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Menettely : 2015/2627(RSP)
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Asiakirjan elinkaari : O-000028/2015

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O-000028/2015 (B8-0118/2015)

Keskustelut :

PV 21/05/2015 - 4
CRE 21/05/2015 - 4

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Sanatarkat istuntoselostukset
Torstai 21. toukokuuta 2015 - Strasbourg Lopullinen versio

4. ACER - energian tukkumarkkinoiden valvontaan tarvittavat henkilöstöresurssit (keskustelu)
Puheenvuorot videotiedostoina

  Elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Jerzy Buzek által az Ipari, Kutatási és Energiaügyi bizottság nevében a Bizottsághoz intézett, az emberi erőforrások a nagykereskedelmi energiapiacok ACER általi nyomon követéséről szóló szóbeli választ igénylő kérdésről folytatott vita (O-000028/2015) (B8-0118/2015) (2015/2627(RSP)).


  Patrizia Toia, vicepresidente della commissione ITRE. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, intervengo a nome del presidente Jerzy Buzek, e quindi a nome della commissione per l'industria, la ricerca e l'energia – che qui è anche rappresentata da altri colleghi che certamente interverranno nel dibattito – per chiedere alla Commissione con molta forza una risposta su alcuni punti contenuti nell'interrogazione, che riguardano significativi adempimenti della nostra politica energetica.

Siamo tutti molto consapevoli che nel corso degli anni è venuta crescendo l'esigenza di una politica energetica dell'UE, vi è anche una base giuridica col trattato di Lisbona. Vi è comunque un'esigenza molto forte a che si proceda verso un'integrazione dei diversi mercati nazionali per la creazione di un mercato unico europeo.

In questo senso, il Parlamento ha lavorato legislativamente negli anni scorsi e siamo arrivati al cosiddetto terzo pacchetto dell'energia, che contiene norme molto significative, tutta una serie di regolamenti attuativi.

Io invito la Commissione – e in particolare lei, signor Commissario, perché se ne faccia anche attivo portavoce – a sottolineare il fatto che i nostri obiettivi, sempre molto ambiziosi, devono trovare però altrettanta ambizione, altrettanta tenacia nella fase attuativa, altrimenti facciamo grandi obiettivi ma poi non li raggiungiamo perché non mettiamo in moto gli strumenti necessari, le risorse necessarie.

Penso, in particolare, al terzo pacchetto dell'energia. Io ero in Parlamento, come altri colleghi, quando l'abbiamo varato, ma siamo molto carenti, lo sappiamo, nella fase attuativa. Non tutte le norme previste sono state attuate in tutti i paesi, in tutti gli Stati membri: in alcuni sì, ma in altri sono ancora molto lontani questi obiettivi. E c'è una forte asimmetria anche tra la realtà dei diversi paesi, che rende molto zoppicante il nostro mercato europeo. Ecco perché – lo sottolineo – questa attenzione all'esigenza di procedere con più concretezza anche nelle nostre politiche.

In particolare, l'interrogazione riguarda il caso dell'attuazione degli adempimenti previsti nel regolamento chiamato REMIT (il regolamento per il monitoraggio del mercato all'ingrosso dell'energia). Con questo regolamento del 2011 si prevede che a partire da quest'anno all'ACER – l'agenzia europea che è stata incaricata di coordinare i regolatori nazionali dell'energia – sia attribuito, oltre ai compiti che ha già in quanto appunto body di coordinamento dei regolatori, anche il compito di monitorare il mercato all'ingrosso. E già da quest'anno dovrebbe esaminare un numero molto considerevole – non so se qui lo richiamiamo, nell'interrogazione, ma è un numero molto, molto considerevole – di contratti, di transazioni che sono state effettuate, ma sulle quali non abbiamo la certezza che corrispondano a quei criteri, a quelle regole di trasparenza, a quelle regole di correttezza che noi prevediamo.

Dunque l'ACER deve affrontare per nostro mandato un compito assolutamente impegnativo e deve farlo a partire dall'ottobre di quest'anno. Ma noi abbiamo costatato, nelle audizioni che periodicamente facciamo in commissione con tutte le agenzie che trattano materie anche di nostra competenza, che non ha assolutamente le forze umane e le risorse adeguate per farlo.

Quindi noi chiediamo alla Commissione: cosa pensate? Se questo compito di monitoraggio fallisce, che cosa succede nel mercato europeo? C'è più certezza o c'è più incertezza? C'è più trasparenza o c'è più opacità? Ecco perché chiediamo esattamente di valutare questa situazione, di prevedere, appunto, che cosa succederà se l'ACER non sarà messa in grado di svolgere questo compito.

Sottolineiamo anche che l'autorizzazione parziale che è stata data per integrare con circa 15 unità le risorse che ha attualmente è insufficiente. Hanno calcolato con uno studio molto accurato che servono almeno 45 unità di un certo livello. Io so che la Commissione ha adottato – e io la condivido – una politica di ristrettezze e di sobrietà per il personale, anche di tagli, e spesso noi obblighiamo le agenzie e anche le nostre istituzioni parlamentari, della Commissione e del Consiglio, quando fanno richieste di ampliamento, prima di tutto a vedere se c'è all'interno una possibilità di revisione della distribuzione del personale. Tutto questo è giustissimo. Però qui, a quanto pare, non c'è la possibilità di ricorrere a risorse interne e neanche di avere esperti dalle autorità nazionali che, a volte, sono già poco dotate di personale per i compiti che hanno. Quindi c'è un invito a esaminare bene la situazione, a farsi carico di questi adempimenti e a dare delle soluzioni.

Chiudo con un'altra osservazione finale nei pochi secondi che mi restano. Noi abbiamo un difetto, che stiamo riproponendo anche nell'unione digitale: grandi disegni e pochi concreti passaggi attuativi. Questo è un gran danno per l'Europa, perché poi rimane l'Europa – che viene criticata da molti – dei grandi proclami ma delle scarse realizzazioni.


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. Mr President, I would like to thank my dear colleague Ms Toia for her question and for her contribution. I am here just to deliver the following statement on behalf of Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete who unfortunately cannot be here today.

The Commission shares the view of the European Parliament that ACER will play a key role in the compilation and proper functioning of the Internal Energy Market (IEM). The implementation by ACER of the remit which ensures the effective monitoring of the wholesale energy market is essential for the functioning of the IEM. The Commission is committed to ensuring that the agency is adequately equipped to perform all its relevant tasks. It has so far ensured that the level of funding allocated to the agency is sufficient and will be vigilant and propose additional funding when these prove necessary.

When carrying out its assessment, the Commission will also consider the Energy Union framework strategy adopted in February this year, 2015, which has further emphasised ACER’s role in completing the EU’s internal energy market.


  Krišjānis Kariņš, PPE grupas vārdā. Priekšsēdētāja kundze, komisāra kungs, kolēģi! Latviski ir ļoti vienkāršs izteiciens — ar diegiem nav aršanas. Iedomājieties tagad, ka jūs, komisāra kungs, prasītu man pavasara sākumā uzart vienu desmit hektāru lielu lauku un jūs man iedotu rokās lāpstu. Nu, es droši vien to lauku arī uzartu — ja ne šogad, tad varbūt nākamgad, nu, varbūt aiznākamgad, kamēr es to darbu pabeigtu. Tas darbs būtu ļoti lēns un neproduktīvs.

Mums ir faktiski tieši tāda pati situācija. Eiropas Savienībā tātad ir pieņemts likums — regula par to, ka ir jāuzrauga gan elektrības, gan gāzes vairumtirdzniecības tirgi. Mums ir izveidota aģentūra, kurai šis darbs ir jādara. Bet līdzīgi kā jūs man iedotu lāpstu rokā un teiktu: „Ariet to desmit hektāru lielo lauku”, tā mēs nedodam pietiekamus naudas līdzekļus, bet prasām aģentūrai veikt darbu, ko tā reāli nevar izdarīt.

Kāds ir tā rezultāts? Rezultāts ir tāds, ka mūsu Eiropas patērētāji faktiski cieš no iespējamās konkurences trūkuma, ko pat nevar īsti konstatēt, lai varētu to jautājumu uzrunāt. Tātad tiešām ir lūgums jums, komisāra kungs, ieskatīties vēlreiz, atrast vajadzīgos līdzekļus un pārdalīt tos tā, lai šo darbu varētu veikt, jo tik tiešām — ar diegiem nav aršanas. Paldies jums!

(Runātājs piekrita atbildēt uz „zilās kartītes” jautājumu (Reglamenta 162. panta 8. punkts)).


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card question. Madam President, there is something I would like to understand, because it seems that for Mr Kariņš the issue is only the number of staff of ACER. Is it possible to speak only about the number of staff when talking about the task to detect and deter market abuse? Is that the only issue?


  Krišjānis Kariņš (PPE), blue-card answer. In order to do a task, the first prerequisite is to make sure that you have the tools to do the task. The tools do not mean that everything will be done, and if you had the tools, then everything would be fine. But without the tools, without the funds to have the staff, it is impossible to do the task. So I would see that as square number one. If we have a task, if we have a regulation, we need to enforce that regulation and we need to provide the tools to do the work.


  Jeppe Kofod, on behalf of the S&D Group. Madam President, every single day more than 500 million Europeans rely on having electricity in their power circuits, heat in their radiators, and gas for their stoves and boilers. It is a thing we take for granted, and indeed rightfully so. When it comes to energy, it has to just work. But someday, Commissioner, it very well might not work. I need not tell you that maintaining, running and supervising the energy infrastructure of Europe is no small feat. That is exactly why we need a strong, active and engaged ACER that can supervise it all and tackle the problems faced by Europe as we move towards an Energy Union and a true internal energy market.

The remit, of course, is the most pressing issue at hand, but before us lies a long list of obstacles to be removed before we can achieve the Energy Union that Europe needs: real infrastructure bottlenecks between European countries prohibiting the free flow of energy across borders due to the lack of transmission capacity, as you know; and artificial energy bottlenecks, where available transmission capacity is intentionally under-utilised or blocked outright, fragmenting further the internal energy market. To combat this, we need ACER to just work, but without manpower it will not.

Commissioner, when will the Commission provide ACER with the necessary financial resources to handle its obligation on the remit? That is my first question. When will the Commission come forward with concrete and detailed information on how and when the mandate and powers of ACER will be expanded, and will the Commissioner guarantee that such a proposal would be accommodated by the much-needed increase for the ACER budget, keeping also in mind that new responsibilities must also come with additional resources?


  Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, w imieniu grupy ECR. Pani Przewodnicząca! Agencja ACER pełni niezwykle istotną rolę w ramach tworzonej obecnie unii energetycznej. Ma to szczególne znaczenie w zakresie raportowania i kontroli rynków energii. Nie jest możliwe należyte zarządzanie bez odpowiednich informacji, przede wszystkim w zakresie cen i przepływu energii.

Jako sprawozdawca sprawozdania w zakresie unii energetycznej chciałem w sposób szczególny zwrócić uwagę na potrzeby zwiększenia zasobów i środków agencji ACER, gdyż będzie to warunkować prawidłową integralność krajowych rynków energii. Co więcej, unia energetyczna nakłada na agencję nowe zadania, poszerzając znacząco jej udział w procesie negocjacyjnym i monitorowania rynków zewnętrznych. Bez wiarygodnych informacji i właściwych informacji nie jest to możliwe, aby wprowadzić rozwiązania, które zbudują w prawidłowy sposób unię energetyczną.

Przy tej okazji należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na potrzebę głębszej współpracy agencji z krajowymi urzędami energetycznymi odpowiedzialnymi za zarządzanie energią w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich. Stanowi to ogromną wagę w zakresie tworzenia wspólnej polityki energetycznej zgodnej z polityką poszczególnych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej.


  Morten Helveg Petersen, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Madam President, we need a European Energy Union in order to strengthen our energy security and achieve our climate and environmental objectives. This can only be achieved through a strong system of governance which ensures that Member States do not pull in different directions and pursue contradictory policies. Above all, it must ensure that we increase cross-border energy flows to deliver a genuine, functional single market for energy.

This is precisely why we have an agency like ACER. As previously mentioned, ACER has been given increased responsibilities within the third energy package. However, it is crystal clear that it lacks the resources needed to meet all those responsibilities. ACER itself has identified the need for 118 members of staff but has been approved resources for only 77 members of staff. As a result of this, crucial actions related to its remit are being postponed at a time when action must take place faster than ever before in order to build a true European Energy Union.

So my question to the Commission is, what vision does the Commission have for the development of ACER’s tasks and responsibilities? Most urgently, how does the Commission envisage closing the gap in funding and budget requirements that we are facing now?


  Benedek Jávor, a Verts/ALE képviselőcsoport nevében. Elnök Asszony, Juncker bizottsági elnök úr, amikor hivatalba lépett, egy nagyon megkapó bejelentéssel kezdte. Azt mondta, hogy az új Bizottság nagy szeretne lenni a nagy dolgokban és kicsi a kicsikben. Ezt a kijelentését már akkor némi szkepszissel fogadtam. Azt gondolom, hogy nem lehet nagy dolgokat építeni anélkül, hogy a kicsikre oda ne figyelnénk. A jelenlegi helyzetben, amikor az ACER finanszírozásáról van szó, pontosan ezzel a problémával találjuk magunkat újra szemben. Az Unió nagy dolgokat hirdet: energiauniót hirdet, külön alelnököt nevez ki a Bizottság Maroš Šefčovič személyében az energiaunióra, energiabiztonsági stratégiát fogad el.

Magára az ACER-ra is olyan feladatokat hárít, amelyek jelentősen túlmennek az eddig ellátott feladatain, és amikor a kis dolgokra kerül sor, a gyakorlatra kerül sor, arra, hogy az ehhez szükséges körülményeket is megteremtsék, az ehhez szükséges forrásokat is biztosítsák számára, akkor valahogy a Bizottság figyelme eltűnik, elfogy. Pedig egy rendkívül fontos kérdésről van szó. Az ACER a garanciája annak, hogy azokat a nagy terveket, amelyeket az energiaunió kapcsán, az európai energiapiac egységesítése, összekapcsolása kapcsán a Bizottság dédelget, a gyakorlatba is át tudjuk ültetni.

Ráadásul nem pusztán az energiapiacról van szó. Általában az uniós intézményekbe vetett bizalom kérdése az, amivel szembe kell néznünk. Ha a Bizottság feladatokat telepít az egyik intézményéhez, és nem biztosítja a szükséges forrásokat, hogy az intézmény a feladatokat megfelelően, maradéktalanul el tudja látni, akkor ezzel belekódolja a rendszerbe azt, hogy az adott intézmény csődöt fog mondani, ezt pedig előbb vagy utóbb a fogyasztók – legyenek azok lakossági fogyasztók vagy piaci szereplők – a saját bőrükön fogják megtapasztalni. És mit fognak ebből következtetésként levonni? Azt fogják levonni, hogy az Unió intézményei nem működőképesek, nem képesek ellátni a feladatukat. Ha tehát azt szeretnénk, hogy az európai választópolgárok és az európai energiapiaci szereplők bizalommal legyenek az európai intézmények iránt, akkor elengedhetetlen, hogy a feladat ellátásához szükséges forrásokat biztosítsuk. És amikor a fogyasztókról beszélünk, akkor azt is szem előtt kell tartani, hogy az ACER feladata többek között, hogy az olyan piaci zavarokat kiküszöbölje, amelyek adott esetben a fogyasztók számára szükségesen magasabb energiaárakat jelentenek.

Vajon a Bizottság eltökélt-e abban, hogy mindent megtegyen, hogy az európai fogyasztók a lehető legalacsonyabb áron, a piaci verseny érvényesítésével jussanak hozzá az energiához, vagy sem? Az az utolsó kérdésem a Bizottsághoz, hogy elszánta-e magát arra, hogy még idén, vagy legkésőbb a 2016-os költségvetésében biztosítsa az ACER működéséhez szükséges forrásokat?


  Dario Tamburrano, a nome del gruppo EFDD. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'ACER ha già oggi compiti molto importanti che, come previsto dal REMIT, da ottobre 2015 saranno ancora più onerosi. Nessuno può sapere di preciso quante risorse umane in più saranno necessarie, ma riteniamo fondata la richiesta della commissione ITRE – di cui sono onorato di fare parte – di un maggior numero di funzionari e risorse rispetto a quanto già previsto.

Nel mercato dell'energia possono infatti verificarsi gravi irregolarità e, dato il livello degli interessi economici in gioco e l'importanza della futura unione energetica, non riteniamo sia decisione saggia lesinare sul personale.

Cogliamo l'occasione per evidenziare un'altra criticità, dato che riteniamo anche poco saggio essere di manica larga sulle possibili esenzioni previste dal REMIT, che permette infatti fin troppe eccezioni sugli obblighi di comunicazione: non capiamo, ad esempio, per quale motivo società dello stesso gruppo non debbano segnalare i dati relativi alle transazioni interne.


  Gianluca Buonanno (NI). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, visto che nell'Unione europea ci sono migliaia e migliaia di funzionari, non mi sembra così impossibile fare un corso di formazione per qualche funzionario che magari dorme un po' in piedi, magari ha poco lavoro: credo che ce ne siano molti nell'Unione europea. E quindi sarebbe utile, senza spendere troppi soldi, fare in modo che queste persone vadano a lavorare nell'agenzia dell'energia, l'ACER.

Però mi chiedo anche: ma noi che vogliamo l'energia, che vogliamo controllare, perché non vogliamo il gasdotto russo? Si parla di energia: vogliamo migliorare l'energia e poi però l'Europa è contro il gasdotto russo. Solo perché c'è Putin? Allora è un controsenso. Cioè da una parte si vuole far vedere una cosa, però nelle cose concrete si fa la guerra a Putin perché Putin è il cattivo. Invece di fare la guerra dove bisogna farla, cioè contro le questioni dei barconi dei clandestini, noi andiamo a rompere le scatole a Putin, così distruggono anche le nostre imprese, in questo caso anche italiane.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). Madam President, I think one of the exciting aspects of being involved in the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) at this point in time is the whole enthusiasm for an energy union and the proposals made by an enthusiastic Commissioner Cañete. Certainly, that is something that will be very good for Europe – not just for markets, but particularly also for citizens, because we can help to connect Europe and guarantee security, diversity supply, and President Juncker’s target of being the number 1 renewable energy source in the world. But to do that, we need a properly functioning market and we need proper supervision and action, and ACER has a huge role to play in that.

That is why we are so concerned here because it is quite obvious that it does not have the human resources to do the task and, if it cannot do the task, then we are not going to have a combined and coordinated approach across the Member States, but regulators in different Member States taking different approaches.

The Commissioner has said to propose additional funding when this will prove necessary, well surely it is proving necessary now, and surely we can get the people. It is not a whole lot of people, but people with the proper qualifications to do the job, and to create the confidence that we are serious about an Energy Union and that we are going to make it happen.


  Theresa Griffin (S&D). Madam President, one crucial dimension of the Energy Union is the completion of a fully integrated internal energy market. This cannot be achieved without a strengthening of the role of ACER. Europe’s energy system is still too fragmented. Building a well-functioning, well-connected internal energy market will bring down retail prices in Europe, contribute to the fight against energy poverty in my region, the Northwest of England, and across the EU, while at the same time strengthening EU energy security.

ACER plays a key part in creating the seamless internal market as it deals with cross—border issues and enhances interconnections within the EU. From October 2015, ACER will also monitor the wholesale market to detect market abuse. The Energy Union Action Plan foresees the reinforcement of the European regulatory framework.

Commissioner, as my colleagues have asked, will this be accompanied by the additional budget for human resources that ACER has requested?


  Evžen Tošenovský (ECR). Paní předsedající, význam agentury ACER roste s velikostí a složitostí evropského trhu s energií. Jelikož se prozatím nepodařilo otevřít jednotný evropský trh energií, role společného dohledu nad korektním chováním je o to důležitější. Pro rozumné fungování trhu potřebujeme systém REMIT monitorující extrémní odchylky v obchodu s energií. Všichni víme, že pro takto složitý úkol je zásadní dostatečná technická a personální vybavenost agentury. Bohužel agentura ACER se potýká s nedostatkem lidí i finančních prostředků.

Činnost agentury ACER nemohou suplovat národní regulátoři, kteří v systému mají jinou, nezávislou a nezastupitelnou roli. Proto se i já připojuji k dotazu: Jak bude tento urgentní problém Komise řešit?


  Kaja Kallas (ALDE). Madam President, the Vice-President for Energy Union has said several times that Europe needs functioning energy markets and ACER to oversee the markets. So that agency needs adequate resources to deliver on its tasks. But it not only lacks adequate resources right now, it also lacks the right toolbox to deliver its tasks because it struggles to get information from the Member States regarding projects that are ongoing. I think, therefore, that in addition to adequate resources we also need the right toolbox and mandatory information-sharing so that ACER actually knows what is going on in the energy markets.

This is not only about fighting protectionism in the Member States, it is also about delivering an energy market that really functions and gives people lower prices. It is also about energy security, considering the situation in Russia.


  Roger Helmer (EFDD). Madam President, my good friend and colleague, Jerzy Buzek, tells us that the staffing of ACER is insufficient for the task we have set out for it in the 2011 REMIT regulation; he calls for 30 additional staff.

I am sure that he is right in his diagnosis, but I am not quite sure that I share his prescription. Rather than increase the staff, we must question the scope of REMIT. The famous Scottish economist, Adam Smith, described the behaviour of markets when thousands of economic operators make deals and decisions based on their own economic self-interest. He called it the ‘invisible hand’. Modern analysts might call it an ‘emergent property’.

It is a general rule that legislative interference in markets almost invariably makes them perform worse rather than better. Of course, no one imagines that a modern economy can operate without appropriate regulation and supervision, but we do not need detailed analysis of each and every deal. Rather than employing more bureaucrats, we should curtail the scope of REMIT.


  Bendt Bendtsen (PPE). Fru formand! Vi hørte i dag kommissæren sige, at man skal være årvågen med hensyn til ACER. Det er klart, at et ordentligt tilsyn og en god håndhævelse også kræver såvel kompetente som tilstrækkelige ressourcer. I den forbindelse synes jeg, at det er særligt bekymrende, at der ikke for ACER's vedkommende er taget højde for det, når Kommissionen nu samtidig lægger meget ambitiøse planer for en europæisk energiunion.

Bedre udnyttelse og deling af europæisk energi er altså afgørende for, at vi kan gøre Europa uafhængig af Putins luner, og for, at vi kan gøre europæiske virksomheder mere konkurrencedygtige og skabe en mere bæredygtig vækst. Men det er tydeligt, at vi for at komme derhen stadigvæk har behov for en stærk og også en slagkraftig tilsynsmyndighed, og det er særlig relevant, når vi både i forbindelse med energiunionen og i forbindelse med elkapacitetsmålsætningen forudser et stærkere regionalt samarbejde. Derfor er der altså behov for yderligere tilførsel af personale.


  Martina Werner (S&D). Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! ACER ist ja die Agentur für die Zusammenarbeit der nationalen Energieregulierungsbehörden. Und genau das ist das Entscheidende, nämlich dass die Regulierungsbehörden der 28 Mitgliedstaaten stärker und auch besser zusammenarbeiten, denn Strom macht bekanntlich keinen Halt vor nationalen Grenzen. Die Regulierungsbehörden der Mitgliedstaaten leisten auch gute Arbeit, aber nationale Behörden verfolgen natürlich nationale Interessen. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass eine unabhängige europäische Agentur den grenzüberschreitenden Stromfluss in Europa regelt, und zwar ausschließlich im Interesse des europäischen Binnenmarktes.

Momentan kann ACER dieser wichtigen Aufgabe nicht gerecht werden, weil ihre Entscheidungsbefugnis stark eingeschränkt ist. ACER braucht aber ein stärkeres Mandat, gerade im Hinblick auf die Bildung der Energieunion. Der Übergang von 28 nationalen Energiemärkten zu einem europäischen Energiemarkt kann nicht ohne eine starke europäische Marktaufsicht gelingen.

Meine Frage an die Kommission: Plant die Kommission, die Aufgaben und Befugnisse von ACER zu erweitern? Und können Sie uns bitte Genaueres dazu sagen?


  Dawid Bohdan Jackiewicz (ECR). Rozporządzenie REMIT nakłada na agencję ACER zadania wykrywania i zapobiegania nadużyciom na hurtowych rynkach energii. Efektem ubocznym tego typu działań – działań oczywiście potrzebnych – może być jednak dławienie cenowych sygnałów inwestycyjnych, które są przecież fundamentem i gwarantem zapewnienia długoterminowego bezpieczeństwa dostaw energii w Europie.

Komisja promuje jednotowarowy rynek energii jako model referencyjny dla Europy. Model ten wymaga jednak swobodnego kształtowania cen. Metody wykrywania i przeciwdziałania nadużyciom muszą zatem rozróżniać przypadki wzrostu cen powodowane deficytem zasobów od przypadków nadużyć nastawionych na nieuzasadniony zysk. Czy Komisja w związku z występującymi obecnie w wielu krajach Europy wyzwaniami w zakresie długoterminowego bezpieczeństwa dostaw energii oraz możliwością ich dalszego pogłębiania przez wdrożenie mechanizmu wykrywania nadużyć planuje odstąpienie od dogmatu rynku jednotowarowego w Europie na rzecz rynku dwutowarowego, czyli rynku energii i rynku mocy?


  Massimiliano Salini (PPE). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, grazie anche al Commissario e al Commissario Cañete al quale vorrà riferire le nostre richieste su questo argomento.

Nell'ultima plenaria abbiamo deciso di rinviare il discarico per alcune agenzie dell'Unione europea perché si è ritenuto che fosse necessario un ulteriore approfondimento sui conti delle stesse. Non è il caso di ACER. ACER è un'agenzia che opera su uno dei grandi temi su cui si gioca il futuro dell'Unione europea: abbiamo le grandi reti infrastrutturali classiche, cioè le TEN-T, abbiamo le e-TEN nell'ambito del mercato digitale e abbiamo le TEN-E nel mercato energetico.

Abbiamo due sfide, oltre alle sfide di carattere culturale, che io guardo con particolare attenzione. Nell'ambito economico le due sfide sono: il mercato unico digitale e il mercato dell'energia. Dobbiamo vincerle e per vincerle ci vogliono regolatori capaci di svolgere il loro compito.


  Anneleen Van Bossuyt (ECR). Als Europees Parlement moeten wij erover waken dat het geld van de Europese belastingbetaler daar besteed wordt waar het de meeste meerwaarde kan hebben. Welnu, op het vlak van energie is het duidelijk dat Europa wel degelijk een meerwaarde kan hebben en wij moeten dan ook erop toezien dat daar de nodige middelen aan besteed worden.

Op 25 februari kwam deze Commissie met haar voorstel voor een Europese energie-unie. Het voorstel zet onder meer in op betere verbindingen tussen de lidstaten en dat moedigen wij dan ook aan. De vrije stroom van energie moet ervoor zorgen dat wij op de Europese energiemarkt meer concurrentiële groothandelsprijzen krijgen, wat de consumenten en de bedrijven ten goede zal komen.

Maar om dat systeem naar behoren te laten functioneren hebben wij ook controlesystemen nodig. Helaas stel ik dan vast dat de Europese Commissie er niet in slaagt om voldoende middelen te geven aan ACER, het agentschap voor de samenwerking tussen energieregulators, om die taak te kunnen vervullen. Als rapporteur van de Commissie industrie, onderzoek en energie voor de begroting 2016 pleit ik er dan ook voor dat er middelen verschoven worden, opdat het agentschap daarvoor de nodige werkingsmiddelen zal krijgen.


  Francesc Gambús (PPE). Señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, nos encontramos ante una encrucijada en la que debemos decidir qué camino queremos seguir. Necesitamos más Europa y poner los recursos necesarios para construir una Unión capaz de hacer frente a los retos que surjan para dar respuesta a las necesidades de los ciudadanos. No podremos hacerla fuerte sin consolidar sus estructuras. Por este motivo, creemos que dedicar una tercera parte de los recursos que se estiman necesarios para la buena operatividad de la Agencia de Cooperación de los Reguladores de la Energía no puede sino llevar al bloqueo y ofrecer la imagen de ineficacia que los más euroescépticos quieren trasladar a la ciudadanía.

Es nuestra obligación, heredada de los padres fundadores, profundizar en la integración europea. Los problemas que afrontamos han sobrepasado hace tiempo el área de actuación de los Estados. Por todo ello, en esta era nuestra de globalización, en la que los mercados y personas están cada vez más interrelacionados, la respuesta debe ser más Europa y, en el caso concreto que hoy nos ocupa, más Europa significa más recursos humanos para la Agencia.


  Theodor Dumitru Stolojan (PPE). Doamnă Președinte, dacă vrem să realizăm cu adevărat o uniune europeană a energiei avem nevoie să liberalizăm pe deplin cele douăzeci și opt de piețe naționale ale energiei, să asigurăm integrarea acestor piețe prin realizarea interconectării lor fizice, dar avem nevoie și de armonizarea reglementărilor naționale și monitorizarea acestor piețe. De aceea, avem nevoie de întărirea activității acestei agenții europene, atât în ce privește coordonarea activității agențiilor naționale, cât și în ce privește monitorizarea piețelor energiei. Nu putem accepta practici negative ca acelea care atribuie sarcini suplimentare agenției, fără să se acorde și resursele necesare. Acestea de-motivează personalul și diluează responsabilitatea.


  Daniel Buda (PPE). Doamnă Președinte, securitatea energetică trebuie să constituie o preocupare permanentă la nivelul Uniunii Europene și a statelor membre. Acest lucru impune o cooperare strânsă între state, care să le permită identificarea unor soluții comune, transfrontaliere, oferindu-le astfel posibilitatea de a-și dezvolta rapid propriile resurse energetice. Ne aflăm într-o perioadă în care ne confruntăm cu amenințări și constrângeri din cauza dependenței de energie, iar unele state membre sunt forțate să facă o serie de compromisuri pentru a-și asigura necesarul de energie intern, dar cu costuri foarte mari. Măsurile de reglementare impuse de REMIT pe piața angró de energie trebuie să asigure securitatea informațiilor transmise și să înlăture orice suspiciuni de manipulare a pieței. Tocmai de aceea, considerăm că ACER trebuie să fie suficient de puternică - și aici subliniem: și bine dimensionată - astfel încât să aibă capacitatea de a coopera în mod eficient cu autoritățile naționale și autoritățile financiare competente. Astfel, va fi posibil un schimb reciproc de informații, care să permită acesteia urmărirea tranzacțiilor, evaluarea și identificarea abuzurilor în vederea înlăturării acestora.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, a Agência Europeia dos Reguladores da Energia foi e é um dos elementos do chamado Pacote da Energia. Este pacote consiste numa estratégia global, definida ao nível da União Europeia, para privatizar e liberalizar o setor energético. A estratégia é sempre a mesma: primeiro, privatizam o setor público; depois, vem a mirífica regulação para resolver os problemas criados com essa privatização.

Neste caso, vêm novas burocracias ao nível nacional e europeu, com um maior controlo externo sobre o que se passa em cada país, isto numa área estratégica como é a da energia, que afeta, horizontalmente, todos os setores da sociedade. Através da imposição de normas, códigos, regras de mercado, decisões de instâncias superiores, o objetivo é só um: servir melhor os interesses dos grupos económicos do setor.

Sabemos bem o significado da conversa de mais independência e mais poderes de decisão para o regulador. O resultado da liberalização foi só um: mais lucros para os grupos económicos do setor, à custa de mais custos para as famílias e as empresas. Assim se vê a quem serve a liberalização.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, I believe that the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has a key role for the transparency of the wholesale energy market. ACER estimates it needs another 45 full—time staff to effectively monitor energy transactions and thus prevent fraud and market manipulation, which has a negative effect on energy prices and consumer trust. Considering that the Commission has so far only allocated 15 new staff members, I agree that, in order to effectively carry out an important task such as detecting and deterring market abuse, the Commission should allocate sufficient resources.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Η ενέργεια αποτελεί αναπτυξιακό και κοινωνικό αγαθό στο οποίο πρέπει να έχουν πρόσβαση οι πάντες, χωρίς αποκλεισμούς, για να σταματήσει η ενεργειακή φτώχεια. Η ενεργειακή ένωση δεν πρέπει να επιτείνει τις οικονομικές και κοινωνικές ανισότητες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Ταυτόχρονα, πρέπει να ληφθεί μέριμνα για να μη μετατραπεί η ενεργειακή αγορά σε έναν χώρο μέσα στον οποίο θα κυριαρχούν μονοπωλιακοί ενεργειακοί γίγαντες, όπως ακριβώς συμβαίνει στον χώρο του πετρελαίου.

Στην Ελλάδα, η τρόικα πιέζει την κυβέρνηση για ξεπούλημα της δημόσιας περιουσίας αντί πινακίου φακής, ακόμη και στον τομέα της ενέργειας, με την ιδιωτικοποίηση της μικρής ΔΕΗ. Ταυτόχρονα, η Επιτροπή ως μέλος της τρόικας πιέζει για αύξηση του ΦΠΑ, γεγονός που θα οδηγήσει σε αύξηση της τιμής του ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος με αποτέλεσμα να ενταθεί ακόμη περισσότερο η ενεργειακή φτώχεια καθώς ήδη χιλιάδες νοικοκυριά δεν έχουν πρόσβαση σε ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα. Επίσης, η τρόικα επί μήνες είχε μπλοκάρει την εφαρμογή του θεσμού της διακοψιμότητας που θα οδηγούσε σε μείωση της τιμής της ενέργειας για τις ενεργοβόρες ελληνικές βιομηχανίες, όπως είναι η ΛΑΡΚΟ.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospođo predsjednice, poštovani gospodine povjereniče, u ovom visokom domu o energetici govorimo praktički na svakom zasjedanju. Da li govorimo u obliku prijetnji ili u obliku potrebe za konkurentnošću europskog gospodarstva, u svakom slučaju energetika je ono što je na neki način jedna od ključnih preokupacija i ove Komisije, i nas zastupnika. Zato, jedinstveno energetsko europsko tržište je conditio sine qua non naše konkurentnosti i definitivno upravo ACER mora biti onaj model, onaj mehanizam, ono što će omogućiti stvaranje jedinstvenog energetskog tržišta i što će na kraju omogućiti konkurentnost europskog gospodarstva i naravno odagnati prijetnje koje danas imamo na energetskom tržištu.

Zato pitam Komisiju o ovome usmeno pitanje – na koji će način i kojom brzinom omogućiti da ACER zaista ispuni sva ona očekivanja koja imamo od njega?


  Claude Turmes (Verts/ALE). Madam President, we have here an alliance which stretches from the ECR to GUE; I think this is relatively unique when discussing energy matters. So this whole Parliament wants the Commission, but also the Member States, to finally deliver the budget to make it possible for us to have a real European regulatory authority, with ACER, which is functioning.

One big Enron scandal in Europe would set us a decade or two decades back, and without a powerful regulator you cannot organise the cost benefits in a market. It is more expensive on an island than in a larger country. It is always less expensive to organise an energy system in 28 countries than in one country. So this must be a priority for the Juncker Commission, and Mrs van Bossuyt is right: if the Commission does not deliver in the 2015 budget, we should make this a break point in the budget discussions.


(„A catch the eye” eljárás vége.)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I wish to thank everyone for their interest and contributions to this discussion. The Commission takes good note of the elements and arguments put forward during these interesting debates. I will convey the substance and climate of the current discussion to my dear colleague Arias Cañete, who is responsible for energy. I am sure he will take into account all proposals ahead of the next steps.


  Elnök asszony. – A vitát lezárom.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)


  Νεοκλής Συλικιώτης ( GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. Διαφωνούμε με τον όρο εντολής της ACER και ειδικότερα με την υλοποίηση της τρίτης δέσμης μέτρων για την ενέργεια. Στόχος είναι η ενίσχυση της ενιαίας αγοράς, θέση με την οποία διαφωνούμε καθώς μέσα από τις πολιτικές για ενίσχυση του ανταγωνισμού της ενιαίας αγοράς ενισχύονται τα συμφέροντα των μονοπωλίων και πολυεθνικών. Η μεταφορά δε εξουσιών από τις εθνικές ή ανεξάρτητες αρχές στη δικαιοδοσία της ACER μπορεί να λειτουργήσει εις βάρος των συμφερόντων των λαών. Γενικότερα στην αγορά, πόσο μάλλον στην ενεργειακή αγορά, ο κρατικός έλεγχος είναι πολύ σημαντικός και πρέπει να έχει έντονο ρυθμιστικό ρόλο. Εντούτοις στην συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση το αίτημα για αύξηση της χρηματοδότησης αφορά την ανάγκη να καλυφθούν οι ανάγκες που υπάρχουν ώστε να πληρωθούν μισθοί υφιστάμενων υπαλλήλων του ACER και να εργοδοτηθούν νέα άτομα προκειμένου να αποφορτιστεί το υφιστάμενο προσωπικό. Για τους λόγους αυτούς αποφασίσαμε να τηρήσουμε αποχή.


  Владимир Уручев (PPE), в писмена форма. Уважаеми колеги, Европейският съюз се стреми към единен енергиен пазар вече две десетилетия. Три законодателни енергийни пакета бяха приети, но все още сме далеч от този пазар, защото държавите членки имат почти пълен суверенитет в енергийната политика.

Единният енергиен пазар не е възможен без свободни трансгранични потоци на енергия, които да се подчиняват на общи за всички държави членки регулаторни правила. Затова е необходима една силна общоевропейска Агенция за сътрудничество на енергийните регулатори, която да има необходимия човешки и властови ресурс да ръководи единния пазар и да осигурява еднаквост на правилата за функциониране на енергийния пазар в отделните страни.

АСЕР има отговорности не само да осигури регулаторното завършване на вътрешния енергиен пазар със съответните правилници и наредби в трансграничния обмен на енергия, но и да координира дейностите на националните регулатори в това отношение.

Новият Европейски Енергиен Съюз, по който работата започна със силен политически импулс за постигане на по-голяма енергийна сигурност, изисква значително по-голяма координация и сътрудничество между държавите членки за свързаност между енергийните системи и за отворена и свободна търговия на енергия между тях. Само това ще позволи конкуренция, по-ниски цени за потребителите и сигурност в енергоснабдяването на всички.

Затова подкрепям увеличаването на пълномощията и на експертния състав на АСЕР.

Oikeudellinen huomautus - Tietosuojakäytäntö