James Carver (EFDD).– Madam President, I am not sure whether colleagues are complaining. I seem to have missed the vote on Amendment 8 unless it was withdrawn, but I did not hear of any withdrawal and I assume that is why my colleagues are complaining.
President. – Colleagues, just to be clear, the original text of paragraph 8 fell because we adopted Amendment 1 by the EPP. Does that clear up the confusion?
Jonathan Arnott (EFDD).– Madam President, it clears up the confusion but you did not mention at the time that this was happening and I believe that we have therefore voted a different way on Amendment 3 to paragraph 11 than we would otherwise have done.
President. – Colleagues, mea culpa if that is the case, but I would repeat that once an amendment is carried, the original text falls. I will take this lesson and in future make these matters clear. We can now continue with the vote.
– After the vote on Amendment 6:
Javier Couso Permuy (GUE/NGL).– Señora Presidenta, le pido que repita a partir de la 9, porque nosotros y mucha más gente hemos votado de manera confusa. Empezamos con la 9 —ya que la 8 la hemos quitado— y así votaremos bien.
President. – Mr Couso Permuy, just to be very clear: we have clarified the issue on paragraph 8. All votes since have been roll call. We are now on paragraph 23. Amendment 6 has fallen so we vote now on the original text of paragraph 23 by a show of hands.