Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia są oświadczenia Rady i Komisji w sprawie sprawozdania z postępów Czarnogóry w 2014 r. (2014/2947(RSP))
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica,President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, today we are having important debates on the Stabilisation and Association Process concerning four Western Balkan countries.
Before we start the discussion on the individual assessment of the respective countries, I would like to underline that the Council continues to attach great importance to the credibility of the Stabilisation and Association process, which remains crucial for maintaining the momentum of democratic reforms.
The values upon which the European Union is founded – freedom, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights – are linked to the economic and social progress the European Union has achieved since its creation. In this respect we recognise that the preparation of economic reform programmes will support the efforts of candidate and aspirant states of the Western Balkans towards meeting the Copenhagen economic criteria. I would also like to underline that the ultimate wish to move forward on crucial reform issues cannot come from the European Union, but from the governments of the Western Balkan countries themselves.
Cooperation is the common link that binds the EU and what strengthens our ability to deliver security and prosperity. It provides strength in unity and builds consensus and mutual trust, while taking into account the needs, challenges and assets of each country. This is why the Council underlines the importance of regional economic cooperation, sharing the best practice on economic governance and connectivity and inclusiveness within the region and with the EU.
Let me now turn to Montenegro. It is clear that the Council broadly shares many of the views expressed in your draft resolution. I would particularly like to underline some points which we consider very important.
In its conclusions in December last year, the Council welcomed the progress Montenegro had made in the past year, including the completion of the extensive screening phase. In line with the new approach, the focus has been on the chapters dedicated to the fundamental rights and rule of law: Chapter 23, Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and Chapter 24, Justice, Freedom and Security, as they are rightly at the heart of the enlargement process.
Montenegro has demonstrated strong commitment to the reform process in line with European standards, which is an essential element of the accession negotiation process. We welcome the recent adoption of certain measures, in particular in the area of the fight against corruption.
However, much along the same lines as the Parliament, the Council also stressed that a number of shortcomings identified by the Commission need to be addressed in a decisive and effective way. Montenegro needs to further intensify its efforts with regard to legislative reforms and their effective implementation, in particular in relation to chapters 23 and 24. In this light, let me take note of the recent adoption by the government of Montenegro of the revised action plan for both chapters.
The interim benchmark for the rule of law chapters should continue to provide clear guidance for future reforms. Particular importance should be given to making up for delays and to further developing a solid track record in the area of the rule of law, including with respect to the fight against corruption, notably at high level.
Further efforts are also needed to implement constitutional amendments, strengthen political inclusiveness, and guarantee citizens’ trust in public institutions. Furthermore, Montenegro needs to implement the public administration reform strategy and strengthen administrative capacity, tackle politicisation, increase transparency, and improve the business environment.
A well-functioning public administration is not only necessary for democratic governance, but it also directly impacts on a government’s ability to provide public services and to foster competitiveness and growth. In this regard the Council welcomes the approach of the Commission to focus on strengthening economic governance and competitiveness. It should prove to be a valuable support to the efforts towards meeting the Copenhagen criteria.
As you have highlighted in your draft resolution, further efforts are also needed to guarantee freedom of expression and of the media, including properly investigating and prosecuting threats and violence against journalists.
Montenegro will require strong political commitment in order to deliver further tangible and lasting results. The Council will continue to closely monitor the progress in the chapters on Fundamental Rights and Justice and Security which will determine the overall pace of negotiations.
The Council notes that Montenegro has continued to implement its obligations under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, and to play an active role in the region. The Council commends Montenegro for its strong commitment to regional cooperation and its constructive role in maintaining regional stability. In this regard, the Council welcomes the active participation of Montenegro in numerous regional initiatives in South—Eastern Europe and the good neighbourly and bilateral relations it entertains with other enlargement countries and EU Member States. I would also like to stress that the Council welcomes Montenegro’s full alignment with the Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Now, let me say a few words about the state of play in the accession negotiations. Four new negotiation chapters were successfully opened during the latest Accession Conference, held on 16 December 2014. Overall, out of a total of 35 chapters, 16 have now been opened for negotiations, of which two chapters have already been provisionally closed. We plan for the next Accession Conferences at Deputy and Ministerial level, in March and June respectively, where we expect to be able to open further chapters, depending on Montenegro’s continuous progress in meeting the requirements for accession.
Finally, let me acknowledge and welcome, on behalf of the Presidency and the Council, the Parliament’s work, and in particular the continuous engagement of your rapporteur, Mr Charles Tannock, regarding the negotiation process with Montenegro.
I am looking forward to our discussion. Thank you for your attention.
Johannes Hahn,Member of the Commission.– Mr President, thank you for your invitation to discuss Parliament’s resolution on Montenegro. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the rapporteur for Montenegro, Charles Tannock, for his draft resolution. It is a text that well reflects the assessment in the Commission’s 2014 Progress Report on that country.
Let me start with a general remark: for the Commission, the enlargement process is not in doubt. We will work closely with the countries of the region to prepare them for their accession to the European Union. Montenegro was one of the first countries I visited after the start of my mandate and this was the message I delivered to the country’s political leadership.
Two and a half years after the opening of accession negotiations, Montenegro has made progress and has now opened the 16 negotiating chapters. It is also the first country to apply the new approach to the rule of law. Serious shortcomings identified in the progress report have already been addressed by Montenegro through intense work in the weeks following its publication and by the adoption of important legislation on the prevention of corruption. However, adopting legislation is not the cure-all. We have made it clear to Montenegro that the focus now has to be on implementing this legislation. This was also a message during the recent stock-taking on the rule of law which took place in Podgorica.
It is time to shift the focus from processes and procedures to ensuring results on the ground. Such changes should also be felt by individuals in their daily lives. To give you an example, let me mention the protection of persons with disabilities. Despite amending legislation, and making a budget available, access to public buildings for persons with disabilities is still not ensured in an appropriate manner.
Legal identity, a functioning independent judicial system and fundamental rights like property rights are necessary – and not only for meeting the rule of law criteria, they are pre-conditions for attracting investment, improving competitiveness and stimulating growth and jobs.
We are also strengthening our economic dialogue with Montenegro. In January the country submitted its economic reform program. This will be the basis of guidance to be adopted by the Council later in the year.
Turning now to Montenegro’s foreign policy, I would like to use this opportunity to commend Montenegro’s alignment with the European Union on restrictive measures in the context of Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and events in Eastern Ukraine.
Finally, I want to underline that, through the accession negotiations, and through IPA assistance, the Commission is committed to helping Montenegro reach new standards and meet the various criteria that will make the country ready politically, as well as economically, to join the Union. Overall progress in the accession negotiations will be determined by progress on the rule of law, but we should not underestimate the importance of economic reforms as well.
The Commission will continue to monitor progress in this area closely and report to Parliament and the EU Member States. We count on your support in helping Montenegro to continue on the reform path and deliver results for the benefit of its citizens.
Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group.– Mr President, Montenegro, now having opened 16 of the negotiating chapters and provisionally closed 12, is of course far ahead of any of its peers in the region as a candidate country.
These chapters include the all—important Chapters 23 and 24, key to the accession, as they deal with the Justice and Home Affairs rule of law areas of fighting organised crime, for instance, and fighting corruption and upholding generally the rule of law, including the issue of the judiciary; as well as, of course, Chapter 31 regarding foreign policy. In this context Montenegro, very much to its credit, has aligned its foreign policy position with other EU Member States in applying sectoral economic sanctions against Russia in response to Russian aggression against Ukraine. Similarly, Montenegro is supporting the coalition against ISIS in Syria and Iraq in proposing a law now to criminalise those of its citizens who join foreign terrorist groups.
The Commission’s progress report highlights a number of other areas where Montenegro has also made progress and the joint resolution that I drafted echoes much of this, for instance, the election of Stankovic last year as a state prosecutor is very welcome.
Overall, I am pleased as rapporteur that the resolution reflects a very fair picture of the current state of play for Montenegro; praising its progress where illustrated, and offering advice constructively where improvement is still needed. As one example, for instance, incidents of violence against journalists and media premises has continued this year, but has actually decreased in the terms of total numbers of incidents. So I am pleased that Parliament’s resolution this year has noted this fact. Ensuring a free press is not only of value in its own right in terms of human rights and democracy, but it is also vital in exposing public corruption, an area where we need to see more progress in Montenegro.
Montenegro’s commitment to the EU Accession process is a strong one and it will be important politically to retain widespread domestic cross—party support in its endeavours.
The EU acquis communautaire sets very tough benchmarks for the membership of all future Member States but in my view, for now, Montenegro definitely remains on the right track.
Андрей Ковачев, от името на групата PPE.– Благодаря на докладчика Чарлз Танък за неговата работа по доклада, както и за доброто сътрудничество. Черна гора е една от държавите, които показват напредък в редица области, и неотдавна отвори нови преговорни глави. Ключова остава работата по глави 23 и 24, като реформите в тази област ще определят динамиката на бъдещите преговори. През изминалата година бяха взети редица решения, свързани с назначаването на главен прокурор, борбата срещу корупцията и ефективната работа на съдии и прокурори. Черна гора има визия и план за действие. Сега очакваме конкретни мерки за прилагането на законовата рамка, което ще е важно за по-нататъшната интеграция на страната. Гарантирането на върховенството на закона е от ключова важност за европейското бъдеще на Черна гора. Черна гора също така е добър пример за включването на гражданското общество в подготовката за приемането на правото на Европейския съюз.
Същевременно очаквам властите да положат повече усилия за подобряване на медийната среда и разкриването и спирането на престъпленията срещу журналисти. Подгорица не бива да повтаря грешките на други държави, където медийната концентрация и бизнес зависимости водят до изкривяване на информацията и обезсмисляне на демокрацията. Както и за останалите страни от Западните Балкани, Черна гора е много важно да скъса със сенките от миналото на комунизма и да върви по пътя на историческото помирение и добросъседските отношения, който е единственият възможен за европейска интеграция.
И накрая, искам да поздравя най-сърдечно Черна гора за това, че споделя солидарно решенията на Европейския съюз по отношение на общата външна политика и политика за сигурност, и по-специално, независимо от натиска в обратната посока по отношение на кризата в Украйна, санкциите и борбата срещу Ислямска държава и тероризма.
Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας S&D.– Κύριε Πρόεδρε, Η ομάδα των Σοσιαλιστών, αναγνωρίζει την πρόοδο στις ενταξιακές διαπραγματεύσεις του Μαυροβουνίου, και χαιρετίζει τις μεταρρυθμίσεις που ήδη εφαρμόστηκαν ή έχουν προγραμματιστεί από την κυβέρνηση.
Η βελτίωση που έχει επιτευχθεί μέχρι σήμερα σημειώνεται στο γεγονός ότι έχουν ανοίξει δεκαέξι κεφάλαια των διαπραγματεύσεων, ενώ δύο έχουν ήδη κλείσει προσωρινά.
Η κυβέρνηση θα πρέπει πρώτα να επικεντρωθεί στις μεταρρυθμίσεις που αφορούν το κράτος δικαίου, τη βελτίωση της δημόσιας διοίκησης και την αύξηση της διαφάνειας στο πολιτικό σύστημα.
Όπως ήταν εξαρχής και ο στόχος της πολιτικής μας ομάδας, παροτρύναμε την κυβέρνηση, να αποφύγει την μεταρρυθμιστική κόπωση και να συνεχίσει ακάθεκτη την ευρωπαϊκή της πορεία.
Ζητήσαμε περαιτέρω πρόοδο στην καταπολέμηση της ανισότητας, του κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού και των υψηλών ποσοστών ανεργίας.
Παρεμβήκαμε με τροπολογίες που αφορούσαν την εξάλειψη των διακρίσεων ενάντια στις γυναίκες, στη μειονότητα των Ρομά και στα άτομα με αναπηρίες.
Όσον αφορά την οικονομία του Μαυροβουνίου, επικεντρωθήκαμε στην ανάγκη της καταπολέμησης της φοροδιαφυγής, της ανεργίας και της φτώχειας.
Η δυσχερής οικονομική κατάσταση των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων επιτάσσει την εφαρμογή φιλόδοξων προγραμμάτων που ενισχύουν την ανταγωνιστικότητα και εκσυγχρονίζουν την παραγωγική τους βάση.
Δεν παραβλέψαμε να επιστήσουμε την προσοχή της κυβέρνησης στη σημασία προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος.
Τέλος, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις τρέχουσες προκλήσεις εντός και εκτός των συνόρων της Ευρώπης στον τομέα της ασφάλειας, θεωρήσαμε σωστό να επαινέσουμε τη θετική στάση του Μαυροβουνίου στο πλαίσιο της Κοινής Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής.
Είμαστε ικανοποιημένοι από το τελικό κείμενο του ψηφίσματος, το οποίο και στηρίζουμε.
Θα θέλαμε όμως να προσθέσουμε και μία τροπολογία που να αναφέρεται στην βελτίωση της αγοράς εργασίας στο Μαυροβούνιο.
Η ομάδα των Σοσιαλιστών και Δημοκρατών στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο υποστηρίζει σθεναρά την ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική όλων των χωρών των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων.
Θεωρούμε ότι η πολιτική διεύρυνσης ενισχύει τη σταθερότητα και τη δημοκρατία στην περιοχή και γι αυτό πρέπει να συνεχιστεί.
Jozo Radoš, u ime kluba ALDE.– Gospodine predsjedniče, kolegice i kolege, želim na početku čestitati i zahvaliti gospodinu Tannocku na odličnom izvješću i dobroj suradnji prilikom njegove izrade. ALDE grupa snažno podržava pristupanje Crne Gore, kao i ostalih zemalja zapadnog Balkana Europskoj uniji.
Ovo izvješće ukazuje na poteškoće i postavlja ciljeve, ali istovremeno pohvaljuje i ohrabruje Crnu Goru za nastavak napora na izgradnji nezavisnog pravosuđa, borbi protiv korupcije, jačanju slobode medija i snaženju uloge civilnog društva.
Crna Gora je znatno ispred ostalih zemalja zapadnog Balkana na putu prema Europskoj uniji i zato može biti primjer ostalim zemljama na tom putu, a Europski parlament, Vijeće i Komisija trebaju na primjeru Crne Gore postaviti jedinstvene i objektivne kriterije za ostale zemlje zapadnog Balkana na putu prema Europskoj uniji.
Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL.– Κύριε Πρόεδρε, χαιρετίζουμε την πρόθεση του Μαυροβουνίου για στενότερη σχέση με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με τελικό στόχο την ένταξη. Για μας είναι θέση αρχής πως όποια χώρα πληροί τα κριτήρια της Κοπεγχάγης και είναι επιθυμία του λαού της η ένταξη, ότι πρέπει να στηρίζουμε αυτήν την προσπάθεια.
Ταυτόχρονα όμως νομίζουμε πως η προσπάθεια επιβολής, ιδιαίτερα σε μια μικρή χώρα, οικονομικών ή στρατιωτικών επιλογών, οι όροι δηλαδή για μια συγκεκριμένη οικονομική πολιτική και πολύ περισσότερο ο όρος για ένταξη στο ΝΑΤΟ ισοδυναμούν με bulling, το γνωστό εκφοβισμό, όπως αυτός που κάνουν οι μεγαλύτεροι μαθητές στους μικρότερους. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει άμεσα να αλλάξει πορεία για να μην καταστεί στο τέλος μια μαύρη τρύπα η οποία καταπίνει κάθε τι που την περιβάλλει, έτσι ώστε στο τέλος, ούτε και αυτό το φως δεν μπορεί να διαφύγει.
Ulrike Lunacek, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group.– Mr President, I would also like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Tannock, for his very good cooperation and, also from our group, for a good report because it focuses on the fight against corruption and organised crime, the reform of the judiciary, media freedom, and all the things that are important – rights of minorities, gender equality and foreign policy. I also agree with what was said in the report, namely that Montenegro has made progress in recent years and I am glad that already 16 chapters have been opened.
Nevertheless, I would like to state here as well what is in this report because it says that the fight against corruption and organised crime is, and will be, the litmus test for an independent, efficient and professional judiciary in the country. I hope we will see more progress here in the future.
There are also positive things in the report and positive progress in the country with regard to an end to discrimination, where the Roma and LGBTI people are concerned. And yet hatred, hate speech and fear—mongering still exist. I would nevertheless like to say that I appreciate that the government of Montenegro has made very clear statements and also taken action in the fight against hatred against LGBTI people, and will be hosting a high-level ministerial meeting in Budva at the beginning of May on the fight against homophobia with European Union and enlargement countries.
There is one thing I would have especially liked to see more of in the report, and that is ecology and the environment. Of course, Montenegro’s Constitution states that it is an ecological state, and we appreciate that. But nevertheless, more than 25% of Europe’s biodiversity is in the Western Balkans, and the last remaining free—flowing rivers in Europe. So I really would appreciate it if the government of Montenegro would stop reconsidering plans to build hydropower plants, affecting wild rivers, without having first implemented the sustainable hydropower guiding principles of the Danube River Protection Convention.
Finally, I would like to thank Commissioner Hahn for his very clear statement that there is no doubt that the integration process will continue. For there is one amendment that we have proposed for all four reports where we regret that the now—President of the Commission, Mr Juncker, during the election campaign, said there would be no enlargement for the next five years. To conclude, I hope that we will not demotivate people in the region further, but really encourage them to go forward with the integration process.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD.– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, gentile Commissario, sono sicuramente, come molti altri in quest'Aula, assolutamente favorevole all'ingresso del Montenegro nell'Unione europea e valutiamo ovviamente con grande positività i progressi già sottolineati da chi mi ha preceduto nell'ambito delle negoziazioni.
Mi premeva però sottolineare due punti a carattere ambientale. È cominciata a fine gennaio la costruzione di un cavo di collegamento sottomarino tra Tivat e Pescara. Ben 775 000 000 EUR per 390 chilometri di cavo: 25 chilometri saranno non sottomarini ma sulle coste dei due paesi. Su questo progetto, oltre al grande impatto ambientale, sono stati sollevati grandi problemi di scarsa trasparenza e di rischio di corruzione.
Contestualmente, proprio oggi, martedì 10, nella città costiera di Budva ha avuto luogo una manifestazione da parte di organizzazioni a favore dell'ambiente contro la decisione di sfruttare gli idrocarburi marini, proprio come sta avvenendo da diversi mesi anche in Croazia, perché potrebbero mettere a repentaglio la vocazione turistica fortissima del Montenegro, della Croazia e di noi italiani che siamo i loro vicini dall'altro lato dell'Adriatico.
Quindi concordiamo assolutamente con i dubbi sollevati dai cittadini del Montenegro: sì al turismo, sì alla protezione dell'ecosistema; no a trasformare l'Adriatico in una pozzanghera di petrolio inquinato.
(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8 del regolamento))
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), pitanje koje je podizanjem plave kartice postavio.– Gospodine Castaldo , već sam prije htio postaviti to pitanje gđi Lunacek, ali ste me sada do kraja ponukali. Naime, ovdje stalno govorimo o obnovljivim izvorima energije, o potrebi zelene energije i slažem se da je veliki problem preveliki broj mogućih brana na Balkanu.
Međutim, Crna Gora može proizvesti puno zelene energije koju Italija treba, jer Italija nema dobrih izvora energije i zato vas pitam slažete li se sa mnom da trebamo naći dobar kompromis između eksploatacije zelene energije na Balkanu koja može biti korisna za članice EU-a?
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), Risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu".– Collega grazie per la domanda. Assolutamente ma il compromesso è buono a mio avviso quando l'impatto ambientale è ridotto al minimo, perché non dobbiamo dimenticare che paesi come la Croazia, l'Italia e il Montenegro, per la loro storia, per la nostra cultura, hanno eminentemente una vocazione turistica che va assolutamente difesa.
Quindi, come dicevo prima, assolutamente è importante lo sviluppo delle energie rinnovabili, crediamo fortemente in questo modello energetico e lavoriamo insieme in modo intelligente e senza scelte affrettate, al fine di ridurre il rischio ambientale al più basso livello possibile.
Philippe Loiseau (NI).– Monsieur le Président, l'Union européenne continue de financer des candidats à l'adhésion alors que bien des peuples subissent les conséquences économiques de sa politique. C'est tout à fait injuste et même suicidaire, je dirais.
Elle impose ses directives, ses dogmes auxquels il ne faut pas déroger. L'uniformisation est donc en marche, il faut même suivre vos positions diplomatiques sur l'Ukraine, entre autres.
L'agriculture faisant partie des secteurs financés, elle va donc devoir répondre aux normes édictées par la PAC. Au vu des critiques émises dans ce rapport sur la bonne gestion administrative, nous pouvons nous poser des questions sur l'application des normes alors que nos agriculteurs croulent sous les contrôles.
Vous financez le développement d'une agriculture dont les produits concurrenceront directement les nôtres sur nos marchés. En l'occurrence, avec le Monténégro, c'est le vin et, bien sûr, les fruits et légumes. Déjà l'année dernière, vous avez organisé la concurrence déloyale du secteur des céréales avec votre soutien au blé ukrainien.
Vous menez donc une politique de destruction systématique de nos agricultures et les élargissements que vous préparez aggraveront la situation. C'est tout simplement écœurant!
(L'orateur accepte de répondre à une question "carton bleu" (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement))
Ulrike Lunacek (Verts/ALE), question "carton bleu". – Monsieur Loiseau, si je vous ai bien compris, vous avez dit que le projet d'intégration avec les Balkans est suicidaire.
Nous sommes ici à Strasbourg, une ville située entre la France et l'Allemagne. Ne pensez-vous pas que le projet d'intégration des Balkans complète le projet d'intégration des pays de l'Europe, dans le but de ne pas connaître dans l'avenir des guerres comme il y en a eues en ex-Yougoslavie?
Philippe Loiseau (NI), réponse "carton bleu". – Madame, je pense d'abord à l'agriculture française et aux agriculteurs français. J'en fais partie, d'ailleurs, car je suis moi-même agriculteur.
En France, nous subissons de plein fouet la concurrence déloyale des pays européens et même extra-européens puisqu'on parle d'importer également des fruits et légumes de la Turquie, de la Moldavie, du Monténégro, aujourd'hui, et j'en passe...
Cette situation devient insupportable pour nos producteurs. Je vais les voir régulièrement sur le terrain et c'est ce qu'ils me disent. C'est insupportable pour la France. Voilà ce que j'ai à vous dire, Madame.
Dubravka Šuica (PPE).– Gospodine predsjedniče, želim zahvaliti izvjestiteljima, g. Tannocku i g. Kovačevu na izvrsno odrađenom poslu, a posebno zadovoljstvo izražavam što su amandmani hrvatske EPP delegacije potpuno prihvaćeni, bilo kao kompromisni, bilo kao pojedinačni. Također smo čuli mišljenje Komisije i mišljenje Vijeća i nadam se da je iz toga sve jasno.
Međutim, htjela bih iznijeti nekoliko napomena. Kao što stoji u rezoluciji, mi iz hrvatske delegacije ćemo i dalje inzistirati na očuvanju dobrosusjedskih odnosa, rješavanju bilateralnih pitanja i to u ranoj fazi pregovora, s posebnim naglaskom na otvorena pitanja s Hrvatskom. Posebno bih istaknula poziv da se ubrza rješavanje graničnih pitanja oko Prevlake, ali i da se učini sve kako bi se zaštitio multinacionalni identitet Boke Kotorske. Šaljemo poruku da se poduzmu ozbiljniji napori u rješavanju slučajeva za kažnjavanje ratnih zločina zato očekujemo od nadležnih vlasti da provedu učinkovite istrage bez odlaganja i da osude one koji su počinili zločine, a sve u skladu s međunarodnim normama.
Iako je nemoguće kompenzirati boli uzrokovane mučenjem uzrokovane prije samo dva i pol desetljeća u crnogorskim logorima, ohrabruje činjenica da je u tekst ipak uvršten apel Društva logoroša srpskih i crnogorskih koncentracijskih logora iz Dubrovnika za adekvatnim i pravičnim obeštećenjem hrvatskih logoraša u Crnoj Gori. Zato ovim putem ohrabrujem crnogorske vlasti da ozbiljno shvate poruke crnogorskog parlamenta, dok će Hrvatska, s druge strane i dalje podržavati europski put Crne Gore dijeleći naša iskustva oko pristupnih pregovora.
Anneliese Dodds (S&D).– Mr President, as has already been remarked, Montenegro is a comparatively small country but it has a very big commitment to becoming the next member of the European Union, and you can feel that very strongly when you talk with Montenegrin civil society, with Montenegrin politicians from both the government and the opposition, and with the public in general. As chair of Parliament’s delegation to Montenegro, I believe we, as the European Parliament, also have to show a clear commitment to Montenegro’s future in the EU, provided it continues to undertake reforms, both on paper and, importantly, in practice. I think this resolution does send the right signals, and I would like to thank the rapporteur for his work on it and his inclusive and thorough approach.
There are, of course, many areas of concern that remain, as are remarked on within the report. Some of these have already been mentioned by the Council around the issue of corruption, and particularly high-level corruption, but I would like also to focus on the issue of unemployment. Currently within Montenegro that is above 19% and it is particularly a problem for young people, as is the incidence of in—work poverty as well.
Just to finish, we also have to place the promotion of human rights and equality at the heart of the accession process, so I was very pleased that some amendments I submitted along with colleagues have made it into this report – firstly calling for the strengthening of institutions in charge of promoting human rights and anti-discrimination, like the Ombudsman, while also saying we need to have a greater focus on gender and LGBTI equality when we assess progress towards accession. Finally, we do need to strengthen the rights of people with disabilities in Montenegro. I was very pleased to hear the Commissioner single out this group in his comments.
Colleagues, I think Montenegro is leading the way amongst EU candidate countries and with this resolution we send a strong message to Montenegro that we will continue to support it, provided that progress continues, and we will be watching it closely in the months and years to come.
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE).– Gospodine predsjedniče, Crna Gora je na dobrom putu. To smo svi zaključili i Crna Gora može postati odličan primjer drugim zemljama na zapadnom Balkanu, a koliko smo nesreća imali na zapadnom Balkanu samo prije nekoliko desetljeća – mislim da ovdje ne treba posebno pričati.
Ja bih čak rekao da se Crna Gora pokušava ponašati kao da je članica Europske unije i htio bih naglasiti da tema koju sam iznio u obliku amandmana i drago mi je da je prihvaćena, jedna je od ključnih u ovom trenutku, a to je: Crna Gora praktički je jedina zemlja koja ima izlaz na otvoreno more na sjevernom dijelu Mediterana, a nije članica NATO saveza. U tom kontekstu, koliko god ova tema u ovom trenutku i ovdje možda nije za raspravu, ali ipak je veliko sigurnosno pitanje, pozivam Komisiju, sve zemlje članice i sve nas da nešto napravimo u tom pravcu.
A danas sam naučio i nešto novo: velika Francuska boji se crnogorske poljoprivrede. Kolega, mislim da jako malo znate o Crnoj Gori i njihovoj poljoprivredi.
Jiří Maštálka (GUE/NGL).– Aktuálně, podle mého názoru, sice není další rozšíření Unie reálné. Nicméně státy, se kterými jednáme o případném vstupu, by měly dostávat jasný signál, že možnost stále existuje. Tím spíše, když hovoříme o regionu bývalé Jugoslávie, ze kterého některé republiky již jsou součástí Evropské unie.
Ze skupiny států, které usilují o vstup do Evropské unie, je podle mého názoru Černá Hora nejaktivnější v jednáních. Podle dostupných a porovnatelných kritérií i nejdále. S jistou nadsázkou lze argumentovat i tím, že Černá Hora dokonce používá jako svoji měnu euro, ovšem bez odpovídající dohody s Evropskou unií.
Přes patrný pokrok nelze nevidět řadu přetrvávajících závažných problémů, především naplňování základních pravidel právního státu, efektivnější omezování korupce nebo zamezení propojování státní správy se zločinem.
Naším společným úkolem je napomoci našim černohorským přátelům při řešení těchto problémů, a tím otevírat reálnější šanci pro eventuální vstup.
Jean-Luc Schaffhauser (NI).– Monsieur le Président, l'Union veut un élargissement à tout prix. En fait, elle veut, par l'élargissement, obéir aux injonctions de l'OTAN et des Américains. Dans ce cas, la démocratie, le droit, les mafias criminelles sont oubliés, tout est oublié! Monsieur Djukanovic, communiste, à nouveau Premier ministre, est soupçonné parl'Office européende lutteantifraude de diverses fraudes graves et même très graves dans des trafics en tous genres. On oublie! On oublie les fraudes électorales systématiques, les attaques contre des ONG dénoncées par Transparency, on oublie l'assassinat de journalistes! Tout cela est normal dans le processus de purification démocratique européenne. Nos institutions européennes utilisent toujours le double langage des prurits moraux orientés et manipulés.
Arrêtons cette politique européenne qui, du Kosovo au Monténégro, légitime le crime et les mafias pour créer des États criminels et des États mafieux!
Ivana Maletić (PPE).– Gospođo predsjednice, pozdravljam povjerenika Hahna. Činjenica da u tri godine pregovora Crna Gora ima otvorenih 16 poglavlja, a privremeno zatvorena 2 poglavlja, ukazuje na odličnu dinamiku reformi i promjena u državi i cijelom društvu. Podržavam zahtjeve Europske komisije za unaprijeđenje monetarne i fiskalne politike te za što kvalitetnijim upravljanjem javnim financijama, jer je to važno za kvalitetan, pametan i strateški usmjeren rast i razvoj Crne Gore.
Samo dobar sustav ekonomskog upravljanja čije se uspostavljanje traži u poglavlju 17 te sustav financijskog upravljanja i kontrola iz poglavlja 32 temelj su uspješne integracije na jedinstveno tržište Europske unije. Uz navedeno, preduvjet gospodarskog razvoja i rasta je neovisno sudstvo, vladavina prava i borba protiv korupcije te podržavam nastavak reformi i usklađivanje zakonodavstva u tim područjima.
Kao susjedna država radujemo se ulasku Crne Gore u Europsku uniju uz naglasak da je važno uložiti napore u procesuiranju ratnih zločina, a bilateralna pitanja riješiti čim prije u duhu dobrosusjedskih odnosa - ovdje mislim posebno na granicu s Hrvatskom u dijelu Prevlake.
Elena Gentile (S&D).– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ovviamente condivido le osservazioni esposte nella relazione sui progressi compiuti dal Montenegro nel 2014 e ringrazio particolarmente il collega Tannock per avere lavorato puntualmente sul tema.
Ho recentemente visitato il paese, rilevando di persona la disponibilità delle autorità montenegrine a cooperare con l'Unione europea. Si percepiscono gli sforzi del paese per giungere a una piena integrazione del contesto europeo e la volontà di intraprendere ulteriori passi in avanti nella lotta contro la discriminazione, la corruzione e il crimine organizzato.
Il piano d'azione 2014-2015 per la riforma della pubblica amministrazione e la riforma giudiziaria vanno nella direzione auspicata. Esistono certo ancora numerosi problemi: il Montenegro dovrebbe rafforzare l'efficacia delle politiche attive del lavoro, migliorare la qualità dell'educazione e soprattutto potenziare le infrastrutture sanitarie e sociosanitarie.
La prossima visita istituzionale programmata per il mese di aprile sicuramente ci offrirà l'occasione per una verifica ancora più puntuale e ci consentirà di approfondire i temi sollevati che riguardano l'ambiente e l'energia.
Mario Borghezio (NI).– Signor presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Commissione, Consiglio e relatore ci offrono una visione totalmente edulcorata della situazione: tranne un intervento di poco fa non ho sentito, in tutta la relazione non ho sentito la parola "mafia". Eppure poco tempo fa il governo di Milo Đukanović veniva indicato da due procure italiane esperte del traffico internazionale di contrabbando di sigarette, come "da attenzionare". E un rapporto recente dei servizi segreti italiani indica questo paese come un paese pericoloso, che potrebbe ospitare terroristi islamici.
È un paese nel quale non c'è lo Stato di diritto se è vero, come è vero, che gli investitori vengono bidonati dallo Stato, come nel caso recente, eclatante, della vendita di una fonderia, per cui non c'è tutela giuridica di chi investe. A un miliardo di euro ammontano i crediti di chi ha investito in Montenegro: società europee che hanno investito in Montenegro si sono viste truffare.
Questa è una situazione di assoluta mancanza del diritto; quindi siete matti a volere questo Stato in queste condizioni nell'Unione europea.
Milan Zver (PPE).– Črna gora trenutno najhitreje vozi proti Evropski uniji. Je edina država v regiji, ki je v pogajanjih z EU odprla že šestnajst poglavij, med njimi tudi poglavje 24 o pravni državi.
Dve je tudi že začasno zaprla, med drugim izobraževanje in kulturo. Ko sem bil minister za izobraževanje, sem imel priložnost sodelovati s šolskimi oblastmi Črne gore, ki so takrat sledile sodobnim trendom.
Prav je, da poročilo Evropskega parlamenta, ki ga je pripravil poslanec Tannock, poudarja pozitivne aspekte približevanja Črne gore Evropski uniji. Prav tako pa je pomembno, da se zavemo tudi slabih lastnosti oziroma pomanjkljivosti tega procesa.
Predvsem, Črna gora bo morala postoriti več za svobodo medijske krajine. Po svetovnem indeksu medijske svobode je bila lani na 114. mestu izmed 180-tih držav.
Pravosodni sistem bi moral biti učinkovitejši v boju proti korupciji in organiziranemu kriminalu. Sprejete reforme je treba prevesti v napredek v praksi.
In tretjič, več pozornosti bo morala posvetiti oživitvi parlamentarnega dela. Brez tega ni demokracije. Verjamem, da bo proevropska in prodemokratična miselnost in praksa v Črni gori zmagala ter da bo država uspešno zaključila proces integracije v Evropsko unijo.
Prav tako jim želim veliko uspeha v njihovih prizadevanjih za vključitev v Nato, kar bo zagotovo blagodejno vplivalo na varnostne razmere in stabilnost v regiji. Še posebej me veseli, da je varnostna in zunanja politika že sedaj usklajena z Evropsko unijo.
Monika Smolková (S&D)– Na úvod chcem povedať, že podporujem úsilie Čiernej Hory ako kandidátskej krajiny stať sa plnoprávnym členom Európskej únie. Ako poslankyňa za Slovensko tiež plne chápem problémy Čiernej Hory pri plnení náročných úloh prístupového procesu, pretože ako malá krajina, ktorá v minulosti patrila do zväzku viacerých štátov rôznych národností, vierovyznaní či etnických skupín, nemá ako štát so 600 000 obyvateľmi jednoduchú situáciu. Oceňujem pokrok, ktorý Čierna Hora dosiahla v roku 2014, prijaté reformy, či už v oblasti súdnictva, či nový zákon o financovaní politických strán. Ale naďalej pred ňou ostávajú dôležité výzvy, uvediem niektoré – boli tu už spomenuté: odstránenie korupcie, odpolitizovanie verejnej správy, zvýšenie transparentnosti na všetkých úrovniach riadenia a ďalšie. Prístupový proces je náročný a vyžaduje hlboké, mnohokrát veľmi nepopulárne opatrenia pre obyvateľov, ale verím, že Čierna Hora to všetko zvládne a stane sa dôveryhodným partnerom ostatných členských štátov.
Andrej Plenković (PPE).– Gospođo predsjednice, poštovani kolega Hahn, prije svega želim zahvaliti kolegi izvjestitelju Charlesu Tannocku na vrlo kvalitetnom izvješću o napretku Crne Gore u procesu europske integracije, a osobito imajući na umu činjenicu da je Crna Gora zemlja koja pregovara po novoj metodologiji pregovora koja je nastala na temelju iskustva Hrvatske.
Činjenica je da su već na početku pregovora, među ovih 16 poglavlja uvršteni i poglavlja 23 i 24, dakle 2 ključna sistemska poglavlja koja nam trebaju dati povjerenje u pravni sustav i funkcioniranje Crne Gore uopće kao države po europskim standardima, je izuzetno dobar.
U tom pogledu, suglasan sam sa sugestijama o izvješću koje govori o jačanju slobode medija, demokracije u Crnoj Gori, kvalitetnog dijaloga između vlasti i opozicije. Posebno pozdravljam pridruživanje Crne Gore vanjskopolitičkim stajalištima EU-a jer je to na crti ideje da Crna Gora postane i članica NATO-a.
Zalažem se takošer i za multinacionalni karakter Boke Kotorske i poštivanja manjinskih prava, osobito Hrvata u Crnoj Gori. U svakom slučaju, Crna Gora će imati našu snažnu podršku na putu prema Europskoj uniji.
Die Präsidentin. – Wir kommen jetzt zum Catch-the-eye-Verfahren. Da wir in der Zeit schon sehr fortgeschritten sind, werde ich von jeder Fraktion nur einer Person das Wort erteilen, und zwar jener, die sich als erste gemeldet hatte.
Marek Plura (PPE).– Chcę pogratulować rządowi Czarnogóry postępu w negocjacjach akcesyjnych. Cieszę się też, że Komisja Europejska w swoim sprawozdaniu zanotowała poprawę sytuacji osób z niepełnosprawnością. To bardzo ważne, szczególnie w aspekcie wdrażania przez rząd polityki integracji wobec tej grupy obywateli. Podobnie jednak jak pan komisarz Hahn chciałbym zwrócić uwagę na fakt, że wciąż liczba budynków użytku publicznego, w tym ośrodków medycznych i edukacyjnych, jest niedostatecznie dostosowana do potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych. Podobnie prawodawstwo dotyczące zakazu dyskryminacji osób z niepełnosprawnościami wciąż ma luki, a środki finansowe przeznaczone dla pracodawców zatrudniających te osoby są niedostatecznie chronione przed nadużyciami. Jak wynika ze sprawozdania, rząd Czarnogóry czeka jeszcze wiele wyzwań, ale jestem pewien, że z obecną determinacją uda się temu rządowi osiągnąć zamierzone cele.
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D).– Madam President, as stated by the Commission, more efforts need to be made by the Montenegrin Government to combat corruption, fight organised crime, ensure transparent elections and reform the judiciary.
Moreover, the Montenegrin Government must also ensure that recent attacks on journalists be promptly investigated and that urgent prosecutions follow. However, I believe, considering the progress that Montenegro has made since embarking upon accession negotiations, that these negotiations should not slow down if Montenegro succeeds in acting upon the recommendations of the Commission.
I welcome last week’s statement by Prime Minister Milo Đukanović regarding the admission of Montenegro to the NATO alliance, the further progress made by the country in establishing a functioning market economy, and the Commission’s conclusion that Montenegro meets the political criteria for EU membership: all this has to be praised.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))
Urmas Paet (ALDE), sinise kaardi küsimus.– Minu küsimus puudutab selles piirkonnas olulist riiki Serbiat, kes on ka ise Euroopa Liidu kandidaatriik. Kuidas te hindate viimasel ajal Serbia mõju oma naabritele? Kas see on toetav nende riikide teel Euroopa Liidu suunas või on seal täheldada ka midagi muud?
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card answer.– I think that you should wait, because a little later we are going to speak about Serbia as well. In any case, I would like to tell you that we cannot afford, as Member States of the European Union, to leave a big hole in the middle of Europe. All of these former Yugoslavian countries and Albania in the end, step by step, have to become members of the European Union. We do not know when, but it is a yes.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, χαιρετίζουμε τις διαπραγματεύσεις μεταξύ Μαυροβουνίου και Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης προκειμένου να υλοποιηθεί η ένταξη του Μαυροβουνίου στην Ένωση. Η Ελλάδα υποστηρίζει την ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική του Μαυροβουνίου και ήδη από το 2011 υπέγραψε συμφωνία συνεργασίας για παροχή τεχνογνωσίας σε θέματα Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
Βέβαια στο εσωτερικό του Μαυροβουνίου υπάρχουν πολιτικές εντάσεις με την αντιπολίτευση να απέχει από συγκεκριμένες κοινοβουλευτικές εργασίες. Ταυτόχρονα υπάρχει και αρνητικό κλίμα στην οικονομία, μια και έχουμε αυξημένη ανεργία, ενώ υπάρχουν σοβαρότατα φαινόμενα και προβλήματα διαφθοράς, αλλά και δράση του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος.
Τέλος, θα πρέπει να σημειώσουμε ότι η ευρωπαϊκή πορεία του Μαυροβουνίου πρέπει να εμπεριέχει και την επίλυση προβλημάτων που έχει η χώρα αυτή με γειτονικές της χώρες και η επίλυση αυτή πρέπει να γίνει με τρόπο εποικοδομητικό και σε πνεύμα καλής γειτονίας.
Илхан Кючюк (ALDE).– Безспорен е фактът, че Черна гора е най-близо до членство в Европейския съюз сред държавите от Западните Балкани. Прогресът, който постигна страната през изминалата година, е отчетлив. Вече 16 преговорни глави са отворени, включително главите 23 и 24, отнасящи се до основните права и правосъдието, както и глава 31 за външната отбранителна политика. Външната политика на Черна гора е в пълно съответствие с външната и отбранителна политика на Европейския съюз.
Разбира се, постигнатият напредък носи допълнителни отговорности. Черна гора трябва да продължи с процеса на реформи. Необходимо е правителството и опозицията да подобрят диалога помежду си в името на общонационални теми като върховенството на закона, борбата с корупцията и медийната свобода. Приветствайки усилията на Европейската комисия, искам да заявя, че европейският проект няма да бъде цивилизационно завършен, ако Западните Балкани не са част от него. Пълноценната интеграция минава през членство на всички държави от региона в НАТО и Европейския съюз.
Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE).– Odlično poročilo o napredku Črne gore pravzaprav uravnoteža vse tiste aspekte, na katere smo opozarjali že prej. Od vprašanj korupcije, kriminala, sodstva, svobode medijev, izražanja, pravice manjšin, enakost med spoloma, zunanjo politiko... In vsa ta poglavja, ki jih je Črna gora odprla in mnogo od njih že zaprla, kaže na to, da se zelo hitro približuje tudi integracijam in približevanju v Evropsko unijo.
Je pa tukaj še kar nekaj poglavij, na katera velja opozoriti. In eno od teh poglavij je tudi – ki sicer ni izrecno napisano, je pa vidno – je odnos do okolja. In sicer odnos do okolja, do obnovljivih virov energije in mislim, da bo to eno ključnih stvari za prihodnost Črne gore, še zlasti zato ker vemo, da ni blesteča ekonomska situacija v tem trenutku in da je veliko brezposelnih, zlasti med mladimi.
In mislim, da ravno ta odnos do okolja in seveda varovanje tistih biserov, ki jih Črna gora ima, ji lahko zagarantirajo dolgoročno potem tudi večjo zaposljivost in zmanjšanje ekonomske krize.
Ignazio Corrao (EFDD).– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, grazie Commissario, Consiglio, il lavoro fatto dal collega Tannock è sicuramente un buon progress report. Ma io vedo un po' di confusione sul tema dell'allargamento al Montenegro, perché il Presidente della Commissione Juncker ha detto che durante questi cinque anni non ci sarà nessun allargamento: né nei confronti del Montenegro né nei confronti di nessun altro Stato. C'è chi è contro l'ingresso del Montenegro ma è per l'Europa unita; c'è chi è per il Montenegro dentro ma dovrebbe essere contro gli altri Stati d'Europa: quindi vedo un po' di confusione.
Sicuramente è giusto quello che hanno già ricordato tanti colleghi riguardo ai progressi fatti dal Montenegro, la cui situazione è probabilmente anche migliore in materia di determinate tutele rispetto ad Stati membri dell'Unione europea. Per quel che riguarda il completamento di un'Europa unita, diciamo sì, unita, ma su altri presupposti che dovrebbero essere il rispetto dello stato di diritto e anche dello stato sociale (questo vale anche per tutti gli Stati membri). È importante che vengano inclusi i Balcani e non soltanto lo sbocco al mare del Montenegro perché c'è anche l'Albania da quella parte.
Quindi speriamo che si riesca ad andare avanti con questi processi in modo veloce.
(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)
Johannes Hahn,Member of the Commission.– Madam President, let me conclude by reiterating my appreciation to the Parliament and especially the rapporteur Mr Tannock, for the work on Montenegro. Your resolution captures the basic elements of our policy towards that country and the acknowledgment of the achievements that have been possible, but it also sends a clear message on what needs to be done now.
This year, Montenegro should continue working on rule of law issues and focus on delivering results. Results should include direct recourse in the fight against corruption and organised crime, as several speakers have said.
At the same time, we expect Montenegro to continue working on meeting the opening benchmarks set in challenging areas such as competition, the environment, climate change and food safety. The opening benchmarks provide clear guidance on what needs to be done. For the chapters that have already been opened, we will work with Montenegro in helping the country meet the closing benchmarks. We have a challenging programme ahead of us and the support of this House will be instrumental in completing it.
Next month our Joint Parliamentary Committee will meet again in Podgorica. This will be a good opportunity to take stock of what has been achieved in Montenegro since the last meeting in December and to present the challenges ahead.
Let us be clear, it is up to each candidate country to ensure that there is progress in the reforms necessary for its accession to the Union. It is up to each candidate country to ensure that these reforms bring results that help improve the lives of its citizens. The Commission can offer, and does offer, its technical know—how, its expertise and, of course, financial assistance in meeting the challenges of the accession process.
Strong political will and determination will be needed from Montenegro to make progress. This will be required not only of the government but of the whole political system. Montenegro’s cross-party consensus on EU accession is a major asset in this endeavour. I was reassured about this during my last visit to that country, when I had the opportunity to meet the European Affairs Committee of the Montenegro Parliament. This was further evidence that Montenegro and the whole of Montenegrin society is trying to meet all the challenges in order to make significant progress when it comes to the future accession of the country.
Once again, and to stress it again and again, the announcement of President Juncker that there will be no enlargement during this period does not mean we are not following up on all the necessary negotiations. It is more about the process than about negotiations, and what we have discussed and what you have discussed today on Montenegro, and what we will discuss imminently with other countries, is proof that it is about the process and less about the negotiations. It is about helping countries catch up, to meet European standards and to be ready and mature enough to join the European Union at a given moment.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica,President-in-Office of the Council.– Mr President, our debate today showed general support for the European Parliament’s resolution on the Commission’s progress report. We seem to agree on the point that the work with potential accession countries should continue towards democratic reforms and closer European integration. I am pleased that the speakers, like the Council, praised the efforts by Montenegro to align with the common foreign and security policy.
The Council also attaches particular importance to the area of the rule of law and fundamental rights and has urged Montenegro to tackle the issues of concern identified by the Commission, especially the independence of the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organised crime. The Council thoroughly assessed the action plans which Montenegro prepared in order to meet the opening benchmarks for the chapters on the judiciary and fundamental rights and on justice, freedom and security. They were of good quality and allowed us to get to the next stage and open the negotiations in these two key chapters. The action plans were revised in February 2015 and re—worked to calibrate and adjust them, with implications for the interim benchmarks set for these chapters.
We also agreed that freedom of speech and media independence is one of the fundamental values of the European agenda. It is essential that all attacks on media representatives be properly investigated in order to ensure freedom of expression and citizens’ trust in public institutions.
As a Presidency, we are continuing the work on accession negotiations with Montenegro and are looking forward to opening new chapters during our Presidency. So far, the accession negotiations process with Montenegro has been quite dynamic. Nevertheless, in order to ensure the further opening of new chapters, Montenegro needs to deliver tangible results in the rule of law area.
The Council, as already mentioned, now expects Montenegro to keep up the momentum and intensify its efforts to move forward with the reforms and their effective implementation. We look forward to further cooperation with the European Parliament and the Commission on this subject.
Zum Abschluss der Aussprache wurde gemäß Artikel 123 Absatz 2 der Geschäftsordnung ein Entschließungsantrag eingereicht Siehe Protokoll..
Zum Abschluss der Aussprache wurde gemäß Artikel 123 Absatz 2 der Geschäftsordnung ein Entschließungsantrag eingereicht Siehe Protokoll..
Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.
Die Abstimmung findet am Mittwoch, 11. März, statt.
Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)
Eduard Kukan (PPE), in writing.– Montenegro is the leader in the accession process, and should be encouraged to continue the good work. This progress is recorded in the fact that 16 chapters are opened, two provisionally closed, and more to be opened this year. Furthermore we should appreciate Montenegro’s clear alignment with the EU’s CFSP and its positive role played in the region, especially with respect to good neighbourly relations. However, there are a number of outstanding issues that require our attention and work from our Montenegrin partners. We continue to pay attention to further advances in the rule of law, fight against organised crime and corruption and judicial reform. We should also strive to support the Parliament’s role in the EU integration process, especially its overseeing role. We should also continue to advocate a media environment that is free of political interference and one in which journalists can freely conduct their profession.