 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2014/0250(COD)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : A8-0053/2014

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 16/12/2014 - 16
CRE 16/12/2014 - 16

Votes :

PV 17/12/2014 - 10.1
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Mardi 16 décembre 2014 - Strasbourg

16. Préférences commerciales autonomes pour la République de Moldavie (débat)
Vidéo des interventions

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Sorin Moisă im Namen des Ausschusses für internationalen Handel über den Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Änderung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 55/2008 des Rates zur Einführung autonomer Handelspräferenzen für die Republik Moldau (COM(2014)0542 - C8-0128/2014 - 2014/0250(COD)) (A8-0053/2014).


  Sorin Moisă, rapporteur. Madam President, for the EU this file is a gesture that is symbolic in purely economic terms, but is of great political significance at a critically historic juncture for Moldova and, indeed, for our entire European Neighbourhood. For Moldova, it is a breath of fresh air in a sector of vital importance for the Moldovan economy: fruit growing. Its importance, however, goes beyond apples and plums, as we shall see in a moment. It also serves as a practical demonstration of solidarity in the face of hardship.

The EU and Moldova signed their Association Agreement on 27 June 2014. The Moldovan Parliament quickly ratified it on 2 July 2014. As if by coincidence, shortly thereafter an import ban was imposed by Russia on agricultural products from Moldova. On 7 August 2014, Russia also imposed a ban on food imports from the EU itself in the context of the Ukrainian crisis, which, of course, is linked to the wider question of our Eastern Neighbourhood.

The root of the problem lies in the fact that Russia sees itself, wrongly of course, as the object of some sort of geopolitical plot by the Western world. It is a conflict generated by a dramatic clash of world views. It is the 19th century fighting the 21st century. Blood, invasion from within, propaganda, lies and apples became the ingredients of a very strange new form of warfare. Seeking some relief, the Moldovan authorities have turned to the EU requesting urgent support to reduce the economic impact of the Russian ban, in particular for the most important products of Moldovan food growers: apples, plums and table grapes. The Commission decided to respond positively. The Council agreed and I hope we, the Parliament, will also give our blessing this week.

The ban is hurting Moldova’s economy in a rather dramatic way. Agriculture accounts for around 40% of Moldova’s GDP. Its horticultural sector alone employs a quarter of a million people – that is 10% of the active Moldovan population. Obviously they mostly live in rural areas and they cultivate small and medium family plots.

A few words on the legal context of this proposal: the Autonomous Trade Preferences (ATPs) are an instrument whereby a trading power, such as ourselves, may offer concessions to a country in order to support its economy without asking for trade concessions in exchange. ATPs for Moldova were originally introduced by the EU in 2008 by the very regulation that we are amending this week. The Commission now proposes to amend the ATP regulation by introducing three new duty-free quotas for fresh apples (40 000 tonnes), tables grapes and plums (10 000 tonnes each). The quotas will apply until the end of 2015, when the whole regime will expire.

The quotas for the three products concerned are extremely limited in volume compared to the potentially competing EU production. For apples, for instance, which is the most sensitive product, it is only 0.4% of our production, and they address very different market segments than most EU production. More specifically, in light of the cultural and geographical proximity with Romania, it is very likely that most of the additional volumes of the three products will be absorbed easily by the Romanian market. For apples, for example, Romania this year has a fall of 22% in production, and the quota under discussion tonight covers only 8% only of Romanian production. So there is still a gap there to be filled by others.

A few words now in Romanian.

Sper ca autoritățile moldovene să reușească să transforme aceste cote într-o poveste de succes, care să ajute cu adevărat fermierii moldoveni. Și aș vrea să fac un apel și la operatorii economici din România, să folosească această oportunitate cu deschidere față de colegii din Republica Moldova. Merele, prunele și perele din Moldova sunt foarte gustoase și vă asigur că ele vor fi apreciate de consumatorii români dacă le vor găsi pe piață.


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. Madam President, the honour is all mine. Honourable Members, whereas the current focus in the media very much turns around the events in Ukraine, there is, as you know, another very important neighbour to the European Union, which is the Republic of Moldova. That country faces the economic consequences of a political choice to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union.

The Republic of Moldova chose that its economic development should be based on European values and a deep and comprehensive free trade area with the EU. This was a choice in favour of us, it was not directed against anyone, yet products which were almost exclusively exported to Russia can no longer find their way to that market. The preferences under the Free Trade Agreement with the Commonwealth of Independent States that Moldova enjoyed in bilateral trade with Russia were also suspended for a number of key products.

We know that it is possible to maintain free trade areas with several trade partners at the same time, and that business makes the choice of the market in which it sells its goods and services. It is not and should not be a zero sum game, which is why we need to support Moldova, our Eastern partner. We need to help it not only in the process of implementing the deep and comprehensive free trade area – and we are already assisting Moldova with this – but also through any other means we have.

That is why the Commission proposal to amend the autonomous trade preferences regulations offers Moldova temporary additional relief for its needs, in undertaking efforts to reroute the exports of its apples, table grapes and plums. Anyone who trades with partners abroad knows how difficult it can be to reroute exports to new markets and find new partners there. So the proposal that you will discuss here today is a temporary measure, as the rapporteur so correctly said. It will expire in a year. The Commission proposes to apply it retroactively to imports from Moldova from August this year, when the first bans were introduced on Moldovan exports. The duty free quotas proposed – for plums, apples and table grapes – do not endanger the EU market, and that was also made very clear in the statement by the rapporteur.

I am aware that there are concerns here surrounding the possible impact of this on our own farmers, but I am convinced that we can support and show solidarity for Moldova without any domestic risks. To give a concrete figure – others were mentioned before and this is another one – imports of apples from Moldova equal 0.8% of total EU production, plums 1.4% and table grapes 1.1%. So I think this is a good opportunity for us to show solidarity with a neighbouring country in need. I would very much like to thank Parliament, and in particular the INTA Committee and the rapporteur, Mr Moisă, for the swift manner in which this file has been handled.


  Iuliu Winkler, on behalf of the PPE Group. Madam President, the PPE Group fully supports the adoption of the proposal on additional trade preferences for the Republic of Moldova. I think that it is important that we show once again our commitment to supporting a European course for our neighbouring state.

This report, which was thoroughly presented by our rapporteur, introduces new measures to tackle the unfair commercial practices of the Russian Federation. Last year, I was the rapporteur for Moldova when the European Union proposed the full liberalisation of imports of Moldovan wine to the Community market after a similar ban by Russia on its imports. Today’s decision to supplement trade preferences complements last year’s measure of opening the EU markets to Moldovan products. I fully welcome Parliament’s approval of the draft report without amendments. I hope that we will vote on the file tomorrow and that it will be published by the end of the year, so that the Moldovan partners can benefit from these free extra quotas as soon as possible.

To conclude, I hope that Moldova will keep up its efforts in view of these future European perspectives, and that the FTA will deliver its positive effects for the benefit of the economic development of Moldova and our rapprochement.


  David Martin, on behalf of the S&D Group. Madam President, let me start by congratulating Sorin Moisă on his excellent handling of this dossier which I think is the first report he has taken through this Parliament, and also Mr Winkler for the work he has done as shadow. I think Parliament has shown that it can act with speed in the right circumstances and I think we have a good agreement here where we have assisted Moldova through our agricultural support for the three fruits that have been mentioned, but at the same time have done minimum harm – in fact, no harm at all – to the European agricultural sectors, so it is a win-win.

The European Union has committed itself to supporting Moldova through the European Partnership and Association Agreement. In the face of Russian aggression and politically motivated trade bans it is right that the EU delivers on our commitment to strengthen economic ties with Moldova and to encourage political stability in that country.


  Dawid Bohdan Jackiewicz, w imieniu grupy ECR. Szanowni Państwo! Blisko miesiąc temu przeprowadziliśmy na tej sali debatę związaną z ratyfikacją umowy stowarzyszeniowej z Mołdawią. Zdecydowana większość z nas przyjęła ten fakt – fakt ściślejszej integracji tego kraju ze strukturami politycznymi zjednoczonej Europy – bardzo pozytywnie. Trzeba pamiętać, że Republika Mołdawii poddawana jest od wielu lat stałej polityczno-militarnej presji ze strony Rosji. Rosji, która podejmuje wysiłki, by zwasalizować mołdawski rząd oraz podsycać tendencje separatystyczne spornych regionów. Jest oczywiste, że rosyjskie sankcje nakładane na mołdawski sektor rolno-spożywczy są takimi samymi środkami szantażu politycznego jak np. embargo na polskie owoce i inne produkty rolne. Nie będzie bezpiecznej i suwerennej Mołdawii, jeśli jej gospodarka zostanie osłabiona bądź zrujnowana w wyniku odwetowych działań Putina.

W dniu 27 czerwca wzięliśmy na siebie wielkie zobowiązanie mówiąc, że chcemy Mołdawii bliżej Unii Europejskiej. Embargo rosyjskie wymierzone jest w polityczny i ekonomiczny interes całej Wspólnoty Europejskiej, a pomoc przyniesie Mołdawii korzyści większe od finansowych nakładów państw. Możliwie szybkie wprowadzenie autonomicznych preferencji handlowych dla Mołdawii jest uzasadnione ekonomicznym i politycznym interesem Unii. Bądźmy świadomi tego, że przyjdzie nam jeszcze niejednokrotnie wyciągnąć dłoń do naszych mołdawskich przyjaciół. Jeśli nie chcemy, aby ten kraj podzielił losy targanej wojną Ukrainy, musimy jako społeczność europejska odważnie stawić czoła temu wyzwaniu. Dziękuję.


  Petras Auštrevičius, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Madam President, exactly a month ago, this Parliament voted in favour of the Association Agreement with Moldova. I hope we are all convinced that, by embarking on the implementation of the EU-Moldova association agenda, our aim is to make this country and the whole region more stable and prosperous.

However, this is not shared by ‘Big Brother’ to the East, which chose to ban a long list of Moldovan agricultural products. This is in violation of Russia’s World Trade Organisation commitments. It clearly harms not only the Moldovan people, but the Russian people too, as the prices in Russia’s empty shops have gone up considerably. Our decision today is one more act to show our political solidarity with the people of Moldova – first and foremost with those 250 000 people who are living from agriculture in that country. As we know, agriculture represents around 40% of Moldova’s economy. By extending additional quotas, and doing so at this juncture – when the Moldovan people have just reconfirmed their trust in the country’s European future at the recent elections – we are making a correct and timely step in all regards – political, economic and, to a certain degree, even humanitarian.

We should have no concerns about a dramatic inflow of Moldovan grapes, plums or apples into the European Union market. I can assure you that they are tasty and good for our stomachs.


  Helmut Scholz, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Die Bevölkerung Moldau steht vor entscheidenden großen wirtschaftlichen und innen- wie außenpolitischen Herausforderungen: Wie kann die soziale und gesellschaftliche Perspektive des kleinen Landes angesichts des Machtkampfes der beiden großen Handelspartner gesichert werden?

Meine Fraktion sperrt sich nicht gegen die kleine Geste, mehr Äpfel, Pflaumen und Weintrauben aus Moldau zollfrei in die EU importieren zu lassen. Viel mehr wäre jedoch nötig. Wo bleiben die Investitionen in die Infrastruktur, ohne welche die Hoffnungen der Bevölkerung enttäuscht werden? Welche konkreten Planungen zum Aufbau einer eigenständigen Stärkung und Diversifizierung der moldauischen Wirtschaft sind vorhanden, die neue, gute Arbeitsplätze entstehen lassen?

Wichtigste politische Aufgabe bleibt jedoch die Verständigung mit Russland auf eine friedliche und zukunftsorientierte Zusammenarbeit. Deshalb muss auch die EU-Kommission endlich Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, von denen Moldau durch die besonderen Kenntnisse seiner Bevölkerung profitieren könnte. Schon dieser Winter wird schwer genug werden.


  Igor Šoltes, v imenu skupine Verts/ALE. Sam zelo podpiram ta predlog trgovinskih preferenc.

Kot veste, je Republika Moldavija z Evropsko komisijo podpisala pridružitveni sporazum, katerega cilj je predvsem vzpostavitev tesnejšega sodelovanja na trgovinskem področju, in s pomočjo tega sporazuma bo lahko Moldavija okrepila dostop do evropskega trga in s tem na dolgi rok zmanjšala odvisnost od sosedskih držav, predvsem Rusije.

Dodatno bodo k temu pripomogli tudi spremenjeni zakoni in pa standardi, ki so bliže evropskim, in tako olajšali uvoz izdelkov držav v EU.

Žal pa pridružitveni sporazum nima le pozitivnih učinkov, spravlja Moldavijo tudi v težji položaj, zlasti zaradi ukrepov Rusije in prepovedi uvoza. Ta prepoved zelo škoduje Moldaviji in ravno zato mislim, da Evropska unija nosi poseben in pomemben del odgovornosti, da ji pomaga tudi tehnično in finančno pri implementaciji področij, ki so pomembna za Moldavijo in njen razvoj v prihodnje.


  Gerolf Annemans (NI). Met al mijn sympathie voor het Moldavische volk, maar collega's, hou alstublieft hiermee op. De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie en alle sluipende besluitvorming in die richting, zoals hier nu vandaag met Moldavië, moet ophouden. Uw kiezers zijn hier niet mee akkoord en al zeker niet uw eigen landbouwers, maar toch gaat u door.

Wees eerlijk met uzelf. Kijk naar wat voorligt, de strategische visie van de Unie inzake de oostgrenzen van de Unie is gewoonweg een catastrofe. Dus zowel economisch, als inzake veiligheid, als inzake immigratie, is de verdere integratie van Moldavië niet in het belang van de mensen die wij hier vertegenwoordigen, de burgers van de Europese Unie.

Met andere woorden, zoek een vrijblijvende samenwerking met dit quasi-ontwikkelingsland, waarborg zijn onafhankelijkheid, maar stop de sluipende integratie van Moldavië in de Europese Unie.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). Doamnă președinte, sunt șocat să aud un coleg vorbind așa.

Aș vrea să salut raportul pe care îl vom adopta, pentru că sunt introduse trei noi contingente tarifare scutite de taxe vamale – pentru mere proaspete, pentru struguri de masă, pentru prune – și arătăm în acest fel, într-un mod foarte concret, în ce fel Uniunea poate să sprijine o țară care a fost lovită dramatic de sancțiunile rusești. Vă reamintesc că, înainte ca Rusia să introducă sancțiuni împotriva produselor agricole din Uniune, a făcut acest lucru împotriva Moldovei și asta pentru o țară care trăiește în mare măsură de pe urma unor asemenea activități legate de legume și de fructe.

Auzind un discurs precum cel pe care l-am auzit adineauri e pur și simplu șocant, este o lipsă de umanitate până la urmă în acest tip de stigmatizare a săracilor moldoveni, care sunt loviți deja de ruși. Dacă îi mai lovim și noi cu această atitudine intolerantă, cred că arătăm foarte puțină empatie pentru ce înseamnă astăzi cetățeni europeni.

Aș vrea, de altfel, să atrag atenția asupra faptului că alegerile din Moldova au confirmat dorința cetățenilor din această țară de a merge pe drumul european, împotriva presiunilor colosale făcute de Rusia, inclusiv prin finanțarea unor partide politice, lucru inacceptabil inclusiv în Uniunea Europeană.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). Gospođo predsjednice, autonomne trgovinske mjere izvrstan su program Europske unije koji omogućuje uslugu i financijsku podršku europskim partnerima čija proeuropska orijentacija i predanost reformama nisu upitni.

Privremeno povećanje kvota na uvoz spomenutih proizvoda iz Moldavije u Europsku uniju malen je financijski ustupak i snažna politička poruka Moldaviji, ali i Rusiji da Europska unija stoji uz svoje partnere. Posljedice politički motiviranog ruskog embarga Moldavija snažna osjeća, obzirom da 40 % proračuna dolazi od poljoprivrednih djelatnosti koje zapošljavaju 10 % populacije. Takav financijski udarac ozbiljno prijeti ekonomskom oporavku i provođenju neophodnih reformi.

Aktualna zbivanja na istočnim granicama Unije čine Moldaviju sve važnijom za angažman Europske unije na istočnom susjedstvu. Nedavno održani izbori pokazali su da je Moldavija većinski proeuropski orijentirana, a što predstavlja snažan temelj za nastavak našeg partnerstva. Moldavija je izabrala svoj put, na nama je da je podržimo.


  Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski (ECR). Nie zawsze polityka zewnętrzna Unii Europejskiej jest dobra i skuteczna, ale chciałbym zacząć od tego, że w przypadku polityki wobec Mołdawii możemy wyraźnie powiedzieć, że nasze działania były konsekwentne i skuteczne. Dały one możliwość związania tego kraju, który jest w bardzo trudnym położeniu, ze światem instytucji europejskich. Cieszyliśmy się bardzo z zawarcia umowy stowarzyszeniowej z Mołdawią i dziś należy traktować autonomiczne instrumenty handlowe jako dodatkowy, pożądany i korzystny środek wsparcia europejskich aspiracji Mołdawii oraz bardzo dobrą, konsekwentną odpowiedź na embargo rosyjskie. Muszę też wyrazić zadowolenie i radość z tego, że ostatnie wybory parlamentarne w Mołdawii przyniosły dobry rezultat. Przyniosły zwycięstwo koalicji sił, która chce podtrzymać kurs proeuropejski i zaprotestować przeciwko temu, co słyszeliśmy niedawno, przeciwko tej manifestacji egoizmu europejskiego. Europa, żeby się rozwijać, musi być solidarna i cieszę się z tego, że potrafimy być solidarni wobec Mołdawii. Dziękuję.


  Bronis Ropė (Verts/ALE). Iš esmės norėčiau pritarti siūlomam reglamento pakeitimui, kadangi Moldova yra labai nuo žemės ūkio gamybos priklausanti šalis, ir, padėdami jos žemės ūkio produkcijai patekti į Europos Sąjungą, mes kartu padėsime stiprinti ir jos ekonomiką. Bet, žinoma, turi būti užtikrinama, kad ta nauda, kurią gaus ši Moldovos sritis, pasiektų visus dalyvius, visą grandinę, tame tarpe ir obuolių, slyvų ir vynuogių augintojus. Ir, žinoma, problema yra ta, kad krizė trunka praktiškai vos ne pusę metų, buvo daug kalbama apie trečiųjų rinkų paiešką, ir šiandien galima tvirtai konstatuoti, kad ne kažin kas padaryta, nors buvo duotas pranešimas, kad rastos lėšos rinkų paieškoms. Bet noriu pasakyti, kad, jeigu slyvų ir vynuogių problema mažesnė, tai obuolių situacija Europos Sąjungoje iš tikrųjų labai reikalauja sprendimo, ir manau, kad šiuo klausimu Komisija turėtų sparčiau padirbėti.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser (NI). Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, si la Moldavie souffre économiquement aujourd'hui, ce que nul ne nie, c'est qu'elle souffre des conséquences de la même stratégie et de la négation de son identité, que l'Ukraine a subies de la part de l'Union.

En forçant la Moldavie à choisir un camp – l'Europe de l'ouest, soit le camp de l'Occident et de l'OTAN – comme vous l'avez fait pour l'Ukraine, en lui faisant des promesses intenables, vous fragilisez sa population économiquement et politiquement. En choisissant d'adopter unilatéralement des sanctions contre la Russie, vous l'incitez à réagir. Arrêtez cette politique, et il ne sera pas nécessaire d'intervenir pour atténuer les effets de cette dernière. Diviser l'Europe et créer une nouvelle fracture entre l'Est et l'Ouest, préparer la guerre et faire le jeu des États-Unis et de l'OTAN, c'est être anti-européen.


  Michael Gahler (PPE). Frau Präsidentin! „Goworit Moskwa – hier spricht Moskau!“ Das war eben vom Kollegen Schaffhauser zu hören, und er verbreitet das gleiche Gerücht oder die Mär von dem Zwang. Wenn hier jemand in Europa Zwang ausübt gegenüber einem anderen Staat oder gegenüber seinen Nachbarn, dann ist es Moskau, Russland, nicht die Europäische Union. Zu uns kommen alle immer freiwillig. Das ist deswegen, weil wir hier für Rechtsstaat und für Entwicklung stehen in einem demokratischen Rahmen und diese Länder ihre Zukunft nicht in der alten Struktur der Sowjetunion sehen wollen.

Wir haben mit diesen autonomen Handelspräferenzen richtig auf den Druck aus Moskau, auf das politisch motivierte Einfuhrverbot für Agrarerzeugnisse, reagiert. Dies ist eine Reaktion, die angemessen ist. Es ist Teil unserer gesamten Politik gegenüber Moldau. Wir wollen natürlich auch erreichen, dass die großen Themen vorankommen, dass hier eine tatkräftige Regierung gebildet werden kann, die die Möglichkeiten der vorläufigen Anwendung des Assoziierungsabkommens auch voll ausschöpfen wird.

Der Prozess ist anspruchsvoll. Wir erwarten auch die notwendigen Veränderungen und Reformen im Rechtsstaat und in der Staatsverwaltung. Aber dies sind eben auch die Voraussetzungen für das Funktionieren des europäischen Modells in allen Lebensbereichen. Unsere Erfahrung ist, dass unser Modell dasjenige ist, das den Menschen am besten die Orientierung für die Zukunft geben kann. Deswegen ist auch dieser Schritt ein richtiger in die richtige Richtung.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die nächste Rednerin ist nun Frau Sandra Kalniete, der ich, bevor ich ihr das Wort erteile, schon im Vorhinein für ihre Wortmeldung danken möchte, denn sie ist die einzige Frau unter den Abgeordneten, die bei dieser Debatte das Wort ergreift.


  Sandra Kalniete (PPE). Madam President, I feel proud being a woman. I will continue in Latvian.

Tam, ka Eiropas Parlaments paplašina autonomās tirdzniecības preferences Moldovai, ir ne tikai praktiski ekonomiska, bet arī politiska nozīme. Tā Eiropas Savienība parāda savu spēju konkrēti rīkoties, lai atbalstītu demokrātiju Eiropas kaimiņos. Svarīgi, ka šīs priekšrocības dos Moldovas tautsaimniecībai tūlītēju atvieglojumu, un tas neradīs gandrīz nekādu ietekmi Eiropas Savienības tirgū. Šīs priekšrocības ir piemērs, kā Eiropas Savienība var līdzsvarot Putina Krievijas centienus „sodīt” tās Eiropas valstis un tautas, kas izvēlas Eiropas attīstības ceļu.

Pirms dažām nedēļām Moldovas parlamenta vēlēšanās uzvarēja proeiropeiskās politiskās partijas, un mēs sagaidām, ka nākamā valdība turpinās reformas, kuras nepieciešamas, lai Moldovas izvēlētais Eiropas integrācijas ceļš kļūtu par panākumu stāstu. Eiropas Parlaments ar šo lēmumu sūta vēl vienu pozitīvu signālu Moldovai. Tomēr tas nekādā ziņā nevar aizstāt skaidrākas Eiropas Savienības dalības perspektīvas sniegšanu Moldovai, uz kuru diemžēl vairākums dalībvalstu un Eiropas Parlamenta deputātu vēl nav gatavi. Paldies!


  Gabrielius Landsbergis (PPE). Madam President, during the past few weeks talk has started to spread that the EU should start debating a common trade area with Russia that starts at Vladivostok and goes all the way to Lisbon.

In this debate I would like to ask whether it is not a better time to pay more attention to the other trade area that starts at Vancouver and goes all the way to Chişinău or Kiev or even Tbilisi. That is why today’s decision is very important because ATPs are additional and complementary to the liberalisation regime for goods in the DCFTA. Now countries like Moldova and Ukraine, especially after successful European elections, are showing a lot of political will and resolution to continue on a path to much needed reforms. So this is the best time to stand with Moldova and show our support on their way towards Europe.


  Davor Ivo Stier (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, želio bih ovom raspravom dati potporu procesu intenziviranja političkih i ekonomskih odnosa između Europske unije i Moldove. U tom je procesu bilo važno potpisivanje ugovora u lipnju, koji je Moldaviji omogućio povećanje trgovine s Europskom unijom, povećanje izvoza prema Europskoj uniji.

No, moramo konstatirati negativnu reakciju vlasti u Moskvi na ovaj proces - proces koji je bio u obostranom interesu, i Moldove i Europske unije, no izgleda da je sama ta činjenica da Moldova ide svojim putem bila neprihvatljiva ruskim vlastima i njihovom geopolitičkom cilju dominacije nad prostorom bivšeg Sovjetskog saveza.

Zato su u srpnju zabranili uvoz moldavskih poljoprivrednih proizvoda kako bi kaznili neposlušnost zemlje koju još smatraju svojim posjedom iz bivših sovjetskih vremena. Naravno, takva ruska mjera imala je negativne posljedice na moldavsku ekonomiju gdje je poljoprivredni sektor vrlo značajan, a dovoljno je spomenuti primjer da 10 % radno aktivnog stanovništva radi baš u sektoru hortikulture. Zato u takvoj situaciji smatram da je potrebno podržati prijedlog Komisije uvođenjem triju novih proizvoda: jabuka, grožđa, šljiva na slobodni carinski režim uvoza EU-a unutar ITM regulacije.

To će sasvim sigurno pomoći malim i srednjim poljoprivrednim proizvođačima, a pogotovo će poslati snažan signal i ruskim vlastima, ali i naravno našim partnerima u Moldovi da je Europska unija s njima u solidarnosti.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). A Uachtaráin, is minic a deirtear nach bhfuil anam ná croí ag polaiteoirí agus go háirithe ag institiúidí móra cosúil leis an Aontas Eorpach. Ach taispeánann na moltaí seo, ní hamháin go bhfuil anam agus croí againn, ach gur féidir linn beart a dhéanamh go tapaidh nuair atá gá leis agus gan dabht tá gá leis sa chás seo, mar tá daoine bochta na Moldóive, go háirithe feirmeoirí agus teaghlaigh bochta thíos leis de bharr pholasaí na hollphéiste Putin. Ní féidir leo torthaí a easpórtáil go dtí an Rúis.

Mar an dúirt an Coimisinéir, is deacair margaí nua a fháil agus cinnte ní féidir iad a fháil thar oíche. Dá bhrí sin táimid ag teacht i gcabhair ar ár gcomharsa. Taispeánann sé sin go bhfuil croí agus anam againn agus níos fearr fós, is féidir linn é a dhéanamh gan cur isteach rómhór ar ár bhfeirmeoirí féin. Mar a dúirt an Coimisinéir, nílimid ag caint faoi ach níos lú ná 1 % de na torthaí atá againn san Aontas. Dá bhrí sin is iontach an t—éacht é seo agus taispeánann sé mar a deirtear i mBéarla:

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Moldova is in need and we are proving to be a friend indeed.


  Andrzej Grzyb (PPE). Pani Przewodnicząca! Autonomiczne preferencje handlowe są instrumentem, który przewiduje polityka sąsiedztwa. Uruchamiamy je wtedy, kiedy stwierdzamy, że nie możemy w inny sposób pomóc naszym partnerom, tak jak w wypadku Mołdawii, jak tylko przez wprowadzenie nowych taryf handlowych, które pozwolą na uzyskanie efektów z eksportu nadwyżek, które były dotychczas lokowane na rynku rosyjskim. Rosja oczywiście w ten sposób zareagowała, dlatego że nie jest zadowolona z europejskich aspiracji Mołdawii. Umowa o stowarzyszeniu pomiędzy Mołdawią a Unią Europejską, która tworzy pogłębioną i kompleksową strefę wolnego handlu, a także podstawy do liberalizacji i szeroko rozumianych reform gospodarczych, dotyczy również produktów rolnych. Ale te dodatkowe preferencje pozwalają na uzyskanie pewnej płynności w handlu w Mołdawii. Tym bardziej, że dotyczy to istotnego odsetka osób pracujących w rolnictwie.

Jesteśmy zadowoleni z tego, co wydarzyło się 30 września w wyborach w Mołdawii. Miałem okazję być tuż przez wyborami w tym kraju. Z wielką troską nasi rozmówcy mówili o tym, jakie konsekwencje przynoszą embarga wprowadzane przez Rosję i wydaje mi się, że gest ze strony Unii Europejskiej, ze strony Parlamentu Europejskiego – ta szybka decyzja – może być bardzo pomocny dla naszych partnerów w Mołdawii.


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I think the debate tonight has shown there to be very strong solidarity, which is perhaps appropriate a week before Christmas. This is a very small gesture for us, and as everybody has said it does not affect our market at all as it is 0.1% of our trade with the world. But it is an important proposal for Moldova economically, of course, which is why we are doing it, and it is also very important on a political basis.

It shows that solidarity is not only a word for us, but also something that we are ready to practise towards our Eastern partner in need. Approving this proposal tomorrow – and I hope there will be a strong majority – will show that we support those countries choosing the European model of development and European values. It will indicate to Moldova, as many of you have said, that we stand behind our words and decisions, and behind friends in difficult times. We will of course continue to help Moldova in many other ways as well, and we will closely monitor the effect of this decision that hopefully will be taken tomorrow. Thank you all for a good debate. And thank you again to the rapporteur and to the committee for its hard and quick work on this.


  Sorin Moisă, rapporteur. Madam President, I would like to thank the Commissioner and her services for the hard and quick work on this file. I would also like to thank the colleagues who have contributed tonight. I have noticed a lot of common sense in the overwhelming majority of reactions and I believe I have found the proper metaphor to describe this regulation that we will be adopting tomorrow: leverage – and the leverage effect is very fashionable these days. With this resolution we might have an even better factor than 1 to 15. With a very, very small effort on the EU economy side, we will have a very significant effort on the Moldovan side.

Now some very brief reactions to the other comments. Mr Scholz, I fully agree with you that there should be policies to make sure the Moldovan GDP structure includes more diversification and higher added value. I hope the Association Agreement will be an important instrument in providing for this – and I am personally convinced that it will – including by means of FDI, which will be able to reap the benefits of the huge single market.

On enlargement, this is about plums and apples, it is not about enlargement. There are many, many veto players in the enlargement game, and there is no issue whatsoever of surreptitiously pulling Moldova into the EU by adopting a regulation on apples. That said, it is a free world and Moldovans are free to want to join Europe, and political actors and civil society actors in Europe are free to support their choice, so we will have a political and democratic process.

Madame la Présidente, Monsieur Schaffhauser, on blâme la victime pour le viol. On évoque ici la négation de l'identité moldave, mais c'est vraiment du délire. Personne ne nie l'identité moldave. Personne ne force la Moldavie à faire un choix, quel qu'il soit. C'est un pays démocratique, qui fait ses choix démocratiquement.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Mittwoch, 17. Dezember, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)


  Daniel Buda (PPE), în scris. Acordul de introducere a unor preferințe comerciale autonome pentru Republica Moldova a dus la intensificarea schimburilor comerciale, iar creșterea exporturilor a marcat rezultate pozitive asupra economiei moldovenești. Uniunea Europeană a devenit principalul partener comercial al Moldovei. Peste jumătate din volumul exporturilor și aproape în aceeași măsură importuri, se desfășoară cu UE, ceea ce confirmă faptul că Moldova și-a respectat angajamentele semnate cu UE și a făcut progrese pe calea reformelor economice. Subliniez faptul că sectorul agricol reprezintă 40% din economia Moldovei și oferă locuri de muncă pentru aproximativ 250 de mii de angajați. Accesul liber a produselor agricole moldovenești pe piețele europene contribuie la consolidarea unui sector esențial pentru economia Moldovei. Sunt convins că prezența produselor agricole pe piețele UE va însemna pe de o parte creșterea performanței sectorului agricol și implicit adaptarea la normele UE, astfel Moldova va indeplini mai ușor condițiile impuse de preaderare. Pe de altă parte, cetățenii moldoveni au confirmat orientarea pro-europeană la alegerile parlamentare din noiembrie. Prin urmare, componenta economică acordului de asociere cu UE constituie un pas firesc în vederea îndeplinirii aspirațiilor europene.


  Eduard-Raul Hellvig (PPE), în scris. Acordarea de preferințe comerciale Republicii Moldova este o dovadă de solidaritate din partea UE în fața embargoului impus de Rusia produselor moldovenești.

Deschiderea pieței europene față de importul de fructe, fără taxare suplimentară, va sprijini un sector important al economiei acestui stat tot mai ancorat într-o arie comercială aprofundată și comprehensivă cu UE. Facilitățile comerciale reprezintă, după încheierea Acordului de asociere, un suport concret acordat Republicii Moldova, în contextul geopolitic redefinit prin agresiunea Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei și prin acțiunile de destabilizare, inclusiv economică, a Moldovei.

Această decizie constituie, totodată, o nouă recunoaștere a eforturilor substanțiale făcute de autoritățile de la Chișinău pentru reformarea statului și pentru intensificarea cooperării cu Uniunea Europeană. Republica Moldova este membrul Parteneriatului Estic care a făcut cele mai mari progrese în ultimii ani, de aceea consider că Acordul de asociere trebuie urmat de alți pași pentru intensificarea schimburilor comerciale și a investițiilor, pentru modernizarea economiei și îmbunătățirea nivelului de trai în Republica Moldova. Sunt necesare, în acest sens, noi reforme dificile și este datoria Uniunii nu doar să monitorizeze acest proces, ci și să sprijine efectiv implementarea reformelor, prin asistență financiară și expertiza necesară.


  Cătălin Sorin Ivan (S&D), in writing. I want to congratulate Mr Moisa for this report. Moldova must continue its European trajectory. Not long ago, this Parliament voted in favour of the association agreement with Moldova. These measures improve Moldova’s access to the European market. We know that the proposal is a temporary one but we also know that Moldova is greatly dependent on agriculture. In the last legislative elections, we have seen that Moldova chose the European path by voting in favour of the pro-European parties. We have to show solidarity with a country that at the moment is not at all in an easy situation.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D), în scris. Oferirea unor condiţii speciale produselor provenite din Republica Moldova şi creşterea volumului de importuri din această ţară în baza unor tarife vamale speciale este un lucru pozitiv pentru sprijinirea parcursului european al Republicii Moldova. Principalul argument al forţelor anti-europene din Republica Moldova este acela că prin integrarea europeană economia va fi afectată întrucât nu va mai putea avea acces la pieţele din Est. Această măsură vine să combată aceste argumente oferind produselor moldoveneşti un acces lărgit şi preferenţial pe piaţa europeană. Indicatorii economici şi comerciali indică faptul că prin implementarea măsurilor propuse de acest raport economia Republicii Moldova va cunoaşte progrese semnificative iar şansa oferită de piaţa europeană va rezolva problemele generate de restricţiile impuse de Federaţia Rusă anumitor produse din Republica Moldova. Uniunea Europeană este un spaţiu politic comun dar este şi un spaţiu economic puternic dezvoltat iar integrarea economică a Republicii Moldova în UE presupune şi creşterea oportunităţilor pentru companiile şi producătorii moldoveni dar şi şansa unei dezvoltări mai rapide a Republicii Moldova.


  Theodor Dumitru Stolojan (PPE), în scris. Republica Moldova a semnat acordul de asociere cu Uniunea Europeană în iunie 2014. La alegerile pentru Parlament, cetăţenii Republicii Moldova au avut de ales între partidele care doresc continuarea parcursului european al ţării şi partidele care vor reîntoarcerea spre Est. Cetăţenii moldoveni au ales drumul european. Din păcate, Rusia menţine şi accentuează restricţiile la importurile de produse agro-alimentare din Republica Moldova. De aceea salut iniţiativa Comisiei Europene de a propune majorarea cotelor de import pentru mere, struguri, prune, fără taxe vamale. Consider că sunt necesare şi alte iniţiative europene pentru a susţine şi încuraja cetăţenii Republicii Moldova să depăşească greutăţile create din motive politice în comerţul internaţional al acestei ţări.


  Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. Po podpisaniu umowy stowarzyszeniowej UE / Mołdawia w dniu 27 czerwca Rosja zakazała importu owoców z Mołdawii, oficjalnie ze względów fitosanitarnych. Sektor rolniczy stanowi około 40 procent gospodarki Mołdawii natomiast ogrodnictwo jest jego ważną częścią, dając zatrudnienie około 250 tysiącom ludzi, żyjącym głównie na obszarach wiejskich. W ramach DCFTA, Unia zobowiązała się do pełnej liberalizacji dostępu do rynku dla świeżych owoców i warzyw z ograniczeniem do pewnych ilości. Biorąc pod uwagę obecne poważne trudności Mołdawii Komisja zaproponowała, aby tymczasowo zwiększyć ten w pełni zliberalizowany dostęp do rynku dla importu produktów z Mołdawii do UE. Szczególnie w obecnej sytuacji geopolitycznej, nie można się z tym wnioskiem nie zgodzić. Musimy podtrzymywać stosunki dobrosąsiedzkie zwłaszcza w tym niespokojnym rejonie Europy.

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