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Procedūra : 2015/2514(RSP)
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Debatai :

PV 15/01/2015 - 9.2
CRE 15/01/2015 - 9.2

Balsavimas :

PV 15/01/2015 - 11.2

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Posėdžio stenograma
Ketvirtadienis, 2015 m. sausio 15 d. - Strasbūras

9.2. Pakistanas, ypač padėtis, susiklosčiusi po išpuolio Pešavaro mokykloje
Kalbų vaizdo įrašas

  President. - The next item is the debate on seven motions for resolutions on Pakistan, in particular the situation following the Peshawar school attack.


  Charles Tannock, author. - Madam President, the ISIS-affiliated Pakistani Taliban is intent upon trying to impose its warped and medieval view of the world on the people of Pakistan, particularly in the tribal areas on the Afghan border. Its latest barbaric, murderous attack against a school is symbolic for much of what it stands, irrationally, in opposition to – enlightenment, education, progress and equal rights for women. It is tragic that so many people, particularly children, have had to lose their lives at the hands of such a vile ideology. The Government of Pakistan obviously needs to do more to combat this form of home-grown terrorism, looking more carefully at the options and capabilities at its disposal.

I would also like to take this opportunity to look at the broader human rights situation in Pakistan. The Ahmadi Muslims, for instance, continue to be discriminated against by law and face hardships, some even paying with their lives. The Hudood Ordinances and the blasphemy laws are also of particular concern to this House. Pakistan’s GSP+ status is directly linked to its commitment to upholding universal human rights and, in my view, more needs to be done to ensure that Pakistan is fulfilling these obligations it has made to the European Union.


  Jean Lambert, author. - Madam President, all of us in this House share the profound shock and revulsion at the horrendous attack on the army public school in Peshawar. It is the latest and bloodiest attack on schools in Pakistan, and there have been over 800 of those attacks since 2009.

There is quite a high level of illiteracy still in Pakistan, and education is valued by many. Therefore, an attack on education is actually an attack on the country’s future. I think we can understand, too, the anger of the people and the desire of the government to be seen to take strong action against those committing terrorist offences. Nevertheless, the resolution reflects the fact that all of us, I think, regret the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty in Pakistan.

The resolution has no number for those recently executed: it is now up to 19, as of this morning. The EU has a principled position on the death penalty, and we have expressed this in meetings in Pakistan and in other countries of the world. I chair the delegation for this House to the countries of South Asia, which includes Pakistan, and I have raised this issue when we have been there.

I find myself particularly uneasy about a number of the convictions of those currently being executed. Some of those date from the times of the military regime, with allegations of confessions under torture and the use of military courts which do not have a full system of justice. Such convictions do not meet the standards of justice to which Pakistan is now committed under a number of human rights instruments which it signed up to and which are now linked to its Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) Plus status.

However, there is much to be welcomed in terms of the government’s move on education – universal and inclusive education for all children in Pakistan. There are a number of other things to welcome, which we point out in this resolution.


  Fernando Maura Barandiarán, Autor. - Señora Presidenta, me sumo a la condena de este ataque sin sentido, que, sin duda, supera —en su cruel cobardía— todo lo que una mente enferma puede imaginar. Quisiera, también, pedir a todos los miembros de esta Cámara que mediten sobre la complicada situación en la que se encuentra Pakistán, para el caso de que sucesos como este pudieran volver a repetirse.

Pakistán está al límite de ser un Estado fallido y su estabilidad significa la estabilidad de todo el sur de Asia. Si Pakistán pierde la batalla contra el terrorismo, el mundo entero y los valores que defendemos se verían seriamente en peligro. Por lo tanto, debemos trabajar hombro con hombro con el Gobierno y el pueblo de Pakistán en su lucha contra el terrorismo y el extremismo. Debemos apoyar al Gobierno de Pakistán para la consolidación de la democracia y la instauración de un gobierno civil con todas las garantías.

Hemos de alentar, también, el fortalecimiento de las instituciones democráticas y el Estado de Derecho en todos los ámbitos de la administración pública, en particular, las fuerzas de seguridad y el poder judicial. Debemos, en conclusión, ofrecerles nuestra ayuda para superar la situación en la que están inmersos.


  Ignazio Corrao, Autore. - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, stiamo parlando di una situazione davvero terribile, quella che è successa a Peshawar perché non è secondo me neanche ascrivibile al genere umano un attacco del genere. Stiamo parlando di professori bruciati vivi dinanzi agli alunni, a bambini bruciati vivi, stiamo parlando di 150 vittime innocenti, di bambini a cui è stata tolta la vita senza un motivo, in nome di un principio che non si riesce a capire.

Penso che siamo tutti unanimi, tutti d'accordo, nel dover sostenere una battaglia che non è una battaglia del Pakistan, ma è una battaglia contro un tipo di genere umano che è deviato, contro una tipologia di esseri umani che non possono essere considerati probabilmente neanche esseri umani. Io accolgo con favore la proposta del collega Bashir che ha chiesto titolo simbolico di impegnarci per far sì che lo stesso numero delle vittime – dovrebbe essere 143 – vengano fatti dei posti letto in un ospedale per dare un segnale simbolico a chi toglie la vita a quei bambini.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. - Madame la Présidente, c'est dans un contexte particulier que ce massacre insoutenable de 148 personnes, dont 132 enfants, nous rappelle que les musulmans sont les premières victimes de la violence terroriste.

Au Pakistan, comme ailleurs, il est impératif de comprendre que ce n'est pas par des lois et des juridictions d'exception que l'on défend la liberté contre ses ennemis.

Le Pakistan a mis en place des tribunaux militaires pour juger les terroristes et vient de lever le moratoire sur la peine capitale. Depuis l'attentat, seize personnes ont encore été condamnées à mort et cinq cents autres devraient l'être dans les prochaines semaines. Huit mille personnes sont, paraît-il, dans les couloirs de la mort. La peur et la surenchère sécuritaire ne peuvent qu'aggraver un cercle de violence sans fin qui revient à tomber dans le piège tendu par ceux qui exacerbent les tensions, avivent les haines et recrutent alors de nouveaux adeptes.

Certes, le statu quo n'est pas acceptable mais le gouvernement pakistanais ne devrait-il pas se pencher aussi sur les relations qu'entretient notamment son armée avec divers groupes djihadistes tolérés, voire instrumentalisés? À ce genre de jeu, ce sont toujours les civils qui sont les premières victimes. Cette horreur est là pour nous le montrer.


  Josef Weidenholzer, Verfasser. - Frau Präsidentin! Bereits zum zweiten Mal beschäftigten wir uns im Rahmen der dringlichen Entschließungen mit der Situation in Pakistan.

Immer hat es mit religiösem Extremismus zu tun. Die tragischen Ereignisse an der Schule in Peschawar, als 140 unschuldige Menschen starben, haben uns einmal mehr deutlich gemacht, wie gefährlich die Lage ist. Terroristische Gruppen, die in ihrer Radikalität und in ihrem Wahn dem IS in nichts nachstehen, bedrohen die Zukunft des Landes.

Pakistan ist ein sehr wichtiges und bedeutendes Land, eine Atommacht. Das Land muss mit aller Entschiedenheit gegen diese Bedrohung auftreten: rigoros und klug. Dazu gehört auch eine angemessene Verfolgung der Terroristen – sie verdienen eine harte Bestrafung.

Kriminelle leichtfertig als Terroristen zu behandeln, setzt eine Spirale der Rache in Gang. Eine Reform des pakistanischen Justizsystems, bei der die Menschenrechte beachtet werden, müsste die eigentliche Konsequenz aus den tragischen Ereignissen sein.


  Jeroen Lenaers, Auteur. - Meer dan 140 mensen, waaronder 134 schoolkinderen, zijn afgeslacht. Schoolkinderen, van wie de enige wens die dag was om simpelweg naar school te gaan. De Nederlandse taal heeft niet genoeg woorden om mijn afschuw daarover uit te spreken en mijn gedachten gaan uit naar de ouders, families, vriendjes en vriendinnetjes van de slachtoffers en van de Pakistaanse samenleving als geheel.

De strijd van Pakistan tegen terrorisme is ook onze strijd. Dat is een strijd tegen álle terroristische groeperingen, zonder uitzondering. Wij moeten klaarstaan om Pakistan in die strijd te helpen. Maar de strijd tegen terrorisme en religieus extremisme is ook een strijd tegen de voedingsbodem daarvan. Daar hoort ook bestrijding van de armoede, waarborgen van religieuze verdraagzaamheid, versterking van de rechtsstaat en vrije toegang tot onderwijs bij.

Zoals Malala, Sacharovprijswinnaar, hier in dit Huis zei: “Er is armoede, er is gebrek aan vrijheid, er is angst, er is terrorisme, maar er is ook hoop!”


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta, w imieniu grupy PPE. – Szanowna Pani Przewodnicząca! Przede wszystkim chciałbym wyrazić jeszcze raz najszczersze kondolencje dla rodzin ofiar, zwłaszcza że w tym przejawie brutalności ucierpiały osoby niewinne i bezbronne, czyli dzieci.

Dlatego też chcę stanowczo potępić sprawców tego bestialskiego czynu i wyrazić swoje zaniepokojenie eskalacją agresji w Pakistanie. Sprawcy posuwający się do ataków terrorystycznych na dzieci nie zasługują na żadne usprawiedliwienie i powinni być karani z całą surowością prawa międzynarodowego.

Codzienne czynności, takie jak chociażby chodzenie do szkoły, stają się w obecnej sytuacji przejawem odwagi i niosą za sobą ogromne ryzyko.

Dlatego też wzywam Wysoką Przedstawiciel Unii do spraw zagranicznych, do nacisku na władze Pakistanu celem wzmocnienia starań o bezpieczeństwo zwykłych obywateli, także i dzieci, tego kraju.


  Kashetu Kyenge, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, poco più di un anno fa una giovane donna si indirizzava a quest'Aula con un appello appassionato sostenendo che la forza di un paese non si misura in base al suo esercito ma all'educazione del suo popolo. Questi bambini non vogliono un iphone, una xbox, una playstation o dei cioccolatini, vogliono solo un libro, una matita e una penna. Io chiedo scusa a tutti questi bambini perché non siamo stati in grado di proteggerli!

Cosa è cambiato, signor Presidente, dal giorno della consegna del Premio Sakharov a Malala, perché ci ritroviamo ancora oggi a commemorare 134 giovani studenti e vittime innocenti, colpevoli di avere esercitato il loro diritto fondamentale all'istruzione? Quanti bambini e bambine dobbiamo piangere prima che le autorità pachistane mettano a punto una vera strategia di prevenzione della radicalizzazione e di lotta contro la crisi all'istruzione? Ogni scuola distrutta e sostituita da altre di matrice radicale rappresenta una sconfitta per la civiltà e la premessa di un ulteriore radicamento dell'estremismo islamico nel paese.


  Sajjad Karim, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, I would like to say to the Vice-President/High Representative that her commitment to our parliamentary procedures is truly appreciated by the majority of Members of this House. This resolution comes in truly tragic circumstances. They slay Pakistani children to break their will. They slay our journalists to break our values. The perpetrators are of the same mind-set – Mumbai or Madrid or Peshawar, Pakistan, the perpetrators are one, and we must stand in defiance as one. Let us send a clear message from this House to the people of Pakistan that we stand firm and united with them at this time.

High Representative, we must safeguard measures we have already put in place in terms of our relationship with Pakistan and actually start to build upon them. Strengthening the Pakistani economy is one prong that we must explore further. Recent events demonstrate that we are all on the front line, but the front face is the people of Pakistan, who have carried a very heavy burden on very weak shoulders on behalf of the international community.


  José Inácio Faria, em nome do Grupo ALDE. – Caros Colegas, quero manifestar a minha consternação e repulsa pelo atentado do movimento dos talibãs, no Paquistão, que, no passado dia 16 de dezembro, vitimou, numa escola de Peshawar, 148 pessoas, 130 delas crianças estudantes. A este repugnante ataque terrorista - um dos mais sangrentos da história do Paquistão - somam-se mais de 800 outros ataques a escolas no Paquistão. A educação dos jovens, e das meninas em particular, é crucial para o desenvolvimento da sociedade e da economia paquistanesas. A educação é ainda essencial para prevenir a radicalização da sociedade.

Quero, por isso, desde já louvar a Academia Sueca do Prémio Nobel ao atribuir este galardão à menina paquistanesa Malala. Entendo que o Governo paquistanês deve tomar medidas eficazes para assegurar a segurança das escolas e impedir a intimidação e o terror. A este massacre seguiram-se os trágicos eventos em França e agora a carnificina humana levada a cabo pelos terroristas do Boko Haram em Baga, na Nigéria. Combater o terrorismo fundamentalista é um problema europeu e internacional.

Apelo, assim, ao reforço de um compromisso internacional para a cooperação na prevenção da luta contra o terrorismo e pela defesa dos direitos humanos e dos valores democráticos.


  Tania González Peñas, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora Presidenta, en primer lugar quiero trasladar nuestras condolencias a todos los que sufren los estragos del fanatismo violento. Estos ataques son despreciables sin excepción. Sin embargo, el dolor provocado no debe llevarnos a responder con medidas de represión y recorte de las libertades, que solo alimentan una espiral de violencia que sirve de justificación a los argumentos de los fanáticos.

Medidas como la anulación —por parte del Primer Ministro de Pakistán en respuesta al ataque— de la moratoria existente sobre la pena de muerte pueden suponer la ejecución de cientos de condenados en las próximas semanas.

Para avanzar hacia una solución real, debemos prestar atención a las causas geopolíticas, económicas y sociales. Entre ellas, la pobreza y la miseria que dejamos avanzar en Europa y en el resto del mundo, y que están generando espacios de marginalidad y exclusión entre los que brotan los extremismos de toda clase.

Solo huyendo del miedo y del odio, solo con justicia y democracia podemos construir pueblos fuertes y libres.


  Amjad Bashir, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Madam President, the cold-blooded and barbaric attack in Peshawar resulted in over 145 deaths and an even greater number of injuries, both physical and psychological. Most of the dead were children, along with some brave teachers, like the principal, Tahira Qazi, who was deliberately and brutally burned alive in full view of the pupils. Tehrik-i-Taliban has claimed responsibility for this atrocity as revenge for the military offensive launched by the Pakistani army. Since 2003, when Pakistan joined the American-led war on terror, over 60 000 Pakistanis have died. That is the equivalent to twenty 9/11s. I have visited Peshawar and the Lady Reading hospital where most of the injured and fatalities were brought. I can report that the facilities there are basic, and they can do with our help and support. I urge you to send a team of observers to see for yourself and to make good on our promises for support following the attack.


  Barbara Kappel (NI). - Frau Präsidentin! Der Anschlag auf die Schule in Peschawar war sicherlich einer der schlimmsten Anschläge, die in Pakistan je verübt wurden – 145 Menschen sind zu Tode gekommen.

Es war aber nicht der einzige Anschlag auf Schulen, und es war auch nicht der einzige Anschlag auf Kinder. Allein im letzten Jahr gab es in Pakistan zwölf Anschläge auf Schulen – von 372 Anschlägen insgesamt. Ich erinnere an den feigen Anschlag auf die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Malala im Oktober 2012, die für ihr Engagement für Bildung auch mit dem Sacharow-Preis des Europäischen Parlaments ausgezeichnet wurde.

Die pakistanische Regierung hat mit voller Härte auf diesen Anschlag reagiert, hat das Moratorium der Todesstrafe ausgesetzt, eine Maßnahme, die im hier vorliegenden Entschließungsantrag ausschließlich abgelehnt wird.

Auch Europa ist vom Terror betroffen. Ich erinnere an den Anschlag von Paris in der letzten Woche. Es ist fast Ironie des Schicksals, dass gerade in Peschawar die zwei Kouachi-Brüder, die in Frankreich diesen Anschlag auf Charlie Hebdo verübt haben, von einem muslimischen Geistlichen mit einer besonderen Begräbnisfeierlichkeit noch als Helden des Islam ausgezeichnet wurden.

Das ist schlecht, und Europa reagiert anders, mit einer Antiterrorstrategie. Europa muss entschlossen gegen den Terror vorgehen – die ganze Welt muss entschlossen gegen den Terror vorgehen.


  Pavel Svoboda (PPE). - Paní předsedající, i já hluboce lituji útoku ze 16. prosince. Domnívám se, že je potřeba zasadit se o dodržování základních principů vlády práva a uplatňování základních lidských práv i v krizových situacích. Všichni jsme v minulých dnech znovu objevili, že od těchto základních principů nesmíme ustupovat. Tato myšlenka by měla být i základem našeho přístupu v Pákistánu a měla by vést k podpoře všech, kdo jsou diskriminováni, či se v této zemi zasazují o dodržování svobody vyznání, o svobodný přístup ke vzdělání či spravedlivý soudní proces. Měla by vést k podpoře Asii Bibiové, Malály Júsafzájové a všech dalších.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'attacco dei fondamentalisti talebani in una scuola di Peshawar in Pakistan ha causato la morte di oltre 140 innocenti, in gran parte bambini, e ha suscitato in tutti noi grande orrore e sgomento.

Il mondo deve reagire con grande determinazione e la religione non può essere la chiave per spiegare tanta violenza, in molti casi essa è stata il linguaggio di leader che hanno promosso cambiamenti in senso progressista, ricordo il Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, la buddista Aung San Su Kyi, il poeta luterano Dietrich Bonhoeffer, purtroppo non è il caso del Pakistan. In questo paese, dopo la strage, riacquista un ruolo politico l'esercito, si sostiene che la democrazia non funziona e che l'unica istituzione in grado di governare davvero il paese sia l'esercito.

Ritengo deplorevole, per esempio, che permangano leggi odiose come quella sulla blasfemia e anche la recente decisione del governo pachistano di revocare la moratoria sulla pena di morte a seguito degli attacchi alla scuola di Peshawar. È chiaro che l'Europa non ha fatto tutto quello che poteva fare, questo è il momento di dimostrare che quest'istituzione ha la forza di fronteggiare un male terribile come il terrorismo e, allo stesso tempo, difendere i diritti fondamentali.


  Aymeric Chauprade (NI). - Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, nous sommes en guerre contre une forme d'islam: l'islam global et fondamentaliste, qui ne connaît que l'oumma comme nation et le Coran comme constitution.

Dans cette guerre, nous avons besoin d'alliés. L'armée pakistanaise mène une guerre sans merci aux talibans pakistanais et afghans et nous devons la soutenir. Malheureusement, les fondamentalistes n'ont aucune limite. Pour se venger, ils n'ont pas hésité à massacrer, le 16 décembre 2014, plus de 130 enfants de militaires pakistanais dans une école de Peshawar.

Mais le Pakistan doit être cohérent. S'il fait vraiment la guerre avec nous contre le fondamentalisme, il ne peut tolérer que son système judiciaire reste sous l'emprise de comportements fondamentalistes. Des chrétiens ne peuvent y être condamnés à mort pour blasphème ou des chiites abandonnés à la vindicte populaire. Des efforts doivent être faits de part et d'autre.

Nous sommes prêts à reconnaître une alliance avec le Pakistan contre le fondamentalisme et à accepter sa fermeté implacable contre les talibans, à la condition cependant que cet État atténue la sanction contre le blasphème et protège ses minorités chrétiennes et chiites.


  Afzal Khan (S&D). - Madam President, nothing can justify the brutality we witnessed a month ago in Peshawar. It was an act of cowardice to attack a school and kill 132 defenceless children. Unfortunately, Pakistan is the biggest victim of terrorism: more than 70 000 people have lost their lives.

This is the price Pakistan is paying in trying to keep the world safe. Afghanistan must assist and cooperate with Pakistan in its fight against terrorism. A renewed international commitment to fight the financing and sponsorship of terrorism is needed. Pakistan plays an important role in fostering stability in the region and should lead by example and strengthen the rule of law and human rights.

The EU must not stand aside. We have to support Pakistan in our fight against terrorism. As we walked arm in arm in Paris in solidarity with France, we now also need to walk arm in arm with Pakistan. We need to unite globally against radicalisation and extremism. No form of terrorism should be supported, and the EU must assist Pakistan in tackling the threat of terrorism.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). - Gospođo predsjednice, ovaj je događaj zaista izazvao šok i gnušanje kod svakoga, pa i kod mene. Pakistanski talibani koriste srednjovjekovne metode koje su danas apsolutno neprimjerene. Ovo je drugi put da u ovom forumu govorimo o Pakistanu - prošli put o Aziji i Bibi, danas o školi u Pešavaru. Mislim da je nedopustivo da ovo prolazi mimo nas. Mi kao političari smo odgovorni i moramo djelovati, moramo pomoći pakistanskoj vladi kako bi konačno zaživjele demokratske institucije u toj zemlji.

Sjećamo se ovdje, prošle godine, Malale kad joj je dodijeljena Sakharov nagrada, svi smo se divili tome i mislili da će to biti nekakav poticaj. Nažalost, nije. Ovom rezolucijom pokušavamo na neki način ukazati i suditi ne samo ovaj gnusni čin, već ukazati na pozitivne stvari koje radi pakistanska vlada.

U svakom slučaju ljudska prava se moraju poštivati i zakoni o bogohuljenju moraju biti ukinuti. To je ono na čemu mi ovdje u Europskom parlamentu moramo inzistirati.


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE) - Brutálny masaker 132 nevinných detí zo 16. decembra v pakistanskej škole ma hlboko zarmútil. Vykonal to Taliban, odnož ISIS v Pakistane, a to je niečo brutálne, neprípustné. Na svete neexistuje nič smutnejšie, ako je smrť dieťaťa. Je to akt násilia voči školákom, je to útok proti budúcnosti detí, proti budúcnosti tejto krajiny.

Chcem preto vyjadriť svoju úprimnú sústrasť a solidaritu postihnutým rodinám a uctiť si pamiatku všetkých zosnulých detí. Tento ohavný akt terorizmu v Pešávare sa stal naliehavou výzvou a urgentné riešenie celosvetového problém terorizmu a násilného extrémizmu a predovšetkým vyostrenej bezpečnostnej situácie práve v Pakistane. Pripájam sa preto a apelujem aj na pani komisárku, aby ten záväzok Európskeho parlamentu bol počutý aj v Komisii, aby sme konali všetci spoločne.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, più di 140 morti, 134 vittime erano studenti, anzi solo bambini, altrettanti sono stati feriti, le cicatrici del corpo si rimargineranno, forse, quelle dell'anima, magari mai! Il massacro di Peshawar non è solo il massacro del fanatismo, della brutalità e della violenza, è il massacro della paura, perché l'estremismo talebano sa bene che l'unica arma che non potranno mai sconfiggere è l'arma della cultura.

Ecco perché la risposta non può essere la giustizia sommaria evocata da più parti in Pakistan, capisco la rabbia, capisco il sentimento della vendetta dei familiari, a loro mandiamo le nostre condoglianze e la nostra vicinanza, ma lo Stato del Pakistan non può commissariare la democrazia né tantomeno sradicare lo Stato di diritto, non deve abbassarsi al loro livello. Il vero messaggio da inviare, colleghi, a chi fa assurgere la violenza a strumento di governo, di propaganda, è lavorare con il Pakistan affinché per ogni bambino morto ci sia una nuova scuola nel paese, affinché sia chiaro che lo spirito di Malala vive e vivrà per sempre nelle nostre coscienze.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs. - Madam President, thank you for this debate that I think helps us to focus on a couple of important points after the terrible attack by the Pakistani Taliban against the school in Peshawar on 16 December.

First of all, there is the fact that the attack was deliberately against children – boys and girls. But it was also an attack against the right to education for every boy and girl. As many of you said, not only the Sakharov Prize but also the Nobel Peace Prize going to Malala Yousafzai was a strong reaction to that. Let me say that the best news we have had, in reaction to what happened, was the re-opening of the school in Peshawar this week. I think this is the strongest sign of the fact that the right to education of girls and boys cannot be stopped by such terrible attacks.

The second thing that this attack reminded us of – and someone mentioned this – is the fact that the first victims of terrorists are Muslims. Yesterday we discussed Nigeria and today we are discussing Pakistan. I think part of our counter-terrorist measures is the narrative and the awareness that it is not only us we care about, but it is also about all others. Pakistan has paid a high price to terrorism and extremism, with up to 50 000 people killed by terrorists since 2001. A new Comprehensive National Action Plan has been approved. Key elements include regulating madrasas, blocking financing mechanisms of terrorist organisations, and measures against religious persecution. We have set up a specific EU-Pakistan political dialogue on counter-terrorism, the priorities of which are the rule of law and anti-radicalisation.

The EU, through a number of different projects, already supports the Pakistani Government’s counter-terrorism activities aimed at reducing the threat from militant groups operating in the territory. This includes support for capacity-building of law enforcement, community policing, promoting dialogue between different communities and strengthening resilience to violence. But, as many of you have said today, counter-terrorism alone does not stand. We have to start from the root causes and from prevention.

In 2008 Pakistan started its transition from military rule to democracy. In 2013 the country experienced its first ever handing-over of power from one democratically-elected government to another. The EU has consistently supported the democratisation process. Our election observation missions were in Pakistan in 2008 and 2013. The transition to civilian democracy led to closer EU cooperation with Pakistan in different fields and to a more structured partnership, including political dialogue on sensitive and complicated issues like human rights and counter-terrorism. Let me stress this, because it is also a coherent part of our work on security, disarmament and non-proliferation, especially in a region crucial for peace and security.

The key priorities in our human rights engagement and dialogue with Pakistan – and let me remind you that the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Stavros Lambrinidis, made his first ever visit to Pakistan this year – include freedom of religion and belief, women’s rights, the death penalty and the rule of law and access to justice.

The issue of religious minorities remains a central aspect of our human rights dialogue. Freedom of religion and expression are constitutional rights in Pakistan, but discrimination remains, severely affecting, for instance, Shias and Ahmadis, but also Christians and other minorities. The use of the blasphemy law has become a reason for particular concern. The overwhelming majority of cases are filed against Muslims, but Christians are also targeted – such as in the case of Asia Bibi, which I know this Parliament has been following particularly closely. Let me say that I am following it closely with you.

Pakistan needs to strengthen civilian courts and institutions. The judicial system has to be adequately resourced, trained and equipped, in order to deal effectively with terrorism. Harsher punishments or the temporary expansion of the jurisdiction of military courts do not address a weak judicial system. Developing an effective, efficient, professional, independent and credible civilian legal system remains a key priority for Pakistan, and the EU is ready to support and train police, prosecutors, defence lawyers and judges.

After Peshawar – as some of you mentioned – Pakistan also lifted the de facto moratorium on executions that had been in place since 2008. Let me conclude by saying that the European Union remains – and will remain – opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances. The death penalty is not an effective tool in the fight against terrorism, and I sincerely hope that the moratorium will be re-established.


  President. - The debate is closed.

The vote will be held at the end of the debates.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Marie-Christine Boutonnet (NI), par écrit. Membre de la Délégation pour les relations avec les pays de l'Asie du Sud, la situation au Pakistan me préoccupe particulièrement. Un voyage d’étude est prévu prochainement. Je souhaite que celui-ci permette aux parlementaires européens de mieux appréhender les complexes jeux d’influence de ce pays.

Plus de 130 enfants de militaires pakistanais ont été massacrés dans une école de Peshawar. Cet attentat, revendiqué par le Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), est particulièrement mal perçu dans le monde musulman.

Près de 60 islamistes radicaux ont été arrêtés récemment avec pour incitation à la haine.

S’agit-il d'un tournant de la politique pakistanaise? Il est encore trop tôt pour le dire.

Il convient de relever que les forces armées de ce pays luttent avec acharnement contre les Talibans afghans et pakistanais.

Cependant nous pouvons regretter que le système judiciaire pakistanais continue d’adopter des comportements fondamentalistes sur de nombreux sujets comme la condamnation de chrétiens pour blasphème ou le lynchage de chiites. Nous sommes prêts à aider le Pakistan dans sa lutte contre le fondamentalisme. Mais, il convient que ce pays entreprenne des efforts pour la protection de ses minorités.


  Elisabetta Gardini (PPE), per iscritto. L'attentato alla scuola militare di Peshawar dello scorso 16 dicembre 2014, che ha portato alla morte di oltre 140 persone, di cui la maggior parte bambini, ha sconvolto il mondo per la sua crudeltà e la sua disumanità rivelando nuovamente la drammatica situazione in cui verte il Pakistan. Con questa risoluzione vogliamo dunque esprimere tutta la nostra preoccupazione per un paese nel quale il terrorismo e l'estremismo religioso stanno prendendo il sopravvento sui diritti fondamentali. È dunque necessario che l'Unione europea ed in particolare la Commissione non resti inerme e si muova concretamente per contrastare tali fenomeni, dimostrando di essere una reale forza a favore della pace, della libertà e della dignità umana, anche per dare un seguito concreto e reale alle parole proferite da Papa Francesco a Strasburgo.


  Petr Ježek (ALDE), in writing. I will vote in favour of this resolution strongly condemning the Peshawar school attack, in which Tehrik-i-Taliban terrorists killed at least defenceless 130 children. This horrific attack on children is an inexplicable inhuman act attaining the highest level of human barbarity and must be universally condemned. I consider this act a crime against the future of all children and the nation of Pakistan. The EU and the international community as a whole must assist the Pakistani authorities in the fight against terrorism that has affected the Pakistani people for too long now. The Government of Pakistan must urgently take the necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of attacks and threats against educational institutions. These acts undermine fundamental rights, and in particular the right of women and girls to education. The Government of Pakistan must ensure that perpetrators of these cruel acts are promptly investigated, prosecuted and punished.


  Νεοκλής Συλικιώτης (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. To Ψήφισμα αποτυπώνει τον καθολικό αποτροπιασμό για το φρικτό έγκλημα που διέπραξαν οι Ταλιμπάν στο Πεσαβάρ. Τα παιδιά του Πακιστάν, αγόρια και κορίτσια, έχουν δικαίωμα να μορφώνονται μέσα σε συνθήκες ασφάλειας και η πακιστανική κυβέρνηση οφείλει να εγγυηθεί αυτό το δικαίωμα. Εντούτοις το Ψήφισμα δεν αναφέρεται στον αποσταθεροποιητικό ρόλο που διαδραματίζουν οι επιθέσεις των αμερικανικών drones που σκοτώνουν αδιακρίτως προκαλώντας έτσι τη λαϊκή οργή, στην οποία επενδύουν οι εξτρεμιστές. Ούτε στηλιτεύονται οι ευθύνες των ΗΠΑ και του πακιστανικού καθεστώτος που σε άλλες εποχές στήριξαν ποικιλοτρόπως τους σκοταδιστές Ταλιμπάν, σε βάρος του λαού του Αφγανιστάν και της ΕΣΣΔ. Μόνο με αφετηρία αυτές τις παραδοχές, μπορεί να έχει ειλικρινές περιεχόμενο ο αγώνας κατά της τρομοκρατίας. Στόχος πρέπει να είναι η εξάλειψη των αιτιών που οδηγούν ανθρώπους στον θρησκευτικό εξτρεμισμό, δηλαδή της απόγνωσης που προκαλούν η φτώχεια, ο αναλφαβητισμός, ο αυταρχισμός και η διαφθορά της εξουσίας αλλά και η αγανάκτηση για τις ξένες επεμβάσεις. Εμείς δεν συναινούμε, στο όνομα της καταπολέμησης της τρομοκρατίας, να καταπατώνται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα ή να επαναενεργοποιείται η θανατική ποινή όπως αποφάσισε ο πρωθυπουργός Σαρίφ. Ο λαϊκός αγώνας για εθνική ανεξαρτησία, κοινωνική ευημερία, δημοκρατικές ελευθερίες και ισοτιμία των φύλων είναι αυτός που θα εξαλείψει και τον τρομοκρατικό θρησκευτικό εξτρεμισμό.


  Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE), in writing. Mr President, I must say, the tragedy in Peshawar had left me utterly devastated, and I would like to express my deepest condolences to the survivors, the families of the victims and the whole Pakistani community. Free, compulsory and good quality education must be regarded as a fundamental human right and a crucial means of realising other human rights, as it plays a key role in lifting people out of poverty, enabling them to obtain the means to participate fully in their society. I acknowledge the recent positive change in Pakistan’s Constitution establishing the right for children to access free, compulsory education. In my opinion, ensuring this right even in emergencies, such as during a conflict, should be done not only within the individual state’s responsibilities, but should also be addressed within the framework of our international cooperation. I encourage Pakistan’s development of protective measures against terrorism and religious extremism. Nevertheless, it is extremely important for this widespread learning crisis in Pakistan to be resolved by abiding by the minimum conditions of the international standards of the rule of law and human rights. Especially, methods which disregard the right to a fair trial cannot be accepted.


  Tadeusz Zwiefka (PPE), na piśmie. Dziesięć lat po tragicznym w skutkach ataku terrorystycznym na szkołę w Biesłanie, gdzie zginęło 334 osób, w większości dzieci, doszło do równie krwawego zamachu dokonanego przez Talibów w Peszawarze, w jednej z pakistańskich szkół. Trudno przejść obojętnie wobec tej tragedii, w której pozbawionych życia zostało 132 dzieci. Ze strony państw Unii Europejskiej nigdy nie było i nie będzie zgody na tego typu ataki. Dzieci powinny być szczególnie otaczane troską i opieką osób dorosłych, a nie masowo mordowane i „używane” jako zakładnicy w wojnach domowych, konfliktach między państwami czy starciach na tle religijnym. Żadna ideologia czy religia nie usprawiedliwia zaplanowanego zabijania dzieci. Wyrażam stanowczy sprzeciw wobec tego typu terroru, gdzie życie bezbronnych i niewinnych dzieci mierzone jest kategoriami chęci zemsty, wyrównywania porachunków czy też realizacji własnych celów, i odnoszę się do tego z głęboką dezaprobatą.

Chciałbym z tego miejsca stanowczo zaapelować do wszystkich szefów państw i osób sprawujących władzę, aby nie wahali się podjąć wszelkich możliwych środków zapobiegawczych oraz działań mających na celu wykluczenie pojawienia się podobnych masowych rzezi dzieci. Wydarzenia w Peszawarze są przestrogą dla całego świata, ale przede wszystkim tragedią narodu pakistańskiego, który po raz kolejny przekonał się, do czego – w imię ekstremizmu religijnego – zdolni są posunąć się talibowie, dla których nawet życie dzieci nie jest żadną wartością.

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