 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2014/2952(RSP)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : B8-0359/2015

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 29/04/2015 - 21
CRE 29/04/2015 - 21

Votes :

PV 30/04/2015 - 10.6
CRE 30/04/2015 - 10.6
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Mercredi 29 avril 2015 - Strasbourg

21. Rapport de suivi 2014 concernant la Bosnie-Herzégovine (débat)
Vidéo des interventions

  President. – The next item is the debate on the Council and Commission statements on the progress report on Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014/2952(RSP)).


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, let me start by saying that this has been a positive and important year for the EU’s relationships with Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the last 12 months the EU has demonstrated its strong commitment to the EU perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I would like to recall that the Council, in its conclusions of 15 December 2014, expressed serious concern that the country remained at a standstill in its EU integration process due to a lack of collective political will on the part of the political leaders to address the reforms necessary for progress.

The EU expressed its readiness to provide help and support, but it has to be noted that the primary responsibility for progress lies with Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is why the EU has agreed on a new strategy, or what is termed a ‘renewed approach’, with respect to that country. The spirit of the renewed approach involves reordering the priority issues for Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards the EU so as to generate momentum and finally move forward.

In its conclusions of last December, the Council set out its conditions for reforms to be made by Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to be able to proceed with the conclusions and entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. I will proceed by mentioning the most important ones.

First, last year’s protest in Bosnia and Herzegovina underlined the fragility of the socio-economic situation and highlighted the issues that are of direct concern to its citizens. In this regard let me list here some fields where the EU also expects concrete reforms on the ground.

First of all, putting in place measures for building a functioning market economy, also undertaking measures for strengthening the rule of law and the reconciliation process, and strengthening administrative capacity and enhancing the efficiency of institutions at all levels.

Second, the Council welcomed the wider remit of the EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina structured dialogue on justice, covering rule-of-law matters, in particular the fight against corruption.

Third, Bosnia and Herzegovina should establish an effective coordination mechanism on EU issues. Such a mechanism would improve the country’s interaction with the EU, including with respect to the funding of the instrument for pre-accession assistance. Progress in this regard would open the way for Bosnia and Herzegovina to benefit fully from the funding available. Inter alia, Bosnia and Herzegovina has to observe its obligations relating to trade provisions involving Croatia as provided for in the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

Since December, important progress has been made. The first steps have been taken. The Council welcomed the adoption of the written commitment by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 29 January. It was signed by leaders of political parties and subsequently endorsed in the parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 23 February during the visit of High Representative Mogherini to Sarajevo. In order to emphasise the EU’s new approach, as well as to discuss the commitment by the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the EU’s new approach, the President of the Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Mr Edgars Rinkēvičs, visited Sarajevo on 11 March. On 16 March the Council called on Bosnia and Herzegovina to remain engaged with the European Union under the renewed approach. We called on the leadership to maintain the positive momentum by developing an initial agenda for reforms in consultations with the European Union.

With regard to the commitment undertaken by Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council recently concluded the process launched seven years ago by adopting the decision on entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. The agreement will enter into force on 1 June. I am convinced that this agreement will not only allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to move forward in its relations with the EU, but will also serve as an incentive to continue the reforms necessary for EU integration. Progress on the implementation of the agenda for reforms, including the compact for growth and jobs, would be necessary for a membership application to be considered by the European Union.

Let me express my sincere gratitude for the excellent work that the rapporteur of the European Parliament on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cristian Dan Preda, has done on the draft report. I am looking forward to the discussion.


  Neven Mimica, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Cristian Preda, for the resolution on the 2014 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina. We welcome the text which is balanced and largely in line with our October 2014 progress report. It reflects well the state of play in the country, notably when it comes to the serious internal challenges it faces, including on the EU integration path.

The Commission particularly welcomes the support this resolution provides for the new EU approach towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, as agreed by the Foreign Affairs Council in December 2014. We also welcome the support for the envisaged next steps on the country’s EU integration path, starting with the socio-economic reforms, on the basis of the Compact for Growth and Jobs, as well as the setting up of an effective coordination mechanism on EU matters.

The Commission is fully dedicated to advancing Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU perspective. The December 2014 EU initiative has already resulted in a unanimous written commitment from the country’s leaders and institutions to undertake the reforms needed to progress towards the European Union. On this basis, the April General Affairs Council agreed to bring the Stabilisation and Association Agreement into force as of 1 June 2015. We expect the Stabilisation and Association Agreement to be a springboard for deep reforms in the country. The Commission will specifically monitor its implementation and support the country in addressing the priorities stemming from the agreement.

At the same time, and in line with the next steps in the EU initiative, the Commission is now closely engaging with the new Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities towards the definition and implementation of a reform agenda in the coming months. This will build on previous initiatives aimed at addressing citizens’ socio-economic concerns, such as the Compact for Growth and Jobs. In this respect, the Commission will work with the new authorities on the implementation of the Compact as well as on the preparation of an economic reform programme.

Overall, I would like to stress that a positive dynamic has now been created in the country around the EU initiative. This needs to continue over the next months in order to bring about the necessary reforms. This will require the European Union to remain fully engaged in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to support the country’s delivering on its priorities, in close cooperation with international and local stakeholders such as international financial institutions and civil society organisations.


  Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE. Madame la Présidente, je voudrais, pour commencer, condamner dans les termes les plus forts l'attentat terroriste qui a frappé Zvornik, il y a deux jours, et exprimer toute ma compassion à l'égard des victimes et de leurs familles. Il s'agit de Dragan Đurić, l'officier qui a perdu la vie, et de Željko Gajić et Stevo Milovanović, qui ont subi des blessures. C'est un moment où tous les citoyens doivent se réunir et qu'il importe de ne pas politiser.

Je dois ensuite saluer la décision du Conseil du 21 avril dernier, concernant l'entrée en vigueur de l'accord de stabilisation et d'association avec la Bosnie-Herzégovine. C'est une décision importante, qui permettra, dès le 1er juin prochain, à la Bosnie-Herzégovine et à l'Union de travailler ensemble sur de nouvelles bases. Cette entrée en vigueur de l'accord offre des perspectives très concrètes d'appartenance à l'Union pour la Bosnie-Herzégovine et démontre le sérieux et la capacité de l'Union à tenir ses engagements dans le cadre de la nouvelle approche adoptée en décembre 2014.

J'espère que les dirigeants de la Bosnie-Herzégovine en feront de même et sauront saisir cette occasion de se rapprocher de l'Europe. Je voudrais insister sur la très grande responsabilité qui leur incombe. Nous sommes tous, ici, déterminés à remettre la Bosnie-Herzégovine sur les rails de l'intégration européenne. Mais, c'est aux dirigeants politiques du pays de faire preuve de courage, de formuler et de mettre en œuvre le vaste programme de réformes. Les réformes attendues sont précisément ce qui définit l'intégration européenne: des réformes qui améliorent la situation économique, qui renforcent l'état de droit, qui éliminent la corruption et la criminalité organisée et qui rendent la gouvernance du pays plus efficace et plus réactive aux attentes des citoyens.

Pour terminer, je voudrais aussi signaler combien il importe de mobiliser tout le monde en Bosnie-Herzégovine derrière ce programme de réformes et de se concentrer sur ce thème, plutôt que sur des sujets qui divisent. Rien ne devrait nous détourner de ce programme. La perspective d'une vie meilleure pour tous dans le pays devrait être une incitation suffisante.

(L'orateur accepte de répondre à une question "carton bleu" (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement))


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. Önhöz fordulok, úgy is, mint ennek a jelentésnek a fő felelőséhez, és tényleg gratulálni szeretnék ehhez a munkához. Bár amit most Ön elmondott, abból énnekem nem lett annyira világos, mint az írott változatból, hogy azért ebben az országban, Bosznia-Hercegovinában, minthogyha leállt volna ez a folyamat, sőt, egy picit minthogyha visszafele haladnának. Ön hogyan pontosítaná ezt a folyamatot?


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE), réponse "carton bleu". Madame la Présidente, il y a bien sûr un blocage politique, que nous connaissons tous, mais j'espère bien que les élites politiques du pays vont saisir l'occasion que leur offre cette nouvelle initiative européenne.

Nous sommes tous attentifs à l'influence que les Russes veulent avoir en Bosnie-Herzégovine, comme au risque d'une influence islamiste. Parce que l'attentat d'il y a deux jours a été perpétré aux cris d'"Allahu akbar", comme à Paris. Les Russes et l'islam sont de vrais dangers dans ce pays. Soyons-en très conscients.


  Afzal Khan, on behalf of the S&D Group. Madam President, the new EU approach towards Bosnia and Herzegovina is a fresh hope for the country. The S&D Group very much welcomes the long-awaited entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement set up for 1 June 2015. We urge the new leaders to refrain from divisive, nationalistic and secessionist rhetoric that polarises society. We urge them instead to commit fully to carrying out the necessary reforms in order to improve the lives of all citizens and move forward in the EU integration process. That addressing the socio-economic needs of the people of Bosnia must be the priority became manifest in the social protest of last year.

Economic prosperity is, however, only possible if it is based on a democratic and inclusive society. The fight against the corruption that exploits the most vulnerable people is another must as it affects all sectors, even health and education. There is pressure to change Bosnia coming from all sides, not only from the EU but more importantly from the citizens themselves. Transparency in the process of planning and implementing reforms is crucial and civil society must be included in the reform processes. The media, civil society and the judiciary should together provide robust scrutiny of the government of the day. The S&D Group remains fully commited to Bosnia and Herzegovina being part of the EU.


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. Благодаря Ви, госпожо председател. Първо бих искал да благодаря на докладчика Кристиан Дан Преда, на докладчиците в сянка и на всички колеги, които допринесоха за създаването на тази всеобхватна резолюция.

Ситуацията в Босна и Херцеговина е изключително деликатна и не се учудвам, че Комисията критикува, че не е постигнала съществен напредък през изминалата година. Основната причина за това е настоящото сложно устройство на държавата, което забавя процеса на реформи. Настоявайки за промяна в конституцията на държавата, ние не бива да забравяме, че устройството на Босна и Херцеговина бе конституирано именно така, за да намали риска от междуетнически конфликти. Обезпокоително е отношението на държавата по външнополитическите теми, както и отношението й към политиката на Русия, към Украйна и към Кримския полуостров.

Другото, което ме притеснява, е настоятелният призив да се въведе обща учебна програма в цялата страна. Това предложение е доста лицемерно, тъй като от една страна изискваме от държавата да зачита правата на малцинствата, а от друга – даваме възможност на мнозинството да налага над по-малките общности своето собствено тълкуване на историята. Освен това е неясно дали тази обща учебна програма предвижда възможностите на по-малките общности да учат на своя майчин език.

В заключение искам още веднъж ясно да заявя, че Босна и Херцеговина е изключително сложна държава и трябва много внимателно да премерваме всички препоръки, които отправяме в нашите резолюции.


  Jozo Radoš, u ime kluba ALDE. Gospođo predsjednice, gospodine Mimica, gospođo Lukaševica, kolegice i kolege. I ja naravno u ime grupe ALDE pozdravljam novi pristup Europske unije Bosni i Hercegovini koji se ogledao u ovoj rezoluciji, u odlukama Vijeća Europske unije i u pojačanim aktivnostima Europske Komisije. Jednako tako zahvaljujem gospodinu Predi na kvalitetnom izvješću i dobroj suradnji političkih skupina prilikom njegove izrade. Jednako tako pozdravljam skoro stupanje na snagu Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju.

No mislim da je važno napomenuti da se u tom zahtjevnom poslu zapravo nalazimo ipak tek na početku puta. Nakon pisanih obaveza slijedi postavljenje konkretnih zadaća, tijela koja te zadaće trebaju provesti i na kraju naravno najteži posao, a to je samo provođenje tih zadaća.

Bosna i Hercegovina se nalazi u vrlo teškoj i nezavidnoj situaciji. Radi se, kao što je naglašeno i u samoj rezoluciji, o nefunkcionalnoj i vrlo kompliciranoj državi. Radi se o gospodarskoj krizi i siromaštvu. Radi se o čestim blokadama vlasti, napuštanju skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine i prijetnjama napuštanju same zemlje. Radi se i o latentnim terorističkim ugrozama i povremenim terorističkim napadima diljem cijele Bosne i Hercegovine.

Budući da je Bosna i Hercegovina važna sama po sebi, osobito je važna za stabilnost zapadnog Balkana, moramo osobito predano raditi da sve ovo što je zapisano, dobro zapisano u ovoj našoj rezoluciji doista bude i ostvareno.


  Javier Couso Permuy (GUE/NGL). Señora Presidenta. Quiero dar las gracias al señor Preda por su trabajo.

Este debate deja claro que la Unión Europea tiene serios problemas a la hora de establecer un relato creíble sobre los Balcanes. Ahora, la Alta Representante quiere aplicar un enfoque renovado para Bosnia, un país cuya estructura es fruto de las políticas de las grandes potencias. Se quiere cambiar el enfoque para evitar preguntas incómodas sobre la forma de Estado.

Pero Bosnia no puede seguir siendo un juguete en manos de la UE. ¿Qué autoridad moral tenemos para dar lecciones a Bosnia sobre su estructura? ¿Es que no tenemos Estados federales con estructuras tan o más complejas que la de Bosnia? Sí, pero nadie habla de simplificar su estructura institucional.

A pesar de que hay un compromiso de apoyar la unidad del país, la historia demuestra que la Unión Europea es poco fiable en la región balcánica.

Más que un enfoque renovado, necesitamos cambiar el paradigma: Bosnia no puede seguir siendo una colonia.

La pregunta es: cómo ayudar a los bosnios a construir el país que quieren y no un país impuesto, al servicio de intereses foráneos.


  Igor Šoltes, v imenu skupine Verts/ALE. Najprej bi seveda želel poudariti, da je potrebno Bosno in Hercegovino obravnavati drugače kot druge države zahodnega Balkana, ker vseeno ima specifično situacijo. Njena ureditev temelji na Daytonskem sporazumu, ki seveda ni idealen, pušča ogromno vprašanj in seveda je treba v prihodnosti razmišljati tudi mogoče o drugačnem, bolj trajnem dogovoru.

V tem trenutku seveda, ko je Bosna v zelo težki tako finančni, kadrovski in tudi tej človeški situaciji, ko se še vedno dogajajo napadi, ko še vedno tli napetost in ko še torej ne moremo govoriti o trajnem miru, je pomembno, da Bosni in Hercegovini pomagamo, da ji pomagamo uravnoteženo in s posluhom in da torej ne vnašamo zahteve, ki pa lahko pomenijo dodatne razdore, oziroma ki pa lahko sprožijo nova vprašanja.

In seveda podpiram konstruktivno kritiko in ves trud tistih, ki želijo Bosni pomagati. Stanje v državi se lahko spremeni, lahko ji pomagamo tudi s finančnimi spodbudami, pri tem pa seveda je treba vedeti, kam naj se te spodbude usmerijo in ena od teh seveda je tudi vprašanje okolja. Zato tudi s tega mesta pravim, da se je v Bosni treba vzdržati industrij in posegov, ki grobo posegajo v okolje.

Priložnost bi pa rad izkoristil še za to, da vas vse spomnim, oziroma nas, na dvajseto obletnico žrtev v Srebrenici, ki jo bomo obeležili meseca junija letos.

(Govornik se je strinjal, da bo sprejel vprašanje, postavljeno z dvigom modrega kartončka (člen 162(8)).


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), pitanje koje je podizanjem plave kartice postavio. Gospodine Šoltes, hvala Vam lijepo što ste prihvatili plavu karticu. Htio bih Vas pitati, pošto ste jasno rekli da treba pomoći Bosni i Hercegovini i da Bosna i Hercegovina treba ulaganje u okoliš. Ja sam jako dobro upoznat sa situacijom koja se događa u Slavonskom Brodu i na ušću rijeke Neretve, gdje imamo veliko onečišćenje zraka u Slavonskom Brodu, a s druge strane veliko onečišćenje Neretve koja naravno ulazi u Jadransko more. Mislite li da bi Europska unija trebala zaštititi interese Hrvatske u tom slučaju ulažući u zaštitu okoliša u Bosni i Hercegovini?


  Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE), Odgovor na vprašanje, postavljeno z dvigom modrega kartončka. Seveda mislim, da Evropska unija tu mora dati svoj signal in svoj prispevek k varovanju okolja, ker je tudi sama zavezana k mednarodnim zavezam za varovanje okolja in tudi ti obmejni problemi, ki so vezani na okolje, so lahko seveda tudi predmet diskusije v Evropskem parlamentu.

Tako velja za vprašanje mejnih rek in to velja tudi seveda za vprašanje Jadranskega morja in tudi zato mislim, da je treba poleg vsega tudi ustaviti črpanje in raziskovanje nafte v Jadranu.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'integrazione della Bosnia e di tutti i Balcani occidentali è sicuramente una necessità storica per l'Unione europea, però diceva bene prima il relatore, onorevole Preda, che ringrazio per il lavoro svolto, che bisogna rimettere la Bosnia sul cammino dell'UE, ma soprattutto bisogna che la Bosnia voglia concretamente rimettersi di sua spontanea volontà e con sincera volontà.

I problemi politici, amministrativi, giudiziari sono ancora enormi, il sistema amministrativo è frammentato, il sistema giudiziario ancora non è capace di fare una vera e propria lotta alla criminalità organizzata e alla corruzione che colpisce l'intero settore pubblico e l'accesso anche al pubblico impiego e ai servizi. Io purtroppo devo restare del parere che la stessa struttura costituzionale dello Stato sia ancora a tutt'oggi un problema ineludibile ed è un problema che senz'altro dovranno affrontare tutti i cittadini bosniaci in primo luogo. Certo i segnali, la protesta dell'anno scorso, ma gli attentati brutali di oggi restano dei segnali molto forti da non sottovalutare e condanniamo anche la recente nuova legge sull'ordine e la pace pubblica che sembra attentare fortemente alla libertà dei social network.


  Dominique Bilde (NI). Madame la Présidente, bien qu'elle soit candidate potentielle à l'adhésion de l'Union européenne depuis juin 2003 et malgré les accords d'association et de stabilisation de juin 2008, la Bosnie-Herzégovine présente une situation plus que préoccupante. Après une réunion du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU en 2013, le constat  – corroboré par les rapports de suivi de l'Union européenne –, est sans appel. L'absence de progrès dans la mise en œuvre des réformes politiques et économiques, le recours répété à une rhétorique séparatiste et les divisions profondes entre les partis politiques sont autant de facteurs qui vont à l'encontre des efforts de ceux qui souhaiteraient voir la Bosnie-Herzégovine devenir un État stable et viable.

Qui plus est, vingt ans après le début de la guerre dans cette région, les minorités nationales restent exclues de toute participation à la politique nationale. Cette discrimination est la conséquence directe de la constitution de Bosnie de 1995, élaborée avec la complicité des États-Unis et de l'Union européenne.

Enfin, la Bosnie-Herzégovine a peu progressé en matière de lutte contre la corruption, qui reste un problème majeur et est endémique dans de nombreux domaines des secteurs publics et privés, tout comme la criminalité organisée. Le pays reste encore une source d'approvisionnement en armes et munitions pour des groupes criminels dans l'Union.


  Elmar Brok (PPE). Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! Es gilt die Zusage von Thessaloniki von 2003: Mitgliedschaft für alle Staaten des Westbalkans. Dank an den Kollegen Preda, dass er in seinem Bericht zu Bosnien und Herzegowina wichtige Hinweise gegeben hat, wie dieses Ziel angestrebt werden kann. Wir müssen sehen, dass es für kein Land so schwer ist, dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wie für dieses Land, denn es hat offensichtlich das komplizierteste Regierungssystem der Welt.

Ich habe das vor vielen Jahren oft mit meinem Freund Richard Holbrooke diskutiert, dass diese staatliche Verfasstheit reichte, um einen Bürgerkrieg zu beenden, aber vielleicht nicht, um gemeinsam die Zukunft zu gewinnen, und dass das eines unserer Kernprobleme ist und dass es deswegen besonderer Verantwortung der politisch Handelnden dort bedarf. Die Transformationsprozesse zu machen, zu Rechtsstaatlichkeit, zu Fragen der Korruption, zu Fragen einer Kooperation in einem föderalen System, in dem auch die Zentralmacht im Rahmen der Absprachen Handlungsfähigkeit hat und man nicht völlig nebeneinander lebt, wobei die Kroaten in dieser Rolle nicht einmal mitspielen können. Ich glaube, hier muss man deutlich machen, dass hier die Verantwortung gegeben ist und dass aus diesem Grund heraus festgestellt werden muss, dass jede dieser parteipolitischen Einrichtungen, dieser ethnischen Einrichtungen, die dort für sich kämpfen, Verlierer sein wird.

Es wird keinen Gewinner geben in dem Land, nicht die Bevölkerung, nicht die politisch Handelnden, wenn man sich nicht auf ein Reformkonzept einigt, das das Land näher zur Europäischen Union bringt. Deswegen ist die Frage nicht, was wir machen, es ist in deren eigener Hand, was sie machen. Wir sind bereit, die entsprechende Unterstützung zu leisten. Deswegen möchte ich noch einmal einen Satz in Erinnerung rufen, den Frau Mogherini im Parlament des Landes gesagt hat:

Look at your neighbours in the region. Everyone is moving forward and it is time for Bosnia and Herzegovina to move forward too.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). Gospođo predsjedavajuća, rasprava o izvješću o napretku Bosne i Hercegovine koincidira sa zaključnom fazom formiranja tijela vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini nakon prošlogodišnjih izbora, ali i jasnim očekivanjima Europske unije o njihovom prihvaćanju europskih standarda.

Pozdravljam početak primjene Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju s Bosnom i Hercegovinom, jer će to biti dvostruki stres test kako za novi pristup Europske unije tako i za spremnost Bosne i Hercegovine da ga iskoristi. Formiranje koordinacijskog tijela za europske poslove samo je prvi takav oštriji zavoj. Međutim, razmišljati tek o općem napretku Bosne i Hercegovine, a pritom ignorirati konkretne probleme konstitutivnih naroda ili drugih zajednica u toj državi isto je kao podržati nastavak fingiranja reformi u zemlji koja nažalost postaje sinonim za dugogodišnje unutarnje političke blokade i gospodarsku socijalnu stagnaciju.

Nadam se kako se ipak postupno sužava prostor dosadašnjem dogovornom manipuliranju stanjem u državi. Bliska budućnost će vrlo brzo pokazati tko su sve takozvane veto skupine suprotstavljene neizbježnim i dubokim promjenama u Bosni i Hercegovini.


  Charles Tannock (ECR). Madam President, Bosnia and Herzegovina is now the sole Western Balkans country without EU candidate status and this is indicative of the lack of reform progress and why there has been a United Kingdom-led renewed approach towards this fragile country. All this is marred by the partial failure of the Dayton Agreement, more than a decade on, the lack of national political vision by its component ethnic peoples and republics, and Russia, regrettably, also seems now to be very intent on supporting Republika Srpska’s secessionist tendencies.

Like its Western Balkan neighbours, there is urgent need for legal, judicial and administrative reform, as well as specific efforts to implement Sedjic Finci to afford equal rights to all Bosnia’s citizens, to crack down on organised crime, jihadi terrorism – I send my condolences to the family of the policeman murdered in Zvornik a few days ago – and against corruption and human trafficking.

The issue of press freedom and minority rights is also important, particularly for the Roma population, as well as the need to fully respect the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) judgments. Unemployment is unacceptably high and the economy in a poor state. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s instability remains a serious challenge to the region and also to the European Union.


  Aymeric Chauprade (NI). Madame la Présidente, ce rapport sur la Bosnie-Herzégovine s'inscrit dans la logique de l'élargissement à marche forcée. Il ne prend malheureusement pas en compte la réalité politique et économique de la Bosnie-Herzégovine.

M. Preda et ses amis atlantistes veulent intégrer à l'Union européenne un pays dont 45 % de la population est au chômage, où un tiers de la population travaille dans l'administration publique, un pays dont 300 citoyens font le djihad en Syrie et qui a encore été le théâtre, hier, d'un attentat islamiste à Zvornik, qui a frappé la minorité serbe. Cette minorité serbe est, il faut le dire, particulièrement touchée par l'instabilité politique et économique du pays.

Pouvons-nous nous poser en autorité morale alors que cette assemblée a voté la suspension des préférences commerciales à la Bosnie-Herzégovine juste après que le pays a été frappé par de tragiques inondations? Il est temps d'abandonner les illusions. Il est temps d'arrêter de dire n'importe quoi – comme M. Preda, qui confond l'islam, l'islamisme et la Russie – et de travailler à des coopérations interétatiques qui changeront positivement les choses pour les populations de Bosnie-Herzégovine, ce que nous souhaitons tous, ici.

(L'orateur accepte de répondre à une question "carton bleu" (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement))


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE), question "carton bleu". Madame la Présidente, Monsieur Chauprade, que trouvez-vous de mauvais dans l'attitude de l'Union européenne et dans l'attitude atlantiste? Quel est le problème, d'un point de vue substantiel? Voulez-vous un autre destin pour la Bosnie? Moscou, votre chère capitale, est-elle le seul pôle d'attraction que vous voyez pour les peuples européens?


  Aymeric Chauprade (NI), réponse "carton bleu". Madame la Présidente, cher Monsieur Preda, d'abord nous nous battons pour une Europe indépendante, ce qui n'est pas votre cas. Nous voulons une Europe puissante et indépendante, pour les peuples européens.

Bien sûr que la Bosnie-Herzégovine, dans une Europe d'États libres, aurait toute sa place. Mais pas dans votre projet pour ce pays, qui a d'ailleurs été amorcé à Dayton.

Quant à l'insulte que vous me faites en disant que ma capitale serait Moscou, je vous rappelle que mon parti s'est battu contre le communisme, comme vous, contre le soviétisme, et que nous sommes dans une vision, nous Français gaulliens, d'indépendance de la France associée librement à la Russie dans le cadre d'un partenariat stratégique, ce qui n'enlève rien à la possibilité de travailler avec nos amis américains.


  Andrej Plenković (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, poštovani gospodine povjereniče Mimica, poštovana predstavnice latvijskoj predsjedništva, najprije želim zahvaliti kolegi Cristianu Predi na kvalitetnom izvješću koje je pripremio i na rezoluciji koju ćemo sutra usvojiti.

Slažem se s nizom govornika koji su danas kazali da je novi pristup politike Europske unije prema Bosni i Hercegovini, na kojeg je Europski Parlament pozvao prošle godine u našoj rezoluciji iz veljače, u biti jedan kvalitetan odgovor da se okrenu europski procesi, da se gospodarska pitanja, socijalna pitanja, učinkovita koordinacija europskih poslova na svim razinama, uključujući i županije, stave u prvi plan i da se ova pisana izjava koju su nove institucije Bosne i Hercegovine usvojile implementira kroz provedbu Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju.

Međutim, isto tako je važno da vodimo računa o ustavnom ustrojstvu Bosne i Hercegovine i da se i ustavne reforme stave u dogledno vrijeme na dnevni red i to na onim ključnim načelima decentralizacije, supsidijarnosti, legitimne zastupljenosti i na načelima federalizma. Samo ćemo tako moći osigurati ravnopravnost konstitutivnih naroda i svih drugih građana Bosne i Hercegovine. Nemojmo to zaboraviti. Vidim da u nekim političkim skupinama postoji tendencija da se ta vrlo sofisticirana i osjetljiva struktura Bosne i Hercegovine zaboravlja, a lani smo dobro prepoznali tendencije secesionizma u Republici Srpskoj, što je potvrdila ova deklaracija iz Novog Sarajeva, odnosno istočnog Sarajeva prošlog tjedna koju je SNSD usvojio.

Također, moramo osuditi i zločin u Zvorniku, kao i činjenicu da iz Bosne i Hercegovine nažalost postoje ti strani borci koji odlaze na Bliski istok i borba protiv terorizma mora biti jedan od naših prioriteta.


  Tanja Fajon (S&D). Bosna in Hercegovna je izjemna država z izjemnimi ljudmi, ki pa zaslužijo veliko več: napredek, moderno državo. Sporazum o stabilizaciji in pridruževanju, evropska pobuda za gospodarsko rast in delovna mesta sta okno priložnosti, a le če bodo odgovorni politiki to tudi razumeli.

Obžalujem, da govorimo v trenutku, ko smo pretreseni nad napadom v Zvorniku in družini ubitega policaja izražam iskreno sožalje. V resoluciji opozarjamo na število mladih, ki postajajo skrajneži in se odpravljajo na bojišča v Sirijo, Irak. Evropa se bori proti nasilnemu ekstremizmu z osveščenostjo in izobraževanjem, Bojim se, da bo nezadovoljna in gospodarsko šibka Bosna in Hercegovina imela še slabši vpliv kot država na mlade, na tolerantnost in pa na sožitje.

Država žal nima časa za odlašanje obveznosti, politiki nimajo časa za odlašanje oziroma politične blokade. Žrtve so nazadnje le državljani.


  Bas Belder (ECR). Terecht benadrukt het verslag van collega Preda in paragraaf 20 het gevaar van jihadisme op het grondgebied van Bosnië en Herzegovina. Bij openlijke sympathiebetuigingen aan het adres van de Islamitische Staat blijft het jammer genoeg niet. Daarvan spreekt het feit van een schare Bosnische jihadisten op het Syrische en Iraakse strijdtoneel.

Dit brengt mij bij een tweetal vragen aan de Commissie en meer bepaald commissaris Hahn, die daarvoor verantwoordelijk is. Ik zou daar liever een schriftelijk antwoord op krijgen dan helemaal geen of een heel oppervlakkig antwoord.

1) Hoe gevaarlijk voor de interne stabiliteit van Bosnië en Herzegovina schat de Commissie de aanwezigheid van salafistische enclaves in het land in? De inwoners van deze enclaves wijzen de Bosnische staat immers totaal af en eisen de invoering van de sharia.

2) In hoeverre is de Commissie actief betrokken bij het tegengaan van de rekrutering van Bosniërs voor jihadistische terreurorganisaties in het Midden-Oosten?

Graag bij voorkeur een schriftelijk antwoord, want als ik het op papier heb staan, dan kan ik er verder over nadenken.

(De spreker stemt ermee in een "blauwe kaart"-vraag te beantwoorden (artikel 162, lid 8, van het Reglement).)


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), Domanda "cartellino blu". Grazie collega per aver accettato la "blue card". La domanda che le volevo porre è la seguente: ho visto che Lei giustamente ha posto l'accento sul problema del jihadismo; secondo Lei, uno Stato con un'architettura così intricata che ha 13 unità federali, 14 governi e parlamenti e quasi 200 ministri come quello bosniaco attuale con uno dei sistemi amministrativi più costosi e complessi del mondo può efficacemente oggi garantire una risposta seria contro il pericolo della radicalizzazione dell'estremismo?


  Bas Belder (ECR), "blauwe kaart"-antwoord. Daar kan ik heel kort op antwoorden, geachte collega Castaldo. U snijdt hier een heel heikel punt aan, want dat geldt niet alleen voor Bosnië en Herzegovina, maar voor alle landen van de Europese Unie van waaruit jihadisten vertrokken zijn, vaak door Turkije, richting Syrië en Irak.

Kortom, Bosnië en Herzegovina schaart zich bij ons. Dit is een gezamenlijk probleem en dat moeten we ook gezamenlijk onder ogen willen zien. Maar er wordt vaak weggekeken. Er worden vaak verhalen verteld over aantallen jihadisten die niet met de werkelijkheid stroken maar een onderschatting zijn. Bosnië en Herzegovina is daar een voorbeeld van. Mijn land lijdt ook aan dat wegkijkgedrag.


  Mario Borghezio (NI). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, alle osservazioni che sono state fatte negli ultimi interventi va aggiunta anche la considerazione che la Bosnia è un paese di origine, di transito e anche di arrivo della tratta di esseri umani.

Possiamo pensare – e mi ricollego alle domande che poneva l'onorevole Castaldo – che un paese in questa situazione sia in grado di affrontare quello che il mio paese non è in grado di affrontare, che è uno dei paesi fondatori con una tradizione giuridica, con polizia di primo ordine ecc. Siamo all'evidenza, ma come Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, il relatore non parla di questi problemi, fa un qualche vago accenno, molto prudente, nel suo ottimismo, come se ci fosse un obbligo di ospitare quella che oggi come oggi, se noi decidessimo di far entrare oggi la Bosnia-Erzegovina, sarebbe un'enclave fortemente islamizzata, se è vero come è vero che vi è un numero imprecisato ma altissimo, soprattutto fra i giovani, di simpatizzanti o attivisti della Jihad, e allora molta prudenza, principio di precauzione.

Andiamo a vedere realmente, non raccontiamo balle al Parlamento europeo. La situazione della Bosnia è quella che hanno descritto questi colleghi, non altro.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). Madam President, first of all thanks to the rapporteur for his very complicated and difficult work on this resolution, and congratulations on its result. The integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a hard and complicated political challenge over the last years. It is clear that without commitment from all politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina and without our permanent attention to the specific situation in the country, this progress will stagnate. Let us admit it. This means making all efforts to start a serious reform process this year and making progress on socio-economic issues.

Also, unblocking the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) should stimulate political impetus for the further integration process. We need to see the rule of law as an unquestionable principle in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We also need to encourage a mature political culture and condemn nationalistic rhetoric on the constitutional secession of its entities. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s path to the integration process will be very difficult, but we should stay committed to helping the country to become a member of the European Union one day in the future.


  Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D). Madam President, it is very regrettable that from year to year we see so little progress on the Bosnia and Herzegovina side in the European integration process. Remaining major blockages, as well as internal political divisions and tensions, do not allow agreement and the adoption of required strategies that would enable the country to use the available European pre-accession financial instruments. The lack of clear political direction in the country and lack of determination deprive the country and its people of the long-term economic and social benefits the EU is willing and able to offer to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thus I call on the leaders of the country to show initiative and willingness to direct the country to the European path.


  Amjad Bashir (ECR). Madam President, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession is a delicate matter that requires a nuanced approach, but frustration over lack of progress should not come as a real surprise.

Simply put, the EU’s top-down efforts at imposing reform have not worked. Boxing out the ruling elites has maintained the status quo on many levels, only succeeding in further isolating the Bosnian people. They are the ones who need reform for their country to grow and prosper. However, they are in a predicament, as they have limited options available to them in order to achieve change via the polling booth.

Fortunately, efforts to breathe new life into the process, championed by my country, the United Kingdom, have proven successful. Recent progress on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, and bottom-up reform as featured in the Compact for Growth and Jobs, are part of a more flexible, holistic approach that should help Bosnia and Herzegovina move forward.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE). Madam President, there has been a positive step forward this year: the cross-party agreement about EU integration, which was endorsed by the national parliament last February. But this example desperately needs to be followed in other areas to bring the country out of standstill. The core task for Bosnia and Herzegovina still remains constitutional reform and establishing control of corruption. With administration costs taking a 50% toll on state revenue, it is hard to assume that real progress in other areas could be achieved. The concerns are increasing separatism by Serbians and activities by Islamic militants. Commemorating the Srebrenica massacre 20 years ago should be an important opportunity for achieving national reconciliation, which is a key prerequisite for the building of a truly European society. We wish Bosnia and Herzegovina well.


  Alessia Maria Mosca (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il progetto dell'Unione europea è nato in uno dei momenti più bui della storia del continente, ma proprio per superare quel momento si sono poste le condizioni perché le popolazioni dei paesi che ne sono membri potessero vivere una storia migliore.

La Bosnia ha vissuto meno di vent'anni fa il periodo più buio della sua storia e ancora oggi sono tanti gli strascichi che la guerra ha lasciato dietro di sé. Il nuovo approccio dell'Unione europea verso la Bosnia-Erzegovina è positivo nella misura in cui riflette questo obiettivo di garantire e migliorare la situazione sociale ed economica del paese che assicuri una vita migliore a tutti i cittadini. Non deve però fermarsi il processo di riforme e un'efficiente implementazione di quelle politiche che consolidino le condizioni per uno Stato inclusivo e pienamente funzionate. Per questo la leadership politica bosniaca deve evitare atteggiamenti nazionalisti e secessionisti che creano tensione e divisione nella società. Siamo pronti a contribuire al miglioramento della situazione del paese perché non vada persa questa opportunità.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). Gospođo predsjednice, Europski parlament je ovom rezolucijom naglasio ono što je Komisija još jednom propustila istaknuti, a to je nužnost osiguranja ravnopravnosti svih triju konstitutivnih naroda. Samtram da moramo slijediti put koji smo zacrtali te inzistirati na načelu federalizma kao protuteži rastućem centralizmu bošnjačkih političkih elita i uvijek prisutnom separatizmu u Republici Srpskoj.

Stvaranje stabilne federalne Bosne i Hercegovine u kojoj se poštuju politička prava svih naroda i građana preduvjet je za izlazak iz katastrofalne ekonomske situacije. Kako očekivati rast u državi u kojoj se pravo upravljanja javnim tvrtkama dijeli po nacionalnom ključu i u kojoj ministar nije najsposobniji čovjek za taj resor, već onaj čija krvna zrnca odgovaraju trenutačnom dogovoru.

Rješenje nacionalnog pitanja riješit će se ili barem omogućiti rješavanje ekonomskih problema i ogromne socijalne nepravde. To možda djeluje van vremena i prostora u Europi koja je davno riješila takve nedoumice, ali je jednostavno činjenica.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, želim zahvaliti gospodinu Predi na vrlo izbalansiranom izvješću i na potpuno jasnim porukama. Očito je da je neophodna ustavna reforma i očito je da ona treba počivati na principima decentralizacije, supsidijarnosti i federalizma. Ali, konstitutivnost Hrvata, Bošnjaka i Srba ne smije nikada doći u pitanje.

Ovdje se spominje i uspostava RTV kanala na sva tri službena jezika. Ja posebno ističem potrebu osnivanja kanala na hrvatskom jeziku. Ohrabruje novi pristup Europske unije, novi britansko-njemački pristup koji govori o gospodarskim i socijalnim reformama, slobodi medija, obrazovanju i stoga ova izjava svih čelnika obvezuje. Također, ohrabruje i sporazum o stabilizaciji pridruživanja koji će uskoro stupiti na snagu, ali i to da su nakon lanjskih listopadskih izbora Hrvati konačno dobili legitimnog predstavnika.

Stoga se nadam da ćemo ići u dobrom smjeru, da postupno stvaramo okvir za promjenu izbornog zakona, ali i Daytona. Isto tako želim osuditi terorističke napade koji su se ovih dana dogodili u Zvorniku i želim vjerovati da je to samo sporadičan slučaj.


  Andi Cristea (S&D). Madam President, looking at the report and listening to colleagues today, I feel we can draw some strong common lines. Bosnia and Herzegovina still needs to address some crucial institutional, economic and social reforms. The country needs to strengthen the rule of law and the fight against corruption and organised crime, and these are not abstract priorities.

The citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina expect bold measures from the new executive. They expect tangible actions, higher living standards, and modern, effective and accountable public institutions. But when we look at where we stand today, I think we can be positive because things are moving again and in the right direction. Today we acknowledge the reform efforts and ambitions of the written commitment. Our engagement in the past few months and the decision on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement are a solid recognition of that. The path ahead has been marked out. Now it is up to the country’s institutions and leaders to implement and deliver.


Procedura „catch the eye”


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). Najprej iskrene čestitke gospodu Predi za poročilo, ki je zelo uravnoteženo.

Bosna je zelo komplicirana država, ki je nastala v pomankljivem, vendar najbrž v vojnem času edino možnem Daytonskem sporazumu. Država ima osnovni problem, da se nahaja v popolni politični blokadi, ki je ključna ovira za vsakršno…za vsakršni razvoj države. Kot je bilo že danes tu rečeno, ključni … ključ za rešitev težav in za napredek v Bosni je v Bosni sami, sam pa podpiram to, kar počne Evropa in ji na tej poti tudi pomagam.

Nedelujoča pravna država, korupcija v …, potem nedelujoče tržno gospodarstvo hromijo in delajo državo neperspektivno za mlade, kar je še grozneje, postaja gojišče za kriminal in za terorizem, ki smo ga videli tudi v zadnjih dneh in ga vsi obsojamo.

Da zaključim, podpiram spremenjen pozitiven pristop, ki ga ima Evropa. Pozivam pa vse tri konstitutivne narode v Bosni in Hercegovini k dialogu in napredku.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, I support the renewed approach of the EU towards Bosnia and Herzegovina. The report calls for the revitalisation of the reform process underlying the need for political commitment and genuine ownership. The political leadership has to refrain from divisive nationalistic and secessionist rhetoric that polarises a society, and of course they have to work for efficient re-implementation of the written commitment to EU integration.

We have to be very clear. Once again, we cannot afford to speak against the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union in the future, because Bosnia and Herzegovina lies in the middle of Europe. I have heard lots of our colleagues talking about Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina and so on – there are Muslims all over Europe. There are Muslims in countries in the Western Balkans. The issue is that all these citizens, if they embrace democracy, the rule of law, human rights and European values, have to have a chance to join the European Union.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, μολονότι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση προσέφερε μια ευκαιρία στη Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη για μια συντονισμένη προσπάθεια και προσέγγιση, ώστε να συνεχιστεί η μεταρρυθμιστική διαδικασία και να βελτιωθεί η κοινωνική και οικονομική κατάσταση της χώρας, εξακολουθούν εντούτοις να υπάρχουν ακόμη πολλές ανησυχίες ως προς την ταχύτητα και την ποιότητα των απαραίτητων μεταρρυθμίσεων, οι οποίες πρέπει να περιλαμβάνουν εφαρμογή του κράτους δικαίου, καταπολέμηση του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος και της διαφθοράς, αξιοκρατική δημόσια διοίκηση και σεβασμό των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων.

Οι διαδηλώσεις του Φεβρουαρίου 2014 έδειξαν ότι οι πολίτες της Βοσνίας-Ερζεγοβίνης παλεύουν ενάντια στην κυβερνητική διαφθορά, τη φτώχεια, την ανεργία και τον κοινωνικό αποκλεισμό. Παλεύουν για κοινωνικές και οικονομικές μεταρρυθμίσεις. Άλλωστε σε όλη την Ευρώπη οι διεκδικήσεις των πολιτών είναι παρόμοιες: κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη, θέσεις εργασίας, καταπολέμηση των ανισοτήτων.

Τέλος, η Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη πρέπει να καταπολεμήσει το οργανωμένο έγκλημα και την μεροληπτική μεταχείριση κατά των Ρομά και πρέπει επίσης να σεβαστεί τα δικαιώματα των Σερβοβοσνίων που έχουν επιστρέψει.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, zahvaljujem izvjestitelju Predi koji je prihvatio moje amandmane, posebice referencu kojom se poziva vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine na nužno poštivanje okolišnog zakonodavstva Europske unije vezano uz probleme prekograničnog onečišćenja koje je rezultat rada rafinerije u Bosanskom Brodu.

Također mu zahvaljujem što je prihvatio amandman, u izvješće je ušla i referenca kojom se poziva Bosnu i Hercegovinu na poštivanje međunarodnih konvencija vezanih uz zaštitu rijeka Neretve i Trebišnjice.

Zalažem se za europski put Bosne i Hercegovine za što će nužno trebati provesti reforme. Ne samo gospodarske, već i političke što podrazumijeva i ustavne promijene kako bi se postigla jednakopravnost triju konstitutivnih naroda, što danas nažalost nije slučaj. U BiH se događa trajna diskriminacija Hrvata i njihova ljudska prava se krše posebno na području entiteta Republike Srpske i mnogih općina Federacije BiH. Hrvati moraju imati pravo povratka u svoj dom, moraju imati mogućnost školovati se na svom jeziku i imati tv kanal na hrvatskom jeziku.

Pozdravljam usvajanje rezolucije i jasnu poruku podrške koja je poslana Bosni i Hercegovini na njenom europskom putu.


(Încheierea procedurii „catch the eye”)


  Neven Mimica, Member of the Commission. The Commission welcomes the resolution on the 2014 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina. I would like to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Preda, for his high-quality report. I would also like to thank all the Members who have actively participated in the debate and shown a keen interest in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European future.

The Commission has taken good note of this resolution and will take your views on the EU’s policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina into account. We specifically share Parliament’s view that the new authorities should undertake serious reforms, in line with their commitments not only to the EU but also towards their citizens.

At the same time, the Commission also expects the country’s leaders and institutions to agree on an effective coordination mechanism on EU affairs. This is essential if the country is to make further progress towards the European Union, fully benefit from the funding available under our pre—accession instrument and properly implement the EU acquis.

Let me also mention that the Commission has taken note of Parliament’s call for an internal reform within the country based on several principles such as decentralisation and federalism. However, in line with our approach for all enlargement countries, including past EU enlargements, the Commission reiterates that the European Union has no competence regarding the internal structure of a state.

While there are various models amongst EU Member States – unitary, federal, decentralised – what matters is the capacity of a country to meet all its obligations as a future EU member. It will be up to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s political leaders and citizens to decide on how best to comply with the EU membership requirements.

Finally, I would like to stress that the Commission will spare no efforts in supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards the European Union. The Commission will keep Parliament fully informed in the coming months on further developments regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina.


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, this has been a very lively debate. We have witnessed that EU enlargement policy is delivering concrete results through reforms that are gradually transforming Balkan countries. Today, we can claim that this year has been important for the EU relationship with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I am glad to know that the first results have been obtained with the adoption and endorsement of the written commitment to undertake reforms in the framework of the EU accession process, and subsequently with our decision to finalise a Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Indeed, the renewed EU approach to Bosnia and Herzegovina has the potential to induce the long-awaited revitalisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s path towards the European Union and to provide a positive stimulus to continue socio-economic, judicial and political reforms in the country.

I am particularly pleased that we have passed the springboard for deep reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina – as Commissioner Mimica put it – during the Latvian Presidency. I also agree with the statement of Mr Brok that the engagement of Bosnia and Herzegovina on reform paths will ensure the dynamism of the whole Western Balkan region. I want to reiterate that we stand ready to provide further support and assistance to help Bosnia and Herzegovina move closer to the EU, but the hardest job lies ahead of the country’s leaders. The reform process is in the interest of the country itself and, above all, its citizens.


   Președintele – Am primit o propunere de rezoluţie, depusă în conformitate cu articolul 123 alineatul (2) din Regulamentul de procedură.

Dezbaterea a fost închisă.

Votul va avea loc joi.

Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité