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Menettely : 2015/2603(RSP)
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Torstai 12. maaliskuuta 2015 - Strasbourg Lopullinen versio

6.2. Etelä-Sudan ja viimeaikaiset lasten kaappaukset

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest debata nad siedmioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie Sudanu Południowego, w tym niedawnych porwań dzieci (2015/2603(RSP)).


  Judith Sargentini, Auteur. Voorzitter, het conflict in Zuid-Sudan hoeft geen introductie. We hebben het hier vaker over gehad. De president en de voormalige vice-president staan elkaar naar het leven en de bevolking lijdt daaronder. Het voorlopige dieptepunt is het ontvoeren van, in ieder geval, 89 kinderen maar misschien nog wel heel veel meer uit een dorp in Zuid-Sudan. Kinderen, jongens vanaf 12 die al geschikt geacht worden om als soldaat in het leger van een van de twee strijdende partijen te strijden.

Het deed me denken aan het boek “What is the What?” van Dave Eggers, het boek uit 2006 dat de reis beschrijft van een jongeman die ook wegens het regeringsleger uit een dorp in Zuid-Sudan is weggevlucht, een reis door Sudan naar Ethiopië, naar vluchtelingenkampen. We zien hier eigenlijk “What is the What” in werkelijkheid. Onze vraag is: breng de kinderen terug.


  Petr Ježek, author. Mr President, I am glad that we agreed on a common resolution which demonstrates that we are fully aware of the scale of the catastrophe in South Sudan. Approximately 1.4 million people have been displaced, 500 000 have fled to neighbouring countries, 2 000 children have been recruited as soldiers, and thousands more killed, raped, displaced and orphaned.

Four million people are at risk of malnutrition and famine. In this respect, I am glad Parliament, in this resolution, calls on the international community to convene a new donor conference on South Sudan when the necessary conditions are in place. I am in contact with different people working on the ground and I hear how desperate and frustrating the situation is there.

Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. All the factors are in place to lead to a disaster on a huge scale. I strongly support, therefore, the idea gaining ground of establishing an international contact group in South Sudan, bringing together a number of actors involved in the peace process. This would ensure coherence and generate the desirable pressure and momentum.


  Jana Žitňanská, autorka V každom vojnovom konflikte trpia najviac deti. Od začiatku tohto konfliktu muselo opustiť školu 400 000 detí a až 12 000 z nich bolo násilím odvedených od školských lavíc priamo do prvej línie vojnového konfliktu. Posledný incident z polovice februára hovorí o viac ako 89 deťoch, pričom podľa UNICEF-u mohlo ísť dokonca o stovky chlapcov aj dievčat, z ktorých sa stávajú nedobrovoľní vojaci. Mnohé z detí, ktoré častokrát nemajú ani 12 rokov, zahynú počas výcviku, ďalší už priamo v ostrom boji. Zvyšní si túto traumu budú niesť celý život. Je hrozné, že k týmto praktikám sa uchyľujú obe strany konfliktu a aj napriek mnohým pokusom a podpísaným prímeriam je, zdá sa, mier v nedohľadne. A preto vítam razantný postup Bezpečnostnej rady OSN, ktorá rozhodla o prijatí sankcií voči tým predstaviteľom Južného Sudánu, ktorí by kládli prekážky v ukončení tohto konfliktu.


  Ignazio Corrao, Autore. Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, credo che sia superfluo qualsiasi ulteriore commento sulla disumanità e l'atrocità di ciò che succede in Sud Sudan. È inutile stare continuamente ad elencare quanto disumano sia ciò che accade ai bambini soldato ma anche ciò che accade alle bambine rapite, dapprima trattate come schiave e poi destinate al mercato della prostituzione.

Il Sud Sudan è lo Stato più giovane del mondo, se non uno degli Stati più giovani del mondo, e sicuramente ci deve far riflettere il fatto che sin dalla sua nascita si trova praticamente in situazione di guerra civile perenne. Forse dovremmo fare attenzione a chi interessa mantenere il Sud Sudan in questa condizione, a chi ha l'interesse economico di mantenere le due fazioni, l'opposizione e il governo, in continua lotta tra di loro e quindi fomentare questo tipo di disumanità.


  Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, autora. Señor Presidente, la situación de los derechos humanos en Sudán del Sur es una de las peores del mundo. La paz ha tenido pocas oportunidades desde que en el año 2011 este país obtuvo la independencia.

Desde el año 2013 se encuentra inmerso en una guerra civil de consecuencias devastadoras para tantas víctimas: aquí lo hemos citado, las niñas que son violadas, reclutadas para ser esclavas sexuales y también, la parte más importante, de la que trata esta propuesta de Resolución, los niños soldado. Las cifras son alarmantes, más de 12 000 niños reclutados para la guerra. Otros miles asesinados, violados, secuestrados. Es imposible aceptar tanta crueldad.

El plan de acción al que se comprometieron las dos partes no ha sido respetado; por lo tanto, es necesario poner fin al reclutamiento de niños soldado, que no podemos admitir, y me felicito porque este Parlamento ha sabido estar unido; es imposible no estar unido ante tanta barbarie. Y desde aquí decimos «basta» y que tenemos que poner solución a esa gravísima violación de los derechos humanos.


  Lidia Senra Rodríguez, Autora. Senhor Presidente, expressamos a nossa forte condenação à utilização das crianças nas guerras, assim como a todo o tipo de violência contra as mulheres e as meninas. Condenamos igualmente um conflito por trás do qual há, como sempre, fortes interesses das potências ocidentais nos seus recursos naturais: a terra, o petróleo, o ferro, o cobre, diamantes e ouro.

Pedimos para utilizar todas as vias diplomáticas para acabar com este conflito no Sudão do Sul, para que se respeitem os direitos humanos e se ponha fim ao sequestro das crianças, assim como apoiar para que estas crianças—soldado recuperem a sua infância.

Pedimos apoio claro e contundente para melhorar as condições de vida da população e para erradicar a pobreza, a fome e a desnutrição. Pedimos também apoio para os agricultores para que tenham recursos precisos para a produção de alimentos, que são terra, água e apoio económico.

Mas não somos nós quem tem que dizer como tem que ser o governo no Sudão do Sul.


  Josef Weidenholzer, Verfasser. Herr Präsident! Es ist noch nicht lange her, dass wir uns in diesem Zusammenhang mit der Situation im Südsudan beschäftigt haben. Wir haben die immer mehr aus dem Ruder laufende Situation beklagt, die zu einer Zerstörung staatlicher Strukturen und zum Verlust sozialer Beziehungen führt. Wir haben unsere Hoffnung ausgedrückt, dass sich die Situation verbessert. Das war im November letzten Jahres.

Nichts davon ist eingetreten. Die Situation hat sich verschlechtert, die Zahl der Binnenflüchtlinge ist auf 1,5 Millionen angewachsen, mehr als 2,5 Millionen Menschen – fast ein Viertel der Bevölkerung – leiden Hunger. Das Land ist tief gespalten, und die Konflikte werden mit grausamer Gewalttätigkeit ausgetragen. Zunehmend werden auch Kinder als Soldaten eingesetzt. Damit wird die Zukunft des Landes buchstäblich auf’s Spiel gesetzt. Wir müssen diesen Kreislauf der Zerstörung beenden. Deshalb dürfen wir nicht schweigen und müssen uns immer wieder an diese Dinge erinnern.


  Davor Ivo Stier, u ime kluba PPE. Gospodine predsjedniče, prije nešto manje od 4 godine Južni Sudan i njezini građani dobili su nezavisnost i tada su mnogi, popularno nazvani izgubljeni dječaci Sudana iz generacija koje su bile otimane i odvajane od roditelja te regrutirane u vojne svrhe te deseci tisuća koji su pobjegli iz zemlje, odlučili se vratiti u Južni Sudan jer su željeli graditi bolju budućnost svoje države.

Nažalost, ti izgubljeni dječaci koji su pobjegli iz rata, vratili su se svojem domu kako bi zatekli samo novi rat. Već u prosincu 2013. počeli su nasilni etnički sukobi kojim su se noćne more rata i izgubljenog djetinjstva prenijele na još jednu generaciju djece. Prema UNICEF-u samo prošle godine diljem te zemlje korišteno je oko 12 000 djece vojnika koji su regrutirani na obje strane.

Nedavne otmice 89 dječaka u Južnom Sudanu su nas ponovno podsjetile na tu realnost i zato podržavam sankcije UN-a od 5. ožujka da kazne one koji opstruiraju pokušaj prekida konflikta.


  Ana Gomes, em nome do Grupo S&D. Senhor Presidente, o rapto e recrutamento de crianças para combater nas forças armadas do governo e da oposição no Sul do Sudão, em guerra que se arrasta há mais de um ano com sucessivos acordos de paz falhados, constitui crime de guerra e contra a Humanidade, a acrescer a outros cometidos desde o início do conflito, num clima de impunidade que a comunidade internacional não pode continuar a tolerar.

A condução das negociações de paz pelo IGAD tem fracassado, o que não é de espantar, pois os próprios países da região têm interesses concorrentes no conflito, e os mediadores não podem ser imparciais.

É preciso aplicar já a resolução do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, que prevê impor sanções sobre os líderes que obstruem o processo de paz. A União Europeia deve ajudar a aplicar o embargo de armas decretado pelo Conselho de Segurança e pedir escrutínio internacional sobre a utilização dos proveitos da exploração do petróleo no país, que têm sido utilizados para sustentar o esforço de guerra.

A União Europeia e os Estados-Membros devem pressionar a União Africana a tomar posição e a publicar o relatório da sua comissão de inquérito ao Sudão do Sul. O massacrado povo do Sudão do Sul merece justiça, o fim da guerra e da impunidade.


  Nathalie Griesbeck, au nom du groupe ALDE. Monsieur le Président, mes chers collègues, on a le tournis devant la multiplication de tant de théâtres de guerre dans le monde.

On voit se propager la crainte, qui plombe les démocraties et amène de plus en plus de citoyens à se replier sur eux-mêmes.

Inutile de le rappeler, le Soudan du Sud, le plus jeune pays du monde, est l'objet et le théâtre ensanglanté de combats entre frères: des milliers d'enfants tués, des enfants violés, violentés, des petites filles esclaves, douze mille enfants enlevés pour devenir soldats... Face à ce constat, c'est l'horreur.

Il ne suffit pas de le dire et de signer des résolutions et des déclarations, il nous faut agir et ne pas laisser la communauté internationale inerte face à ce désastre.

Cette résolution demande la reprise des négociations, l'arrêt immédiat de ces violations, qui sont une honte pour la communauté internationale, et un accès à l'assistance humanitaire.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). A Uachtaráin, is cuimhin liom a bheith ag caint sa Pharlaimint anseo cúpla bliain ó shin nuair a fuair an tSúdáin Theas neamhspleáchas agus ag an am sin bhíomar dóchasach go rachadh an tír ar aghaidh, ach ní mar sin a tharla faraor. I ndáiríre tá sí imithe ar chúl. Ní féidir aon dul chun cinn a dhéanamh nuair a bhíonn cogadh cathartha i dtír mar atá sa tSúdáin Theas. Is tragóideach go bhfuil siad ag úsáid buachaillí óga mar shaighdiúirí; ag dul isteach i dtithe agus i scoileanna ag tógaint buachaillí óga amach, ag cur gunnaí ina lámha chun daoine eile a lámhach nó, níos dóichí b’fhéidir, chun go marófar iad féin. Caithfimid gach iarracht a dhéanamh chun deireadh a chur leis seo agus ansin an acmhainn shaibhir atá acu, go háirithe ola, a úsáid ar mhaithe lena ndaoine agus na scoileanna a oscailt chun oideachas a thabhairt do na daoine óga.


Uwagi z sali


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το Νότιο Σουδάν είναι μια πλούσια περιοχή, έχει τεράστιες πετρελαιοπαραγωγικές δυνατότητες και, βεβαίως, αφού απέκτησε την ανεξαρτησία του, είναι γεγονός ότι ξένα συμφέροντα, αξιοποιώντας τις αντιθέσεις και τις αντιφάσεις που υπήρχαν στην κοινωνία, οδήγησαν την περιοχή αυτή σε έναν εμφύλιο πόλεμο.

Τώρα πλέον έχουμε 1,5 εκατομμύριο εκτοπισμένους, έχουμε 500.000 πρόσφυγες σε γειτονικά κράτη, έχουμε ασχοληθεί με το θέμα αυτό στις συνεδριάσεις του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και φαίνεται ότι οδηγούμαστε σε μία ανθρωπιστική κρίση στην περιοχή, καθώς κινδυνεύουν πάνω από 4 εκατομμύρια ψυχές.

Το νέο στοιχείο που υπάρχει είναι ότι παιδιά στρατολογούνται πλέον σ' αυτόν τον εμφύλιο πόλεμο και μάλιστα γίνονται και απαγωγές παιδιών προκειμένου να υπάρξει βίαιη στρατολόγησή τους. Πρέπει να υπάρξει άμεση, καταλυτική δράση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στο ζήτημα αυτό, για να μπορέσουμε να αποτρέψουμε την ανθρωπιστική κρίση.

(Ο ομιλητής δέχεται να απαντήσει σε ερώτηση με γαλάζια κάρτα (άρθρο162, παράγραφος 8, του κανονισμού))


  Marijana Petir (PPE), pitanje koje je podizanjem plave kartice postavio. Gospodine Marias, moram reći da sam potresena zbog situacije u Južnom Sudanu, posebice zbog toga što se na dnevnoj razini događaju otmice djece. Djeca se novače, odvajaju od njihovih roditelja, njihovi roditelji ubijaju, žene siluju a oni koji uspijevaju preživjeti tu situaciju nažalost, zbog nedostatka hrane i pojave bolesti su ugroženi.

Zbog toga me zanima što kolega zastupnik misli s obzirom na tu situaciju, je li dovoljno donositi rezolucije ili bi Europske unija trebala poduzeti nešto konkretno?


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR), απάντηση "γαλάζια κάρτα". Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το θέμα του Νοτίου Σουδάν είναι πάρα πολύ σοβαρό και το συζητήσαμε. Αυτό το οποίο κάνουμε σ' αυτή τη φάση είναι να αναδείξουμε το ζήτημα και να πιέσουμε για να υπάρξουν και συγκεκριμένα μέτρα. Δεν μπορούμε χωρίς συγκεκριμένα μέτρα να αντιμετωπίσουμε αυτήν την κατάσταση.

Το πρώτο και βασικό είναι να πάμε στα αίτια και τα αίτια είναι η αξιοποίηση των πλουτοπαραγωγικών πηγών στο Νότιο Σουδάν. Ποιοι είναι αυτοί που κερδίζουν απ' την κατάσταση του εμφυλίου πολέμου; Όταν το δούμε αυτό μπορούμε να εξετάσουμε και να πάρουμε μέτρα απέναντι σ' αυτές τις αιτίες, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπίσουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα θέματα.


  Момчил Неков (S&D). Актът на отвличане на стотици деца е недопустим, независимо за кой край на света говорим. Събитията в Южен Судан са тежка съдба за местното население. Европа обаче трябва да играе активна роля в търсенето на начин за справяне с това и други подобни предизвикателства заедно с международни организации, защото конфликтите по света ежегодно се увеличават и все повече малолетни и непълнолетни или страдат, или биват въвличани в тях.

Ситуацията в страната е особено критична. Училищата там биват използвани с военни цели, а подрастващи биват вземани и обучавани за войници. По данни на международни организации над 400 хиляди деца са спрели да посещават училище през последните месеци, заради конфликтите там. Това са близо половин милион деца, които стават рискова група.

Аз съм на твърдото мнение, че Европейската комисия трябва да помага в мобилизиране на ресурси за дългосрочна реинтеграция на деца, които са били въвличани в конфликти като това трябва да стане в координация със специалния пратеник на ООН за деца във въоръжени конфликти, УНИЦЕФ и други агенции.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospodine predsjedniče, kada smo prije imali točku dnevnog reda o radu UNHCR-a, onda sam govorio o problemu kršenja ljudskih prava, pogotovo djece. U Južnom Sudanu najbolje vidimo primjer tragedije kršenja ljudskih prava djece i svega onoga što se dešava, što je zaista gnusno.

Želim skrenuti pažnju da je danas 12 000 djece u vojsci, na sukobljenim stranama i naravno da se jedino može sve detektirati time da postoje veliki interesi u Južnom Sudanu, veliki interesi zbog bogatstva te zemlje.

Pozivam Komisiju znajući velike napore koje ulaže Komisija da i dalje nastavi, jer tragediju s djecom treba prekinuti.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non è la prima volta che ci ritroviamo qui, colleghi, a discutere di uno sventurato paese chiamato Sud Sudan. Come in altri Stati, le materie prime sono più una maledizione che una risorsa. Per accaparrarsi il controllo del petrolio sud sudanese, ben dodicimila bambini sono stati trasformati in strumento di morte da parte di fazioni sobillate, purtroppo, anche da interessi esterni.

Noi diciamo con forza che devono tornare alle loro case e quindi dobbiamo contribuire a ricostruire le infrastrutture dello Stato, soprattutto le scuole, e a portare avanti veri progetti di reinserimento nella società. I colpevoli di questo crimine devono essere portati di fronte alla giustizia, così come coloro che speculano su questa crisi, che traggono profitto dai proventi del petrolio misto a sangue di questo paese, come diceva il collega Marias.

È ora di adottare sanzioni immediate in base alla risoluzione dell'ONU sui leader di queste fazioni e applicare strettamente l'embargo delle armi. Vogliamo negoziati e questa volta devono essere seri. Il più giovane Stato del mondo deve salvaguardare il futuro dei suoi più giovani cittadini.


(Koniec uwag z sali)


  Marc Tarabella (S&D). Monsieur le Président, je sais que vous faites votre possible.

Ceci est mon intervention sur l'État islamique. Poubelle!

Ceci est celle sur le Soudan. Poubelle!

Ceci est celle sur l'accaparement des terres en Tanzanie, pour laquelle j'espère que vous me donnerez un temps de parole. Et je souhaiterais que nous introduisions un nouveau carton dans ce Parlement: il s'agit du "carton jaune", dans le but d'interdire de faux cartons bleus, comme celui auquel nous avons assisté ici, qui empêchent des personnes de pouvoir s'exprimer sur le sujet.

Les collègues qui utilisent abusivement le carton bleu devraient être sanctionnés une première fois par un avertissement et ensuite être exclus – par un "carton rouge" peut-être – du droit de demander des cartons bleus.


  Przewodniczący. – Myślę, że to ważny apel. Dziękuję Panie Pośle. Rzeczywiście czasem z takimi rzeczami mamy do czynienia. Bardzo mi przykro, Panie Pośle.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. Mr President, South Sudan has been at war with itself for 15 months. Every day that passes increases the risk of more intense conflict and worsens the already dreadful humanitarian and human rights situation of the long-suffering people of South Sudan. The recent abduction of a group of children in Wau Shilluk is yet another illustration of the complete disregard by all parties for international human rights law.

The High Representative Vice-President has condemned them in the strongest possible words. Preventing and responding to violations against children affected by armed conflicts is a top priority for the European Union. We are working closely with Mrs Zerrougui, the UN Special Representative for children and armed conflict, and Unicef to end the use of children in combat.

Our delegation in Juba is pressing both the government and opposition forces to release all children from the armed forces and to help them return to places of safety. The European Commission, through its humanitarian aid and civil protection department ECHO, provides funding to Unicef to support the reintegration of released child soldiers from the Cobra faction. Accountability for crimes committed in the course of the conflict is essential to ensure sustainable peace. The EU has called repeatedly for the publication of the African Union Commission of Inquiry report. This is an inquiry launched by the African Union itself and as such is an historic step to assume responsibility for the investigation of crimes perpetrated on the African continent. We look forward to hearing formally what recommendations the inquiry has to make.

We believe that the human disaster wrought in South Sudan is the responsibility of its political and military leaders. They resorted to violence rather than debate. There are no alibis. Last week, the two principle protagonists in the civil war once again refused to make the mutual compromises required to reach an agreement that could pave the way for a comprehensive settlement of the conflict. In response, IGAD’s Chair, the Ethiopian Prime Minister, asked regional and international partners to work together to reinvigorate the peace process and agree a common approach. The EU stands ready to support IGAD in this endeavour. The EU Special Representative Alexander Rondos has already been active in supporting the IGAD-led negotiation process. The UN Security Council has also agreed a unanimous resolution creating a framework for sanctions against those who impede the peace process and persons who have committed war crimes. The EU agrees it is important to increase pressure on the parties without further delay.

Let me conclude by stressing the following: it is essential that the warring parties in South Sudan put their own interests aside and instead reach a compromise in the interests of all citizens of South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation. The Union will continue to make every effort to support a swift political solution to the crisis, with a view to achieving a lasting peace.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się po debacie.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D), in writing. During the last 15 months of the civil war in South Sudan, approximately 1.4 million people have been displaced, 500 000 have fled to neighbouring countries, thousands more have been killed, raped and orphaned. More than four million people are currently at risk of malnutrition and famine. During a recent incident in South Sudan, 89 children were forcibly recruited as child soldiers while doing their exams. According to a UNICEF report, in the past year South Sudan recruited more than 12 000 child soldiers, most of them boys and aged between 11 and 17. The recruitment and use of child soldiers under the age of 15 constitutes a war crime. Children need to go to school and not to war! Regretfully, in times of armed conflict children are the ones that suffer the most. They suffer both physically and emotionally and they need psychological support, so that they can go back to school and have a normal life with their families. Therefore, I welcome this resolution, which concludes that recruitment and use of children in armed forces and groups is a crucial violation of national and international law and this has to end.


  Tadeusz Zwiefka (PPE), na piśmie. Po trzech miesiącach od ogłoszenia rezolucji w sprawie Dr Medani, Sudan ponownie staje się obiektem żywej dyskusji w Parlamencie Europejskim. Ostatnie wydarzenia wymagają natychmiastowej interwencji, gdyż dotyczą przede wszystkim tych, którym prawo międzynarodowe zapewnia szczególną ochronę. Mowa o dzieciach uprowadzanych z rodzinnych miejscowości i przymusowo wcielanych do armii. Zgodnie z ustaleniami UNICEF, czynny udział w walkach po obu stronach konfliktu mogą brać nawet niespełna dwunastoletni chłopcy. Zatrważające jest, że szkoły, które powinny być miejscem zdobywania wiedzy i kształcenia młodych pokoleń, w Sudanie zamieniane są w punkty werbunku do armii. Dzieci to nadzieja każdego narodu. Sudan, obecnie pogrążony w chaosie, w przyszłości może stać się miejscem o ustabilizowanej sytuacji politycznej. Jednak, aby tak się stało, nie można pozwolić, aby Ci młodzi ludzie, którzy w będą budować nowy porządek, obecnie ginęli w wojnie prowadzonej w imię ideałów starszego pokolenia. Chciałbym, aby ta rezolucja odbiła się szerokim echem i zwróciła oczy świata na problem Sudanu. Unia Europejska, jako ostoja praw człowieka powinna stanąć w obronie tych, którzy nie są w stanie zrobić tego sami. Powiedzmy jasno, że miejsce dziecka powinno być w szkole z ołówkiem w ręku, a nie w wojsku z karabinem przerzuconym przez ramię.

Oikeudellinen huomautus - Tietosuojakäytäntö