 Text integral 
Procedură : 2015/2573(RSP)
Stadiile documentului în şedinţă
Stadii ale documentelor :

Texte depuse :


Dezbateri :

Voturi :

PV 12/03/2015 - 8.7
CRE 12/03/2015 - 8.7
Explicaţii privind voturile

Texte adoptate :


Stenograma dezbaterilor
Joi, 12 martie 2015 - Strasbourg Ediţie revizuită

8.7. A 28-a sesiune a Consiliului ONU pentru Drepturile Omului (RC-B8-0228/2015, B8-0228/2015, B8-0229/2015, B8-0230/2015, B8-0231/2015, B8-0232/2015, B8-0233/2015, B8-0234/2015) (vot)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Änderungsantrag 4:


  Victor Boștinaru (S&D). Mr President, for Amendment 4, I wish to put forward the following amendment: ‘Calls on the authorities of EU and LAS member states to respect the prohibition of torture as it is most notably enshrined in the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which most of them have signed and ratified; reiterates that forced confessions under torture are not valid’.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)

– Vor der Abstimmung über Änderungsantrag 3:


  Victor Boștinaru (S&D). Mr President, I also wish to move the following oral amendment: ‘Calls on the Council to verify whether there have been breaches of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports in relation to repression’.


(Der mündliche Änderungsantrag wird übernommen.)

Aviz juridic - Politica de confidențialitate