 Пълен текст 
Процедура : 2014/2950(RSP)
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документа : B8-0214/2015

Внесени текстове :


Разисквания :

PV 10/03/2015 - 23
CRE 10/03/2015 - 23

Гласувания :

PV 11/03/2015 - 9.14
CRE 11/03/2015 - 9.14
Обяснение на вота

Приети текстове :


Пълен протокол на разискванията
Вторник, 10 март 2015 г. - Страсбург

23. Процес на европейска интеграция на Косово (разискване)
Видеозапис на изказванията

  President. – The next item is the debate on the Council and Commission statements on the European integration process of Kosovo (2014/2950(RSP)).


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, let me first thank rapporteur Ulrike Lunacek for her work on Kosovo, and the Parliament as a whole for the opportunity to discuss this issue.

I will start by recalling that the Council, in its conclusions of December 2014, noted the initialling in July 2014 of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Kosovo. The Council took note of the Commission’s intention to issue the proposals for signature and conclusion of the agreement as soon as possible, without prejudice to Member States’ positions on status.

The Council also welcomed the end of the protracted political stalemate and the formation of the new institutions. It called upon the new authorities to engage swiftly on the reform agenda and on the High-Level Dialogue with Belgrade. We called on Kosovo to focus on implementation of the comprehensive reforms necessary to enable it to meet its obligations under the proposed Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Progress on its European path is of particular importance to Kosovo and the region in whole. The citizens of Kosovo deserve to see concrete results delivered and a number of the most urgent issues attended to. Strong political commitment will be required to address the challenges.

Particular attention should be paid to improving the rule of law, including judicial independence, and to intensifying the fight against organised crime and corruption.

We welcome Kosovo’s progress so far, but we would also point out that Kosovo needs to address shortcomings raised in the visa dialogue, including mitigating the security and migration-related risks of potential visa liberalisation. In this regard, the need for structural economic reforms, addressing the high level of unemployment, is becoming increasingly urgent. Important reforms, such as electoral reform and public administration reform, remain a priority. The protection of minorities must be addressed. The increased focus by the Commission on the national economic reform programmes also applies to Kosovo. We are hopeful that this approach will serve as an aid to Kosovo in implementing its economic reform package.

The normalisation process with Serbia has seen significant progress. Kosovo must maintain an active and constructive engagement in this process. The dialogue remains essential in terms of advancing a European future for both Serbia and Kosovo. Therefore, the normalisation of relations should be one of the key tasks for Kosovo. In this respect, let me welcome the resumption on 9 February 2015 of the High-Level Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the finalisation of the agreement on justice and the judiciary in Kosovo. This is a step towards full implementation of the Brussels Agreement, which we expect to be achieved as soon as possible.

We also welcome the agreement between Prime Minister Mustafa and Prime Minister Vučić to work together to tackle regional concerns, among them the acute problem of illegal migration from Kosovo, which is also reflected in your resolution.

The Council will continue to monitor closely Kosovo’s continued engagement towards visible and sustainable progress in the normalisation of relations with Serbia. This means implementation in good faith of all agreements reached so far, so that Kosovo and Serbia can continue on their respective European paths. This is an essential principle of the proposed Stabilisation and Association Agreement that will underpin the development of relations and cooperation between the EU and Kosovo.

Lastly, Kosovo should continue to cooperate closely and effectively with the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) and contribute actively to the full and unhindered execution by EULEX of its renewed mandate. Kosovo should also, as a matter of priority, implement the political commitment to establish the special court to hear cases arising out of the investigation led by the Special Investigative Task Force, by adopting all the necessary legal changes.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I welcome the motion for a resolution on the European integration process of Kosovo. The Commission and the European Parliament continue to share the same vision of Kosovo’s European future. We are grateful for the support of this House and look forward to continuing our close cooperation. We stand ready to help and support Parliament, and the rapporteur Ms Lunacek, over the next few months and years in advancing Kosovo’s European perspective.

In line with the motion for a resolution, during my recent visit to Pristina I emphasised the need for economic reforms to enhance Kosovo’s competitiveness leading to growth, job creation, investment in education and better living conditions for Kosovo’s citizens. This will help in addressing the root causes of irregular migration.

Our progress report of October 2014 identified the key areas that need to be tackled by Kosovo. Emphasis remains on the rule of law, reform of public administration and strengthening socio-economic development. All three aspects are essential and progress in these fields will yield political and economic benefits for Kosovo.

Last July we completed the negotiations of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and initialled the text with Kosovo. As you know, the Kosovo SAA is EU only, not mixed. However, I should like to emphasise that it is both comprehensive and robust and that it covers all key areas covered by the other SAAs in the region. Once in force, I am sure there will be very few practical differences between it and other SAAs.

Following the initialling of the SAA, the agreement and the draft Council decisions are now being translated. This should be completed later this month. I will propose to the college approval of the package early in April, after which we will submit it to the Council for approval. We aim for the Council to agree on the SAA signature later in the spring and as soon as High Representative/Vice President Mogherini and Kosovo have signed, the SAA will be transmitted to this House for consent.

Parliament therefore has an important role to play in the approval process. If the SAA is to come into force in early 2016, which is what we continue to aim for, it will be essential that the dossier is processed efficiently. Of course we stand ready to provide support throughout the process. Once Parliament has given its consent, the Council will be able to proceed with the conclusions of the SAA. Given its EU only nature, ratification by Member States of the interim agreement are not required. Therefore, once concluded, the SAA will enter into force immediately.

The coming into force of the Kosovo SAA will be a milestone in the development of EU-Kosovo relations. For the first time, there will be a contractual relationship between the European Union and Kosovo. This relationship provides for rights and benefits, but it also creates duties and obligations. I am sure both sides will need time to get used to this, but I am equally sure that implementation of the SAA will be to the benefit of both and I look forward to Parliament’s continued support for this promising process.


  Ulrike Lunacek, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Madam President, I should like to thank all the shadow rapporteurs for very good cooperation in reaching a largely consensual text which I hope will have a good majority tomorrow.

Let me start by describing the references to Kosovo over the last weeks and months in many of our Member States. It recently hit the headlines with thousands of asylum-seekers coming across Serbia into Hungary and then Austria, Germany and other countries. This is something that again raised the context of the situation in Kosovo. I am really happy to see that this has gone down over the last weeks because many people in Kosovo have realised that they have been given the illusion of promises through rumours, and that these are illusions. We demand in this report that both Serbia and the Kosovo authorities really clamp down on traffickers who feed into these illusions so that in the future we will not have these many asylum seekers in Member States.

Let me also make one thing clear. In this report, as in many others before, I demand fast visa liberalisation for Kosovo. I am sure that if we already had visa liberalisation then people would not feel so locked—in in their country and would be able to go for three months to the European Union and return and would not have the feeling that they need to leave because this was not provided for them.

I am glad that Commissioner Avramopoulous has just recently said that Kosovo is walking the last mile and he will soon have good news for Kosovo; so I hope this will come through very soon. Of course, the economic and social situation has to improve, especially for young people, and the fight against corruption and organised crime has to be stepped up by the new government, including in high—ranking parts of their own parties and organisations; otherwise the trust of citizens will not improve.

I also welcome the fact that a government was formed after some six months of stalemate, but only two women in a government of 21 really is not acceptable. I also hope that the Kosovo Assembly will soon pass the law on the special court. Let me say one thing: this is not about KLA in general; it is about certain individuals of KLA who might have committed crimes.

I am glad the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo has resumed; there are still things that have to be implemented. For example, Kosovo MPs are still not allowed to participate in all regional meetings, for example in the SECP process of the Parliamentary Assembly, so progress still needs to go ahead there and I think Serbia also has to move on.

One thing I also criticise is that five Member States still do not recognise Kosovo. This blocks progress, and I am glad to hear from Commissioner Hahn that the SAA will be put to the Council later in the spring; I hope there will be an agreement and that soon Kosovo will be on its way.

I do not have any more time so please read the text. It is also about EULEX and about investigations on corruption allegations inside EULEX. These are harming the credibility of the European Union; we need swift investigations. I hope we will have a good vote tomorrow to make sure that this European Parliament stands behind an independent Kosovo.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri, a nome del gruppo S&D. Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio, per il lavoro svolto, l'onorevole Lunacek, impegnata da tempo nel monitoraggio dell'evoluzione politica del Kosovo. La risoluzione presentata mi sembra equilibrata e indica la strada da seguire per i prossimi tempi.

Il Kosovo, si è detto, è in piena fase di transizione e di trasformazione e non c'è dubbio che abbiamo valutato positivamente la conclusione dell'incertezza politica dopo le elezioni, con la costituzione dell'assemblea e del nuovo governo. Ora c'è un altro pezzo di strada da compiere: bisogna proseguire sulla strada delle riforme con impegno e determinazione, rafforzando in maniera visibile e concreta il ruolo delle leggi e della giustizia ed estendendo i diritti civili. È indispensabile ingaggiare definitivamente la battaglia contro la corruzione e il crimine organizzato ed è necessario mettere in campo una politica che sconfigga la disoccupazione, particolarmente quella giovanile, implementando le riforme economiche e strutturali e lo sviluppo sostenibile.

Dobbiamo, in sostanza, mettere alla prova il nuovo governo e misurare le sue capacità a lavorare per questi obiettivi. Non mancherà sicuramente il sostegno dell'Unione europea e lo stimolo in questa direzione, perché questi obiettivi effettivamente si raggiungano. Rimangono però alcune preoccupazioni, che riguardano l'indipendenza, l'affidabilità e l'imparzialità dei giudici e dei procuratori. Una giustizia che funziona è l'elemento essenziale di un paese che vuole essere democratico.

E infine, in merito alla missione Eulex, la risoluzione esprime la preoccupazione riguardo alle recenti accuse di corruzione e non vi è dubbio che abbiamo bisogno di trasparenza: ne va anche della stessa credibilità dell'Unione europea.

In definitiva credo che sia necessario lavorare per far avanzare il Kosovo sul terreno democratico, condizione di stabilità della regione, e appoggeremo la risoluzione perché va in questa direzione.


  Karol Karski, w imieniu grupy ECR. Pani Przewodnicząca! W roku 2005 raport niemieckiego wywiadu opisał Kosowo jako wielką sieć mafijną, cytuję: „uniemożliwiającą powstanie stabilnej politycznie i ekonomicznie struktury społeczno-politycznej”. Nie przeszkodziło to jednak poważnej części społeczności międzynarodowej w uznaniu niepodległości Kosowa. Chciałbym wyraźnie podkreślić, że był to poważny błąd geopolityczny. Uznano niepodległość nie państwa spełniającego wymogi podstawowej praworządności, ale raczej organizacji przestępczych tam działających, których konglomerat na miano państwa nie zasługiwał. Dzisiaj systemem tym rządzi kilkadziesiąt klanów mafijnych czerpiących gigantyczne dochody z handlu heroiną, żywym towarem i organami ludzkimi.

Pragnę ponadto przypomnieć, że Unia prowadzi formalne negocjacje akcesyjne z Serbią. Równorzędne zaangażowanie na rzecz Kosowa uderza w spójność naszej polityki zewnętrznej i może zaszkodzić stosunkom Unia-Serbia, co leży w bezpośrednim interesie Rosji. Putin bacznie obserwuje Bałkany i będzie się starał zniechęcić Serbię do zbliżenia z Unią Europejską. Jeśli utracimy Serbię, utracimy też całe Bałkany, oddając je w rosyjską strefę wpływów gospodarczych i politycznych. Zalecam więc szczególną ostrożność i wyważenie naszych europejskich interesów w tym regionie.

Pan komisarz zwrócił uwagę na kolejne odstępstwo, którego mamy się dopuścić w stosunku do Kosowa. Jednym odstępstwem było już dokonanie przedwczesnego uznania. W tej chwili mamy mieć do czynienia nie z umową mieszaną z udziałem państw członkowskich, tylko dla uproszczenia (dlatego że część państw członkowskich nie uznaje Kosowa) z umową zawieraną wyłącznie z Unią. Raz popełniono błąd i po raz kolejny popełnia się błędy.


  Hilde Vautmans, namens de ALDE-Fractie. Voorzitter, allereerst wil ik natuurlijk mevrouw Lunacek bedanken voor het werk dat zij gedaan heeft, om dit uitstekend en evenwichtig rapport ter wereld te brengen. Kosovo ligt me heel nauw aan het hart. Ik heb de eer en het genoegen gehad om het land drie maal te bezoeken, met onze toenmalige Belgische koning en met toenmalig eerste minister Guy Verhofstadt. Dat was onmiddellijk na de oorlog. Ik heb dus ook de vernielingen gezien. Ons detachement is trouwens pas in 2010 teruggekeerd naar België.

Op papier is Kosovo natuurlijk in 2014 dichter naar Europa toe geschoven maar in de praktijk dient er nog veel te gebeuren. Het verslag geeft een heel goed overzicht zowel van de realisaties, waarbij we de Kosovaren moed geven in hun hervormingsproces, als van de uitdagingen waar het land nog mee te kampen heeft. Voor mezelf en voor de ALDE-Fractie is het duidelijk dat het pad van Kosovo leidt naar een volledig erkende onafhankelijke staat die zich integreert in de Europese Unie. Dat moet het doel zijn.

Kosovo is echter één van de armste en meest corrupte landen van Europa en het kampt met een werkloosheidscijfer van meer dan 35 procent. Prishtina dient dus dringend, met de hulp van Europa, te werken aan haar rechtsstaat en aan strijd tegen corruptie en georganiseerde misdaad indien ze de exodus van haar burgers wil tegengaan. Deze exodus wordt geschat op 35.000 Kosovaren in de laatste drie maanden, een onwaarschijnlijk cijfer.

Daarom staan we dan ook als liberalen volledig achter de oproep die in deze resolutie staat voor de sociaal-economische hervormingen. Laat de burgers en de ondernemingen, de bedrijven opnieuw ondernemen. Maak van Kosovo opnieuw het prachtige land dat het is, want als je er naartoe gaat zie je de schoonheid.

Wij steunen dan ook heel graag, als ALDE, Kosovo in dit hervormings- en integratieproces.


  Κώστας Χρυσόγονος, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. Κυρία Πρόεδρε, πριν από 16 χρόνια ένας αριθμός κρατών μελών της ΕΕ μαζί με τις ΗΠΑ αποφάσισαν να καταπατήσουν την αρχή της μη αλλαγής συνόρων στην Ευρώπη και να αποσπάσουν με τη βία ένα μέρος της σερβικής επικράτειας για να το μετατρέψουν σε προτεκτοράτο.

Από τότε η διοίκηση του Κοσσυφοπεδίου έχει αποδειχθεί διαρκής ευρωπαϊκή αποτυχία, η οποία διαφαίνεται και από την τελευταία έκθεση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής. Το Ακαθάριστο Εγχώριο Προϊόν της περιοχής αυξάνεται, αλλά η αύξηση διοχετεύεται στο οργανωμένο έγκλημα, ενώ η εξαθλίωση των ανθρώπων ολοένα επιδεινώνεται και δημιουργεί κύμα φυγής προς την Ευρώπη, με αποτέλεσμα ο πληθυσμός από 2.200.000 το 2009 να έχει πέσει στο 1.800.000 το 2012. Οι εξαγωγές είναι πρακτικά ανύπαρκτες, η ανεργία - παρά τη μετανάστευση - βρίσκεται στο 30% και η διαφθορά κυριαρχεί.

Η Ένωση πρέπει να αναγνωρίσει την αποτυχία της και να περιορίσει την ανάμειξή της στο Κοσσυφοπέδιο. Περισσότερη ζημιά κάνουμε εκεί παρά όφελος.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, i nostri vicini del Kosovo hanno di fronte a loro in questo 2015 una situazione difficilissima, dipinta da un artista kosovaro con una grossa lettera "E" nera . "E" come esodo, Europa, economia ed Eulex, quattro problemi enormi che stanno affrontando.

La disoccupazione è a tassi incredibili, 30 % in generale, 56 % per gli under 24: un kosovaro su tre è sotto la soglia di povertà. Ecco perché dalle quattro alle cinquecento persone al giorno emigrano dal Kosovo con picchi addirittura di mille a inizio febbraio. Ecco perché diciottomila sono andati nella sola Germania. Tutti preda delle false promesse propugnate da spietate organizzazioni criminali di trafficanti umani serbi e albanesi.

Questo deve portare le forze politiche del Kosovo al senso di responsabilità per una lotta decisa contro corruzione, criminalità organizzata e una vera politica economica e sociale, in grado di risollevare il paese dalla sua crisi, perché senza i suoi figli a lavorare per migliorare la propria patria, il Kosovo non potrà guardare al futuro con ottimismo.

L'ampiezza della sfida è stata anche analizzata bene dalla risoluzione della collega Lunacek e saluto l'ottimo lavoro fatto finora. Ricordiamo che Serbia e Kosovo dovranno continuare parallelamente sul binario dell'adesione e noi lavoreremo con loro affinché questo binario sia dritto.


  David McAllister (PPE). Frau Präsidentin, meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren! Ich bin vor drei Wochen im Kosovo gewesen und habe unter anderem mit Premierminister Mustafa gesprochen. Thema dort war auch der vorliegende Berichtsentwurf. Ich möchte mich ausdrücklich im Namen der EVP-Fraktion bei Frau Lunacek für ihre gute Arbeit als Berichterstatterin bedanken.

Ein beherrschendes Thema in Priština war die Auswanderungswelle von Asylbewerbern aus dem Kosovo in die Europäische Union. Das ist heute angesprochen worden, davon ist Deutschland ganz besonders betroffen. Erste wichtige Maßnahmen, wie zusätzliche Grenzkontrollen, scheinen zu kurzfristigen Erfolgen beizutragen. Ich möchte aber die Gelegenheit nutzen – weil die Botschafterin des Kosovo bei der Europäischen Union heute Abend diese Debatte mitverfolgt – ausdrücklich zu unterstreichen, was meine Vorredner bereits gesagt haben: Entscheidend ist eine Informationskampagne vor Ort. Das Kosovo ist de facto ein sicheres Herkunftsland, Asylanträge von Kosovaren haben keine Chance auf Anerkennung in Deutschland. Mittel- und langfristig wird sich die Situation im Kosovo aber nur verbessern, wenn sich die wirtschaftliche Lage ebendort spürbar erholt. Die Europäische Union ist dazu bereit, ihren Beitrag zu leisten. Es gibt viel zu tun im Kosovo. Wir sollten dieses Land gemeinsam unterstützen.


  Daniele Viotti (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il 2014 è stato un anno importante per il Kosovo e per il suo processo di avvicinamento all'Unione europea. La firma dell'accordo di stabilizzazione e associazione ha creato le basi per la creazione di uno spazio economico unico ma non dobbiamo fermarci qui. Dobbiamo andare oltre la creazione di un mercato unico e creare un'area in cui tutti possono godere pienamente dei loro diritti fondamentali.

Anche da questo punto di vista il 2014 è stato un anno importante per il Kosovo. Il governo ha istituito un gruppo consultivo di coordinamento per i diritti delle persone LGBTI e il 17 maggio si è svolto il primo Pride nazionale a Pristina in occasione della giornata mondiale della lotta contro l'omofobia e la transfobia. Sono contento di constatare che, a differenza di quanto avvenuto in altri paesi della regione, non ci sono stati incidenti e che i palazzi governativi, le organizzazioni internazionali e le ambasciate dei paesi UE hanno esposto la bandiera arcobaleno e altri simboli a sostegno del movimento.

Ringrazio anch'io la collega Lunacek, nonostante ci sia ancora molta strada da fare, per la sua ottima relazione, che mi auguro domani possa raccogliere quanti più voti possibile qui in Parlamento.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). Бих искал първоначално да поздравя уважаемата от мен г-жа Луначек за сериозната работа, която извършихме заедно. За мен беше истинско предизвикателство да бъда неин докладчик в сянка по този доклад. Докладът отразява обективно ситуацията в Косово, очертава ясно проблемите, очертава и постигнатите резултати. Няма как да не бъдат споменати проблемите, няма как да не се споменат съмненията за корупция, свързани с една от европейските институции, няма как да не бъде споменато, разбира се, и високото ниво на организирана престъпност, свързана с наркотрафик и други тежки криминални престъпления. Това, което мен ме безпокои най-много обаче, е възможността и наличието на бази-убежища на бойци, които пътуват от Европа към Ислямска държава и които застрашават по някакъв начин, връщайки се обратно, и нашия континент. На това също трябва да бъде обърнато внимание.


  Илхан Кючюк (ALDE). Изминалата 2014 г. може да бъде отбелязана като значима за европейската интеграция на Косово. Споразумението за стабилизиране и асоцииране беше инициирано и очакваме тази пролет да стане факт. В страната се проведоха избори, които бяха определени като демократични и прозрачни от всички международни наблюдатели. Въпреки трудния политически диалог между основните политически партии, продължил 6 месеца, беше съставено правителство.

Сега от изключителна важност е Косово да продължи с реформите от ключово значение, които ще спомогнат за подобряване на икономическата среда. Твърде проблемни остават професионализмът и прозрачността в съдебната система, борбата с организираната престъпност и високите нива на корупция. Необходимо е започването на икономически реформи за ефективна борба с безработицата. В тази връзка смятам за навременно Съветът да приеме решение и да подпише рамково споразумение за участие на Косово в програмите на Европейския съюз. Това ще спомогне за икономическия растеж на страната и ще засили сътрудничеството с Европейския съюз в различни секторни политики.


  László Tőkés (PPE). Koszovó nemrégen kivívott függetlenségének eufórikus örömével éles ellentétben áll mindaz, amit jelenleg tapasztalunk az országban. A súlyosbodó belpolitikai helyzet, a növekvő szegénység és munkanélküliség, a sokrétű szociális gondok közepette az új állam lakosai igazából sem az elnyert szabadságnak, sem az Unió támogatásának nem örvendhetnek. Éppen ezért tízezrével választják a kivándorlás útját.

A reményvesztett helyzet kialakulásáért elsősorban a hazai politikai osztályt terheli a felelősség. Ennek összefüggésében viszont az országot létrehívó nemzetek közösségének is fokozott felelősséget és áldozatot kell vállalnia a mélyülő válság orvoslásában.

A koszovói kormány és az Európai Unió, az integrációs együttműködés keretében, csak odahaza – Koszovóban – találhat megoldást a vészes kivándorlás megállítására. A csatlakozás útján járó Szerbiát ugyancsak arra kell késztetni, hogy ne akadályozza, hanem mozdítsa elő jobb sorsra érdemes volt tartománya kibontakozását. Ezáltal is a jóvátétel és a megbékélés ügyét szolgálva.


  Csaba Molnár (S&D). Európa 2008-ban lehetővé tette, hogy Koszovó kikiáltsa a függetlenségét. Elindulhatott a balkáni békefolyamat, és karnyújtásnyi távolságba került a balkáni országoknak is az európai uniós tagság lehetősége.

A 2014-es koszovói kivándorlás azonban rámutatott valamennyiünknek, hogy ez nem elegendő, amit a koszovóiakért tettünk. Hogyan lehetséges az, hogy egy ország lakosságának az egyharmada kivándorolni készül egy országból, és elindul Európa felé. Ma ugyanis a koszovóiaknak csak kettő választásuk van: vagy otthon elszenvedik azt a szegénységet, amibe csak belefulladni lehet, vagy pedig megpróbálnak Európában a saját munkájukból megélni. Ezért Európának felelősséget kell vállalnia minden koszovóiért, azokért is, akik otthon maradnak, és azokért is, akik elindulnak Európa felé,

Ma sajnos az Európai Unióban azzal szembesülünk, hogy nemegyszer szélsőséges pártok próbálnak belpolitikai tőkét kovácsolni ebből az ügyből, sőt Magyarországon azt látjuk, hogy a kormánypárt is megélhetési bevándorlókként próbálja leírni a koszovói menekülteket. Azt látjuk, hogy a koszovóiaknak a függetlenség a kezdeti öröm után csak reménytelenséget hozott, ezért sok dolga van Európának, és sok dolga van az európai uniós tagállamoknak is: kirekesztés helyett a befogadás politikáját kell képviselnünk.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). Madam President, first let me express my appreciation and thanks to Ulrike Lunacek for her report and for her engagement in the issue of Kosovo.

Following the long pause after the elections, the new Kosovo Government needs to concentrate on substantial issues concerning the country’s development. It is clear what will be the consequences of failure in economic and social policies. Kosovo needs urgently to address the economic development and extremely high unemployment. The recent growth of asylum seekers is just one among many visible consequences.

For our part, we should be ready to adopt the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and move on with visa liberalisation. On the other hand, it is crucial that the new government prioritises the issues of the fight against corruption and organised crime. Also we still await the results of the investigation concerning the allegation of corruption in EULEX. If we want to remain credible – and we want to remain credible – we should be able to shed light on this case.


  Bogusław Liberadzki (S&D). Pani Przewodnicząca! Chciałem pogratulować pani Lunacek sprawozdania, rzeczywiście wyważonego. Z taką dużą sympatią odnotowałem zwłaszcza ostatnie zdanie pana komisarza Hahna, że „jest to proces obiecujący”. W czasie tej debaty mówiliśmy o wszelkiego rodzaju mankamentach, niedostatkach i wręcz można by powiedzieć bardzo negatywnym rozwoju wewnątrz Kosowa, o czy zresztą pan Karol Karski bardzo wyraźnie mówił.

Podstawowy problem, z jakim się tam spotykamy, to perspektywa dla tych ludzi, szansa, kim mają być, jakie mają szanse w ramach tego niedużego czy wręcz bardzo małego państwa. I to, o czym my rozmawiamy, kiedy rozmawiamy o możliwym członkostwie w Unii, stowarzyszeniu z nią, to właśnie danie im perspektywy. Myślę, że taką perspektywę jesteśmy im winni jako Unia Europejska po tych wszystkich doświadczeniach, które ten region przechodził.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). Pridružujem se čestitki in zahvali gospe Lunacek za dobro poročilo, ki res podrobno prikaže situacijo v... na Kosovem. Prej smo govorili o Srbiji, kjer je bilo sporočilo in poročilo bolj spodbudno, kot je to iz Kosova, kajti tudi realnost je na Kosovem težja.

Osnovne točke, ki so v poročilu in so bile tudi danes tu predstavljene, so ključne. Problem brezposelnosti, problem, ki mnogim ljudem na Kosovem ne daje upanja in jih pripelje tako daleč, da se prepustijo v roke nezakonitim in kriminalnim združbam, ki trgujejo s temi ljudmi. Tudi v deželi, iz katere prihajam, je cela vrsta ljudi s Kosova, ki iščejo prihodnost. Kajti razlagajo, kako težko je doma, ko ni dela in ko so tudi delovna mesta plačana z zelo nizkimi sredstvi.

Podpiram prizadevanja za res pravno državo in pa nadaljevanje dobrega sodelovanja s Srbijo, kajti skupno dobro sodelovanje je porok za napredek obeh držav.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, I welcome the resolution approved in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and I believe it is a positive step forward. More efforts need to be made to strengthen the rule of law and the judiciary to combat corruption and organised crime, to reduce unemployment, enact structural economic reforms and promote sustainable development.

I strongly support the amendments made by our group: the focus on the importance of transparent media, the role of women in government and progress in the negotiations with Serbia. We, from Romania, are following these negotiations very closely and we are going to take them into account.

We need to increase cooperation in the fight against terrorism and radicalisation. We need, regarding the role of EULEX, to have a broad and deep analysis in order to assess the overall effectiveness of the mission. A call for full transparency is crucial for the credibility of the European institutions.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η δράση εξτρεμιστικών ισλαμικών στοιχείων στο Κόσσοβο δημιουργεί έντονες ανησυχίες στην περιοχή. Ήδη έχουν γίνει μαζικές συλλήψεις υπόπτων για συμμετοχή σε πολεμικές επιχειρήσεις στο Ιράκ και στη Συρία. Προβληματικός είναι επίσης και ο ρόλος συγκεκριμένων Μη Κυβερνητικών Οργανώσεων με προέλευση τη Σαουδική Αραβία και το Κατάρ.

Τα αυξημένα μεταναστευτικά κύματα από το Κόσσοβο σε χώρες της Ένωσης, με πολυπληθείς αλβανικές μειονότητες, εντείνουν την ανησυχία των πολιτών της Ένωσης. Ταυτόχρονα, η αναβίωση του αλβανικού εθνικισμού είναι ιδιαίτερα ανησυχητική, καθώς τα Τίρανα προωθούν με μοχλό το Κόσσοβο την αλυτρωτική ιδέα της Μεγάλης Αλβανίας που διεκδικεί αλλαγή συνόρων στα Βαλκάνια και εδάφη τα οποία ανήκουν στην Ελλάδα.

Τέλος, κυρία Πρόεδρε, διερωτώμαι πώς μπορεί να γίνει κάποτε μέλος, ενδεχόμενα, της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης το Κόσσοβο από τη στιγμή που πέντε κράτη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης δεν αναγνωρίζουν καν το Κόσσοβο ως κρατική οντότητα.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospođo predsjednice, pred Kosovom su velike reforme. Želimo poduprijeti Kosovo na njegovom europskom putu, želimo s druge strane reći da su reforme apsolutno neophodne. Želim posebno naglasiti ono što nitko ovdje nije spominjao, a to je potreba zaštite prava srpske zajednice na Kosovu.

Jedan sam od onih koji se svugdje zalažu za prava manjina, pogotovo Srba u Hrvatskoj pa zato želim govoriti i o potrebi zaštite Srba na Kosovu. Želim istaknuti to da ovdje govorimo o budućnosti Balkana. Danas smo o tome govorili. Na razne načine, suprotstavljajući se. Volio bih vidjeti jednog dana cijeli Balkan u Europskoj uniji, jer vjerujem da je to jedina prava budućnost za taj dio Europe.


  James Carver (EFDD). Madam President, by virtue of my own Romany-Gypsy heritage I feel I have a duty to raise the long history of discrimination against the Roma minority living in Kosovo. There are huge issues with regard to healthcare, education, housing, poverty, unemployment and opportunity. The Roma are increasingly taking their chance, and heading west across the European Union. From my perspective, this long history of discrimination is not acceptable. The Roma should be made to feel more comfortable in their countries of choice.

We have a perspective from the British traveller communities of a lack of provision for traveller sites. I fear, as more Roma head to the United Kingdom, that this puts extra pressure on our own proud travelling communities and could possibly lead to a wider anti—Gypsy backlash.


  Ignazio Corrao (EFDD). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, anch'io volevo complimentarmi con il lavoro svolto dalla collega Lunacek, che è sicuramente una relazione costruttiva, perché stiamo parlando probabilmente, rispetto agli altri paesi di cui abbiamo discusso prima, della situazione più difficile, dal momento che il Kosovo, oltre a essere il paese più giovane, è anche un paese che non è riconosciuto da cinque Stato membro dell'Unione europea, e già solo questo ci deve far pensare.

L'accordo di stabilizzazione e associazione è sicuramente un buon primo passo: però non vorrei che, essendo un primo passo troppo veloce, diventi un passo più lungo della gamba e quindi rischiamo di interrompere quello che deve essere un naturale processo, che deve portare tutti i Balcani all'interno dell'Unione europea.

Sappiamo tutti che ci sono dei problemi legati alla criminalità organizzata e al pericolo del terrorismo: quindi è bene che cerchiamo di guardare con uno spirito ancora più costruttivo in futuro alle relazioni con questo paese per portarlo nell'Unione.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I would like to thank Members for their continuing support for initiatives on Kosovo. The draft resolution discussed today is a very constructive one and I would also like to thank Mrs Lunacek for her work, which I can imagine was not always easy.

It quite clearly shows Kosovo’s structural problems, both with regard to the economy and the rule of law, but also points to the way forward. Therefore, I strongly believe that signing and concluding the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) this year will send an encouraging signal to all Kosovo citizens that Kosovo’s future lies in continuing its progress towards Europe. The SAA will help further consolidate the country’s engagement on European integration, provide an important stimulus to pursue necessary reforms and address Kosovo’s economic challenges.

Let me also thank, in the presence of the Ambassador, the leading authorities of Kosovo, and in particular the President of State and the Prime Minister but also others, for the immediate, quick and tough reaction to the immigration flow we faced at the end of last year by communicating in the country itself that it does not make sense to leave the country to try to apply for asylum which is not recognised. All these efforts have led to a sustainable decline in migrants and this is proof of the quality the administration and the politicians have already reached in Kosovo. Please pass on my thanks to the authorities in the country itself.

Perhaps I can do this myself because I will have the pleasure of being there in two weeks’ time when we can participate in a Western Balkan Six conference hosted by Kosovo dealing with connectivity in the area of transport. I think this is already a very good signal of the fact that Kosovo is fully participating in all the activities in the region itself, trying to better connect the countries in the region and to contribute to peace and stability, to growth, to jobs and to prosperity in the region.

I wish you all the best and once again thank Members of the Parliament for this very constructive work and contribution in the interest of Kosovo and therefore in Europe’s interests.


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, the EU will continue to assist Kosovo of course, including through its strengthened presence on the ground. However, the primary responsibility for progress lies with Kosovo, its leaders, institutions and civil society.

The Council recognises the importance of concluding the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo as soon as possible. It will be an important contribution to regional stability, closely linking Kosovo to its European integration path, and creating an additional incentive for reforms in Kosovo.

The Council now awaits proposals from the Commission to be able to proceed with the Council decision, with a view to concluding the agreement without delay. Reforms are crucial and will require the political leaders to live up to their responsibilities for the good of Kosovo and of its citizens. Key EU—related reforms are essential, not just to please the EU, but because they are in the interests of Kosovo and in the interests of its citizens.


   I have received one motion for a resolution See Minutes. from the Committee on Foreign Affairs tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

I have received one motion for a resolution See Minutes. from the Committee on Foreign Affairs tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Wednesday, 11 March 2015.

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