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Trečiadienis, 2015 m. kovo 11 d. - Strasbūras Atnaujinta informacija

18. ES ir Arabų Lygos valstybių ryšiai ir bendradarbiavimas kovojant su terorizmu (diskusijos)
Kalbų vaizdo įrašas

  President. – The next item is the debate on the statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on relations between the EU and the League of Arab States and cooperation in countering terrorism.


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council, Vice—President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, I am speaking again on behalf of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. I am very glad to address the European Parliament on the relations between the European Union and the League of Arab States (LAS) including cooperation in countering terrorism.

Since the upheavals started in 2011, the Arab world has gone through a wave of political changes, some of which have resulted in democratic processes, and a number of which have, for the time being at least, led to outright conflict. Still others have seen revolution overturned and some have seen no change. This has transformed the geopolitical landscape.

Today, on its south-eastern and southern flanks, the EU is facing an arc of conflicts and crises – from Iraq, Syria and an unresolved Middle East conflict, to Libya and the Sahel, with spillover effects throughout the region. Co—operation with our partners in the Arab world is essential if we are to address the regional challenges and threats which they and we face. Security threats, of course, include jihadist terrorism and transnational crime.

There are humanitarian challenges, including the catastrophe of millions of refugees and displaced persons on our doorstep, and social and economic development challenges need to be addressed – especially the lack of employment and opportunities for youth.

We are ready to assist with the effort in meeting these challenges both bilaterally and at a regional level. In this demanding context, the League of Arab States is a vital partner for the EU. It has legitimacy as the only pan-regional organisation bringing together all Arab countries. If its crisis management capabilities are properly reinforced – and with the political willingness of its Member States – it will contribute to tackling the challenges that were just mentioned.

It reinforces Arab co-ownership therefore facilitating the implementation of EU policies in the region. I firmly believe that there is untapped potential in our relationship with the League, which is in our interest to reinforce.

So it is clear ‘why’ we engage.

Now let me give an overview of ‘how’ we engage. The EU and the League of Arab States have indeed strengthened our relationship recently. Less than two months ago, the Secretary—General of the League of Arab States, Dr Nabil Elaraby, visited Brussels and we co-signed a memorandum of understanding on co-operation between our organisations. Dr Elaraby also addressed EU Foreign Ministers and this Parliament. In all these meetings, he stressed the need for stronger Euro-Arab co—operation and made clear his support in the fight against terrorism.

In June last year, a successful EU-LAS Foreign Affairs ministerial meeting was held in Athens. Almost 50 Foreign Ministers agreed to launch an unprecedented Strategic Dialogue as a platform for exchange on political and security matters (including crisis management, humanitarian assistance, counter-terrorism, the fight against organised crime and weapons of mass destruction).

Beyond dialogue, the aim is to tackle these various issues through operational engagement with both the League Secretariat and LAS Member States. Counter-terrorism is a particular priority for the EU at the present time. The Council conclusions adopted last month gave us a mandate to tackle terrorism at regional level, engaging with organisations such as the LAS. As I said before, the League is also committed to addressing this threat. The Arab Foreign Ministers have in fact been discussing terrorism this week.

In this context, we are exploring some concrete initiatives in the counter-terrorism field. A project on countering radicalisation and foreign fighters will be launched soon for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. We would also like to work on capacity-building measures in the fields of law enforcement, criminal justice, security sector reform, paying due regard to international human rights standards, in close co—operation with Europol, Eurojust, Frontex and CEPOL, and to address the ‘foreign fighters’ phenomenon, as agreed at the Athens meeting.

A concrete, positive example of how we can engage to jointly tackle common threats is the EU-funded crisis room in the League’s headquarters. This is an ongoing project which aims to build up a pan-Arab early warning mechanism to deal with catastrophes and crises. Our co-operation is not limited to political and security matters. Since 2012 we have a joint work program of co-operation in various fields, from human rights to energy, and other activities are being planned.

I would like to focus now on how the EU and the LAS work together on human rights. Since 2012, the EU and the LAS have identified common priorities, developed a number of initiatives, and engaged regularly including with the Arab Human Rights Charter Committee and the Arab National Human Rights Institutions. The Council of Europe has also been involved in some of this work. Key topics have included women’s empowerment, promotion and protection of human rights in line with international standards, engagement with civil society and co-operation on election observation. The EU is committed to ensuring that human rights are mainstreamed in our activities across the board. It is particularly important that we do so in the context of counter-terrorism. It is also important that we engage in cultural dialogue. Last April, for example, we organised a dialogue in Cairo on ‘co—existence and acceptance of the other’ and next month we will have a dialogue in Brussels on ‘freedom of expression and freedom of association and assembly’.


  Tunne Kelam, on behalf of the PPE Group. Madam President, may I welcome on behalf of the PPE Group the perspective of possible EU-Arab cooperation in the fight against terrorism. The Memorandum of Understanding signed in January may look like a modest start, but has immense positive potential. It could well become the start of the EU-League of Arab States strategic dialogue.

It is clear that to defeat ISIS it is mandatory to have all countries of the region on board, each making an active contribution. It is necessary to jointly identify challenges, shared goals and possibilities for common actions to counter the terrorist expansion. King Abdullah expressed it very well yesterday, that this fight has to be carried out by Muslim countries first and foremost. It is crucial to take jointly and exchange information on sources and means of terrorist financing. Also a joint mechanism to control the illegal arms trade and cut the roots of jihadist volunteers will have significant practical value.

It is clear that in fighting terrorism the fundamental rights of people have to be safeguarded. Better protection of human rights by our Arab partners would help to develop the culture of tolerance and inclusion in the region. Arab-EU cooperation should be used to better protect terrorist-targeted religious and cultural minorities of the Middle East and will certainly help to implement King Abdullahʼs declaration that Christians form an integral part of the Arab past, as well as its future.


  Knut Fleckenstein, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin, Frau Ministerin! Gestern hat uns der jordanische König in seiner beeindruckenden Rede darauf hingewiesen, dass die Bekämpfung des Terrorismus im Namen des Islams vor allem die Aufgabe der muslimischen Staaten ist. Aber da Terrorismus ein globales Problem ist, kann er auch nur global, sprich miteinander, gelöst werden. Und nur mit gemeinsamer Stärke können wir das auch wirklich erreichen. Um genau diese Stärke zu entwickeln, wurde die Absichtserklärung für die verstärkte Kooperation zwischen den Staaten der Arabischen Liga und der Europäischen Union abgeschlossen. Wir begrüßen eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Arabischen Liga und uns, nicht nur, aber auch in Bezug auf Antiterrormaßnahmen sehr.

Es gibt zahlreiche Bereiche, in denen wir nur gemeinsam etwas erreichen können. Wir müssen vor allem in Bezug auf Frühwarnsysteme und Krisenprävention besser kooperieren. Das Internet und vor allem die sozialen Netzwerke erleichtern Kontakte über Grenzen hinweg und ermöglichen die Verbreitung von Propaganda ohne physische Basis. Auf diese Herausforderung kann man nur international antworten.

Das Phänomen der foreign fighters oder der reisenden Kämpfer kann nur gemeinsam mit den Staaten angegangen werden, die Ziele für diese Kämpfer sind. Dabei geht es sowohl um die Bekämpfung des Terrors als auch um Strategien, wie wir Aussteigern helfen können und sie wieder in die Gesellschaft integrieren. Wir begrüßen, dass es bereits zahlreiche, sehr unterschiedliche Initiativen in ganz Europa gibt, die gegen Extremismus und für Toleranz eintreten.

Terrorismus im Namen des Islams ist eine ernste Bedrohung, in der EU und in den arabischen Staaten. Diese Bedrohung können wir nur gemeinsam mit muslimischen Gemeinschaften in der EU und muslimischen Staaten außerhalb der EU erfolgreich bekämpfen. Dieser Gemeinsamkeit bedarf es auch, um sicherzustellen, dass der Kampf gegen Terrorismus nicht missbraucht wird zur Hetze gegen den Islam.

Jede Seite hat eigene Aufgaben bei sich zu Hause zu beachten. Für uns bedeutet es auch, wie wichtig es ist, dass wir nicht erst bei der Verfolgung von Straftätern einsetzen, sondern dass wir von vornherein eine Radikalisierung vermeiden. Das bedeutet für die arabischen Staaten, sehr viel besser als bisher Waffenlieferungen an Terroristenorganisationen und die Finanzierung des Terrors auch aus diesen Ländern selbst zu unterbinden. Es bedeutet ebenfalls, die Menschenrechte zu gewährleisten.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. Madam President, with the rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and Islamist terrorist attacks occurring in Europe, cooperation with our allies in the Gulf and the wider Arab world is more important today than ever in combating international terrorism. The Arab League can do much to stem the causes of jihadi terrorism at the roots. A more proactive approach in restricting the funding activities of certain religious charities that are in fact financing terrorism, restricting the travel of known terrorists, and ceasing the promotion of Wahhabi Salafism across the globe are just three examples.

This House was addressed yesterday by the King of Jordan discussing the key role that his country is playing in the air campaign against ISIS. Along with countries such as Egypt, Jordan is a great example in the region of what genuine military cooperation can look like. Tunisia is also a good example and success story of what democracy can mean for the Arab Spring. Finally, more also must be done to pressure those GCC states, notably Qatar, that are funding and equipping directly or indirectly international jihadi terrorism.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Madam President, to counter the horrific terrorist acts by ISIS and others, it is key that countries that see high numbers of victims of terrorism, as well as large numbers of perpetrators, are actively engaged in fighting back.

As the King of Jordan said yesterday, the fight that is witnessed between terrorists and those who want to defend pluralism is a fight within Islam. It is important that countries of the Arab region take responsibility. Cooperation between the EU and Arab League states on counter-terrorism is welcome, yet clarification is needed. We call on the publication of the Memorandum of Understanding so that there is full transparency and we can see what is agreed.

It is unfortunate that the press release by the External Action Service did not mention the importance of respecting human rights while cooperating on fighting terrorism; because in this House we have repeatedly been asked and forced to call for the respect for human rights, notably after the Arab uprisings, as they are often violated, precisely in the member states of the Arab League, severely and systematically.

This kind of repression is too often legitimised by arguments of national security or by invoking counter-terrorism and the EU cannot and should not, directly or indirectly, be a part of legitimising repression in the name of counter-terrorism – not the repression of those that act entirely in line with their universal human rights.

Sadly, from Bahrain to Egypt, from Saudi Arabia to Turkey, from Qatar to Sudan, we see this kind of repression. I think that we should take the lead in ensuring that security and freedom are integrally related and the EU must not be tempted by any short-term perspectives on interests while forgetting about the fundamental values upon which we base ourselves.


  Cornelia Ernst, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin! Es geht hier also um Sicherheitskooperation. Das ist als solches erst mal nicht schlecht. Mit der Arabischen Liga, zu der – und da sind wir beim Problem – relevante Staaten gehören, in denen Staatsterrorismus und Menschenrechtsverletzungen gewissermaßen das tägliche Brot sind. Ich sage Ihnen ganz offen: Sicherheitskooperation, die letztlich mit solchen undemokratischen Despotien ausgehandelt werden, gehören sich nicht. Und glauben Sie denn wirklich, dass wegen ein paar lustloser und gleichsam naiver Punkte zu Menschenrechten in der Entschließung auch nur ein ägyptischer Polizist aufhört, weiterhin Menschenrechte mit Füßen zu treten? Sind unsere Sicherheitspartner wirklich Staaten wie Bahrain, wo Internetaktivisten wegen eines einzigen Tweets in den Knast geschickt werden? Ist Saudi-Arabien unser Vertrauter, obwohl dort Menschen öffentlich ausgepeitscht und enthauptet werden? Und dann ist dieses Memorandum noch nicht einmal wirklich öffentlich.

Also, ich muss Ihnen ganz ehrlich sagen, das ist keine Sicherheitskooperation, sondern Komplizenschaft. Denn den Partnern verkauft man natürlich auch Waffen und Überwachungsinstrumente. Und Menschenrechte sind hier Nebensache. Worum es wirklich geht ist Staatsräson nach dem Motto „Wer Uniform trägt, dem kann man a priori trauen“.


  Alyn Smith, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Madam President, I think the Chamber has genuinely done a good piece of work on this resolution. I would explicitly praise Mrs Schaake for the work she has done in coordinating the different groups in its production, because this is a solid resolution that we have before us, where it could have been the blankest of blank cheques and the most mixed of mixed signals, because there were enough people trying to make it so.

The subject is too serious for petty politics. The fight against terrorism and the cooperation of the EU with the League of Arab States, as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding, is a serious subject that deserves to be taken as seriously as indeed we have done, except that the Memorandum has not been published. This surely sends the worst possible signal to our partner countries within the region. Within the resolution, in Recital D, we highlight that fact and in point 3 we explicitly call for its publication. There is cross-party support for that. I would be grateful for an explicit reaction to that call this evening.

More widely, it is not a toothless resolution either. In Recital I, we refuse to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of our partners in that there are serious and systematic violations of human rights in member countries of the Arab League states, because we cannot turn a blind eye to their failings. We also, in point 5, state that the solution to radicalisation is not simply military. The roots are far more complex than that, and any solution must be multifaceted and much more sophisticated in nature. In point 9 we explicitly say that counter-terrorism measures may never be abused to repress legitimate dissent. That again is a nod to the practices of some of our partner countries. In point 11 we stress the importance of cooperation between the EU and the League in the field of human rights because there are things to build on. We must do that by example.

The regimes in charge of the Middle East and North Africa are indeed important partners and we do indeed need to deal with them. We do have a common aim. As we say in point 2 of the resolution, terrorism poses a direct threat to all countries and all people, regardless of their ethnic background, but our duty is to our values and to the people of the region, not necessarily the regimes in charge.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, questo memorandum è senz'altro un primo passo importante, come abbiamo sottolineato bene coi colleghi nella risoluzione, colleghi che peraltro ringrazio per l'ottimo lavoro.

Purtroppo moltissimi punti risultano ancora del tutto programmatici, con ricadute pratiche ancora tutte da valutare. Di giuridicamente vincolante c'è ben poco, nonostante le sfide da affrontare siano enormi, non solo contro i gruppi terroristici ma contro ormai veri e propri franchising del terrorismo. Ribadisco il nostro fermo rifiuto alla retorica dello scontro di civiltà e a maggior ragione a quello di religione. Abbiamo bisogno dell'aiuto di tutte le comunità musulmane presenti in Europa per isolare l'estremismo ed evitare – e in questo il ruolo degli Stati arabi può e deve essere fondamentale come ci diceva il re di Giordania ieri – che si scada in questo tipo di argomentazioni, con strumenti politici ma anche culturali.

È necessario però anche un impegno totale e concreto di tutti gli Stati membri della Lega araba non solo ad astenersi da ogni forma di guerra per procura, ma anche dal perseguire attivamente chi, anche come privato cittadino, contribuisce a finanziare direttamente o indirettamente lo scontro geopolitico che contrappone, con varie guerre per procura, il mondo sunnita a quello sciita.

Nessun timore a fare nomi né a sanzionare duramente chi gioca con la sorte di milioni di persone: se non ci sarà sincerità questo memorandum resterà soltanto una bella dichiarazione di intenti ed è proprio per questo che noi non possiamo dimenticare, perché collaborare non vuol dire dimenticare.

Ecco perché continuerò – e con me, spero, tanti altri colleghi insieme, sono certo – a rilanciare la tutela dei diritti umani e la necessità di abolire la pena di morte: vigili sempre, complici mai.


  Mario Borghezio (NI). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il dibattito ha ben sottolineato che la questione più importante – anche se l'Alto rappresentante Mogherini si è dilungata soprattutto sulla questione dei diritti umani – più grave e urgente è la collaborazione effettiva nella lotta al terrorismo.

Mi sembra evidente che l'approvazione del memorandum del 19 gennaio e anche i fatti che si sono susseguiti non lasciano sperare in risultati concreti, perché la posizione di due contraenti – da una parte la Lega araba e dall'altra quella dell'Unione europea – è quella di due entità che fanno parole e non fatti. Per quanto riguarda l'Unione europea, ditemi che cosa ha fatto di concreto sulla questione dei combattenti stranieri, sulla questione del controllo delle frontiere esterne o dei controlli antiterrorismo all'interno. Sì, sono stati adottati dei provvedimenti che riguardano il Parlamento europeo, al di là della nostra sicurezza, c'è ben poco.

Non è cambiato niente negli aeroporti, nei controlli, eccetera e anche le dichiarazioni di intento della Lega araba non sono andate più in là perché manca la messa in sistema dei servizi, per cui non è stato possibile identificare degli obiettivi comuni in tema di intelligence e di coordinamento degli interventi sia civili, politici, di intelligence che militari. Un nulla di fatto.


  Fernando Ruas (PPE). Senhora Presidente, Senhora Ministra, gostaria de me congratular pela oportuna assinatura do já referido Memorando de Entendimento. Aliás, este reforço da cooperação e do diálogo estratégico, consubstanciado na partilha de experiências, informações e práticas de excelência, traduzir-se-á, naturalmente, na criação de pontos de contacto institucionais para coordenar a ação conjunta na desejada intensificação de consultas mútuas, bem como no estabelecimento de grupos de trabalho conjuntos.

Considero ainda que, com esta assinatura, foi dado um importante passo no âmbito da implementação da estratégia global da ONU na luta contra o terrorismo, que gostaria de salientar, pois é exatamente através da criação de parcerias a uma escala cada vez mais global e envolvendo cada vez mais as organizações regionais existentes que se pode caminhar para uma efetiva implementação desta estratégia mundial, que pretende atuar sobre uma realidade extremamente complexa, em constante mutação, e cada vez mais bem apetrechada em termos financeiros, logísticos e tecnológicos.

Julgo, para terminar, que, no âmbito da estratégia europeia de luta contra o terrorismo, se deve também promover uma maior coordenação entre os Estados-Membros, o EUROJUST, a EUROPOL, e especialmente em termos operacionais.


  Richard Howitt (S&D). Madam President, I fully support this agreement, but when the High Representative tells the United Nations that we can both fight terrorism and respect human rights, the agreement represents a true test of those words. Will it lead to a review of anti-terrorist laws in the Arab countries so that they stop being used against legitimate journalists and human rights activists? How will our cooperation with security forces avoid complicity in human rights abuses in countries where there is use of the death penalty and credible evidence of the use of torture, and how will our cooperation seek to eradicate these practices? What will this cooperation achieve in ending the direct funding of terrorism by some of the states themselves, and will our dialogue have an equal emphasis on tackling root causes which allow terrorism to breed, to combat radicalisation abroad as well as at home, to recognise that repression aggravates terrorism, rather than preventing it?

The terrorist threat is real and we want cooperation with the Arab States, but it is the terrorists who challenge the rule of law, and it is us who must always uphold it.


  Marcus Pretzell (ECR). Frau Präsidentin, meine Damen und Herren! Diese Absichtserklärung wurde ausgehandelt von Beamten und Diplomaten. Nicht ein Parlamentarier war darin eingebunden. Und heute Abend, um 22 Uhr, reden und diskutieren wir mit 20 Kollegen und 100 Dolmetschern diese Angelegenheit. Die ECR-Fraktion hat einen hervorragenden Entschließungsantrag eingebracht, und als Einzige haben wir dabei als Reaktion auf die terroristische Bedrohung ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Freiheit und Sicherheit angemahnt. Denn eine Gesellschaft darf ihre Freiheit nicht selbst hergeben, sie darf sich ihrer Freiheit nicht selbst berauben. Ansonsten haben die Terroristen bereits gewonnen. Wir sollten aus den Fehlern, die in den USA gemacht worden sind, lernen. Und dass ausgerechnet die Grünen hierzu Streichungsanträge eingereicht haben, zeigt einmal mehr, dass sie zwar als Teletubbies auf YouTube taugen, aber weniger als Pfeiler einer freiheitlichen Gesellschaftsordnung. Ich wünsche viel Glück bei der Umsetzung dieser Absichtserklärung.


  Илхан Кючюк (ALDE). Днес тероризмът се явява най-голямата заплаха за света. Под неговата угроза са всички граждани, независимо от тяхната етническа и религиозна принадлежност. Приветствам инициираните дипломатически усилия с Лигата на арабските държави за действия по комплексен и координиран начин срещу заплахата от тероризъм и екстремистко насилие.

Г-жо Министър, борбата с тероризма трябва да гарантира пълно зачитане на международните стандарти за човешките права. Споделянето на разузнавателна информация с трети страни и създаването на инструменти, които да ограничават финансирането на терористични организации, са от съществено значение. Намирам инициираното предложение за създаване на поста „аташе по сигурността“ към делегациите на Европейския съюз като възможност за по-добра координация. Друг инструмент е засилването на сътрудничеството в сферата на сигурността в обновената европейска политика за съседство.

Наред със създаването на европейска стратегия за борба с международния тероризъм, е нужно да задълбочим междукултурния и междуетническия диалог сред всички държави. Този диалог трябва да се води както в рамките на Европейския съюз, така и извън него. Дълбоко вярвам, че свободата е гръбнакът на сигурността, а пъстротата и многообразието – основа на всяка една свобода.


  Javier Couso Permuy (GUE/NGL). Señora Presidenta, siempre he hablado de la necesidad de trabajar con los actores regionales y locales para la resolución de conflictos —la amenaza del terrorismo yihadista no es una excepción—, pero siempre que estos actores compartan nuestros mismos objetivos con hechos y no retórica.

Este memorando está lleno de buenos propósitos, pero debemos preguntarnos si la Liga de los Estados Árabes comparte sinceramente nuestros objetivos. Podría ser que sí, si condena firmemente el terrorismo de Estado y la persecución de los derechos humanos; podría ser que sí, si reconoce a Siria como interlocutor, porque la desestabilización de Occidente y de esta Liga de los Estados Árabes ha sido catastrófica para nuestra seguridad; podría ser que sí, si exige a Arabia Saudí que deje de desestabilizar a los vecinos o de difundir el salafismo y el wahabismo, aparte de dejar de financiar el terrorismo; y podría ser que sí, si sus miembros no armaran a organizaciones terroristas como el Estado Islámico.

¿Estamos seguros de todo ello?


  Judith Sargentini (Verts/ALE). Voorzitter, ik heb grote twijfels bij een verdrag met de Arabische Liga. Een eerste reden is dat Arabische landen er dezelfde barbaarse praktijken op nahouden, zoals bijvoorbeeld het afhakken van handen en het geven van stokslagen, als Da’esh. Reden twee is dat heel veel financiering van extremisten vanuit Arabische landen komt. En reden drie is dat landen zoals Saudi-Arabië, maar denk ook aan Egypte, door de willekeur waarmee ze hun burgers behandelen en het regime van onderdrukking dat zij voeren, extremisme in de hand werken.

Ik vraag mij om die drie redenen af hoe wij een effectief een anti-terrorismebeleid kunnen voeren met de Arabische Liga. Zolang de tekst van dit verdrag ook nog niet bekend is word ik niet gerustgesteld.


  Kristina Winberg (EFDD). Fru talman! Mitt mål är att bygga ett tryggt Europa. Vi måste kunna leva tillsammans i säkerhet och fred. Tyvärr agerar majoriteten av EU:s medlemsländer inte tillräcklig tidigt när det gäller radikalisering av unga muslimer, utan agerar först när den hemvändande jihadisten redan genomfört sin attack och lovar då att göra allt för att förhindra att terrorn ska få slå till igen.

Madrid, London, Bryssel, Paris, Köpenhamn – vilken blir nästa stad? Ingen om jag får välja. Att samarbeta med Arabstaterna, utbyta information och hitta gemensamma säkerhetslösningar är en god sak. Att strypa tillförseln av kapital och vapen till ISIS-kontrollerade områden ser vi som en förutsättning för att få stopp på jihadisternas skoningslösa våld.

Jag tror däremot inte på att vi i Europaparlamentet kan lösa de konflikter som finns mellan olika tolkningar av islam. Reformeringen av islam måste komma inifrån. Jag tror på ökat gränsskydd, på PNR, på ökad intern säkerhet och på ett fungerande rättssamhälle som arresterar och dömer alla som vill delta i terroristhandlingar, krig och attentat.


  Franz Obermayr (NI). Frau Präsidentin! Die Union will nun gemeinsam mit der Arabischen Liga die IS-Terroristen bekämpfen. Das klingt ja gut. Aber wofür steht diese Arabische Liga? Es ist Skepsis angebracht, denn in den letzten 15 Jahren zeigte die Liga ein durchaus inhomogenes Bild. 2011 ließ man die Familie Assad fallen, 2013 trat Katar als großer Freund der Moslembrüder auf, und laut dem Zentrum zur Erforschung der arabischen Welt an der Universität Mainz sind Saudi-Arabien, Katar und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate nach wie vor entscheidende Quellen zur Finanzierung des IS. Ähnliches hört man auch vom Washingtoner Institut für Nahost-Politik.

Einen Hoffnungsschimmer hinterließ allerdings der Besuch des jordanischen Königs in diesem Haus bei mir. Er sprach klare Worte und sagte, dass Grundlage eines erfolgreichen Kampfes gegen IS soziale Gerechtigkeit und Respekt gegenüber anderen Religionen sein muss. Ob das allerdings mit salafistischen Moslems in Saudi-Arabien oder sonst wo in den Emiraten, die alle ein Doppelspiel betreiben, funktionieren kann, ist für mich durchaus fraglich.


  Victor Boștinaru (S&D). Madam President, I would like to reaffirm to the Minister the importance of the cooperation between the EU and the League of Arab States in countering terrorism and to stress its utmost importance today when facing a series of highly disruptive terrorist activities all around the globe, which I strongly condemn.

I specifically call for the development of dedicated channels of communication and specific procedures for the periodic exchange of good practice in countering terrorism, and for timely appropriate information sharing. Furthermore, I strongly encourage an enhanced and comprehensive dialogue with moderate religious leaders, elites in the Arab countries, who should be promoted as a key actor in the stabilisation process of their societies.

Regarding the framework established through the Memorandum of Understanding, I would like to emphasise the need for closer co—operation in monitoring and cutting financing mechanisms dedicated to terrorist activities, in dismantling armed traffic networks and in adapting transparent guidelines and common standards for the transfer and exploitation of dual-use devices equipment.


  David Campbell Bannerman (ECR). Madam President, the clear and present danger posed by returning European jihadist fighters is a real one and likely to persist for many years to come. The returning wave of extremist, Islamic fighters sends an undeniable message that counter-terrorism efforts have urgently to be reinforced across all Member States and in cooperation with the League of Arab States, particularly on security services – and that is a most helpful area.

Further to this, I encourage all Member States to confront extremism by blocking hate preachers coming to their shores and by removing thousands of items from the internet that encourage or glorify terrorism. This is what the UK Government is striving to do. In my capacity as Chairman of the Delegation for relations with Iraq, I also welcome the words of King Abdullah of Jordan yesterday, as any counter—terrorism strategy to combat the evil of ISIL and other jihadist terrorist groups does need the full cooperation of Islamic nations through the League of Arab States. Without this support our Member States efforts to tackle Islamic extremism are greatly undermined.


  Gerard Batten (EFDD). Madam President, King Abdullah said here yesterday that the crisis with Islamic State is an ideological battle that must be fought and won within Islam. He compared the IS threat to the Second World War, and described theirs as an expansionist ideology. He is quite right that it is not just a physical struggle, but an ideological war that can only be resolved in the Islamic world by the moderate Muslims defeating the extremists.

It is a fact, however, that a number of Islamic states fund IS and other extremist groups around the world. It is estimated that more than half the mosques and imams in the UK are funded by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and these countries export their extremists to us. Christendom needs to recognise the threat to its culture and way of life and tackle it head on in our own lands. We cannot rely on the Arab League to do it for us.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος ( NI). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η σοβαρή απειλή που συνιστούν για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οι πολεμικές δραστηριότητες των τζιχαντιστών του ISIS και τα εγκλήματα που διαπράττουν όχι μόνο σε χώρες της Μέσης Ανατολής, αλλά και σε χώρες της Ευρώπης, μας επιβάλλουν την άμεση και στενή συνεργασία με τις χώρες του Αραβικού Συνδέσμου που προσπαθούν να αντιμετωπίσουν την τρομοκρατία. Πρέπει πάση θυσία να αποτρέψουμε την άφιξη των τρομοκρατών στην Ευρώπη. Η Ιταλία, κυρίως, λόγω εγγύτητας προς τη Λιβύη, αλλά και η Ελλάδα και η Ισπανία, είναι ιδανικοί τόποι προορισμού των τρομοκρατών.

Όπως ξέρετε στις χώρες αυτές καταφθάνει κάθε μέρα μεγάλος αριθμός παρανόμων μεταναστών. Άρα λοιπόν τα δρομολόγια κινήσεως και οι ακτές αποβιβάσεώς τους είναι γνωστά στους παράνομους διακινητές και μπορούν άνετα να αξιοποιηθούν. Συνήθως οι τρομοκράτες φθάνουν σε μικρές ομάδες, συναντούν πυρήνες που ήδη έχουν φθάσει στις χώρες αυτές, συντονίζονται, και μπορούν να προκαλέσουν χάος προσβάλλοντας διαφόρους στόχους.

Τελειώνω λέγοντας τη χαρακτηριστική δήλωση του εξαδέλφου του Καντάφι, ο οποίος σε βρετανικό blog είπε ότι ανάμεσα σε χίλιους παράνομους μετανάστες 10 έως 50 είναι τρομοκράτες. «Σε ένα έως δύο χρόνια θα έχετε μία νέα 11η Σεπτεμβρίου».


  Ελένη Θεοχάρους ( PPE). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το μνημόνιο συνεργασίας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με τον Αραβικό κόσμο είναι σημαντικό και επίκαιρο. Η υλοποίησή του και ο συντονισμός των κρατών μελών στην καταπολέμηση του εφιάλτη της τρομοκρατίας είναι κρίσιμοι παράγοντες. Οι αραβικές χώρες βρίσκονται στην πρώτη γραμμή εναντίον της τρομοκρατίας, αλλά είναι και τα πρώτα θύματά της. Γι' αυτό απαιτείται στενή συνεργασία και στήριξη εκείνων των δυνάμεων του Αραβικού κόσμου που χαρακτηρίζονται από μετριοπάθεια και πολεμούν κάθε μορφή εξτρεμισμού.

Προέρχομαι από μία μικρή χώρα που βρίσκεται στο στόχαστρο του ISIS, διότι παρέχει στρατιωτικές διευκολύνσεις σε εκείνους που πολεμούν την τρομοκρατία και διότι το κατεχόμενο τμήμα της Κύπρου είναι άντρο φανατικών ισλαμιστών. Γνωρίζουμε πολύ καλά τι σημαίνει τρομοκρατία και ειδικά κρατική τρομοκρατία, της οποίας είμαστε θύματα. Η Κύπρος συνεργάζεται στενά με μερικές Αραβικές χώρες στην καταπολέμηση της τρομοκρατίας και μπορεί να αποτελέσει προκεχωρημένο φυλάκιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στη Μέση Ανατολή. Αλλά, κεντρικό πυλώνα της πολιτικής μας στον πόλεμο κατά της τρομοκρατίας πρέπει να έχουμε τον εκδημοκρατισμό των καθεστώτων των Αραβικών χωρών.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la cooperazione con i paesi arabi è essenziale per aiutare i partner interessati del Mediterraneo meridionale nella formulazione e nelle strategie antiterrorismo. Noi siamo in grado di offrire ai partner arabi la nostra competenza tecnica e operativa al fine di sviluppare il necessario meccanismo di monitoraggio e sorveglianza per avere confini più sicuri.

Penso però che l'Unione europea debba migliorare il suo rapporto anche con le organizzazioni arabe regionali, oltre che la Lega degli Stati arabi, e anche con influenti forum subregionali. Ciò vale in particolare per l'impegno collettivo dell'Unione europea nei paesi in grave conflitto interno – penso alla Siria, Iran e Libia – e parliamo di correlate politiche collettive europee che devono essere accuratamente coordinate con le linee di politica generale della Lega degli Stati arabi, sottolineando la necessità di mantenere la sicurezza e l'integrità territoriale di questi paesi.

Per tutto questo ritengo assolutamente indispensabile la cooperazione tra l'Unione europea e la Lega degli Stati arabi.


  Dawid Bohdan Jackiewicz (ECR). Pani Przewodnicząca! „Naiwność jest najgłupszą stroną głupoty” – powiedział kiedyś wybitny polski poeta. Chciałbym dzisiaj zapytać, dlaczego w obliczu tak wielkiego zagrożenia, jakim jest terroryzm międzynarodowy islamski, dzisiaj Parlament Europejski sam sobie wystawia świadectwo skrajnej naiwności? W projekcie rezolucji Parlamentu Europejskiego w sprawie stosunków Unii z Ligą Państw Arabskich w zakresie współpracy w zwalczaniu terroryzmu zapisano – tutaj cytuję – „Parlament Europejski przyjmuje z zadowoleniem protokół ustaleń między Unią a Ligą Państw Arabskich, który nadaje temu dialogowi i tej współpracy wielostronny charakter”. Piękne, ale niestety puste słowa. Właściwie cały ten dokument składa się z takich oto określeń: Parlament z zadowoleniem przyjmuje, podkreśla wagę, wzywa do współpracy, ponownie podkreśla wagę, zdecydowanie potępia, nawołuje. Oto cała treść dokumentu, o którym dzisiaj mówimy, który sami tworzymy. Czy to ma być nasz głos w walce o bezpieczeństwo Europy? To przecież głos skrajnie naiwny. Jaki mamy pomysł na unijną i europejską politykę bezpieczeństwa? W huku kolejnych wybuchających bomb próbujemy znaleźć cichy i spokojny kąt, w którym będziemy mogli sobie spokojnie pogłębiać zrozumienie problemu.

Panie i Panowie! Czy to naprawdę wszystko, na co nas stać w zakresie bezpieczeństwa naszego kontynentu?


  Ramona Nicole Mănescu (PPE). Madam President, the key to defeating terrorism is a coordinated effort between all parties who are committed to peace and democracy. I am encouraged by the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and the League of Arab States. I believe we must also work closely with the African Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee. But cooperation itself is not enough. It is essential that we cooperate effectively and intelligently with all our partners, sharing information about firearms trafficking and terrorist financing and learning from our previous mistakes.

We must also see our counter-terrorist strategy as part of a bigger picture, fully integrated into our foreign and development policies, because to defeat terrorism we must also understand its underlying causes such as poverty, hopelessness and a lack of governance, which is essential to resolve these problems. We will defeat terrorism when we unite with our allies to offer a better future to the young men and women who are drawn to extremist groups, by drawing on our own European values and economic strengths.


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! Bei keinem anderen Thema gibt es in diesem Haus mehr Einigkeit, als dass Daesh eine existenzielle Bedrohung unserer Freiheit darstellt und mit allen Mitteln bekämpft werden muss. Daher ist es auch wichtig, Bündnispartner zu finden, und die Arabische Liga, deren Staaten noch viel unmittelbarer bedroht sind, ist dabei wohl ein sehr wichtiger Partner. Dieses Memorandum ist daher zu begrüßen. Aber es ist in den nächsten Monaten auch darauf zu achten, dass den Worten auch entsprechende Taten folgen.

Wir dürfen auch nicht darauf verzichten, von unseren Partnern die Beachtung von Demokratie und Menschenrechten einzufordern. Dies hätte gestern auch die schwedische Außenministerin Margot Wallström beim Treffen der Arabischen Liga in Kairo getan. Auf Intervention Saudi-Arabiens durfte sie ihre Rede nicht halten. Sie hätte nichts anderes gesagt, als dass Demokratie, Sicherheit und Entwicklung zusammenhängen. Es wäre wohl gut gewesen, wenn ihre arabischen Kollegen das auch gehört hätten.


  Davor Ivo Stier (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, pozdravljam Memorandum o razumijevanju koji je naša vanjska služba potpisala s glavnim tajništvom Arapske lige.

Politički dijalog i suradnja na sigurnosnim pitanjima između Europe i Arapske lige su ključni instrumenti u borbi protiv ekstremizma i terorizma. Kao član Odbora za razvoj želio bih istaknuti i tu dimenziju u ovoj raspravi. Sveobuhvatna europska strategija protiv terorizma mora u potpunosti iskoristiti instrumente razvojna suradnje i to ne samo u vidu klasičnih programa borbe protiv siromaštva i nejednakosti već i u inovativnijim inicijativama u borbi protiv korupcije te promicanju vladavine prava i inkluzivnih institucija.

Na taj način će i naša razvojna politika pridonijeti općem naporu za sužavanje prostora ekstremistima koji često svoju radikalnu politiku pokušavaju legitimirati tako što se lažno predstavljaju kao borci protiv korumpiranih režima u arapskom svijetu.

Trenutni imperativ borbe protiv terorizma ne smije nas dovesti do popuštanja u pogledu poštivanja ljudskih prava i vladavine prava u zemljama s kojima želimo graditi partnerstvo protiv terorizma.


  Afzal Khan (S&D). Madam President, terrorism is a global threat and only global cooperation can defeat the terrorist agenda and all those that support it. Calling for an alliance between Europe and the Arab States in a fight against terrorism is, therefore, vital. I welcome the recently signed Memorandum.

There are many Arab countries with good strategies for countering radicalisation and extremism and stopping terrorist funding. The UAE, for example established the Hedayah centre in Abu Dhabi. We do not have to reinvent the wheel; we can learn from their experiences. It is vital, however, that the cooperation avoids the mistakes of the past. The global war on terror after 9/11 involved measures that violated fundamental rights and international law. Respect for human rights and the rule of law must not fall victim to combating terrorism; these must be the bedrock of it. Many regimes have used repressive methods and emergency legislation to crush dissent.

Repression re-provokes discontent and radicalisation, setting off a cycle of violence. Europe and the Arab League states must pursue a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy that tackles the root cause of radicalisation, with particular focus on the economic and social situation of the younger generation in many of these countries. Young people must be inspired by values of mutual respect and inclusive society so that we stop the vicious cycle of violence. We need to work together as we are all facing the same threat.


  Deirdre Clune (PPE). Madam President, we have an expression in the Irish language – ‘ní neart go cur le chéile’ – which means ‘together we are much stronger’, and it is together, working with the League of Arab States, that we can defeat those who are intent on attacking our own way of life here in Europe. When it comes to the situation in Libya, to the Middle East peace process and to Syria and Iraq, we share a common interest in looking for long-lasting solutions to ensure regional peace and stability. It is together, working with the League of Arab States, that we can counter the threat that groups like ISIS pose to both the Middle East and the rest of the world.

The rising threat posed by Islamic fundamentalists to our young people in Europe is a concern. Together with the Arab world, we are fully aware that this is not only a military fight but also a political and a cultural one. The question of how to de-radicalise and integrate the disaffected person is one of the key points on which our strategy focuses, and a primary point of focus for Parliament and the Commission is the fact that, of the approximately 10 000 foreign fighters in crisis regions, more than 3 000 radical Islamists are from Europe. Most of them are young men and they are travelling to fight in countries like Syria. The rise of ISIS makes it clear that there is no room for complacency among the international community when it comes to the growth of extremism among our young people. We must cooperate on security, intelligence, early warning protocols and counter—terrorism measures.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). Madam President, I am intending in catch—the—eye to make the point that the threat of the spread of terrorism is on the rise, and I would like to make the point of the conformity of every policy that is at stake with human rights and engagement of the European Union within the international community and the values which it stands for, the diplomacy when it comes to political dialogue, to setting a point on the accomplishment of compromises and engagement on international law, and the statements and resolutions that have been adopted by the United Nations. But the point I wanted to make is that we tend to overlook the threat against the Arab States themselves when it comes to international terrorism. It is a major threat and Iraq, Libya, Syria, every single state, has to be taken into account for their own efforts, when it comes to deploying diplomacy to the European Union.

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, I would like to express my satisfaction at the High Representative’s new approach to counter-terrorism cooperation between the European Union and the Arab states. It is clear that, terrorism being a global threat, it has to be faced together globally. This alliance of civilisations is a revolutionary means of establishing a common, strong position on open conflicts and ongoing crises. It could prevent the creation of bad new situations, for example in failed states where there is an increased danger of terrorism spreading.

I believe it is important to support the moderate sections of Arab societies – those that are willing to be our allies in the fight against terrorism and that have the capacity to do the groundwork for the establishment of peace and security in the Arab countries. I truly hope that the dialogue with the Muslim communities in Europe, as well as in the rest of the world, can become the most powerful weapon for making the world a safer place for all.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, καθώς οι τζιχαντιστές ενισχύουν τις δυνάμεις τους και γίνονται πιο επιθετικοί και επικίνδυνοι, η συνεργασία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με τον Αραβικό Σύνδεσμο μπορεί να συμβάλει στον περιορισμό της τρομοκρατίας. Η συνεργασία όμως δεν πρέπει να μείνει μόνο στα ζητήματα ασφάλειας. Πρέπει να επεκταθεί στο πεδίο της πολιτικής, της οικονομίας και της κοινωνίας στα Αραβικά κράτη.

Η συνεργασία Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης – Αραβικού Συνδέσμου στον τομέα των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων θα συμβάλει στον εκδημοκρατισμό των Αραβικών κρατών. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό το Συμβούλιο της Ευρώπης μπορεί επίσης να παίξει αποφασιστικό ρόλο. Η αναβάθμιση της θέσης της γυναίκας, η προστασία των θρησκευτικών μειονοτήτων και ιδίως των χριστιανικών κοινοτήτων, η αναβάθμιση του ρόλου της κοινωνίας των πολιτών, ο περιορισμός της φτώχειας και του κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού θα συμβάλουν στο να χτυπηθούν τα κοινωνικά αίτια που ρίχνουν λίπασμα στην ανάπτυξη των τζιχαντιστών. Τέλος, επαναλαμβάνω ότι το Κατάρ και η Τουρκία θα πρέπει να τεθούν προ των ευθυνών τους για τις σχέσεις τους με τους τζιχαντιστές.

(Ο ομιλητής δέχεται να απαντήσει σε ερώτηση με γαλάζια κάρτα (άρθρο162, παράγραφος 8, του κανονισμού))


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE), otázka položená zvednutím modré karty. Pane kolego, opravdu si myslíte, že se dají demokratizovat arabské státy jednoduše? Opravdu si myslíte to, že když my, Evropané, někomu řekneme, jak má vypadat demokracie, tak ji jednoduše přijme?


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR), απάντηση "γαλάζια κάρτα". Δεν υποστηρίζω ότι θα πρέπει επεμβατικά η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να διαμορφώσει πρότυπα σε επίπεδο εκδημοκρατισμού ή και κοινωνικής συμπεριφοράς και να τα επιβάλλει στα Αραβικά κράτη. Είναι βέβαιο, όμως, ότι με την όσμωση η οποία γίνεται θα υπάρξει διεύρυνση της δημοκρατίας στα Αραβικά κράτη και αυτό είναι πάρα πολύ σημαντικό.

Το να κλείνουμε τα μάτια μας στις παραβιάσεις των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων στα Αραβικά κράτη είναι λάθος και αυτό είναι κάτι που πρέπει να το επισημαίνουμε. Όμως, οι παρεμβάσεις μας θα πρέπει να έχουν το στοιχείο της συνεργασίας και όχι της επέμβασης.


  Arne Gericke (ECR). Frau Präsidentin! Armut und Perspektivlosigkeit führen zu Terrorismus, haben wir festgestellt. Die EU steht für Werte, für Standards. Doch eine vertrauliche Zusammenarbeit mit der Arabischen Liga ist durchaus zweifelhaft. Die vergangenen 70 Jahre, ja die vergangenen 500 Jahre sprechen eigentlich dagegen. Ich denke, was Menschenrechte betrifft, können wir allerdings eine Vorreiterrolle spielen, ein Vorbild sein. Wir haben heute noch, nach 60-70 Jahren, Flüchtlingslager in Jordanien und Syrien, in denen im vergangenen Jahr in Syrien gerade Hunderte von Kindern verhungert sind. Ich denke, hier herrscht Handlungsbedarf, hier sind wir als EU über die UN hauptverantwortlich. Es ist witzig oder eigentlich schändlich, dass wir uns ständig über andere aufregen und die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte fordern und selbst eigentlich überhaupt nicht die Menschenrechte einhalten.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, together the European Union and the League of Arab States represent a quarter of the states in the international community.

I will not hide the fact that multilateral engagement of this magnitude is a challenge. However, I do believe we have no choice. As friends, partners and neighbours, with a series of common threats before us, we need to seek overlapping areas of consensus and to forge stronger links between the European Union and the Arab world.

I welcome your initiative in holding a discussion on the relations between the European Union and the League of Arab States. In a context of evident regional instability, it is essential to maintain the political visibility of relations between the European Union and the League of Arab States in exchanges like this one.

I would also like to thank Members of the European Parliament for their constructive approach to the challenges faced in our region and in the Arab world. I understand that a Committee on Foreign Affairs report, prepared by rapporteur Mr Peillon, on security challenges in the Middle East and North Africa is in the making. This is very much in line with our commitment to closer cooperation with the League.

Let me also mention that the European Union engages with the League of Arab States not only on security but also in numerous other fields. Since 2012, the European Union and the League of Arab States have shared a joint work programme on cooperation in many sectors. Let me mention just some of them: for example, women’s empowerment, where we engage in a programme jointly with the UN; and human rights, involving also the Council of Europe in streamlining human rights within the activities of the League of Arab States. In addition, the European Union and the League of Arab States are cooperating on election co-observation, focusing on consistent information-sharing regarding the selection of priorities, as well as capacity-building support to the League of Arab States election unit and enhanced cooperation among the respective missions deployed to observe elections in the region.

We also engage in other fields, such as civil society and culture. So we can hardly say that relations between the European Union and the League of Arab States are too much security-driven.

Several of you referred to the need to address root causes and to counter radicalisation. I would like to draw your attention to the very substantial Council conclusions adopted only last month, which include a clear reference to the underlying factors of radicalisation and the need to support initiatives in the areas of youth provision, education and vocational training, as well as the importance of facilitating interface and civil society dialogues.

Several of you also spoke about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Let me emphasise that the Memorandum of Understanding has been shared with the European Parliament and those in this House who have requested it. The MoU builds on the Athens Declaration. It is not the bedrock of relations between the European Union and the League of Arab States but rather a complementary instrument to ensure that the European External Action Service and the secretariat of the League of Arab States contribute to the successful development of EU—League of Arab States relations. The MoU will be made public, as requested by this House.

To conclude, allow me to quote the wise words pronounced by His Majesty the King of Jordan in this Chamber when referring to the challenge posed by terrorism. He said: ‘Our victory now depends on our unity […] Only by co—operation can our regions shut down the sources of terrorist support and defeat their purposes.’


   I have received seven motions for resolutions See Minutes. tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

I have received seven motions for resolutions See Minutes. tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Thursday, 12 March 2015.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Philippe Juvin (PPE), par écrit. Renforcer la coopération militaire et sécuritaire entre l'Union européenne et la Ligue des États arabes est essentielle si nous voulons lutter efficacement contre la menace terroriste mondiale et éteindre les foyers du djihadisme. Nous devons faire front commun si nous voulons faire barrage aux combattants étrangers, tarir les sources de financement du terrorisme, stopper le trafic d'armes et vaincre le groupe "État islamique". Nous devons également renforcer notre coopération politique et culturelle afin d'endiguer la propagande djihadiste et stopper le recrutement de combattants locaux et étrangers, mais également de défendre les droits de l'homme et des minorités religieuses dans ces régions. La signature d'un protocole d'entente entre le service européen pour l'action extérieure et la Ligue des États arabes ainsi que l'annonce du renforcement du dialogue stratégique entre l'Union et les États de la Ligue, le 19 janvier dernier, marquent ainsi une étape importante dans notre engagement et notre lutte contre le terrorisme.

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