 Full text 
Procedure : 2014/2079(DEC)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A8-0116/2015

Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 28/04/2015 - 16
CRE 28/04/2015 - 16

Votes :

PV 29/04/2015 - 10.13
CRE 29/04/2015 - 10.13
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 - Strasbourg Revised edition

10.13. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A8-0116/2015 - Ryszard Czarnecki) (vote)

- Prima della votazione:


  Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR). Mr President, in contrast with a number of my reports, my speech will be very short. I would like to thank everyone for contributing to my work and I would especially like to thank the shadow-rapporteurs for their great help and engagement. I would like to thank the authors of the amendments, the administration and my advisors. Finally, I believe we really have done a lot for the transparency of the EU institutions.


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