoriju Južnoafričke republike zbog krivolova je stradalo preko 1000 nosoroga. Nažalost, u cijelom tom procesu stradavaju i ljudi pa je na svjetskoj razini 56 rendžera izgubilo svoje živote na službenoj dužnosti u posljednjih 12 mjeseci od kojih su 29 bili ubijeni od strane krivolovaca.

Stoga još jednom pozivam nadležna tijela Europske unije kao osoba koja se zalaže za zaštitu pravnog poretka da Europska unija pristupi konvenciji CITES.


  Ricardo Serrão Santos (S&D). - Pedi também a palavra para realçar a importância da "Convenção sobre o Comércio Internacional de Espécies da Fauna e da Flora Selvagem Ameaçadas de Extinção" e do novo estatuto da União Europeia.

Tenho acompanhado de perto a implementação e posso atestar como, progressivamente, este instrumento é cada vez mais eficiente. No meu país, Portugal, e mais especificamente, os Açores, a região de onde sou oriundo, a aplicação deste instrumento tem dotado as autoridades de legitimidade para atuar e, junto dos cidadãos, reforçado a sensibilização para a importância da salvaguarda das espécies selvagens.

A nível internacional há ainda muita atividade ilegal e outra não regulamentada. Assim, há que combater, com todos os meios, a utilização de fauna e flora selvagens em nome da pseudociência vudu, o colecionismo de organismos vivos, as aplicações em bijuteria, mobiliário, objetos decorativos, incluindo o vestuário. Espécies como os gorilas, os rinocerontes, as tartarugas, os corais negros, continuam em perigo. Ao aumento dos transportes comerciais a nível global e à venda na internet tem que corresponder uma crescente eficácia na fiscalização e na regulamentação. A União Europeia deve ser intolerante relativamente ao comércio de espécies ameaçadas.

Assim, congratulo-me pelo novo estatuto da Comissão Europeia fazendo votos para que seja uma oportunidade para uma maior proatividade.


  Julie Girling (ECR). - Madam President, I welcome the accession of the EU to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This will enable the EU to take a committed position and play a full role in the Convention. Article 191 allows the EU to promote measures at international level to deal with worldwide environmental problems; and what could be more apposite than endangered species? All Member States are signed up to CITES already, so why the necessity for this accession? What does it add?

In my view this will give the EU a platform to move forward together at the Conference of the Parties, employing the power and influence of all 28 Member States together, and I hope that in the near future we will be able to use this influence to promote tougher enforcement of the licensing system. Barely a week goes by when we do not see some new seizure of goods or medicines fashioned from endangered species, from tigers’ bones to rhino horn. Last week we saw in Hong Kong just such a thing. I would like to see this as just the very beginning of the EU’s new approach to CITES. The burden of the questions should be moved not from what we can trade, but why we should trade at all, and the EU could be at the forefront of that discussion.


  Catherine Bearder (ALDE). - Madam President, we must all cheer about the change in the EU’s status in CITES from observer to full member. As a full member the EU will speak with and vote with one voice in CITES negotiations. We will also be responsible for implementing and enforcing the Convention and will participate fully in CITES projects. This marks an important step in the protection of highly endangered species around the world.

More than ever, international coordinated action is needed to end illegal wildlife trade, stop poaching and the increasing rate of biodiversity loss. Over 20 000 elephants were killed by poachers last year; a record 668 rhinos in South Africa alone were killed for their horns just to make trinkets and medicines that do not work. Unless we act now these species and many others will become extinct. But the trade in living wild animals is also thriving. At this very moment the Zimbabwe government is profiteering from baby elephants removed from their herds to be sold to zoos in China and the UAE. These animals face extreme stress, poor conditions and are at a high risk of early death.

All parties to CITES must act decisively and quickly to prevent animals being traded as commodities. They deserve our protection. We can and must develop an action plan, working closely with countries such as China. The EU can be a global leader in the fight against this serious and most profitable crime as a full member of CITES. We have a duty to raise awareness, impose stricter controls and introduce dissuasive penalties for those who profit from illegal wildlife trade.


  Stefan Eck (GUE/NGL). - Frau Präsidentin, werte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Laut einem Bericht des WWF hat sich die Anzahl der weltweit lebenden Tiere in den letzten 40 Jahren halbiert. Ebenso dramatisch verhält es sich mit anderen Tierarten, und mehr als 70 % aller Pflanzenarten gelten bereits heute als bedroht.

Neben dem natürlichen Aussterben sind vor allem anthropogene Gründe die Ursache: Klimawandel, Regenwaldabholzung, Meeresverschmutzung, Massentierhaltung, der Einsatz von Pestiziden und Insektiziden, aber auch der Handel mit Wildtieren und Wildpflanzen, der auf mehrere Milliarden Euro pro Jahr geschätzt wird, so gelangen beispielsweise pro Jahr 1,5 Millionen Wildvögel und rund 440 000 Tonnen Heilpflanzen in den Handel.

Wir haben die moralische Verpflichtung, diesen Irrsinn zu stoppen, bevor Zigtausende Tier- und Pflanzenarten sich jedes Jahr für immer von der Weltbühne verabschieden. Wir können das Artensterben aufhalten durch die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels, durch Maßnahmen gegen die Regenwaldzerstörung, durch die Verringerung der Massentierhaltung, aber auch durch striktere Handelsbeschränkungen. Eine zielführende Möglichkeit wäre, den Einfluss der EU bei den anstehenden Verhandlungen über das CITES durch die Vollmitgliedschaft der EU zu verstärken. Denn die Wahrheit ist doch oft, dass der Schutz bedrohter Arten nationalen wirtschaftlichen Interessen zum Opfer fällt. Dies müssen wir, muss die EU verhindern.

Ich möchte zum Abschluss eines zu bedenken geben: Wir brauchen diese Erde, aber die Erde braucht uns nicht.


  Julia Reid (EFDD). - Madam President, if it is large, grey, has a trunk and looks like an elephant, then that is exactly what it is: an elephant. CITES was created for signing by sovereign states. However, it is now to be signed by the European Union. Yet again the European Union behaves like a sovereign state. Like the elephant, if it has ever more characteristics of a sovereign state, then it is obvious to all that this is exactly what the EU is becoming. There are those, especially in the UK, who are in denial about this fact: that the European Union, as a direct, inevitable consequence of the commitment to ever-closer union, and as set out in successive treaties, is taking over the sovereignty of Member States. This recommendation is proof positive of what UKIP has long been saying (but LIB/LAB/CON denies): that the EU is ever more sovereign. The usual weasel words are in the report. It will enable the Commission to lead negotiations and be a catalyst. Signing CITES may be very sensible for sovereign states, but the EU signing CITES represents yet another EU power-grab. The EU acquires the one vote, counting as 28 votes, and my country along with 27 others lose yet another freedom to decide for themselves. Truly there is an elephant in the room. It is called the European Union.


  Ivan Štefanec (PPE) - Verím, že všetci cítime spoluzodpovednosť za ochranu prírody na celom svete, preto podporujeme túto konvenciu, ku ktorej má Európska únia pristúpiť ako celok. Spoločný európsky trh je jednou z našich najväčších výhod, preto má zásadný význam postupovať spoločne aj v tejto oblasti, pretože táto konvencia o medzinárodnom obchode sa týka spoločného európskeho trhu a nášho spoločného európskeho postupu. Ako je známe, história konvencie siaha až do 1. júla 1975 a zahŕňa viac ako 35 000 druhov ohrozených živočíchov a rastlín. Dovoľte mi zdôrazniť, že zo slovenských druhov sú to také vzácne druhy ako orol kráľovský, sokol lovecký či vydra riečna. Pristúpenie Európskej únie k dohovoru CITES zabezpečuje väčšiu transparentnosť právneho postavenia Únie v rámci CITES voči tretím stranám dohovoru. Súčasný štatút pozorovateľa skôr predstavoval nevýhodu a neumožňoval Únii v plnej miere realizovať ciele v rámci politiky ochrany životného prostredia. Únia bude každý rok prispievať 2,5 % celkovej výšky trustového fondu CITES, čo je približne 115 000 EUR na budúci rok, a podľa toho sa znížia príspevky členských štátov. To je ďalší dôkaz výhodnosti spoločného európskeho postupu. Pristúpenie umožní Komisii zaujímať v mene Únie jednotnú pozíciu a zlepší sa tým pozícia EÚ v kontrole medzinárodného obchodu. Verím, že náš súhlas – Európskeho parlamentu – s pristúpením Únie k tomuto dohovoru o medzinárodnom obchode prispeje nielen k efektívnejšej ochrane ohrozených druhov voľne žijúcich živočíchov a rastlín, ale aj zrýchli rozhodovací proces a najmä zosúladí potrebný spoločný európsky postup.


  Monika Flašíková Beňová (S&D) - Medzinárodný obchod s voľne žijúcimi živočíchmi a rastlinami výrazne obmedzuje prežitie a vývoj živočíšnych druhov a exemplárov rastlín po celom svete. Nakoniec mnohí z vás to už spomenuli. Dohovor CITES tak zabezpečuje ochranu pre vyše 35 000 druhov a výrazne prispieva ku kontrole nelegálneho medzinárodného obchodu v tejto oblasti. V súčasnosti sú členmi dohovoru členské štáty, ale sme presvedčení, že nastal čas, aby sa zmenil status a aby aj Európska únia, ktorá v súčasnosti pôsobí iba ako pozorovateľ, dostala nové právomoci. Pristúpenie k dohovoru CITES neovplyvní práva a povinnosti členských štátov, pretože Európska únia bude hlasovať iba o tých otázkach, ktoré sa týkajú acquis, a jednotlivé členské štáty budú aj naďalej hlasovať o všetkých ostatných veciach. Avšak pristúpenie Európskej únie k dohovoru CITES zabezpečí väčšiu transparentnosť právneho prostredia a postavenia Európskej únie voči tretím stranám dohovoru.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). - Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η CITES είναι μία σημαντική διεθνής σύμβαση, η οποία, στον βαθμό που θα εφαρμοστεί αποτελεσματικά, μπορεί να προστατεύσει την άγρια πανίδα και χλωρίδα. Είναι χιλιάδες τα είδη που προστατεύονται από τη CITES και μέσω της σύμβασης αυτής μπορεί να χτυπηθεί το λαθρεμπόριο και τα διάφορα κυκλώματα που πλουτίζουν από το εμπόριο των υπό εξαφάνιση ζώων. Επομένως ο ρόλος της σύμβασης είναι θετικός και θεωρώ ότι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει να προσχωρήσει στη σύμβαση αυτή.

Όμως ο τρόπος που θα γίνει η προσχώρηση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης θα πρέπει να σεβαστεί απαρέγκλιτα τις αρμοδιότητες των κρατών μελών στο πεδίο εφαρμογής της Συνθήκης. Ταυτόχρονα, αυτό θα πρέπει να ισχύσει και στο μέλλον, και να μην επιχειρήσει η Επιτροπή με έμμεσο τρόπο να επεκτείνει, όπως κάνει συνήθως, τις αρμοδιότητες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης σε βάρος των αρμοδιοτήτων των κρατών μελών.

Για τον λόγο αυτό, πρέπει η Επιτροπή να βρίσκεται υπό συνεχή έλεγχο και λογοδοσία ενώπιον του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου.

(Ο ομιλητής δέχεται να απαντήσει σε ερώτηση με «γαλάζια κάρτα» (άρθρο 162 παράγραφος 8 του Κανονισμού))


  Gilles Lebreton (NI), question "carton bleu". – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur, vous venez de déclarer que vous étiez favorable à l'adhésion de l'Union européenne à la convention sur le commerce international des espèces sauvages mais, parallèlement, vous souhaitez préserver la compétence des États. J'y vois une contradiction: si l'Union européenne adhère à cette convention, les États perdront nécessairement une nouvelle part de leur souveraineté, comme l'un des orateurs précédents l'a d'ailleurs dit.

Qu'en pensez-vous?


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR), απάντηση “γαλάζια κάρτα”. – Ήθελα να επισημάνω στον συνάδελφο ότι οι αρμοδιότητες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης είναι συγκεκριμένες και προσδιορίζονται, όπως επίσης και οι αρμοδιότητες των κρατών μελών. Γι’ αυτό επεσήμανα ότι είναι δυνατόν να υπάρξει προσχώρηση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, η οποία θα ασκεί τις αρμοδιότητές της στο πεδίο εφαρμογής τους, όπως προσδιορίζονται συγκεκριμένα από τη Συνθήκη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Και γι’ αυτό τόνισα ταυτόχρονα ότι δεν μπορεί και δεν επιτρέπεται να προσπαθήσει έμμεσα η Επιτροπή να επεκτείνει τις αρμοδιότητές της σε άλλα πεδία εις βάρος των κρατών μελών. Αυτά που είπα δεν συγκρούονται αλλά στηρίζονται στη Συνθήκη της Λισσαβόνας όσον αφορά την κατοχύρωση των αρμοδιοτήτων των κρατών μελών.


  Younous Omarjee (GUE/NGL). - Madame la Présidente, pendant la minute de temps de parole qui m'est impartie, je me limiterai à deux observations.

Premièrement, Monsieur le Commissaire, je partage pleinement votre avis: l'Union européenne doit, aujourd'hui, assumer pleinement ses responsabilités dans la gouvernance mondiale, dans un domaine qui correspond à un véritable enjeu de civilisation. Nous voyons bien que le rôle moteur que joue l'Union européenne dans les conférences des parties sur le climat a permis de leur donner une nouvelle impulsion. J'espère que cette impulsion sera donnée dans la lutte contre le commerce des espèces sauvages.

Deuxièmement, cette question nous renvoie au débat plus large – peut-être philosophique, d'ailleurs – sur le rapport de notre espèce avec le reste du monde du vivant. Nous sommes quand même cette espèce un peu curieuse qui, pour satisfaire les besoins souvent futiles de consommateurs dans le monde – et, souvent, de consommateurs européens –, en vient à commettre des crimes de masse.

Nous devons prendre des mesures. Nous connaissons aujourd'hui la sixième vague d'extinction des espèces depuis le début de ce monde.


  Eleonora Evi (EFDD). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, salutiamo con piacere l'adesione dell'Unione europea alla Convenzione internazionale contro il traffico di specie in pericolo. È una decisione importante, dal momento che, nonostante l'impegno degli Stati membri, ancora oggi l'Unione europea rappresenta una delle tre destinazione privilegiate di esemplari e prodotti di specie in pericolo, insieme a Stati Uniti e Giappone. Vi sono però alcuni progetti positivi, messi in atto anche da singoli Stati membri, come l'acquisto per esempio della lana di vigogna, che hanno dimostrato la possibilità di conciliare la tutela di specie vulnerabili con la necessità di sostentamento delle popolazioni indigene, che vengono quindi coinvolte nei programmi di tutela.

È inoltre necessario migliorare le attività di intelligence sia nei paesi di provenienza che in quelli di destinazione, anche attraverso la più ampia diffusione di database comuni, come il sistema EU-TWIX. Ci aspettiamo anche che l'Unione europea contribuisca fattivamente ad un apposito programma di coordinamento all'iniziativa dell'Interpol "Infraterra", per giungere al più presto all'arresto dei nove maggiori ricercati per reati ambientali, tra cui figurano i principali responsabili del mercato clandestino di specie vulnerabili.


  Enrico Gasbarra (S&D). - Signore Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, con l'adesione alla Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di flora e di fauna selvatiche minacciate di estensione, l'UE finalmente si dota di un importante strumento volto a proteggere la biodiversità. La partecipazione dell'UE come soggetto giuridico a questo sistema di protezione delle specie non può che ribadire la posizione di rilievo e di responsabilità che l'UE assume nella promozione della sostenibilità ambientale. Sono oltre 35 000 infatti le specie coperte dalle disposizioni della Convenzione.

Abbiamo ora finalmente un quadro giuridico ancora più certo, anche a vantaggio della sicurezza dei cittadini europei, che regola l'introduzione e l'importazione di flora e fauna protetta. Ci apprestiamo a ratificare quindi uno strumento che rafforzerà la coerenza e il peso negoziale dell'Unione europea in ambito internazionale, in particolare coerenza con il trattato di Lisbona per l'attribuzione alla Commissione europea di una competenza piena in ambito commerciale e ambientale. Un altro passo avanti verso un ruolo più forte dell'UE nel mondo per la sostenibilità e la responsabilità ambientale.


  Richard Ashworth (ECR). - Madam President, it is a sad reflection on mankind that we can put a man on the moon, but we are not capable of keeping some of our most valuable animals alive on earth. We give the highest financial value to those commodities that are scarcest on earth, but sadly that logic applies to animals as well – even to the point that the rarer a species becomes, the more sought-after and the more valuable it or its body parts become.

It is now the stroke of midnight for a number of the world’s most endangered species. However, there is still time – but only if mankind can work together to get a message to all cultures on earth that we cannot go on like this, to outlaw the immoral trade in animal products from rare species, and to urge all authorities to join in enforcement. I commend CITES and I welcome the accession of the EU.


  Lidia Senra Rodríguez (GUE/NGL). - Cinco mil espécies animais e vinte e oito mil espécies vegetais estão protegidas pela Convenção. Novecentas em risco de eminente desaparecimento. Precisamos de mecanismos para evitar a sua extinção, seja pela sobre-exploração, ou pelo comércio ilegal, que afeta cada vez mais um maior número de espécies.

Todos os anos circulam ilegalmente cinquenta mil primatas, quatro milhões de aves, trezentos e cinquenta milhões de peixes tropicais. Entre 60 e 80% morrem na viagem. O mercado está claramente definido: a oferta vem dos países tropicais, a procura está concentrada nos países ricos, são consumidores que procuram exemplares raros e é a indústria farmacêutica que compra espécies de aranhas e cobras venenosas para experiências e novos medicamentos.

A União Europeia é o principal consumidor destes animais exóticos. É o primeiro importador mundial de peles de répteis, papagaios, boa constrictors e pitons. É o segundo importador de primatas e felinos. Precisamos, também, e concluo, de ferramentas eficazes que evitem que estas espécies exóticas se transformem em vassouras nos países de destino.


  Neena Gill (S&D). - Madam President, I wholeheartedly welcome the prospect of EU accession to CITES, which has been overdue for decades. CITES clearly constitutes an area in which the EU has the potential to produce results which far outweigh the sum of actions taken by individual Member States. Issues relating to CITES have a crucial impact on EU policy in a great number of areas. Wildlife trafficking, for example, is not only unethical because of the harm it causes to animals, but is also depriving local communities of sustainable development opportunities, robbing countries of potential tax revenues, deterring investment, providing financing to terrorist groups and enabling the spread of diseases like Ebola.

So I strongly believe that the EU should take a leadership role in CITES in putting a stop to the trafficking of tigers and all other endangered species; and I recall in the last Parliament, when I was here, the impact of the save-the-tiger conference and exhibitions which I held here. But I have to say I am somewhat disappointed that the UK has the questionable honour of harbouring the fourth-highest number of online adverts for the illegal sale of protected wildlife. The onus is now on the UK and all other EU governments to secure the budgets needed for appointing wildlife cybercrime officers to national crime units.


  Sylvie Goddyn (NI). - Madame la Présidente, cette convention, même imparfaite, est un instrument utile tant que son objectif, à savoir protéger les espèces menacées, reste inchangé.

Pour le moment, les États membres votent à titre individuel, sous leur propre responsabilité, les projets présentés au sein de la CITES. Certes, ils se conforment à une position commune définie par le Conseil, mais ils sont libres, juridiquement, de voter dans un autre sens. Ce qui changera avec l'adhésion de l'Union européenne, c'est que celle-ci se verra octroyer le droit de vote de tous les États membres lors des conférences des parties. Dès lors, ce transfert du vote constitue un transfert de souveraineté auquel nous sommes opposés par principe. Mais il y a plus grave!

Nous n'avons pas confiance dans la capacité de l'Union européenne à résister aux lobbys, parce que ceux-ci demanderont des restrictions ou, au contraire, des suppressions de restrictions sur le commerce de telle ou telle espèce menacée. Il faut notamment craindre que certaines espèces de poissons consommées par l'homme soient inscrites dans le registre de la CITES, ce qui ouvrirait la voie à l'interdiction de leur pêche. Pour le moment, ce n'est pas le cas puisque ce sont les organismes régionaux de gestion halieutique qui régulent la pêche commerciale. Mais des voix se sont élevées pour demander que des poissons destinés à la consommation humaine puissent être inscrits à la CITES.

Le danger, c'est que sous l'influence de certains lobbys, l'Union européenne préfère interdire purement et simplement la pêche de certaines espèces, plutôt que de réguler cette pêche. C'est pourquoi nous refusons de signer un chèque en blanc à l'Union européenne.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). - Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'adesione dell'Unione europea al CITES è di fondamentale importanza per assicurare la salvaguardia delle biodiversità. Anche se l'Unione europea non ha aderito da subito alla Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di flora e fauna selvatiche minacciate di estinzione, si è sempre impegnata, fin dal 1° gennaio 1984, ad applicarla pienamente. L'adesione dell'Unione europea alla CITES rappresenta quindi l'evoluzione e la maturazione di un processo naturale e logico, che finalmente consentirà all'Unione di essere adeguatamente rappresentata e di indirizzare i lavori della Convezione e a svolgere in maniera efficace il proprio ruolo.

Aderendo al CITES, l'Unione rafforzerà ulteriormente la sua leadership in materia di ambientale, di tutela animale e di politica ambientale, garantendo che il commercio internazionale di esemplari minacciati di estinzione non ne mini la sopravvivenza a livello comunitario internazionale. Ritengo che l'adesione, che consentirebbe alla Commissione di svolgere un ruolo essenziali nei negoziati durante le conferenze delle parti, aumenterebbe la coerenza e l'unità dell'azione dell'Unione europea su questioni relative al CITES e porterebbe ad un maggiore allineamento della posizioni degli Stati membri.

Sono quindi convinto che l'adesione debba essere considerata come un passo logico e necessario affinché l'UE sia pienamente in grado di perseguire gli obiettivi che si è prefissata nel quadro della propria politica ambientale.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). - Gospođo predsjednice, tragično je ono što se dešava sa slonovima u Africi i drugdje, tragično je ono što se dešava sa nosorozima. Tragično je ono što se dešava sa svim time krajnje zanimljivim vrstama na drugim kontinentima.

Ali želim upozoriti i na probleme koji postoje u Europi, želim upozoriti na one probleme koji postoje među državama članicama Europske unije. Poznato je da se na granicama između Republike Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine ili prema Sloveniji, odnosno Italiji često hvataju oni koji krijumčare tim rijetkim vrstama biljaka, odnosno ptica, životinja, čak i čovječjom ribicom.

Želim predložiti oštre, najoštrije, ekstremno oštre kazne onima koji se uhvate u krijumčarenju pogotovo ako se radi o državljanima država članica Europske unije.


  József Nagy (PPE) - Veľmi vítam pripojenie Európskej únie k dohode CITES, lebo očakávam zjednotený postoj v ochrane ohrozených druhov a biodiverzity v celej Európskej únii, čo je našou morálnou zodpovednosťou. Často si myslíme, že ide len o exotické druhy, ale množstvo našich vzácnych domácich chránených druhov sa stáva korisťou miestnych a medzinárodných gangov, a to často veľmi sofistikovanými spôsobmi aj pod zámienkou, že zvieratá pochádzajú z legálnych chovov. V rámci Európskej únie, vo veľkej časti bez hraničných kontrol, je jednoducho nemožné bez spoločného úsilia si ustrážiť poriadok. Musí byť zjednotený a prepojený systém registrácie, sledovania pohybu jedincov pochádzajúcich z obchodu a z chovných staníc, musí byť prepojený dohľad nad činnosťou chovateľov, aby sa vylúčili podvody. A na čo bude mať EÚ v budúcnosti oveľa účinnejšie možnosti ako členské štáty, to je sledovanie obchodu cez internet, lebo cez tento je obchod najväčšou hrozbou pre ohrozené druhy.


  Miguel Viegas (GUE/NGL). - Concordamos, genericamente, com esta decisão de adesão da União Europeia a esta Convenção. Estão em causa, como foi dito, milhares de espécies animais e vegetais em risco de extinção.

A minha preocupação prende-se com os meios que a União Europeia irá colocar ao serviço desta importante missão. Sem meios, sem uma intervenção eficaz no terreno, esta adesão ao CITES não fará grande sentido. No quadro da União Europeia foram, em alguns casos, em alguns Estados-Membros, desmantelados serviços de controlo veterinário que tiveram um papel decisivo no controlo e na erradicação de muitas doenças importantes como a peste suína, a tuberculose, etc..

Por isso chamo a atenção para a necessidade de se reforçar os meios para poder combater o tráfico ilegal dessas espécies, designadamente o reforço dos postos de inspeção fronteiriços, a melhoria da formação do corpo veterinário - no quadro do Food and Veterinary Office - e, se possível, em colaboração com a Federação Europeia dos Veterinários, e é igualmente importante dar aos Estados-Membros meios para proteger as suas zonas económicas exclusivas.


  President. - Colleagues, as you know, our rapporteur Ms Ayuso was unavailable to speak in the debate. She was replaced by Ms Herranz García who is not available at the moment to speak, so I thank everyone for their contributions.

(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Carlos Moedas, Member of the Commission. - Madam President, honourable Members, we are grateful to hear the strong support of Parliament for the upcoming EU accession to CITES. With the prospect of Parliament giving its consent to the Council decision tomorrow the EU should finally be able to become a party to CITES next year and be ready for the next meeting of the CITES Standing Committee in January 2016 and the Conference of the Parties later the same year. Thank you for your support. The EU voice will be stronger in an international arena. The input of Parliament to future debates on CITES matters is important, and we will of course continue working with you on those issues.

On the specific question raised here today on the EU action plan against wildlife trafficking, we have taken good note of the Parliament resolution on wildlife trafficking and the recent letter signed by 81 MEPs arguing in favour of an EU wildlife action plan. As Commissioner Vella has already indicated, the EU should be leading the fight against wildlife trafficking both domestically and internationally. He will thus be consulting a number of Commissioner colleagues concerned by these issues with a view to considering all appropriate steps for possible follow-up, also taking into account the results of the public consultation which the Commission launched on this issue.


  President. - The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Tuesday, 16 December 2014.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Tiziana Beghin (EFDD), per iscritto. Il commercio delle specie protette è ancora una realtà ed è necessario proteggere gli animali da pratiche commerciali che possono metterli a rischio. E' a questo che serve la CITES, una convenzione già ratificata da molti Paesi, ma solo da poco tempo può essere ratificata dall'Unione Europea. Come ha detto poco fa il mio collega Marco Affronte, c'è ancora molto da fare per la protezione delle specie e certo noi del Movimento Cinque Stelle non faremo mancare il nostro contributo. Vorrei precisare che il Consiglio, nella richiesta di consenso inviata al Parlamento, ha fatto riferimento solo all'articolo 192 dei Trattati, la protezione dell'ambiente, e non all'articolo 207, il commercio internazionale. Poiché si tratta di una convenzione che regola il commercio, ripeto, IL COMMERCIO, in specie animali e vegetali per tutelarle da pratiche che possono metterle in pericolo, è importante che venga considerata anche la base giuridica relativa al commercio internazionale, perché la Convenzione CITES persegue contemporaneamente sia obiettivi di commercio legale e non dannoso, che di protezione degli animali. Ed è solo includendo tutti i possibili ambiti di applicazione che la Convenzione risulterà ancora più efficace.


  Viorica Dăncilă (S&D), în scris. Uniunea Europeană trebuie să păstreze protecția mediului printre obiectivele sale principale și consider că va fi benefică aderarea sa la Convenția privind comerțul internațional cu specii ale faunei și florei sălbatice pe cale de dispariție (CITES). Aceasta va permite totodată întărirea cooperării cu alte țări din afara UE, pentru protejarea speciilor pe cale de dispariție. Nu trebuie să uităm niciun moment marea diversitate de plante, animale și habitate pe care le are Europa, pe un teritoriu destul de restrâns față de alte continente. Potrivit specialiștilor din domeniu, jumătate din zonele umede din Europa au fost drenate și aproape trei sferturi din dunele din Franța, Italia și Spania au dispărut. Cele mai valoroase habitate pentru fauna și flora sălbatică sunt protejate prin lege, însă multe dintre ele sunt în stare proastă și trebuie restaurate. Pe de altă parte, aproape jumătate din mamiferele din Europa și o treime din reptile, pești și păsări sunt pe cale de dispariție. Aceasta se datorează în principal faptului că habitatele acestora se restrâng pe măsură ce se dezvoltă zonele urbane, iar o parte din terenuri sunt alocate unor proiecte de infrastructură, cum ar fi drumurile. Ca atare, avem nevoie de protejarea tuturor acestor specii, atât pentru generațiile actuale, cât și pentru cele viitoare.


  Mireille D'Ornano (NI), par écrit. La protection de la faune et de la flore est une politique de long terme de haute importance, car elle est la garantie de la préservation du milieu naturel dans lequel nous évoluons, et qui constitue une grande richesse planétaire. Cet attachement à la biodiversité est un combat que je mène avec mes collègues français et européens dans ce Parlement où nous sont pourtant proposés des textes et des projets qui menacent la faune et la flore, à l’instar des organismes génétiquement modifiés, et qui glorifient le libre-échange. L’Union européenne ne semble donc pas en accord avec elle-même lorsqu’elle cherche à se draper dans des conventions qui lui donnent bonne conscience. Par ailleurs, pour la plupart d’entre eux, les États membres ont déjà adhéré à cette convention et l’adhésion de l’Union reviendrait à nier les interprétations que les nations produisent de cette convention, ainsi qu'à asseoir l’autorité illégitime de la technocratie européenne. Enfin, cette recommandation de vernis ne peut recevoir mon soutien dans la mesure où la plus grande avancée dans ce domaine serait la restriction du libre-échange et le renforcement des politiques locales menées par des nations libres.

Aviso legal - Política de privacidade