President. – The next item is the report by Pier Antonio Panzeri, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2013 and the European’s Union’s policy on the matter (2014/2216(INI)) (A8-0023/2015).
Pier Antonio Panzeri,relatore.– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la relazione sui diritti umani del Parlamento europeo rappresenta un importante strumento di valutazione delle politiche messe in campo dall'Unione europea. Sottolineo già subito il lavoro importante svolto dal rappresentante speciale. Con questa relazione abbiamo scelto un approccio tematico in luogo di quello geografico e pensiamo che sia di grande utilità, perché individua alcune linee guida sulle quali impegnare il Parlamento europeo, la stessa Commissione europea e i singoli Commissari nelle loro politiche.
Cari colleghi, nel 1872 a Vienna comparve un piccolo classico del liberalismo giuridico, La lotta per il diritto, di Rudolf von Jhering, che fu ripubblicato come un anticorpo negli anni del fascismo nel mio paese da Benedetto Croce. Oggi è senza dubbio più giusto parlare di lotta per i diritti, che si dirama dalla difesa dei diritti sociali e civili, fino alle proteste dei giovani ad Hong Kong e che può essere sintetizzata con le parole di Hannah Arendt, il "diritto ad avere diritti". Ma per evitare che tutto questo rappresenti solo uno slogan bisogna ricordare quella frase nella sua completezza: "Il diritto ad avere diritti, o il diritto di ogni individuo ad appartenere all'umanità, dovrebbe essere garantito dall'umanità stessa".
È del tutto evidente che così la costruzione dei diritti si fa impegnativa ed esige una politica dell'umanità, l'opposto di quella politica del disgusto di cui qualcuno ha parlato a proposito delle discriminazioni degli omosessuali, ma che ritroviamo in troppi casi di rifiuto dell'altro.
Nel tempo che stiamo vivendo i diritti sono indicati come un lusso incompatibile con la crisi economica, con la diminuzione delle risorse finanziarie e anche con l'esigenza di stabilità interna di alcuni paesi – penso ai paesi del nostro vicinato. Ma mi chiedo: nel momento in cui la promessa dei diritti non viene adempiuta o è rimossa, da che cosa stiamo prendendo congedo? Quando si restringono i diritti riguardanti il lavoro, la salute, l'istruzione, i diritti civili, si incide sulle premesse di una democrazia. Non sono quindi i diritti ad essere insaziabili: lo è la pretesa dell'economia di stabilire quali siano i diritti compatibili con essa.
Ecco quindi che la riflessione sui diritti ci porta nel cuore di una discussione culturale che va al di là della contingenza e rivela come i riferimenti alla crisi economica e alla nuova geopolitica abbiamo soltanto reso più evidente una trasformazione e un conflitto assai più profondi, che riguardano il modo stesso in cui si deve guardare all'evoluzione delle nostre società, della stessa società globale.
Con questa relazione vogliamo mandare un semplice messaggio e cioè che i diritti non invadono la democrazia ma impongono di riflettere come dev'essere esercitata la discrezionalità politica: proprio in tempi così difficili i criteri per la loro distribuzione devono essere fondati sull'obbligo di rendere possibile l'attuazione, perché il problema concreto che abbiamo non è la dismisura dei diritti ma la loro negazione determinata dalle disuguaglianze, dalla povertà, dalle discriminazioni e dalla violenza sulle donne, che cancellano la dignità stessa della persona.
Quindi c'è molto da fare e, in definitiva, penso che il compito dell'Europa sia quello di tenere alta la sfida, mostrando la coerenza necessaria per vincere davvero questa sfida sui diritti umani ovunque.
Federica Mogherini,VPC/HR.– Signor Presidente, onorevoli parlamentari, vorrei iniziare ringraziando il relatore e tutti quelli che hanno lavorato con lui per la relazione eccellente ed estremamente utile per accompagnare l'inizio del mio lavoro sul campo dei diritti umani e affermando che condivido non solo l'analisi ma anche l'invito.
Il nostro compito, quello dell'Unione europea, è quello di tenere alta la sfida e al tempo stesso trovare i modi concreti per fare dei piccoli grandi passi avanti in ognuna delle situazioni in cui i diritti umani sono o violati o messi in discussione.
Mr President, I will continue in English to say that it is a great honour for me to participate in the discussion on the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy. As your report rightly recalls, the Charter of Fundamental Rights affirms that we must place the individual and human dignity at the centre of EU activities.
Protection of human rights is, and will remain, the over-arching priority of our external action. It is not just one of the priorities, but the over-arching priority, and must remain the solid foundation underpinning all our relations with third countries. This House embodies this commitment. Parliament has constantly promoted human rights in its everyday political work with very concrete actions. It has visited countries in which these rights are threatened. Your urgency debates and the highly symbolic value of the Sakharov prize, these actions are key components of parliamentary diplomacy and are needed as a fundamental element of our overall European policy on democracy and human rights.
Human rights in the world remain a challenge, but I share the view that we have moved forward on a number of important areas; in particular since the adoption of the 2012 human rights package and through our first EU action plan on human rights for the phase 2012-2015. The plan has allowed the European Union to fulfil a number of important objectives. All European actors have been engaged and committed to working on human rights and it has become a fully-owned process. We have given ourselves the tools to start applying and mainstreaming human rights into our external policies. We have announced our visibility and accountability in this area, thanks to the human rights dialogues that we have engaged in with our strategic partners in the course of these past years.
Your support in implementing this action plan has been crucial. Now I believe it is time to move forward and in particular to structure our common work based on a well-defined set of priorities. Since I have assumed my duties, I have engaged in moving the human rights agenda forward, starting with the definition of a new action plan and I want this action plan to be based, not just on a list of actions, but on political priorities. In this framework, I think one of our priorities should be to support democratic transitions around us. Our diplomatic efforts and your parliamentary work should go hand in hand in a mutually supportive way.
In this respect, I am pleased to see in your report that you appreciate our efforts to report regularly to this House, in the many formats that we have agreed. We are also engaging more in reaching out to civil society organisations as key partners in order to consult on key EU human rights and policy developments. Holding consultations with civil society before and after human rights dialogues, on all important policy developments and after the meetings of the Council working party on human rights, has become systematic practice.
Our annual NGO human rights forum in December last year, attended by more than 200 civil society participants from around the world, has been a key opportunity to discuss and review European policies in the area of freedom of expression.
I am delighted to see that you share the deep appreciation I have for the action of the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, and a former colleague of yours, Stavros Lambrinidis. Stavros – I am not saying this as he is sitting next to me – is invaluable in helping us to promote our human rights priorities across the world, engaging with key partners, enhancing cooperation with regional mechanisms, and advancing the universality of human rights.
It is with great pleasure that I can officially announce here to you today that I decided to extend his mandate and that the Council endorsed this decision.
Coming back to our joint work of setting priorities for our human rights action, allow me some substantial remarks. On a general point, let me say I fully share your approach. It is high time we put all our efforts into improving EU internal and external coherence. If we want to strengthen the credibility of the Union as a global actor we all need to seriously consider the human rights impacts that our policy has outside our borders, as well as our efforts in the external domain, which must be complementary to the work that Vice—President Timmermans is doing to ensure compliance of EU policies with the Charter of Fundamental Rights. We need to be consistent on human rights outside and inside our borders – I would say inside our borders first of all to have real credibility when we act outside.
I would now like to focus on our priorities: when reading Parliament’s report I recognise many issues which I also would like to prioritise in the new Action Plan. Let me give you a few examples. Besides addressing the need to increase the internal-external coherence of our policies, I would first like to announce our support to civil society – political, technical and financial support as well as redoubling our efforts to fight its ever shrinking space in so many countries.
Secondly, I think that we need to address the massive human rights violations and abuses that take place in conflicts and crisis around us. We must improve our capacity to prevent these violations and increase the effectiveness of the international mechanism to tackle impunity.
Thirdly, promoting human rights is not an abstract exercise. We have concrete tools we can use at European Union level, but we must improve their effectiveness. Let me say a few words on this. It is my intention that our dialogues on human rights not remain an isolated opportunity for the discussion of human rights issues. In my view they should rather feed into all bilateral contacts with partner countries, and that is also how the work that Stavros is doing coordinates very much with the level of commitment I have with all our partners and interlocutors in the world.
Fourthly, I want to step up our promotion of the rights of children, LGBTI and women, as well as the freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, which would include guidelines increasing awareness of our human rights which would be directed, above all, at EU staff and also at Member States’ diplomats. I appreciate in this context the efforts you want to make to ensure that your delegations, which have very close contacts with so many countries around the world, also focus more on promoting these values. I think that in this respect we can coordinate our efforts along similar lines.
Fifthly, in the context of promoting the indivisibility and universality of human rights we will continue promoting and defending economic, social, cultural rights not least through our unequalled—in—scope development aid. In this context, too, I believe that the European Union can become a leader in implementing the UN guiding principles on business and human rights as recommended by Mr Howitt in his parliamentary report on corporate, social responsibility.
With regard to religious minorities – a major concern for all of us – I have already started to engage together with our partners to fight against violence committed in the name of religion and take action to address the root causes, – be they social, economic but also political – of radicalisation in our societies and in the Middle East but also in other places of the world, like Pakistan and Afghanistan. But, let me stress also, in our societies and here, again, we have to work more on the internal-external dimension of our policies.
I am convinced that promoting freedom of religion, freedom of expression must be a key component of the fight against terrorism and a visible part of it. There can be no security, no stability without human rights and I think we have to remind not only ourselves but also our partners every single day. Over the last few months we have condemned in the strongest possible terms the massive abuses of human rights perpetrated by Daesh and sow alliances to counter these terrorists.
Furthermore, the European Union and its Member States are spearheading the international response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria and we are strongly engaged in Iraq. The EU humanitarian policy in this year will focus aid on hard-to-reach areas where there are unmet needs and particularly vulnerable groups. In Syria, in areas of reduced violence, we are exploring targeted programmes for minorities in order to ensure the safety of all ethnic and religious communities; facilitate an inclusive transition, meet special needs and support the reintegration of vulnerable groups in society.
We also support efforts by actors working on the ground to ensure that human rights abuses and violations are being documented for future accountability.
I am very grateful for the many and valuable suggestions and recommendations that I found in your report and I count on your support in finding ways of implementing them together. I look forward to our debate for even more suggestions and ideas in this respect.
Heidi Hautala,rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Development.– Mr President, it is always an important day when we discuss the annual human rights report in this House, and it is my pleasure, on behalf of the Committee on Development, to say that Mr Panzeri has fully incorporated development policy and development cooperation into our response to the annual report. I have full faith that the High Representative also sees the development policy as an integral part of our external relations.
I am also very proud of the nomination of the Special Representative – Mr Stavros Lambrinidis. I think it was a fortunate decision that was taken by your predecessor, and we see now the result. Congratulations for the work you are doing. I believe that Mr Panzeri has produced a report which shows that, indeed, there are many important human rights issues related to development cooperation and development policy. I am also confident, Madam High Representative, that as a Vice—President of the European Commission, you have a good level of cooperation with DG DEVCO, the Directorate-General for Development.
A human rights—based approach to development seems to be so natural to us already that it is not even mentioned in the report, but I trust that the work will be taken on. The priorities that you have just listed correspond very well also to what Parliament and the Committee on Development have perceived, including corporate accountability.
Jana Žitňanská,spravodajkyňa Výboru pre práva žien a rodovú rovnosť požiadaného o stanovisko– Keď sa občanov krajiny Európskej únie spýtate, ktoré problémy v súvislosti s postavením žien považujú za najnaliehavejšie, až 59 % z nich pomenuje násilie na ženách. Ako autorke stanoviska k práve prerokúvanej správe za Výbor pre práva žien mi preto dovoľte upriamiť Vašu pozornosť na to, čo pri téme násilia považujem za najdôležitejšie. Za najdôležitejšie považujem, aby štáty pracovali na budovaní atmosféry dôvery, aby sa nestávalo, že keď žena je obeťou násilia, po prežitej traume narazí na neochotu, zľahčovanie a neprofesionalitu. Aby nikomu ani len nenapadlo začať obeť prehovárať, že sa vlastne nič nestalo. Členské štáty sa musia dôsledne starať o vyškolenie zdravotníckych pracovníkov, príslušníkov polície, prokurátorov a sudcov tak, aby títo vedeli obetiam násilia rýchlo a profesionálne pomôcť. Ďalšia, ešte náročnejšia úloha pre nás všetkých spočíva v zmene myslenia najmä mladšej generácie. Túto zmenu ale žiadny legislatívny text sám nezabezpečí, je to najmä na nás. Mnohí z nás sme z krajiny, kde sú modriny a facky ešte stále tabu a vnímané ako niečo normálne. Prosím, prejavujme naďalej intenzívnu snahu dodávať obetiam odvahu a stojme pevne za nimi.
Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE.– Domnule președinte, vreau să încep prin a-l felicita pe autorul raportului, colegul Panzeri. Suntem la sfârșitul mai multor luni de reflecție, de negocieri între grupurile politice ale Parlamentului și aș vrea să spun că, din punctul meu de vedere, sunt bucuros să văd că textul pe care îl vom vota mâine reflectă în mod corect preocuparea pe care o are Grupul PPE față de protejarea și promovarea drepturilor omului și a democrației. Insist asupra acestei duble componente: este vorba și despre drepturile omului, și despre democrație. Sunt două lucruri diferite, dar pentru noi sunt legate și de aici cred că ar trebui să pornim și plasarea în context a acestui raport.
Cred că raportul dlui Panzeri, în forma la care am ajuns, subliniază foarte bine atitudinea Uniunii față de drepturile omului și față de democrație. Cred că trebuie să fim mândri de felul în care vedem democrația și, respectiv, drepturile omului. Spun acest lucru și după dezbaterea furtunoasă pe care am avut-o mai devreme când, din păcate, unul dintre colegii noștri a afirmat aici în plen că, din punctul de vedere al democrației, Rusia ar sta mai bine decât Uniunea. Eu cred că raportul arată foarte bine de ce o țară ca Rusia nu stă mai bine decât Uniunea din punctul de vedere al democrației și, evident, din punctul de vedere al drepturilor omului.
Vreau să spun că, dacă Uniunea promovează în exteriorul său drepturile omului și democrația, trebuie, evident, să respecte aceste drepturi în interior, dar acest raport nu are ca obiect situația drepturilor omului în interiorul Uniunii și în interiorul statelor membre. Spun aceasta pentru că am avut diverse discuții cu colegii din Comisia LIBE care, pe drept cuvânt, au spus că această chestiune este tratată în respectiva comisie.
Uniunea Europeană nu trebuie să sugereze statelor membre ce decizii să ia, de pildă, cu privire la legalizarea avorturilor sau la căsătoriile între persoane de același sex. Noi credem în principiul subsidiarității, noi credem că aceste chestiuni țin de conștiința fiecăruia și vreau să îi mulțumesc dlui Panzeri pentru deschiderea pe care a arătat-o în gestionarea acestor chestiuni.
Elena Valenciano, en nombre del Grupo S&D.– Señor Presidente, debatimos esta tarde un informe excelente. Desde mi punto de vista, se trata de un informe trabajado con rigor, objetividad y con mucha profundidad. Pero, desgraciadamente, no hay tantas buenas noticias en el campo de los derechos humanos. Están renaciendo algunos monstruos que creíamos haber derrotado para siempre: el fanatismo, la intolerancia, el racismo. Y los derechos humanos están en peligro. No es una frase. Es una constatación.
Y por eso, esta Cámara esta tarde tiene que afirmar sin matices su compromiso con los derechos humanos y con el imperio de la ley, para su defensa, y con la primacía de los valores de la democracia y de la dignidad para todos los seres humanos del mundo. La lucha contra el terrorismo y la crisis económica están ayudando a que, en algunas zonas del mundo, los derechos humanos retrocedan. Y tenemos que comprometernos, por eso, con el imperio de la ley para defender a todos, más allá de nuestra prioridad, que es, sin duda, la seguridad de todos.
Compromiso de esta Cámara y coherencia de la Unión Europea. No podemos, como sucede en algunos casos, condenar con una mano y firmar acuerdos con la otra. No podemos seguir manteniendo la doble cara —que, a veces, mantenemos— en cuanto a la defensa de los derechos humanos. Y para dar lecciones al resto del mundo, nosotros tenemos que dar primero ejemplo. Ejemplo. Y por eso, el capítulo que se refiere a las empresas, a los negocios y a los derechos humanos me parece un capítulo fundamental y una tarea fundamental que tenemos que desarrollar: la defensa de los derechos humanos. Y que nuestras empresas europeas en los terceros países se preocupen por este respeto de los derechos humanos. Es una responsabilidad de la Unión Europea como potencia de potencias. ¿Por qué no convertirnos en la potencia humana que tanta gente espera, más allá de nuestras fronteras?
Y déjeme un minuto para que felicite al señor Lambrinidis, por el excelente trabajo que hace y por la renovación de su mandato.
Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie.– Voorzitter, dit verslag is een lijvig werkstuk geworden, dat een heleboel ontwikkelingen beschrijft. Mijn felicitaties aan de rapporteur. Sommige ontwikkelingen zijn positief. De EU heeft meer en meer instrumenten om beleid rond mensenrechten te voeren. Maar soms moet de politieke wil nog wel gekoppeld worden aan dat instrumentarium. In sommige regio’s, zoals Zuid-Amerika, zien we vooruitgang. In andere regio’s gaat de situatie van de mensenrechten erop achteruit. Rusland, vandaag al uitgebreid besproken, is helaas één van die regio’s. Het land is een strategische uitdaging geworden.
In dat verband wil ik even inzoomen op de verwijzing in de resolutie naar de zorgwekkende situatie op de Krim. De Tataren zijn een klein maar fier volk. Een deel van hun verleden is in nevelen gehuld. Het andere deel is een verhaal van deportaties en discriminatie. De Krim is hun thuisland. De betrekkingen tussen de Krim-Tataren en de etnische Russen waren altijd vredelievend. Maar die tolerantie is helaas weg. Internationale organisaties bevestigen dat Krim-Tataren en Oekraïners systematisch gediscrimineerd worden. Fundamentele burgerrechten, zoals gezondheidszorg en een job, worden hen ontzegd als ze blijven vasthouden aan hun Oekraïens paspoort. De speciale VN-mensenrechtengezant mag de Krim niet meer in.
De wereld kijkt naar de teloorgang van een volk, ofschoon we allemaal vinden dat minderheden wereldwijd beschermd moeten worden. De vervolgingen van religieuze minderheden in het Midden-Oosten worden in de resolutie terecht veroordeeld. Maar laat ons de Krim, een jaar na de annexatie, ook niet vergeten!
Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, en nombre del Grupo ALDE.– Señor Presidente, quiero felicitar al señor Panzeri por este informe que es un ejemplo de informe inclusivo. Ha conseguido no solamente incorporar a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, sino también incluir muchas preocupaciones que nos corresponden a todos.
Han conseguido incluir, algo a mi entender especialmente destacable, la consideración de la impunidad, la justicia penal internacional, el respeto de la libertad de expresión, los derechos de mujeres, niños, LGBTI…, pero quería destacar también una cosa, y en esto tengo que dar las gracias al señor Auštrevičius, que hoy no puede estar aquí: se trata de la referencia a lo que nos compete en la protección de los defensores de los derechos humanos. Ellos vienen al Parlamento, nos cuentan, nos iluminan, y luego vuelven a sus respectivos lugares y ven que están en peligro por haberse expuesto.
Déjenme que me centre y destaque uno de los 215 apartados, creo, que están en este estupendo informe: el que tiene que ver con el acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento como derecho humano esencial reconocido por las Naciones Unidas desde el año 2010. Es algo que aceptamos pero que no cumplimos. Parece mentira, pero no hablamos de que hay un 15 % de la población mundial que no tiene acceso a un retrete; estamos hablando de 1 000 millones de personas que se ven expuestas a la defecación al aire libre. Hay un niño que muere cada dos minutos y medio por diarreas que son perfectamente prevenibles. No faltan recursos. Falta voluntad. Podemos prevenir el cólera, el tifus, la hepatitis, la polio, las lombrices... La defecación al aire libre contribuye a la disminución del desarrollo físico y cognitivo, y además de amenazar la salud y el desarrollo de las personas contribuye a la violencia sexual.
Yo quiero hoy, humildemente, romper el silencio y apoyar la campaña de Jan Eliasson, que apoyan igualmente las Naciones Unidas, para terminar en el año 2025 con la defecación al aire libre. Es un derecho humano y tenemos que apoyarlo.
Marie-Christine Vergiat, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL.– Monsieur le Président, comme chaque année, nous examinons ce rapport sur les droits de l'homme et la démocratie dans le monde. Notre rapporteur, M. Panzeri, a choisi de faire un rapport thématique qui évite le côté catalogue et beaucoup de "deux poids, deux mesures". Je l'en remercie.
Ce rapport contient des points positifs, mais l'Union européenne n'est pas exempte de reproches en la matière et est de plus en plus mal placée pour donner des leçons. Une large place est faite aux droits économiques et sociaux et à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Mais pourquoi ne pas soutenir un mécanisme international, juridiquement contraignant, pour mettre fin à l'impunité des multinationales, repoussé à l'ONU du fait du vote des États membres? Pourquoi ne pas dénoncer l'effet désastreux des plans d'ajustement structurel sur les droits, notamment économiques et sociaux? Comment s'entendent les clauses "démocratie" et "droits de l'homme" quand on prône, sans nuance, la coopération avec des pays tiers, notamment en matière de migration, et on encourage, en particulier, le processus de Khartoum avec les dictateurs de la corne de l'Afrique?
Enfin, vous le savez, Monsieur Panzeri, l'annexe sur les défenseurs des droits de l'homme me pose problème. Elle est forcément restrictive et met donc en danger tous ceux qui n'y sont pas nommés. C'est pourquoi le groupe GUE/NGL s'abstiendra sur ce rapport.
Barbara Lochbihler, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion.– Herr Präsident, sehr geehrte Hohe Vertreterin Frau Mogherini, sehr geehrter Herr Sonderbeauftragter für Menschenrechte Lambrinidis! Der vorliegende Bericht ist eine gute, umfassende Darstellung der vielfältigen menschenrechtlichen Aktionsfelder der EU und macht eine Fülle von Verbesserungsvorschlägen. Der Bericht zeigt aber auch, in welchen Bereichen deutlich mehr Anstrengungen unternommen werden müssen.
In Gesprächen mit Diplomaten, mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen anderer Parlamente, hören wir regelmäßig die Bewunderung, die unseren rechtsstaatlichen Verhältnissen und Menschenrechtsgarantien entgegengebracht wird. Mittlerweile aber hören wir ebenso regelmäßig Kritik an den Widersprüchen der EU-Menschenrechtspolitik, zum Beispiel an einer verfehlten europäischen Abschottungspolitik mit jährlich Tausenden von Flüchtlingen, denen selbst die Lebensrettung versagt wird. Es ist beschämend, dass wir hier immer noch keine tragbare Lösung gefunden haben, legale Wege nach Europa zu bauen, und es keine verbindlichen Zusagen bei den Mitgliedstaaten gibt, Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen.
Im Bereich Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte zeigt der vorliegende Bericht ebenso Verbesserungsvorschläge auf. Leider ist es jedoch nicht gelungen, eine Mehrheit dafür herzustellen, bei anstehenden Handels- und Investitionsabkommen auch eine regelmäßige Menschenrechtsverträglichkeitsprüfung einzuführen.
Ebenso sollte die EU prüfen, was sie tun kann, wenn es bei der Umsetzung von EU-Politik zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen kommt, und welche Möglichkeit es für die Betroffenen gibt, sich dann an die EU-Institutionen zu wenden. Dies ist eine Aufgabe, der wir uns stellen sollten.
Ignazio Corrao, a nome del gruppo EFDD.– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, anch'io accolgo con favore la relazione e il lavoro svolto dal collega Panzeri, un lavoro difficile e voluminoso, una relazione davvero molto lunga, che tratta diverse fattispecie di tematiche molto molto distinte tra loro.
Ho apprezzato l'approccio tematico rispetto al catalogo dei paesi che dava luogo a ulteriori discussioni infinite e prese di posizione politiche. Sicuramente è vero, come osserva qualcuno, si poteva fare qualcosa in più: però il punto di partenza è abbastanza buono secondo me.
È apprezzabile il fatto che, in un periodo in cui l'azione esterna dell'Unione europea ha sempre più come presupposto negoziale il rispetto dei diritti umani nei paesi terzi dove si va a operare, si vada appunto a cercare di creare un punto fermo sul rispetto di questi diritti. Sarebbe auspicabile che lo si facesse con delle clausole davvero vincolanti e con degli strumenti di controllo davvero effettivi, perché spesso e volentieri alle nostre risoluzioni non seguono un'azione effettiva e un effettivo rispetto di ciò che diciamo in questa sede.
Diane Dodds (NI).– Mr President, this report throws a spotlight on an array of fundamental rights abuses: violence against women and girls; female genital mutilation; violations of the freedoms of speech, press association and religion. Sometimes, however, we think of these abuses as being somewhat foreign or distant. In Northern Ireland on 26th and 27th of this month, the publicly—funded Equality Commission will bring a legal case against Ashers, a Christian—owned family bakery business, for refusing to bake a cake inscribed with a political message supporting same—sex marriage. Such an action, such a challenge to the right to exercise faith is deeply regrettable and a violation of Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The challenge therefore for legislators is to find, as Lady Hale, Deputy President of the British Supreme Court, has described it, a reasonable accommodation for those who hold strong religious beliefs. We need freedom of conscience and religion, and I am glad that you have referred to it, High Representative. I urge Members of the European Parliament to join with me in saying so.
Andrzej Grzyb (PPE).– Panie Przewodniczący! Sprawozdanie na temat praw człowieka w poszczególnych latach to bardzo trudne zadanie do sformułowania w taki sposób, aby wszyscy byli z niego zadowoleni. Ja chcę podziękować za wysiłek włożony w przygotowanie tego sprawozdania jego autorowi. Rok 2013 to przede wszystkim początek trudnych zmian na Ukrainie, to początek Euromajdanu, to pierwsze ofiary, rok 2013 to również istotna zmiana po początku arabskiej wiosny, ale również początek dramatycznych zmian na Bliskim Wschodzie, które powodują też olbrzymie ofiary, bo to początek funkcjonowania państwa islamskiego, bojówek islamskich, które też znaczą swój szlak działalności zbrodniami. Wymordowani alawici pod Salamą, atak na historyczne chrześcijańskie miasto Malula w Syrii, splądrowane, spalone kościoły, przymusowe konwersje i wiele innych sytuacji.
Chciałbym wskazać również na pogarszającą się sytuację chrześcijan w tym kontekście w skali świata, ale również i innych religii. Bliski Wschód, Korea Północna, liczne regiony również Afryki, to miejsca gdzie wedle szacunków co roku ok. 100 milionów chrześcijan doświadcza prześladowań, a ok. 170 tysięcy rocznie ginie. O tym także mówiła wysoka przedstawiciel.
Chciałbym również wskazać, że w sprawozdaniu pochylamy się wstrząśnięci nad wydarzeniami, które mają miejsce w zakresie łamania praw człowieka w Republice Środkowo-Afrykańskiej, w Mali, Libii, Sudanie czy Nigerii. No i oczywiście należy podkreślić to, co pozytywne. Rok 2013 to rozpoczęcie funkcjonowania Europejskiego Funduszu na Rzecz Demokracji, czy też kolejna nagroda Sacharowa, która pokazuje istotną rolę praw człowieka.
Josef Weidenholzer (S&D).– Herr Präsident! Herr Panzeri hat einen sehr ambitionierten Bericht vorgelegt. Er konzentriert sich auf inhaltliche Schwerpunkte der Menschenrechte und vermeidet mit dieser Vorgangsweise die Gefahr einer bloßen Aneinanderreihung von Fällen, die immer unvollständig bleiben muss und daher von vornherein angreifbar ist.
Das Parlament hat mit dem immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnenden Instrument der dringlichen Anfragen eine gute Möglichkeit, rasch und zielgenau auf Veränderungen zu reagieren. Daher begrüße ich ausdrücklich die Empfehlung des Berichts, eine parlamentarische Arbeitsgruppe einzurichten, die sich systematisch damit beschäftigen soll, einen möglichst exakten Überblick über inhaftierte und verfolgte Menschenrechtsaktivisten zu bewahren. Dies trägt auch dazu bei, dass wir die Gefahr von double standards in unserer Menschenrechtspolitik minimieren. Es widerspricht den Grundsätzen europäischer Außenpolitik, wenn wir unser Sensorium für Menschenrechtsverletzungen nach politischer Opportunität ausrichten. Es gibt keine guten und schlechten, keine wichtigen und unwichtigen Menschenrechtsfälle.
Menschenrechte sind eine Kategorie sui generis. Sie unentwegt einzumahnen, ist eine Investition in unsere Zukunft. Nur eine Welt, in der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, individuelle Freiheit und Demokratie vorherrschen, ist eine sichere Welt. Eine solche Politik darf nicht oberlehrerhaft sein, sie muss das richtige Gleichgewicht zwischen stiller Diplomatie und öffentlich vorgetragener Kritik finden. Die Institution des EU-Sonderbeauftragten, die von Stavros Lambrinidis hervorragend ausgefüllt wird, ist ein solcher richtiger Schritt, und sie verdient es, weiter ausgebaut zu werden.
Bas Belder (ECR).– Voorzitter, het verslag Panzeri benoemt heel duidelijk de wereldwijde christenvervolging, conform de feiten en dus volkomen terecht. Dat brengt mij tot de vraag aan Raad en Commissie en de hoge vertegenwoordiger naar de opportuniteit van de aanstelling van een speciale EU-gezant voor godsdienstvrijheid. Ik zie uit naar uw reactie. Het is al een discussie die gevoerd door enkele lidstaten, zoals u weet
In paragraaf 132 gaat het verslag ook in op de EU-richtsnoeren ter bevordering van bescherming van godsdienst- en geloofsvrijheid van 24 juni 2013. Wij zijn inmiddels twee jaar verder. Raad en Commissie, ik ben zeer benieuwd naar de praktische implementatie van deze richtsnoeren. Er is al gesproken door collega Demesmaeker over de politieke wil: is die er? Evaluatie van uw kant richting het Parlement is zeer gewenst. Komt u dan ook mee? Dat is mijn vraag en zo ja, op welke termijn mogen we dat verwachten? Want ik ben daar erg benieuwd naar.
Ivo Vajgl (ALDE).– Mr President, the respect for human rights is supposed to be a precondition for our relations with countries with which we have contractual relations. What should the consequences be for those countries which have violated international law and human rights, and which occupy foreign territories?
A couple of days ago, the Israeli Prime Minister arrogantly let us know that he does not support the two-state solution. We know what it means. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Armenia which occupies Nagorno Karabakh stated yesterday in an interview in my country that Armenia’s main strategic partner in economy and in defence is Russia, and he said that a Russian military base in Gyumri represents the warranty for its country’s security.
The government of Morocco, also our partner, will soon organise a high-ranking international conference in Dakhla, in the occupied territory of Western Sahara, where Morocco is violating the basic rights of the Saharawi population. Madam Mogherini, are we going to change our policy with regard to these countries?
Josep-Maria Terricabras (Verts/ALE).– Mr President, it is true that in the last decade, the position of women in society has experienced a fantastic improvement. Nevertheless, social, political, cultural and economic inequalities between men and women subsist, even within the countries of the EU and between them.
I allow myself now to quote some lines written by John Stuart Mill 146 years ago. In his most expressive The Subjection of Women he says: ‘The … benefit to be expected from giving to women the free use of their faculties, by leaving them the free choice of their employments, and opening to them the same field of occupation and the same prizes and encouragements as to other human beings, would be that of doubling the mass of mental faculties available for the higher service of humanity’. One hundred and forty-six years ago; it has still to be done.
James Carver (EFDD).– Mr President, in Munich the European Patent Office (EPO), under its current President, Benoît Battistelli, is disciplining SUEPO staff trade union officials for having the temerity to organise industrial action over breaches in human rights. Sick employees have been dismissed on purported trumped—up charges and there are accusations of discrimination against disabled people being refused employment.
The Dutch Court of Appeal ruled that EPO had a case to answer over breaches of the human rights of staff, but EPO cited immunity and the Dutch Government intervened to prevent enforcement of the judgment. What is truly shocking is that not only does EPO appear immune to both the ECHR and the Commission, but also to this House, which is handing it judicial authority over patents within the EU under the single European patent.
How can we demand global respect for human rights when we allow such blatant breaches within an organisation shortly to exercise judicial functions on behalf of the EU?
Aymeric Chauprade (NI).– Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, le rapport Panzeri est la démonstration que l'impératif catégorique des droits de l'homme est devenu la politique étrangère de l'Union européenne.
On a demandé à nos nations d'abandonner leurs diplomaties, qualifiées d'égoïsmes nationaux. On leur a demandé d'abandonner la poursuite de leurs intérêts spécifiques au profit de rien d'autre que la promotion d'une idéologie. L'Union européenne ne vise pas la puissance sur la scène internationale. Elle n'aspire pas à devenir un pôle fort dans un monde multipolaire. Elle n'a qu'une ambition: donner au monde entier des leçons de morale, exporter partout sa culture de mort avec la promotion de l'avortement, avec l'affaiblissement du cadre naturel des civilisations fondé sur la famille naturelle.
La diffusion du poison LGBT, voilà l'objectif central du rapport Panzeri. Et pour que le poison instillé par l'extrême gauche puisse être digéré par le groupe PPE, il est dilué dans la dénonciation générale des attaques contre les droits de l'homme, laquelle cible, en priorité, les adversaires géopolitiques des États-Unis, à savoir la Russie et la Chine.
Les défenseurs sincères des droits de l'homme qui sont du côté de la vie ne seront pas dupes. Ils voteront contre le rapport Panzeri.
László Tőkés (PPE).– Mr President, in 2012 the Council adopted the EU strategic framework on human rights and democracy to strengthen our engagement with third countries. The EU now has a Special Representative for Human Rights to enhance the effectiveness of our work. One can say that we now have better tools to jointly defend human rights in the world, yet we still struggle to speak out for the defence of human rights because we are divided and we compromise our values. It is shameful for such an important report to be inappropriately and selfishly used by some in this House to stress internal divisions in issues that remain strictly under national competency.
This is wrong, and it diminishes our credibility. I oppose all efforts that stop us from genuinely addressing the ongoing human rights violations, including the persecution of Christians, torture, violence against children and women, the situation on migrants and refugees, people with disabilities and others.
Elena Valenciano (S&D).– Señor Presidente, es una cuestión de orden, porque es posible que la interpretación no fuera correcta, pero el diputado que ha intervenido antes que el anterior diputado se ha referido a las personas gays, lesbianas y bisexuales como un veneno. Yo considero que debe retirar esa afirmación, salvo que la interpretación haya cometido un error.
No se puede hablar de las personas homosexuales como veneno para esta sociedad. Esta Cámara no puede consentirlo.
Preşedinte. – Este tot un cartonaș albastru ușor deghizat, dar trecem peste lucrul acesta.
Richard Howitt (S&D).– Mr President, as Parliament’s long—standing rapporteur on corporate responsibility, I want to use my speaking time to focus on the aspects of the report that call on the High Representative to make implementation of the UN guiding principles on business and human rights a key priority in the renewed action plan on human rights, and I would also like to thank Mr Lambrinides for his personal support in this policy area.
It was Europe which created the idea of governmental national action plans on the guiding principles, now adopted by President Obama, but I hope Ms Mogherini will assist all of our own Member States now to complete theirs. I hope she will initiate a process of peer review by Member States around their plans, and will herself undertake an overall review as Parliament has asked. Following on from the current French proposal, I ask her to consider European requirements or recommendations on how businesses can demonstrate due diligence on human rights in their global supply chains.
As I am proud to have championed the Directive on corporate non—financial reporting now agreed, with its specific reporting obligation on human rights, I ask the High Representative to both support implementation of this framework, but also to champion the new sustainable development goal that Ban Ki-moon is supporting to ensure that that is a global, not just a European requirement. I hope that as Vice—President she will work with DG Justice and its Commissioner to ensure better access to justice for victims of corporate human rights abuse worldwide.
This is a rich agenda, and many in business now accept their own responsibility to respect human rights; it is our duty to help them to do it.
Marek Jurek (ECR).– Panie Przewodniczący! To sprawozdanie, które ma mówić o przestrzeganiu praw człowieka, samo zawiera sformułowania godzące w prawa człowieka. Np. w punkcie 165 mamy atak na wolę całych społeczeństw, wyrażoną przez Słowaków i Chorwatów w referendum, które opowiedziało się za obroną naturalnego ustroju rodziny. Co więcej, Panie i Panowie, ten punkt atakuje fakt, że do takiego referendum w ogóle doszło. Jeżeli my dzisiaj atakujemy to, że całe narody wypowiedziały się w referendum w obronie praw i naturalnego kształtu rodziny, o ileż bardziej zagrożeni są poszczególni ludzie, że będą atakowani za to samo. W imię tzw. walki z homofobią.
W tym miejscu mam obowiązek przypomnieć jedno – to, co powiedziała moja Ojczyzna, gdy Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w uchwale z 23 czerwca 2006 roku powiedział jasno – że utożsamiając się z judeo-chrześcijańskim dziedzictwem moralnym Europy, „nie może aprobować wprowadzania do dokumentów Unii Europejskiej pojęć w rodzaju «homofobia»”.
Laura Ferrara (EFDD).– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, da relatrice della relazione sulla situazione dei diritti fondamentali nell'Unione europea, esprimo il mio apprezzamento per la relazione del collega Panzeri. Il contesto istituzionale nel quale ci troviamo oggi sembra essere particolarmente favorevole e sensibile nei confronti dei diritti fondamentali e ciò anche in virtù dello specifico mandato ricevuto dal primo vicepresidente della Commissione e del suo ruolo di garante della Carta dei diritti fondamentali.
Riprendo quanto affermato dall'Alto rappresentante Mogherini e colgo l'occasione per ribadire la doverosa e giusta attenzione posta dall'Unione europea sulla tutela dei diritti umani nel mondo, che debba trovare riscontro in azioni positive di salvaguardia dei risultati raggiunti e di perseveranza nel perseguimento degli obiettivi di garanzia dei diritti fondamentali anche all'interno dell'Unione. Ed è per questo che personalmente proporrò l'elaborazione di una strategia interna dei diritti fondamentali, che sia comunque coerente con il quadro strategico sui diritti umani e democrazia nell'ambito delle relazioni esterne.
In particolare, occorre a mio avviso superare il dilemma di Copenaghen, verificando scrupolosamente il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali e dello Stato di diritto non solo prima dell'adesione all'Unione europea ma anche nei confronti degli Stati ormai membri.
Udo Voigt (NI).– Herr Präsident! Es wird viel von der zentralen Stellung der Menschenrechte in der EU-Außenpolitik gesprochen. Doch es geht nicht nur um Drittstaaten, wir sollten uns auch einmal darum kümmern, wo Menschenrechte in EU-Staaten verletzt werden.
Ich denke da einmal an Polen und an Rumänien. Konnten oder wollten wir nicht wissen, dass dort Amerikaner folterten, Menschen quälten? Wissen wir mehr darüber? Gibt es auch andere Staaten, wo so etwas stattfindet? Wie kann es sein, dass heute in Österreich noch sechzig Jahre nach Abschluss des Staatsvertrags Menschen mit Haftstrafen von bis zu 15 Jahren für ihre Meinung rechnen müssen? Wie kann es sein, dass in Deutschland jährlich 13 000 Ermittlungsverfahren aus Meinungsgründen stattfinden, dass über 1 000 Menschen deswegen in Gefängnissen sitzen, allen voran Horst Mahler, der mit 78 Jahren dort zwölfeinhalb Jahre absitzt und demnächst in die Psychiatrie überführt werden soll? Wie kann es sein, dass in Griechenland sieben Parlamentsabgeordnete seit 18 Monaten inhaftiert sind, ohne dass man ihnen eine Anklage zugestellt hat?
Kinga Gál (PPE).– Elnök Úr, örvendek, hogy a gyermekek jogai, ezen belül a gyermekéhezés és az alultápláltság elleni küzdelem kiemelt figyelmet kaptak az éves jelentésben. Ugyanúgy fontosnak tartom, hogy javaslatomra külön fejezet foglalkozik a hagyományos nemzeti kisebbségek jogaival, és elismerésre került, hogy sajátos helyzetük sajátos megoldást igényel ahhoz, hogy valóban egyenlő esélyekkel rendelkezzenek. Most mégis a legsúlyosabb emberi jogi helyzetről beszélnék: azokról a közel-keleti keresztényekről, köztük asszonyokról és gyerekekről, akiket hitükért kínoznak, gyilkolnak meg, taszítanak rabszolgasorba. Ezek a legszörnyűbb emberijog-sértések, emberiség elleni bűncselekmények, melyek semmivel sem igazolhatók, ellentmondanak minden vallás tanításainak, és összeegyeztethetetlenek az emberi civilizáció legalapvetőbb értékeivel is. A 21. század mártírjai ezek a közel-keleti keresztény áldozatok. Mindezt nem nézhetjük tétlenül, ezért kérem a külügyi főképviselőt, hogy minden rendelkezésre álló eszközzel lépjen fel ezen embertelen bűncselekmények ellen és keressen ehhez szövetségeseket.
Andi Cristea (S&D).– Domnule președinte, adresez cu acest prilej felicitări colegului Panzeri pentru conținutul raportului său, pentru modul echilibrat și profesionist în care a abordat problematica.
În contextul sărbătoririi Zilei Internaționale a Femeii, aș dori să fac referire în intervenția mea la violența împotriva femeilor prin practica avortului selectiv și munca forțată în rândul copiilor, aceste practici rușinoase reprezentând unele dintre încălcările majore ale drepturilor omului în prezent. Conform raportului publicat de Institutul Francez pentru Studii Demografice, avortul selectiv vizând fetușii de sex feminin se extinde cu repeziciune și afectează țări din Balcanii de Vest și Asia Centrală, unde dezechilibrul la naștere dintre numărul de fete și cel de băieți este foarte mare.
Este așadar esențial să includem în liniile directoare ale Uniunii Europene privind violența împotriva femeilor și a fetelor problema avortului selectiv în funcție de sex, prin crearea de indicatori și metode de colectare a datelor cu privire la acest fenomen și includerea acestuia în planul de dezvoltare și implementare a strategiilor de țară privind drepturile omului.
Cu privire la eradicarea muncii forțate în rândul copiilor, salut progresele înregistrate și subliniez că este rolul nostru, ca deputați în Parlamentul European, să continuăm să promovăm la nivelul Uniunii un mediu favorabil prevenirii și eliminării acestei practici.
Ruža Tomašić (ECR).– Gospodine predsjedniče, u većini podržavam ovo izvješće, ali kao zastupnica iz Hrvatske osjećam se dužnom reagirati na točku 165. izvješća u kojoj izvjestitelj izražava žaljenje zbog ishoda hrvatskog referenduma o definiciji braka iz prosinca 2013. Smatram da ne postoji razlog za žaljenje, jer ustavna definicija braka u Hrvatskoj ni na koji način nije naštetila pravima LGBT zajednice. Dapače. Poslužila je kao katalizator za donošenje zakona o životnom partnerstvu osoba istog spola u srpnju 2014. kojim je istospolna zajednica stavljena unutar zakona kako i priliči društvu koje brine o svim svojim pripadnicima.
Želja velike većine građana Hrvatske da brak ostane zajednica jedne žene i jednog muškarca nije izraz homofobije ili diskriminacije kako točka 165. izvješća imputira. To je riječ o pozivu na zaštitu tradicionalnih vrijednosti koje su naše društvo održale homogenim unatoč čestim povijesnim nedaćama koje su zahvaćale Hrvatsku.
Nicolas Bay (NI).– Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, hier, on nous a fait voter sur le rapport de M. Tarabella, socialiste belge que notre collègue UMP, Mme Le Grip, a cru bon de féliciter au nom du groupe PPE. Demain, c'est le rapport d'un autre socialiste, M. Panzeri, que ses prétendus adversaires du groupe PPE voteront probablement comme un seul homme.
Pour ma part, j'ai voté contre le rapport Tarabella et je voterai demain contre le rapport Panzeri, car l'un comme l'autre font la promotion d'une idéologie dangereuse: l'idéologie du genre et son cortège de revendications communautaristes ultra-minoritaires.
Le rapport Panzeri confirme aussi que l'Union européenne passe son temps à donner des leçons en matière de droits de l'homme à la planète entière alors que, dans le même temps, elle bafoue les règles élémentaires de la démocratie en ne respectant ni la souveraineté des nations ni la volonté des peuples.
C'est ainsi que l'article 165 du rapport condamne le choix libre et souverain du peuple croate de constitutionaliser le mariage homme-femme. Eh oui, cela vous étonne, cela vous scandalise peut-être même, mais le résultat du référendum croate de décembre 2013 a été respecté. Eh oui, c'est ça la démocratie!
Ce sera bientôt le dixième anniversaire du rejet du traité de Lisbonne par les Français et les Néerlandais, je vois que vous méprisez toujours autant l'expression démocratique.
Thomas Mann (PPE).– Herr Präsident! Im Europäischen Parlament, Stimme der Menschenrechte, gedenken wir des 56. Jahrestags des tibetischen Aufstands von 1959. Gestern wehten tibetische Flaggen auf zehntausenden Gebäuden in Städten und Gemeinden in der Europäischen Union. Wir fordern Meinungsfreiheit, grundlegende Menschenrechte und ein Ende der massiven Unterdrückung einer friedliebenden Kultur!
Unsere Gedanken sind bei den 136 Tibetern, die sich geopfert haben, ebenso bei den Hunderten von immer noch Inhaftierten. Die Tibet interest group setzt sich ein für den substanziellen Dialog zwischen den Vertretern seiner Heiligkeit, des Dalai Lama, und der chinesischen Regierung. Das einzige sogenannte Verbrechen der Tibeter besteht darin, sich für ihre eigenen legitimen Rechte einzusetzen, den Erhalt ihrer Kultur, ihrer Sprache, ihrer Spiritualität. Arbeiten wir weiterhin mit vollem Engagement daran, dass das Leiden und die Erniedrigung des tibetischen Volkes endlich aufhören!
Liliana Rodrigues (S&D).– Antes de mais, gostaria de felicitar a Senhora Comissária, sobretudo o trabalho que tem vindo a desenvolver, porque, de facto, a União Europeia promove em todo o mundo o respeito pela democracia, a universalidade dos Direitos do Homem e das liberdades fundamentais, assim como o respeito pela dignidade humana.
A política externa da União Europeia é norteada por estes princípios, ou deveria ser assim. Muitas vezes, a política comercial da União Europeia privilegia alguns regimes, autoritários, que todos os dias atentam contra os direitos humanos. Nenhum direito humano pode ser contornado, particularmente quando seres humanos são usados como armas de guerra e são muitas as mulheres que passam e que passaram por esse inferno.
As mulheres continuam a ser o elo mais fraco no que toca aos direitos humanos. As mulheres têm o direito a serem protegidas e nós o dever de as proteger. Deveria ser muito maior a pressão da União Europeia nas relações externas com países que, de forma reiterada, desrespeitam os direitos mais básicos das mulheres e de todos os seres humanos. Temos de garantir que haja um maior investimento no apoio e proteção àqueles que tentam entrar na Europa, e quero aqui focar o caso da emigração de mulheres, homens e crianças vindos do Mediterrâneo. E que não se vejam as constantes mortes no Mediterrâneo como danos colaterais.
Ficarmos a assistir, impávidos e serenos, é um dano muito maior nos valores europeus.
Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI).– Κύριε Πρόεδρε, Πώς θα χαρακτηρίζατε έναν οργανισμό που διακηρύττει με στόμφο ότι «τα δημοκρατικά καθεστώτα χαρακτηρίζονται από το σεβασμό για το κράτος δικαίου, την ελευθερία του λόγου, τον σεβασμό των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, την ανεξάρτητη δικαιοσύνη και αμερόληπτη διοίκηση», αλλά όταν του καταδεικνύουν ότι ένα από τα μέλη του παραβιάζει κατάφορα τις προαναφερθείσες αρχές, λόγω πολιτικών σκοπιμοτήτων, εθελοτυφλεί;
Σε αυτόν το χώρο είχαμε επισημάνει με στοιχεία την παρέμβαση της τότε φασιστικής συγκυβέρνησης, αλλά και του ίδιου του Πρωθυπουργού Σαμαρά, στην υποτιθέμενη Ελληνική τυφλή δικαιοσύνη για τη σύλληψη του αρχηγού καθώς και βουλευτών και μελών της Χρυσής Αυγής, της τρίτης εκλογικά δύναμης, και μοναδικής ουσιαστικά αντιπολίτευσης στην Ελλάδα.
Είχαμε ενημερώσει για τις παράνομες διαδικασίες προφυλάκισης, χωρίς την άρση ασυλίας, και σήμερα εδώ, διατυμπανίζουμε τον σεβασμό των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, την προώθηση της δικαιοσύνης, τη διαφάνεια, την ελευθερία του λόγου.
Ας ελπίσουμε ότι, έστω και αργά, θα υπάρξει ενεργό ενδιαφέρον και πίεση στην Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση για αποκατάσταση της δικαιοσύνης και κατ' επέκταση της δημοκρατίας, προκειμένου να δοθεί άμεση λύση στην πολιτική δίωξη της Χρυσής Αυγής.
Επίσης, ήθελα να προτείνω στην κυρία Mogherini να πει στους φίλους της τους σκοπιανούς, εάν θέλουν να λύσουν τα προβλήματά τους να ενωθούν με την Ελλάδα.
Davor Ivo Stier (PPE).– Gospodine predsjedniče, godišnje izvješće o ljudskim pravima je važan instrument za usmjeravanje vanjske politike i politike razvojne suradnje Europske unije. Ovo se izvješće mora fokusirati na stanje ljudskih prava izvan EU-a i stoga se nadam da će se na kraju iz rezolucije izbrisati rečenice o državama članicama, jer im nije ovdje mjesto. Isto tako u promicanju ljudskih prava moramo sustavnije slijediti Povelju Europske unije o temeljnim pravima koja pravo na život stavlja na prvo mjesto.
To se pitanje često stavlja u kontekst ideoloških borbi ili svjetonazora. No, činjenica je da znanost 21. stoljeća dokazuje da ljudski život počinje puno prije rođenja, započinje začećem.
Prema principu supsidijarnosti pravnu regulaciju za zaštitu ljudskog života kao i reproduktivno zdravlje prepustili smo državama članicama. Isti princip bi trebao vrijediti u odnosima s državama izvan EU-a – ne smijemo drugim narodima nametati rješenja koja s pravom neeuropski narodi uglavnom odbacuju kao ideologiju otpada i nepoštivanja temeljnog prava na život. Ljudska prava su univerzalna, ali samo onda kad je doista samo riječ o pravima čovjeka na dostojanstveni život od začeća do smrti - sve ostalo bi bio samo iskaz ideološke arogancije.
Ana Gomes (S&D).– A política de dois pesos e duas medidas e a negligência perante a impunidade face a notórios violadores dos direitos humanos são punhaladas na credibilidade externa e interna da União Europeia. Avaliar as relações da União e Estados-Membros com países terceiros, em especial parceiros estratégicos recipientes de ajuda ao desenvolvimento, deveria passar por uma visita a quem está nas suas prisões. Muitos dos governos de países, com quem dizemos ter relações especiais, prendem e perseguem jornalistas, bloguistas, ativistas e opositores políticos, instrumentalizando o aparelho judiciário para reprimir, oprimir e roubar.
Instrumentos de defesa de direitos humanos concentrados, sobretudo, em diálogos bilaterais não permitem a verdadeira discussão, a qualquer nível. São opacos, carecem de estratégia e de escrutínio, têm, portanto, tudo para fracassar e fracassam. O Conselho, a União, o Parlamento e a Comissão têm de investir em estratégias para libertar prisioneiros políticos e auxiliar ativistas de direitos humanos, considerando o impacto que a repressão pode ter na segurança e a na estabilidade dos países com quem nos relacionamos. Veja-se o total falhanço num país com a importância da Etiópia, que é um parceiro privilegiado da União no quadro ACP, da União Africana, etc.
Exemplo de uma política proativa seria exigir, hoje, que a Arábia Saudita libertasse todos os prisioneiros políticos e de consciência. Por exemplo, felicito o Governo sueco por ter cancelado todas as transferências de material militar para a Arábia Saudita, exatamente com base na situação dos direitos humanos e, em particular, dos direitos das mulheres.
Termino, dizendo que o Representante Especial para os Direitos Humanos tem trabalhado muito bem mas discretamente demais. É essencial que fale audivelmente sobre a situação dos direitos humanos nos países que visita. Queremos condenar as leis que confundem jornalistas e ativistas dos direitos humanos com terroristas para silenciar a sociedade civil que luta exatamente pela realização dos direitos humanos.
Elnökváltás: GÁLL-PELCZ ILDIKÓ Alelnök
Jaromír Štětina (PPE).– Velký ruský humanista a obránce lidských práv Sergej Kovaljov byl svého času navrhován na Nobelovu cenu míru.
Za první čečenské války, když ruská armáda po tisících vraždila civilní obyvatele Čečenska, Kovaljov řekl: „Porušování lidských práv nemůže být vnitřní záležitostí žádného státu.“ To, že Nobelovu cenu nedostal, signalizovalo začátek pozvolného narůstání lhostejnosti politiků, vlád a společnosti k obraně lidských práv v poslední době.
Obrana práv člověka předpokládá velký vnitřní smysl pro spravedlnost, právě takový, jaký byl vlastní Sergeji Kovaljovovi.Není pochyby o tom, že se imperativ bránit slabší stále rychleji vytrácí. Obchodní zájmy řady zemí EU jsou nadřazovány lidským právům.
Zpráva o lidských právech, kterou projednáváme, Kovaljovovu myšlenku podporuje. Porušování lidských práv nemůže být vnitřní záležitostí žádného státu.
Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE).– Señora Presidenta, en el Informe anual sobre los derechos humanos y la democracia en el mundo, que hoy debatimos, se pone de manifiesto la importancia de este tema para la Unión Europea. El respeto de los derechos humanos es una de nuestras señas de identidad, como tantas veces se dice, y debe ocupar un lugar muy relevante en nuestra política exterior. Especialmente ahora, en un momento en el que se están cuestionando principios del orden internacional e incluso surgen modelos alternativos de organización política.
El nuestro es un mundo complejo y cambiante en el que no faltan los problemas y las crisis. De ello es buena muestra, desgraciadamente, nuestra vecindad —como decía al principio la Alta Representante—, tanto la oriental como la meridional. Hay muchos ejemplos, desgraciadamente, de graves violaciones de derechos humanos allí, y quisiéramos, de conformidad con el artículo 8 del Tratado, que ese espacio de vecindad tuviera como uno de sus fundamentos precisamente nuestros valores, entre los que se encuentra, desde luego, el respeto de los derechos humanos.
La política de vecindad necesita medios, compromiso a medio y largo plazo, realismo, como antes decía, pero tampoco podemos olvidar en esa política nuestros valores. De cara a nuestra vecindad, señora Presidenta, y al resto del mundo, la acción exterior tiene que tener en cuenta los derechos humanos. Recuerdo el viejo lema de comienzos de este siglo: paz y seguridad, desarrollo y derechos humanos, que se dio para sí toda la comunidad internacional a comienzos de los años 2000.
Paulo Rangel (PPE).– A propósito desta matéria, eu gostava de essencialmente focar a minha atenção em dois pontos: o primeiro ponto é a questão da transição para a democracia. Onde eu acho que a União Europeia pode desempenhar um papel único, um papel muito importante, é no apoio aos países que têm essa aspiração democrática e às forças que nesses países têm essa aspiração democrática, de preparar essas transições. Temos muito bons exemplos no sul da Europa: o caso da Grécia, de Portugal, ou da Espanha. No leste europeu, da forma como foi possível conduzir transições democráticas com sucesso e dar uma grande melhoria, um grande aumento à proteção dos direitos fundamentais. Esta seria a primeira nota.
E a segunda, muito breve, apenas para dizer que nós devemos olhar para a defesa dos direitos fundamentais, não apenas como um imperativo de cada momento, mas como um processo progressivo. É preciso olhar para o progresso que muitos países fazem. Por vezes, por sermos demasiado exigentes numa certa altura, acabamos por interromper processos de progresso, processos que, com o tempo, com certeza trariam a defesa dos direitos fundamentais para níveis que são aceitáveis.
Therese Comodini Cachia (PPE).– Madam President, the report addresses different issues of human rights, often focusing on those issues in which more EU action is needed. But I would like to see a stronger EU framework for carrying out such action; a framework with focused, effective actions assisting third countries in the process of democratisation, with the actions not only being named as priorities but also having actual and measurable targets.
In doing so, the EU must be seen to be consistent in upholding these principles. Therefore, coherence between internal and external human rights policies needs to be enhanced. In relation to a specific issue, suppression of the media and of expression creates oppression and serves only those who seize power at the expense of the best interests of their people and their country, thereby leading to instability and humanitarian crises which, in turn, lead also to migration towards – and tragedies on – EU territories. In this regard, focused effective action with third countries is a must.
Daniel Buda (PPE).– Doamnă președintă, persoana și demnitatea umană constituie elementul central în jurul căruia se subsumează toate acțiunile Uniunii Europene. Protejarea drepturilor omului trebuie să constituie principalul punct pe foaia de parcurs a unei țări din UE și nu numai.
Terorismul sub diversele sale forme a cunoscut o creștere alarmantă în 2013, respectiv cu 62%, comparativ cu 2012, iar numărul țărilor afectate a crescut de la 15 la 24. Recentele atentate teroriste din țările europene, soldate cu victime omenești, frecventele amenințări ale Statului Islamic pe fondul intoleranței religioase și interetnice, cu precădere în lumea arabă, precum și situația conflictuală din Ucraina, sunt doar câteva exemple de amenințări la adresa securității cetățeanului.
Drepturile omului trebuie să constituie mai departe o componentă esențială a acțiunii externe a Uniunii Europene și un adevărat element al identității sale în relațiile bilaterale.
Eduard Kukan (PPE).– Madam President, the year 2013 was a challenging year, and in our response to breaches of human rights across the world I reiterate that we must stick to our values and our principles.
This means that human rights must be at the core of our relations with third countries. Our policy must be visible, coherent and efficient, with particular focus on our accession region and immediate neighbours. We must support democratic development, rule of law and fair, free and competitive elections. These are the key prerequisites for functioning democracies that respect human rights, and we cannot compromise on them. We must insist on them in our enlargement process.
Andrej Plenković (PPE).– Gospođo predsjednice, poštovana Visoka predstavnice Mogherini, dragi kolega Panzeri, drago mi je da imamo danas na dnevnom redu imamo izvješće o stanju ljudskih prava i demokracije u svijetu za 2013. i mislim da se iz ove rasprave vidi da će se sutra usvojena, zadnja verzija vašeg izvješća odnositi na one zemlje na koje i treba, a to su one zemlje koje još nisu članice Europske unije i stoga je dobro da stavci 165. i 162. koji mi se čine spornima na kraju ne budu usvojeni kao što je trenutačno u nacrtu i na čemu svi zajedno radimo, a to posebno govorim s obzirom da dolazim iz Hrvatske.
Ono što mi se čini bitnim je da su ova rasprava i ovo izvješće u duhu naše rasprave na prethodnoj točci dnevnog reda, o vanjskoj politici Europske unije, gdje smo istaknuli kako su europske vrijednosti ključne u promicanju naših ciljeva i naših vrijednosti, a to su ljudska prava, broj 1, i stoga posebno pozdravljam da je kolega Panzeri kao predsjedatelj konferencije svih predsjednika delegacija istaknuo da se u smjernicama za vođenje naših aktivnosti i delegacije moraju voditi temom ljudskih prava prioritetno.
Deirdre Clune (PPE).– Madam President, at the outset, I would like to say that if a Member of this House has used the words ‘poison in society’ when referring to members of the gay and lesbian community, I think that this Parliament should disassociate themselves from that remark and I would like it if you would do something to address that, Madam President.
In my notes that I made I wanted to welcome the special attention this report has given to issues such as freedom of religion, freedom of expression and violence against women and young girls and, in particular, the focus that it places on the issues of forced child labour, poverty and malnutrition. All too often we hear horrific stories of rape, torture, and forced marriage, of young women in particular, and we have an obligation to help them. The best policy that we can do is to support them, to engage with them and maybe to educate them as well, which is something we have heard recently in many debates in this Chamber, and to allow them to think and to act for themselves.
The report reiterates the importance of mainstreaming human rights and democracy in all EU activities and calls for the commitment of placing human rights at the centre of all EU relations with third countries. We see that what we have to do is more than just words, we have to support people with freedom of religion, freedom of expression and indeed freedom of thought.
„Catch the eye” eljárás
Csaba Sógor (PPE).– Elnök Asszony, a jelentés nagyon helyesen felhívja a figyelmet a gyülekezési és egyesülési jog szabad gyakorlásának fontosságára, továbbá kéri a tagállamokat, hogy ítéljék el a gyülekezés és egyesülés szabadságának minden korlátozását. Az EU egyik tagállamában, Romániában éppen ezen a héten tiltottak be egy békés tiltakozó felvonulást, mert annak politikai céljaival, a felvetett problémákkal nem értettek egyet a hatalmon lévő politikai szervezetek. A tiltakozás helyszíne ráadásul egy olyan etnikailag vegyes lakosságú városban lett volna, amelyben pontosan 25 évvel ezelőtt erőszakos összetűzésekre került sor. A gyülekezési jog korlátozása egyértelműen a nem demokratikus rendszerek bevett gyakorlata. Jó lenne, ha erre emlékeztetnénk azt a Romániát is, amelynek hivatalos álláspontja, hogy a nemzeti kisebbségek problémáját példás módon rendezte. Úgy tűnik, ez a rendezés azt jelenti, a békés, demokratikus tiltakozás lehetőségétől is megfosztják a kisebbségeket. Úgy gondolom, hogy az ilyen esetek előfordulása az Európai Unió területén a saját hitelességünket ássa alá akkor, amikor harmadik országok vonatkozó gyakorlatát bíráljuk.
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D).– Madam President, I thank the rapporteur, Mr Panzeri, for the tremendous job he did with this report on the crucial issue of human rights. I especially appreciate the introduction of a push for the rights of women; for the rights of children; for the rights of religious, racial, ethnic minorities and for the rights of minorities in general. These persons are a part of society that is highly discriminated against in most countries of the world and that needs greater government protection and support.
The European Union must clearly lead the way with a swift approach to the subject. Societies must change from within, and governments can play important roles in education about and respect for freedom. There should be conformity of rights inside our borders so that the people are not forced to change state in order to see their rights respected. I consider this report to be highly strategic, especially when it states that the European Union when dealing with other nations must exert greater pressure on respect for human rights.
Ангел Джамбазки (ECR).– Колегата Панцери е свършил очевидно доста работа по този доклад, но все пак ние в групата на Eвропейските консерватори и реформисти имаме известни забележки. Не сме съгласни с включването на теми, свързани с развитието, с търговията, с фискалната политика, с климата, с политиката към бежанците и даването на убежище.
Също така смятаме, че докладът прекрачва граници със своите критики към държавите – членки на Европейския съюз, например Литва, Хърватска и Словакия – по отношение на тяхната вътрешна политика, по отношение на семейството.
Ние смятаме, че всяка една държава има правото чрез своите вътрешни референдуми да решава такива важни въпроси спрямо своите традиции, каквито са въпросите на семейството.
Отделно, аз лично смятам, че можеше да се обърне повече внимание на жертвите на Ислямска държава и на съучастието на държавите, които я подкрепят, като например Турция.
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE).– Señora Presidenta, Europa quiere seguir siendo una referencia en materia de derechos humanos en el mundo y, para conseguirlo, necesita una voz única y más valiente en los conflictos más comprometidos.
De nada vale ser fuertes con los más débiles y mirar para otro lado cuando hay que llamar la atención a Estados influyentes como Israel, los Estados Unidos o China. Esto explica, por ejemplo, la tibieza que deberíamos desterrar en asuntos tan claros como los de Palestina o los del Sáhara occidental y, además, hay que mantener la casa propia en estado de revista. Por eso, apoyo la idea de lanzar un sistema de alerta temprana que nos prevenga contra vulneraciones graves de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales que ocurren en los diferentes Estados europeos.
En el Día Europeo de las Víctimas del Terrorismo, insisto en la necesidad de combatirlo sin recortar libertades. Es el día de la memoria, la verdad y la reparación. Y animo a que, en Europa, lo apoyemos para todas la víctimas, incluidas las que en España, por ejemplo, llevan décadas en las cunetas, fusiladas y desaparecidas, por oponerse a un golpe de Estado.
Κώστας Χρυσόγονος (GUE/NGL).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η αποψινή μας συζήτηση είναι κάπως παράδοξη. Ασχολούμαστε με την κατάσταση των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων και της δημοκρατίας στον Τρίτο Κόσμο και δεν βλέπουμε τα προβλήματα μέσα στην ίδια την Ένωση. Στο βωμό της δημοσιονομικής σταθερότητας θυσιάζεται η δημοκρατική νομιμοποίηση, αφού οι δυνατότητες καθορισμού πολιτικών από το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και τα εθνικά κοινοβούλια περιορίζονται ασφυκτικά.
Θυσιάζονται όμως και τα θεμελιώδη, ιδίως τα κοινωνικά, δικαιώματα με τις διαρκείς περικοπές κοινωνικών δαπανών. Εάν πραγματικά σας ενδιαφέρουν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, θα σας συνιστούσα αντί να μακρηγορούμε για το τι συμβαίνει σε τρίτες χώρες, να υλοποιήσουμε επιτέλους την προσχώρηση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Σύμβαση Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου και στον Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Χάρτη, υποβάλλοντας έτσι τις πολιτικές της Ένωσης στο διαρκή έλεγχο του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαστηρίου Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων και της Επιτροπής του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινωνικού Χάρτη. Τότε όμως οι ιέρακες της δημοσιονομικής πειθαρχίας, εδώ μέσα, θα δοκίμαζαν δυσάρεστες εκπλήξεις.
Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE).– Gre za zahtevno tematiko, o kateri seveda... na katero je treba biti pozoren. Ves čas bi se pa dotaknil nečesa drugega, o čemer še nismo govorili. In sicer, omenili ste sicer v tem dokumentu tudi boj proti terorizmu. Mislim pa, da ravno pri tem boju včasih, v tej skrbi za človekove pravice, tudi posegamo v človekove pravice, zlasti s temi ukrepi, ki pomenijo pooblastila za zbiranje podatkov, s katerimi se lahko posega v večji nadzor nad ljudmi. To pa lahko pomeni tudi poseganje v človekove pravice.
In tudi zato seveda bi bil v skrbeh, če bi sprejeli kakšen paket tako imenovanega patriotskega akta in bi padli v to skušnjavo, s katero bi okrepili vlogo big brotherja. Zato se mi zdi tudi pomembno sodelovanje s Svetom Evrope. In ravno Svet Evrope je tudi tisti, s katerim bi lahko oblikovali dolgoročnejšo strategijo pri varovanju človekovih pravic, za katere se borimo.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD).– Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, desidero esprimere il mio ringraziamento al relatore e a tutti i relatori ombra che si sono adoperati per l'approvazione di questa relazione, frutto di un lavoro che è stato sicuramente molto intenso e faticoso.
In particolare, mi premeva richiamare alcuni paragrafi a me molto cari, come il 75 e il 76, nei quali si cita la necessità di inserire nel nuovo regolamento SPG anche lo statuto di Roma della Corte penale internazionale, visto che alcuni candidati, per ottenere appunto questo status – come l'Armenia e il Pakistan, che non vi hanno ancora aderito – e dall'altro lato anche di avere una posizione comune dell'Unione europea sul tema della ratifica degli emendamenti di Kampala, visto che con un amico senatore italiano ho avuto modo di lavorare a un disegno di legge proprio volto a questo nel mio Paese. E spero che, sia come colleghi tutti insieme al Parlamento europeo, che l'Alto rappresentante, si possa rilanciare questo tema con grande vigore per tutti gli Stati membri.
Da ultimo volevo anche ricordare, al paragrafo 77, il centesimo anniversario del genocidio armeno, come occasione di riconciliazione, tra due comunità, con il proprio passato per costruire serenamente il proprio futuro.
(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége)
Federica Mogherini,Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.– Madam President, honourable Members, I will be brief. The debate has been rich with comments and suggestions of which we have taken due note. I can assure you that we are going to draw very much on this in this crucial stage of our preparation of our human rights and democracy policies for the next five years.
I would just mention one of the many points many of you have raised, because this is not something I included in my opening remarks and I have a strong personal feeling about it, which is the reference to the role of women in society and in leadership and also the issue of violence against women. Two sides of the same coin somehow. This would probably take hours to debate in full but just let me share in what some of you have said about the fact that the role of women and the fight against violence is not only an issue of changing legislation, it is very much an issue of changing culture, starting with the education not only of girls but mainly of boys in our own families and in our own schools. It is an issue not only in our external policies but also very much in our internal policies.
I just wanted to share the fact that I have chosen to dedicate our work on 8 March to Afghan women and in particular to the women in Afghanistan that have chosen or are trying to experience leadership roles, be it in politics, be it in institutions, be it in the police or in the judicial system or in journalism and media. I think we need to support them very much. We have launched a programme for having them in the European institutions for a certain amount of time, so that we can keep this channel open and encourage them on their difficult path.
Let me also share with you the fact that on 9 March, just last Monday – and I had the pleasure of being in New York on the 8 March – I met the UN Women Executive Director and we discussed our common policies towards empowering women in society, and also countering violence against women, and I had the pleasure of attending – together with our special representative – the opening session of the CSW related to Beijing+20.
I would just underline here again the valuable contributions we have made, the excellent work that was done, and two commitments I can take in specific terms. One, is making sure that we coordinate the internal and external work on human rights in all our policies; secondly, that we try to mainstream this across all sectors of our engagement, particularly when we work with third parties around the world, and the commitment to work together in our different institutions: Council, Commission, but very much with the European Parliament. I would like to thank you all very much for the contributions to the debate – the shadow rapporteurs, the rapporteur Antonio Panzeri, for the excellent report that will very much constitute the basis for our future work in these critical times, and also Stavros Lambrinidis.
Pier Antonio Panzeri,relatore.– Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio tutti per la discussione. Complimenti per la proroga del mandato e soprattutto grazie a lei, Alto rappresentante, perché mi sembra che abbia capito molto bene cosa è utile e necessario fare.
Questa discussione è importante: segnala un'attenzione vera e anche una sensibilità diversa che rispetto e alcune di queste non mi trovano d'accordo. Volevo solo sottolineare che nel preambolo della Carta dei diritti fondamentali si afferma che l'Unione europea pone la persona al centro della sua azione e parlando di persona non si è evocata un'astrazione. Al contrario, con quella parola ci si voleva allontanare proprio dalle astrazioni consegnate a termine come soggetto e individuo e si intendeva dare rilievo alla vita materiale, alle condizioni concrete dell'esistere, alla inviolabilità della dignità di tutti e ciascuno.
Per questo voglio dire con molta forza che rimando al mittente le frasi che ho sentito dagli onorevoli Chauprade e Bay: trovo vergognose alcune affermazioni usate verso la comunità LGBT, che segnalano in realtà solo il livello di inciviltà politica nella quale si vuole trascinare un tema così fondamentale come quello dei diritti. La loro contrarietà alla relazione non mi stupisce, perché è contrarietà alla tolleranza e al rispetto delle persone.
Ma per questo mi rivolgo alla GUE, all'onorevole Vergiat, che dovrebbe riflettere sull'idea di astensione dal voto sulla relazione, che pure rispetto. Sarebbe davvero paradossale che, astenendosi, dovessero far prevalere queste tentazioni oscurantiste all'interno di questo Parlamento. Per questo ritengo che il lavoro fatto sia importante che, mi auguro, raccolga il consenso di buona parte del Parlamento europeo.
Elnök asszony. – A vitát lezárom.
A szavazásra 2015. március 12-én, csütörtökön kerül sor.
Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)
Andrea Bocskor (PPE), írásban.– A jelentés kapcsán szeretném aláhúzni, hogy az EU-nak központi elemként kell kezelnie az emberi jogokat az Unió harmadik országokhoz fűződő valamennyi kapcsolatában, beleértve a stratégiai partnereket is. Szükségesnek tartom, hogy az uniós ügynökségek készítsenek éves jelentést az emberi jogok, benne a kisebbségi jogok területén folytatott tevékenységeikről. A politikai átmenetet és a demokratizálódást minden esetben össze kell kapcsolni az emberi jogok tiszteletével, az igazságosság, az átláthatóság, az elszámoltathatóság, a megbékélés és a jogállamiság előmozdításával, valamint a demokratikus intézmények létrehozásának támogatásával.
Örömmel látom, hogy a jelentés hangsúlyozza, hogy a nemzeti kisebbségek sajátos szükségletekkel rendelkeznek, hogy elő kell mozdítani a nemzeti kisebbségekhez tartozó személyek és a többséghez tartozók közötti teljes és tényleges egyenlőséget a társadalmi, politikai és kulturális élet valamennyi területén.
Lorenzo Cesa (PPE), per iscritto.– La relazione Panzeri presenta molte imprecisioni, prima fra tutte il riferimento contenuto nel paragrafo 136, in cui si invitano i paesi membri dell'Unione europea a riconoscere il diritto all'aborto in condizioni legali di sicurezza. La commissione AFET, della quale sono membro e che ha votato questa relazione non ha competenza alcuna sui paesi membri dell'Unione, ma solo su paesi terzi. Questo paragrafo, quindi, non doveva neanche comparire nel testo finale della relazione.
Inoltre, in virtù del principio di sussidiarietà, la possibilità dell'aborto è una questione di competenza degli Stati membri e l'Unione europea non può interferire nelle politiche degli Stati membri in questo settore.
Ma non è la sola incongruenza. Si leggono, infatti, anche giudizi di valore sui referendum sui matrimoni tra persone dello stesso sesso, che si sono svolti nel 2014 e nel 2015 in Slovacchia, Croazia e Lituania, riferimenti che non possono essere presi in considerazione visto che la relazione Panzeri si occupa dei diritti umani e della democrazia nel mondo nel 2013.
La mia impressione è che si sia voluto a tutti i costi inserire il tema dell'aborto e dei matrimoni gay anche dove non c' entrava nulla, per creare dei precedenti, che, per quel che mi riguarda, non posso accettare.
Pál Csáky (PPE), írásban.– A mai vitában az EU, ezen belül a Parlament unión kívüli emberi jogok védelmével kapcsolatos helyzetfelméréséről és a további, az emberi jogok egyetemes érvényesülését elősegítő intézkedésekről beszélünk. E parlamenti jelentésnek az EU és harmadik országokkal, illetve a nemzetközi szervezetekkel történő együttműködésre kell koncentrálnia. A bevándorlás-politika és emberi jogok biztosítása közti relációban hangsúlyozni kell a nemzetközi együttműködés fontosságát, hogy megoldást találjunk eme égető kérdésre. Az Európai Unió mindig is példát mutatott az alapvető emberi jogok, demokrácia és jogállamiság elveinek érvényesítése terén. Így került az unióhoz való csatlakozás feltételei közé az emberi jogok, ezen belül a kisebbségi jogok és a demokratikus államműködés megkövetelése, amely arra ösztönzi a csatlakozni szándékozó országokat, hogy hozzák összhangba jogrendjüket, állami berendezkedésüket a nemzetközi és uniós normákkal. A nemzeti kisebbségekhez tartozó személyek jogai természetesen részét képezik a mostani jelentésnek.
Nem lehet elégszer elmondani, hogy a nemzeti kisebbségek sajátos szükségletekkel rendelkeznek, amelyeket az adott állam vagy régió történelme, valamint gazdasági és társadalmi viszonyai is befolyásolnak. A nemzeti kisebbségek számára biztosítani kell az egyenlő elbánást, hogy identitásuk megőrzése mellett a társadalom egyenrangú tagjaiként élhessenek. Az uniós kisebbségi politika terén kívánatos lenne egyensúlyba hozni azokat a követelményeket, amelyeket az EU harmadik, illetve csatlakozni kívánó országokkal és saját tagállamaival szemben támaszt.
Beata Gosiewska (ECR), na piśmie.– Ubolewam nad tym, że po raz kolejny dyskusja na temat praw człowieka na świecie prowadzi do przemycania do rezolucji parlamentarnych tylnymi drzwiami treści tak wrażliwych jak aborcja, małżeństwa homoseksualne czy prawa reprodukcyjne i seksualne. Wygląda na to, że część z moich kolegów posłów zapomina, jaki jest podział kompetencji pomiędzy Unią Europejską a państwami członkowskimi.
Polska konstytucja jasno definiuje, że małżeństwo to związek kobiety i mężczyzny. Wywieranie presji na państwa członkowskie w celu legalizacji aborcji czy wprowadzenia zmian zapisów dotyczących tak istotnych kwestii światopoglądowych jest jawnym wkraczaniem w ich kompetencje, łamiącym zasadę pomocniczości zawartą w prawie traktatowym UE.
Pragnę przypomnieć, że rolą unijnych instytucji nie jest narzucanie kwestii światopoglądowych, a respektowanie ustanowionego prawa zawartego w Traktatach. Sprawozdanie posła Panzeriego godzi w chrześcijańskie wartości, z którymi utożsamia się większość moich rodaków. Jako polski poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego pełnię swój mandat z woli naszych obywateli, którzy w znaczącej większości nie życzą sobie ingerencji UE w kwestie światopoglądowe.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR), γραπτώς.– Κύριε Πρόεδρε, Περισσεύει η διγλωσσία της Ε.Ε. για το ζήτημα της προστασίας των Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων στον κόσμο, την ώρα που η τρόικα έχει παραβιάσει, χωρίς καμία συνέπεια, τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στις χώρες που τέθηκαν σε μνημόνιο και κυρίως στην Ελλάδα. Καθώς η Κοινοβουλευτική Συνέλευση του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης έκρινε ότι η λιτότητα οδηγεί στην παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, η μερκελική λιτότητα, την οποία υπηρετεί με θρησκευτική ευλάβεια η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, οδηγεί σε μαζική και διαρκή παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων των πολιτών της Ένωσης.
Τι απαντά σε όλα αυτά η Επιτροπή; Συνεχίζει το «business as usual», επιμένοντας στη λιτότητα. Επομένως, πριν η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αποφασίσει, δήθεν, να σώσει τον κόσμο καλύτερα να βάλει τάξη στα του οίκου της.
Marijana Petir (PPE), napisan.– Ovo izvješće u nekim svojim djelovima premašuje predviđene okvire za izvješće o stanju ljudskih prava u svijetu te se miješa u unutarnja pitanja država članica koje prema načelu supsidijarnosti imaju nadležnost samostalno odlučivati o pitanjima braka i obitelji. U paragrafu 165. nedopustivo prozivate Hrvatsku za održavanje referenduma o ustavnoj zaštiti braka iz 2013. godine i stavljate moju državu u neprimjeren kontekst. Tražim da to izbrišete iz izvješća jer prozivate Hrvatsku kao članicu EU-a za provođenje narodnog referenduma u pitanjima od važnosti za hrvatske građane. Smatram da ovakvim izvješćem činite nepravdu Hrvatskoj i ne prepoznajete inicijativu hrvatskih građana da aktivno sudjeluju u političkim procesima svoje zemlje i utječu na odluke koje su njima važne. Dodala bih da se na isti način izvješće dotiče unutarnjih pitanja još dviju država članica, Slovačke i Litve u navedenom paragrafu te da u nekoliko drugih paragrafa poput 135.,136. i 164. spominjete pitanja obiteljske, zdravstvene i reproduktivne politike poput pobačaja i istospolnih brakova, koji su također u punoj nadležnosti država članica i stoga tražim da se to izostavi iz izvješća.
Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), raštu.– Pone Pirmininke, Metinė ataskaita, susijusi su žmogaus teisėmis ir demokratija apima labai svarbias žmonių, patiriančių diskriminaciją, problemas. Dėl šios priežasties turėtume ypatingai stengtis, kad piliečių teisės būtų paisomos. Lisabonos sutartis atkreipia didelį dėmesį į kultūros ir kalbų paveldą, tuo pačiu remdama kalbų ir etninės įvairovės apsaugą, kaip vieną iš pagrindinių Europos Sąjungos principų. Ši teisė yra suteikiama Sąjungos piliečiams pagal Europos Sąjungos pagrindinių teisių chartijos 21 ir 22 straipsnius, o tai reiškia, kad mėginimas įvesti tam tikros kalbos išskirtinumą yra pagrindinių Sąjungos vertybių apribojimas ir jų pažeidimas. Reikalaudami laikytis šių standartų pasaulyje, pirmiausia turime nediskriminavimo principą dėl kalbos ir etninės priklausomybės įvesti visoje Europos Sąjungoje. Deja, vis dar yra šalių, kuriose mažumų, ypač autochtoninių, teisės yra pažeidžiamos. Todėl Europos Parlamentas ir Komisija turėtų raginti visas ES valstybes nares nedelsiant ratifikuoti Europos Tarybos tautinių mažumų apsaugos pagrindų konvenciją ir Europos regioninių arba mažumų kalbų chartiją. Taip pat reikėtų priminti Europos Parlamento 2013 m. liepos mėn. rezoliuciją dėl kalbų įvairovės. Parlamentas tada paragino šalis, kurios dar nepasirašė ir neratifikavo šitos chartijos, kuo greičiau tai padaryti. Jis taip pat ragino pasmerkti visus veiksmus, kurie kalbos diskriminavimu arba primesta, nuslėpta asimiliacija priešiškai nuteikia prieš kitų bendruomenių kalbas ir tapatybes. XXI amžiaus Europoje negali būti jokios diskriminacijos etniniu pagrindu.