Elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Tanács és a Bizottság nyilatkozatai – Az Albániáról szóló 2014. évi bizottsági eredményjelentés (2014/2951(RSP))
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica,President-in-Office of the Council.– Madam President, last year was an important year for Albania’s path towards European integration. The Council, in its conclusions of December 2014, welcomed the progress made by Albania, which led to the granting of candidate status in June 2014. I believe that the status of a candidate country will give additional impetus to Albania’s reform agenda and to further progress on the country’s European path.
I would like to underline the fact that the political will to move forward on crucial reform issues cannot come from the European Union; rather, it must come from the Albanian government, political leaders and broader society. The Council broadly shares many of the views expressed in your draft resolution. It noted the positive steps taken by Albania in the fight against organised crime, with an intensification of law enforcement activities, and towards the reform of its judiciary.
However, along much the same lines as Parliament, the Council also noted that important challenges still lie ahead. The Council remains committed to the principle that the opening of accession negotiations would be considered by the European Council, in line with established practice, once the Commission had assessed that Albania has achieved the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria.
In order to open accession negotiations, Albania would now need to do its part. Let me remind you of five areas where Albania is invited to intensify its reform efforts and to act decisively to address these key priorities. We underline in particular the need for Albania: first, to continue the reform of public administration with a view to enhancing its professional capacity and impartiality; second, to pursue a comprehensive reform of its judiciary to reinforce its independence and efficiency through an inclusive process and in close consultation with the Venice Commission; third, to develop a coherent policy in the fight against corruption; fourth, to continue its efforts in the fight against organised crime, including against drug cultivation and trafficking; fifth, to take effective legislative and policy measures to reinforce the protection of human rights and anti-discrimination policies, including the equal treatment of all minorities, as well as to implement property rights.
Finally, Albania needs to urgently address the identified shortcomings concerning freedom of expression and the media, and particularly to strengthen the independence of the media regulatory authority and the public service broadcaster. The Council also expects the Albanian authorities to ensure sustained implementation of the reforms already undertaken.
I have now listed five key messages that the EU awaits from the Albanian authorities. Allow me now to mention additional essential elements where more work needs to be done: political dialogue, economic reforms and regional cooperation.
As regards political dialogue, constructive and sustainable cooperation between the government and the opposition on EU-related reforms is vital. It is the shared responsibility of both government and opposition to ensure that political debate takes place primarily in parliament and to contribute to creating the conditions for its proper functioning. In this regard, we welcome the European Parliament’s engagement in the re-establishment of the political dialogue in the parliament of Albania.
It is important that Albanian citizens understand what the European Union is about, but it is important also that they understand the government’s actions in bringing their country closer to the Union. Therefore, we urge Albania to establish a National Council for European Integration, bringing together all stakeholders, which should further consolidate the nationwide consensus on EU integration.
As regards economic reforms, Albania should continue its efforts to increase competitiveness, to improve the business and investment environment, to achieve fiscal consolidation and to address high unemployment and the high level of informality in the economy.
Regional cooperation is an essential part of the EU integration process. Good neighbourly relations will strengthen the country’s ability to deliver security and prosperity to its people. Here I have to note the positive commitment by Albania in developing regional cooperation by participating in numerous regional initiatives, such as the South-East Europe Cooperation Process and the Regional Cooperation Council, as well as by strengthening bilateral relations with countries of the Western Balkan region.
Likewise, the Council is pleased with Albania’s consistent alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.
The Council is determined to continue its engagement with Albania. We are looking forward to the next EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Council scheduled for three weeks from now. It will be an opportunity to review the progress achieved and discuss the challenges that lie ahead.
Meeting these challenges will not be an easy task, but we have strong faith in Albania’s ability to deliver. Let me assure you that the EU is ready to support this reform process and support the people of Albania in achieving a prosperous and secure future.
In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude for the excellent work that the European Parliament rapporteur on Albania, Mr Knut Fleckenstein, has carried out. I am looking forward to interesting discussions.
Neven Mimica,Member of the Commission.– Madam President, I would like to thank Parliament and the rapporteur, Mr Fleckenstein, for this well-balanced report, which acknowledges the progress Albania has made on its path to European integration. The Commission welcomes the findings and recommendations, which are much in line with our assessment in the 2014 Progress Report.
Last June, Albania was granted the status of a candidate country. This meant new, higher responsibilities to deliver solid and sustainable results to fulfil each of the key priorities for reform. The most recent High Level Dialogue on the key priorities took place on 24 March in Tirana, co-chaired by Commissioner Hahn and Prime Minister Rama. The Commission welcomed the progress made by Albania, notably as regards public administration reform and the initial steps taken in the area of the judiciary and the fight against organised crime. It also noted with satisfaction that the Albanian authorities have a firm commitment to, and clear understanding of, the way forward. To support the process, joint working groups on the key priorities have been set up by the Commission and the Albanian authorities to help identify concrete reform steps.
Let me mention some areas where action is required and which are all covered in the report debated today. First, it is important that Albania pursue comprehensive, inclusive and consistent judicial reform, both for the rule of law and for the business environment. Second, there is a need for a serious and coherent policy in the fight against organised crime and corruption, with decisive action leading to proactive and efficient investigations, prosecutions and final convictions. Third, it is essential to continue enhancing the efficiency and independence of public administration. Developing a professional, merit-based and depoliticised civil service is key for the sustainable implementation of reforms.
The persistent confrontational political climate damages Albania’s image and may hold back the reform process. Let me underline the fact that the EU integration process needs to be inclusive. The recent decision to establish a National Council for European Integration should help in this regard.
The Commission shares the view expressed in the report that both the ruling majority and the opposition have a shared responsibility towards Albanian citizens to continue with a constructive political dialogue in parliament. The political agreement that put an end to the parliamentary boycott by the opposition last December should be fully implemented.
Additionally, let me stress that Albania has also made progress and shown its clear reform potential in the field of economic governance. The government has adopted a solid public financial management reform that should help substantially improve fiscal performance. It has also taken concrete steps to ensure financial sustainability in the electricity sector. This should be followed up by further reforms in energy policy. I would also like to commend Albania’s firm commitment to the connectivity agenda.
Finally the Commission welcomes the fact that the report commends Albania’s positive engagement in regional cooperation. This engagement and Albania’s 100% alignment with the EU’s common foreign and security policy positions are strong assets for the country on its European Union path.
Thank you for your attention and I look forward to the debate on this important report.
Knut Fleckenstein, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion.– Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! In ihrer Stellungnahme zum albanischen Beitrittsantrag hat die Europäische Kommission zwölf wichtige Reformprioritäten, die das Land umsetzen muss, benannt, bevor die Kopenhagener Kriterien für den Beitritt in ausreichendem Maß erfüllt sind, um Verhandlungen hierüber aufnehmen zu können.
Heute stehen von diesen zwölf Reformprioritäten noch fünf auf der Tagesordnung. Es sind die wichtigsten, und es sind die schwierigsten Reformen, die sich nicht von einem Tag zum anderen umsetzen lassen. Sie erfordern einen starken politischen Willen, einen langen Atem und eine tatkräftige Unterstützung durch alle staatlichen, parteilichen, aber auch gesellschaftlichen Akteure: die Reform der öffentlichen Verwaltung und der Justiz, die Bekämpfung von Korruption und organisierter Kriminalität und die Stärkung des Schutzes aller Menschenrechte inklusive der Minderheitenrechte.
Die albanische Regierung hat die Herausforderung erkannt und zahlreiche Reforminitiativen gestartet, die nun auch erfolgreich implementiert werden müssen. Was dabei zählt, ist nicht allein, eine Aufgabenliste der EU abzuhaken, was zählt, ist, dass alle Bewohner des Landes die positiven Veränderungen in ihrem Alltag spüren, im Bildungs- und im Gesundheitswesen, beim Besuch von Behörden oder vor Gericht. Die Albanerinnen und Albaner sollen merken, dass ihr Land dem Ziel einer EU-Mitgliedschaft mit jeder erfolgreichen Reform ein Stück näher kommt. Mein Bericht möchte Albanien deshalb ermutigen, die begonnenen Reformen mit großem Ehrgeiz weiterzuführen und die noch anstehenden Reformen mit großem Engagement anzupacken.
Lassen Sie mich zum Schluss noch eine Bemerkung machen: In meinem Bericht lobe ich Albanien ausdrücklich für seinen Beitrag zur Sicherheit und Stabilität in der Region und für seine Zusammenarbeit mit den Nachbarstaaten. Der Besuch von Premierminister Rama bei seinem serbischen Kollegen Vučić war ein bedeutender Besuch. Das daraus entstandene Handeln, auch der Jugendaustausch und anderes, ist ein wichtiger Beitrag, um sich besser zu verstehen. Dieser Beitrag wird vielfältig deutlich. Gerade deshalb bedaure ich es, wenn wenig hilfreiche Interviews geführt werden, die in eine falsche Richtung deuten. Aber bleiben wir auf dem Teppich: In einem Bericht wie diesem hat das nichts zu suchen!
Eduard Kukan, on behalf of the PPE Group.– Madam President, first of all I would like to thank the rapporteur for a very good job, very good cooperation and a very balanced report. No doubt Albania has made progress in the integration process. We should appreciate that and we should support it. It is also important to send a strong message that confrontational politics are the main obstacle to moving ahead more rapidly in this process. Better political dialogue and consensual political solutions involving all political parties to this process is needed. Politicians in Albania should avoid further political crises. They should understand that Albania’s integration process is the common responsibility of both the ruling party and the opposition.
The integration process is a chance for Albania to progress. But political will is needed for more real and deep reforms, as the rapporteur said, especially when it comes to the rule of law, comprehensive reform of the judiciary and the fight against corruption and organised crime. It is worth noting that in a few weeks the country is going to hold local elections. This will be an important test for the newly-introduced administrative reform, but also for politicians to show their commitment to democratic rules and principles.
Albania has been a reliable partner for the EU in the region and in external relations. That should be noted and appreciated. It is important to praise it for its constructive role in regional cooperation. In that connection it is worth mentioning that Serbia and Albania should be encouraged to cultivate their relations, because those are two key countries in the region, and politicians from both sides should feel responsibility for cultivating relations. In the end I believe Albania will successfully continue the reform processes and that it will be able to take further steps in the EU integration process, which we are going to support systematically.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), pitanje koje je podizanjem plave kartice postavio.– Govorili ste o političkom dijalogu. Čovjek ste s velikim iskustvom i znam da ste vodili našu delegaciju Parlamenta u ranijem sazivu s Albanijom. Govorili ste o političkom dijalogu.
Bio sam sad nedavno kao potpredsjednik naše delegacije u Albaniji zajedno s predsjednicom, gospođom Macovei. Ja zaista ne vidim mogućnost političkog dijaloga. Vidite li ga zaista i na koji način mislite da mi možemo pomoći da dođe do političkog dijaloga jer bih zaista htio vidjeti sve zemlje Balkana u ovome Parlamentu?
Eduard Kukan (PPE), blue-card answer.– Thank you very much for asking another good question. I know what you are talking about. I was the Chair of the Delegation for five years. Somehow, in those five years, I got used to the more robust political dialogue in Albania. That is a diplomatic expression; I would say that it was a little bit more than robust. That is why I went into so much detail on the issue of political culture and political dialogue.
To answer your question, I think that we need to be more engaged with them, to speak to them more often and to show and explain that having a different opinion is not a sin or a criminal act, but is a normal discussion. The European way of discussing things and differences of opinion is to sit down and use arguments in a normal, civilised way. So more dialogue and more engagement with them.
Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group.– Madam President, Albania has had a difficult past in recent years but it has recently tried to become a modern, democratic state, as evidenced by membership of NATO and achieving EU candidate status. The main priority, as for its Western Balkan neighbours, remains judicial and administrative reform, as well as cracking down on organised crime and jihadi terrorism, fighting corruption and human trafficking and improving victim protection.
The need for a more inclusive government and parliamentary democratic maturity is also essential. The issue of minority rights is important, particularly for the Roma population, the rights of women, children, the disabled and the LGBT community. The appointment of an Ombudsman has also been very helpful recently. Recent alarming accusations of criminal behaviour in the political class need to be fully investigated and, if found to be true, those guilty brought to justice. Reports of youth radicalisation and the numbers joining ISIS are also of grave concern, but I particularly welcome Albania’s alignment with the CFSP sanctions against Russia.
I feel confident of course that, with EU help, Albania can continue to make progress on all these fronts and eventually realise its European aspirations.
Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the ALDE Group.– Madam President, I would like to thank our rapporteur, Mr Fleckenstein, for a very fruitful cooperation and his balanced view on Albania. In the last year Albania achieved significant progress, and the report clearly recognises the country’s role in regional stability as the only one of the Western Balkan states that is a full NATO member. Albania has constructive and stable relations with its neighbours and its foreign policy is in full compliance with the EU’s foreign and defence policy.
In domestic policies Albania has made some progress in meeting the political criteria for EU integration. Nevertheless, for the further course of reforms the government and opposition should ensure implementation of the political debate in the parliament, in order to consolidate and expand their achievements so far. As regards the economic criteria, Albania has made some progress in its pursuit of the functioning market economy, but it has to accelerate structural reforms in order to cope with the competitive pressure on the common EU market. As a result of the low competitiveness of the economy, unemployment is high and the grey sector is still large.
The report clearly highlights the challenges that Albania is facing and some of the positive steps that the government has taken to deal with them. Despite the reform of the judicial system, including the engagement of the Venice Commission, fundamental reform is still needed to increase the independence of the judiciary. The country has demonstrated political will to fight corruption which remains the major problem along with the organised crime that erodes statehood. There is a serious need to strengthen the de-politicisation of the state administration. On that point, we should congratulate the government on its efforts and the progress it has achieved in the reform of public administration.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that unification of Albania and Kosovo is only possible within the EU, because the European integration perspective remains the only viable option for all countries in the region.
Martina Anderson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group.– Madam President, according to the 2014 progress report on Albania, continued reform to aspects of the social, political and judicial situation is needed. It is vitally important that Albanian sovereignty is respected but, equally, we must promote respect for universal principles such as fundamental rights, which have been mentioned here today.
It is encouraging to see that progressive steps have been taken by the Albanian Government in the area of fundamental rights. I particularly welcome improvements in legal recognition for LGBTI persons and the setting up of a working group on LGBTI rights in the Ministry of Social Affairs. There is, of course, more to be done to ensure equality for the LGBTI community in Albania. However, judging by recent homophobic comments from Unionist politicians in Ireland, there is also much to be done in EU Member States.
Tamás Meszerics, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group.– Madam President, I want to congratulate and thank our rapporteur who through hard, competent and patient work was able to produce a highly balanced and thoughtful report.
I am glad to agree with many colleagues of mine who have spoken before me who emphasised the steady progress Albania has made in the last couple of years on the road towards accession. Let me assure our Albanian friends that we are fully aware that this road is far from being easy; it is a challenging task. But at the same time I am almost entirely certain that within a reasonable period of time Albania will succeed in reaching the end of that road.
No doubt there is a lot to do: capacity building in public administration, a consistent anti-corruption policy with steady implementation, and working out a consistent energy strategy with due emphasis on renewables. The tasks are not dissimilar to those of other countries in the region. That is one of the reasons, and certainly not the only reason, why we believe that regional cooperation is a must both for Albania and for other countries of this vibrant part of the world.
In conclusion, allow me to issue a word of warning. In our process of accession and in the negotiations, we should not adopt a tone of condescension. We are not a charity organisation giving out free money without benefit to us. The accession of the Western Balkans is beneficial to both the European Union and to the countries of the region.
Diane James, on behalf of the EFDD Group.– Madam President, whilst Albania might well wish to become an EU member and is ticking the boxes to do so, that objective realisation comes with major concerns and anxieties still. Acknowledged across European security services is Albania’s role in people trafficking, heroin smuggling and passport theft. These are all criminal activities that represent clear threats to social cohesion and personal security for citizens of all Member States, not least the United Kingdom. The fundamental EU tenet of freedom of movement of people will provide the ideal platform for these criminal and anti-social activities to be expanded across Europe.
As a UK MEP, one has to ask about – and seriously challenge – the justification for progressing Albania’s accession and integration without any of these critical issues being resolved. Turning a blind eye is not an option. A clear message should be: not yet the time, no accession or integration progression yet, resolve the problems as a priority, and then return with a metaphorical clean bill of health as a state and potential member. We owe that to every EU citizen. Allowing entrenched criminal activities to expand across the European continent and the British Isles should not be facilitated in this way.
Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, από άκρως σταλινική χώρα επί εποχής Χότζα, η Αλβανία πέρασε σε μια εποχή σοσιαλιστικής ανομίας, κρατικής και ιδιωτικής διαφθοράς και παρανομίας και κλιμακούμενης εθνικής μισαλλοδοξίας. Η κατάλυση του κράτους και των δομών του, στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 90, συνοδεύτηκε από ληστρικές επιδρομές στις αποθήκες οπλισμού και από διασπορά τεράστιων ποσοτήτων οπλισμού τόσο σε εξτρεμιστικές οργανώσεις όσο και στο οργανωμένο έγκλημα, καθώς και από μεταναστευτικές ροές προς την Ελλάδα και την Ιταλία.
Οι οικονομικές και κοινωνικές ανισότητες, η αδυναμία ή/και άρνηση των εκάστοτε κυβερνήσεων να δημιουργήσουν δομημένο κράτος αλλά και να διαχειριστούν τα εσωτερικά προβλήματα, βρίσκουν διέξοδο μέσω του αλβανικού αλυτρωτισμού. Δυστυχώς η Αλβανία, καταπατώντας κάθε έννοια καλής γειτονίας, διατυμπανίζει την ιδέα της μεγάλης Αλβανίας και διεκδικεί εδάφη της Ελλάδας, της Σερβίας και της FYROM.
Το μέγα σφάλμα της Δύσης στο Κοσσυφοπέδιο αποδεικνύει πόσο επιφανειακά και με πόση υποτέλεια στα μεγάλα συμφέροντα εργάστηκε η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια. Για τους ίδιους λόγους δεν έχουν θέση στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση Αλβανία και Τουρκία, εκτός και αν επιζητούμε την ύπαρξη μουσουλμάνων φονταμενταλιστών στις χώρες μας, εκτός και αν πρέπει να χαρίσουμε ευρωπαϊκά διαβατήρια σε εκατομμύρια Αλβανών και Τούρκων που είναι έτοιμοι να κατακλύσουν τα κράτη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
David McAllister (PPE).– Madam President, as we have heard tonight, Albania will need to meet the key priorities for the opening of accession negotiations. These are, among others, to reform the public administration, to reinforce the judiciary and to fight against corruption and organised crime. Let me underline just one other priority: regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations also form an essential part of Albania’s process of moving towards the European Union.
I believe Albania pursues a constructive and proactive approach in regional and bilateral cooperation. As the standing rapporteur for Serbia I would like to comment on the political will of both Albania and Serbia to improve their bilateral relations. The meeting between Prime Minister Rama and Prime Minister Vučić in November last year was an essential step forward to renew and improve relations between Tirana and Belgrade. It was the first meeting between the prime ministers of both countries for 68 years. Bearing all this in mind, I would like Albania to stay on its path towards the European Union and would encourage the country to take even bigger steps in the near future.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))
Ivo Vajgl (ALDE), blue-card question.– Mr McAllister, you are the rapporteur for Serbia, and a good one. I know that you read, as I did, the comments in the Serbian press and by Serbian politicians about the remarks made by Albanian Prime Minister Rama which actually announced a kind of ʽAnschlussʼ. Do you share my opinion that the reaction of the European Union institutions – the Commission and the Council – to this kind of rhetoric was too weak?
David McAllister (PPE), blue-card answer.– Thank you, Mr Vajgl. It is not only Serbia which has a rapporteur from Germany, but Albania also has a rapporteur from Germany, Knut Fleckenstein, and his good work has already been praised in this debate. I would just like to quote what Mr Fleckenstein said in his speech, namely that these remarks are not acceptable but that this is not an issue in the debate on this progress report tonight. I think we all made it clear in the last meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs that, across partisan lines, we were all of the same opinion that these remarks were not helpful and should not be repeated.
Ангел Джамбазки (ECR).– Благодаря ви, госпожо председател. Поздравявам Албания за постигнатия напредък през изминалата година, доказателство за който е предоставянето на статут на страната на кандидатка за членство в Европейския съюз.
Но това се случва отново под претекста, че преди започването на същинските преговори трябва да се постигне по-голям напредък по определените от Комисията пет ключови сфери – реформа на публичната администрация, укрепване на съдебната система, борбата срещу корупцията и организираната престъпност и не на последно място, укрепване на основните права и свободи. Радвам се, че докладът обръща специално внимание именно на тези сфери, защото те са фундаментът на всяка една правилно функционираща правова система.
От българска гледна точка, настоящият доклад съдържа изключително важна препоръка към Албания, а именно да се приеме всеобхватен закон за етническите малцинства, чрез който да се преодолеят съществуващите законови пропуски в съответствие с препоръките на Консултативния комитет на Рамковата конвенция на Съвета на Европа за защита на националните малцинства.
Това е от изключително значение за България, тъй като според данни на нашата Държавна агенция за българите в чужбина, в Албания живеят между 40 и 50 хиляди граждани с български произход. Единствено посредством гарантирането на правата и свободите на всички граждани, Албания ще покаже, че е готова за членство в Европейския съюз.
В заключение, искрено се надявам Комисията да се е получила от грешките си и да наблюдава строго процеса на приемането на реформите, но най-вече и на тяхното прилагане, за да не бъдем свидетели на поредното дежа вю, а именно, че страната кандидатка е изпълнила всички критерии на хартия, а на практика никоя от тях не се прилага.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD).– Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, certo non è facile analizzare la situazione di un intero paese con tutte queste difficoltà in un solo minuto, ma mi premeva in primis ringraziare l'onorevole Fleckenstein per l'ottimo lavoro svolto in questa relazione e per non ripetere quanto detto da altri prima mi soffermerei anche sul grave problema delle strutture medico-ospedaliere pubbliche nel paese e sulla situazione igienico sanitaria, che presenta purtroppo ancora una situazione abbastanza critica per via del sistema fognario e di quello idrico nonché dell'insufficiente funzionamento dello smaltimento di rifiuti.
Oltre a questo è bene sottolineare quelli che sono i pilastri che l'Albania deve affrontare in questi prossimi anni: l'indipendenza del sistema giudiziario da rafforzare, la lotta contro la corruzione e la neutralità della pubblica amministrazione. Da questo punto di vista sarà cruciale anche il lavoro con l'intelligence e con le forze di polizia europee per prevenire ogni forma di radicalizzazione e di estremismo ed è bene anche che di recente una collaborazione tra Italia e Albania abbia portato all'arresto di tre reclutatori dell'Isis sul territorio albanese. Il cammino per l'adesione è ancora molto lungo e speriamo che ci sia sempre questo impegno per ottenere dei risultati concreti.
Nicolas Bay (NI).– Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, de leurs ancêtres illyriens à l'écrivain Ismail Kadaré en passant par Skanderberg, qui lutta héroïquement contre les envahisseurs turcs, les Albanais sont assurément un grand peuple.
Mais, sans parler des problèmes de corruption généralisée et de criminalité organisée qui gangrènent l'Albanie depuis tant d'années, comment pouvez-vous continuer les négociations avec ce pays, dont le Premier ministre a récemment encore exprimé son souhait d'une grande Albanie, avec le rattachement du Kosovo? Cette déclaration, Edi Rama l'a faite en présence de M. Hashim Thaçi, ancien responsable de l'organisation terroriste UCK.
Je rappelle que l'indépendance du Kosovo, berceau historique de la nation serbe, n'est, à juste titre, toujours pas reconnue par cinq pays de l'Union européenne: Chypre, l'Espagne, la Grèce, la Roumanie et la Slovaquie.
La Commission et le Parlement ont certes condamné mollement cette nouvelle provocation de M. Rama, qui risque d'avoir un effet délétère sur la cohésion des pays voisins, à commencer par la Macédoine et le Monténégro, mais M. Rama a fait savoir qu'il n'avait que faire de ces condamnations. Pourquoi alors s'obstiner à poursuivre les négociations avec l'Albanie?
László Tőkés (PPE).– Albánia egyike volt a bukott kommunista tömb legsötétebb és legutolsó diktatúráinak. A politikai restauráció körülményei között a demokrácia építése egyet jelent számára saját visszahúzó kommunista múltjának a lebontásával. Térségünk más országaihoz hasonlóan folyamatosan meg kell küzdenie a hatalomba visszatérő egykori kommunista nómenklatúra és titkosszolgálat erőivel, melyek a korrupció kiterjedt hálózatát működtetik. A demokrácia erőit ebben a harcukban föltétlenül támogatnunk kell. Örülök annak, hogy a jelentés külön hangsúlyt fektet a hagyományos kisebbségi közösségek védelmére. Ez nyilvánvalóan stabilitási kérdés a Balkánon és Kelet-Közép-Európában. Az etnikai, nyelvi és vallási kisebbségek alapvető jogainak és esélyegyenlőségének a biztosítása mellett az uniós alapok hozzáférhetősége révén is támogatnunk kell őket s velük együtt az egész civil társadalmat.
A jelentés kisebbségi törvény elfogadására szólítja fel Albániát. Megjegyzem, hogy számos tagország és maga az Unió is mindmáig adós ezzel, és ne felejtsük el, hogy a délszláv válság összes, Nyugat által támogatott rendezési terve az etnikai és regionális autonómiák rendszerére épül.
Elly Schlein (S&D).– Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, vorrei ringraziare il collega Fleckenstein per l'ottimo lavoro svolto su questa relazione e ovviamente tutti i relatori ombra.
L'Albania da quasi un anno è paese candidato all'ingresso nell'Unione europea e da allora ha compiuto importanti passi in avanti nel suo cammino verso l'adesione. Vi sono però ancora molte sfide alle quali Tirana deve cercare di rispondere con efficacia. L'ultimo incontro della delegazione alla commissione parlamentare di stabilizzazione e di associazione UE-Albania, cui ho partecipato anch'io, è stato un'ottima occasione per incoraggiare i colleghi albanesi a proseguire e intensificare gli sforzi per l'attuazione di riforme attorno alle cinque priorità fondamentali, come la necessità di riformare la giustizia con l'aiuto della commissione di Venezia; come un'amministrazione pubblica e indipendente professionale e depoliticizzata; l'importanza di veri media che siano indipendenti e pluralistici – non a caso la risoluzione li identifica quali pilastri della democrazia – e poi potenziare gli sforzi contro la corruzione e la criminalità organizzata a tutti i livelli e continuare con la lotta per garantire i diritti delle minoranze delle persone LGBT e ovviamente anche della minoranza rom.
Tutto questo si potrà fare se e nella misura in cui ci sarà quel dialogo politico costruttivo tra le forze parlamentari, tra le forze politiche di maggioranza e di opposizione senza il quale si rischia di vedere minati i progressi delle riforme.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η αναβίωση του αλβανικού εθνικισμού είναι ιδιαίτερα ανησυχητική καθώς τα Τίρανα προωθούν, με μοχλό το Κόσσοβο, την αλυτρωτική ιδέα της Μεγάλης Αλβανίας που διεκδικεί αλλαγή συνόρων στα Βαλκάνια και εδάφη τα οποία ανήκουν στην Ελλάδα. Η αλβανική ηγεσία οφείλει να αντιληφθεί ότι ο ευρωπαϊκός δρόμος της χώρας περνάει από την Αθήνα. Εάν η Αλβανία συνεχίσει να ασκεί μια παράνομη και παράλογη αλυτρωτική πολιτική κατά της Ελλάδας, η οποία φιλοξενεί επί δεκαετίες και δίνει ψωμί και δουλειά σε χιλιάδες αλβανούς οικονομικούς μετανάστες που ζουν στην πατρίδα μας, τότε το μόνο που θα πετύχει η αλβανική ηγεσία είναι να βλάψει ανεπανόρθωτα τις ελληνοαλβανικές σχέσεις και την δική της ευρωπαϊκή πορεία.
Ταυτόχρονα, πρέπει η Αλβανία να αντιληφθεί ότι οφείλει να σέβεται τα δικαιώματα της ελληνικής εθνικής μειονότητας της Βορείου Ηπείρου, τα οποία καταπατά βάναυσα - μιας μειονότητας με πληθυσμό άνω των 250 χιλιάδων ατόμων. Σύμφωνα με τα συμπεράσματα του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου, του Συμβουλίου Γενικών Υποθέσεων, η Αλβανία πρέπει να διασφαλίσει τη ίση μεταχείριση όλων των μειονοτήτων στην Αλβανία.
Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος (NI).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, δεκαέξι χρόνια μετά τον βάρβαρο πόλεμο του ΝΑΤΟ και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στη Γιουγκοσλαβία το 1999, με τα χιλιάδες θύματα, αποδεικνύεται ο μοναδικός τους στόχος: η εκμετάλλευση παρθένων αγορών για χρυσοφόρες business και ο έλεγχος των πλουτοπαραγωγικών ενεργειακών πηγών και των δρόμων μεταφοράς τους.
Ίδιος είναι ο στόχος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και τώρα για την ενσωμάτωση της Αλβανίας και όλων των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων σ' αυτήν, σε ανταγωνισμό με την Αμερική και τη Ρωσία. Παρά τις υποκριτικές τους δηλώσεις, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και οι αστικές δυνάμεις της περιοχής υποδαυλίζουν εθνοτικές και θρησκευτικές διαφορές και ενθαρρύνουν τους εθνικούς μεγαλοϊδεατισμούς, την επαναχάραξη των συνόρων, την επαναλαμβανόμενη απειλή ένωσης της Αλβανίας με το προτεκτοράτο του Κοσσυφοπεδίου. Κέρδη για τα μονοπώλια, διαίρει και βασίλευε για τους λαούς που δεν βρήκαν ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, παρά μόνο εκμετάλλευση, φτώχεια και προσφυγιά.
Στην ανατροπή αυτού του δρόμου, ενάντια στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και το κεφάλαιο, βρίσκεται η ειρήνη και η ευημερία των λαών και στα Βαλκάνια.
Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE).– Señora Presidenta, pronto hará un año que Albania obtuvo el estatus de país candidato a la adhesión, pero tendrá que seguir haciendo muchos esfuerzos y reformas en el proceso que la lleve a incorporarse a la Unión Europea.
Muchas de las reformas pendientes tienen carácter político. A ellas se refiere con mucho detalle el informe del señor Fleckenstein que mañana votaremos. Son de especial importancia la reforma de la administración del Estado, incluida la administración local, y también de las estructuras judiciales. Además, la lucha contra la corrupción constituye una materia que resulta ser un objetivo prioritario. Otra reforma, también relevante: la del Registro de la Propiedad, pues la inseguridad jurídica ahuyenta siempre al inversor.
También conviene que la grave polarización política interna dé paso a una política estable de diálogo y entendimiento entre las principales fuerzas políticas. Un nuevo clima político será muy útil para afrontar las amplias reformas que Albania requiere para el gran objetivo de la integración europea. También Albania necesita reformas económicas. La llamada «economía sumergida» ocupa un lugar muy excesivo. La consolidación fiscal, la reforma energética, también son prioritarias.
Termino refiriéndome a la política exterior de Albania, un país cuya adhesión va a fortalecer la dimensión mediterránea de la Unión Europea. Pero me quiero referir a su política de vecindad. En los Balcanes Occidentales hay muchas heridas que todavía no han cicatrizado del todo, y no conviene crear tensiones. Albania, que ya es miembro de la OTAN y candidato a la integración en la Unión, debe contribuir de forma relevante a la estabilidad, a la buena vecindad y a la reconciliación.
Los Balcanes necesitan una política muy constructiva por parte de Albania.
Eugen Freund (S&D).– Frau Präsidentin! Albanien hat in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten große Fortschritte gemacht – wenn wir nur daran denken, dass in den Neunzigerjahren noch Tausende Flüchtlinge aus dem Land das Mittelmeer nach Italien überquert haben. Aber wenn man den Bericht genauer durchliest, so gibt es doch einen Widerspruch zwischen dem, wie Albanien ist, und dem, wie wir uns diesen Aufnahmekandidaten wünschen. Immer wieder heißt es, „dass greifbare Fortschritte bezüglich der Unabhängigkeit der Justiz und der Bekämpfung der Korruption unbedingt erforderlich sind“, aber wenig ist davon zu lesen, dass diese Fortschritte auch tatsächlich erzielt wurden. Immerhin gehen die ersten Beurteilungen der EU von Albanien auf das Jahr 2003 zurück. Es sind seither also ein Dutzend Jahre vergangen, und in vielen Bereichen – ganz sicher nicht in allen – gehen die Veränderungen nur schleppend voran.
Ich wünsche mir für den nächsten Fortschrittsbericht, dass sich Albanien beider Teile dieses Worts bewusst ist: Fortschritt und Bericht.
Marek Jurek (ECR).– Szanowni Państwo! Albania w ostatnim czasie stała się terenem wzmożonej penetracji religijnej ze strony Arabii Saudyjskiej. Ta penetracja może w dłuższej perspektywie poważnie zakłócić relacje między muzułmańską większością a chrześcijańskimi mniejszościami – tę tradycyjną harmonię społeczną, tego tradycyjnego ducha jedności narodowej Albanii, o których bardzo trafnie mówi art. 19 proponowanej rezolucji. Tylko że, proszę państwa, nie to jest troską autorów tej rezolucji. Co oni proponują Albanii? W ust. 20 i 21 – małżeństwo homoseksualne jako to największe dobro – przepraszam za ironię – które Europa może zaproponować swoim sąsiadom.
Przede wszystkich chciałbym się zwrócić do kolegów chrześcijańskich demokratów, kolegów z Europejskiej Partii Ludowej: niestety, przyjęcie przez was kultury skrajnej lewicy zdestabilizowało większość Europy. Tylko powrót waszych środowisk do tradycyjnych wartości europejskich może przywrócić Europie polityczną równowagę.
Monica Macovei (PPE).– Madam President, I shall only refer to the critical aspect as I do not have much time. We have witnessed for many years the same attitude from both parties in Albania. We saw boycotts; we saw complaints; we saw different allegations made against each other, and I refer to the main parties. We saw a lack of real political dialogue for the benefit of the people; we saw a lack of government for the benefit of the people. And most people in Albania do not trust the political class. We should be aware of this. I receive such messages constantly from Albanian people.
We work here in Parliament for the benefit of the Albanian people and not for the benefit of the political parties or of the politicians. This is why we should tell them, when they do wrong, even if they are our sister parties, that they are doing wrong and they should put things right. We should not take sides when it is not appropriate to take sides. If they do wrong, we should say so. If we work together here – all parties – they will work together for the benefit of the Albanian people.
Preşedinte: ADINA-IOANA VĂLEAN Vicepreşedinte
Eva Kaili (S&D).– Madam President, in this progress report Knut Fleckenstein managed indeed to include almost everything that is of great political importance to us, but I will also underline that Rama’s government has been undertaking a major round of reforms over the past years and some of the requested sectors have progressed. As a result, the European Council recognised these efforts, granting candidate status with a decision of June 2014. Such an action serves as an encouragement to step up the pace of the reforms and continue the high-level dialogue with the Commission.
The S&D as a political group has always been supportive of Albanian EU membership. However, allow me to underline that further steps should be taken with regard to reforming the judicial system, promoting structural reforms and economic governance, and improving the infrastructure for connectivity with neighbouring Balkan states. Also, special focus should and must be placed on the protection of minorities and on securing equal rights for them, on respect towards human rights in general, and on the efforts needed to achieve full reconciliation and good neighbourly relations with the Balkans.
Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE) – Albánsko dosiahlo za posledných niekoľko rokov výrazný pokrok na ceste k pristúpeniu k EÚ. V júni 2014 mu už bol oficiálne priznaný štatút krajiny kandidátskej. Na ceste k členstvu do Európskej únie však pretrvávajú problémy, ktoré treba urýchlene vyriešiť. Jedná sa predovšetkým o vykonávanie reforiem v kľúčových prioritách a v oblastiach, ktoré sú podmienkami na začatie prístupových rokovaní s EÚ. Zvláštnu pozornosť treba preto venovať prehlbovaniu zásad právneho štátu, upevňovaniu nezávislosti súdnictva a boju proti korupcii a organizovanej trestnej činnosti. K posilneniu demokracie jednoznačne prispeje aj zvýšená aktívna účasť občanov a občianskej spoločnosti ako takej na verejnom živote. S týmto úmyslom treba taktiež vytvárať funkčnú a efektívnu samosprávu, ktorá bude blízko občanom a bude vedieť zohľadňovať ich špecifické potreby na miestnej úrovni. Na druhej strane sa mi nepáči natláčanie a ničenie tradičnej prirodzenej rodiny v Albánsku, ktorá bola vždycky pilierom tejto spoločnosti.
Alojz Peterle (PPE). – Poročevalcu Komisije... poročevalcu in Komisiji čestitam k dobro opravljenemu delu, Albaniji pa k opaznemu napredku.
To poročilo in ta razprava sta dokaz, da misli evropska zveza z evropsko perspektivo Albanije resno. Po pridobitvi statusa kandidatke je za Albanijo nastopila nova faza v pristopnem procesu, v katerem lahko samo dosledno in dinamično izpolnjevanje sprejetih zavez v skladu z določenimi prioritetami vodi v začetek pristopnih pogajanj.
Prepričan sem, da bi preseganje polarizacije s konstruktivnim političnim dialogom v smeri skupnih ciljev bistveno okrepilo kredibilnost in učinkovitost Albanije na poti v evropsko zvezo.
Ελένη Θεοχάρους (PPE).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, βεβαίως και απαιτείται εκδημοκρατισμός για να γίνει η Αλβανία κράτος μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Γι' αυτό οφείλει να σέβεται και τα δικαιώματα των Ελλήνων της χώρας. Η ελληνική μειονότητα φθίνει και καταπιέζεται και η Αλβανία παραβιάζει το πρωτόκολλο της Κέρκυρας για τις ελευθερίες αυτοδιοίκησης, παιδείας και θρησκείας των Ελλήνων. Οι παραβιάσεις του πρωτοκόλλου οδήγησαν σε προσφυγή και δικαίωση της Ελλάδας στο Διεθνές Δικαστήριο της Χάγης. Στην χώρα αυτή, οι μυστικές υπηρεσίες παρακολουθούν και εκφοβίζουν και δολοφονούν τον ελληνικό πληθυσμό. Απαγορεύεται η λειτουργία δημοσίων ελληνικών σχολείων και η χρήση της ελληνικής γλώσσας στις δημόσιες υπηρεσίες, ενώ δεν υπάρχουν εκπομπές στα ελληνικά στην τηλεόραση και το ραδιόφωνο. Παρεμποδίζονται δραματικά οι δραστηριότητες του Αρχιεπισκόπου Αναστασίου. Η ελληνική πολιτισμική κληρονομιά καταστρέφεται και λεηλατείται. Εποικίζεται συστηματικά ο νότος με εποίκους από το Κοσσυφοπέδιο, οι Έλληνες εκτοπίζονται και η εκλογή μειονοτικών στις δημοτικές αρχές απαγορεύεται. Το αποτέλεσμα θα το δούμε σε λίγες μέρες. Η Αλβανία αρνείται την επιστροφή των δημευμένων από το καθεστώς Χότζα εκκλησιαστικών, κοινοτικών και ιδιωτικών περιουσιών. Η δημοκρατικότητα των εκλογών και η ανεξαρτησία της δικαιοσύνης αμφισβητούνται.
Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να αναγνωρίσει τους κινδύνους που δημιουργούνται από την πρόθεση των Τιράνων για την ενσωμάτωση, κατάληψη του Κοσσυφοπεδίου και του Τετόβου. Η Αλβανία οφείλει να θυμάται πάντα ότι η Ελλάδα στο παρελθόν αγκάλιασε τους Αλβανούς πολίτες και τους πρόσφερε προστασία, εργασία και στέγη.
(Η ομιλήτρια δέχεται να απαντήσει σε ερώτηση με γαλάζια κάρτα (άρθρο 162, παράγραφος 8 του Κανονισμού))
Knut Fleckenstein (S&D), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“.– Frau Kollegin, ist Ihnen bekannt, dass es griechische Menschen gibt, die im albanischen Parlament arbeiten? Ich finde es maßlos übertrieben, was Sie hier gesagt haben.
Ελένη Θεοχάρους (PPE), απάντηση "γαλάζια κάρτα".– Αν εσείς νομίζετε ότι αυτό που είπα είναι υπερβολικό, μπορώ να σας καταθέσω όλα τα στοιχεία που έχω στη διάθεσή μου μόλις τελειώσουμε αυτή τη συνομιλία. Μόλις τελειώσουμε αυτή τη συνομιλία, θα έχετε όλα τα στοιχεία αυτά, και, εάν θέλετε, πάμε μαζί στις εκλογές σε δεκαπέντε ημέρες.
Catch-the-eye procedure
Andrej Plenković (PPE).– Gospođo predsjednice, poštovani gospodine povjereniče, gospodine Mimica, zahvaljujem kolegi Fleckensteinu na pripremljenom Izvješću o napretku Albanije za 2014., kao i svim izvjestiteljima u sjeni koji su radili na ovom dokumentu o kojem smo dva puta raspravljali u Odboru za vanjske poslove.
Ključna poruka koju mislim da danas trebamo uputiti političkim strankama u Albaniji, Vladi, ali i opoziciji je poruka dijaloga, poruka političke zrelosti, poruka prepoznavanja trenutka u kojem se Albanija kao država kandidatkinja od lipnja prošle godine nalazi i važnosti imidža Albanije u europskim institucijama, ali i državama članicama s obzirom na kontekst i opće raspoloženje u procesu proširenja.
Stoga smatram da jačanje vladavine prava, borba protiv korupcije i jačanje državne uprave i mirna ne samo tranzicija vlasti, nego i kontinuirani dijalog bez bojkotiranja rada Parlamenta treba biti ona Albanija koja će biti prihvaćena u dinamičnom europskom putu u godinama koje su pred nama.
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D).– Madam President, we cannot allow a grey area in South-eastern Europe. Sooner or later all these countries from south-eastern Europe have to join the European Union, therefore I support the European integration process of Albania. I would like to welcome the good progress achieved so far, the encouraging reports and tangible results, and I believe that the opening of accession negotiations with Albania constitutes the major incentive for the country to speed up.
Albania must accelerate its efforts on public administration reform; on the reform of the judiciary; in the fight against corruption and organised crime; and in enhancing the protection of fundamental rights. The success of the reform process depends on the existence of a democratic political environment. To secure the sustainability of the integration process, all political parties need to cooperate and work constructively together. Moreover, I believe that ensuring political consensus and developing a genuine democratic dialogue are elements of utmost importance. Last but not least, I would like to thank and praise the rapporteur, Mr Fleckenstein, as well as the shadow rapporteurs.
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE).– Gospođo predsjednice, želim vidjeti sve zemlje zapadnog Balkana čim prije u Europskoj uniji i želim da imamo čim prije kolegice i kolege iz tih zemalja u ovome Parlamentu. Ali kako je krenulo s našim zadnjim susretom predstavnika parlamenta Albanije i ovog Parlamenta, imao sam čast biti zajedno s gospođom Macovei i gospođom Schlein u delegaciji u Tirani, to baš neće biti tako lako. Možda ima čak i volje za političke reforme, ali za politički dijalog i političku kulturu baš i nema previše.
Mi o tome moramo ovdje razgovarati i moramo poslati poruku našim prijateljima u albanskom parlamentu da ne mogu razgovarati s nama tako kako su razgovarali zadnji put u Tirani. Možda s nekim mogu, ali sa mnom neće i ja neću više biti u toj delegaciji jer se tako ne može razgovarati s članovima Europskog parlamenta. U svakom slučaju pozdravljam stabilnost koju daje Albanija regionalnoj politici na Balkanu.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE).– Paní předsedající, já bych chtěl rovněž ocenit pokrok, kterého Albánie dosáhla za uplynulých 20 let. Bezesporu je ovšem třeba ještě učinit hodně zejména na poli ochrany nezávislosti justice. Demokratický trend, který Albánie nastavila, je nepochybně dobrým směrem, nicméně je samozřejmě ohrožován skandály, které se projevují, a volby, které čekají Albánii v následujících týdnech, mohou ukázat, zda-li proevropské směřování této země je skutečným trendem a směřováním politické scény v Albánii. Já bych chtěl poukázat na pozitivní příklad právě Moldávie, která ve svých volbách, které se konaly v minulém pololetí, ukázala, že to se svým proevropským směřováním myslí skutečně vážně. A chtěl tedy vyzvat a podpořit Albánii, aby v tomto kurzu pokračovala dále.
Κώστας Χρυσόγονος (GUE/NGL).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, πριν από ένα χρόνο η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δέχτηκε την Αλβανία ως υποψήφια για ένταξη αναγνωρίζοντας έτσι έμμεσα ότι αυτή σέβεται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.
Ωστόσο, η αλβανική κυβέρνηση, ως σύγχρονος Κρέων, εξακολουθεί να αρνείται να επιτρέψει την αναζήτηση και ταυτοποίηση των οστών των χιλιάδων ελλήνων στρατιωτικών που σκοτώθηκαν εκεί, υπερασπιζόμενοι ηρωικά την πατρίδα τους απέναντι στον ιταλικό φασισμό το 1940-41, παρά το γεγονός ότι ανέλαβε σχετική υποχρέωση με την υπογραφή της ελληνοαλβανικής συμφωνίας του 2009. Αυτό συνιστά προσβολή της ανθρώπινης αξιοπρέπειας των συγγενών των πεσόντων, οι οποίοι αδυνατούν να τους ενταφιάσουν και να εκπληρώσουν το ηθικό χρέος της Αντιγόνης απέναντι στα αγαπημένα τους πρόσωπα.
Εάν η Αλβανία θέλει να προχωρήσει στην ενταξιακή διαδικασία, πρέπει να εφαρμόσει τη συμφωνία του 2009, όπως και τη σύμβαση του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης για την προστασία των εθνικών μειονοτήτων και ειδικότερα της ελληνικής εθνικής μειονότητας στο έδαφός της.
Tibor Szanyi (S&D).– Ezt a mai vitát végighallgatva én azt hiszem, valamennyien azt érezzük, hogy rengeteg előrelépés történt Albániában. Joggal nagyon sok kritikát tudunk megfogalmazni, de ezen a ponton azért azt fontos megjegyeznünk, hogy ez a mai vita is valószínűleg segíti Albániát abban, hogy fent tudja tartani a tagjelölti státuszból fakadó maga előtt vitt perspektívákat. Nyilván persze minden esetben, amikor az Európai Unió nevében akár dicséretet, akár kritikát vagy ne adj Isten feladatokat fogalmazunk meg, akkor bizony rá kell ébrednünk, hogy az Európai Unión belül is van teendőnk. Azokat, amiket mi most szóvá teszünk Albániának, azok egyre aggasztóbb mértékben ütik fel a fejüket az Európai Unió mai tagországaiban is. És én úgy gondolom, hogy csak a mai nap, amikor a magyar kormányfőnek azokat a szavait ítélte el sok politikus, amelyben vissza akarta állítani a halálbüntetést, hát ezek az igazi tanúságok.
Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE).– Torej Albanija seveda je država, ki ima pestro in dinamično zgodovino in v nekaterih obdobjih v tej zgodovini ji seveda ni bilo dano napredovati tako, kot bi želela. Zato seveda gre pozdraviti ta napredek, ki ga je Albanija dosegla v zadnjih letih, je pa seveda še veliko vprašanj in veliko problemov, s katerimi se bo morala spopasti.
Eden od teh je gotovo tudi očitek o korupciji, o smotrni, pravilni porabi javnih sredstev, o vprašanju pravosodja in pa seveda tudi to, kar je povedal gospod Jakovčić, politični kulturi, posebej dialogu med pozicijo in opozicijo.
In še na nekaj bi opozoril, kar je izjemno pomembno za napredek Albanije in njen razvoj, to so pa seveda področja okolja, zaščite narave, ker Albanija razpolaga s čudovitimi naravnimi viri in slabo bi bilo, če bi seveda kapital izničil vse tisto, kar je perspektiva za zelena delovna mesta in zeleno energijo.
(End of catch-the-eye procedure)
Neven Mimica,Member of the Commission.– Madam President, Albania’s European future is in its own hands. Motivation and ownership are essential to continue working towards meeting the key priorities.
The rule of law remains of the utmost importance. In this sense, fighting against corruption and organised crime and strengthening the independence, efficiency and accountability of the judiciary are crucial for the full implementation of the rule of law.
Further work on fundamentals is also needed with a focus on public administration reform and economic governance. In order to make that possible, smooth implementation of the December political agreement that put an end to the parliamentary boycott by the opposition is more important than ever. In this context, Commissioner Hahn recalled that the government and the opposition need to work together to ensure a sustainable reform process.
The Commission is fully committed to continue helping Albania on its EU path. We thank the European Parliament for this report which contributes to this commitment. We expect that Albania will continue to deliver sustainable and solid reforms so that it can move forward on its EU integration path.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica,President-in-Office of the Council.– Madam President, I believe that this has been a very useful debate. The Council welcomes Parliament’s commitment and determination to encourage Albania to push the necessary reforms forward.
I agree fully with those who have said that the integration process is an opportunity, as was said here during the debate. We have listed several key elements in the reform path of Albania. I share your views that cross-party political dialogue and cooperation is essential for the EU integration process to continue advancing. Key EU-related reforms are essential not just to please the EU but because they are in the interest of Albania itself. In order to carry out the reforms, the political leaders in Albania must live up to their responsibilities for the good of its citizens.
I am pleased that the debate today has focused on the needs of Albanian citizens as well as a positive commitment by Albania in developing regional cooperation. Let me reiterate that the Council is determined to continue its engagement with Albania.
As regards the current state of the political dialogue in Albania, the EU has expressed its concern over the confrontational nature of political dialogue in Albania and there is a responsibility on all political sides to ensure a constructive and inclusive dialogue. We welcome the political agreement that put an end to the parliamentary boycott last December and hope that it will be fully implemented by both parties. In this regard, we highly appreciate the role of Parliament in the re-establishment of the political dialogue in the parliament of Albania.
We strongly urge the parties to make sure the process does not go off track. The adoption of legislation paving the way for a National Council for EU Integration, chaired by the opposition, is a positive first step.
President. – Thank you all for this debate. I have received one motion for a resolution tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.
The debate is closed.
The vote will take place on Thursday, 30 April 2015.