 Celotno besedilo 
Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Sreda, 29. april 2015 - Strasbourg Pregledana izdaja

19. Razmere na Maldivih (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  Elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Bizottság alelnökének/az Unió külügyi és biztonságpolitikai főképviselőjének nyilatkozata – A maldív-szigeteki helyzet (2015/2662(RSP))


  Neven Mimica, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Madam President, the Government of the Maldives has taken important steps to enact legislation against domestic violence, human trafficking, the right to information, as well as improving social security, education and health. The European Union strongly welcomes these measures. But these gains risk being undermined if the government does not take urgent remedial action to restore the health of its democracy and the sanctity of key democratic principles on which that democracy is founded.

The Maldives are a fragile and young democracy. Since the adoption of the new constitution and the introduction of multiparty elections in 2008, progress has been uneven. Notably, there was a disputed and controversial ‘transfer of power’ in February 2012. The ramifications of those events continue to undermine the possibilities for durable progress in the Maldives. The arrest of former President Nasheed on 22 February this year has exacerbated tensions. Mr Nasheed was arrested, on charges under the terrorism act, for the alleged kidnapping of the Chief Justice of the Criminal Court in 2012.

EU Heads of Missions and the Ambassadors of Norway and Switzerland in Colombo issued a statement expressing their concerns about both the arrest and the conduct of the first hearing, which took place without any legal representation. Following his conviction and sentencing to 13 years’ imprisonment on 13 March 2015, the European Union issued a further statement, raising serious questions about due process of law and the risks of undermining people’s trust in the independence of the judiciary.

These statements highlighted the importance of respect for democratic principles, the constitution, the rule of law, due legal process and the independence of the judiciary. I want to take this opportunity to emphasise and reiterate the importance of those principles. These are founding principles of the European Union. We remain fully committed to them and convinced of their importance in realising peoples’ legitimate aspirations to democracy throughout the world. The people of the Maldives are no different.

It is vital that the government takes action now to demonstrate its commitment to the values of freedom of expression and assembly. Ensuring that the opposition are able to conduct their activities without harassment by the state is critical to the state of democracy in the Maldives.

Likewise, independent bodies such as the Human Rights Commission and the Elections Commission have important roles in maintaining democracy. They should be allowed to undertake their constitutionally-mandated roles without fear of sanctions. A free media also has an essential role to play in enabling public scrutiny of the government. The government should seek to remove legal restrictions on the media’s ability to legitimately report and ensure that any attacks on the media are properly and thoroughly investigated and the culprits brought to justice.

The Vice-President/High Representative has welcomed the request from the Government of the Maldives to send an observer to any appeal by Mr Nasheed. The Vice-President/High Representative has offered to send a legal expert, not only to examine the Nasheed case, but also to review legislation, the procedures and practices of the judiciary and implementation of the new penal code. We hope this will enable those areas where the respect for rule of law can be enhanced to be highlighted, in line with the stipulations of the 2008 Constitution and other relevant laws.

On this basis, the Maldivian authorities and the European Union will have a clear basis for further work to best protect the rule of law in the Maldives.

These are not idle concerns. Already there is evidence that Islamic extremists are actively aiming to recruit disaffected Maldivians to the nihilism of the Jihadist cause. The European Union wants to help the Maldivian authorities address the underlying causes of radicalisation. But real progress will inevitably depend principally on the government and its prompt and ongoing action to ensure that the political system in the Maldives is as healthy as possible.


  Davor Ivo Stier, u ime kluba PPE. Gospođo predsjedavajuća, kada govorimo o Maldivima za većinu ljudi u Europi prva slika u glavi je vjerojatno turistički raj na zemlji. Međutim, lokalno stanovništvo živi daleko od takve idile i vidi mnogo mračniju stvarnost gdje demokratski standardi strmoglavo padaju.

Nedavna presuda prvom demokratski izabranom, a sada već bivšem predsjedniku Maldiva Mohamedu Nasheedu, i to na 13 godina zatvora, izaziva ozbiljne i opravdane sumnje u vladavinu prava i institucije na Maldivima. Samo suđenje je proteklo uz brojne primjedbe UN-ovih dužnosnika. Ne ulazeći u krivnju ili nevinost bivšeg predsjednika Nasheeda, jer to nije naš posao, moramo inzistirati na pravo na pošteno suđenje.

EU je 2008. godine odigrala ključnu ulogu u procesu demokratske tranzicije Maldiva, kada je izvršila snažan pritisak da se provedu demokratski izbori kojima je okončana tridesetogodišnja diktatura. No, dok je pažnja međunarodne zajednice bila okrenuta drugdje, 2012. prvi demokratski izabrani predsjednik Nasheed dao je ostavku u nerazjašnjenim okolnostima.

Sadašnji predsjednik i sadašnja vlada nisu nastavili procesom demokratizacije, već su se nažalost okrenili nekim autokratskim tendencijama, a izgleda da se približila islamskim ekstremističkim skupinama. Stoga, EU mora ponovno pokazati odlučnost u potpori demokratizacije zemlje, te ovim putem pozivam Visoku predstavnicu i vanjsku službu da iskoriste sve dostupne diplomatske alate u postizanju tog cilja.


  Richard Howitt, on behalf of the S&D Group. Madam President, as Vice-President of this Parliament’s delegation for relations with South Asia, it is with deep regret that I have had to co-author this resolution about islands known for their incredible beauty, with strong links to my own country; islands that are at the forefront of the fight against climate change. But where we cannot remain silent is where there are breaches of human rights.

We did not seek either to support or oppose the former President from outside, simply by objecting – as we would for any defendant – to reports that he is being mistreated in custody, denied medical treatment and refused a defence lawyer in due time for the start of the case against him.

It is not to support his candidacy at future elections if we defend his, or anyone’s right, to stand in such elections or when we observe what appear to be incredible charges of terrorism against him, which themselves appear to be intended to prevent him from contesting the elections. As Amnesty International has observed, this is happening in the context of a rising general concern about restrictions against protests, media and civil society within the country, and the free reign of vigilante groups allegedly unfettered by the police.

When the Human Rights Commission is charged with treason, simply for undertaking its role in accordance with UN Human Rights Council, no members of the UN itself should remain silent for us in Europe and for my country as a Member of the Commonwealth.

In the Maldives, known for their tourism, it is ironic that it is the Tourism Minister himself who openly admits he is at the centre of accusations about corruption, violence and the murder of a journalist. In this resolution we call for European tourist advice to be explicitly used to apply pressure for change. The Malidves may be small dots in a large ocean but we will not stand by when it is democracy and respect for human rights which are disappearing beneath the waves.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. Madam President, in a country better known for tourism rather than militancy, sadly human rights and democracy in the Maldives are deteriorating at an alarming rate with rising Wahhabi-Salafism as an influence and political tensions. Peaceful protestors are being arrested and critical media outlets in civil society are being silenced, whilst the judicial system is being manipulated to imprison opposition politicians.

The recent arrest and conviction of the former President Mohamed Nasheed, the first democratically elected President of the Maldives, who did so much in the past to raise the plight of inundation his country faces from climate change, is just one example of selective justice and corruption in a politicised judiciary. It has been reported that his trial clearly failed to meet national and international standards of justice.

My group, the ECR, calls on the Government of the Maldives to immediately and unconditionally release former President Nasheed and to take the necessary steps to reform the judiciary in order to restore confidence in the rule of law. The introduction of delayed death sentences, now under Sharia law, on minors is of the gravest concern. The significant rise in the number of Maldivians joining ISIS has also created a rise in Jihadi radicalisation within that small country’s society.

This resolution calls for warnings to be given to EU tourists visiting the Indian Ocean tourist destination. I do hope, as a Commonwealth country, the Maldives can soon be brought back from the brink.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Madam President, last month former president Nasheed, the first democratically-elected president of the Maldives, was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Charges of inciting terrorism, which not many people find credible, indicate that this trial is politically motivated. We call on the Maldivian authorities to ensure that the appeals procedure meets free and fair trial standards and that former president Nasheed gets access to a lawyer, access to doctors when needed, and has access to the advisers and lawyers he needs.

The Maldives are seeing a broader, worrying pattern of human rights violations. We have seen the disappearance of journalist Ahmed Rilwan, which is still unsolved, and the ban on peaceful protests is very troubling. The rise of Jihadists and IS recruitment in the Maldives – in a disproportionately high number – is also very troubling to us. And as many European tourists enjoy their vacations on the bounty islands of the Maldives, we as the EU call for them to be warned of the possible risk and the risk of instability in these islands. We hope that stability, the rule of law and due process, and fair trial for the former president are immediately restored.


  Javier Couso Permuy, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. Señora Presidenta, en Maldivas tenemos un presidente detenido, manifestaciones y defensores de los derechos humanos detenidos y limitación de derechos. Todo merece nuestra condena y la tendrá.

Pero también hay que hablar de la utilización de los derechos humanos para apoyar intereses geopolíticos o comerciales, porque el doble estándar no es bueno. Si fuera igual para todos, empezaríamos analizando las guerras en que hemos participado ―tanto en Irak como Libia, o la desestabilización de Siria―.

Porque muchas veces los derechos humanos sirven de excusa para que Europa se pronuncie en las luchas entre bloques comerciales con un aura respetable. En este caso, se condena un Gobierno que apoya los planes chinos de la Ruta de la Seda Marítima frente a un Gobierno anterior que apoyaba el pivote asiático de Obama.

El día que hablemos de derechos humanos ―o de golpes― sin dobles lecturas, habría que empezar, por ejemplo, por lo que hizo Europa en Honduras en 2009. No nos hagamos trampas; no usemos como arma los derechos humanos.


  Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Madam President, I am speaking for my group but I am also Chair of the Delegation for relations with South Asia which includes the Maldives, a country we visited on a number of occasions, post-tsunami and indeed when the new constitution, a process we supported, was under discussion. We have heard it is a young democracy in the Maldives and we have seen some welcome progress. But we are also seeing a number of tensions as these institutions find their places in the new set-up.

We recognise the role that former President Nasheed has played in these changes. But the European Union also expressed its concern when, as president, he ordered the arrest of a judge, which has had on-going repercussions, not least at present. The recent events are deeply disturbing. We are seeing the juxtaposition of these new charges under the terrorism act. New charges should have time for a new defence; it is a constitutional guarantee in the Maldives. We saw changes too in the law regarding holding public office post-conviction, and changes in legal procedures, not least the time to prepare an appeal. I think many of us find it very difficult to believe that this juxtaposition was purely a simple coincidence.

The European Parliament wants the constitutional guarantees of the Maldives upheld for all its citizens, all its residents. It is essential for progress in this small island state threatened by climate change.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). Doamnă președintă, Mohamed Nasheed, fostul președinte al Maldivelor, a fost arestat, în urmă cu o lună și jumătate, pentru a 18-a oară în 25 de ani. În aceste două decenii și jumătate, Nasheed a fost un simbol al democrației în țara sa. După ani de opoziție non-violentă, de exil, de închisoare, așa cum spuneam mai devreme, Nasheed a devenit, în 2008, primul președinte ales al Maldivelor, întrerupând astfel treizeci de ani de regim autocratic ai lui Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, iar venirea sa la putere, în urma unor alegeri libere, pluraliste, a fost un pas important pentru democratizarea țării.

Din păcate, așa cum vedem astăzi, acest pas nu a fost suficient. Situația politică din Maldive e mai mult decât îngrijorătoare, fiindcă instituțiile statului sunt profund politizate și includ aici și justiția. Acuzațiile de terorism care îi sunt aduse lui Nasheed, condamnarea sa la 13 ani de închisoare sunt semne vizibile ale instrumentalizării justiției de către puterea politică. Această putere politică se găsește din nou în mâinile familiei Gayoom, pentru că președintele de acum e fratele vitreg al fostului șef al statului, iar fiica acestuia e ministru de externe al țării. Asta e, din punct de vedere politic, țara! Suntem, deci, departe de regimul democratic spre care cetățenii acestei țări tindeau în 2008 și cred că e esențială revenirea pe drumul democratizării.


  Alessia Maria Mosca (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in molte aree del mondo constatiamo lo sgretolamento dei valori fondanti del vivere in una collettività, come parlamentari europei non possiamo essere insensibili e inerti rispetto a nessuna di esse.

La crisi politica e istituzionale delle Maldive ha minato i principi fondamentali dello Stato di diritto e per questo la nostra attenzione si rivolge prima di tutto alla ricostruzione di un clima pacifico ed un sereno dibattito politico, con un sostegno affinché la polizia si impegni a tutelare la libertà di manifestare dell'opposizione in tutta sicurezza e affinché le autorità giudiziarie siano depoliticizzate. Chiediamo a questo fine che la delegazione dell'Unione europea per lo Sri Lanka e per le Maldive monitori la situazione, fornendo all'Alto rappresentante Federica Mogherini tutte le informazioni e gli strumenti per agire proattivamente attraverso le relazioni bilaterali e internazionali per rafforzare il sistema democratico delle Maldive e assicurare il pieno rispetto dei diritti umani e delle libertà fondamentali.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, it is clear that the Maldives are no longer just a paradise for tourists. They have become a place where there is increasing danger posed by fundamentalists, by an efficient and politicised judiciary, and by an erosion of human rights and democratic principles. The show trial of former President Mohamed Nasheed is a demonstration of this dysfunctional state of democracy. This so-called trial does not at all respect the basic principles of a fair trial and goes against the Maldivian state’s Constitution.

We have always been at the forefront in our commitment and support to consolidate democracy, promote good governance, strengthen key institutions and help the Maldives to address social, environmental and transnational challenges. I believe that it is important that we continue to play a role in the country’s democratic transition by formally calling for an end to violence against peaceful protestors and by ensuring that Mr Nasheed’s rights are fully respected in accordance with the Maldives’ international obligations and standards.


„Catch the eye”


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). Madam President, last year I was the head of the EU election observation mission to observe the Parliamentary elections in the Maldives. The voting was calm and the process was administered in a highly professional manner.

Yet, on the political side, the Supreme Court removed two members of the elections commission less than two weeks before the election day. That was a clear violation of the principle of separation of powers and raises serious concern about safeguarding the independence of the elections commission.

A year later, convictions against former President Nasheed raise many legal ambiguities and concerns. Every democratic country must respect the legal process which upholds respect for the rule of law relying on an independent judicial process. This is not the case with Mr Nasheed. I will definitely support the initiative to send observers to Mr Nasheed’s trial in case he decides to appeal.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η σύλληψη στις 13 Μαρτίου του Mohamed Nasheed, του πρώτου δημοκρατικά εκλεγμένου Προέδρου των Μαλδιβών, ενός ανθρώπου ταγμένου κατά της άσκησης της βίας, και η καταδίκη του σε 13 χρόνια φυλάκιση αποτελεί αποκορύφωση του περιορισμού της δημοκρατίας στις Μαλδίβες. Ακολούθησαν και άλλες αποφάσεις του Κοινοβουλίου της χώρας αυτής που περιορίζουν τα δημοκρατικά δικαιώματα, τη δραστηριότητα των οργανώσεων της κοινωνίας των πολιτών και των δημοσιογράφων. Η κατάσταση λοιπόν στην χώρα αυτή είναι κρίσιμη και τα πρόσφατα γεγονότα αποδεικνύουν την ανάγκη για βαθιές δημοκρατικές αλλαγές. Απαιτείται λοιπόν η μεταρρύθμιση του δικαστικού συστήματος, η αποκατάσταση της δημοκρατίας και του κράτους δικαίου και ο σεβασμός της ελευθερίας έκφρασης και συνάθροισης. Η πλουραλιστική δημοκρατία στις Μαλδίβες πρέπει επιτέλους να λειτουργήσει και να κλείσει ο δρόμος στους τζιχαντιστές.

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να εξαντλήσει όλα τα μέσα που διαθέτει, προκειμένου να συμβάλει στην αποκατάσταση της ελευθεροτυπίας και στη λειτουργία του κράτους δικαίου στις Μαλδίβες.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospođo predsjedavajuća, Europa je puno učinila za Maldive na mnoge i različite načine, u ekonomskom smislu, kulturnom smislu, ali i pogotovo u političkom smislu. Kada govorimo o onome što znamo, da je novi Ustav 2008. otvorio novu stranicu povijesti te otočne države, onda govorimo i onome što je Europa učinila za tu državu. U političkom smislu usvojena je demokracija, ali se pokazala relativno kratkotrajnom.

Zato, nisam ovdje da bi govorio o tome je li sadašnje vodstvo sklonije Kini ili sklonije islamu ili sklonije ne znam kome, nego sam zato da prije svega govorimo o tome da bivši predsjednik ima pravo na pošteno suđenje, ima pravo na to da dobije odvjetnika, da dobije liječnika i da osiguramo takvoj osobi koja je vodila Maldive, koja je vodila demokratski proces, u suradnji i s nama, to treba otvoreno reći, da ima pravo na zaštitu svih svojih ljudskih prava.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, c'è una realtà inquietante nelle Maldive che le foto patinate dei cataloghi turistici non raccontano.

È la realtà che sta accadendo proprio oggi con l'ex Presidente Mohamed Nasheed, condannato a tredici anni di carcere. Il processo a detta di moltissimi osservatori internaziaonali risulta essere un processo politico e Amnesty International l'ha definito una farsa. Migliaia di persone hanno manifestato il loro dissenso raggiungendo in barca la capitale Malé e purtroppo bisogna costatare che giornalisti e tanti attivisti sono stati arrestati e intimiditi affinché non continuassero con queste esternazioni.

Il paese sta viaggiando su un binario completamente diverso e lontano, ha reintrodotto la pena di morte – lo ricordiamo noi come Unione europea siamo fortemente schierati contro la barbarie inaccettabile che porta addirittura bambini di 13 anni a essere giustiziati alla maggiore età. Le Maldive poi erano in prima linea per i cambiamenti climatici, anche questo è stato dimenticato. Penso che dobbiamo impegnarci fortemente per far capire a questo nuovo esecutivo che lo Stato di diritto non è un optional e che non ci deve essere sfruttamento dei migranti. Abbiamo il compito di agire affinché il paradiso delle vacanze non diventi l'inferno della democrazia.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). Paní předsedající, já osobně bych chtěl podpořit všechny předřečníky, kteří hovořili v dané věci o situaci na Maledivách. Proces, kterému byl bývalý prezident Našíd podroben, nepochybně nesplňuje žádné z relevantních kritérií spravedlivého procesu a otázka radikalizace Malediv je jedna z věcí, která by měla Evropskou unii nepochybně trápit. Měli bychom říct všem turistům, kteří směřují do tohoto ostrovního státu, že turistické pojetí tohoto státu neodpovídá realitě, které je vystavena společnost, v níž žijí obyvatelé Malediv. Měli bychom tedy podpořit snahu Komise, paní Mogheriniové a dalších činitelů Evropské unie, aby tento stát nespěl cestou ISIS.


(„Catch the eye vége”)


  Neven Mimica, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Madam President, I would like to thank the Members for this debate that has so clearly expressed support for the democratic process and the respect of the rule of law in the Maldives. Allow me to conclude this debate by saying that we will continue to monitor closely the situation in the Maldives.

The European External Action Service and the European Delegation in Sri Lanka accredited to the Maldives will remain in regular contact with the Maldivian authorities, other political actors and civil society there. We expect the Government of the Maldives to accept the political and legal offers of the European Union. The European Union legal expert would give the European Union and the Republic of the Maldives the opportunity to start a dialogue on the state of the judiciary.

The European Union will continue to pay close attention to the issue of Islamic radicalisation, which is currently at the centre of the European agenda. The European Union will remain committed to help the Maldives and the Maldivians build an open and resilient democracy which respects fundamental rights.


  elnök asszony. – Az eljárási szabályzat 128. cikkének (5) bekezdésével összhangban benyújtandó állásfoglalási indítványokat később jelentik be.

A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra 2015. április 30-án, csütörtökön kerül sor.

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