 Koko teksti 
Menettely : 2014/2949(RSP)
Elinkaari istunnossa
Asiakirjan elinkaari : B8-0213/2015

Käsiteltäväksi jätetyt tekstit :


Keskustelut :

PV 10/03/2015 - 22
CRE 10/03/2015 - 22

Äänestykset :

PV 11/03/2015 - 9.13

Hyväksytyt tekstit :


Sanatarkat istuntoselostukset
Tiistai 10. maaliskuuta 2015 - Strasbourg

22. Serbiaa koskeva vuoden 2014 edistymiskertomus (keskustelu)
Puheenvuorot videotiedostoina

  President. – The next item is the debate on the Council and Commission statements on the 2014 progress report on Serbia (2014/2949(RSP)).


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, regarding Serbia, I would like to underline some points, which are also reflected in your resolution.

The Council in its conclusions of December 2014 welcomed the launch of accession negotiations with Serbia on 21 January 2014, and the ongoing screening process. With the beginning of accession negotiations, Serbia has moved to a new stage on its path to the European Union. In this regard, the Council welcomed the high level of engagement and preparedness demonstrated so far by the Serbian Government. Strong commitment is a particularly important ingredient of any state’s negotiation process in moving towards EU accession, as it is linked to an often challenging reform process. Serbia’s ambitious programme of economic and structural reforms is an evident manifestation of its efforts in this regard.

In line with the new approach, opening benchmarks have been set under the rule of law chapters, requiring comprehensive action plans. The Council positively noted that these chapters were being addressed early in the negotiations. The rule of law is a fundamental EU value. These chapters are rightly at the heart of the accession process as they have a cross—cutting effect on all the policy sectors covered by the accession negotiations. Therefore, progress under these chapters needs to be made in parallel with progress in the negotiations overall.

We also welcomed the progress made in the past year, including in public administration reform, judicial reform and the fight against corruption and organised crime. Serbia actively participated in regional law-enforcement cooperation. This led to effective results in the fight against organised crime. The Council encourages Serbia to further intensify its reform process. Continued strong efforts are needed to ensure an effective, independent judiciary and to build a track record in the fight against corruption and organised crime.

The promotion, implementation and full observance of fundamental rights must be ensured, including the protection of the most vulnerable groups, particularly the Roma. The legislation on the protection of minorities should be implemented effectively, and the treatment of minorities should be non-discriminatory. Particular attention also needs to be paid to tackling discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

There are concerns about deteriorating conditions for the full exercise of freedom of expression. We will continue to emphasise the importance of promoting and protecting an environment that supports free speech and media freedom.

The business environment and the investment climate should be further improved. Attention should also be paid to implementing public administration reform and to implementing the economic and structural reforms required to restore fiscal sustainability, and ultimately to support growth and employment. In this regard, the Council welcomes the Commission’s approach of focusing on strengthening economic governance and competitiveness. This should prove valuable in supporting the efforts towards meeting the Copenhagen criteria.

An essential part of Serbia’s EU integration process is regional cooperation and good neighbourly cooperation. In this regard, the Council welcomes Serbia’s continued active and constructive engagement in further developing regional cooperation by participating in regional initiatives such as the South—East Europe Cooperation Process and the Regional Cooperation Council, as well as by strengthening bilateral relations with other countries of Western Balkans region.

Serbia also needs to maintain active and constructive engagement in the normalisation process with Kosovo, which has seen significant progress. In this regard, let me welcome the resumption on 9 February 2015 of the High—Level Dialogue, as well as the finalisation of the agreement on justice and the judiciary in Kosovo. Advancement on the normalisation of relations with Pristina and full implementation of the Brussels Agreement, by means of the High-Level Dialogue, are directly linked to forward movement in Serbia’s EU accession talks.

The Council will continue to monitor closely Serbia’s continued engagement in the process, including the implementation in good faith of all agreements reached so far, so that Serbia and Kosovo can continue on their respective European paths, while avoiding a situation in which either could block the other’s efforts. Progress in this process needs to be made in parallel with progress in the negotiations overall.

The Council has also called on Serbia to align progressively with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. It is especially important at times like these for countries wishing to join the EU to show commitment to the common European values.

Last but not least, Serbia should also continue to cooperate effectively with the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) and contribute actively to the full and unhindered execution by EULEX of its mandate. The Council looks forward to the next meeting of the Accession Conference and to the opening of the first negotiating chapters with Serbia.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. Madam President, first of all I would like to congratulate David McAllister for his resolution on the 2014 progress report on Serbia. This is a very balanced and comprehensive assessment of Serbia’s progress on its EU path, which is overall in line with the findings of our 2014 progress report.

I share the view that Serbia’s efforts and progress need to receive a positive narrative from the European Union and I look forward to the opening of the first chapters. Negotiations with Serbia are underway. The country has committed to difficult reforms and has come a long way on the normalisation of its relations with Kosovo. This is also key for stability in the region. The screening process is on schedule and should be finalised by the end of the month. Serbia’s negotiation team has shown impressive commitment and professionalism throughout. Discussions in the Council on screening reports are expected to continue throughout the year.

Now Serbia needs to deliver on key areas, including the rule of law and the normalisation of its relations with Kosovo which need to be tackled early in the negotiation process in line with the negotiating framework. The resumption of the high level dialogue one month ago after a break of almost a year is crucial. The agreement on justice and judiciary in Kosovo has been finalised. This is a welcome development. Working groups are now meeting to take forward the work on implementation on which both sides are expected to continue delivering results. Once sufficient progress is assessed, we could move forward on Chapter 35. I hope this can happen in the near future.

Serious work is also on—going on the rule of law issues. I look forward to the adoption of credible, comprehensive and sustainable action plans. I am also hopeful that this could contribute to the opening of Chapters 23 and 24 before the end of the year. The Serbian Government should also ensure that progress is not put at risk in such a way as being perceived as interfering in the work of the Ombudsman’s office or stepping back on freedom of expression. Media freedom is a non—negotiable fundamental right and a key condition for progress on the EU path. This is the message I constantly convey to my Serbian interlocutors and in particular to Prime Minister Vučić with whom I am in regular contact.

At the same time, we should be careful not to add requirements not provided for under the EU acquis or the negotiating framework. In this respect it is important that bilateral disputes do not hamper the overall accession process. The Commission remains firmly committed to support and guide Serbia on its European path and I appreciate that the European Parliament is on the same page.


  David McAllister, on behalf of the PPE Group. Madam President, as the new standing rapporteur on Serbia, it is an honour for me to present the resolution on this 2014 Progress Report and I would like to welcome Ms Jadranka Joksimović, the Minister in the Serbian Government dealing with European Affairs, who is with us tonight.

This resolution sends out two main messages, firstly Serbia is on its path towards the European Union. Looking back, 2014 was an important year for Serbia; the formal beginning of the accession talks took place on the 21 January 2015. I am convinced Prime Minister Vučić and his government show commitment to the European integration process. They tackle head on the systemic and socio—economic reforms; this deserves our respect and support.

In recent months, the Serbian Parliament has adopted important laws on whistle—blowers, media, labour, privatisation and bankruptcy; this is a positive development. Nevertheless, a thorough implementation of legislation and policies remains essential for a successful integration process. Secondly, ‘fundamentals first’ is key in the negotiation process. I consider as fundamentals: the rule of law, economic governance, the reform of public administration, aligning to our EU foreign policy and the normalisation of relations with Kosovo.

How long the accession negotiations will take primarily depends on Serbia’s ability to make sustained progress on the EU agenda of reforms. I am convinced this progress can be made. The train from Belgrade is on its track towards Brussels, let us encourage Serbia to stay on this European track. Finally, I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs for their fruitful cooperation; it was our goal to present a realistic, fair and balanced resolution which I think we achieved.


  Tanja Fajon, v imenu skupine S&D. Izjemno sem vesela vsakič, ko imamo na mizi dokument, ki ima pozitivno sporočilo in vliva optimizem. Zahvala tudi poročevalcu Davidu. Tako je tudi danes.

Srbiji čestitam za dosežen napredek, pozdravljam pomembne korake, ki so bili že narejeni, ter ob tem ostajam optimistka, da se bo država z napredkom spopadala tudi v prihodnje.

Hkrati izražam zaskrbljenost zaradi teženj in pritiskov, ki jih je bilo čutiti v zadnjem času glede vprašanj, ki se pravzaprav tičejo dvostranskih odnosov Srbije s sosednjimi državami. Prepričana sem, da poziv Srbiji, naj ponovno preuči zakon o vojnih zločinih, nikakor ne sodi v to poročilo. Univerzalna jurisdikcija na področju vojnih zločinov, zločinov proti človečnosti in genocida je v skladu z mednarodno sodno prakso. Podobno ureditev ima več držav Evropske unije. Takšno pa je tudi mnenje Komisije.

Še več, obstoječa zakonodaja omogoča večjo učinkovitost in sojenje tudi tistim, ki bi se zaradi pomanjkanja takšne zakonodaje lahko izognili kazni za storjene zločine.

Evropski parlament ne sme biti izkoriščen kot poligon za reševanje ali promocijo notranjepolitičnih tematik.

Srbija nosi veliko odgovornost na svojih plečih. Prvo, v zahodnobalkanski regiji je prevzela vlogo neke vrste pobudnice za vzpostavitev boljših odnosov in pospešeno regijsko sodelovanje. In drugo, pred Srbijo je pomembno obdobje, v katerem bo morala postopoma rešiti odnose s Kosovom in v celoti uveljaviti sporazum o normalizaciji odnosov med Beogradom in Prištino.

V tej luči pozdravljam nedavno nadaljevanje dialoga, tudi s sprejetjem sporazuma o pravosodju, ki je bistvenega pomena za napredek.

Menim, da je v tem trenutku najpomembnejše, da se ustvarijo pogoji, ki bodo vsem prebivalcem Kosova omogočili čim boljše življenje.

Pridružujem se pozivom k čim prejšnjemu začetku pogajanj Srbije z Unijo in odprtjem poglavij 23 in 24. Naslednji teden se bom mudila na obisku v Beogradu in moje sporočilo bo jasno: prepričana sem, da je treba pogajanja začeti čim prej. Pri tem bomo v Evropskem parlamentu še naprej pozorni na razvoj dogajanj v Srbiji, še posebej ko gre za normalizacijo odnosov s Kosovom, za vladavino pravne države ter svobodne medije.

(Govornik je odgovoril na vprašanje, postavljeno z dvigom modrega kartončka (člen 162(8) Poslovnika)


  Marijana Petir (PPE), pitanje koje je podizanjem plave kartice postavio. Gospođo Fajon, iz vašeg izlaganja proizlazi da niste svjesni da ovaj zakon koji spominjete, a kojim si je Srbija uzela univerzalnu jurisdikciju, odnosi se i na vaše građane.

Zanima me hoćete li i dalje smatrati da taj zakon ne izlazi iz okvira međunarodnog i kaznenog prava onog trenutka ukoliko se dogodi da po tom zakonu bude uhićen i suđen netko od slovenskih državljana?


   Tanja Fajon (S&D), Odgovor na vprašanje, postavljeno z dvigom modrega kartončka. – Hvala lepa, kolegica, za vprašanje, sem ga pričakovala. Govorimo o zakonu o vojnih zločinih v Srbiji in z Evropsko komisijo in tudi drugimi institucijami smo zelo jasno razjasnili pogojevanje odpiranja poglavja številka triindvajset s tem, da mora Srbija spremeniti zakon, je zelo nevaren precedens.

V večih državah članicah Evropske unije obstaja podoben zakon. Poleg tega lahko povem, da sodniki, vojne zločine, zločine proti človeštvu in kriminal proti genocidu nikoli ne sme biti ekskluzivna jurisdikcija države, na ozemlju katere se je zločin dogodil. Tako da mislim, da tako dopolnilo ne sodi v to resolucijo.


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. Г-н Макалистър, безспорно Вашият доклад е изключително балансиран и отразява обективно развитието на ситуацията в Сърбия. А там има със сигурност напредък, има желание за водене на разговори, но също така има и много проблеми. Проблеми, свързани не само с вътрешните работи в самата Сърбия, като например свободата на словото, като например свободата на медиите или състоянието на правосъдието. Друг съществен проблем са двустранните отношения между Сърбия и някои от съседните държави.

Все още има незатворени отношения с Хърватска, все още има закони, които на теория са приети в Република Сърбия, но не се прилагат на практика и това е примерът с неприлагането на задължението за образование на български език в западните български покрайнини. Комисар Хан, тези въпроси трябва да бъдат поставени и Сърбия трябва да вземе своите решения по тях, ако иска да се развива по европейския път.


  Ivo Vajgl, v imenu skupine ALDE. V imenu skupine ALDE podpiram resolucijo in izredno konstruktivno in potrpežljivo delo poročevalca Davida McAllistra, ki je nanizal tehtne razloge za to, da ocenimo pozitivno napore Srbije, da se postopoma kvalificira za članstvo v Evropski Uniji.

Napredek Srbije je očiten in je razveseljiv. Proces reform in screening potekata učinkovito. Evropska perspektiva Srbije postaja dosegljiva in stvarna.

Resolucija opozarja na področja, kjer je treba narediti več: v sodstvu, boju proti korupciji, odpiranju in stabilizaciji zakonodaje na področju gospodarstva in pravne varnosti na tem področju, spoštovanja manjšin, dostojanstva LGTB, svobode izražanja, medijev. To so vrednote mimo katerih ni mogoče.

Srbija je pomemben dejavnik regionalne stabilnosti in verjamem, da bo tudi kot predsedujoča država OVSE to dokazala v prihodnjem času.


  Miloslav Ransdorf, za skupinu GUE/NGL. Já bych chtěl zdůraznit, že Srbsko je centrální ekonomikou Balkánu a bez stabilizace Srbska není možné ani stabilizovat balkánské země jako celek.

Chtěl bych zdůraznit také to, že tato země bude potřebovat makrofinanční asistenci, protože má největší počet uprchlíků na svém území vůbec v celém teritoriu, a to 700 000. Dále, došlo tam k povodním, které zaplavily některé doly, takže Srbsko musí dovážet dneska uhlí. Myslím si, že je také důležité pomoci Srbsku, aby budovalo energetickou kapacitu v oblasti obnovitelných zdrojů. Tam se udělal velký pokrok, pokud jde o oblast vodních elektráren, ale myslím si, že jsou tam velké rezervy a mohlo by to být perspektivní i pro sousední země.

Chtěl bych zdůraznit také to, že bychom měli ocenit pokrok Srbska v oblasti soudní reformy, v oblasti správní reformy a také v boji proti korupci, i když tam jsou určité rezervy, o kterých tady konečně byla řeč.

Myslím si, že je to země, která si zaslouží naši pozornost, a je také důležité, abychom i pomohli využít potenciál, který je tam pro celou oblast.


  Igor Šoltes, v imenu skupine Verts/ALE. Tudi sam bi si želel na začetku najprej zahvaliti gospodu McAllisterju za odlično pripravljeno poročilo o napredku Srbije. Predvsem za odlično sodelovanje in za odprtost, za kompromise, ki so vodili seveda do zanimivih razprav. Mislim pa, da je resolucija dobra, in jo sam seveda tudi podpiram.

Moram reči, da je Srbija v preteklih letih naredila velik korak naprej. Resno se je lotila nekaterih reform. Ker je čutiti prizadevanja, da se tudi na sodnem področju doseže čim višja možna stopnja neodvisnosti, ker to seveda to tudi krepi zaupanje v pravno državo.

Tudi vprašanje korupcije, ki v Srbiji seveda ni zanemarljivo, se je znašlo na dnevnem redu. Je pa seveda to proces, ki bo trajal še nekaj časa. Predvsem je pomembno zavedanje o tem, da korupcija počasi vodi v propast države, zato se je treba resno spopasti z njo.

Prepričan sem seveda, da bo Srbija z reformami še nadaljevala, da si bo prizadevala za še večjo transparentnost. Pri tem bi pa posebej izpostavil vlogo državne revizijske komisije oziroma kontrolo nad porabo javnih financ, ker to je eden izjemnih tudi pokazateljev in ogledal delovanja vsake oblasti. In mislim, da na ta način pravzaprav tudi lahko usmerja porabo javnih financ, kar pa je pomembno tudi s stališča evropskih sredstev, ki se stekajo v Srbijo. In skozi tudi poročilo Evropskega računskega sodišča smo lahko prepričani, da se ta sredstva v večini primerov uporabljajo seveda pravilno in pa smotrno.

Tisti problem, ki pa seveda ostaja, je seveda visoka stopnja nezaposlenosti, mladi, gospodarstvo, mediji. Tudi sam dobivam kar nekaj elektronskih sporočil, kjer se opozarja na vprašanje neodvisnosti medijev, in tukaj bi seveda opozoril, da morajo oblasti še naresti kar veliko korakov naprej. Nekaj tudi delničarjev Agrobanke in še nekaj stvari, na katere bo v prihodnosti še potrebno odgovoriti.


  James Carver, on behalf of the EFDD Group. Madam President, I would say to those who support this motion that their neo—imperialistic bid for expansion into the former Yugoslavia has led them to lose sight of the bigger picture. This motion calls for greater alignment of Serbia to the foreign policy of the EU, specifically highlighting the current disastrous situation with Russia.

Yet you all seem to forget the close cultural ties that Serbia shares with Russia through their Orthodoxy, history and common values. Serbia is becoming another pawn in the wider struggle with Russia. If you had any sense of diplomacy or were to act out of respect for the Serbian people, then you would see the potential not for more competition or potential conflict, but for reconciliation and cooperation. Instead of making Serbia another colony of the Commission there is the real potential to let her act as an important mediator between the West and Russia at this crucially sensitive time for security in eastern Europe.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Emilian Pavel (S&D), Întrebare adresată conform procedurii „cartonașului albastru”. Aș dori să vă întreb: având în vedere că și România este o țară ortodoxă, ar trebui să avem și noi legături să ieșim din tot ce înseamnă restricții cu Rusia?


  James Carver (EFDD), blue-card answer. What I am saying is that we all appreciate the sensitivity of the situation with regard to Russia and European Union relations at the moment. This is a really good opportunity to use Serbia as a broker and I really do fear that by eventually bringing Serbia into the European Union you are actually playing into Mr Putin’s hands and giving him a chance to be even more aggressive.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). Számomra ez a Szerbiáról szóló jelentés akkor lenne hiteles, hogyha tételesen tartalmazná azokat az egyéni és kollektív emberi jogokat, amelyeket Szerbia köteles biztosítani a területén élő őshonos nemzeti közösségeknek, így például a háromszázezer főre tehető délvidéki magyarságnak, amely nélkül ki lenne mondva, hogy nincs belépés az Európai Unióba.

Mire gondolok: például, hogy emberi jogként kötelesek biztosítani a teljes körű nemzeti önrendelkezést, a területi autonómiát a dél-tiroli modell szerint – mert hogyha már Európai Unió, akkor európai modelleket és európai értékeket használjunk – a teljes körű nyelvhasználatot. Ugye most a privatizáció kapcsán meg fog szűnni, nem tudom, Biztos Úr és a jelentéstevő tud-e róla, hogy magyar nyelvű rádiókat szüntetnek meg, önkormányzat által alapított magyar rádiókat, merthogy privatizálják. Kérem, hogy ez ügyben is tegyenek valamit, és biztosítsák a teljes körű diszkriminációmentességet, az egyenlő elbánást a délvidéki magyarságnak. Itt vannak a követeléseik, átadom a jelentéstevőnek és a Biztos Úrnak is.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). Madam President, Serbia is making progress in the integration process and I am glad that the good, balanced and objective report by David McAllister recognises this.

It is important that there is a commitment to this process at high political level and I hope that it will be strengthened further in the government’s work and positions. Therefore, I think it is right that we are calling for the negotiating chapters to be opened. It will be critical for Serbia to continue the reform process. We have seen a difficult start to the economic and social reforms, and we expect continuing progress on reforming the judiciary. In this respect I would like to stress the importance not only of the independence of certain institutions, such as the Ombudsman’s Office, but also of resolving the issues related to cases of so—called abuse of office.

Serbia has to continue its engagement and dialogue with Kosovo. Support from the government and political elites for this process is the key in terms of stability in the region.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, Romania is a neighbour country of Serbia and I might say that we traditionally have a long friendship with this country and we support the European Union perspective not only for Serbia, but for all the former Yugoslav republics, for Albania and for the Republic of Moldova as well. I also believe that we need to be aware that work lies ahead for Serbia. Improvements are very much needed with regard to the rights of minorities, the freedom of the media, the lack of transparency and funding of political parties, the equal representation of men and women, corruption.

I believe that in our negotiations with all the candidate countries we must keep our European priorities and values clear in our minds. The goal of achieving stability in the region is very important but we cannot forfeit our support and we have to defend the exercise of democratic values, rights and freedoms in the Balkans. I very much support this process of European enlargement in south-eastern Europe. At the same time, I believe that we must take a clear political position.


  Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski (ECR). Pani Przewodnicząca! Bardzo dziękuję sprawozdawcy za bardzo rzetelne i optymistyczne sprawozdanie, że Serbia jest już dalej na drodze do integracji europejskiej. Dla mnie jest to kwestia naszego stosunku do europejskiej solidarności. Ja się cieszyłem z akcesji Słowenii do Unii Europejskiej, bardzo się cieszyłem z akcesji Chorwacji i uważam, że powinniśmy także z dobrą wolą otworzyć drzwi dla Serbii. To jest kwestia – powtarzam raz jeszcze – solidarności europejskiej i Unia powinna być w tej kwestii jednoznaczna. I nie mogę pominąć milczeniem tego, co powiedział brytyjski kolega z partii Farage'a. Nie ma żadnej strefy pośredniej między Europą a Rosją. Jeśli nie otworzymy drzwi dla Serbii, jeśli nie będziemy prowadzić rozmów z dobrą wolą, Serbia znajdzie się w strefie rosyjskiej. Niestety po raz kolejny partia Farage'a mówiła głosem Moskwy. My powinniśmy mówić głosem jedności i solidarności europejskiej.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospođo predsjednice, pozdravljam čvrstu odluku Vlade Republike Srbije da ustraje na svom europskom putu, jer vjerujem da to zaista napokon doprinosi stabilnosti na Balkanu.

Uloga Srbije je uvijek bila bitna na Balkanu i zadnji potezi koje vidimo, prvenstveno mislim na dijalog između Srbije i Albanije, odnos Srbije prema Bosni i Hercegovini i drugim susjedima, mislim da su odlični i ako Srbija ustraje na tom putu, trebamo biti spremni prihvatiti je čim prije u naše društvo.

Ono što želim istaknuti je svakako potreba daljnjih reformi u Srbiji, sve ono što je na programu Vlade i ono što bih dodatno predložio je da se ozbiljno razmisli o potencijalima koje Srbija ima, pogotovo na energetskom planu i da se uključi u programe novog Junckerovog plana jer mnogi energetski resursi koje Srbija ima mogu biti dobro korišteni i za države članice.


  Andrej Plenković (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, poštovani kolega Hahn, poštovani kolega McAllister, zahvaljujem vam na kvalitetno pripremljenom izvješću o Srbiji koje mislim da djeluje poticajno na srpske vlasti da nastave reforme na putu prema Europskoj uniji. Drago mi je da se u izvješću na kvalitetan način dotiču i pitanje zaštite prava manjina, poštivanja sporazuma sa susjednim državama i naravno, riješavanje pitanja nestalih osoba.

Danas je u raspravi kolegica Fajon spomenula zakon kojim je Srbija proširila svoju jurisdikciju na druge države bivše SFRJ, potpuno miješajući klasičnu univerzalnu jurisdikciju s jedinstvenim hibridnim slučajem teritorijalno selektivno proširene jurisdikcije koji prema mojim analizama i saznanjima nema presedana u drugim zemljama.

Stoga, pozivam povjerenika Hahna i Komisiju da pomognu da se ovaj problem riješi, a problem je koji stvara pravnu nesigurnost kod državljana Europske unije, dakle hrvatskih državljana, a potencijalno i slovenskih ali i drugih, u mjesecima koji su pred nama i pomogne Srbiji da napravi potpunu pravnu reformu svog sustava na putu prema EU.

(Govornik pristaje odgovoriti na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice (članak 162. stavak 8. Poslovnika))


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), pitanje koje je podizanjem plave kartice postavio. Gospodine Plenkoviću, spomenuli ste ovaj zakon koji govori o univerzalnoj jurisdikciji.

Želim vas priupitati i dati vam još jednu priliku da objasnite, s obzirom da postoji nerazumijevanje u Parlamentu pa i od same kolegice Fajon, o čemu se radi, koja je to točno razlika kako bi naše kolege razumijeli što to mi tražimo. Nema govora o tome da mi želimo stopirati Srbiju, mi želimo pomoći Srbiji, ali i želimo da se ovo pitanje razjasni.


  Andrej Plenković (PPE), odgovor na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice. Gospođo Šuica, nadam se da protekla dva mjeseca, dok smo raspravljali o ovom izvješću, nisu pridonijela tome da slabije razumijemo problem, nego da ga bolje razumijemo i to mislim da smo postigli. Većina kolega koji nisu bili upoznati s njime, sada znaju o čemu je riječ.

Dakle, univerzalna jurisdikcija koja postoji kao institut u brojnim kaznenim zakonima država članica nema veze s ovim posebnim zakonom donešenim u kontekstu procesiranja ratnih zločina na području bivše SFRJ od strane Srbije. Mi nismo protiv toga da se izbjegne nekažnjivost; dapače. Ali smo protiv toga da se jednim zakonom stvara pravna nesigurnost za državljane članice Europske unije na način kakav je bio slučaj hrvatskog državljanina Veljka Marića i to je nedopustivo u budućnosti.


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D). A magam részéről teljes mértékig egyetértek Andrej Plenkovic kollégával, amennyiben ennek a jelentésnek valóban vannak nagyon komoly érdemei, hiszen igen jól sorolja fel azokat az előrehaladásokat, amiket a szerb kormány az elmúlt időszakban tett, illetve nagyon jól és pontosan fogalmazza meg azokat az elvárásokat, ami az Európai Unió részéről van.

Két dologra szeretném felhívni elsősorban a Biztos Úr figyelmét: az egyik az az, hogy a tagjelöltektől igenis meg kell követelni, hogy ők is már most csatlakozzanak a közös kül- és biztonságpolitikához, ebbe értem azt is, hogy Szerbiától elvárjuk, hogy ő is csatlakozzon az Oroszországgal szembeni szankciókhoz. A másik pedig: Horvátország, Magyarország egyaránt szomszédos és soknemzetiségű ország, ugyanúgy, mint Szerbia. Legyen kedves Biztos Úr, a továbbiakban is figyelje, hogy megfelelő szomszédságpolitika, és a nemzeti kisebbségek, köztük a vajdasági magyarok jogainak az érvényesülése maradéktalan legyen.


  Ramona Nicole Mănescu (PPE). Doamnă președintă, doresc să salut progresul înregistrat în legătură cu implementarea Acordului de stabilizare și de asociere UE-Serbia. Salut, de asemenea, angajamentul de care dă dovadă Guvernul Serbiei în legătură cu procesul de integrare europeană și consider că este necesar ca legislația să fie implementată riguros și consecvent la toate nivelurile.

În acest sens, atrag atenția asupra importanței implementării legislației privind educația, accesul la mass-media și servicii religioase în limbile minorităților existente și reprezentarea acestor minorități în organismele locale, regionale și în parlamentul național. Încurajez, de asemenea, Guvernul Serbiei să elaboreze un plan de acțiune concret privind poziția minorităților naționale în cadrul planului de acțiune pentru capitolul de negociere 23.

Prezența Serbiei în interiorul granițelor Uniunii va determina stabilitate și prosperitate nu doar pentru cetățenii sârbi, ci și pentru cetățenii europeni, iar o bună gestionare a relației Serbiei cu minoritățile naționale și statele vecine va sprijini procesul de aderare.

Îl felicit pe colegul meu, David McAllister, pentru abordarea corectă și echilibrată.


  Gabrielius Landsbergis (PPE). Madam President, whenever we talk about EU partner states we cannot avoid mentioning that countries have to choose between liberal democracy or an authoritarian anti—liberal regime. There is a clear divide between the value system of Europe, which is based on international law and obligations based on democratic values, and the other system, which is currently ruining the European post—war peace order. I personally do not believe that it is possible to choose more than one system and to follow more than one road.

Serbia still raises a lot of questions about which path it chooses to be on. The decision not to support EU sanctions on Russia is more than just a pragmatic choice, it is a statement. At this moment, Eastern Partnership countries like Ukraine are showing more political will and eagerness to be closer to the EU than those countries which consider themselves to be on the EU’s doorstep. Therefore, I urge the Serbian Government clearly to decide which road it wants to take, since it is not possible to have it both ways.


  Андрей Ковачев (PPE). Сърбия започна преди година преговорите и показа готовност да върви по пътя на европейската интеграция. Ключово е сега тази готовност да бъде изразена и в конкретни действия и политическа воля за реформи. Важно е Сърбия да споделя солидарно общата европейска външна политика и политика за сигурност, както и колегите споменаха, и да не се поддава на натиск от трети страни. Затова, г-н Комисар, трябва и ние да помогнем като Европейски съюз и като Европейска комисия на Сърбия.

Страната има солидна законодателна рамка в областта на правата на малцинствата, но прилагането на закона невинаги е еднакво и безпристрастно. Българското малцинство все още има сериозни затруднения да учи на майчиния си език. Има най-различни политически пречки за това, търсят се бюрократични и финансови извинения защо учебниците не могат да бъдат преведени на български език. Същевременно призовавам отново Сърбия, както е записано и в доклада, да започне помирението си със собствената си история, да се открият досиетата на комунистическите тайни служби на УДБА и на КОС и съответните архиви да се предоставят на бившите югославски републики. Много е важно също така икономическата и интеграционна политика на Сърбия да включва и пограничните изоставени икономически райони, в които живеят много от малцинствените групи.


  Ελένη Θεοχάρους ( PPE). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, υποστηρίζουμε σθεναρά την ένταξη της Σερβίας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και συγχαίρω τον κύριο Μακ Αλιστερ για την εξαίρετη έκθεση που έχει ετοιμάσει. Πιστεύω ότι η χώρα αυτή και ο σερβικός λαός χρειάζονται μεγαλύτερη στήριξη από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, ειδικά στο θέμα της ανάπτυξης των δημοκρατικών θεσμών και των μεταρρυθμίσεων. Η Σερβία είναι διατεθειμένη να προχωρήσει προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση. Επιπλέον, έχει δύο βασικά πλεονεκτήματα. Το ένα είναι ότι μπορεί να καταστεί ένας σταθεροποιητικός παράγοντας στα Βαλκάνια και το άλλο ότι έχοντας την εμπειρία του παρελθόντος μπορεί να ξαναγίνει ένα βιομηχανικό και αγροτικό κέντρο στην περιοχή.

Τώρα, όσον αφορά το ζήτημα των σχέσεων με τη Ρωσία, δεν νομίζω ότι μπορούμε για μεν την Τουρκία να μην βλέπουμε ότι δεν ακολουθεί την Κοινή Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική και έχει άριστες σχέσεις με τη Ρωσία, γεγονός το οποίο δεν οφείλεται στην ορθοδοξία, διότι η μια χώρα είναι μουσουλμανική, η δε άλλη ορθόδοξη, ενώ για τη Σερβία αυτό να αποτελεί αρνητικό στοιχείο. Μπορεί να αποτελέσει μια γέφυρα συνεννόησης με τη Ρωσία.

Η Σερβία έχει επιδείξει εξαιρετική συνεργασία με το ειδικό διεθνές δικαστήριο για τα εγκλήματα πολέμου στην πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβία, αλλά και για το ζήτημα των διαφορών με το Κοσσυφοπέδιο, μια περιοχή που συνιστά την κοιτίδα για τους Σέρβους, για τον σερβικό πολιτισμό.


  Andor Deli (PPE). Az idei eredményjelentésről már sok mindent elmondtunk, és elmondtuk azt, hogy milyen kiegyensúlyozott, és ezért külön köszönet a jelentéstevőnek, McAllister úrnak. Megtalálható benne a szerb kormány éves munkájának méltatása, de azok a feladatok is, amelyek mielőbbi megvalósítását az EU elvárja Szerbiától. Politikailag is fontos az EP határozata, mert szükséges a szerbiai kormány további bátorítása abban az elhatározásában, hogy része legyen az európai népek nagy családjának. Nagy politikai nyomás nehezedik Szerbiára, és ebben szeretnénk mi segíteni innen a Parlamentből.

Magyarország szomszédos ország, és többszörösen érdekelt abban, hogy Szerbia mielőbb EU-tag legyen. A külpolitikai, biztonságpolitikai és gazdasági érdekeken túl a jószomszédi kapcsolatok is nagyot fejlődtek a két ország között az elmúlt pár évben. Ami szintén teljesen nyilvánvaló, hogy rendkívül érdekeltek vagyunk a szerbiai magyar közösség jövőjének vonatkozásában is, amihez elengedhetetlen a kisebbségi jogok megvalósulásának további javulása. Ez nekem személyesen is fontos, hiszen vajdasági származásúként tudatában vagyok annak, hogy ettől nagyban függ az ottani magyar közösség jövője.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). Tudi sam zelo pozdravljam poročilo gospoda McAllistra. Mislim, da je zelo dobro, uravnoteženo, in poročilo, ki v veliki meri navdaja z optimizmom, da je Srbija na pravi poti.

Prihajam iz Slovenije, ki se je prva kot bivši del Jugoslavije pridružila Evropski uniji, zato zelo dobro vem, kakšne napore mora sedaj vlagati srbska vlada, da izboljšuje področje regionalnega sodelovanja, da se je spoprijela z najodločnejšimi reformami, ki so bile še nekaj let nazaj v Srbiji "tabu tema", da izboljšuje poslovno okolje, in da je tudi zagrizla v zelo zahtevno področje pravne države: boj proti korupciji, preganjanje kriminala.

Srbija rabi evropsko solidarnost, da bodo prebivalci Srbije čim prej imeli podobne pogoje, kot jih imajo ostali Evropejci, in da uživajo kot člani skupne Evropske unije.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la Serbia ha dimostrato di volersi impegnare a fondo nel processo di integrazione europea e di voler affrontare in maniera decisa e diretta le riforme sistemiche e socioeconomiche necessarie per continuare a percorrere la strada del cambiamento e dell'avvicinamento agli standard europei.

I negoziati stanno producendo senza dubbi effetti positivi: penso ad esempio ai passi in avanti verso la normalizzazione delle relazioni con il Kosovo e all'approccio sempre più costruttivo che il governo di Belgrado sta adottando nelle relazioni con i paesi vicini, consentendo anche di ottenere progressi sostanziali sia nella cooperazione regionale che nella instaurazione di relazioni più strette con l'Unione europea.

La Serbia è un paese fondamentale nello scacchiere balcanico e il suo ingresso nell'Unione europea è da considerarsi strategico. Appare quindi evidente la necessità che essa allinei la sua politica estera e di sicurezza a quella dell'Unione europea. L'allineamento della Serbia alle decisioni dell'Unione in materia di politica estera è un elemento cardine nel processo di integrazione europea e mi auguro che il governo di Belgrado riesca a fare le scelte coraggiose necessarie per continuare con successo i negoziati con l'Unione europea.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, χαιρετίζω τις ενταξιακές διαπραγματεύσεις της Σερβίας με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, θα πρέπει όμως να δηλώσω ότι θα προτιμούσα να έχει δοθεί το δικαίωμα στους πολίτες της Σερβίας να έχουν αποφασίσει με δημοψήφισμα για τη διαπραγμάτευση σχετικά με τη μελλοντική τους ένταξη στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.

Η Ελλάδα στηρίζει την ευρωπαϊκή πορεία της Σερβίας και έχει συνάψει από το 2010 συμφωνίες συνεργασίας με στόχο την ενίσχυση και επιτάχυνση της ενταξιακής διαδικασίας. Πρέπει ορισμένα κράτη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να μη θέτουν εμπόδια στον ευρωπαϊκό δρόμο της Σερβίας και να συμφωνήσουν να ανοίξουν για διαπραγμάτευση και νέα κεφάλαια.

Ταυτόχρονα οι σερβικές αρχές οφείλουν να εντείνουν τη δράση τους για το χτύπημα της διαφθοράς και του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος. Βεβαίως, η επαρκής εκπλήρωση των πολιτικών κριτηρίων καταδεικνύει ότι η Σερβία υλοποιεί τις δεσμεύσεις της στον τομέα του κράτους δικαίου, της δημόσιας διοίκησης και της οικονομικής διακυβέρνησης.


  Ulrike Lunacek (Verts/ALE). Madam President, I decided to ask for another catch—the—eye procedure because I have a question for Mr Plenković. We talked in the break about your criticism and your amendment about universal jurisdiction and you have now explained it as well. In the meantime, I have tried to find out more about it. I found out that the law that you now want to abolish with that amendment was already abolished in 2003 and that everybody, including the Commission and the international community, has accepted that.

There was also the case of Mr Veljko Marić which was done under that, and at that time, before he was convicted, the Croatian State Attorney provided the Serbian war crimes prosecutor with the key witnesses and full legal and technical assistance in that case under that law. I do not really understand why you want to do away with that, and as far as I understood, it is also universal jurisdiction and not just for what is ex—Yugoslavia.

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Andrej Plenković (PPE). Madam President, I see that Ms Lunacek has been partially informed about the issue. I suggest we have a short conversation for longer than the 23 seconds that are left so that I can tell you that just because the law was passed in 2003 does not mean that it was implemented until 2010. By the way, Croatia passed a law in 2011 that made all the legal acts based on this law null and void; so her partial information is very partial and partisan and she should please bear that in mind before the vote tomorrow.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, anche per quanto riguarda la Serbia è finalmente cominciato il lungo e faticoso percorso verso l'adesione all'Unione.

Ritengo molto importante la menzione in questa relazione del collega McAllister, peraltro – come molti hanno sottolineato e condivido pienamente – decisamente equilibrata e aperta anche nello spirito a tutti noi relatori ombra che abbiamo partecipato, delle persone scomparse, una ferita ancora sanguinante nel cuore dei paesi dell'ex Jugoslavia. A distanza di vent'anni, pensate, ancora dodicimila famiglie non conoscono la sorte dei loro cari: per questo è fondamentale che la Serbia prosegua a collaborare con i vicini con lo stesso spirito della dichiarazione di Mostar.

Da ultimo ricordo che da pochi mesi la Serbia ha assunto anche la presidenza dell'OSCE. Questo è un momento quindi particolarmente favorevole per farne un ponte e un mediatore privilegiato per dialogare con la Russia, visti gli intimi legami culturali e storici che li accomunano. Speriamo che possa essere una buona occasione per trovare un buon compromesso politico, rilanciare la diplomazia e far tacere i venti di guerra.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. Madam President, thank you for this interesting debate. It reflects the great importance the Union continues to attach to the credibility of the enlargement process, which remains crucial for maintaining the momentum of reforms and public support for enlargement in the region and in Serbia in particular.

I take note of the discussion on Serbia’s law on the organisation and competence of state authorities in war crimes proceedings. I fully understand the sensitivities of this matter and I believe that Serbia and its neighbours need to look to the future in a spirit of regional cooperation and reconciliation. I take this opportunity to underline that effective and impartial handling of war crimes, in line with international standards, features high in the accession negotiations with Serbia. It is covered by the specific recommendations in the screening report in Chapter 23 about the judiciary and fundamental rights, stressing the need for efficient deterrent and impartial treatment of war crimes, equal treatment of suspects, and proportionality of sentences and protection of victims. All these recommendations will have to be addressed in the judiciary section of the action plan required for the opening of Chapter 23. The Commission is actively involved in the preparation of this action plan and is committed to reviewing the measures undertaken by Serbia in this respect and in this framework.

Once again thank you for this very interesting debate. I would also again like to thank the author Mr McAllister and his colleagues for this very balanced report.


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, honourable Members, Commissioner, to conclude, let me express my sincere gratitude to Parliament’s rapporteur on Serbia, David McAllister, for his excellent work and his commitment.

This has been a very fruitful and useful debate. We believe that Serbia now has a clear path for moving ahead in the accession process. Also, the first chapters have not yet been opened, but Serbia is demonstrating commitment and readiness to achieve swift progress in the talks. The Council agrees with the notion that the first chapter should indeed be opened soon. In this process, we are guided by the negotiation framework principles, in which it is stated that the achievement of the negotiations will be guided by Serbia’s progress on preparing for accession, within a framework of economic and social convergence. Progress on the rule of law and on the normalisation of relations with Kosovo is of particular importance at this stage of negotiations.

In this regard, we welcome the resumption of the High—Level Dialogue on 9 February 2015 and we encourage both sides to use the momentum and to work together towards reaching agreement on the remaining issues.

We will devote particular attention to monitoring progress on all the specific issues underlined in our conclusions and the EU common positions, before the next steps in the negotiation process can be taken. In this respect, I welcome Parliament’s commitment and its determination to encourage Serbia to push the necessary reforms forward.

I would like to thank you once again for this debate, and I thank the rapporteur for preparing this report.


   I have received one motion for resolution See Minutes. from the Committee on Foreign Affairs tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

I have received one motion for resolution See Minutes. from the Committee on Foreign Affairs tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Wednesday, 11 March 2015.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Kinga Gál (PPE), írásban. Szeretnék köszönetet mondani McAllister kollégámnak, aki a Szerbiáról készülő jelentés felelőseként nyitottnak bizonyult módosítóink befogadására, amelyek különösen fontosak a Szerbiában élő nemzeti kisebbségek, így a vajdasági magyarok számára. Bekerült a szövegbe a nemzeti tanácsok fontossága és ezek megfelelő finanszírozásának szükségessége, az anyanyelvhasználat biztosítása az élet minden területén, valamint a kisebbségi jelenlét szükségessége az államigazgatásban, igazságszolgáltatásban és a rendőrségnél. Ezzel az egyik legerősebb Szerbiáról szóló határozatát fogadja el holnap az Európai Parlament.

Különös fontossággal bír a csatlakozási tárgyalások keretében készítendő kisebbségi akcióterv elkészítésére vonatkozó felhívás. Ezzel elkerülhető lenne a korábbi csatlakozási tapasztalat: miszerint a tagjelöltek csak a csatlakozásig, átmenetileg tartják szem előtt e nemzeti közösségek érdekeit. Ezért fontosnak ítélem, hogy a létező jogszabályokat alkalmazását és azok betartását a Bizottság kísérje figyelemmel.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D), în scris. Sprijin integrarea Serbiei în Uniunea Europeană. Parcursul european al Serbiei este o consecință normală și un drept pentru poporul sârb. În acest sens sunt fidel poziției țării mele, România, privind sprijinul pentru parcursul european al Serbiei. Aș vrea însă să menționez situația vlahilor/vlasilor/românilor din Valea Timocului. Doar în Valea Timocului există, conform ultimului recensământ, aproximativ 40 000 de români, iar numărul real este poate și mai mare. Acest lucru nu trebuie să sperie autoritățile sârbe. Protecția activă a acestei minorități, dar și sprijinirea tradițiilor sale culturale și lingvistice nu pot decât să întărească Serbia în drumul său european ca stat unitar și indivizibil. Recomand Comisiei Europene să sprijine alături de autoritățile sârbe minoritatea vlahă/românească din Serbia.

Oikeudellinen huomautus - Tietosuojakäytäntö