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Woensdag 14 januari 2015 - Straatsburg Herziene uitgave

9. Start van het Europees Jaar voor ontwikkeling (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  President. - The next item is the debate on the Council and Commission statements on the launch of the European Year for Development (2014/2508(RSP)).


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. - Madam President, this is the first European Thematic Year to be dedicated to EU external relations, and it will give us a unique opportunity to bring EU development cooperation into the spotlight throughout the whole year. The EU has been engaged in development cooperation since 1957. It has long been the largest donor of official development assistance in the world and aspires to continue to remain the largest donor for the years to come.

This is something we can be proud of, but it is also something which is unknown to many of our own citizens, however supportive they are of development cooperation. Hence we need to communicate more and better on what we do. The European Year for Development will highlight the results that the EU, acting together with its Member States, has achieved and will continue to strive for in the future. We will work to foster direct involvement and critical thinking on the part of EU citizens and stakeholders in development cooperation. We want to show that EU development cooperation is good not only for EU partner countries but also for EU citizens. In a changing and increasingly interdependent world in which major shifts have taken place in the global economic and political balance, we should spare no effort to stimulate a sense of shared responsibility and solidarity among citizens in Europe and in partner countries.

The 2014 Eurobarometer paints a clear picture. More than 85% of EU citizens say that the EU should continue development cooperation efforts, and 67% think that the EU should actually be giving more aid. This is despite the current economic difficulties. At the same time, EU citizens also demand that we use public funds effectively and efficiently to achieve concrete results in terms of reducing poverty and building a more stable, peaceful, prosperous and equitable world.

In 2015, the international community will have to agree on a new post-2015 development agenda. We will have the third Financing for Development Conference in July in Addis Ababa, the UN post-2015 Summit in September, and the global climate agreement at COP 21 in Paris in December.

The European Year for Development will enrich the debate on the challenges we face in shaping future EU development policies. The twelve thematic months will put a strong focus on some of the most important topics related to development: education, gender, food security, demography, immigration, human rights and governance, to name but a few. The EU institutions and Member States, but also local authorities, NGOs social partners and the private sector, will be closely involved. The European Year for Development was launched in Riga on 9 January this year with the presence of Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, Ms Federica Mogherini, the Prime Minister of Latvia, Ms Laimdota Straujuma and the Chair of the Committee on Development of the European Parliament, Ms Linda McAvan.

The Riga event focused on good governance as a key priority for the EU both at home and in the post-2015 process. Several Member States will officially launch their own programmes in the coming days: Belgium, Austria, Ireland and France are some examples. The Member States will organise a large number of events and activities at all levels throughout the year. In addition to the Riga event last week, in March the Latvian Presidency will hold a high-level conference in Riga on gender, women’s economic empowerment and sustainable development in the post-2015 agenda.

Apart from high-visibility events in Latvia, we have centralised the activities to make the year as close to the citizens as possible. It will be implemented by all relevant stakeholders, NGOs, private sector representatives, academia, line ministries and local authorities. In May, Expo Milan will open its doors to thousands of visitors, involving them and inviting them to reflect on the theme of ‘Feeding the planet, energy for life’. This will be another unique opportunity for the EU to showcase the achievements of its development policy.

I would like to underline how well the European Parliament, the Council, the Member States and the Commission have worked together in preparing the European Year for Development. The European Parliament played a key role, and Mr Charles Goerens has been a very dedicated and enthusiastic rapporteur. The discussions and exchanges between the European Parliament and the Council have always been constructive. The programme of activities prepared by the European Parliament will make a significant contribution to that success. I have no doubt that we will all continue to demonstrate the shared sense of commitment and implementation throughout 2015. I can assure you that the Presidency will do its utmost to ensure the success of this important endeavour.


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. - Madam President, I would like to thank the Latvian Presidency very much for the launch of the year that they organised last Friday in Riga. I was personally very happy to be present, together with the Prime Minister, the Presidents of the Commission, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, and Linda McAvan. It allowed us to highlight the important role of the European Parliament in the process and also that of many NGOs and young people. I think that one of the things that we will need to work on very much – and I really appreciate the Latvian Presidency’s focus on that – is to make this year a European Year, a Year of the European People, and not only an institutional year. We have to use, in particular, the links through NGOs, civil society organisations, schools, universities, and young people. You have also presented a couple of exciting competitions for normal people. I think this is really going to be a very unique opportunity – a unique opportunity in a unique year somehow.

The year 2015 is the year in which the Millennium Development Goals come to an end. Some of them will have results, some of them will not. It is also the year in which the whole global community is going to be working on the final decisions on the post-2015 agenda. This will give us Europeans, in particular, the chance to work on our own internal responsibilities, as most likely the post-2015 agenda will also ask us to meet some goals internally – we tend to forget that we also have problems of inequality, poverty, lack of access to basic fundamental rights – and to work seriously on policy coherence internally, as I said, but also externally. I think this is going to be a great chance for us together, without partners in the rest of the world, to work on the root causes of not meeting Millennium Development Goals this year – and also on those that were met – on ways of improving results.

I would only say that tonight I also speak on behalf of my colleague, Commissioner Mimica, who unfortunately, due to the time could not be present, and on behalf of Commissioner Vella. They were both present at the launch of the year in Riga last week, and together with them we stand ready to work together with the Presidency, the Council, the European Parliament and all the stakeholders, starting from the international ones and the NGOs, to make this year a success.


  President. - Thank you, Ms Mogherini, for what has been a long day for you here in the Chamber, but this is an important debate so we appreciate your presence.


  Davor Ivo Stier, u ime kluba PPE. – Gospođo predsjednice, sigurnost i prosperitet Europe su više nego ikada povezani s događajima na drugim kontinentima u slabo razvijenim zemljama koje su često obuhvaćene oružanim sukobima ili epidemijama koje ne mogu same kontrolirati i koje zatim postaju globalne prijetnje.

Stoga, iz moralnih, humanističkih razloga, ali isto tako iz sigurnosno političkih razloga, Europa ima snažnu politiku razvojne suradnje, a kao što smo čuli od predsjednika Junckera na otvaranju Europske godine razvoja u Rigi, a i sada od Visoke predstavnice, Europska unija namjerava zadržati lidersku poziciju u razvojnoj suradnji, ojačati svoju globalnu ulogu, dalje biti snaga za dobro u svijetu, a također time osigurati mir, sigurnost, zdravlje i prosperitet europskim građanima.

Međutim, bitno je da ta poruka dođe do europskih građana. Da se njih više nego dosad uključi u definiranju prioriteta u razvojnoj suradnji. To bi trebala biti i glavna svrha europske godine razvoja, posebice u trenutku kada se na međunarodnoj sceni pregovara o novom razvojnom okviru koji će zamijeniti milenijske ciljeve. Mi smo u studenome donijeli rezoluciju kojom smo postavili prioritete koje Europski parlament želi naglasiti u novom, globalnom razvojnom okviru, koji mora biti transformativan i usredotočiti se ne samo na simptome, već i na uzroke siromaštva i nejednakosti u svijetu. Među tim prioritetima je promocija vladavine prava, izgradnja učinkovitih institucija, borba protiv korupcije. To nije bilo u fokusu milenijskih ciljeva, ali sada mora postati dio novog razvojnog okvira, jer bez toga nećemo niti iskorijeniti siromaštvo niti smanjiti nejednakosti.

I would like to end the last seconds I have to congratulate the leadership shown by the Latvian presidency and let me also express our appreciation to the High Representative - not only for being during this very long afternoon, almost evening, here with us, but also for the leadership that she is showing in these particular developing issues. I think it is very important, we really appreciate it and we look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you.

I would like to end by congratulating the leadership shown by the Latvian Presidency. Let me also express our appreciation to the High Representative not only for being here during this very long afternoon – it is almost evening now – but also for the leadership that she is showing today in these particular development issues. I think it is very important, and we really appreciate it. We look forward to working with the High Representative in the future.


  Linda McAvan, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, I want to echo those words of thanks to the Latvian Presidency for the excellent launch on Friday, and also to Mrs Mogherini for taking time out of her agenda and for showing leadership. I know she is coordinating across many departments now to lead on this issue in the next few months, and that is crucial for Parliament.

We now have to build on our words tonight and the warm words in Riga to make the year a year of action. We will have the first chance in New York in September, when we will get together to replace the MDGs by the sustainable development goals (SDGs). My lesson from the last 15 years of MDGs is that development policy works. Millions of people have been lifted out of poverty, millions of people now have access to water and sanitation and millions of children are now going to school. So we need to see that same kind of commitment now to the SDGs, so that after the end of this year we have laid the foundations for a real legacy of the European Year for Development.

Linked to the debate on the SDGs is, of course, the climate change agenda, and we will have the climate talks in Paris in December. It is the poorest in the world who are already paying the price of climate change, and we have to link climate change and development, which is why it is very important that we have the kind of coordination that I know you, Mrs Mogherini, are leading in the Commission.

I hope we will also see support in 2015 from the Commission and the Council on an updated gender action plan for the European Union. In too many countries, progress and our rights as women are being undermined and women are being subjected to violent attacks in conflict situations: by Boko Haram, in the DRC and in Syria. We want action on that. Finally, we want to work with NGOs, which are vital to our work in this European Year of Development. It was great that the Latvians got behind this idea. They pushed the idea and now we have to work with them to deliver it here in Europe.


  Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, en nombre del Grupo ALDE. – Señora Presidenta. Gracias, señora Mogherini, por su presencia aquí y por sus palabras, con las que yo creo que todos coincidimos de manera sustancial.

En nombre del Grupo ALDE, quiero felicitar a la Comisión de Desarrollo del Parlamento Europeo, y especialmente a mi colega Charles Goerens, por su iniciativa de convertir 2015 en el Año Europeo del Desarrollo y dar a los ciudadanos cumplida cuenta de lo que hacemos y cómo lo hacemos.

Nuestro mundo, nuestra dignidad, nuestro futuro. Un lema inmejorable para un año que es también de balance y evaluación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.

En estos quince años hemos conseguido algunos logros importantísimos sobre aquellos ocho objetivos, como reducir a la mitad la tasa de pobreza extrema, estabilizar el VIH y avanzar en la lucha contra la malaria y la tuberculosis. Pero también es el momento de asumir nuestros errores, limitaciones y fracasos.

En 2015 no vamos a lograr que todos los niños puedan acceder a la enseñanza primaria y terminarla; tampoco eliminar la desigualdad de género. No hemos mejorado lo suficiente en mortalidad infantil ni en el acceso universal a la salud reproductiva. El suministro de agua potable sigue siendo un desafío en muchas partes del mundo y la brecha digital en realidad es un abismo.

No podemos estar satisfechos. Por eso, hemos de renovar el compromiso de futuro que contrajimos en el año 2000, de un futuro que pertenece a los niños. El año 2014, 25º aniversario de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, ha sido un año pavoroso para ellos.

Unicef nos recuerda que 230 millones de niños viven en zonas de conflicto. Algunas, crisis prolongadas, olvidadas o apenas noticia de un día por episodios terribles, como las brutales acciones de Boko Haram o la masacre talibán de Peshawar. Cifras aterradoras de niños desplazados, mutilados, ejecutados, secuestrados, torturados, reclutados, violados e incluso vendidos como esclavos.

No hay desarrollo sin educación. No hay educación sin libertad e igualdad. No hay libertad e igualdad sin respeto de los derechos humanos. No hay, por tanto, desarrollo sin respeto de los derechos humanos. Por tanto, ese es el marcador de nuestras acciones.

El Año Europeo del Desarrollo será el de los niños o no será. Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio serán los niños o no serán. Libres del miedo, la violencia, el hambre y la ignorancia.

(La Presidenta retira la palabra a la oradora.)


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora Presidenta, el año 2015 es clave para el futuro del desarrollo internacional. Vamos a fijar un nuevo marco normativo y también se determinará su marco financiero. En este contexto es importante que la Unión Europea haya declarado el 2015 como Año Europeo del Desarrollo. Es la oportunidad de incrementar la voluntad política de cara al desarrollo en respuesta a nuestros valores de justicia y solidaridad que tanto pregonamos.

La gente ya respalda ampliamente la cooperación internacional, como se refleja en los eurobarómetros —el último fue publicado ayer—. Son los gobernantes los que deben aplicarse el cuento y, de una vez por todas, actuar consecuentemente con lo que predican. Hay que dejar de ponerse medallas con la política de desarrollo cuando realmente se quiere usar para los intereses y beneficios de las corporaciones europeas.

Resulta cínico pedir más solidaridad a los ciudadanos. Ellos son los que están pagando, a través de dramáticos recortes sociales, las consecuencias de una crisis que no han provocado. La solidaridad debe exigirse a los de arriba y comienza por la instauración de una fiscalidad justa y progresiva.


  President. - I know that one of our colleagues has asked for the floor with a blue-card question but, colleagues, because the debates have overrun quite significantly I am not going to take any blue cards, which is fair to everybody. I am apologising in advance to those who wish to ask blue-card questions.


  Ulrike Lunacek, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Hohe Vertreterin, Frau Staatssekretärin! Wir beginnen nun das Europäische Jahr der Entwicklung.

Das ist ja eigentlich für heuer geplant, weil wir jetzt die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele hätten erfüllen sollen. Das ist leider nicht bei allen gelungen. Aber ich hoffe, dass dieses Jahr dazu beitragen wird, dem Ziel dieses Jahres – unsere Welt, unsere Würde, unsere Zukunft – näher zu kommen. Denn es geht darum, auf diesem Planeten für alle ein menschenwürdiges Leben zu erreichen. Das ist auch die Grundlage der Definition für die Post-MDG-Agenda der Europäischen Union.

Wenn ich von menschenwürdigem Leben rede, dann geht es mir vor allem auch um Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Es ist einfach nicht akzeptabel, dass 21 Jahre nach der Kairoer Bevölkerungskonferenz und 20 Jahre nach der Pekinger Frauenkonferenz sexuelle und reproduktive Rechte und Gesundheit für Frauen immer noch nicht allgemein anerkannt sind, dass Frauen immer noch keinen menschenwürdigen Lohn für ihre Arbeit gezahlt bekommen oder Mindestlöhne bekommen oder dass sie, wenn sie schwanger werden, keinen Job mehr bekommen oder dass sie Gewalt ausgesetzt sind. Alles das trägt dazu bei, dass Frauen immer noch diejenigen sind, die weltweit am meisten unter Armut zu leiden haben.

Wir brauchen aber auch mehr Politikkohärenz. Es geht da um Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Das ist nicht nur Helfen. Denn was nützt es, wenn wirtschaftlicher und handelspolitischer Druck erzeugt wird, dann lokale Märkte zerstört werden und wir dann kommen und helfen, wenn es brennt. So kommen wir globaler Gerechtigkeit nicht näher.

Ich möchte mit einem kurzen Slogan enden – aus Österreich etwas umgewandelt: Es darf uns nicht wurscht sein, wenn globale Solidarität …

(Die Präsidentin entzieht der Rednerin das Wort.)


  Ignazio Corrao, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, 2015: lanciamo l'anno dello sviluppo ed è sicuramente un'iniziativa lodevole, è stato sicuramente un qualcosa di positivo a livello comunicativo, sicuramente sono stati raggiunti dei buoni risultati nel passato, in termini di accesso all'acqua potabile, in termini di accesso alla sanità, in termini di miglioramento allo stato di vita in alcuni dei paesi in via di sviluppo.

Il problema è: che cosa intendiamo però noi per sviluppo, colleghi? Perché l'impressione che ho io è che siamo un po' ipocriti quando affrontiamo questo tema, perché lasciamo andare le nostre multinazionali europee, ad andare a creare dei danni encomiabili in questi paesi che poi vogliamo aiutare, invece, probabilmente, nell'anno dello sviluppo – quindi nel 2015 – la comunicazione che dovremmo fare dovrebbe essere nei confronti dei nostri cittadini sulla sensibilizzazione ad una decrescita, quindi ad un consumo più ragionevole, perché utilizziamo le risorse di quei paesi che vogliamo poi aiutare.


  Hans Jansen (NI). - Ook ik wil iedereen bedanken die zich de afgelopen tijd heeft ingespannen om het Europese Jaar van de ontwikkelingshulp tot een succes te maken. Ik mag u verzekeren dat naar aanleiding van dit Europese Jaar van de ontwikkelingshulp in de campagnebureaus van de eurokritische partijen binnen de EU de champagneflessen zijn opengevlogen. Nooit was het zo gemakkelijk onze kiezers te laten zien wat de EU is en waar de EU voor staat.

In plaats van erbarmen te hebben met de Europese belastingbetaler gaat de EU een propagandacircus in sovjetstijl organiseren ten behoeve van vage plannen om Europees geld weg te geven in corrupte landen ver weg. Zeker in de landen die zijn getroffen door een naheffing op hun EU-bijdrage zal dit plan de kiezer verbijsteren. Ik vraag u dan ook: voer dit plan niet uit! Zie af van de viering van dit jaar.

Tot slot het volgende: academisch onderzoek naar ontwikkelingshulp bestaat nauwelijks nog. Het is immers aangetoond dat hulp niet helpt. Ontwikkeling komt uitsluitend voort uit de eigen inspanningen van een maatschappij. Hulp kan daar niets aan toevoegen of afdoen.


  Norbert Neuser (S&D). - Frau Präsidentin! Vielen Dank an die Staatssekretärin aus Lettland! Wenn Frau Mogherini jetzt zuhören könnte, wäre das schön. Frau Mogherini, ich hätte gerne, dass Sie zuhören, weil ich Ihnen ein Kompliment machen möchte. Sie sitzen jetzt seit sechs Stunden ununterbrochen hier. Wir können in Zukunft die Debatten nicht so führen. Mein Appell geht an das Präsidium – Sie haben mittlerweile die vierte oder fünfte Vizepräsidentin verbraucht, weil die Debatte so lange geht –, dass wir in Zukunft konzentrierter arbeiten. Weniger ist mehr.

Ich will mich in meinem Beitrag nur auf einen Punkt im Europäischen Jahr der Entwicklung konzentrieren, das ist die permanente Unterfinanzierung unserer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Ich sehe das ganz anders als der Kollege Jansen, der aus einem Mitgliedstaat kommt, der mit dazu beigetragen hat, dass wir eine gewaltige Unterfinanzierung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit haben. Sprechen Sie mit den EU-Delegationen in den Entwicklungsländern. Im letzten Jahr mussten Entwicklungsprogramme gekürzt werden, Entwicklungsprogramme wurden ins nächste Jahr gestreckt. Wir als EU haben Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Hilfsorganisationen aufgefordert, vorzufinanzieren. So kann Entwicklungszusammenarbeit nicht sein.

Unsere Bürgerinnen und Bürger wollen eine effektive Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Dazu gehört auch eine vernünftige Finanzierung. Wenn wir die europäischen Werte – wie Solidarität, wie Hilfe, wie Nächstenliebe, wie Menschenwürde – hochhalten, gehört dazu eine vernünftige Finanzierung. Deswegen mein Appell an die Mitgliedstaaten: Helfen Sie mit, dass die Unterfinanzierung der EU in der Frage nicht mehr stattfindet, und nähern Sie sich dem gemeinsamen Ziel, 0,7 % des Budgets für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auszugeben.


  President. - I note your comments on the arrangements for the debate and indeed Ms Mogherini’s comments. We shall pass those on to our colleagues.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). - Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το 2015, όπως ανακοίνωσε ο Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής κύριος Juncker, θα είναι Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος Ανάπτυξης. Είναι όμως τα πράγματα τόσο ρόδινα όπως μας τα παρουσιάζει η Επιτροπή; Υπερηφανεύεστε πως η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση είναι ο μεγαλύτερος δωρητής στον κόσμο. Βέβαια, δεν σταθήκατε τόσο γενναιόδωροι με τον ελληνικό λαό, τον οποίο έχετε εξαναγκάσει σε τρομακτικές θυσίες τα τελευταία πέντε χρόνια. Μας λέτε πως είσαστε υπερήφανοι για τα επιτεύγματα της Ευρώπης σχετικά με το βιοτικό επίπεδο τρίτων χωρών. Για τα επιτεύγματα των μνημονίων στην Ελλάδα είσαστε υπερήφανοι; Να σας θυμίσω μερικά στοιχεία: 439.000 παιδιά στην Ελλάδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης υποσιτίζονται και ζουν κάτω από το όριο της φτώχειας, σύμφωνα με τη UNICEF· το 37% των παιδιών στην Ελλάδα ζουν σε νοικοκυριά με αδυναμία θέρμανσης· 7.500 αυτοκτονίες απελπισμένων Ελλήνων. Για αυτούς τους αριθμούς είστε υπερήφανοι; Φυσικά και επιθυμούμε η Ευρώπη να μεριμνά για την άνοδο του βιοτικού επιπέδου παγκοσμίως. Όμως αυτό σε καμία περίπτωση δεν μπορεί να γίνει εις βάρος των λαών της. Ας φροντίσουμε πρώτα για τους δικούς μας ανθρώπους και ύστερα για όλους τους υπόλοιπους. Όσο για το Έτος Ανάπτυξης, σας θυμίζω ότι η Ελλάδα βρίσκεται στον έκτο χρόνο ύφεσης.




  Arne Lietz (S&D). - Herr Präsident! Mit der Ausrichtung auf die nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele der Post-2015-Agenda wird die Frage nach einer kohärenten Entwicklungspolitik umso dringender.

Dies bedeutet vor allem, dass die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit enger mit weiteren politischen Themenfeldern wie Menschenrechte, Einwanderungs- und Flüchtlingspolitik, Klimawandel, Konfliktbewältigung, aber auch – und vor allem – mit der Handelspolitik verzahnt wird.

Politikkohärenz muss meiner Meinung nach zum Leitmotiv dieses Themenjahres werden. Das geht in drei Schritten: der guten Koordinierung innerhalb der Europäischen Kommission, einer verbesserten Koordinierung zwischen den Europäischen Organen und einer guten Abstimmung unter den EU-Mitgliedstaaten, die im Rat für die Umsetzung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit verantwortlich sind.

Neben der Europäischen Union legen bereits einige Länder wie Dänemark und Finnland regelmäßig ihren nationalen Parlamenten einen Kohärenzbericht vor. Es wäre ein sehr großer Erfolg des Europäischen Jahres der Entwicklung, wenn alle europäischen Nationen dem folgen würden.

Des Weiteren sollten wir das entwicklungspolitische Themenjahr nutzen, um weitere nationale Initiativen mit der europäischen Ebene zu verbinden. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gibt es zum Beispiel einen Bundestagsantrag „Gute Arbeit weltweit“, in dem an die weltweite Umsetzung der IAO-Arbeitsnormen appelliert wird.

Darüber hinaus gibt es in Deutschland einen Vorstoß des Bundesentwicklungsministers zu einem Textilbündnis, was aber an seine Grenzen gestoßen ist. Die Initiative sollte durch Rückverfolgung der Handelsketten in der Textilindustrie die Arbeitsbedingungen in den Herkunftsländern verbessern. Weil fairer Handel jedoch so komplex ist, haben solche Initiativen nicht auf nationaler, sondern auf EU-Ebene Erfolg.

Ich rufe deswegen unseren Entwicklungskommissar und die Hohe Vertreterin auf, bei diesen Initiativen eine Führungsrolle seitens der EU-Kommission zu übernehmen. Es wäre zudem wünschenswert, wenn die Kommission noch weitere und jugendgerechte Informationsmaterialien zum Europäischen Jahr der Entwicklung bereitstellen könnte. So kann es noch leichter zu einem Europäischen Jahr der Bürger werden. Ich danke auch ganz herzlich für die Eröffnung in Riga, wo ich mit dabei sein konnte, und Frau Mogherini für ihre lange Anwesenheit heute hier in unserer Kammer.


  Enrique Guerrero Salom (S&D). - Señor Presidente, señora Vicepresidenta, fue una buena decisión de este Parlamento proponer el año 2015 como Año Europeo del Desarrollo porque 2015, con sus «Doce meses, doce metas», es un año esencial, crucial, en el que tenemos dos grandes cumbres donde se juega el destino de miles de millones de personas en el mundo: la Cumbre del Cambio Climático, fenómeno que afecta especialmente a los menos favorecidos, y el relanzamiento de un nuevo período de cooperación al desarrollo post 2015.

Tenemos que mantener la ambición de la Unión Europea en la negociación en ambos campos. Y quiero, como ponente permanente de ayuda humanitaria, pedir la integración de esa perspectiva en el Año Europeo del Desarrollo. Es la primera vez que tenemos cuatro crisis del máximo nivel de exigencia humanitaria: Irak, Siria, Sudán del Sur, República Centroafricana y, actualmente, también el ébola.


  Elly Schlein (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, sarà un anno fondamentale per le politiche dello sviluppo: abbiamo appena inaugurato l'Anno europeo dello sviluppo a Riga e ci saranno molti appuntamenti importanti che avete già ricordato, quello di Parigi, quello di Adis Abeba, l'EXPO di Milano che deve essere un appuntamento europeo che deve portare ad una grande riflessione sui temi della fame nel mondo e dello spreco alimentare, ma soprattutto ci sarà la scadenza dei Millennium Goals e la definizione dei nuovi Sostainable Developpment Goals che saranno, come ricordava prima, finalmente universali, finalmente validi per tutti e quindi anche per noi.

Questo Parlamento ha adottato una posizione molto ambiziosa, che rilancia gli obiettivi più innovativi come quello sulla lotta alle disuguaglianze e quello sulla parità di genere. Credo che la questione delle disuguaglianze sia la più grande questione dei nostri tempi ed è cruciale per costruire un futuro che sia veramente sostenibile per le nuove generazioni. Quindi, sfruttiamo insieme questa occasione dell'Anno europeo dello sviluppo per comunicare meglio tutto questo processo e per costruirlo insieme alla società, insieme a tutti gli stakeholder e per trovare quella voce sola e forte che serve all'Europa proprio per trovare quel ruolo guida che deve avere nella definizione della nuova agenda e per questo ci affidiamo soprattutto a Lei, Vicepresidente Mogherini, e anche al Commissario Mimica.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). - Mr President, I am very pleased that 2015 has been dedicated to the issue of development, and especially about its timing. 2015 will be a year of important negotiations on how to tackle global poverty. The UN Climate Change Conference in Paris next November is one of the most important of these. This is because climate change threatens to undermine decades of development and puts future development trajectories at risk. Many of the main drivers behind poverty in developing countries are intertwined with climate change. Increased drought, for example, leads to crop failure and food insecurity, reduces opportunities and boosts inequality around the world.

When dealing with the issue of development, we should strongly promote environmental initiatives, energy efficiency, exchange of technologies and best practices, investment in public education and in disaster risk reduction and, more generally, emphasise low carbon emission development. Developing countries will bear the brunt of the effects of climate change as they strive to overcome poverty and achieve economic growth. In fact, one of the top priorities of the European Union development agenda is to achieve accomplishment of the COP 21 negotiations in Paris.


  Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D). - Senhor Presidente, Comissária, caros Colegas, a comunidade internacional está convocada para tomar decisões importantes nas cimeiras deste ano para novos objetivos e novas metas para o período de 2015 no que diz respeito à política de desenvolvimento, e o desafio que temos é claro. A União Europeia, para estar à altura dos seus valores, deve assumir a liderança na construção da agenda da política global de desenvolvimento, mas não há liderança sem exemplo. A União Europeia não pode liderar se, a pretexto de restrições orçamentais quiser andar para trás nos seus compromissos financeiros ou furtar-se a compromissos concretos e, por isso, o que pergunto à Sr.ª Comissária é se, antes ainda da Conferência de Adis Abeba, a União Europeia vai estar em condições de reafirmar o seu compromisso com 0,7% do rendimento nacional bruto à ajuda ao desenvolvimento. É isso que esperamos. Talvez não se possa pedir mais, mas não se pode aceitar menos.


  Patrizia Toia (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio anch'io Consiglio e Commissione per quest'iniziativa e ho tempo solo per due brevissime considerazioni.

La prima è questa: noi dobbiamo contestualizzare questo Anno dello sviluppo e lo dobbiamo contestualizzare purtroppo nei tragici fatti che sono accaduti in questi giorni, che hanno però svelato come uno scenario agli occhi di molti cittadini che non conoscevano la barbarie, l'arretratezza, la povertà e le diverse condizioni di vita in molte aree del mondo. Quindi, usiamo anche quest'occasione per poter spiegare cosa c'è nel mondo, come si vive, di quali esigenze oggi molta parte della popolazione mondiale è portatrice e facciamo in modo, con iniziative, convegni e azioni nelle scuole, che si faccia capire il valore della cooperazione, la sua funzione, per dire che un mondo più giusto non solo è un mondo più equo ma è anche un mondo più sicuro, è un mondo forse migliore anche nel nostro interesse, che queste non sono risorse sottratte a noi ma sono risorse per rendere la realtà mondiale più equa per tutti.

La seconda cosa, quella di EXPO, è stata detta: una sola parola, l'Unione europea è presente in EXPO, referente è la Commissione, bisogna che i temi di EXPO diventino i temi della cooperazione internazionale. Nutrire il pianeta vuol dire confrontarsi sugli obiettivi, vuol dire affrontare le disparità e molte altre cose, non è così facile e non è scontato. Chiedo che ci sia un impegno forte della Commissione perché tutta questa tematica entri prepotentemente in EXPO.


  Seb Dance (S&D). - Mr President, I am going to decline the invitation of our colleague from the freedom party to say I am not proud of the Year of Development, because I am incredibly proud of the Year of Development. Development works, and we now have a real opportunity to put international development right at the heart of European policymaking, and I want to pay tribute to the Latvian Presidency for doing this.

Specifically, we have an opportunity now to ensure that Member States deliver on their commitments for 0.7% of GNI spending on development. This is a fundamental aspect of human principle; saying that we have a commitment to those who live in the poorest parts of the world is a fundamental aspect of who we are and the values that we should share. Of course, having development at the heart of policymaking should remove the all-too-familiar problems we have with policy undermining development objectives: financial decisions taken at home that undermine tax receipts in developing countries and foreign policy decisions that fail to promote fundamental aspects of human dignity, such as rights for LGBTI people.

Having the Year of Development will put humanity – humans, people – at the heart of our policymaking, and I welcome the decisions made to do that this year.


Interventi su richiesta


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). - A Fejlesztés Európai Éve kapcsán fontosnak tartom kiemelni, hogy az Európai Uniónak és a tagállamoknak, valamint a világ legnagyobb segélyezőjének a jelenleginél is nagyobb figyelmet kellene fordítaniuk az emberi jogok érvényesülésére. Persze a humanitárius vészhelyzetek gyors beavatkozást igényelnek, a fejlesztéspolitikában azonban érvényesítenünk kell azokat a szempontokat, amelyek az emberi jogok védelmének terjesztését hivatottak szolgálni. Meggyőződésem, hogy Európának nem csupán a hagyományos humanitárius segélyezésben kell az élen járnia, hanem a fejlődő világ gazdaságának fenntartható és komplex fejlesztésével is segítenie kell ezeket a társadalmakat. Rendkívülinek tartom, hogy az idei év során a hónapokra lebontott témák révén gyakorlatilag világunk legégetőbb problémáira hívjuk fel az európaiak figyelmét. Az oktatás, az egészségügy, a migráció vagy az élelmiszerbiztonság szavak teljesen mást jelentenek a világ kevésbé fejlett térségeiben, mint nálunk.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). - Gospodine predsjedniče, Europa je danas predvodnica u donacijama u svjetskim razmjerima, i to treba i ostati. Dapače, više od toga, treba pozvati naše partnere-prijatelje Ameriku, Japan i druge da sudjeluju zajedno s nama u našim ciljevima, a to je kao što ste dobro rekli, prije svega, prehraniti planet.

Svaki čovjek na ovom planetu ima pravo na obrok, ima pravo na život, i mislim da upravo trebamo postaviti temelje takve solidarnosti danas u svijetu, i otvoreno govoreći, trebamo uzeti u obzir i naše interese. Mi ovdje često govorimo o problemima imigracije u Europu i svemu što ona donosi, a s druge strane imamo i mehanizme kojima možemo djelovati da bismo pomogli zemljama iz kojih dolaze unesrećeni ljudi.

Zato mislim da Europa treba ostati predvodnica i pozvati svoje partnere da sudjeluju zajedno s njom upravo u solidarnosti koja je Europu i dovela na prvo mjesto, visoko mjesto, najveće donatorice u svijetu.


  Miguel Viegas (GUE/NGL). - O Ano Europeu do Desenvolvimento acontece num ano chave em que será necessário fazer um balanço sobre a concretização dos Objetivos do Milénio. Será também necessário fazer um balanço sobre o programa para a mudança, aprovado em 2011, e sobre os resultados concretos das reformas então anunciadas.

Ninguém nega o papel importante da União Europeia para o desenvolvimento. O que se questionam são os resultados e os métodos. De acordo com as informações disponíveis, a maioria dos objetivos do milénio ficam longe das metas traçadas, apesar de alguns progressos.

Este ano europeu deverá servir para informar, esclarecer e mobilizar os cidadãos europeus para esta causa. Cidadãos, milhões destes cidadãos que ficaram sem emprego e viram-se remetidos para abaixo do limiar da pobreza em função das políticas de austeridade que afetam a maioria da população e concentram a riqueza e o rendimento nas mãos de uma minoria. Não podemos dar com uma mão e tirar com a outra. Não podemos ajudar o povo palestiniano e o seu governo e permitir depois que as bombas de Israel destruam escolas construídas com fundos europeus. Temos também de anular a dívida ao terceiro mundo.


  Jonathan Arnott (EFDD). - Mr President, I am a strong supporter of humanitarian aid in the case of natural disasters, and the challenge for all nations must be to deliver that quickly. I think we all agree here that the aim must be to help countries develop. Much more, in my view, could be done through trade, by breaking down tariff barriers to make it easier for developing countries. For example, a higher tariff on chocolate than cocoa hardly encourages processing to be done in the countries themselves and the development of their economies. We must also be careful that policies intended to help do not end up hurting people in those countries. I refer, for example, to fishing agreements under which EU vessels are able to exploit the natural resources of other countries, and to the Pesticides Directive, which does not help in terms of the mosquito population or, therefore, the fight against malaria. There are many issues, and I think they are wider than just development. We must not help with one hand whilst hurting with the other.


(Fine degli interventi su richiesta)


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. - Mr President, I would like to underline some of the elements that were raised by some of you and try to answer a couple of questions.

One is the fact that, yes, the European Union is the first donor and this is not charity. This is an investment. It is an investment on the one hand in our own stability and security – and in our prosperity as well, because those of you who may have been in this room at the beginning of the session at 3 p.m. will have heard a long debate about the fact that there are no divisions, no limits and no borders between internal and external threats, and if we do not invest in reaching the objectives we have for development – for sustainable development – and for equality in the world, the threats to our security and also the limits to our economic development will just grow and grow.

So this is an investment in our own future, not just in the future of the people in the rest of the world. And yes, it is one of the most effective tools for preventing conflicts and for foreign policy, and also for following up conflicts, not to mention what was said before regarding the effects this has on other elements of global challenges and policies, starting with migration and asylum-seeker flows.

So I see no contradiction between improving the living conditions of European Union citizens and improving the living conditions of other countries’ citizens. Actually I see a certain complementarity in that. I think that making it possible to keep the European Union as the foremost donor in the world is our common challenge and job. This requires a lot of work, not only on communication but also on explaining the fact that, no, this is not charity that we give when we can afford it, but rather it is a strategic investment in our own security and prosperity.

Secondly, someone said, and I agree with this, that it is not just a matter of help, and this is indeed so. It is a matter of policy coherence, and that goes for the challenges we have in front of us this year, when we know that we will be called again to be coherent in all our choices, be this in internal policies or external policies. That means that we need to work hand in hand with many other chapters.

I would like to thank Linda McAvan for reminding us of the role I am trying to play in coordinating the different Commissioners and also the different Councils – but in particular the different Commissioners – because here we have first to make sure that what we do, for instance, on trade does not contradict what we do in development or that what we do on humanitarian issues goes hand in hand with what we do in development, and that we intervene with the right tool at the right moment and in the right place, and that what we do on certain policies does not influence in negative terms what we do with other instruments that we use.

So the concrete effects of this coordination will probably take a little time to emerge, but I think that this is the key issue for post-2105 – the real policy coherence of our policies.

I will try to answer two issues. One is about the commitment to the 0.7%. This was precisely one of the issues we discussed in the last meeting of the Commissioners group. We will have a discussion about this, not only with the development ministers but also probably with the finance ministers and finally with the European Council. Obviously we will discuss that with the Latvian Presidency, but there is a need for Member State ownership in this because it is not only a matter of spending money, but also of setting priorities politically. Yes, we do believe that we should keep this target, but we need to develop a strategy to get there.

The second point on which we will need very close coordination, not only within the Commission but also with the Council, is in managing the mix, the balance, between financing for sustainable development and financing for the climate. This year will be crucial in this regard, and we will need to play this carefully – first of all in the Commission, but I think that we will need coordinated work on this.

Let me say a final word on Expo, because I commented when you introduced the debate that this is the first time that I am not the one talking about Expo because, when I started the Presidency as a Minister, that was one of my main issues. But some of your comments allow me to say that, yes, we will indeed be present, as the European Union, at Expo, and the reason for that is that, as was just mentioned, we need to put the content on our development policy, on feeding the planet, at the centre of the event.

So count on the European Union to be part of that effort, together with the UN Agencies based in Rome, which I know are also going to be major players in focusing on the content of the Development Year, and to make sure that Milan Expo will also be a crucial event politically for the European Year for Development.


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. - Mr President, this has been a really fruitful exchange of views, which I think shows once again our common strong engagement for the European Year for Development. I can assure you that the Presidency will do its utmost to ensure the success of this important endeavour. The year 2015 will be a crucial year, with the Financing for Development Conference in July in Addis Ababa and the UN post-2015 summit in September in New York. I think the common event of this year will be COP 21 in Paris in December. We have a unique opportunity to address the global challenges of poverty, education and sustainable development.

We must agree on an ambitious and transformative package in September 2015. The Latvian Presidency will work towards reaching a common European position. We anticipate complex negotiations around means of implementation on how the post-2015 framework will be implemented and by whom. We need to ensure that everybody plays a part, based on shared responsibility, mutual accountability and respective capacities.

We have to admit that awareness on, and civic participation in, development cooperation issues should be improved. The opening event of the European Year for Development in Riga last week was a step towards achieving this goal. We hope that the impact of this Latvian Presidency initiative will be felt long after the end of our Presidency. It is symbolic that at this time, a global alliance for the European Year for Development will be established that will bring together hundreds of European NGOs.

To conclude, I would like to note that successful development cooperation leaves a positive impact on the well-being of our partner countries. This in turn will unavoidably have a positive boomerang effect on the lives of Europeans, most notably in terms of welfare, security and global position. So I really hope we will have a successful and fruitful European Year for Development.


  Presidente. - La discussione è chiusa.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Cătălin Sorin Ivan (S&D), in writing. In 2015 we are launching the year of development, and major challenges lie ahead. The EU has to intervene where it is needed and where it can make a difference. EU development policy is a centrepiece of the Union’s relationship with the outside world. With 50% of all global development aid, the EU is the world’s leading donor. Now we need to define the post-2015 agenda.

The overarching goal is the eradication of poverty. While the proportion of people living in extreme poverty has dropped, there are many who still live below the internationally defined poverty line. The new framework should provide for improved living standards, access to primary healthcare systems, free education and improvements in agriculture and, above all, for the existence of basic fundamental rights. Working with developing nations and emerging economies should create a win-win situation.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE), na piśmie. Rok 2015 jest dla polityki rozwoju rokiem szczególnym. Właśnie mija uzgodniony 15 lat temu termin na osiągniecie Milenijnych Celów Rozwoju. Stoimy też u progu kolejnej drogi, wyznaczonej przez nowe Cele Zrównoważonego Rozwoju. Uważam zatem, że wybór roku 2015 na Europejski Rok na Rzecz Rozwoju jest szczególnie trafny. Unia Europejska, będąc największym donatorem na świecie, przeznacza na pomoc rozwojową łącznie ponad 50 miliardów euro rocznie. Niezwykle ważne jest więc, aby nasi obywatele mieli świadomość, dlaczego taka pomoc jest potrzebna, kto z niej korzysta i na jakich zasadach jest ona udzielana. Chciałbym też, aby ten rok pozwolił się nam dogłębnie przyjrzeć skuteczności udzielanej przez Unię pomocy, pomógł w lepszym definiowaniu przeszkód w zwalczaniu ubóstwa, jak również przyczynił się do poprawienia rozpoznawania źródeł biedy. Mam nadzieję, że przez najbliższy rok udowodnimy, że dla Europy dbanie o ludzką godność, spokojną przyszłość i prawa człowieka nie ma granic.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D), în scris. Anul european pentru dezvoltare trebuie să reprezinte un moment în care să conştientizăm nevoia ca Uniunea Europeană să se implice în rezolvarea problemelor generate de subdezvoltare în întreaga lume. Ţările membre ale UE şi-au asumat obiectivele de dezvoltare ale mileniului însă, din păcate, nu şi-au respectat angajamentele politice sau financiare. Suntem departe de obiectivul financiar de procentajul de 0,7% din PNB alocat cooperării pentru dezvoltare de către ţările membre şi încă şi mai departe în atingerea criteriilor de dezvoltare de către ţările sărace. UE şi statele membre trebuie să profite de Anul european pentru dezvoltare pentru a readuce problema dezvoltării internaţionale pe agenda publică. Vă asigur în acest sens de toată susţinerea mea în calitate de eurodeputat, dar şi de cadru universitar specializat în domeniu şi sunt sigur că mulţi europeni, mulţi dintre ei tineri, sunt dornici să se implice în a susţine o Europă - lider în domeniul asistenţei şi cooperării internaţionale.


  Claudia Schmidt (PPE), schriftlich. Die im Jahr 2000 in New York abgeschlossenen Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele kommen 2015 zu einem Ende. Viele der damals angesprochen Herausforderungen und Ziele konnten leider nicht erreicht werden. Große Meilensteine wie die Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern, die Möglichkeit zu freier Bildung oder die Verringerung der Armut sind nach wie vor existent oder haben sich in manchen Teilen der Welt sogar verschärft. Natürlich waren diese Ziele in vielen Bereichen zu ambitioniert und zu hoch gesteckt. Unsere Aufgabe ist es nun, die Ergebnisse der Entwicklungsziele zu bewerten und positive Ergebnisse innerhalb von Europa weiterzuführen. Europa kann nur dann eine Vorreiterrolle in der Welt übernehmen, wenn es uns gelingt, die bei uns herrschenden Probleme in den Griff zu bekommen und Lösungen für Armut, Jugendarbeitslosigkeit oder Gleichberechtigung zu schaffen. Solange wir auf unserem Kontinent die großen Herausforderungen nicht gemeistert haben, können wir auch nicht auf anderen Kontinenten oder Ländern nach Lösungen suchen!


  Olga Sehnalová (S&D), písemně. – Vyhlášení roku 2015 Evropským rokem pro rozvoj je příležitostí důrazněji upozorňovat na světové rozvojové problémy a podrobněji se věnovat možnostem jejich řešení. S koncem termínu pro naplnění Rozvojových cílů tisíciletí bude v letošním roce potřeba vytyčit si rozvojové cíle do budoucna. Mezinárodní společenství se bude muset domluvit na novém postupu, jak se pokusit vymýtit chudobu, podpořit hospodářský růst zemí postižených přírodními pohromami i konflikty a jak vyřešit otázky spojené se změnou klimatu. Přestože se již v roce 2010 podařilo dosáhnout jednoho z Rozvojových cílů tisíciletí, snížení extrémní chudoby o polovinu oproti roku 2000, tento výsledek není uspokojivý. Dosažení tohoto cíle navíc více podpořil hospodářský rozvoj Číny a Indie než práce na rozvojových projektech. Evropská unie by se tedy měla důsledněji zasazovat o opatření na zlepšování situace lidí žijících v nejchudších zemích světa. Evropská unie je největší dárce rozvojové pomoci na světě a je tedy potřeba, aby členské státy na snižování chudoby ve světě spolupracovaly.


  Richard Sulík (ECR), písomný V súvislosti s Európskym rokom rozvoja EÚ nezabúda pripomínať, že je „najväčším donorom oficiálnej rozvojovej asistencie na svete“ a ani to, že „každé euro minuté na rozvoj“ má pomáhať ľuďom v chudobných krajinách a aj v samotnej EÚ. Tieto vyhlásenia síce znejú pekne na papieri, no realita je zásadne odlišná. Za peniaze z rozvojovej pomoci EÚ v Bielorusku napríklad bieloruské tajné služby nakúpili techniku, ktorá slúžila na ešte väčšie utláčanie domáceho obyvateľstva. Ešte absurdnejšie skončila rozvojová pomoc v africkej Ghane. Tam Európska únia roky posielala milióny eur, pričom až neskôr zistila, že tieto peniaze mali putovať ľuďom, ktorí reálne ani neexistovali. EÚ teda vyhlasuje, že každé jedno euro rozvojovej pomoci pomáha, no reálne si nevie ustrážiť ani milióny. Rozvojová pomoc EÚ je navyše kritizovaná aj z jej vnútra – napríklad Európskym dvorom audítorov alebo aj v správe Európskeho parlamentu z roku 2012. Európsky rok rozvoja by tak mal skôr slúžiť na osvetu ohľadom toho, ako zúfalo neefektívna často rozvojová pomoc Európskej únie býva.


  Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D), schriftelijk. Twee kernpunten van het kader voor de periode na 2015 houden ook verband met de vreselijke aanslagen in Parijs: universaliteit en mensenrechten. Met universaliteit wordt afstand genomen van een ‘wij en zij’- denken, dat de wereld opdeelt in ‘ontwikkelde’ en ‘onderontwikkelde’ landen. De problemen waarmee traditionele ontwikkelingslanden geconfronteerd worden, zijn grensoverschrijdend en komen ook voor in de geïndustrialiseerde wereld. Echte ontwikkeling is onmogelijk zonder dat mensenrechten universeel nageleefd worden.

De omstandigheden waarin terrorisme kan groeien, zijn dezelfde die ontwikkelingssamenwerking tracht aan te pakken: gebrek aan een goed functionerende rechtsstaat, schendingen van mensenrechten, discriminatie, politieke uitsluiting, sociaal-economische marginalisering, gebrek aan behoorlijk bestuur en onderwijs. Zwak sociaal-economisch beleid leidt tot grotere ongelijkheid en draagt bij tot de omstandigheden waarin radicalisering en geweld groeien.

Dat geldt buiten maar ook binnen de grenzen van de Europese Unie. Waar overheden zich terugtrekken, vullen radicale organisaties het vacuüm en promoten ze hun mensonterende ideeën: de rechts-radicale Gouden Dageraad in Griekenland, IS in Irak en Syrië of Boko Haram in Nigeria. We moeten de daad bij het woord voegen door consequent en overal de mensenrechten te verdedigen én door omstandigheden waarin radicalisering kan groeien om te buigen via herverdeling en solidariteit met de zwaksten in elke samenleving, zowel binnen als buiten Europa.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE), napisany. – Unia Europejska odgrywa czołową rolę w formułowaniu i realizacji koncepcji spójności polityki na rzecz rozwoju. Ważne jest, aby polityka Unii wychodziła naprzeciw potrzebom rozwojowym krajów rozwijających się. W szybko zmieniającym się świecie niezbędne jest stałe wspieranie współpracy na rzecz rozwoju. Około 1,3 mld ludzi nadal żyje w warunkach skrajnego ubóstwa, a potrzeby w zakresie rozwoju społecznego w dalszym ciągu nie są zaspokajane. W większości obszarów świata wzrastają nierówności wewnątrz poszczególnych krajów. Środowisko naturalne jest poddawane coraz większej presji, a kraje rozwijające się szczególnie cierpią z powodu skutków zmiany klimatu. Wyzwania te są powszechne i wzajemnie powiązane, dlatego sprostanie im wymaga współdziałania wszystkich państw. Niezbędne jest informowanie, w jaki sposób Unia zwrócona na zewnątrz może przyczynić się do zapewnienia zrównoważenia w skali globalnej. Europejski Rok Rozwoju powinien, sprzyjać podnoszeniu świadomości. Zwalczanie ubóstwa na świecie pozwoli budować bardziej stabilny, pokojowo nastawiony i sprawiedliwszy świat, odzwierciedlający współzależność krajów bogatszych i biedniejszych.


  Iuliu Winkler (PPE), in writing. – Eradicating poverty in developing countries is an important priority for the EU. Our efforts should go hand in hand with those aiming for the achievement of the sustainable development goals. I welcome the European Year for Development initiative and I am convinced that an integrated European approach together with the involvement with the various stakeholders will result in significant progress. Instability and conflict situations are unfortunately typical for the less developed areas in Africa, South America and Asia and in many cases violent conflicts and illegal activities of local militias are financed from mineral extraction and trade. Breaking the link between mineral extraction and conflict financing is a complex challenge. The European Parliament is taking the lead in the EU action to promote responsible behaviour by companies operating in such areas. An integrated approach is entailing a trade-related EU regulation but also foreign policy action and development cooperation initiatives. As the rapporteur for the regulation setting up an EU system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of importers of 3TG originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas I am committed to contributing to the elaboration and adoption of an efficient and balanced regulation at the core of the EU integrated approach.


(La seduta, sospesa alle 21.30, è ripresa alle 21.50)

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